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ANet might've overreacted?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Diba.4682


Guys please stop derailing the topic…
This is not a topic about whether you like the content or not or whether you are a pro or a noob.

It doesn’t matter how bad a player is, if he won’t buy the expansion or any of the future expansions then that’s an opportunity lost for ANet.

The point of this whole topic is that an expansion should have a balance in order to catter for all kind of players to maximize profits and population, and HoT currently doesn’t. And this impacts all of us on the long run.
At least that’s my opinion.

I am not really sure what you are trying to say. Isn’t up to Anet to target what they want to do with their game and what audience they want to target? I see no reason for this post to be concerned with about the financial production for Anet so please do not bring that into this.

Now mentioning that the balance of difficulty is not fitting for you is okay, I can work with that and comment better. what I do not know is what exactly is too hard for you and what you propose should be easier? Or different if not necessarily about difficulty?

I consider myself an easy going/casual player and nothing so far has been too hard or frustrating for me. Actually… I was about to wonder if anyone posted if this content was too easy or else simple. Therefore I really would not know what to do with “balance in order to catter for all kind of players” because it looks fine to me.

Next, it is hard to make a game that fits everyone’s desire, this game is far from what I want it to be. Yet I do see that there is something for everyone. Give it some time and as people start figuring out how to play the new maps it will be smooth and easy again. Not saying everything is perfect, there are probably a thousand things I would change, but I do not understand how it is imbalanced.

Berserker BWE3 Feedback

in Warrior

Posted by: Diba.4682


I though I would give my opinion on this to see if it helps any. Note that I have not really used Berserk for any Condition Builds, but I have my reasons.

All in all the seem fine. I would however think to change the second, “Always Angry” because while it does help us gain adrenaline initially for Berserk Mode, it is overall weak and does not feel needed. if I really need that much help gaining adrenaline then my character has problems, or even, the time gap between procs is too large to really be noticeable as far as I am concerned.

-Salvage Instincts. Removes 1 Condi, and breaks stun. This sounds great up front but really it is rarely used. I mean, first use and Berserk has a 15 sec before it goes on a 15sec CD. Totaling 30 before it is even possible to use again. Which really acts as a bonus to any anti-condi/cc but is worthless by itself and honestly not even very appealing by itself.

-Last Blaze. 1 burn for 3s when using rage skill. Yuck. IF I even wish to use the rage skill which I don’t like them. what is 1 burn going to do? more so with all the skills combined I will give 5 burning on average every 15-20secs? rather be a burn guard.

-Smash Brawler. The only viable option, the others do not even compare with this. And really I like this…just wish I had more of a choice….

-Master Tier. All three within the master tier I am okay with. Dead or Alive as saved me many times both in PvE and PvP whether the numbers need to be fixed can be another argument but function seems nice. the other two are extremely passives and specific (i.e. you NEED a torch or else one trait is useless, and you NEED a build with ferocity/prec or else the other is useless) which seems typical for a warrior unfortunately which is my main complaint here.

-Grand Master Tier. Really all three of these seem shy short to be Grand Masters. Not saying they are totally useless they just feel like they are missing something to give them credibility or worthiness of a Grand Master Tier.

Primal Burst]
The Primal Burst I do not fully understand. They seem to just be different, not necessarily better. So really it comes down to which do I prefer the style of the Berserk or the normal? Honestly, with most of the Primals, I prefer the normal so why even bother with Berserk (that and the numbers look better on the normal vs berserk)? If I am going into a special phase or mode, maybe something more special with the burst? (right now I only really use the GS burst, but if it gets nerfed good-bye Berserk specialization).

Rage Skills]
All in all these are unappealing. But then I do not like the philosophy of the Berserk warrior anyways and just hearing the name for the first time made me think “well I will wait for the next elite spec…” why do warriors have to be thought of as dumb-strong-brawlers anyways? just my opinion/preference.

Really it comes down to this… why do I need these anyways? I can get more damage output other ways while maintaining a decent sustainability that is simply not offered as well in these. I use Head Butt for the adrenaline burst, I tried to use sundering leap and feel there can be some potential for quick aoe burst in pve… but that is about it. unless I give up traits/skills that I really do not want to give up for better sustain.

In general the build of the warrior spec is in the primal, but honestly this is easily countered through constant blind (especially in pvp) in fact the only viable way to cleanse condi for a warrior is through burst-attacks which again is easily countered through blind, blocks, dodges, etc. yet other classes can cleanse without that dependency (with necros being the next best, but they don’s seem to mind the conditions…). Marking what I think may be the biggest difference between warriors and every other class. While this is not a necessarily a bad thing, it will make us extra particular with our options. What Berserker does well is that it allows our burst to a little more easily obtainable for a time. Yet in light of everything mentioned above there really does not seem to be much else to be hyped up about for the warrior.

(edited by Diba.4682)

Raid Content concern

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Diba.4682


Some people have shared concerns that they worked hard for a legendary only to not use it in favor of winning fights.

This is where I stopped reading !
Totally invalidates any credibility your post might’ve had.
How is this even a concern ?

They chose to make a legendary !

If a fight mechanics incentivises the use of X weapon instead of X weapon, They think it should be changed just so they can equip their favorite shiny ?

I object your honor !

This fallacy about “oh but I worked so hard for my legendary I want to only use my legendary for raiding, please make all raid content so I can clear it with my shiny chosen X legendary I love and sweat so much for”

wow…. uh it was a side note, never meant to be a reason to make my case…. I hope that is not all you have gained from the reading. Neither am I saying that the system should change in favor of them, the main point this statement was found in was that I do not think people should be forced to use a single weapon for a single fight thus creating a cookie-cut-style for winning a fight.

(edited by Diba.4682)

Raid Content concern

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Diba.4682


My point exactly, in reference to who I was replying to.

Sorry I misread, actually I had to reread it a few times before I started to see it.

Raid Content concern

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Diba.4682


Couple that with the fact there will be multiple bosses meaning the mechanics would have to be watered right down since, theoretically, there won’t be anywhere near enough cool downs to blow to constantly attend to them 9 mechanics because everyone is so thinly spread out to ensure they’re prepared for every situation.

Not necessarily, for one, not all professions have the same accessibility to ability types. I dont think warriors have any boon stripping mechanic and it would be silly if you are trying to strip boons to equip the trait that gives 3% more damage per boon. That means dont roll a warrior because he has no valid build for this fight. Same goes for reflection, etc. Should everyone in the party have the same role of boon stripping and then you win? That is what I am hoping is not true, but that instead you do need some people to boon strip while others need to do something else, the different roles for the fights would give everyone a job. If one is missing with a specific function, the raid is either improbable or impossible. This means, I can run with a certain build (not a specific build) and there is a need for me, but not 10 of me doing the same thing in different fights. If that helps.

(edited by Diba.4682)

Raid Content concern

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Diba.4682


The problem with what your asking is that if multiple approaches in terms of builds are viable, the less impact certain mechanics will have.

What I am asking for is that Anet does not go a certain direction. This thread was not started to create a solution nor to add some feature (though they are welcomed). That said, I am not saying that I should randomly pick whatever traits I want and it works…. I am saying that it should not be stressed as a core mechanic that we are constantly swapping traits to fit a circumstance. (so if they merely meant there needs to be people within the group with boon stripping, which was otherwise not practical for PvE, great!) If it means there will be a raid that needs a well balanced group (mixed build types), great! Though this does means they would need to trait a certain way -and I get that this is hard to avoid- so instead of asking for change I am asking that Anet does not emphasis that people would need to change traits all the time. More so, which I was hoping to emphasis more, is that weapons make up a large part of the fighting experience and it would not be nice if (for example) all warriors need a rifle to win this fight or else they are “noobs” who should be kicked out. I think there should be diversity in that melee as well as range would BOTH be necessary. Again, this is just an example. The point then, is that both are needed at the same time so someone who wants to run a certain build can do so because there is a place for him within a group. What I dont want is that everyone has to operate with a strict standard as how to play their character in every given fight. Which is what I mean by flexibility. I honestly do not know what Anet is thinking which is why I incorporated phrases like “my suspicion” and the like.

Raid Content concern

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Diba.4682


Or, y’know, come to understand that a raid isn’t a stale 5-man dungeon or solo venture. It boils down to communication with the raid team, which is hopefully a group of people you know well. Half the work of a raid is simply getting people ready.

So that’s when you detail what you bring to the group. Sacrificing condi removal in a build to do ____. Then fill in the blank: boons, damage, control? Tell your teammates what you’re good at and they can help you find the best fit for a given fight.

Not to say adjusting your build should be out of the question, but here’s to hoping that the raid designs will take into account a mix of offensive and defensive play styles.

There, he gets a bit of what I am talking about. I am not saying raids should be about a single build… in fact the opposite. I am saying that adjusting a build to meet circumstances will not improve diversity but will still preserve the problem that there is only one build that gets you through a certain circumstance. I want multiple builds from multiple professions and all are viable, though to work as a team there would need to be compatibility of strengths and weaknesses -communication, -skill, etc. This means as a raid there are roles that need to be filled, but as individuals you don’t have to be swapping into a cookie-cut-build that is the “best” for the circumstance. This is already a problem, and if they add this feature (as according to my suspicion) they will only worsen it.

Raid Content concern

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Diba.4682


Having to re-spec to something such as condition removal will likely only help reduce the pressure of the challenge but not overcome it.

What if you had a boss like Teq or TT but you had conditions constantly being applied to you that prevented damage? Those fights are challenging but imagine the challenge if you did not have the condition removal. Anet will likely couple new challenging boss mechanics along with something like this. It won’t be the only challenge that is provided.

Yes, mentioned above I know this will not be the only challenge, but why have it at all, or even to the same degree as my suspicion suggest? Why not look to other ways of providing challenge that does not require so much trait changing between fights. The best case scenario would be a fight that everyone needs 50% fall reduction or else they all die (which does sound fun). But to get this you need to spec and commit to a whole trait line. Maybe also you need condi removal, which means another trait line committed to. Sure I get the fight done and over with, but was it all really necessary to make part of the challenge about what traits I have? If you need some assurance that I am not supper radical, I am okay with little tweaks, but this can get carried away fast. My main issue is not so much in the traits (which most people here are focusing on) my main issue is with the weapons. Yet, also remember that some classes only work through utilities, which means I would have to have certain utilities. Point is, too much conformity to one build as oppose to flexibility. If that makes sense, but I need to go now. sorry for the rushed description.

Raid Content concern

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Diba.4682


If your classes do not bring direct function X in mass, just switch to use combo fields.
It has always been this way in the game system, no exclusions there.

Yes, which is why I said above that this change would further push that notion, or at least that is what my concern is. Mainly, I was hoping that Anet would steer away from going that direction, but instead, based on my suspicion, they are further supporting it.

Raid Content concern

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Diba.4682


So if the boss was spamming condis you’d feel offended if the raid leader asked you to bring more condi removal than normal?

Not offended no… but the point then is that the only reason it is challenging (or as challenging) is that I do not have condi removal… so if I have condi removal the challenge is basically solved…which means there is basically one build that I have to have, just like every other of my profession. Also, would we need support builds at all?

In an overly simplistic statement I am just saying the challenge should not depend on build but on skill.

Raid Content concern

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Diba.4682


Requiring you to understand mechanics and how to adapt your class to those mechanics gives it depth and is what makes something challenging design. If you don’t understand that then you probably won’t be a raider.

I am all for adapting, but why does it have to be with traits and gear? The point is why does the challenge have to be dependent on what build is viable or not (I know there is going to be more challenges involved than builds but I am focusing on these).

Raid Content concern

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Diba.4682


Not directly. It’s the difficulty of the fight that leads to you to learn what is going on, what is needed to succeed, and then adapting your existing build/playstyle which includes switching gear and traits.

Okay, which will work initially. But then I said above that if you give it a month or two at that is all over. That means the challenge would be in trying to figure out what to do. But there is still a “best” that everyone will have to conform to or else their build is not even viable. Viable does not mean easy (to me), it means that the challenge should not be dependent on your gear or traits at all (or most of all).

Raid Content concern

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Diba.4682


You can’t really have it so that all builds are viable while having it be a challenge to everyone. Otherwise, you’ll get what we currently have in this game which is little to no challenge.

So switching gear and traits makes it challenging?

Raid Content concern

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Diba.4682


Hello, this is just a first impression of the following quote:

“Some encounters are going to push you to try different weapons you rarely use, some are going to challenge you to select traits you haven’t considered equipping before”

On one perspective this looks positive, such as bringing up builds that are more valid rather than having cookie-cut-builds. Yet is this really going deliver? AND is this something we all really want?

Here are my concerns:
-Push for weapons we rarely use, or simply do not want to use? Fractals, just as an example, can be challenging in the higher levels because they hit hard and will practically one-shot-kill. Melee is strongly discouraged except for few exceptions. Play it safe, be range and kit everything. (I know Anet have been getting better at including melee but the question stands: will there only one or two weapons viable and if you don’t use those you are a “noob”). Some people have shared concerns that they worked hard for a legendary only to not use it in favor of winning fights.

-Select traits you haven’t used before. I do not want to spend time between fights swapping traits because they are the best, or I am a “noob” if I don’t. I want to have a set trait system that defines my role and distinguishes me from everyone else. I want a trait system that says “this is my style.” To clarify, this game does not have the style I am looking for, but by resorting to what they claim here (according to my suspicion), it will be even further from what I want. As a short term goal it looks nice, but give it a month and everyone will know what trait to select for each class and it will quickly become a mindless trait switch which everyone knows what to do. Not only, but everyone will be required to do it, and so abandon their role choice in favor of winning.

The main assumption I have to make roles great is not to force people into a system, but allow the system to free people’s choices and let them choose what they want and have it be viable. From what I perceive on these two matters is that it would force people to use a certain style, though the style would be viable in a particular setting, it does so at the expense of player’s choice (thus making their style invalid). Thus in every fight the problem still persist: this is the best build for X profession in this particular fight. (Thus cookie-cut-builds persist).

This is my concern, there is not a lot of support to know what exactly Anet is thinking, but their vagueness in this description brought up these thoughts which worries me if true.

(edited by Diba.4682)

Dodge mechanic makes Zerker builds viable

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Diba.4682


I dont know if anyone knows this… but there is a condition coming out called taunt…. it may make tanky builds more viable, just saying.

Gear Diversity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Diba.4682


So now that we are seeing many examples of heavy armor and light armor outfits (gear that any profession can wear). Are we going to see accessibility to every skin type (light, medium, heavy) for ever profession?

What I am saying is: what is the point in having a medium skin locked for a heavy armor user if they are just going to release an outfit that is light (i.e. imperial) for heavy armor users to use?

Note the difference: I am not saying heavies can use light and light use heavy armor, but merely the skins.

I think this can open a lot more diversity for players without the need to release more skins. The only reason I can think that they would want to keep the boundaries from heavy to m. to l. would be for visual recognition… but that is disregarded if they release outfits for all.

Any thoughts?

Let's Talk About: Specializations

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Diba.4682




  • Thief – Uses a rifle (screen)
  • Ranger to Druid – Uses a staff (video + PAX announcement)
  • Engineer – Uses a hammer (video)


  • Necromancer – Uses a Greatsword (PAX announcement)
  • Elementalist – Uses a Sword (video + comment)
  • Mesmer – Uses a Shield (video)

Okay so…
Necromancer => Deathknight
Elementalist => Battlemage
Mesmer => A thing…
Ranger => Druid
Thief => Sniper
Engineer => Railroad Worker
Guardian => Conquistador
Warrior => Samurai

Warrior change maybe too harsh?

in Warrior

Posted by: Diba.4682


I cannot speak much for the PvE side of things, but I think the adrenaline works very well in PvP it is a whole different feel but if any change is needed to the warrior it is not that we get adrenaline back to the way it was. I agree with a few modifications to it, as some where mentioned here but not sure if I want it to go back to the original way.

For the GS, I was a little disappointed. The burst skill is miles from what it once was but still has limitations: 1) Anet nerfed the damage. I am not talking about the overall damage, I am talking specifically the burst skill. This would not be such a problem except 2) The skill needs a little help getting to its target. The best weapon burst are either instant cast or has some range feature to them (Hammer, Longbow, Axe). Whereas the GS does not and so I am spending my time chasing a lot just to use the skill. Meanwhile cripple they remove almost instantly, or dodge away, or it misses because it is a slow ability, and Rush is basically useless. Certainly there are a few ways to make it work, but in comparison to the other weapons it is more work.

Rush since the patch has been especially buggy, not to say it hasn’t been since launch. But lately I just sputter around my target and end up missing anyways because I am meters away from my target when it does decide to strike. Same with Bull rush though not as bad. If this is a problem unique to me let me know.

I haven’t much of anything else so no other comments.

(edited by Diba.4682)

Reconsider greatsword damage nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Diba.4682


Concerning 100B:

I honestly just want another ability slotted in its place. I am speaking from a PvP perspective of course, but even in PvE I find a few problems with it.

First off, the fact that you have to stand still is a disadvantaged in itself. At least when the mesmer uses blade flurry they also are immune to everything, which can be done every 12s? Granted they need it more, but there is almost no mistake in using it… not for warriors. Standing still in pvp is a great mistake, should you cast this ability you are stuck for at least 1sec before interrupting yourself which is plenty of time for them to take advantage. This is not a problem in and of itself but in light of the following…

Next, in order to keep the pressure with a GS you need to use 100B effectively. This means stun or immobilization. The problem with these is that any really good pvp build/player I have sparred with has easy condition removal. I just cannot get them to hold still even with 1h sword immobilize and quick switch to 100B. Bull rush/ Bolas/LB pinned down become a problem for nearly the same reason. So usually I cannot get more than 2-3 strikes.

In short, using 100B makes the warrior very vulnerable to all sorts of attacks, while not having a great reward to make it feel worth being vulnerable for. There are plenty of other abilities that have instant burst dps without having the risk factor involved which is why, I believe, GS are losing their place in PvP.

So now they are nerfing it? Though many say it will be balanced with the new arcing slice, I do agree, but the ability seems already pointless to use. I rather it be done away with and exchanged for a more practical ability. OR changed considerably to make it more practical and helpful.

Backpiece biggest non-legend grind

in Living World

Posted by: Diba.4682


It would be nice if we can customize/choose the color we want. At the very least the glow it gives off.

Otherwise I dont mind the ‘grind aspect’ if you have a better idea great -but if you just want them to hand it over to you so you don;t have to do anything…. I am not a fan of the idea.

ANET Please do not change Adrenaline

in Warrior

Posted by: Diba.4682


Would this change affect the Longbow? I mean, it never needed a target anyways. If they change it to need a target that would be bad -because I liked using it to prep before the enemy walks in, but on the other hand every warrior is going to have a Longbow now (if they did not already).

Greatsword "Nerf"

in Warrior

Posted by: Diba.4682


Do you think anyone will be shouting OP any time soon?

[Ready Up] Upcoming Warrior Balance Changes

in Warrior

Posted by: Diba.4682


I am not so worried about 100B being nerfed as much as 100B being useless (especially in pvp). I honestly think the skill needs to change much more than just a 5% dps nerf.

Concerning the changes with the burst skills adren. I think it is a good change. If it somehow gives the warrior a disadvantage, I think that just means other areas of the warrior should be changed and not this feature. Mainly because it will make a few traits more viable and require more skill to play a warrior. A concern is it may start to form cookie-cutter builds which will not be fun, but we will see if that is true.

[Ready Up] Upcoming Warrior Balance Changes

in Warrior

Posted by: Diba.4682


Just made a post focusing on GS, basically I said I liked all the changes but I am concern that about the 5% 100B. The only way I feel it will be balanced is if the new arcing slice will make up for the lost damage. Thus it will be more of a damage shift rather than just a damage nerf.

Warrior changes (GS)

in Warrior

Posted by: Diba.4682


My thoughts on the upcoming Sept. update for warriors:

Here I am going to focus mostly on the GS since that is what I use. Otherwise I like all the changes they did, my only concern is that they fix the burst skill to actually hit when in range, because sometimes it bugs out.

This skill has always been a complaint of the GS and with the 5% nerf it will further spur complaints. The problem is that you have to stand still and eat damage for the full duration, and the reward is easily diminished because you can never finish the strike before the enemy has reacted in some way -even if you had previously stunned them. Now the damage of an already (imo) poorly design ability is going to loose its damage. Problem is, it already does not feel like an awarding ability to even if/and because you equipped other utilities to bring the full effect. I run berserker in pvp and still I have players take all my damage and laugh away (rare but still there).

For a few suggested (and let me know what you think might be better) I do not mind the damage being lower (even further) if they would also decrease the cast time to match it. That means: the enemy cannot as easily run out of it before it is finished (honestly who holds still for a warrior to use 100B?). If not that, then I almost want the damage to increase because I can only get half of it out anyways. If this ability causes so much problem, then I want to turn it in for something more practical.

I am okay with this ability since it is significant for its evasive capabilities, and it will only affect maybe two strikes unless pinned.

Arcing Slice
This needed to be changed, so far the change seems practical enough. I did not see the % damage increase or anything but if it is good then it may justify the lowering of 100B. My only concern will be if the cast time is timely enough or if I can still move while casting, is the range long enough, etc. Or, will I waste all my adrenaline missing all the time.

The little details that matter

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Diba.4682


GW2 is the most un-further-developed MMO I have ever seen. After almost two years there is lack of typical stuff like:
-new playable races
-new classes
-new crafting disciplines
-new skills
-new weapon types
-new dungeons
-new raids
-new pvp modes (WTF!?!?! I found 1 mode ridiculous during release, but after two years it’s just embarassing)
-new campaign/continent (Elona, Cantha)

-I do not want new playable races
-I do not want new classes; Actually I want to see the current classes expand drastically to fulfill what we might think of as new classes
-I do not want new crafting disciplines; and do not ignore we have been given lots of expansion for crafting
-new skills; okay
-new weapon types; okay
-new dungeons; so what are the fractals? Just because it is not a “dungeon” does not mean it is not new dungeon-like content. They also added the new dungeon in TA, so it is not like they haven’t done anything on the matter.
-New raids; The revamp on Teq. and the addition of Trip Troub are very much raid quality. Significantly, they will be the standard Anet will pursue for future raid additions, where as the old ideas only worked for a little while before they became easy zerg-fest.
-New pvp modes; They did add one, although they are not ready to make it the norm and introduce it to tourney, I am not sure why, but we can trust they have their own reasons for not doing so.
-New campaign and content; We have a new living story…. and what about dry top? Huge success in spurring players to do the events whereas other maps no one even cares. Anyways, there has been plenty of new map content else where such as the zephyrs, Queen Jub, South Sun. Sorry it is not Cantha and Elona like you want, but it is there.

Things That Should Happen With GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Diba.4682


7 and 8 I am totally fine without, especially if they would just expand the current class options. I would like to see classes become so diverse that no two are alike (or at least not the opposite like it is now: everyone is exactly alike or else they are oblivious to their character’s potential). Which is unfortunate, I honestly think they should do away with the stats in traits to let people focus more on style of fighting rather than forcing people into one trait line to meet their role. Why? because the stat bonus is too important to not give a care.

I would like to see runes do something totally different that mere stat bonuses, rather they change the function of abilities. I.e. make chill do damage; dodge rolling bonuses; Profession skill granted bonuses; etc. Maybe these examples seem OP (they would all be of equal strength), but I think it would bring a totally different feel then mere passive bonuses such as 10% dps.

Where did you get your precursor?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Diba.4682


-From a Friend who found it and gave it to me
- 10secs

Spent about 300g worth of rares

Can we get some Dense Trees?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Diba.4682


Then they need to scatter cloth boxes so we can get a lot of cloth to lower the prices in the TP…

Game Updates: Traits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Diba.4682


The main reason they changed the system is to give a much more progressive feel to 80 (correct me if I am wrong). Another reason, was because of the change of the amount of points (5 down to 1 per tier) which is fine just spread them evenly. But I would agree with most people the former was weird at best and ineffective at worst. They did not need to change the system, simply add onto it. They could have easily hit two birds with one stone by adding new traits and skills that would fill the void they had between level 60-to-80. Then they would have opened up new skills that everyone has been wanting and such.

There is a serious flaw with the currency in this game. Simply, it is all worthless. Since they have changed this feature and added ways to gain skill points I pretty much have it flowing out-of my ears and nothing to spend it on. Now I think of it: I have Karma, Skill Points, Gold, This-That, Ob.Shards, Bloodstones (a whole bank-full), etc… and nothing to spend it on… yay! The point in all this: now they are adding traits through events (which I do like the ’idea) but now my skill points are all the more useless seemingly.

(edited by Diba.4682)

Buff Guildwars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Diba.4682


I do not like the feel of grinding, but I especially do not like the RNG tool. It is really bad. I have been here since the beginning and still to this day I have not found a precursor. Furthermore every meta event they give (Dragon Bash, Winterday, Festival, etc) I would play everyday to try and get the new skins or whatever and would never be lucky enough to find enough “XYZ” before it ends. Then my friend who only plays like once a months gets a precursor and practically everything!

I think the loot is okay, but it is probably because there is nothing I want to buy. Nothing is all that interesting, or it is luck based and not skill based. I rather have weapons that show that I have done what no one else can do. But no, I have a legendary… (seemingly) just like everyone else… yay!

Grinder for WvW, EoM, PvP? I would say no where. It is never fun. I would rather be deceived to think I am not playing an RPG.

I agree that the combat ckittene a lot of changing. I have learned to use my character quite well, then got sloppy because it does not even matter. Now I just face-roll everything… not fun. (and of course if you melee, you basically have a major disadvantage and hardly any reaction time).

I like some of the changes they made, but I am getting worried that soon a lot of the fundamental mechanics will change or simply not be important. This will make only a few viable builds in the game; cookie-cutter classes; no variety; etc. Actually, it already feels like that to a degree.

It needs to be said

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Diba.4682


I agree that they have come a long way, I sometimes venture off to other games only find myself spoiled by all the things Anet has done.

Things I would like to see more of are all the minor changes that I feel make a big day-by-day difference. Or even that they just touch up easy fixes that they said they would change but have not touched yet. Those would help because I wait for them eagerly then many months go by and it can be a real disappointment.

My only other major request is that they really improve the combat. By this I mean adding new weapons and weapon skills/traits, and the like. This is a very important feature for me which is why it would disappoint me if they neglect it any longer.

Not really complaining, but it *feels like they can make a good game great, and a great game awesome if they just make minor, easy fixes, rather than merely big updates and new map content.

(edited by Diba.4682)

Increasing Returns (IR)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Diba.4682


I am not sure about the whole increasing returns idea, but certainly the system needs to change. I am also one of those who played since beta and still no precursor.

Add to the discussion, that when a lucky newbie gets a precursor he tends to just salvage it… yes this really happens.

Add to the discussion the inflation of precursors. I finally made 600g to buy it, but it is now going for 1000g. This gives the player the feel of chasing rainbows, which is why many have given up.

Add that they should add new legendaries because the old ones are getting… old, and overly used. Regardless that they want to make them look nice first, sometimes just adding new ones help a lot. Honestly, I am starting to not feel special for having a legendary sunrise because… so does everyone else.

(edited by Diba.4682)

Change T1 male heavy Sylvari gear?

in Sylvari

Posted by: Diba.4682


I have not seen many people wear the male heavy T1 sylvari gear, except for the shoulders here and boots there. Overall it is ugly (especially gloves and chest piece), and hard to mix with the other gear. There is one change that I would like aside from the chest and gloves, and that is the leggings. The leggings look too high to be right (like some puffy shirt). It has side pads which are fine but the leaves under feel like it should come below the knees like the Orr set/Kodan set/etc. Any one else feel this way?

Also since I am talking about sylvari gear, there needs to be a lot more options for everyone. Options that allow sylvari to mix armor more naturally and allow personal customization. All the other races can mix gear as they please and still fit their “cultural” norm. Sylvari cant. EX: If I do not like the gloves, there is not much I can do, either deal with it, pick another sylvari piece that does not match, or pick metal barbaric gloves, thee end.

Weapon CD Trait

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Diba.4682


Didn’t know where else to post this, so I though I would do it here. What would you guys think if they changed the trait for all classes that give the ‘20% Weapon CD decrease’ to also allow the option for 50% when no other weapon is equipped in the 2nd weapon set?

and go!

Lets see your Warriors!

in Warrior

Posted by: Diba.4682




minus 280 defense.

in Warrior

Posted by: Diba.4682


sorry but… your point?

2nd Burst Skill

in Warrior

Posted by: Diba.4682


Just wanted to throw the idea out, what if warriors had two burst to choose from? Naturally only one can be used at a time (clears adren.) but there can be two per weapon which have completely different results.

Likes? Dislikes?

Warrior Hammer Nerf

in Warrior

Posted by: Diba.4682


Hammer OP or everything else UP?

I would like or them to just add new weapon skills so at least people can choose not to have something they do not like. As for me I just stick with the GS no matter how good or bad it may be. However if I make a few comparisons:

AA on GS will roughly be 700 (spvp) with 10sec vun and 1/2CD.
AA on Ham (all I did was switch weps) will be roughly 900 and still a 1/2CD.

Vunerablility is too slow to stack enough to be effective in pvp and the overall 200dps bonus makes the Ham way worth it. in those small occasions that I am using AA the vun. can easily be cleansed off anyways.

Other skills for Ham involve 3 stun capabilities With roughly: 7-8sec CD, 20s CD 25s CD. if you trait with 20% that will look like 7-8s CD, 16sCD, 20sCD. That is a lot considering most classes do not consider to use stability because: 1. They have no utility that is convenient enough 2. It does not work with their build (ie. Guards have stability shouts and consecrations but most use Medi.)

The argument to dodge out of these is more like dodge 2 of them, but to complete the set the Warrior will use a longbow with an instant immobilize (soon to be nerfed), now you cant dodge. I also wonder if dodges can keep up with the warrior because the Ham has weakness which decreases endurance regen by 50% (not only but reduces damage by 50%). SO though you can dodge the first two, it is only a matter of time.

The GS is mobile, giving an extra dodge capability, and cripple (which all weapons have to help melee fighters so mobility has not been an issue for most players) Other than that, you have to 100B the opponent using strats. Usually that means bull rush (which has problems of its own, and is only ONE CC skill that is easy to pull out of with a 40sec CD!). In comparison the Hammer does not need the extra stun capabilities and so the player can reserve his utilities for more survival.

People with GS tend to just go all out on dps for that reason, they cant make a build with excellent survival and still hope to kill anything. Hammer builds have high dps and the survival capabilities to allow them to be powerful. Now add the healing signet…
Anytime your stunned it allows more time for the enemy warrior to gain health per sec without any incoming attacks. 1 stun for 2 secs is practically a free 800HP for them.

Anyhow I personally think Hammer is too strong and would like to throw a few ideas of helping this:
1. Take out the trait that allows 20% hammer CD reduction. OR/AND?
2. Possibly lower all CC utility CD so that CC is more of a warrior aspect and less just a hammer aspect. (BTW a warrior can nearly have infinite CC with Hammer, possible but I do not know how practical) OR/AND?
3. Lower hammer AA damage/increase CD/ OR at least balance other weapons more appropriately.
4. Balance other classes to have more options to confront this build?

(edited by Diba.4682)

Consideration about the longbow

in Warrior

Posted by: Diba.4682


3 adrenaline=2 condition cleansed? Then what about 1 adrenaline?

I went from axe/shield to longbow because the damage pressure was much greater. Some ranger builds (the good ones) tend to dodge and run away heal and reapply damage, its too much to deal with so I need to keep the damage on them via range. Rifle is okay, but the burst is slow and not worth it to me and since I use GS I need a reliable burst.

Warrior GS and Axe/Shield Build?

in Warrior

Posted by: Diba.4682


there are many, it depends on what you want

Please Nerf Warriors

in Warrior

Posted by: Diba.4682


The only thing I think is OP for warriors is the hammer skill CD. Too much stun effects with very little CD. Bull charge for example has a 40sec CD, (down to 32 with traits). but some of the hammer skills can have 20s CD (down to 16 with traits). Sure there is kick as well with its 20s CD (down to 16s) but it is practically useless without strong range. Not only, but they have 3 skills on the hammer alone that will stun, knockback, knockdown. One of which has ~8sec CD if they have the adrenaline.

Next, and please correct me if I am wrong, the auto attack skill chain has some of the highest dps of any weapon. Compare with the GS it has about a 200dps difference with the same attack speed. Arguably GS has vulnerability, but for pvp (maybe even pve) I would trade that in any day. I think the Hammer needs to be nerfed.

healing signet (venting thread)

in PvP

Posted by: Diba.4682


^combination of HS +5 other immunities, and if they are not immune, your stunned.

(edited by Diba.4682)

healing signet (venting thread)

in PvP

Posted by: Diba.4682


Healing Signet:

1. Heals over time, healing will start right as you take damage.
2. Strong vs weak damage builds, especially with high armor rating.
3. Continual healing so constant pressure is needed from the opposing player.
4. No cast time and therefore cannot be interrupted.

1. Weak vs high damage or burst builds (and therefore not recommended for glass cannons)
2. No quick recovery (in emergencies warrior must rely on blocking and dodging capabilities to buy time for heal)
3. Constant poison will hinder the healing effects so can be weak vs heavy condi builds (countered by cleansing ire, but poison still effects those few seconds whereas single healing abilities one can remove poison before healing)

The main problem with this ability is that it offers the warrior everything, what other classes have to trait hard to get, in a single ability. Honestly though if it were to be removed, nerfed, w/e, Warriors will basically lose their survival capabilities and be the worst class in pvp. The lost in healing capabilities in the signet will have to be made up through other traits and how to do that is not automatically obvious -something is going to seem “OP.” The reason the Healing Signet has been left alone for this long is because it is not as OP as the community thinks.

In fact there are other classes out there that can survive way better than the warrior and outlast the warrior in a fight by: 1. maintaining pressure, 2. avoid hits, 3. heal back any loss during stuns. These classes are typically thieves, mesmers, and rangers. The real reason (imo) that the warrior is able to pressure those classes and win is because they have hammer/longbow. The hammer has aoe stuns so if the enemy stealths or w/e they can easily land a blow in the area and hit for massive damage and prevent enemy mobility (same with longbow which is used by the top two warrior pvp builds). Because the hammer has this capability there is no need to equip physical utilities and instead use the open slots for even more protection. Anyone other warrior build is going to struggle to keep pressure on their target without the use of CC, and that means they have to use their utilities for CC rather than protection making them much weaker. If this is the major contributor for warrior victories, then Healing Signet has little to do with it. When the ham/bow build uses protection for utilities it makes the Healing signet seem more powerful than it actually is.

The problem adds on, if the CC is removed then the warrior’s capability for damage is fairly easy to avoid. So the overall structure needs help. To review: if the warrior’s damage is lowered then there is practically no point to a warrior (suppose to be a strong melee class) and the warrior fails the role according to the devs. If the healing/surviving is removed the warrior dies too easily. If the CC is removed the warrior is going to have a frustrating time keeping up with everyone else and will lag.

(edited by Diba.4682)

healing signet (venting thread)

in PvP

Posted by: Diba.4682


The fact that I can remove 3 conditions while using burst with my bow…now THAT is OP. Hell I don’t even have to hit anything! The fact that I can get 16 secs of stability via a stance and a signet…now THAT is OP. The fact that I can use Lyssa runes and Signet of Rage (pure condi clear) along with Bezerkers stance (8 sec condi

3 Conditions only if you have 3 bars of adren. And if they dont dodge/blind/etc. If you are facing a weak condi-spec its not much of a problem but against heavy condition it wont be enough. Even so, the longbow has the advantage of not needing to hit anything and that would be a longbow problem not a warrior problem.

16secs of stability? Great, if you give up 2 utilities for just that…

Lyssa runes a problem? You should see thieves. Not exactly a problem uniquely to warriors.

Berserk Stance OP? in the whole 60s CD it has do you burst all your conditions and now completely useless? This feature only forces you to be more strategic in how you fight, I suppose if someone likes face-rolling that 8secs would be a problem. (Note: Berserker stance does not remove condi, it only prevents any further condi).

Warriors are overrated, they are perhaps the easiest class to play with a strong build but any other class with a good player can beat a warrior. So I think it is a little more than the fact that they have easy accessible traits.

(edited by Diba.4682)

Warrior Mythbuster

in Warrior

Posted by: Diba.4682


I agree with a lot in this post. Healing Signet is overrated by the public because it is an easy thing to point to when they are losing. I disagree that the Healing Signet should be nerfed. If there is a problem with the balance, change the other classes.

Meanwhile I do think that the reason Hammer is the current #1 choice is because it will completely disable the target and allow the warrior to gain free healing. I personally do not like running hammer, but it is worth looking into more if there is going to be a nerf for warriors.

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: Diba.4682


In short I would like to see if the CDI group thinks it [sub class] is a relevant part of Horizontal Progression at this stage of GW2’s life?


I am going to say it is.

1. It will get our character ready for new future content. As said it is the means of getting us to the end goal (whatever that may be). If it is going to be the means, I would certainly like to have it before I finish anything else you give me.

2. It will give the both of us time to know what to expect. When new challenges arrive I think it will be better to already have an idea of what the players can do beforehand and not afterwards. For us, I think it will give us time to become acquainted with what options we have and play around with what works for us.

3. It will give you time to start balancing. It will be a complicated mess I am sure, even when you think it is ready and release it, the players will find a way. Might as well get the content out now so you can evaluate how it progresses with the characters.

4. I know many people who left GW2 just because of the lack of character depth. They did not even want to see the end content, I partially share the perspective.

5. I personally would like to see more fighting variety. I want to see my warrior fight in a more Japanese style if I so choose, or a more Viking style if I so choose, etc. I think these sub classes might help with that as well.

6. Sub classes will bring more focus to the different roles. This will help break away from the subtle feeling of the trinity, and it will bring more focus to help with crit-builds. That is, you would be able to make crit-builds more than just a mere attachment for damage dealers to do more damage.

Anyways these are just my thoughts, maybe they are off a bit but at least everyone can evaluate them and discern for themselves.

CDI- Character Progression-Horizontal

in CDI

Posted by: Diba.4682


I want to emphasis that the biggest impact on horizontal progression will be to: 1. Add new skills, especially weapon skills; 2. Create a separate trait tech tree of some sort. All the other things posted on this forum look fun and good, but I would consider it only a bonus. I like to feel like my character skill/trait choices are more dynamic as I progress.

Some ideas:
1. For adding weapon skills I propose this idea: When you place 30 traits in a single trait line, you unlock new weapon skills specifically and complimentary to that trait line. I think having it linked with trait/role choices will: 1) change how we fight based on what specialization we choose giving more value to roles select. 2) bring out more uniqueness within the classes (A warrior with 2hand sword will not all fight the same way with merely with different stats). 3) Allow for more weapon variety usage instead of cookie cuter builds (ie. condition warriors always have 1h sword and bow, its always the same and boring).

2. For traits, the same idea may apply; placing 30 points in a single trait line unlocks a separate trait tech-tree, allowing characters to have a mastery in a specific role. Naturally only one tech-tree can be used so if someone goes 30/3010/0/0 they can only pick one new mastery trait tech. The reason I think it should be separated is so that: 1) it can only be unlocked at lvl 80. 2) it will not add any stats such as extra prec. or power. 3) it will be flexible for expansion without disrupting the main trait line.

New Greatsword skills (Your opinion pls :-)

in Warrior

Posted by: Diba.4682


I think everyone has generally the same idea about what to change for the warrior 2h-sword skills. While I generally like what I have and would fairly agree with “change F1 and Rush thats all” I would like to see something different with the other skills.

In order of priority:

F1, Arcing Slice I feel just needs to be changed altogether. If they gave it a small leap like Eviscerate that would make it feel a lot more useful and fit the overall “mobile” theme of the great-sword. Considering Warriors are built around their Burst abilities having a useless Burst skill renders a warrior practically boring and feeling limited in playing capabilities. The burst should feel like the most climactic ability a warrior has, in which Arcing Slice certainly is not.

Rush. I think we covered this well enough, it should not have weakness added to it because it has extra damage when it hits, if it hits. I just needs to be redesigned so as to not bug out just because my target jumped on a box or w/e.

Blade Trail. This should not have a blocking effect, too much of a copy from the ranger and would make the GS warrior over all too powerful… if he is not evading, dodging, with other attacks now he is blocking? On one end I do feel like the ability needs to be changed somewhat, but to what? The skill currently fills the gap of what the warrior would otherwise be missing, so this ability will not be changing soon.

Hundred Blades. It does feel out of place because the GS Warrior is to be mobile, and is also frustrating because we want to see that high 10k-20k number at the end. I usually don’t have a problem with this except that one time against this necro who just laughed while I was actually dying 5xfaster than he was (that was some time ago). Otherwise it is the highest damaging ability in the game, all I need to do is find a way to trap them to get more damage in… sounds like a fair exchange to me.

As much as people what to see the current abilities changed, I am going to suggest that instead new weapon skills be added. I do not mind 100B, but if I could choose it over a list of abilities that would make things better for me because I know that I chose it rather than I am stuck with it. This would bring out a more variety between warriors as well. Then if you do not like 100B for example, just don’t use it and switch it with another ability that way to us who do like it, we can keep it.

Bull's charge is the worst skill ever

in Warrior

Posted by: Diba.4682


Bulls Charge the “worst?” skill? I think I would say Rush is. Although, Bulls Charge could use a small aoe knockdown….