Showing Posts For Drakeonfire.1569:

LFG Tool showing incorrect information

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Drakeonfire.1569



When using the Looking For Group (LFG) tool, I have noticed you have added flags next to the group (in some cases) to indicate what language? that group speaks. However I have noticed a slight mistake.

The American flag is used for “English” groups which would largely be correct if we were all from America using the LFG tool. I think it would be more correct to use the English British flag for those hailing from the EU servers.

Just my two cents pennies.

The Sheet Music Collection

in Community Creations

Posted by: Drakeonfire.1569


A request if possible – “Only Time” by Enya (song for the volvo advert with Jean Claude Van Damme)?

A request / idea

in WvW

Posted by: Drakeonfire.1569


Where’s the marriage suggestion? At the top of the To Do list?

@Roe – definitely in top tier as I’m in it.

A request / idea

in WvW

Posted by: Drakeonfire.1569


Recently, I’ve been enjoying running simulator 2012 WvW a lot but I do find that sometimes… Okay, a lot of the time, there’s downtime where you’re just running between point A and B.

I know there’s no real way around this without:

A) Adding Waypoints – this idea kinda sucks as it means it’s easier to defend places against strategical moves.

B) Add mounts in to the game – again, not keen on this idea. Lots of other MMOs have mounts but I think it’s just stupid (Unless as an Asuran, I can get a Norn as a mount. That’d be awesome).

The only way I can see this issue being resolved is:

C) Add segways. They aren’t quite mounts, but they’d be mega awesome and I think it would be well worth it. Even if it’s like 800 gems, I’d buy a swagway segway.

What do you think?

Devvy don't nerf me, don't nerf me no more.

in Community Creations

Posted by: Drakeonfire.1569


A little song parody of “What is love?” (

I would love any suggestions on how to improve it! I was bored, so most of it sucks :p

What is fair?
Devvy, don’t nerf me
Don’t nerf me no more

Devvy, don’t nerf me
Don’t nerf me no more

What is fair?

Yeah, yeah

(Ooh, ooh)

I don’t know why you’re not fair.
I give you my gems, but you don’t care
So what is twilight?
And what is norn?
Gimme a might

What is fair?
Devvy, don’t nerf me
Don’t nerf me no more

(Moa, moa, moa, moa, oh-moa, moa, ohh, ooh)
(Moa, moa, moa, moa, oh-moa, moa, ohh, ooh)

Oh, I don’t know, what can I do?
What else can I say, it’s up to you
I know we’re OP
Just engineer
I can’t go on

What is fair?
Devvy, don’t nerf me
Don’t nerf me no more

What is fair?
Devvy, don’t nerf me
Don’t nerf me no more

(Moa, moa, moa, moa, oh-moa, moa, ohh, ooh)
(Moa, moa, moa, moa, oh-moa, moa, ohh, ooh)

What is fair?

(Ooh, ooh, ooh)

What is fair?

(Ooh, ooh, ooh)

What is fair?
Devvy, don’t nerf me
Don’t nerf me no more

Don’t nerf me
Don’t nerf me

I want no other, no other class
This is our life, our time
When we are in leather, I’ll feed you never
Is it fair?

What is fair?
Devvy, don’t nerf me
Don’t nerf me no more

What is fair?
Devvy, don’t nerf me
Don’t nerf me no more


(Moa, moa, moa, moa, oh-moa, moa, ohh, ooh)
(Moa, moa, moa, moa, oh-moa, moa, ohh, ooh)

What is fair?
Devvy, don’t nerf me
Don’t nerf me no more

What is fair?
Devvy, don’t nerf me
Don’t nerf me no more

(Huh-huh, huh-huh)

Devvy, don’t nerf me
Don’t nerf me no more

(Huh-huh, huh-huh)

What is fair?
Devvy, don’t nerf me
Don’t nerf me no more

Downed Skill 2 - worst skill ingame?

in Engineer

Posted by: Drakeonfire.1569


At least we have an interrupt, (two if you count the 3rd) – some classes don’t even get one! They just have to hope the enemy is stupid not to know where they went lol.

Elementalist - Instant Revival from Down sPvP

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Drakeonfire.1569


@Pinkhoney – Yes, I do not understand the class enough to know how this is done, but I understand the game enough to know this is clearly something that shouldn’t be happening. We’re talking about less than 15 seconds between some of the down states, and as Tamashi has stated, their revival skill has a very long CD (making it impossible for it to be this alone).

I don’t think the player would be that enthusiastic to share details on a glitch they’ve found and are using.

In all my hours of playing sPvP, I have never ever seen anything go down, up, down, up etc as this guy did with no assistance from their team. He wasn’t even staying in the same spot which rules out any revival AoEs like those that engineers have.

Also for the fact it wasn’t just be noticing what this guy was doing – others had mentioned it in the map chat.

Also I don’t see how I can “correct” my own mistakes, as I was downing him easily enough, and he should of been dead after the 2nd down at the very least, as there’s no way he would of been able to get up from it that soon after the 1st.

Elementalist - Instant Revival from Down sPvP

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Drakeonfire.1569



I hot joined a sPvP game and was on the team of an elementalist (I won’t reveal their name, as people may contact them to find out this glitch). I noticed someone complaining about something in the map chat saying he was abusing some kind of bug with his elite skill, I have no idea about eles, so I had no idea if he was, but the match was quickly over.

Next map comes, I’m on the other team, I go to cap a point, get my butt kicked and retreat, straight into the path of this elementalist who is low on health and harassing a team mate. I pursue, down him, start to finish him, and he’s instantly up with 50%+ health. Okay … down him again, keep attacking, within seconds he appears to be back up again. This happened three times in total, until I got ganked by his team mates.

I tried to report this ingame but see no “Bug abuse” option. I apologise for the lack of information I can provide on this subject, but I really have no idea how he was doing it. There was no one nearby to res him (and his downed state health didn’t replenish, he literally goes from ~50% to back up in the blink of an eye).

I’ll try and do some investigation myself into what could of caused it but any other player input is greatly welcome.

Specific kit as "other" weapon

in Engineer

Posted by: Drakeonfire.1569


Hello all.

TL:DR = Allow the option to have a “specific” kit be defined as the “other” weapon, freeing up a single skill slot for something else. so I could swap between say rifle and bomb kit with the ` key.

I’ve been playing an engineer for nearly all of my GW2 gaming time, and I love it. Underpowered, Overpowered, who cares? I enjoy playing the class.

One thing, a tiny thing, that grates me a lot is that we have a very small selection of weapon choices. You’ll all know what these are ofcourse, but here’s the list:

- Rifle
- Pistol Pistol
- Pistol Shield

Okay cool – what’s the problem? Well we can only have one of these choices on our character. Okay … every other class has two weapon choices (except elementalists), but we do have those BEAUTIFUL KITS! Bomb, Grenade, Elixir, Wrench and what not.

Again – what’s the problem? We lose one skill slot because of our kit choice, I’d imagine most engineers run with at least 1 kit they use on and off with their main weapon, if not the majority of the time. Does this majorly disadvantage us in comparison to other classes? Probably not.

What I would love to see however – is a “choice” kit that we can choose to have as the weapon swap ability (`) – we have our main weapon, and a kit on the press of `. This allows us to still have 3 skills (none of which can be the choice kit, but can be another kit if you really want). It’s a small change, but I don’t feel it would “overpower” us on this change alone, it would simply open up a few more options for some builds, no longer are we penalised for choosing a kit where all other classes have two “kits” (weapons) anyway. Elementalists don’t have to worry because when they choose a weapon, they choose it because they like all 20 skills from their attunements!

Overall – the only thing it essentially does, is give us a third skill slot, like every other class has.

What does everyone else think? Good, bad, Engifever?

Missing chest for King Jalis's Refuge

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Drakeonfire.1569


I also did this JP the other day, veteran was there and door was closed until he died … but no chest after killing him.

Trouble sending gold to friend via mail

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Drakeonfire.1569


Is his mail box full? You can only have 10 mail at a time.

"Report" only?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Drakeonfire.1569


It’s because you are in WvW this happens, it’s to prevent people finding out who players on the other server/teams are. I agree it should not affect the people on your own server!

Guild Mission bugs (rush and tricksy)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Drakeonfire.1569


Tricksy the one in Blazeridge Steppes?

Also – if no one stayed to do the guild rush, it probably reset the event. I believe you need to wait until the timer ends (so you have to remain there while it does it).

But yeah – buggy guild missions make unhappy guilds.

Guild Trek Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Drakeonfire.1569


We had the same issue. All the trek points in Caledon Forest seem to not work for us (we attempted T3 5 times, the last 3 about 8 hours after the first two).

This is extremely annoying, it has wasted nearly 2 hours of time for each guild member that participated, and also a waste of influence. This issue seems to have been around for a while – why hasn’t it been fixed? The bountys bug out too.