Showing Posts For Cyvien.8049:
The fact that four specialisations don’t have the same weapon doesn’t change the chances of other professions possibly getting the same weapon. It’s just a pattern.
Thank you for knowing basic probability theory.
Yup, even the fact that the sun rised for each day you lived as a human being doesn’t entail that it will rise again tomorrow. But I still have a good argument that it will rise again tomorrow based on induction. But the chance shouldn’t be involve because there’re too many unknowns.
(edited by Cyvien.8049)
Yup it is 4/9, edited.
Yeah, but the Rev specialization has been known for a while to be receiving a shield, just like the Mesmer. That kind of throws a stick in your hopes.
Is Rev speculated to have the shield or unofficially announced/leaked by Anet staffs?
Right, it’s not about the chance, but the design pattern is becoming obvious.
Mesmer – Shield
Guard – Longbow
Necro – Greatsword
Elementalist – Warhorn
So far, no repetition of elite spec weapon, by induction, we are now 44.44% safer to say thief is not getting staff.
(edited by Cyvien.8049)
How do you know the character in picture is not a staff wielding druid? Is the medium armor not druidic enough or the quiver? Please quote the source of your finding.
Chill people, no two professions get the same weapon for specialization and rangers were already known to get staff (Druid). The chance of thieves getting staff is flat 0%. Thief will be more likely to get rifle than staff.
oooooo, eat mines eat mines eat em all :X :X :X nom nom nom…
Roger, ultimate seems like the fairest pricing of the three. I will get it then :P
Why do people go to Costco?
How about the ultimate edition, can it be merged to your current account?
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Cyvien.8049
You can buy the $50 expansion, and buy $10 gems to get your character slots. You only spent $60 with this method.
So new players can buy the ultimate edition and start a gw2 + HoT account, but veteran players cannot use it to update their accounts to HoT one.
I see Anet wants to reward new players 4000 gems (for half the price) but not us loyal players who have stuck with the game for 3 years…. I see how it is. #heartbroken
The hype of the new legendary system is creating a dip in the prices of zap/the legend/dusk, etc. As most of us have farmed toward making the original legendaries, we might be much closer to getting one than from the new system (not much details have been released yet). Plus, we don’t know how the new legendaries will look like.
Imo, everyone should buy them, including for-profit TP flippers.
(edited by Cyvien.8049)
Depends on how quick…
But if you do all easy dungeons/teq/SW chest train, etc. everyday, then you’ll have it within a month or less.
There are always circumstances that can come up that cause someone to leave their machine. The phone rings. The doorbell rings. Nature calls and you absolutely could not tear yourself away before now. Dinner’s ready. The oven catches fire. The curtains catch on fire. Whatever. Emergencies happen. It’s in the word – emergent.
This happening once or twice is forgivable. But when a player establishes a pattern of sitting idle after tagging, then they’ve become a nuisance. Unfortunately, you can’t trust a player to be able to tell when someone is leeching versus them taking care of something IRL, unless they’ve been able to observe the leecher over several events. But the GMs should be able to check logs and at least get a good opinion if the idler is trying to exploit the events at the expense of other players.
Not viable, first we need to establish how often is often (highly debatable), then the log checking process requires a huge amount of human resource with no profit in return. Anet would not do it.
Everyone should run PVE meta (Zerker) and start dealing some serious damage.
This statement disgusts me.
It is that sad.
I’m not a believer, but I will use a theist example for why we should follow the meta.
The “Free Will” defense is a counter-argument against why an Omni-potent/scient/benevolent God allowed “evil” to exist, because the greater good “Free Will” will eventually steer people to do good overall. Because it is more valuable if we choose to do good, therefore God didn’t create a perfect world where no evil existed. The meta in the world, therefore, is to believe in God and do good, otherwise you’ll cause pain in life and suffer in afterlife. The hiddenness of God (reason why he doesn’t explicitly show himself) is also necessary to ensure Free Will is exercised by humans.
It is indeed disgusting when someone reveal something you do not believe in to you. But it is not when the system yells at you after the multiple times you fail events or run long dungeons with non full-zerker groups. Heaven or hell, your choice.
You do not need a full Zerg-Meta build for any open world content. True Story.
Not if the event is critically time gated, such as Marionette. And faster the event get done = faster to start another = more reward.
Everyone should run PVE meta (Zerker) and start dealing some serious damage.
There are plenty of places in game where one can chat, mess with traits, do inventory, etc. without inconveniencing other players. 15-30 seconds of clearing inventory is one thing, but lengthy periods of like activities in event areas seems selfish.
It does seems selfish to others even though it is not the player’s intent. People in wealthier nation would never understand they are jacking up food prices so international food resources are pitting to those nations for more profit, leaving the people in poorer nations with little to no food. Are Americans to be blamed? No, it is not in our intent, we wish world peace but there is a fundamental flaw in the global economic system.
Prolonged periods of not moving and not attacking at events equals leeching, whether you’re actually sitting at your keyboard or not.
If you’re in an event area and doing nothing the entire time, then you don’t get credit for the event and (per Anet’s past claims) don’t level up the event (despite popular belief) – exception to this seems to be gathering events or folks doing nearby events (which will count them as doing both events; e.g., the Dredgehaunt Cliffs guild puzzle increases the player activity for the dredge battle plan gathering event; Frozen Maw event increases the player activity for the norn armor scrap gathering event).
Doing something and then stopping does.
Totally agreed as you realize it is a logic flaw in programming.
Doing something and stopping is not an ethical problem unless it is an obvious dib-and-run behavior.
Food for thought: Not all player start doing an event at the same time. For those who started late, are they as guilty as people who left early?
If you are in an area that depends on the map acting in concert to achieve a goal, you should be acting in concert to achieve the goal.
Not necessarily, if you are in a war zone, do you really have to pick a side to fight for, or just hide and trying to survive?
GW2 is widely celebrated as an innovative MMO because we can have freedom to perform any actions and choose any path we like. We should never forget this GW2 philosophy.
Prolonged periods of not moving and not attacking at events equals leeching, whether you’re actually sitting at your keyboard or not.
The leeching mechanism is 100% flaw in the system, not necessarily a flaw in the non moving player’s character. If the non moving character players can choose, I believe those with a conscience would choose to forego the event rewards.
GW2 has a lot of features that doesn’t require us to move our character, i.e., chatting, TPing, decomposing, opening boxes, rearranging inventory, resetting traits, spending skill points, etc.
“Prolonged” period of immobilization does not equal to AFK since the term “prolonged” is a highly subjective word and it places extreme discrimination on people who are more elaborate in nature or just slow.
“Prolonged” period of death time does not equal to AFK since the feature as I have mentioned above does not require the characters to be alive and the term “prolonged” is problematic as I have mentioned above.
No response (when you try to pm them) does not equal to AFK either, it only means that they are either very engage on what they are doing or they simply don’t want to talk to you.
Unless we can have a 100% guaranteed method of detecting AFK player, we should never equate a non-moving player to a AFK, same reason follows as we should never equate America to United States of America since the Americas have two components to it, one in the north and one in the south (central is a region, not a continent), and they include many wonderful nations.
Furthermore, not all moving character are non-AFK players either. AFK players can use bots to disguise their nature of AFK-ness, detecting such bots is crucial to obliterate this pool of AFK players.
So, do not judge based on appearance and most importantly, do not punish people just because they are not moving. Not even in Silverwastes, Dry Top, Sparkfly Fen, etc. They may only be temporarily taking care of in game businesses. Keep an open mind and be considerate to other players. Plus, you are free to choose to stay in the current flow or move on to the next one.
Many people who “afk” there were either taking care of guild business (in guild chat), viewing Trading Post, or doing so as a mere protest against Chest Trains, who were doing equally nothing to help the event progression.
So no, we can’t really determine if people are really afk (away from keyboard).
same problem here.
imo, 6-year-olds shouldn’t be exposed to video game violence.
Squad of five is common, the map will still be overloaded with commander, especially in World Boss Events. I say we should make a raid party system and make it so that one can only tag up if he/she is the party leader of a 50-people party.
Let say, if Anet is going to raise the level cap to 90, the following would happen:
- zone expansion to accommodate level 80-90 game play
- introduce level 90 gears and that includes tier 7 mats for crafting level 90 gears
That will not happen until expansion of the game happen. Anet probably wouldn’t do it until the majority of the population got their full ascended.
Is it bad I dont feel very bad for the people who tried to flip the Chaos of Lyssa and now are stuck with it and gotta eat the loss? I do feel bad for the people who bought it with all their gold and used the recipe though…
No, according to John Smith (Team Anet), by increasing the drop rate of something precious, in the short run will increase demand, thus driving up the price even more. (Assuming demand is increasing at a faster rate than supply. )
Is the purpose of blade shards solely to exchange for supply boxes, or is it intended to trade-in for something else later?
Is the “mysterious merchant” still in the plan of future release?
Have anyone seen the inflation on BLTP lately?
Fitting video: made this one
I love her accent, and theme of the whole video reminds me of Malice, return to the wonderland.
Scarlet’s master? Mister E?
Award-winning Strategy for Knight loots
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Cyvien.8049
Hey all!
Autumn posted an update:
Thanks for the heads up.
Award-winning Strategy for Knight loots
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Cyvien.8049
:P don’t quote real world :P… in the real world that one guy cheering over loot would never walk away from the knights corpse with those chests all to himself…:P not with out a militia to back his kitten
What I meant was that because scarcity exists, thus we need to make choice, and every choice is the opportunity cost of the other. Because we can’t get everything, we just get as much as we can.
Most people who got loots from knights will keep their mouth shut.
Award-winning Strategy for Knight loots
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Cyvien.8049
What I said goes as far as how much you want to believe. Try it out yourself and preferably with your group (for max dps).
Award-winning Strategy for Knight loots
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Cyvien.8049
Oh, I haven’t mentioned I’m full berserker, perhaps that’s why it works for me.
Award-winning Strategy for Knight loots
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Cyvien.8049
Loot is bugged. The fact this “strategy” tells you to avoid a intended boss of the 3 further shows that its bugged.
Loot is not bugged, Anet seems to want to limit power core drop to ensure it’s value. My strategy is based on laws of supply and demand and freedom of choice, you may choose any 2 of the 3, but you just won’t get all 3 unless you are really gifted, welcome to real world.
So do a 3 boss event not as designed….got it
We are the same, we ASSUMED the design, so further talking about the design is pointless.
Report player who report me for "botting"
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Cyvien.8049
Disclaimer: I’m not related to the person in the other post or know what he was talking about.
This is just a hypothetical situation and it CAN happen to anyone, therefore I should raise it as a topic and discuss with the community.
If someone report you for something you didn’t do, for example “botting”.
Should you report the person back, and under which category, “botting”?
IRL, if someone is framing you for something you didn’t do, it is called defamation or slandering, you reserve the right to file civil lawsuit against such provocation.
Award-winning Strategy for Knight loots
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Cyvien.8049
Loot is bugged. The fact this “strategy” tells you to avoid a intended boss of the 3 further shows that its bugged.
Loot is not bugged, Anet seems to want to limit power core drop to ensure it’s value. My strategy is based on laws of supply and demand and freedom of choice, you may choose any 2 of the 3, but you just won’t get all 3 unless you are really gifted, welcome to real world.
(edited by Cyvien.8049)
Award-winning Strategy for Knight loots
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Cyvien.8049
There seems to be a limit for tagging the boss, I’m not sure if it’s a first come first tag or the late ones cancel the first ones. If it’s the first scenario, use my strategy, if it’s the latter one, just hop in when the bosses are at 10-30% hp.
Award-winning Strategy for Knight loots
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Cyvien.8049
Q: I don’t get loot from knights, (insert QQ)….
A: Have your zerg think BGR is the best sequence, hit the boss as soon as it pops to ensure dip, do as much damage as possible for the rest of the blue fight. Skip Green(not profitable). Go immediately to Red after Blue, have first dip, survive until zerg come, do damage as much as possible.
For losing Green power core, you’ll gain blue and red.
*My strategy tackles on the limitation of the amount of players each bosses can be tagged to, thus the loots distribution.
*This is not an exploit since a 3-bosses event can be done in 7 ways, namely:
(order is not important)
Fight all 3: 3nCr3 = 1 way
Fight 2 (while others fight the 3rd): 3nCr2 = 3 ways
Fight 1: 3nCr1 = 3 ways
(edited by Cyvien.8049)
"You should go" "I don't leave you" seriously
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Cyvien.8049
Norns are half human half beast, you’ll never know.
You’re probably not doing enough damage compared to the zerg. ;P
The Darkest Saddest Most Cruel Day in L.A.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Cyvien.8049
What a waste of good protein, Scarlet should’ve known better than waste food like that.
Edited: Never mind, she’s a vegetarian.
Hoard your treasures, they’re inflation-proof. Sell the trash though.
I’m using surface pro 2 with type 2 keyboard and Bluetooth ARC mouse. It plays smoothly in 2nd lowest graphic setting, however, it overheat quickly and you need to plug in the power at all time. While playing gw2, you can’t open too many other apps or it’ll auto reboot. The longest I played with it is 5 hours and it seems it can handle longer hours.