Showing Posts For Delmain.5167:

Irenio/Roy appreciation thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: Delmain.5167


50% nerf to ice bow HAD to happen? Its rendered it entirely useless. This is anets big problem stupid large changes rather than iteraitve smaller changes.

And they nerf ele burning but not guard! Why not?

Do you see the staff water skills doing that much damage? No? Why not? Because they’re support skill just like the ice bow, just like all water skills. It was never supposed to deal that much damage, it was a mistake they babied the ele community about for far too long.

What? Icebow is all damage and cc, barely any support. they would have to completely revamp it to make it a support weapon.

As for Roy appreciation as per the thread title change, why after the gloating on twitter? Very poor choice of wording from him.

Do you not know what support means? Control IS support..

The developers made this game based on three things:
Hmm, there seems to be something off about- oh that’s right! Control and Support are separate. They are not the same thing, at all. So Ice Bow is a weapon with support only on its auto attack skill. Skill 2 deals damage and control (through vuln). Skill 3 inflicts control mostly (damage up close) through chill. Skill 4 is pure damage. Skill 5 is a powerful single target control skill. You can argue that skill 2 is support, but not the other 3 skills. Those are either control or damage skills. And don’t try to argue control and support are the same thing, the developers have already made the game on the basis that they are not.

Your best LFG reads and puglife stories

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Delmain.5167


Question open to everyone: how do you stand pugging for long periods of time?

By not joining the first pug I see. Forming my own with a “requirement so impossible it has to be a joke” or with lyrics replaced with what paths I want to do.

Oh, and I judge negatively people with insanely high AP (too many times they caused the problems).

Your best LFG reads and puglife stories

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Delmain.5167


So, I’ve been sitting on this story for some time now.
I was in a partial pug group (was a little more specific in that I was looking for new players. A teaching run, basically) to tutor Aetherpath. I get 4 players who are very new to the path (or at least hadn’t done the path entirely yet). Everything is fine, advancing through the bosses, teaching them the puzzles and tricks, and we finally reach the final boss.

During part 1, where we have to destroy the generators, we do it successfully, and we are all stacked into one spot. Now comes the funny part. I’ve warned them the moment that the Cinematic started, to spam dodge and try to move out of the way the moment it ends. All but one manage to do that, and the one ended up eating 5 Gears to the face and was eviscerated. Alright, I’m thinking “I’ll revive him after the gears disappear,” and focus on the boss. Little did I know that a second person went to try and revive the first person and got eviscerated by the gears! Then a third person goes to revive them and THEY get eviscerated by the gears! I finally notice half the party is dead, turn around just in time to see 3 dead bodies gathered at the gear while the FOURTH person does the exact same thing! I was just dumbfounded at that. I decide to kill myself a little bit later so we can all revive. After we all revived, one of the players said “So THOSE are the gears you were talking about!”
We did end up finishing the run, but man.. that was the first time I ever saw lemmings in Guild Wars 2.

Report 2 stealers

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Delmain.5167


Besides, sorry but I do not believe your statement, can I get a website if they really did make a statement which would involved in throwing out responsibility in their own game?

Now finding the post with the statement they are talking about is going to take a lot of digging, so instead, I shall mention what I do remember of the statement. What was said was basically this: They will not make a special case for path sellers, they do not support path selling, but to still report any instance destroying/stealing. If the reported person is a repeat offender, actions will be taken.

Or something along those lines.

Celestial Stats

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Delmain.5167


To answer the “reason” for time-gating Celestial, it was to prevent players from quickly getting celestial gear when it was released. Of course, it doesn’t answer why it’s still time-gated, just giving the reason when it was released.

Dungeon Mentors [Noob]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Delmain.5167


I invited everyone to this post, if you were missed, I didn’t send you an invite and thought someone else already had and I apologize for the mistake.

Dungeon Mentors [Noob]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Delmain.5167


I have invited everyone else that I could invite. If you did not receive an invite at this point, I might have missed you or you are already in the maximum number of guilds.

[Suggestion] Ascalonian Catacombs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Delmain.5167


This thread is for suggestions for Ascalonian Catacombs. Remember we were asked for a bullet point form for ease of reading. Lilith, Kane, and myself will try and keep this organized.

-Ghosteater mechanics should be changed so that his shield comes back up at percentages of health, not time.

(Before my head gets chewed off, this is supposed to be the easiest dungeon, there should be no paths in it PUGs can’t do. Right now this boss is a DPS race, and the only other boss in the game like this is Simin. I’m willing to take an extra minute to load more traps than I normally would do so that this becomes more friendly to the general public)

The path 2 boss is NOT a DPS race. It is best to treat it as such, but it can be done with a lack of damage. A DPS race suggests if you don’t kill it in a certain time limit, you won’t kill it at all. With the Ghost Eater, its best to try to kill it in 3 traps, but it is far from the only way to accomplish it. To accomplish it with more than 3 traps does require more coordination, but is far from impossible.

No More Instance Owner!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Delmain.5167


I’m actually a bit worried about this upcoming change. I have a slight “play how you want” personality that can sometimes conflict with others. Who am I kidding, it is fairly common if I started the group (which is rare)! Never a pretty sight when that happens. Before they implement this change, they need to fix party chat, enforce bans on LFG abuse, and have a system message sent to the kicked player about who initiated the kick and who agreed to the kick. In particular the last two.
Edit: I just looked up on another thread and turns out they just might be able to implement something like this (the bolded text).

(edited by Delmain.5167)

[Suggestions] Crucible of Eternity

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Delmain.5167


Really appreciate the clarification/tips Frifox, your dedication to perfecting that dungeon is impressive to say the least.

Very much like the ideas now that you’ve explained them further.

The video does help a lot. And looks like it was the animation I thought it was just that I never really get to see his feet (too many people and things) so I thought it was a stomp with his arm getting into it, but it’s just kinda a fist pump.

But if I get it right, basically every 2 seconds it’s either Dragons Tooth at range, Flame, or the Teeth of Mordremoth. Is that right?

You are on the right track. If you watch the video closely you will notice Subject Alpha alternates between his 2 attacks, Teeth of Primordius (the Dragons Tooth and Flame attack) and Teeth of Mordremoth. Mind you I don’t like the first Subject Alpha fight because it doesn’t really show what happens when he starts using his other skills. When the other skills become involved, it becomes slightly more confusing, but it’s basically the same attack chain, just with the 2 attacks occasional being replaced with one of the other skills (tendril summon and Crystal Prison). As a final note, I can’t help but think of this when I see Alpha use the Mordremoth attack: “Subject Alpha SMASH!”

[Suggestions] Crucible of Eternity

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Delmain.5167


  • Then kinda a question/request, the p1/p3 stomp seems to be a pretty subtle and hard to see animation, any tips frifox? if not could we have that taken a look at, just seems a pretty hard hit in melee range for such a hard to avoid attack. It’s probably timing wise not much different than Lupi, but Lupi is giant and I can clearly see his tell over all the effects, not so with the shorter Alpha.

I can say you are looking for the wrong animation on Subject Alpha. Teeth of Mordremoth (the attack that is probably hitting very hard) is shown with Alpha raising its fist and slamming it into the ground. Don’t look for a foot stomp. Instead look for Alpha raising a fist, then either dodge or hope you aren’t about to get hit by that attack multiple times (reason why it does so much damage).

Why are "elitists" viewed as the evil ones?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Delmain.5167


Well, because they ARE evil… I didn’t keep a straight face, did I?

To be honest, it is probably for several reasons. Some people who have damage oriented gear really don’t know how to play the game and try to blame others for their own mistakes (the wannabe elitists), people who don’t read or flat out ignore the lfg description join the group and then get kicked (and this isn’t limited to the zerk only groups), and because the all natural jealousy and envy towards people who can and do play the game very well in damage-oriented gear.
There’s probably more reasons, but those are the 3 that come to mind right now.

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Delmain.5167


Well, this happened. I joined a pug for AC path 2 and the group was okay for a while. I’m curious if they wanted to defeat Kholer and they decided to do so. So, one player asked if everyone was ready, I said “brb”, and I’m gone for about 10 seconds. I came back to see I’ve almost died to Kholer, everyone else has died, and then I see a loading screen. So, I waited for the post to go back up. Join in an instant, tell them I said brb. One was trying to argue against me and I pretty much told them I did not say ready or 1, and then that whole mistake was cleared up (after a little more arguing). End of that, I’m back in. Then I find out they are pretty much inexperienced with the path when they had no idea what to do at the traps!
I just had to laugh about the whole situation. They kicked the one person who knew the path and, even better, teaches the path. Of course, they didn’t know what I did not tell them. I was just joining a pug group. (Fair to say I pretty much lead the group through the rest of the dungeon)

Necro or Elementalist or Thief or Guardian?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Delmain.5167


1. I will read CC as Control instead of Crowd Control, and say the Necromancer has the most.
2. Against a single target, the Thief has the highest burst damage potential and possibly the fastest kill potential. The Elementalist has the highest AoE potential and is more likely to kill multiple enemies faster.
3. All of them have their learning curve, though I can say that the Elementalist is generally viewed as the hardest to learn. As for easiest, it will probably be Guardian.
4. Now this is dependent on you! No one else can really answer this question, so try them all out to lvl 20 until you find the one you enjoy playing.

Getting back into Dungeoning

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Delmain.5167


It’s never too late. There’s the Dungeon Mentors thread which has a few people who give some of their game time to teach a dungeon (from general to meta). You could also try forming a group yourself (side note, make sure you enter the dungeon before making an lfg post) saying anyone is welcome.
That’s all that comes to mind, except that I suggest avoiding groups with the following in there LFG posts: Legitimate AP requirement (usually high ones of 5k or so), zerk runs (they want experienced people), or with “exp” in the description. Oh, and especially avoid them if the lfg post is in the Open World tab and not the dungeon tab.

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Delmain.5167


Wait a second… this story sounds familiar… After you lost the ranger, did an elementalist eventually join and get off on the wrong foot with a necromancer in the party?

hmm i think it was a guardian but…. now that you mentioned it i think i was the joining elementalist Was the necro staff necro? were YOU the necro?? dam dam daaaam!

Ah, wasn’t the party I joined then. I play elementalist.

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Delmain.5167


so this is the new thing being highy popular among rangers apparently. On asura fractal where you get lovely harpies right before end boss, i see this disturbing trend of rangers standing on edge of a wall and spit arrows from longbow making the harpy invoulnerable which is kind of a problem for fools who melee the harpy. i see it every time there is a ranger+asura fractal. every frickn time. not one exception. not one.

then i proceed to explain hey listen we died 4 times the harpy is invul can you pls stop? come melee with us.

then they usually say we suck as a group and refuses to and continues to be useless (caution: do not say melee to ranger,on first he will be startled and flee, that word scares them)

then after 9th wipe he still refuses, and i say: ranger pls don’t be full od feces and pls come with us. he refuses and continues with explanation: I’M HELPING SHUT UP

then i got that lovely :soon to be an ulcer feeling: in my stomack, so i just ignorre him and we skip harpies.

he stays behind and dies about 5 times unable to reach us, says we suck and can’t play our classes and quits.

Wait a second… this story sounds familiar… After you lost the ranger, did an elementalist eventually join and get off on the wrong foot with a necromancer in the party?

invulnerable mobs??? WTF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Delmain.5167


The invulnerability the mobs get do occur when they can’t attack you but you can attack them. There actually a few spots in the room where you protect Hodge where this happens (on the table and on the pile of rocks in front of the table, specifically) This is also why I try to get people to stop jumping up on top of the pile of rocks right after the Spider Queen in AC.

Why is there an aversion to making a group?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Delmain.5167


Have you ever been in a group with 2 dominant personalities fighting over which tactic is best?
A nightmare.

There is truth and wisdom in these words. I’ve been in that situation several times. Of course, most of those situations I was one of the dominant personalities. Well, actually, now that I think about it I was one of the dominant personalities in all those situations. But yeah, its not a pretty sight at all.

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Delmain.5167


Yeah, I know. I like to give the benefit of the doubt, though I really should have been careful. Then again, it was the guardian that was the most trouble, not the rangers. The guardian was very laggy to begin with. The rangers did a decent job. I should have asked the guardian to leave and told him why.

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Delmain.5167


Have a ranger that knows how to play as a guild leader. You make exceptions. That, or get repeatedly chewed out by your guild leader.

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Delmain.5167


Uhg, I had the worst TA Aether path I have ever had. 3-4 hours of running the dungeon. Started off with 3 rangers, my ele, and a guardian. We struggle quite a bit on the slick ooze portion and we lose one of the rangers, after losing the ranger, we succeed. Get a new player, its a mesmer (after going through a lvl 80 with a worrying lack of AP (500 and a lvl 80? I normally see at least 700 when I see an 80) in other words, way too new, another lvl 80 with far too much AP (18k… achievement hunter? Yep he asks to do an achievement and leaves right after) and the third being our lucky break). I explain the whole Sparki and Slick fight and how anyone with the ooze pheromone debuff needs to find oil and stand near it. Most of the party ends up running for their lives the moment they get the debuff. We lose another ranger here, and replace with a guardian. Our second attempt is successful, but we lose the last ranger due to lag, and the first guardian due to lack of time. Quickly replaced by the two either most idiotic warriors I’ve ever met, or they were trolls. So we go through the first hologram generator fairly quick, get to the part with 2 of em, we destroy one of the generators a bit slow, then I find out I’m the only person by the second generator while everyone else hides behind the corner fighting the endless waves of holograms. Then finally the Mesmer of the group (new to the dungeon) says that they should probably follow me (after I keep telling them, repeatedly, they need to kill holograms near the generator) comes out, and the Mesmer has the agro of enough holograms that we kill the generator, then the group proceeds to wipe to the horde of aetherblades since no one was killing the watcher besides the Mesmer and me. Then comes the puzzles room, no real trouble, and then… the clockheart… first phase wasn’t too bad, one wipe. Second phase… the Mesmer dc’ed before our second attempt at the clockheart and no one would kill the holograms near the Clockheart. Attempt two, both the guardian and I take charge and tell them we need to lure the hologram to the clockheart and then kill the hologram. What do the warriors do (and I mean BOTH of them)? They go around the room constantly killing the holograms! I quickly kick em, and our Mesmer was dc’ed for too long and was auto kicked (would have loved to see him back. At least he listened) So, the guardian and I end up duo’ing the clockheart and killing it.

Seriously, half of the dungeon was made much harder than it really was.

Losing damage as I level up?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Delmain.5167


Hmm, I think it has more to do with the area you are in. When level scaling kicks in, it also affects your equipment.
A lvl 40 in a lvl 20 area wearing lvl 40 armor would be like a lvl 20 wearing lvl 20 armor.
A lvl 40 in a lvl 20 area wearing lvl 20 armor would be like a lvl 20 wearing lvl 10 armor. Or something like that. Also works the otherway around, a lvl 20 wearing lvl 10 armor doing fractals (scaled to lvl 80) would be like a lvl 80 wearing lvl 40 armor.

Line 3 trait 13 - Karka Queen/Def Melandru?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Delmain.5167


Its Line 3 trait 12 that is affected, not trait 13.

Need AC Mentor

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Delmain.5167


And someone beat me to the punch. As a side note, you can also check the Dungeon Mentors thread.

Update on the MegaServer roll-out plan

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Delmain.5167


i have my own guild to worry about so why would i join another and about the bosses maybe you should read more of what anet says about it on this page

“Any event that does not appear on this list will continue to operate as before, with timings that are based on the state and conditions of the map they occur in. Notably, the Temples of Orr will not be synchronized at this time since they heavily influence the content ecosystem that they exist in.”

If I am reading this bit correctly, this means that all events not listed will work pretty much similar to, if not exactly like, they do now, and the Temples of Orr will (for now) act like they currently do, except it effects all statues that are closer to that specific temple in the map it is in, not the statues linked to that specific temple across the maps.

Update on the MegaServer roll-out plan

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Delmain.5167


my complaints about this mess are real simple, i will no longer be able to schedule activities my guild may want to do unless it falls into the times that anet feels we should do it, those boss unlocks are just the mega bosses, not the champs or even temples, they fail to remember that our real lives dictate most of ours playing times since we work/married/have kids etc.

I think I see a misunderstanding here. Champ events and the temples of Orr will not be on a schedule.

Dungeon Mentors [Noob]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Delmain.5167


This Saturday (March 29th) at 6:00 P.M. server time, I will be teaching the entirety of Ascalonian Catacombs Exploration. Send me a message in-game if you want to join.

Dungeon Mentors [Noob]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Delmain.5167


I think I should mention I am now starting to tutor Twilight Arbor, and maybe even Sorrow’s Embrace once I remind myself how the paths go again.

LFG tool with a senseless feature

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Delmain.5167


I’d rather have the feature since I keep getting people who join my teaching runs just to take down my LFG post and leave. Not so senseless when you keep getting those types of people.

Always dead

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Delmain.5167


They removed the holy trinity, DPS/Healer/Tank, and replaced it with Damage, Support, and Control. It is not unreasonable for them to expect you to do all 3 of these things.
First off, stop trying to melee the elementalist when she is right by the Mesmer. That takes care of the whirlwind knockback.
Second, the OP Illusion Mage can be easily countered with the Focus on an Elementalist.
Third, avoid red circles.
Lastly, use your down 2 skill to get near your allies so they can get you back on your feet.

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Delmain.5167


I recently did CoE path 3. I came out with people thinking I was either pro or a cheat because I ended up soloing Subject Alpha from 50% health to 0% at the end. I’m beginning to think I know Subject Alpha’s attacks and how they work too well now. It probably didn’t help that I was an elementalist when I did it, too. Oh well, guess I should learn TA enough to start tutoring the entire TA dungeon there, as well!

Dungeon Mentors [Noob]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Delmain.5167


Is that what they’re doing? Sometimes when I post LFGs for dungeons/Fractals, I will get someone who joins, remains quiet when I say hi, and then leaves again about 20 – 30 seconds later. And sometimes, I notice that my LFG listing has disappeared as well, although I always thought this was due to some bug.

I would have thought it a bug, if it weren’t for the fact that yesterday, one particular person joined my party only to leave 5 or 7 seconds later, three times. On the third time, I had already started the instance and was kicked out. Someone else also joined when I needed to replace someone who had lagged out of the game and just left immediately. Full party means the LFG post is taken down. I also wished what happened yesterday was the only time too.

Back on topic, if anyone wishes to join my CoE tutoring on Saturday send me an in-game mail or whisper. I’m starting to think about doing a complete dungeon tutoring run where I go through all the paths of a given dungeon (attendance for all of them not required) every now and then when I have the time.

(edited by Delmain.5167)

Dungeon Mentors [Noob]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Delmain.5167


You know what? I think this weekend (Saturday, 6P.M. server time) I’m going to tutor all of the CoE (Crucible of Eternity) dungeon exploration paths. On a side note, has anyone else been getting people who intentionally join your teaching group and remove your LFG post?

General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 1

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Delmain.5167


This wasn’t with so much a pug but rather a group of really, really bored friends. A friend and I decide to get a bunch of friends and guild mates for a lvl 1 fractal run. Not just ANY lvl 1 fractal run, but a lvl 1 fractal run with every character lvl 20 or lower. Three hours it took us, but we did it! Well, my friend, one of his friends he invited later, and I did. SO not only did we do it with characters lvl 20 or lower, we 3 manned half of it, and swore to never do it again. Uncatagorized fractal (with original 5), Snowblind fractal (with original 5, lost everyone, and we were half way done with the dragon shaman when his friend joined), Volcano fractal (and we saved everyone!), then Molten Duo boss fractal. Did you know that Flame Effigy always spawns a wave of reinforcements once it hits reach half way, no matter how many times it happens? That champion alone was the greatest challenge for us.
Also, my friend, my friend’s friend, and I all lost our pants first when out armor started breaking.

Calculating Chill's skill duration increase?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Delmain.5167


if you hit them with a 2 second chill, it would add 1.32 seconds approximately to the recharge if its not cleansed. Also, it wouldn’t go straight back into the original cooldown if cleansed, it would go back into the normal speed of the cooldown.
To be more clear, lets view the time for the cooldown as units of cooldown. In general 1 unit leaves every 1 second. Chilled will instead make it so that 1 unit passes every 1.66 seconds, so even if they cleansed a 10 second chill after, say, 5 seconds have passed, instead of having 5 units of cooldown gone, they would have a little more than 3 units of cooldown gone.

Playing with others

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Delmain.5167


You can help your friend do his Story missions. All you need to do is be in the same party and be in the same zone when he accepts to enter his story mission, it then gives you the option to go in as well. Failing either requirement will prevent you from joining.
As for content to do with groups, any event (Especially group events) that occur around the game will do. Events will spawn more enemies and make them stronger as more people join. There’s also dungeons once you hit lvl 30. Ascalonian Catacombs Story Mode is your first dungeon you can do, with more to come. There is also Fractals of the Mists for when you reach level 80. (Though its not required to be lvl 80, it is strongly recommended.)

Dungeon Mentors [Noob]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Delmain.5167


hmm, if (or maybe I should say when?) this dungeon mentor guild gets started, I would love an invite to it.

What to do with all Rings from Fractals?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Delmain.5167


Right now, I’m just collecting one of each ring (infused and not infused) and plan on making up some wild story for each one after I’ve collected them all.

Dungeon Mentors [Noob]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Delmain.5167


Perhaps it should be warned that some dungeon paths will feel like a boot camp due to difficulty? (I really don’t know how I can teach AC P2’s boss fight without making it feel like a chore. Also there’s TA’s aetherblade path.)
As a side note, I need to adjust the time I am on a little.
Availability: Usually 4-8 P.M. server time, Tuesdays 8-10 P.M.

Help with weapons

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Delmain.5167


the weapons do drop, can be bought, and can be crafted. Though I do suggest being patient. If you decide to go into crafting (I recommend it to supply a couple of quick levels along with keeping your equipment semi up-to-date) I’d wait until you are lvl 9 and half way to lvl 10. Otherwise, I suggest getting a pick, sickle, and axe to gather materials and sell, then buy the equipment from the Trading Post (our Auction House) after you hit lvl 10. Then buy/craft new equipment every 5 levels.

Dungeon Mentors [Noob]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Delmain.5167


I don’t bother asking for exotics or specific builds, play how they want as long as they know the encounter and that’s what I’m trying to do, help them learn the dungeon. It’s faster with specific builds, exotics, or both, sure, but the moment someone can do AC Exploration is lvl 35, and anyone this level is not going to have an exotic or a particular build for quite some time.

Some people.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Delmain.5167


Reminds me of the time my friend wanted to do a CoF path 2 with non-heavy professions. He sets up the lfg, and right then and there, a warrior joins, gets kicked immediately, followed by another warrior, and another, and then a thief, then a guardian, all of the heavy armor guys were kicked, and we eventually get a party with medium or lower armor. During the group gathering part, all I could think of was “How many people do not read the description?”. Also, the run was awesome. Fairly smooth run except for the part where everyone forgot to have the asura collect the ore, so we were stuck for a few minutes before it occurred to anyone we didn’t do that bit.

New Character, which class?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Delmain.5167


If you are having fun with the elementalist, continue playing with the elementalist. The professions CAN be a difficult first character, but that’s not always true. Warriors tend to be considered more noob friendly, but its not for everyone (If you saw me playing a warrior, it’d look like it was the most difficult profession to play. I main an elementalist and make a lot of content look easy with him. Basically, the noob friendly profession is hard for me to play, while one of the more difficult professions was easy for me to play) The way I see it, you probably got lucky and found your main on the first character creation. If you need any tips on playing an elementalist, just send a whisper or in-game mail my way.

As for end game content in GW2, its more about how you want it to be. Do you want to have the best looking gear in the game? Do you want to travel the open world and discover its little secrets? Maybe you’d rather take on difficult content such as dungeons or fractals and test your skills? Prove your world is the best in WvW either by fighting as a soldier or commanding its armies? Be a competitor in PvP? It is literally what you want to be, and if you want to be a commander in WvW someday, try asking your world’s lead commanders about why they choose to take a particular keep or why have a different group attack a tower on the other end of the map (when they aren’t busy).

Dungeon Mentors [Noob]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Delmain.5167


By the ways, any teachers are bored with not getting students?

I’m not getting any students, sadly enough. I’ll still be waiting for potential students for AC, CoE, or Fractals though! Or for some elementalist tutoring.

Im level 5 and i keep dying!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Delmain.5167


Also, beware the rank of the enemy. The difficulty are from lowest to highest
1) normal
2) Veteran (bronze circle around portrait)
3) Elite (Silver circle around portrait, difficult to solo)
4) Champion (gold circle around portrait, difficult to solo, impossible to solo if unprepared)
5) Legendary (Purple circle around portrait, very difficult to impossible to solo)
6) World Boss (this one varies, and can be considered a semi construct. Impossible to solo)
With that out of the way, pay attention to enemy levels, avoid red circles, try not to stand still if you can avoid it, avoid red circles, dodge, oh and avoid red circles. The rest is basically learning what your enemy can do (white text below the enemies health bar can tell you some of their more dangerous abilities, and even how to hurt them in some cases). Also, be wary about your surroundings, you can easily turn a normal fight into an impossible one if you are not careful. This is especially true later on in the game where not only do you have to worry about enemies killing you, but also the environment.
Edit: Its only worrisome when your armor is broken, then they do nothing. Other than that, look on your map for a red broken shield, go to it, and look for a guy with a red broken shield above his head. He will repair your equipment, for a price.

(edited by Delmain.5167)

New to GW2 do's and dont's?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Delmain.5167


Don’t do dungeon or fractals until you are Lvl 80 >_<

Can you explain a little more?

Also, this good info for a returning player. I only played a couple of months so thanks for this. I’ll look at the sticky too.

thats least, the poster is biased because they’re 80 and only do speed runs :P thats not to say i’m any different, but when I was lvling I would do AC exp at lv35. You will most likely have a hard time finding a group who will take u, but u can always start ur own post, somethin like ‘lvl80 not required.’ non-80 groups have a higher chance of failure at the spider queen though, thats only cause most of them are noobs and not properly geared.

Its mostly because players stand in the red circle or get too close, get immobilized by the spider queen’s web attack, have no way to remove the immobilize and THEN get hit with the poison aoe. Reinforces the “Stay out of red circles” rule too.

Fractals for the first time

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Delmain.5167


Well, that bites for a first fractal experience. Only way I can think of to avoid that situation is to find people who like to do fractals with you, join a friendly guild, or both. Also, think about doing fractal levels a bit higher than your own fractal level, maybe up to level 5 instead of just level 1 (only as an example, I’d suggest more like up to level 3 if you are still level 1). And do make sure to let the people know you are new to fractals, people are less likely to strangle you if you admit it up front. Not to mention a few fractals can be rather unkind to new fractalers (Volcano, Dredge, Mai Trin just to name 3 from the top of my head).
Good luck with fractals, and if you need any help, you could always send me a whisper or mail in game! I’m always up for a good fractal.

Dungeon Mentors [Noob]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Delmain.5167


Since we are adding the profession we specialize in…
Specialized at: Elementalist
Requirements for profession help: Be prepared to learn all the weapons and attunement swapping. Also be prepared to solo Svanir without the use of an elite skill.

GW2 changes by past year ?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Delmain.5167


since it wasn’t said, probably due to how recent it is, Kes Hills has been changed permanently. A few new events, toxic alliance, and the entire area around the lake was changed.