Showing Posts For DarthAcerbus.3647:

Juvenile Pets

in Ranger

Posted by: DarthAcerbus.3647


@Panther Chameleon You can have drakes with various breath weapons, spiders the size of large dogs, giant jellyfish, wolves made of plants, and giant two-tailed scorpions. Are those not fantasy enough for you?

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarthAcerbus.3647


I’m pretty sure The Great Collapse was in one of the first trailers, and Canthan isolationism is one of the first things we knew about (even got its own event in GW1).

Gods in the ocean

in Lore

Posted by: DarthAcerbus.3647


While it’s possible that the gods are busy fighting a dragon (or all the dragons in the Mists) (and that’s also a decent theory as to what the hell they’re doing), Melandru at least isn’t dead, as humans can still channel her for the Avatar of Melandru racial elite.

Who wants to point out the "wrong" with this video?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarthAcerbus.3647


Also notice that everything dies in one or two hits. Almost like it was some sort of proof-of-concept preview instead of an accurate representation of the game.

Did Humans rule the world in GW1?

in Lore

Posted by: DarthAcerbus.3647


Humans were definitely the dominant/ruling race on Tyria (the world, not the continent) prior to Eye of the North. In EotN, the asura were pushed out of the underground by the Destroyers, the charr finally began the revolution against the Shaman caste that was likely holding them back a great deal, and the norn were off being norn.
In the interim, the three human kingdoms (Dragon Empire, Krytans/Ascalonians, and Elonian countries) began to break their previously held alliances, with the Dragon Empire becoming isolationist in addition to Zhaitan cutting off overseas trade, Palawa Joko taking over Elona, and losing the last two capitals of the Tyrian Kingdoms, Ascalon City and Lion’s Arch to the charr and Zhaitan’s rise. Meanwhile, the charr were taking back Ascalon, the asura were developing ever-more-powerful technology, and the norn continued to be norn.

By the time GW2 rolls around, every race is about on equal footing. Every race is involved with some sort of infighting (Inquest, SoS, Bandits/Court, Flame Legion, Nightmare) as well as having outside disadvantages (Sticks so far up their butts, no centralized society, centaurs, ghosts, Zhaitan zombies). The equal footing is achieved by humans dropping like stones while other races rise.

I never played GW1..

in Lore

Posted by: DarthAcerbus.3647


Ah neat. I assumed that there was more then just humans to play in gw1.

but races like asuras and charr were there?

wish I played. I listen to the stories and stuff and enjoy the npc chatter, just most of it goes over my head

Humans were the only playable race, yes. But all the races (except sylvari) were present in some manner. Charr were the main antagonists of the first third of Prophecies, norn and asura showed up in GWEN. And hey, it’s only like $20, pick it up for HoM stuff.

Could Menzies be the Mad King Thorn

in Lore

Posted by: DarthAcerbus.3647


Nope. Because the Shadow Army doesn’t look like candy people and vice versa.

Town Costumes based on GW1 HoM heroes

in Suggestions

Posted by: DarthAcerbus.3647


I’m ambivalent on the idea of town-only costumes, but I would love to able to have hero-based armor skins.

Can anyone give me a crash course in Norn Lore?

in Lore

Posted by: DarthAcerbus.3647


The Mists is the spirit world/afterlife everyone. The norn have a closer connection to it than other races primarily because they are the only race that is still in direct contact with their deities (the Spirits of the Wild).

The Charr as Smiths or Metalworkers

in Lore

Posted by: DarthAcerbus.3647


Gentlemen! Behold! The oddest trend on this forum!
Charr racism!
Duct-taping knives to your fingers is not the same as being born and living your entire life with claws. You have literally no experience with clawed hands, so how do you know how dextrous charr are? They likely grip things differently.
Smiths wear protective gear to prevent burns. And you never think about a human or dwarven smith’s hair catching on fire. In fact, dwarven smiths are more likely to have their beards catch on fire than a charr’s fur.

Charr should have been the main enemy. Undead are boring and repetitive.

in Lore

Posted by: DarthAcerbus.3647


GW has always been about zombies!

First you had the Orrian zombies in Prophecies commanded by the Sceptor of Orr and an Undead Lich…. Then you had Afflicted in Factions.. And then in Nightfall you had Palawa Joko and his worthless bits of animated anatomy!

The only GW campaign not about zombies was Eye of the North…

My main complaint about zombies in GW2 was the fact that the story did not delve into the different “species” of Undead. Unlike the Risen, Joko’s undead are each unique individuals with a consciousness and personality, as opposed to a mindless corpse.

If we were shown different kinds of undead, then the Risen would have established a more unique identity for themselves besides just being zombies…

Even before Nightfall, the Afflicted established a very unique lore and appearance for themselves which differentiated from a Necromancer’s minions and Orr’s Undead. However, the perspective of GW2 was just… Zombies…

Anyways, Guild Wars has always been about Undead, and I actually like how zombies are the major enemy instead of a Halloween foe like in other games. I just think the perspective could have been better.

It’s cuz they’re probably saving Joko Undead for a playable race.

Who did you like more? Characters from the first games compared to GW2

in Lore

Posted by: DarthAcerbus.3647


The characters are quite a bit more complex than you’re making them out to be, and remember we had considerably more time with the previous characters, so of course they would be more developed.

Norn Thieves- Dude what?

in Norn

Posted by: DarthAcerbus.3647


Norns don’t care about honor specifically, they care about making themselves a legend. Sure, some norn do it by finding the biggest, meanest critter they can find and hanging the head on their wall, but there are undoubtedly others that dedicate themselves to advancing science or magic and getting their name in all the textbooks, or becoming the Tyrian equivalent of Butch Cassidy and becoming the most wanted norn on the continent.

There’s many paths to fame.

And tigers are the largest cat on the planet and they’re sneaky as kitten!

What is the funniest pet name you have used or seen?

in Ranger

Posted by: DarthAcerbus.3647


I have seen two sharks named Chompy. One of them may have been mine.

Krytan Geography, Now and Then

in Lore

Posted by: DarthAcerbus.3647


the Kryta we’re playing is centered quite a bit farther north than Prophecies Kryta.

Not really. You could go to the spot where Divinity’s Reach now sits, only it was called Divinity Coast in GW1. It was the same as the rest of Kryta, not more deciduous.

Ok yeah, but there is still 200~ years of climate change from all the other stuff. It’s not super far-fetched that the tropical climate of Kryta would cool off quite a bit from all that.

Help me Lore Buffs: Shining Blade

in Lore

Posted by: DarthAcerbus.3647


The White Mantle fell from power 250 years ago during the War in Kryta, and were effectively wiped out along with their Mursaat masters. They are a shadow of their former selves, and while they may exist in some small manner in the present, their effectiveness is negligible.

Krytan Geography, Now and Then

in Lore

Posted by: DarthAcerbus.3647


It wasn’t just a flood. There was a second Searing of a large chunk of Ascalon (the Dragonbrand), along with 200~ years of Charr industry, a rather large volcano erupting down in the Southern Shiverpeaks, a complete shift in the Crystal Desert’s ecosystem (Joko redirecting the Elon), and the Kryta we’re playing is centered quite a bit farther north than Prophecies Kryta.

Future Elder Dragons

in Lore

Posted by: DarthAcerbus.3647


Primordus is underground, and Bubbles will likely be the Cantha xpac’s dragon.

Begineers guide to Lore?

in Lore

Posted by: DarthAcerbus.3647


Reading the two novels is a good way to get the backstory of Destiny’s Edge and the current state of the world.

The incredible diffuse magic

in Lore

Posted by: DarthAcerbus.3647


The Bloodstones separate magic into aggression, destruction, preservation, and denial.

What does denial magic do? Or.. whatever? What does it mean? :O

That’s probably a mesmer’s main thing.

Charr Cubs - A little confused

in Lore

Posted by: DarthAcerbus.3647


While the babby charr joining fahrar is the standard for Legion charr, it is not an enforced rule for the entire race. Charr, like the other races, are not all the same.

Weapons at the hip

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarthAcerbus.3647


That’s a common way to wear sheathes when they’re hung off belts rather than bandoliers, hanging a bit lower at about mid-thigh.

Expansions and such

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarthAcerbus.3647


We’ll likely get an expansion for each dragon (although Jormag and Primordus might get rolled into one as a Far North/Underground expansion, kinda like EotN) that will deal with one continent. These continents will come with new races, new classes, (hopefully) a new 1-80 story. So we’ll have Cantha likely dealing with Bubbles and the Dragon Empire, definitely with Tengu and maybe Naga as new races, the Elona for Kralkatorrik, with maybe centaurs and Joko undead, then a Far North/Underground for Jormag and Primordus, probably with Kodan and Dwarves (dare to dream!).

Unrealistic Weapon Confusion

in Ranger

Posted by: DarthAcerbus.3647


Rangers are rangers in the Aragorn sense, not the traditional MMO sense.

The Dragon Empire and the Elder Dragons

in Lore

Posted by: DarthAcerbus.3647


Bubbles will probably be the dragon for the Cantha expansion, just like Kralkatorrik will be for the Elona expansion, and Primordus and Jormag will be the Underground/Far North expansions (If they’re not one expansion)