Showing Posts For Elenire.7306:

Stuck Loading Bitterfrost

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Elenire.7306


Stuck on the loading screen for Bitterfrost Frontier, eventually kicks me out telling me servers cannot be reached.

Can zone in to other maps just fine.


Elenire Manyshot – Dragonbrand Ranger
Band of Exiles [BoE]

Balance Patch of May 16

in Ranger

Posted by: Elenire.7306


Strider’s Defense: This trait no longer has a chance to destroy projectiles on melee attack. It has gained new functionality: when you evade an attack, gain quickness for 3 seconds.

This could be kinda fun with greatsword evade auto-attack. Don’t think it will be very effective though.

Elenire Manyshot – Dragonbrand Ranger
Band of Exiles [BoE]

Official Skill Balance Thread: 22 February Update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elenire.7306


Any consideration to prioritize ranger pets for boons and other buffs? For instance in a full party ranger pets do not receive benefits from boons and abilities like spotter and frost spirit.

Yes we have fortifying bond but that should be baseline and not a trait.

Elenire Manyshot – Dragonbrand Ranger
Band of Exiles [BoE]

Bristleback Nerf

in Ranger

Posted by: Elenire.7306


I think it’s even more lazy they nerfed the damage rather then correcting the amount of shots. AFAIK the tool tip still says 15 shots but it’s actually 20. Although I think the damage nerf is = to less shots anyways.

Elenire Manyshot – Dragonbrand Ranger
Band of Exiles [BoE]

Unaceptable pet location behind a 2h event

in Ranger

Posted by: Elenire.7306


The problem is not 1 time for 3 hours, it’s multiple times for 3 hours, only to more than likely fail in the end. Even after you succeed, you have a VERY limited amount of time to find 2 pets before you’re booted back to the beginning.

Also, and I might be mistaken, there’s a limited number of juveniles to tame? When I tamed my smokescale it actually de-popped it from the map and there were only 2 others there to be tamed, no idea if that means only X amount are tamable at a time though.

I totally agree though having two pets (really any of the pets) behind completing some meta events is just silly. No other class has a key component of their mechanics locked away. By all means make us explore for them like we had to in vanilla but do not put them behind the meta events, only available at certain times for a limited time.

That’s not fun, that’s tedious.

Elenire Manyshot – Dragonbrand Ranger
Band of Exiles [BoE]

Pet AI and Hit Box

in Ranger

Posted by: Elenire.7306


Interesting note on Pet AI and their ability to hit moving targets:

Elenire Manyshot – Dragonbrand Ranger
Band of Exiles [BoE]

Beta Weekend Druid Feedback Thread

in Ranger

Posted by: Elenire.7306


I played the druid a bit over the weekend and wasn’t terribly impressed. It’s shoe horned into one role, healing. It doesn’t damage, doesn’t condi, just heals. While it was great at healing it seemed to struggle at clearing condis, especially on allies, but they could have just been me.

Shoehorning it into just healing makes it feel like a new profession rather than an elite specialization.

If ArenaNet felt raids or future content needed a dedicated healer they should have made an entire profession to do just that, not slapping an elite on a class that it simply has no synergy with.

Elenire Manyshot – Dragonbrand Ranger
Band of Exiles [BoE]


in Ranger

Posted by: Elenire.7306


I really want to see torment somewhere on Shortbow, whether applied by the ranger or our pets.

Maybe, skill 1 inflict bleed no matter position but if you hit from behind or side it also inflict torment. Or convert skill 4 to inflict torment rather than bleed.

I think Skill 2 needs to stay as some sort of AoE, although I’m not a huge fan of the cone, otherwise the weapon has zero AoE ability.

Elenire Manyshot – Dragonbrand Ranger
Band of Exiles [BoE]

Scrapper Gyro Vs. Spirits

in Ranger

Posted by: Elenire.7306


What does everything think on the scrapper gryos compared to ranger spirits?

Elenire Manyshot – Dragonbrand Ranger
Band of Exiles [BoE]

GW2 Headphones

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elenire.7306

Elenire.7306 has the Steel Series Guild Wars 2 branded headphones on sale for U.S. $12.99.

Just passing along in case anyone was interested:

Elenire Manyshot – Dragonbrand Ranger
Band of Exiles [BoE]

What's the most expensive thing you've found?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elenire.7306


Tooth of Frostfang from a sentry in WvW, sold it for around 850-900 gold.

Elenire Manyshot – Dragonbrand Ranger
Band of Exiles [BoE]

Kodash keep party!

in WvW

Posted by: Elenire.7306


Seems like this would be a good time to find out what the map cap actually is.

Elenire Manyshot – Dragonbrand Ranger
Band of Exiles [BoE]

WvW Lag March 2015

in WvW

Posted by: Elenire.7306


Dragonbrand here, in Blue Borderland, getting about 1-2 second skill lag.


Getting about 200-300 msec ping time.

Haven’t read the whole thread but if you’ve got load balancers in front of your servers might want to check those, in my experience they can get finicky.

Or check your BGP announcements to your upstreams and/or your BGP load balancing.

Or maybe A-Net/NC SOFT can get direct peering agreements with the major consumer ISPs in the US, like AT&T Comcast, Time Warner and Cox? Or at the very least AT&T and Cogent?

Elenire Manyshot – Dragonbrand Ranger
Band of Exiles [BoE]

Stun Build - Stacking Damage

in Ranger

Posted by: Elenire.7306


PBS knockback may make it hard to chain Hilt Bash, although as OP said Swoop > Hilt Bash.

But still if you’re chain-stunning someone I think you want to keep them close.

Elenire Manyshot – Dragonbrand Ranger
Band of Exiles [BoE]


in Ranger

Posted by: Elenire.7306


When I pull the moas out they are known as “Lawn Moa”

Elenire Manyshot – Dragonbrand Ranger
Band of Exiles [BoE]

Ranger Pet Name Bug

in Ranger

Posted by: Elenire.7306


Not a bug but a design limitation, post from a couple of years ago, I can’t find the original dev one however.

TLDR: Technical limitation caused but not having a dedicated name database for pets.

Elenire Manyshot – Dragonbrand Ranger
Band of Exiles [BoE]

Commander Compendium : WvW Combat and Tactics

in WvW

Posted by: Elenire.7306


An interesting read to be sure but no ranger section in the class roles. Ignorance of the class or bias towards it’s usefulness in WvW or just an oversight?

Elenire Manyshot – Dragonbrand Ranger
Band of Exiles [BoE]

finally got a pre

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elenire.7306


I got one the other day, Tooth of Frostfang. Came from a Veteran Guard in WvWvW, I didn’t notice it will I was clearing out my bags before I logged out.

Think my playtime is about 1600-1700 hours.

Not sure what I’ll do with it, I main a ranger and use Sword/Axe/Longbow so might just go ahead and make it.

Elenire Manyshot – Dragonbrand Ranger
Band of Exiles [BoE]

Your personal favorite & least favorite class

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elenire.7306


Favorite: Ranger. I’ve spent the most time on this class and I play rangers in any MMO/RPG game. Love traps or pew pew for WvWvW roaming.

Second: Warrior and Guardian, both are fun to play, no matter what I do I don’t seem to die on the guardian.

Last: Engineer, just can’t get into it for some reason,.

Elenire Manyshot – Dragonbrand Ranger
Band of Exiles [BoE]

Best Pet Name Ever

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elenire.7306


I rarely use them but I name my Moas “Lawn Moa”.

Elenire Manyshot – Dragonbrand Ranger
Band of Exiles [BoE]

The King and Queen's Horrorween 2014

in In-game Events

Posted by: Elenire.7306


I’ll take 220 if it’s open.
Character name: Elenire Manyshot

Elenire Manyshot – Dragonbrand Ranger
Band of Exiles [BoE]

Stop these DDOS already!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elenire.7306


I wonder if GW2/ANET/NCSOFT uses a service like CloudFlare to help mitigate these?

Elenire Manyshot – Dragonbrand Ranger
Band of Exiles [BoE]

Combat Log Updates

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elenire.7306


Haven’t seen this posted but apparently as part of the feature pack the combat log is getting some love:

From the links above:

The combat log will receive a major overhaul in its design and functionality. 1
Instead of being just toggled on/off, the channel can be further configured to show the following action separately:
Incoming Buff Damage
Incoming Healing
Incoming Damage
Incoming Interrupts
Incoming Mitigated Damage
Outgoing Buff Damage
Outgoing Healing
Outgoing Damage
Outgoing Interrupts
Outgoing Mitigated Damage
Critical hits are separately labeled
Damage numbers will be shown in different colors: Green for healing, orange for damage, red for critical damage, purple for condition damage
Player skills are displayed as chat links and provide more information on hover.
Ranger pets, necromancer minions and other summoned allies show up in the log but for now appear as if the player does the damage2.

So lots more useful info coming in the combat log.

Elenire Manyshot – Dragonbrand Ranger
Band of Exiles [BoE]

Read The Wind - Positive Feedback

in Ranger

Posted by: Elenire.7306


Yet we still have Rangers who are not satisfied with Ranger changes. Try running RTW with Quickening Zephyr when you open up from 1800 units away, its hilarious.

Is that also with Eagle Eye trait? I recall reading RTW is also increasing the range of LB attacks, if that is true I would assume that’s unintentional (bug) and will get patched.

Elenire Manyshot – Dragonbrand Ranger
Band of Exiles [BoE]

Thoughts on Read The Wind?

in Ranger

Posted by: Elenire.7306


Meh I think it’s ok but certainly not worth a grandmaster. It feels like we’re being forced to use a trait to overcome base mechanics. The arrow speed should be increased as a bug/QoL fix NOT a grandmaster trait.

Still way too many LB traits in the Marksmanship line. Needs to be some condensing for sure.

Elenire Manyshot – Dragonbrand Ranger
Band of Exiles [BoE]

Vote for the Profession Collaborative Development

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Elenire.7306


1. Ranger
2. Necromancer
3. Thief

Elenire Manyshot – Dragonbrand Ranger
Band of Exiles [BoE]

Why Taimi Is Very Fishy

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Elenire.7306


She reminds me of Cait SIth from FF7. As such I expect her to betray us.

Elenire Manyshot – Dragonbrand Ranger
Band of Exiles [BoE]

So much Ranger Hate.... Just sad....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elenire.7306


The ranger is fine if it is played by a skilled player. I’ve taken my ranger on marionette plenty of times and never once has anyone said anything derogatory to me, regardless of passing or failing a platform.

Run spotter, traited spirits (increased proc chance and spirits unbound) X/war horn or whatever weapon is appropriate for the situation. Keep the pet on passive when fighting champs and send them in when you can. Pets have to be swapped depending on the situation, for the marionette I run the jungle stalker and red moa to keep might/fury rolling for my group.

Not terribly difficult but you do have to “work” more than other classes.

Elenire Manyshot – Dragonbrand Ranger
Band of Exiles [BoE]

Ranger info from livestream

in Ranger

Posted by: Elenire.7306


They also mentioned looking at sword auto attack change possibly some changes coming there but likely not this update.

Elenire Manyshot – Dragonbrand Ranger
Band of Exiles [BoE]

(Balance) Developer Livestream on Friday at 2pm PST

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Elenire.7306


Just a guess. I would expect critical damage changes to be a nerf to the amount a crit hit actually does. For instance if a critical hit deals base 2x more damage perhaps the change is 1.5 more damage and then scaled up with critical damage stat. They could also just change how much critical damage % is needed to do increase the amount of critical damage dealt. If it is a 1:1 ratio now perhaps they are changing it to to 2:1 ratio.

Hope this made sense, I’m rather tired.

Elenire Manyshot – Dragonbrand Ranger
Band of Exiles [BoE]

Why do you play the class you play.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elenire.7306


1. Ranger, 80: Sylvari this is my main, has all my best skins and so on. Mostly pull him out for open world PvE and 3W zerging, occasionally I’ll roam in 3W as well with him. I’ve always played a ranger in MMOs all the walk back to my EQ1 days.

2. Guardian, 80: Norn, use her mostly in dungeons. Tons of survivability fun to play, recently started playing her in 3W, she feels very useful there

3. Thief, 80: Charr, don’t really play him, probably because I feel he is so squishy. I primarily use him to harvest T6 nodes in Orr.

4. Warrior, 80: Human slowly replacing my ranger main. Warriors are pretty fantastic in all areas of the game.

5. Elementalist, 80: Asura. Haven’t played him in a long time pulled him out the other day and forgot how fun it is. Dagger/dagger is such a blast to play and a Staff Elemntalist in 3W and dungeons is great support

6. Necromancer, 41: Human: Just leveling her up.

7. Engineer, 21: Sylvari, Used the level 20 experience scroll, haven’t played her much. Engineer seems like a complex class to play.

Haven’t rolled a mesmer yet, will one day.

Elenire Manyshot – Dragonbrand Ranger
Band of Exiles [BoE]

(edited by Elenire.7306)

December 10th Ranger changes

in Ranger

Posted by: Elenire.7306


I agree with many other posters. I like the evade on greatsword where it’s at. With counterattack and dodge we have plenty of “active” evasions. I don’t have any issue with passive evade being part of the autoattack. I do think it could use a small damage increase to the auto-attack, something in the 5-10% range and a blast finisher on maul would be amazing. I don’t understand why it doesn’t have one, seems a perfect skill to put it on.

Just a thought for 1H sword Serpent Strike skill. Currently it inflicts poison on the target what if this was changed to weakness? With all the complaints about the auto attack chain and the difficulty in dodging with it, using this skill to avoid damage and then inflict weakness may give us a little more sustain if used properly. Heck this could maybe be done on Dagger 4 rather than sword 3?

Elenire Manyshot – Dragonbrand Ranger
Band of Exiles [BoE]

December 10th Ranger changes

in Ranger

Posted by: Elenire.7306


Couple of quick thoughts.

General – Not too excited, some decent trait changes and tweaks to longbow but too many base mechanics of the class are either underpowered or broken therefore tweaking traits is just going to gloss over the real issues with the class.

Sword – As has been said sword is only melee 1 hand weapon and the dancing root is place is very annoying. I shouldn’t have to disable auto-attack and time attacks with dodges and so on for it to be effective. This either needs to be changed or an additional main hand melee weapon needs to be added.

Greatsword – Personally I like the evade. Greatsword is a defensive weapon with a small burst from maul. Of course I’d like to see an increase in damage on it. I suppose if you want to melee for high zerker like damage you have to use a sword but then with the aggravations sword brings people would rather increase greatsword to be more offensive. Fixing main hand sword or introducing a more appealing main hand melee weapon may quell this debate and potentially shift greatsword from defensive to offensive.

Axe – Needs a re-work. Damage is too low, aftercast is long, the target bouncing is interesting though. Either needs a damage increase with shorter aftercast or turn main hand axe into a melee weapon.

Skills – Only thing I want to offer here is Viper’s Nest. Could this be a combo field: poison or even dark perhaps?

Elenire Manyshot – Dragonbrand Ranger
Band of Exiles [BoE]

Ranger Game Update Notes - October 15, 2013

in Ranger

Posted by: Elenire.7306


Can you all clarify something for me:

All player-controlled minions, excluding mesmer phantasms and clones because they were already increased in a previous patch, now have 71.43% more hit points in PvE maps.

Does this indeed include ranger pets and they’re pets ant not really minions? Always thought there was a difference between pets and minions.

Elenire Manyshot – Dragonbrand Ranger
Band of Exiles [BoE]