Showing Posts For Cries.1263:

Server Match up is terrible

in WvW

Posted by: Cries.1263


Dont worry Laf, its the mechanics of the current state of wvw. Those with high pop wvw players are using this opportunity to karma farm/train the hell out of their competitors. Honestly, unless you have the numbers, as soon as you take a keep or tower, you will be farmed by the higher tier server your matched up with. The concept of the WvW system was a bold and innovative attempt by game makers. However, Anet didnt take into consideration the blood/glory thirsty, self serving nature of gamers (well, many gamers that is.) From my experience, from watching all the server hopping by guilds and players who want to be on the winning side, a considerable amt of players DON"T want a balanced fight, they just want to win. This thrashes the game for everybody. Just something you find a way to work around or just get facerolled.

Chars: Shi No Sakebi / Hisui Usagi
Server: Maguuma…it’s…interesting…

Killing WVW For low Pop Servers

in WvW

Posted by: Cries.1263


if one server outmatches the others so bad, it’s not in their best intrest to gang up on the big server.
Because in the end: who of those 2 smaller servers will be the better of the two?

The most strategic thing for those two servers is actually to beat the other one down even more and hope they can grab second place and not be stomped to third.

2 small servers against one is a noble idea, it is not a strategic one.

In a situation where the green server GREATLY outnumbers/covers the other two servers this is a very unlikely strategy if used full time. I can only speak from experience on this matter. But to me this seems like a huge waste of time for the Blue server to throw down and stop the Red while the Green server is making the Blue its kitten resulting in both weaker servers being annihilated.

Granted, the though of the lower ranks taking down the more superior server is a highly gullible idea considering that the servers on this game seem to be consistent of glory seeking twerps who would rather let out a mighty roar into battle to only be met with abject obliteration causing lack of participation in wvw for the rest of the week rather than make strategic stances. {longest sentence in teh world x__X) But its better than the Blue server trying to face roll the Red only to have their own (Blue) towers and keeps be rolled by the Green throughout the week causing total domination by Green. Just a thought. Maybe not plausible, but just a thought.

Chars: Shi No Sakebi / Hisui Usagi
Server: Maguuma…it’s…interesting…

Killing WVW For low Pop Servers

in WvW

Posted by: Cries.1263


I cant say for certain as to what the devs could possibly thinking. But I believe that the devs are trying to get the communities to do what they should have been doing since launch. The three way was created to make it so that if three servers are evenly matched it becomes a toss up between interserver teamwork. If one server can blow out the other two, its IN THE BEST BENEFIT FOR THE TWO LOWER SERVERS to actually WORK TOGETHER to keep from getting steamrolled. However, the devs arent getting the message that nighttime coverage can turn the tide of battle in one night leaving the other side to night camp/upgrade not only their OWN towers but the ones they capture from their enimies. This is incredibly demoralizing especially if its done throughout the weekend and into the week. I get it that in certain situations, like the mag, db, sbi matchup I was in, it wasnt till mag and sbi (or at least a few of the smart commanders) started working together that we didnt get out kittens brutally handed to us. But by then, the end of the week, it was mostly a show of we shall not go so quietly into the night -.-.

Chars: Shi No Sakebi / Hisui Usagi
Server: Maguuma…it’s…interesting…

Op class in wvwvw

in WvW

Posted by: Cries.1263


I had a skirmish with about 7 enemy players, had 4 guys running with me. we downed some of them but the had thieves and revived them in stealth. When i had alot of abilities on cooldown i was jumped by a thief that used steal to hit me for about 4k damage, cloak and dagger for another 4 k and then hit me for 7 k with backstab all in about 2 seconds. i had about 5k hp left which he easily finished off while i had no abilities left due to cooldown. I dont see where skill is involved in being able to do that kinda damage in 2 seconds

Proper thiefery requires timing, that is less you want to be caught sans initiative & utility. You cant just go spamming skills in the hopes of killing an enemy. Skill chaining/timing is essential. Ive had to use more positioning & patience with my thief in order to do that kinda dmg than it takes with my necro or any other class Ive played.

Chars: Shi No Sakebi / Hisui Usagi
Server: Maguuma…it’s…interesting…

Can t enter any wvw, no queues?

in WvW

Posted by: Cries.1263


I wonder who makes these decisions?

Can you imagine a theme park that didn’t allow queues? I guess it wouldn’t stay in business very long…

Granted I see your point, however, this implementation has an upside if people choose to acknowledge it. You have to recognize the overwhelming amount of fair weather players gw2 servers have. People who come out when the getting is good and vanish as soon as adversity starts to rear its ugly head. Well, consider this, a player whose unable to get into eb where theres a zerg train going, might actually have to go to a borderland instead and work on capping targets through strategy? Yes I know, path of least resistance being the motto of most players. But you get a choice, you can either work on something else on another map or not play at all. Granted, this could backfire in Anet’s face, people opting to stop playing~>less players ~> less likely to have people purchasing from cash shop. But its their game, let them wreck it if they want to. We can always play gw1 or something else for that matter.

Chars: Shi No Sakebi / Hisui Usagi
Server: Maguuma…it’s…interesting…

Stealth in World vs World needs a nerf.

in WvW

Posted by: Cries.1263


I dunno if this has been said already since this thread is hella long and Im too busy playing gw2 to read about it but as far as I can tell, I believe that the thief is a means of combatting zerging. I mean, you have no idea how many threads Ive come across complaining about how the devs keep making zerging the only way not to get your kitten handed to you in wvw. Well, here is the perfect anti zerging toy, the thief, capable of massive crowd control and is better dealt with by utilizing tactics rather than numbers. There you go.

Chars: Shi No Sakebi / Hisui Usagi
Server: Maguuma…it’s…interesting…

Fort aspenwood needs your SEA/EU guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: Cries.1263


Not to be overly dramatic, or a wet blanket, but Ive been on FA before the free transfers ended, and granted, with the new guilds there the climate may have changed. However, I can remember none tooo fun experiences in FA including but not limited to disorganization, selfish self serving people who absolutely refuse to work with each other, asinine orders from commanders who run from battle leaving their group in a split second as soon as a zerg approaches instead of standing their ground and instructing their commandos, etc etc. I wish I could say that these things experiences were few and far between but they were not. Like I said before, the server transfers have changed the dynamic of the game considerably but the thought of this huge psa advocating transfering TO fa leaves my left eye twitching.

Chars: Shi No Sakebi / Hisui Usagi
Server: Maguuma…it’s…interesting…

WvW over before it began

in WvW

Posted by: Cries.1263


Mass transfers AFTER the free transfers are over? Surely ye jest?

It’s almost like I tried to tell everybody for months before paid transfers hit that costing a bit of gold isn’t going to stop guilds from moving. o;

This basic concept seemed to gloss over everybodys attention. Since launch, you see a hell of a lot of people with gold bought commander titles, which suggests a significant amount of money in the economy. Be it gold sellers, people milking their guildies for mula, or just saving up via event/material farming, there is a lot of gold in the economy. With a gold ~>gem transfer possibility, there really isnt anything that can stop people from wandering around as they please.

Chars: Shi No Sakebi / Hisui Usagi
Server: Maguuma…it’s…interesting…

WvW over before it began

in WvW

Posted by: Cries.1263


Mass transfers AFTER the free transfers are over? Surely ye jest?

Chars: Shi No Sakebi / Hisui Usagi
Server: Maguuma…it’s…interesting…

What is happening on tier 1?

in WvW

Posted by: Cries.1263


If this is all true about the sos transfer to bg I cant help but laugh my kitten off. For months everybody kept complaining to have the free transfers shut down cause it was ruining wvw. And yet we have a good example here how, even with the ftfers gone, people are still mass migrating and upsetting the balance of wvw servers. Granted this isnt on a massive scale that changes weekly, but it does go to show that when active/competitive guilds move so does the tide of battle.

Chars: Shi No Sakebi / Hisui Usagi
Server: Maguuma…it’s…interesting…

Imbalance in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Cries.1263


The imbalance in wvw stems from (or at least one of the reasons why) in the fact that its of greater benefit to zerg yourself silly than to work in smaller groups. In a zeg, your less likely to die in a fight (less your zerg is completely useless) which results in lower cost to repair bills. If everybody comes prepared with supplies and blueprints bringing down a tower or keep is easier. Many people karma/badge hunt like theres no tomorrow.
We also have to deal with the selfish, self indulgent tendencies inherent to many (not all) gamers. The whole me vs we concept. I want to have the best gear, the most kills, be apart of the most bad kitten server. I want, I need gimme gimme! WvW gives people like that an EASY outlet for their fragile ego to be petted. Tis life.

Chars: Shi No Sakebi / Hisui Usagi
Server: Maguuma…it’s…interesting…

Devona's Rest/Kaineng/Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Cries.1263


I first came to kain because I thought that it wold be better to be on the loosing side and have great teamwork than to be on the winning side and have nothing but a mindless herd to keep you company. So, I transfered to kain in the hopes of finding good teammates to play with. At first, people actually started to help each other and support each other. Now, when I would log into wvw it was all about the kama/zerg train. Nobody organized, nobody planned. Zerg zerg zerg…oh yeah…more zerging.
So, when the devs actually got their act together, and yes more players, they didnt just zerg, they used a little thing called forethought. If they were taking a tower or keep, they kept lookouts watching their backs. A decent amount of player made sure to come prepared with a full barrage of trebs, ballista, cats, and arrow carts instead of relying on a commander or “someone, anyone” other than themselves to contribute to the group. They didnt just attack a keep from one direction, they had small batallions of players blockading the other entrances to make sure people couldnt magically show up and defend. THEY PLANNED. Something Ive have seen little of on Kain.
I didnt mind the lack of pve players. Yeah doing events in pve was nearly impossible.
I didnt mind the slightly higher prices in market. Its a product of a small player base.
I didnt mind those two things but those two things on top of crappy wvw, well, every girl has her breaking point and this was mine.
Gl kain, gl devs, gl fergs. Fight the good fight for your servers and try and make it as fun as possible. As for me, Im taking a break from game. My finals are kicking into high gear and Ive got projects due. Adios.

Chars: Shi No Sakebi / Hisui Usagi
Server: Maguuma…it’s…interesting…

11/9 Devona's Rest/Kaineng/Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Cries.1263


Okay…Im an avid lurker but I’m too lazy to read up on the thread. With all the midterms Im bogged down in next week I refuse to do any unnecessary reading x_x.

Ive been on Kain since the end of September through the good and bad. The bad is attributed (at least partially) to the continued transfers, especially transfers towards Dev. But to not take into account the general disorganization/karma/token hunting/drooling that I find a lot of Kainers going for nowadays would misrepresent the problem as a whole. There are currently several problems that are happening with Kain, I will only go over the ones listed above/below to save my fingers from cramping -.-

You try to contribute to your server in wvw, but you keep getting moshed by major Dev zergs sending you running back to the spawn point as well as the repair vendor putting a major dent in your pocketbook. You try and stock up on siege equipment in order to take towers, set up defense bunkers in key areas, and upgrade keeps only to have your server mates:
1. Scatter like kittenroaches due to disorganization and lack of corporation.
2. Hop map to another battlefeild as soon as they take the entire map, without completing the upgrades to keeps. Sometimes they get the upgrades started and hop but not usually. Least from my experience.This makes it difficult for those left behind to make a good stand against invaders. The less upgrading, the easier it is to take a keep. On many occasions after devs take a keep, and before upgrades can be made, they set up siege asap in order to avoid a major backlash from the previous keep’s owner. Kainers more often than not do not copy this behavior resulting in a continuous loss of keeps. Or if we do upgrade, stay on map till upgrades are complete, we have such severe off hours where nobody is available to defend. This results in the borderlands turning a ugly shade of green (no offense devs) within an hour.
3. Really…really bad commanders. Ive actually been in zergish groups where the commander (bless their little heart) lead several members of the zerg off of a cliff. The term lemmings comes to mind. I saw this happen on youtube several times before I got the game and made it a point to learn the different parts of the map where major falls could be made without the angel of death coming to claim me. However….I can count at least 4 occasions where the zerg went to pieces dropping off of a cliff this week and its only Sunday. I dont expect group leaders to be perfect but for the love of all thats holy…lemmings! Not to say we dont have some good commanders, but good commanders are few and far between in times of need.
4. Ive seen a lot of tactics being used from time to time however, I find the Devs utilizing tactics far more often than us. Don’t get me wrong. A couple of our guilds War/Sos/Kain/Etc (sorry for leaving anybody out) are great guilds. But we often just zerg silly as opposed to making long term strategies. Which is often the result of…
5. We dont have the numbers neccesary to keep constant coverage going throughout the day/night. But then again wvw is suppose to be unbalanced in that regard, isnt it?
6. For some unexplainable…last week and even this week..our major know the ones that organize and function properly seem to be on hiatus.

But Im rambling. For Glory! For Kaineng! watches out for lemming drops

Chars: Shi No Sakebi / Hisui Usagi
Server: Maguuma…it’s…interesting…

Server Transfer killing WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Cries.1263


Correct me if I’m wrong but arent we able to exchange gold to gems? Seeing as how gems are used to transfer from server to server wouldnt it be possible (after all the free transfers are ceased by Anet of course/future tense) for flat leaver/star kitteners to leave the loosing server for the winning server each week anyway? I mean lets face it, yes, “free” transfers makes it EASIER to transfer. However, when you have a flat leaver you have a flat leaver. Disabling transfers may slow the rate at which people jump ship to be on the “winning” side but it wont significantly detour or stop it completely.

Chars: Shi No Sakebi / Hisui Usagi
Server: Maguuma…it’s…interesting…

(edited by Cries.1263)