Showing Posts For Dracula.1709:

Looking for discounted Heart of Thrones.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Dracula.1709


Sorry for the late reply. Thank you all for the responses.

Looking for discounted Heart of Thrones.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Dracula.1709


Hi folks! My brother and I would like to return to our characters in Guild Wars 2. We would also like to purchase Heart of Thrones but we can’t afford the full purchase price so I thought I’d ask this community and see if anyone has links to some online trustworthy deals. I thank you in advance and hope to see you all in Tyria again.

is there a discount for veteran players?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Dracula.1709


The core game is now free, so you can get a discount for exactly $0 which is what ANet seem to think everything pre-HoT is worth. Personaly I find this rather insulting and would have prefered F2P to be limited to lvl 40 with unlocking lvl 80 costing about $10.

Basicaly as a veteran player you have had fun playing the game for 3 years so you have got your moneys worth, if you want to continue with more content then its time to pay again. There is still no subscription to GW2 but it seems very very likley that you will be forced to re-buy the game every year or two. ANet dont value you as a veteran player, get used to it.

That’s how I feel. I pre-purchased the digital deluxe edition when GW2 first came out. I’ve played a lot over the years. Spent hundreds of dollars more on store items. That sounds like I’m asking for something free but I’m not. I just feel, as a veteran player/customer that I’m getting no recognition or thank you. Why, logically, would I spend the same price on the expansion as I spent on the core game? The core game offers hundreds, maybe thousands of hours more content. I want to play the expansion but there’s no way I’m paying the price of a new game when I’m only getting an upgrade.

Patching begins at 400-500KB/sec and then....

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dracula.1709


Fixed it by doing what Aiden Savage suggest in this thread.

“Aidan Savage.2078
Add -assetsrv to your gw2 shortcut’s target line with a space between the " at the end of what’s there, and the -. Fixed it for me."

Patching begins at 400-500KB/sec and then....

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dracula.1709


It’s the asset server your client is connecting to while it is updating. In the thread mentioned above I believe there are instructions on how to temporarily force a different server connection.

This happens nearly every time they update. But they blame your isp. Even though it has been demonstrated otherwise every single time.

edit: ok, not in the above link. scroll through some of the other can’t update posts and you will find it within a few pages.

Currently searching ’can’t update’. Their search engine seems bad though. Not returning any posts of relevance. Thanks for the suggestion I will search until I find what you mentioned.

EDIT: Yes, I even contacted my ISP and had them check everything. Even refresh my signal. Of course it made no difference because I knew there is nothing wrong with my ISP. Or modem/router.

Patching begins at 400-500KB/sec and then....

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dracula.1709


For the last hour it has just sat at 0KB. Every time I restart it the same thing happens.

Added these methods to my trial and error. No success.

Patching begins at 400-500KB/sec and then....

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dracula.1709


…crashes to 0KB/sec and just rises every so often to 9-12KB/sec. It will take weeks to download the game at this rate. Sometimes it doesn’t download at all and just stops so I have to restart it.

For whatever reason I didn’t have this problem before. Couldn’t find any help from searching the net so I thought I’d post.

My normal download speed with other programs (which work fine) is 5,000-8,000KB/sec.

Router is open. No anti-virus. Windows UAC disabled.

Looking for suggestions.

Edit: There. KB

(edited by Dracula.1709)

Dagger/Dagger + Staff? Warhorn?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dracula.1709


Returning player. Looking for some feedback on Dagger/Dagger builds.

One worry I do have.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Dracula.1709


Something that has kept me from playing GW2 over the last year has been the removal of non-permanent content. I work 70-80 hour weeks so it often is difficult to finish content for the rewards. Missing the rewards and achievement points sucks. Will this be a part of Heart of Thorns? Like a ‘launch only event’? Stuff like that.

So these hang-gliders huh?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Dracula.1709


I hope it is similar to ArcheAge but I doubt it will be.

Specializations to Make Support Integral?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Dracula.1709


I found what you wrote contradictory. First off I agree that ‘support builds’ should be more integral to a group fight. That said I don’t see how they can become integral without being necessary. I would argue they should be necessary for some challenges/dungeons/bosses/WvW. It’s silly to me that since GW2 has come out it is still much (almost entirely) a DPS game. There are some exceptions but they’re obvious and few. Such as with arena play.

So how many Revenants...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Dracula.1709


…are going to be running around Divinity’s Reach when the expansion launches? lol

The expansion is coming out in a month?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Dracula.1709


A friend of mine just told me that but I can’t confirm it. Is that accurate?

Bloodhaven [BH] "Old-school gaming."

in Looking for...

Posted by: Dracula.1709


Bloodhaven is a guild on Tarnished Coast started by players mostly in their 30s or older. Some of us have been playing MMOs since they started existing. We’re a new guild and our charter is simple: You, as a prospective new member, must have more interest in comraderie rather than personal gain. We’re non-rush players. We believe speed comes from knowledge not DPS stacking. We like to educate we like to play together. We like to bullkitten and we just generally like to have a good time. Your attitude and open-mindedness is more important than your skill as a player. Skill can improve but attitudes often don’t.

So, with that in mind if Bloodhaven sounds like the kind of guild you’d be interested in joining. Maybe you’d like to meet the people involved. We aim to be a guild large enough for guild quests but small enough to know each old and new member alike.

Contact me in game and feel free to ask questions or have a conversation. My handle is Dracula.1709. Or look for my characters: Armand Von Draeka, Vinnlander and Valdus Vuk.

Thanks for reading this. Good journey.

(edited by Dracula.1709)

Game screen freezes.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dracula.1709


Yeah, completely unplayable. I’ve tried many things to fix this. Tested external monitor: same problem. Tested other games on high settings: No problem.

About three days ago I was having connection issues where the game kept kicking me to the character select screen while in any dungeon. To fix that I reset my router. Now this. No word from ANet.

Game screen freezes.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dracula.1709


Now, I do recognize there have been other posts made about this issue (or similar thereof) in the past but none that I have seen that are recent (within the last month). Or that have a working solution.

I’ve been playing GW2 since beta and I’ve never had this problem until now. The symptom is simple: My game screen freezes. Every other function seems to operate during the screen freeze. It freezes within a few minutes of gameplay but usually only when there are a lot of players or action on screen. Again this is a recent problem: As recent as this morning. Never had the problem before hand. At first the mouse cursor was also freezing but after setting Frames from unlimited to 60fps I could again use the mouse cursor even during the screen freeze.

I monitor my GPU and CPU temperatures. The CPU goes from 48C to 61/63C under heavy load/action in game. These temperatures I’ve had since nearly the game came out and they have never caused a problem before.

I want to say this is a driver problem but reverting to old drivers did nothing. I’ve also Defragged. My drivers are kept up to date. The one exception being the motherboard. I only update the motherboard as needed (is it needed?).

Looking for suggestions. I’ve exhausted suggestions written here on this forum and on Guru. Along with other sources. Hoping I can resolve the problem with a little help.

Using free program called Speccy
Specs (idle):

Operating System
Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit SP1
Intel Core i7 3610QM @ 2.30GHz 46 °C
Ivy Bridge 22nm Technology
16.0GB Dual-Channel DDR3 @ 798MHz (11-11-11-28)
2330V (1920×1080@60Hz)
3072MB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 670M (ASUStek Computer Inc) 49 °C
Hard Drives
699GB Seagate ST9750420AS (SATA) 40 °C
238GB M4-CT256M4SSD2 (SSD)
Optical Drives
NVIDIA High Definition Audio
Operating System
Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit SP1
Computer type: Notebook
Installation Date: 8/5/2012 6:06:14 AM
Serial Number:
Windows Security Center
User Account Control (UAC) Disabled
Firewall Enabled
Windows Update
AutoUpdate Download Automatically and Install at Set Scheduled time
Schedule Frequency Every Day
Schedule Time 3:00 AM
Windows Defender
Windows Defender Disabled
Antivirus Enabled
Company Name Microsoft
Display Name Microsoft Security Essentials
Product Version
Virus Signature Database Up to date
.NET Frameworks installed
v4.0 Full
v4.0 Client
v3.5 SP1
v3.0 SP2
v2.0 SP2

GPU spec
Name 2330V on NVIDIA GeForce GTX 670M
Current Resolution 1920×1080 pixels
Work Resolution 1920×1032 pixels
State Enabled, Primary, Output devices support
Monitor Width 1920
Monitor Height 1080
Monitor BPP 32 bits per pixel
Monitor Frequency 60 Hz
Device \\.\DISPLAY1\Monitor0
Manufacturer NVIDIA
Model GeForce GTX 670M
Device ID 10DE-1213
Revision A2
Subvendor ASUStek Computer Inc (1043)
Current Performance Level Level 3
Current GPU Clock 620 MHz
Current Memory Clock 1500 MHz
Current Shader Clock 1240 MHz
Voltage 0.900 V
Bus Interface PCI Express x16
Temperature 53 °C
Driver version
BIOS Version
Memory 3072 MB
Count of performance levels : 3
Level 1 – “Default”
GPU Clock 50 MHz
Memory Clock 135 MHz
Shader Clock 101 MHz
Level 2 – “2D Desktop”
GPU Clock 73 MHz
Memory Clock 324 MHz
Shader Clock 147 MHz
Level 3 – “3D Applications”
GPU Clock 620 MHz
Memory Clock 1500 MHz
Shader Clock 1240 MHz

In my opinion GW2 is turning into a C rated platformer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dracula.1709


I don’t know your opinion, but it seems that GW2 turns into a platform game with the lately content. That wouldn’t be a problem, but I am sorry to say, GW2 platform jumping is one of the crappiest if not the ultimate crap regarding jumping platformers on the game market today or in recent gaming history.

I really REALLY didn’t want to agree with you but I must if I’m going to be honest. The combat in GW2 is very solid but the movement is just like a kittened baby with a loaded diaper. On top of that: It’s usually encumbering. Like when you jump right next to a wall or other surface you don’t make a full height you get interupted. It’s stupendously annoying and for some reason I’ve been putting up with since headstart.

Am I alone or...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dracula.1709


…are there other players who just absolutely, positively HATE Sanctum Sprint?


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dracula.1709


Does ANet have any plans to please add past Live Event rewards up for sale ingame? Whether it’s for gems, Laurels, Commendations or gold: whatever. I’m sadly one of the players who missed a lot of the recent content. Pretty much everything from SAB to now.

This isn’t a self pity plea. I’m just hoping I can get my hands on a dragon helm skin sooner then say a year from now.

Thanks for reading.

Being picky... (Tarnished Coast)

in Guilds

Posted by: Dracula.1709


Thank you, Fire Opal. I will try to contact you in-game.


Being picky... (Tarnished Coast)

in Guilds

Posted by: Dracula.1709


Some friends and I are looking for a large PVE (or PVX is fine as we love pvp/wvw) guild that is active between 3pm – 10pm CST. Does NOT use Mumble and is very active with dungeons and especially Guild Events. We haven’t been able to get any Guild Events done and we’re looking for some mature players who are good company and want to make some new buds.

Please contact me in game on Tarnished Coast as Vinnlander. We’re looking for invites from Tarnished Coast only.

Looking for a Guild. (Crystal Desert)

in Guilds

Posted by: Dracula.1709


So after the mass exodus to TC that it seems a lot of players are joining I’m curious to see who is still around.

I’m looking for a nice PVX guild. Mature crowd. Active and with NO website application process. If you want to run a few dungeons with me or have me along in WvW I’m down. Size me up I’m all for that but please don’t make me give out personal information to do it.

I love Guild Wars 2. It’s my new favorite hobby. I’m happy playing any aspect of it. I’m comfortable with leading, I enjoy following good leaders and I always play for fun: Never for sport.

Contact me in game.


Break out event

in WvW

Posted by: Dracula.1709


Breakout needs to go. Bad idea just like Orbs.

NEED a Warrior Build that makes me think!

in Warrior

Posted by: Dracula.1709


Most of the untapped (and greatly misunderstood) Warrior strength lies in weapon swapping. Tool around with Discipline traits. Discover which weapon sets work well for you when you swap between them. A build you rarely see support for is an equal parts damage/condition build. It can be done and it can be very affective. It just requires a fast, intelligent player. With respect to some I’d say most players aren’t looking for a challenge they’re looking for a stat dump. Which will only make you common and predictable. The nicest thing about the combat in GW2 is that the smarter warrior usually wins.

2 Blades vs GS

in Warrior

Posted by: Dracula.1709


A mix between direct damage and condition damage is not a waste. It may even represent a way for ANet to combat the 25 stack of Condition Damage complaint without editing the stack total.

Dual Axe Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Dracula.1709


Whirling Axe damage isn’t the main reason I use it for , but for building adrenaline and switching to the bow to do it’s burst.

This is very intelligent and an underused combo. I don’t usually elaborate/post (because of so much ignorance on the net) but I will in this case.

Lately I run my 0, 10, 0, 30, 30 build. it’s Axe/Axe with Longbow. I make up for having no trait Toughness by wearing Clerics armor with Runes of the Soldier. Timed weapon switching and a constant juicing of Adrenaline from certain traits allow for very fast burst mixed with good healing and Cond. removal. It’s very affective everywhere in the game.

There are many useful ways to use Axe 5. I often feel it is only shunned because so many people playing MMOs jump on build bandwagons. You can see it everywhere on any forum, ‘math wizards’ who always base their argument on a maximized output. In my experience your personal output in GW2 is more fun and of larger benefit when you spread your stats properly.

Flashing Textures?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dracula.1709


No, it’s a 60hz LCD 2ms AOC monitor. Its about 5 years old.

The Reckless Healer

in Warrior

Posted by: Dracula.1709


First a preface: I have a lot of fun playing my Warrior and experimenting all the time with builds that suit my mood. Therefore, the build presented herein is designed to suit the player of a similar mood. This build would likely best suit the player who wants an aggressive warrior but one that isn’t a glass-cannon and has good sustainability/support. Should it mimic the build of another I am pleased but by no means was my endeavor to upstage. Please criticize, praise or suggest. Thank you.

Here is a look at the statistics of this build:

Playing your warrior this way is a lot of fun. I have found this build most affective in PvE and WvW. I haven’t tried it yet in SPvP but my hunch is that it will only fair moderately poor to moderately well.


I use Clerics armor with Superior Runes of the Soldier. Jewelry I change out often based on my area. I might throw in some ‘crit’ jewelry for open world, healing for Dungeons or WvW etc.. On my axes I like to use Superior Sigils of Strength/Bloodlust but really Sigils don’t seem to matter much in a build and so really any sigil works with this build.


*Great team support with shout healing and condition removal (Supp. Rune of the Soldier)
*Constant Bursting. 90% or more of the time your Eviscerate is ready to go. The speedy player wins here.
*Moderately high to high DPS. Lots of AoE to boot.
*Permanent Fury and Vulnerability application.
*Moderately high to high solo success.
*Axe is fun: Period. It’s fast, sexy and each hit is aesthetically satisfying.


*Low crit-chance. (see below)
*Incoming damage will spike with slow swinging power-hitters. Mostly during boss fights.

Additional comments:

A fairly low Critical Chance will only look bad on paper. In play I have found that I ‘crit’ quite often with 39-40% Critical Chance (which is the lowest you can possibly have but will always be present with this build). Because there is so much AoE and speed in this build your eyes will fool you to believing you’re landing critical hits more often then dry ones. Certainly, the output is still there and that’s what matters.

I have found that carrying a shield and ranged weapon for swapping is ideal for moments when you need to change it up. At least, that’s how I like to play (especially in dungeons with a bad pug). The nice thing about this build is that it also offers some easy change-ups with weapon and traits that allow you to instantly modify your output. Like easily adding in a Warhorn or extra range for your Longbow when you’re defending/sieging a structure in WvW.

I don’t want to to be too winded so I will close with saying this: My play style is usually aggressive but I hate glass cannons. I enjoy the feeling of being not only a threat to my opponents but a valuable support to my allies. I like to play fast (usually) and require some sense of sustainability while doing so. This is my first time posting a build. If you already play this way or bother to try playing this build let me know how it goes.


This is the third time...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dracula.1709


Also, to make this more clear. In events in the past where I arrived late (say for The Shatterer or Claw of Jormag) the chests still spawned on my screen I just didn’t have access to them.

In the cases mentioned above I had Gold medal participation and there was nothing on my screen. Though I could see other players going to the area where the chests should be and likely they were getting their loot.

I’ve mentioned in map chat before and by account have received responses from other players who experienced the same problem. I’ve also bug reported once or twice.

Going back to the beginning of the game this used to happen right after beta but then wasn’t a problem anymore. It started happening again sometime after Wintersday was patched.

Flashing Textures?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dracula.1709


I tried the Windowed Fullscreen mode and it did not fix the problem.

This problem showed up sometime after the second to last Nvidia driver patch. Although, in that time there were several game patches as well. Probably a lot more then several.

For me usually happens on roots. For example, the large root structures near the Arah dungeon that hold up the Pact defense wall. They’re bleach white or flash to white when I look directly at or pan my camera.

This is the third time...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dracula.1709


Gold. In all cases.

This is the third time...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dracula.1709


Twice with Lyssa and once with Grenth the event chests do not spawn for me at the end. In all three cases I was with the entire event chain right from its infancy to its conclusion. All three times I never received a chest after the final stage.

This did not occur in order. Rather, it was over a period of four days.

Known bug? Please fix?

Flashing Textures?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dracula.1709


I have the same problem with the last 3 driver updates. Glad I found this thread and I’m not alone. Any info on a fix from Nvidia/Anet or if either party is at least aware?

Dungeon Guild - The Forgotten Troop [TFT]

in Guilds

Posted by: Dracula.1709


Hey, Greekman. Contact me in game if you would. Vinnlander is my characters name.

Dark Powers (Crystal Desert)

in Guilds

Posted by: Dracula.1709


Dark Powers is a guild focused on Dungeons and PVX. We support all our members interests but dungeons is our focus.

We are a newer guild still building our ranks. Dark Powers was founded by a group of gaming friends. We’re in search of players who enjoy mature company, communicate well and are willing to put the group before themselves.

We enjoy helping each other out and gaming together.

If this sounds like your kind of crowd we invite you to join us. Please contact Vinnlander while in game (Whisper or mail).

Thank you and good journey.

Dark Powers [DP] on Crystal Desert Dun/PVX

in Guilds

Posted by: Dracula.1709



Bloodhaven has merged with Dark Powers. Everything above stays the same, except for the name. Recruitment is still open.

Dark Powers [DP] on Crystal Desert Dun/PVX

in Guilds

Posted by: Dracula.1709


Dark Powers is a new guild started by friends who play games. We’re in our 30s. We seek to build a guild of like-minded players who enjoy playing all aspects of GW2 but want to focus on Dungeons. Is it what you want?

Our goals:

  • Setup daily dungeon runs. Hopefully with a sound schedule CST afternoons/evenings to start. (this includes Fractals and all instanced PVE)
  • Provide leadership and attract leaders.
  • Create a hub for meeting others.
  • Camaraderie.

Our charter:

  • Respect toward one another as guildfellows but also to strangers.
  • No lying, cheating or scamming
  • Adult maturity
  • Speak English (bad or good doesn’t matter)

Our aspirations:
Eventually (if the guild is a success) I’d like to branch over into focusing on other forms of gameplay, namely SPVP/TPVP/WvW. I myself mix in a lot of PVP play but that’s because I’ve been playing alone for a while now. The focus of Bloodhaven is dungeons but we aim to support every members need or desire.

Our contacts:
Please send letter in-game to Vinnlander. Or, contact me directly through a whisper using the same name. I do like to talk with new members or those interested to get an idea of the kind of person you are. We’re much more interested in attitude than in skill level of play. After all, stupidity can be fixed but ignorance can not. I think its especially important that even the most skilled player should be open to new ideas.

I absolutely encourage all question asking. Please, if you have any questions post them here (it will keep the post bumped) or as stated above contact me, Vinnlander.

In closing I’d like to say thank you for taking the time to read this. All players from any server are welcome provided the above ledger meets your criteria. Give us a shot and a chance. I think Dark Powers will be something great for all of us.

Good journey,

(edited by Dracula.1709)

The Keep [KEEP]. (Crystal Desert, but..)

in Guilds

Posted by: Dracula.1709


Hi there strangers. I’m just a 30+ gamer looking for folks that want mature company while they dungeoneer, PVP or idle. I’ve been through a few guilds now on GW2. I gave them all a fair chance but none of them jived with me. I’ve got a 15man TeamSpeak3 server and I’ve been playing MMOs a long time. I used to lead both large and small guilds and now I’m looking to run a small guild again. A nice place where we can just have good times.

There is no special recruitment fill out. Just strike up a conversation with me while I’m playing in game as Vinnlander. Or, shoot me a letter. You can of course respond here as well. I read both my posts and my messages.

I play on Crystal Desert but it doesn’t matter what server you’re from to me. Of course, if you’re not from CD we wont be able to WvW together but we can still do dungeons and other PVE. I personally am located in Chicago and so play during most afternoon and evening hours CST.

Take care and good journey. Hope to see you around.

Guild Wars 2 Random Daily Screenshots

in Community Creations

Posted by: Dracula.1709


Don’t touch One-Eyed Willie’s treasure!


What weapon has most synergy with Warhorn?

in Warrior

Posted by: Dracula.1709


In PVE it wont matter but in WvW and SPvP I prefer 1H Sword. Condition damage isn’t mitigated and unless you’re in a premade you’re gonna have a very difficult time staying on target with Axe. Axe is only great if you can land the hits. With Sword you can drop heavy bleeds at a moderately quick pace. Plus, if you choose to offhand a sword you can apply heavy bleeding from a defensive reposte or a ranged throw. Throw in Call Owl and your opponent will begin to really feel the pressure. It will usually throw off even the most aggressive opponent.

But with Warhorn I prefer Sword. Relying on fast crits with Axe only works on slow or stupid players.

My Attempt at GS/Shout Regen, viable?

in Warrior

Posted by: Dracula.1709


I found Frenzy to be very counter-productive in most builds. It works only with spiking. If you’re with a team that sets you up well to spike than sure Frenzy will seem king. If you have to survive by your own grit I find it useless and really dangerous. I have fought other warriors that I could tell were counting on their Frenzy->Bulls Charge->HO to take me out and when I countered it they were done. Sometimes even seemingly shocked.

Fun Screenshots

in Community Creations

Posted by: Dracula.1709


My Guild Wars 2 Photo Album

in Community Creations

Posted by: Dracula.1709


It’s about 575 images and I’m always taking more. I haven’t really cleaned it up so some images might be lame or ‘washed-out’. Anyway, it’s just a catalog of vistas and other random moments. It will eventually have all vistas once I complete the map but I’m taking my time.

Fated Norn (poem)

in Community Creations

Posted by: Dracula.1709


No one these days likes poetry but I do. So here’s a sonnet.

Fated Norn

If wolf by paw and snow by storm
Constructs the spirit of all life,
Then out with memory, meekness and form:
Bring blood and mead and busty of wife!

Pound down the drums of vengeance, of yore!
Cull angels of dark and demons of light.
Bite hard as the bear and charge with a roar!
Meld steel with bone in a mountain of might.

As raven flies so home hearth dies
Lest every eye in sanity shut.
And as shadows crawl let leopard spies
Fold nails of justice in evil’s gut.

Gamble as the wind and leap from every peak.
For in the spider’s web there is vacance for the weak.

Dungeon 5 Signet

in Warrior

Posted by: Dracula.1709


I survive perfectly well with my Sword/Warhorn build. Use healing signet, adrenaline regen from Defense tree and a regen food. That’s 3 regens on you at all times. Then, I have my shouts healing and if you want you can even throw in a healing banner instead of one of the shouts. The banner you can pickup use and then drop very easily too. My guy ‘tanks’ all the time.

How Does Vengeance Work?

in Warrior

Posted by: Dracula.1709


Sweet Vengeance is HIGHLY underutilized. I can think of many times where a properly traited ‘Vengeance Warrior’ could have raised from the dead and won the battle.

Condition damage build in Dungeons?

in Warrior

Posted by: Dracula.1709


I run a Condition build for dungeons that has me around 13-16 stacks if no one else is landing bleeds in the party. If you’ve got like two other Necros and you’re a CD build then you’re losing out on usefulness. Hopefully at that point you’re at least staying alive. Certainly never make a CD glass cannon. I find that to be the worse type of build on a warrior.

Hammer vs Mace/Shield

in Warrior

Posted by: Dracula.1709


I prefer Hammer in SPVP/WvW. I normally run a 1h Sword build though for both. But I still go back to Hammer now and then just for the sheer fun of it. Mace and Shield is great for guarding a control point or holding a line. It sucks for line-breaking or chasing. It’s also mostly useless in a group battle: You’re only saving yourself.

Warrior Sword Ability 3: Hamstring, increase range

in Warrior

Posted by: Dracula.1709


I would agree that #4 needs a longer throw. It would make it a far more useful pierce-like ranged ability.

Personally, I stopped using Sword off-hand. It was too weak and there are not cooldown timers for sword to make up for it. Sword mainhand, however, I still feel is strong. It’s my main build these days. If I’m running a Condition build, as I am atm.

The Illusion of Hundred Blades.

in Warrior

Posted by: Dracula.1709


Well, I’ve done my own testing of HB and in the cast time recorded, if all hits land, the damage is higher than if I simply used auto-attack. There is also the fact that it has some CC built in if its used properly. The sword swings are also faster than an auto-attack swing so any runes that fire on a percentile chance are firing faster. That should also be considered. It’s somewhere in the ballpark of 1.2-1.5 seconds faster of a swing. Now, in only one test at that minute a measurement the results might appear less than but over the course of a full 30 second or even 60+ second battle (assuming fair 1v1 conditions) you’d be doing less damage by never using it. Provided every time you did use it every hit landed. In fact, if I recall I calculated that its only worth using HB if you can get 7 of the 8 hits. So that’s why I personally stopped using it. For WvW and SPVP that was too difficult a situation to control or hope for. But, as I said, it doesn’t make the skill useless. Just hippy to organize, as my dad used to say.

I’m not sure why you get less damage and I didn’t.