Showing Highly Rated Posts By Embolism.8106:

Don't understand how Guns/Tanks fit in this game.

in Lore

Posted by: Embolism.8106


In real life, the primary reason guns replaced bows was not power, in fact for a long time bows were better weapons than guns. The reason guns replaced bows is because using guns require minimal training, while a good bowman requires years and years of training.

Low Blow Anet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Embolism.8106


I wish they did this as a hidden update and the boxes collapse the moment the boss starts AoEing.

Next update: Shatterer will now look to his right.

Before You Touch Condition Mesmers, Anet...

in Mesmer

Posted by: Embolism.8106


The following bugs must be fixed first.


1. The +Condition Duration stat does not affect Illusions.

This is particularly devastating in WvW, where people frequently eat -40% Condition Duration food which severely cripples Staff Clone damage (the 1s Burning is negated entirely), and since Illusions do not benefit from +Condition Duration you cannot negate this by eating +40% Condition Duration food.

This bug is also partially responsible for why Phantasmal Mage and Confusing Combatants are worthless: Master of Misdirection, and any +Condition Duration for that matter, have no effect on the Confusion they inflict.

+Boon Duration has the same problem, but that’s not directly relevant to Condition Mesmers.


2. Bleeding inflicted by Staff Clones’ Winds of Chaos lasts 5s, instead of 7s like the player’s Winds of Chaos.

Burning from Staff Clones deal more damage in one second than Bleeding deals in 5 seconds. That doesn’t make sense and given this inconsistency is highly unlikely to be a “balancing act”. Given how the tooltip on the player’s Winds of Chaos shows Bleeding to last for 5s when you take Chaotic Dampening, this is likely another case of Illusions being forgotten when the base skill was changed.


3. Illusionary Elasticity affects Trident Clones and Phantasmal Mage, but not Staff Clones.

Given that Illusionary Elasticity would double the output of Staff Clones I wonder if this was intended, but it is an undocumented inconsistency so I will assume it is a bug. One way or another though, if there is going to be inconsistencies in what traits affect then it should be documented.


4. Phantasmal Mage’s bounce logic is enemy-ally-ally-ally-…, instead of enemy-ally-enemy-ally-… like other bouncing attack-buffs.

Again I wonder if this is intended, though for what reason I cannot say… I think the Phantasmal Mage would actually be balanced if its bounce logic allows it to double-tap enemies. Again, more inconsistency than obvious bug.


5. Phantasmal Duelist is a 100% projectile finisher when you take Duelist’s Discipline.

As with 2., this looks like a case of a skill being changed without changing other skills based on it, in this case the Duelist’s Discipline version of Phantasmal Duelist. Allows Mesmers to get 8x Confusion through Ethereal Fields. Probably the only bug fix for Condition Mesmers that’s a nerf.


The most critical bug is of course 1. Before any balancing act is done to Condition Mesmers 1. absolutely must be fixed first because fixing it changes a lot. Please, fix this bug that has plagued Condition Mesmers since the beginning of Beta.

(edited by Embolism.8106)

Say NO to Pets! A Reimagining of Phantasms

in Mesmer

Posted by: Embolism.8106


Phantasms are a mess, and they’re dragging the entire profession down with them.

Why? Because they’re designed as DPS pets. Without having 3 Phantasms up Mesmer DPS plummets, yet they’re 1. incredibly fragile, especially to AoE and 2. destroyed by our two other profession mechanics, Clones and Shatter skills. The result is a profession full of contradictions and, frankly, not very well-designed.

So here’s my suggestion. Instead of Phantasms being DPS pets, make them better Clones. By this I mean two things:


  • Make Phantasm conjuring be a by-product of another skill.
  • Make Phantasms produce better Shatter effects than Clones.


The Chronomancer has taken a few steps in the right direction with Echo of Memory and Chronophantasma, but the Mesmer should not require an Elite specialisation (not to mention a GM trait) to not tear itself apart. The core functionality of Phantasms must be changed.

The Shatter effects I’m suggesting will only occur the first time a Phantasm is Shattered with Chronophantasma, to prevent obvious shenaningans.



Crippling Anguish0.75s CT, 20s CD, 1200 RNG, Whirl.
Send an illusionary greatsword whirling towards your target, damaging and Crippling foes in a line. Conjure a Phantasmal Berserker against your target which uses a whirling attack to damage and Cripple foes.

On Shatter: 240 AoE.
The Berserker Shatters into a storm of illusionary blades that constantly damages and inflicts Vulnerability to foes in the area.



Accumulated Pain30s CD, 1200 RNG.
Strike your target with a blast of chaotic energy, Tormenting and extending the duration of all conditions on them. Conjure a Phantasmal Warlock that deals extra damage for each unique condition.

On Shatter: 240 AoE, Ethereal.
The Warlock Shatters into a Chaos Storm that grants random boons to allies and inflicts random conditions to enemies.



Wastrel’s Worry0.5s CT, 25s CD, 600 RNG, Leap.
Leap at your target and stab them, dealing significant damage. Conjure a Phantasmal Swordsman that leaps at and stabs your foe. If target is not activating a skill, Wastrel’s Demise becomes temporarily available.

On Shatter:
You gain a stackable buff that makes your next attack Unblockable.

Wastrel’s Demise0.5s CT, 130 RNG, Leap.
Stab your foe and leap backwards, dealing significant damage. Conjure a Phantasmal Swordsman that leaps at and stabs your foe. If target is not activating a skill, Wastrel’s Worry’s CD is reduced.



Mirror of Disenchantment3s CT, 25s CD, 120 AoE, Whirl.
Create a shield around you that converts and reflects incoming projectiles into boon stripping bolts. You cannot move while channelling the shield. When the shield ends, conjure a Phantasmal Warden against your target that whirls and absorbs projectiles. Activate this skill again to end the shield early and conjure the Warden. (Warden’s Feedback allows reflected projectiles to retain their original effect as well as stripping boons.)

On Shatter: 240 AoE, Light.
The Warden Shatters into a dome of energy that absorbs projectiles.



Migraine1.5s CT, 20s CD, 1200 RNG, Projectile.
Fire a bullet that deals significant damage and inflicts Bleeding and Slow to the target. Conjure a Phantasmal Duelist that unloads its pistols into your foe.

On Shatter: 600 RNG, 1 BNC, Projectile.
Up to 5 ethereal bullets shoot out of the Shattered Duelist, bouncing between foes and inflicting Confusion. Each foe can initially only be targeted by one bullet.



Backfire0.75s CT, 20s CD, 1200 RNG, 4 BNC.
Throw an illusionary torch that bounces between foes, Confusing them. Conjure a Phantasmal Mage against your target that casts an ethereal burst to Confuse enemies in an area.

On Shatter: 240 AoE, Blast.
The Mage Shatters into a blasting fireball, Burning nearby enemies.



Echo of Memory2.25s CT, 30s CD, 900 RNG.
Block incoming attacks. Conjure a Phantasmal Avenger against your target when this skill ends, which throws an illusionary shield to Slow enemies and grant Alacrity to allies in an area. If an attack is Blocked, Déjà Vu becomes temporarily available.

On Shatter:
The Avenger Shatters into 2 ethereal shield fragments that grant Quickness to Allies.

Déjà Vu2.25s CT, 900 RNG.
Block incoming attacks. Conjure a Phantasmal Avenger against your target when this skill ends, which throws an illusionary shield to Slow enemies and grant Alacrity to allies in an area.



Empathy1s CT, 30s CD, 900 RNG, 4 BNC, 240 AoE.
Cast an incapacitating bolt that bounces between enemies, inflicting Weakness. You and nearby allies gain Retaliation. Conjure a Phantasmal Defender that redirects half of incoming damage to nearby allies to itself.

On Shatter:
The Defender Shatters into 5 ethereal shield fragments that grant Protection to allies.



Enchanter’s Conundrum1s CT, 30s CD, 900 RNG, 240 AOE.
Cast a hex around your target, inflicting Slow for each unique boon on affected foes. Conjure a Phantasmal Disenchanter against your target that casts a nullifying burst to strip boons and cleanse conditions in an area.

On Shatter: 240 AoE, Ethereal.
The Disenchanter Shatters into a Null Field that strips boons from foes and cleanse conditions from allies.



Blackout1s CT, 20s CD, 900 RNG.
Daze your foe. Conjure a Phantasmal Rogue that deals extra damage from behind.

On Shatter: 240 AoE.
Enemies near the Shattered Rogue are Blinded.

(edited by Embolism.8106)

Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Embolism.8106


Why are you in such a big rush?

Unless something is time limited you’re not forced to rush through anything. If you do so you really have no one to blame but yourself when your experience is “ruined”.

Let's Polish the Mesmer!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Embolism.8106


Ether Clone

Make its Clones be conjured near you instead of the target. Make it inflict Confusion for 3s.

  • The fact that Ether Clone conjures Clones in melee range of the makes them very easily destroyed (often entirely by accident) before you can line up three Illusions. While I understand the idea of minimising run distance (and admittedly it is nice for Clone death traits), I’d much rather my Clones not be destroyed before I am ready. Yes, I know Mind Wrack deals a good chunk of its maximum damage with just one Illusion, but it’s not the only Shatter and you’re still putting it on CD for less-than-maximal effect.
  • Finally, while the Sceptre is evidently meant to be a more condition-based weapon, only one of its skills actually utilises condition damage; everything else scales off Power only. Adding Confusion to Ether Clone (like its tooltips says) would make the weapon more condition-based as well as boost its weak DPS.

Illusionary Counter

Reduce damage. Make it inflict 3xConfusion for 4s.

  • Again, this change is to make the Sceptre more condition-based as well as to differentiate it more from Illusionary Riposte.

Illusionary Leap

Increase range from 600 to 900.

  • Given that the skill simply goes into its full cool down if the target is out of range and the fact that it’s not the most reliable of gap closers (Clones sometimes gets caught in terrain, etc.), I don’t think it would be too much to ask for a range boost.

Phantasmal Warden

Make it be conjured between you and the target. Reduce down time between attacks.

  • As with Berserker, with AoE Phantasms I’d really like to be certain where the AoE is going to hit. With Warden this is even more important as it’s supposed to protect you from projectiles, and it can’t do that if it’s conjured on the opposite side of the target.
  • The Warden also has an excruciatingly long downtime between its attacks. This really needs to be toned down if anyone is to use the Warden for more than its first whirl.

The Prestige

Remove the channelling.

  • The channelling of The Prestige greatly restricts its utility, as often you’d want to conjure Illusions, channel Mantras, heal or remove conditions, etc. while you’re in stealth. If the Burning doesn’t go off when stealth is ended prematurely then I see no point in making it a channelled skill.

Phantasmal Mage

Increase number of Confusion stacks from 1 to 2. Make Confusion be affected by +condition/Confusion duration.

  • Funny that the Phantasm with the longest cool down is also the weakest. Doubling its Confusion application (it’s so weak it would still be balanced IMO, plus remember its CD) should do the trick. Also, the duration of its Confusion (and possibly it’s Retaliation as well) should be affected by things that increase condition duration, like Master of Misdirection. This is a problem common to all Illusions, but is worth mentioning here.

Mantra of Recovery

Reduce channel time from 4s to 3s.

  • In general I think Mantra channel time is too long, and you can tell it used to be 3s as the chants are only 3s long with a 1s pause tacked onto the front. I’d like to see all Mantras have their channel time reduced to 3s, as it used to be.


Increase Reflection duration from 1s to 3s.

  • The only thing that can be said about Mirror’s Reflection is that you cannot be interrupted by projectile-based interrupts; it’s too short to be significant otherwise. IMO the Reflection should persist for another 2s after the heal, especially given how low the healing is.


Reduce cool down from 90s to 60s.

  • No one bothers with Veil. The CD is far too long and it doesn’t work well with Glamour traits (being a line instead of a circle). A 33% CD reduction should make it more appealing.

Anyone else crushed by the precursor dump?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Embolism.8106


Precursor prices continue rising and players implore Anet to do something about it. When Anet does something about it players complain Anet is cheapening Precursors.

I realise it’s not necessarily the same group of people making those complaints, but I hope you see my point: Anet cannot please everybody.

The fact of the matter is, Precursor prices had to be brought down: if they continue to rise they will only become more and more unreachable by new players, a group that will continue to increase throughout the game’s life. It is much wiser to do something now instead of say a year later, when much more players have been frustrated by the ever-increasing price of Precursors.

While I can understand why you’re upset, it is for the greater good.

Swiftness and Boon sharing : Herald vs Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Embolism.8106


The Herald is an Elite spec that specialises in boon sharing. Why would you expect the base Mesmer to be comparable to that?

The only issue with SoI is Temporal Curtain’s Swiftness not stacking with existing Swiftness, making juggling it and SoI needlessly frustrating. Fix Temporal Curtain and non-Chrono Mesmer travelling would be fine.

Mesmer Traits: Polish and Overhaul?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Embolism.8106


Near the end of Beta, we were promised that the Mesmer’s traits will undergo polish and overhaul. By the time Beta ended, only one change: the addition of Mirror of Anguish: was implemented.

Since then we have had a few changes to Mesmer traits, but nothing that can be called an “overhaul”. In general, our traits are still quite unpolished, and many are simply not worth using.

Below are my suggestions on how the Mesmer’s traits could be polished. It may appear almost all of my suggestions are “buffs”: note however that I generally do not suggest changes for popular traits, as my goal is to increase build diversity, not to empower the established builds.


Halting Strike

Deal damage when interrupting a foe.
Inflict 1 stack of Confusion for 5 seconds when interrupting a foe.

The damage is negligible. You could increase the damage, but I think changing it to inflict Confusion instead would be more fitting for the Mesmer.


Empowered Illusions

Illusions inflict 15% more damage.
Grant 5 stacks of Might to Illusions.

There is technically nothing wrong with this trait, except it’s relic from when Clones did damage; and now that they don’t it’s basically a copy of Phantasmal Strength. This change would differentiate it from Phantasmal Strength and also let it affect condition damage.


Confusing Enchantments

REMOVE. Glamour skills cause confusion for 5 seconds to foes who enter or exit their areas.

Integrate this trait into Dazzling Glamours, so Glamour Mesmers don’t have to sink 20 points into Domination and forgo other important traits.



NEW MASTER. Daze you inflict lasts 1 second longer.

This actually is what Dazzling used to be. I don’t really feel there was a good reason for its removal, Daze doesn’t stack anyway.


Cleansing Conflagration

SWAP with Rending Shatter. Torch skills remove conditions. Reduces cooldowns of torch skills by 20%.

While not a bad trait, it is too far up the Domination line for most Torch users to take. Rending Shatter is chosen to swap with it as anyone who takes it would take Mental Torment as a priority, so it’s likely to occupy the Master slot anyway.


Confounding Suggestions

50% chance to cause a 1-second stun whenever you daze a target.
Cause a 1 second Stun whenever you Daze a target.

For a Grandmaster trait, this deserves to work 100% of the time. I really don’t think it would be overpowered, it’s basically adding an Immobilise to Daze.


Protected Mantras

Increases armor while casting mantras.
Gain 3 seconds of Protection and Stability when you channel a Mantra. This effect can only trigger once every 10 seconds.

The original effect was very minor, in other words useless. Stronger damage mitigation as well as preventing interrupts would make this trait far more appealing.


Blurred Inscriptions

Activating a signet grants you 1 second of distortion.
SWAP with Furious Interruption. Activating a Signet grants you 2 seconds of Distortion.

Mesmer Signets generally have situational active effects that aren’t useful at all if not used at the right time, so I doubt a full Signet build with this trait would be particularly effective. With that in mind, this trait deserves to be better.


Furious Interruption

Gain 4 seconds of fury when you interrupt a foe.
SWAP with Blurred Inscriptions. Gain Fury, Swiftness and 5 stacks of Might for 5 seconds when you interrupt a foe.

Why is this a Grandmaster trait? Seriously. Interrupt traits are already niche, then you give them a mediocre effect and call it Grandmaster? It really needs to be more meaningful.

(edited by Embolism.8106)

Where is the suicide in the GW franchise?

in Lore

Posted by: Embolism.8106


I really wouldn’t be surprised if the next thread OP makes is about the lack of sexual assault in GW2.

Largos must be a new race

in Suggestions

Posted by: Embolism.8106


then they ll have to include flying in the game the polar bear people are also nice.

No, they don’t. Largos use their “wings” to swim, not to fly.

Did The Prestige always do this?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Embolism.8106


Dealing any damage from stealth reveals you, it’s not Prestige-specific.

So yes, I’m pretty sure this has always been the case.

My opinion about the Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Embolism.8106


How was he infracted for that post?

Presumably because Anet assumed he must be trolling, as you’d have to be pretty bad to lose to a condition Mesmer as a Necromancer.

Nerf OP classes, or buff weak classes?

in PvP

Posted by: Embolism.8106


HoT brought too much power creep. More nerfs than buffs are needed IMO.

In Game Marriage

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Embolism.8106


Asura do have marriages. Vekk mentioned that no one is allowed to leave an Asuran wedding until the amount of love in the air is calculated.

[constructive feedback] Is chrono OP?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Embolism.8106


My feeling playing as a Condi Chrono is yes, Chronomancer is OP because of two things…

1. Slow. Far too much access to Slow. If you build for it (GS with Danger Time and Lost Time) you can maintain 100% up-time of uncleansable Slow as well as 100% crit chance against your victims. I suggest that Lost Time should have an ICD instead of a counter system.

2. Alacrity may be making Shatter cadence a bit too fast. With my build, which doesn’t use Improved Alacrity, I pretty much always have Mind Wrack, Cry of Frustration or Diversion ready to go, allowing me to inflict continuous packets of Torment and Confusion.

To be honest though I’m not sure if this is an issue as pretty much only condition builds can take full advantage of this, and condition Mesmers are hardly considered “meta”. So I would wait and see for this one.

Let's Polish the Mesmer!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Embolism.8106


Below is a list of all the changes I’d like to see (in a universe that revolves around me) for the Mesmer. Most of the changes are directed at mechanics rather than numbers: I won’t be suggesting “this and that should have its damage reduced” or “this healing skill needs to heal more”, for example.

Because a lot of my changes are designed to make less-viable skills and traits viable, it may seem like almost all of my suggestions are buffs. In general, my suggestions will hopefully give the Mesmer more build diversity rather than a direct power-up.

I have also left out the underwater weapon skills as underwater combat in general is a mess at the moment: it’s not just the Mesmer that needs polish in that area.

Mind Wrack

Increase area of effect.

  • There have been many discussions about whether Mind Wrack’s damage is too weak, especially when it comes to Shattering Phantasms. I personally think the damage is too low to be worth using outside of glass cannon Power builds, but increasing its damage would make it too powerful a burst in these builds.
  • On the other hand, the Mesmer is rather lacking in the AoE department; so why not increase the size of Mind Wrack’s AoE? As it is Mind Wrack’s AoE is so small it rarely hits more than the intended target unless the enemy are packed together. If it could be made a reliable AoE it would kill two birds with one stone, so to speak.

Cry of Frustration

Increase area of effect. Increase duration of Confusion from 3s to 4s.

  • Similar idea to increasing Mind Wrack’s AoE size. The duration of Confusion also needs to be a bit longer I think, as it is it would quite happily do nothing unless you use it at the most optimal moment; which is difficult to judge when you have to wait for your Illusions to run up to your target. To people who are confused here, CoF’s Confusion duration says it lasts 4s in the tooltip but in reality only lasts 3s.


Make Daze stackable.

  • I know someone’s going to object with how this paves the way for chain CCs and such, but there really isn’t another way to solve the problem of Diversion being quite often the same whether you Shatter one Illusion or three Illusions. Personally I don’t think it would be that bad 3 – 4s of Silence on a 45s CD is certainly more potent than most other CCs; but then again you’re sacrificing three Illusions (plus being in melee range) for it.

Spatial Surge

Reduce rate of fire. Increase damage.

  • The reason I make this suggestion is because after the RoF buff to Spatial Surge, the comparatively long delay between GS Clone attacks sticks out like a sore thumb. As GS Clones are already very powerful with Sharper Images their RoF cannot be increased, so I’d rather Spatial Surge be given a damage increase instead of a RoF increase.

Mind Stab

Increase area of effect OR make it enemy targeted and remove its area of effect.

  • Mind Stab’s AoE is too small for a ground targeted skill: it will only hit multiple targets if they’re practically hugging each other, giving it all the hassle of a ground targeted skill with little of its benefits.
  • Mind Stab needs to decide what it wants to be: an AoE attack or a single target burst? Either increase its AoE so it can actually function as a ground targeted AoE attack, or change it to an enemy targeted non-AoE burst attack.

Phantasmal Berserker

Make it be conjured between you and the target. Make it require line of sight.

  • As it is Berserker is conjured at a random location around the target (as with all Phantasms). This is fine with single target Phantasms, but for an AoE Phantasm I’d really like the AoE to be predictable: I want to know that if I conjure the Berserker on this target, it will cleave through all enemies in this line. Also, Berserker is the only Phantasm that does not require LoS to conjure successfully, I don’t see why it deserves this special treatment.

Chaos Storm

Remove Swiftness from its boon repertoire. Add Vigour.

  • The only reason I suggest this is because Swiftness is already covered by Chaos Armour, and Vigour is the only boon the Staff cannot provide apart from Stability.

Let's Polish the Mesmer!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Embolism.8106


Arcane Thievery

Make it actually steal all boons and transfer all conditions.

  • For me, this skill rarely transfers all my conditions to my target or steal all their boons; often it either does nothing (which could be a targeting issue) or only transfers/steals some conditions/boons. While it may just be a bug, I think this is significant enough to mention here.

Illusion of Life

Reduce cool down from 130s to 90s.

  • Given it’s not a real revive and has no fancy secondary effects, it really need a buff. Even then I’d still let other professions take true revival skills when dungeon running, a fake revive simply isn’t worth much most of the time.


REWORK: fires a fast-moving projectile that interrupts the target. If a skill is interrupted, Echo becomes that skill.

  • Mimic is a mess of a skill. IMO the only thing to do with it is to rework it. There might be problems with Echo becoming melee attacks (how do you use Hundred Blades with a Staff?) and such, but I’m sure it could be managed. As it fires a projectile it would also benefit more from Far-Reaching Manipulations.

Mantra of Concentration

Reduce channel time from 4s to 3s. Increase Stability duration from 2s to 3s.

  • 2s of Stability? Really? Given you cannot use Stability reactively against the really dangerous CCs like knockdown, 2s duration makes it basically useless against the main reason to use it; and using them together for 4s Stability is not much better either.

Mantra of Distraction

Reduce channel time from 4s to 3s.

  • Nothing more to say about this one.

Mantra of Pain

REWORK: Inflict 3xConfusion for 4s on your target. 3s channel time, 15s CD. Rename to Mantra of Confusion.

  • A skill whose only purpose is instant unavoidable burst is never going to balanced: it’s either useless in most builds or OP in burst builds. This is why I propose MoP be reworked to inflict Confusion instead. Besides, the Mesmer needs more ways to inflict Confusion IMO, and it also fits with MoD’s misplaced chant (Obfuscate, Disorient, Confusion!) while MoD can get a proper chant that ends in “Distraction”.
  • And MoP never needed a 1s CD: burst builds won’t be channelling it right after they use it (since they have to wait for other skills in their burst chain to be off CD anyway), and non-burst builds only use MoP for Restorative Mantras abuse.

Mantra of Resolve

Reduce channel time from 4s to 3s. Increase conditions cleansed from 2 to 3.

  • Cleansing two conditions frequently results in the most pressing condition, such as 20 stacks of Bleeding, to be missed. Three conditions would be more reliable.

Signet of Midnight

Increase Blind duration from 3s to 5s. Reduce cool down from 35s to 25s.

  • Compare this signet with the Elementalist’s Signet of Air. It has a shorter CD, longer Blind duration, is ranged and deals damage. A bit more parity would be nice.

Mass Invisibility

Reduce cool down from 90s to 45s.

  • How is Mass Invisibility deserving of being an Elite? It’s very similar to Veil, a Utility skill; and is inferior to Shadow Refuge, a Utility skill from another profession. I think it deserves some serious love here, and halving its CD should make it far more appealing.

Moa Morph

Reduce duration from 10s to 5s. Reduce cool down from 180s to 90s.

  • Moa Morph’s problem is that it keeps an enemy out of the fight for too long. Halving its duration should make it less QQ worthy, and reducing its CD would make it more accessible in return; especially in PvE.

(edited by Embolism.8106)

Let's Polish the Mesmer!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Embolism.8106


Illusion of Vulnerability

Increase number of Vulnerability stacks from 3 to 5.

  • Given that you have to interrupt a skill for this to kick in, the benefit is paltry. It should give more.


Increase duration of Vulnerability from 3s to 5s.

  • Five stacks of Vulnerability is nice, but 3s is barely enough time to take advantage of it. 5s would be more workable.

Empowered Illusions


  • Now that Clones don’t do damage, this trait only really affects Phantasms; which makes it more or less the same thing as Phantasmal Strength. Better remove it.

Confusing Enchantments


  • The reason I think this should be removed is because I believe its effect should be combined with Dazzling Glamours. It isn’t worth sinking 40 points in two different trees to get both.

Confounding Suggestions

Increase chance to Stun from 50% to 100%.

  • The Mesmer really doesn’t have that much Daze, and this trait basically lets your Daze inflict 1s of Immobilise half the time. IMO it would be fine if it always adds an Immobilise to Daze, it is a Grandmaster trait after all.

Confusing Combatants

Make Confusion be affected by +condition/Confusion duration.

  • Conditions from Illusions are unaffected by duration boosts, IMO this needs to be rectified.

Retaliatory Shield

Increase Retaliation duration from 3s to 5s.

  • The Mesmer only has three sources of Block: Illusionary Counter and Riposte and Aegis from Chaos Storm. You could also get Aegis from Signet of Inspiration but that’s hardly reliable. Given the scarcity of Blocks I think this trait needs to provide longer Retaliation.

Protected Mantras

REWORK: You gain Protection for 1s every second when channelling a Mantra. Gain Protection for 2s when a Mantra finishes channelling.

  • The idea is to provide 5s Protection when channelling a Mantra, in a roundabout way to prevent channel cancelling abuse. The original just increased Toughness by 200 or something which barely makes a difference.

Blurred Inscriptions

Increase duration of Distortion from 1s to 2s.

  • 2s of Distortion is far more workable than 1s. Some people may claim this is too much as you could chain Distortions, but to do that you need to sacrifice your Utility slots for three Signets; and the Mesmer’s Signets are mostly quite niche. I don’t see it as a problem.

Furious Interruption

Increase duration of Fury from 4s to 10s.

  • This is a Grandmaster trait? Even with 10s Fury I have my doubts whether it is worthy of the title; seeing as you actually have to interrupt a skill to get the effect.

Chaotic Revival

Increase Chaos Armour duration from 5s to 10s.

  • I still wouldn’t use this trait, but if Anet insists on traits like these then might as well make them somewhat more significant.

Debilitating Dissipation

Make conditions be affected by +condition duration.

  • Same deal as with Confusing Combatants.

Retaliatory Demise

Increase Retaliation duration from 5s to 10s.

  • Same deal as with Chaotic Revival.

Mirror of Anguish

Reduce cool down from 90s to 60s.

  • A nice effect, but the CD is too long. If it reflected the CC back at your opponent leaving yourself unaffected I’d agree with 90s, but as you still get hit by the CC it’s not that helpful; especially if you’re being chased by multiple enemies.

Chaotic Interruption

Increase duration of Chilled, Cripple and Blind from 3s to 5s. Make it apply boons to yourself on interrupt as per Bountiful Interruption’s repertoire (Vigour, Swiftness or Retaliation for 5s, Protection for 3s, Might for 8s).

  • Basically, combine Bountiful Interruption into this trait and make the conditions it inflict last longer. Once again you actually have to interrupt a skill to trigger the effects, so these traits deserve to be much better than they are now.

Bountiful Interruption


  • Merged into Chaotic Interruption. Why was this a Grandmaster trait…?

Prismatic Understanding

Increase stealth duration boost from 1s to 2s.

  • A Major Grandmaster trait that does the same thing as a Thief Minor Master trait, except the Thief gets more out of it as it has greater access to stealth. Double the stealth duration boost and this will be worthy of being Grandmaster.
  • Seriously, a lot of our Grandmaster traits really aren’t worthy of their titles.

(edited by Embolism.8106)

Let's Polish the Mesmer!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Embolism.8106


Mender’s Purity

Increase conditions cleansed from 1 to 2. Add a cool down of 10s.

  • Compared to other condition removal traits, this one just doesn’t cut it as it only affects one skill. Also added a cool down to prevent it being abused by MoRec.

Restorative Mantras

Make the healing occur when a Mantra is cast rather than channelled.

  • It just makes more sense and doesn’t clash with Harmonious Mantras. The amount healed should be reduced appropriately of course.

Restorative Illusions

Make the healing scale to the number of Illusions Shattered.

  • This way, people who use this trait would want to build up Illusions before Shattering them for a decent heal, instead of just spamming the four Shatter skills for quick HP. The amount healed should be reduced appropriately of course.

Precise Wrack

Increase critical chance boost from 10% to 20%.

  • 10% increase in critical chance is hardly worthy of a trait, really. 20% is far more like it.

Dazzling Glamours

Make it also inflict Blind when enemies enter or leave a Glamour’s area.

  • Basically adding in Confusing Enchantment’s effect into this trait, at least if you also take Blinding Befuddlement. This condensation should make Glamour Confusion builds far more viable.

Prismatic Understanding + The Pledge

in Mesmer

Posted by: Embolism.8106


The Pledge is bugged, it’s currently giving 3x the CD reduction per tick than it should.

We’ve been asking for fixes for a while but they’re slow to come.

Where is the suicide in the GW franchise?

in Lore

Posted by: Embolism.8106


… You sound like one of those SJW types who require boxes to be ticked on a list of social angst before any fictional work/world/character can be considered “good”.

(edited by Embolism.8106)

Mesmers, The problem we face

in Mesmer

Posted by: Embolism.8106


Condi Mes isn’t even that great in duels for the purposes of sPvP. As an attrition build it lacks the burst to bring down targets quickly (unless they’re really, really stupid), so while a Condi Mes may eventually win most duels it won’t do so in a timely manner. Worse even a stealthless Mesmer isn’t suited for standing on points, so the most likely result of duels is you lose the point and then +1 arrives for one side or another before you can kill your opponent.

And even the “good in duels” thing is questionable. As pointed out a lot of solo players run Zerker builds with no cleansing, which are handily countered by Condi Mesmers for obvious reasons. Against builds such as Shoutbow War, Cele Signet Necro and DS Staff Ele, Condi Mesmers are almost ineffectual.

(edited by Embolism.8106)

ATTN: Completely Broken Chrono Build

in Mesmer

Posted by: Embolism.8106


nah trust me. not supcutie + friend issue. I play at the top mmr, so I face people of similar caliber every day. this build is nuts. I’m sure he’d be happy to tell u that.

anyway, thanks for the bumps. make sure to keep this thread going for the devs.

I’m afraid I can’t trust you on this one. Someone that would make a thread like this is very questionably skilled, which would place you low on mmr.

Truth. This thread reeks of the Dunning–Kruger effect.

Mesmer shatter mechanic is VERY WEAK.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Embolism.8106


Mind Wrack is a significant source of burst damage if you build around it, otherwise it is not worth using unless 1. you only have crappy Clones out or 2. you’re sure the Mind Wrack will kill the target.

Cry of Frustration deals a significant amount of Confusion damage for condition damage builds and can be very effective in PvP. For non-condition damage builds however it is relatively useless.

Diversion is an unreliable interrupt (Illusions need a variable amount of time to run up to the target) that wastes Illusions (Daze doesn’t stack) and has a relatively long CD. You need either IP or ID for this Shatter to work well, the former makes it a reliable interrupt/CC that doesn’t require Illusions (though you need to be in close range) and the latter makes it AoE.

Distortion is a life saver when used at the right time, and is also excellent for securing a stomp in PvP. This is the only Shatter that is always useful regardless of your build.

Condi players are climbing on the MMR ladder

in PvP

Posted by: Embolism.8106


evades, blocks, and most invuns work against condi damage, and you have resistance

I don’t know how delusional you are but, evades and blocks do nothing against condition damage. You can’t evade conditions nor block them once they are applied to you the only way to get rid of them is through cleanse.

You could try avoiding the application. It’s no harder than avoiding a Power based attack.

For example, Grasping Dead is no harder to avoid than Maul, but I bet I know which one you dodge and which you ignore at the time.

no wonder these players think condi is OP. they aren’t smart enough to think of blocking or evading the attacks that apply the condis

You do know why condi builds are so prevalent? Because its a foolproof and mindless gameplay, something the carebears / casuals adore. It doesn’t matter if you attempt to ’ evade or block the attacks that apply the condis ’ because the relevant condi builds APPLY CONDITIONS ON AUTO ATTACK ontop of the ’ condi burst skills ‘. So even if you use your defensive abilities dealing with just the condi burst, then you’re kitten out of luck because in 3 seconds your gonna have another 10+ confusion stacks and 10+ torment stacks killing you regardless of if your moving / not attacking.

That sounds like you’re talking about Condi Mesmers. Let’s look at Mesmer autoattack condi application…

Ether Bolt: 2s Torment (it tickles). Ether Blast: 3s Torment (stop that!). Ether Clone: nothing.

Winds of Chaos: 33% chance 7s Bleed (yawn). 33% chance 1s Burning (wow so OP). 33% 5s Vulnerability (I am undone!).

I think you’re very confused. 10 stacks of Confusion and Torment simply isn’t going to come from a Mesmer’s autoattack, Mesmers don’t even have Confusion on autoattack. What happened is you ate a few full Shatters, one of the most obviously telegraphed and easily avoidable bursts.

Yeah, the more I read this thread the more I’m convinced (not that I wasn’t already) that this is mostly a L2P issue. The people complaining about condi builds don’t even know what’s going on.

Enemy races..?

in Lore

Posted by: Embolism.8106


The humans and the charr have been at peace for a while now.

The premise of GW2 is the five major races uniting together against the Elder Dragons. Racial wars would make no sense in this context. Plus the idea of GW2 is that you race does not restrict your options.

Stop Shoehorning Us Into Dueling/Chrono!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Embolism.8106


So there’s been some discussion about giving every trait line an Illusion generation trait a la DE, IR and CP. I think the idea deserves its own thread, especially since one of the threads the discussion was on was deleted.

So here’s my ideas…



Replace Furious Interruption with Hallucination: interrupting a foe conjures two clones against them, 5s CD. Furious Interruption never saw much play, partially because Quickness doesn’t affect Mesmer DPS as much as other professions; so I think it’s safe to axe it for something new.



Extra effect for Descent into Madness: Also create a Chaos Storm when you’re disabled. Chaos Storm conjures a clone against random enemies within 900 range every second. As this is a significant power-up, I think it should become a GM trait; bumping down Bountiful Disillusionment to Master and Mirror of Anguish to Adept.



Merge Protected Phantasms with Persisting Images, add a new Master Discharge Enchantment: conjure a Phantasmal Disenchanter when you hit a target with 2 or more unique boons. Inspiration already has Mental Defence but it isn’t reliable illusion generation, adding Disenchanter helps to remedy that and completes the set.



Extra effect for Master of Fragmentation: Shatter effects from yourself are doubled in strength, 5s CD. Thought it would be fitting to give Master of Fragmentation, considered a weak GM, something that emphasises mastery over Shatters instead of just more illusions. Might be too strong but Illusions isn’t really used in Power Shatter currently so might as well change things up.


Keep the ideas coming folks.

(edited by Embolism.8106)

Rabid or Sinister ascended armor?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Embolism.8106


Sinister, but I wouldn’t go Condi Mesmer in PvE in the first place. It’s crap, and trying it in Verdant Brink and the raid that hasn’t changed.

[sPvP Guide] The ChronoWard: Bunker to Glass

in Mesmer

Posted by: Embolism.8106


Introducing the ChronoWard, A very versatile Mesmer (Chronomancer) build.


The Base ChronoWard


Wait, that’s it?

Yup! As I said, the ChronoWard is extremely versatile. Outside of the core build (which as you can see is a condition build), you can add almost anything you want and produce a viable build out of it.

But… what do you do with it?

Good question. That’s what this guide is for.





(edited by Embolism.8106)

Do Illusions have X-Ray vision?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Embolism.8106


Illusions exist in your mind: they are your fears, your insecurities, your paranoia. You can try to hide your feelings, but you cannot escape them.

Condi players are climbing on the MMR ladder

in PvP

Posted by: Embolism.8106


IMO, the primary reason people have problem with condis is because they’re still stuck in the mindset of overfilling their build with offensive stuff and leaving themselves with almost no defense. In that sense I think condi builds are a good thing: it shakes up the meta and may reverse the trend of “go completely glass or bust”.

I’d love to see balanced builds being the norm in PvP, instead of pure glass and the occassional bunker (let’s forget d/d Cele Ele exists for a moment).

For the record, as Mesmer who runs Inspiration, I have no more issues with condi builds than I do with power builds; as I actually devote some of my build to defence.

Nothing rebalance for scepter?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Embolism.8106


Really, what exactly is Ether Clone achieving currently (or ever)?


  • It conjures Clones in cleave range.
  • It conjures the weakest Clone.
  • DE completely outclasses it to the point where it’s effectively meaningless.
  • It gives Ether Bolt the bug where its rate of fire plummets with range (speculation but I’m pretty sure this is the cause).
  • It replaces Phantasms.


Ether Clone is toxic for the Sceptre. Unless the Devs actually have plans for Ether Clone specifically, I say axe it. It does far more harm than good (if any).

(edited by Embolism.8106)

Scepter Opinion

in Mesmer

Posted by: Embolism.8106


If you ever feel like using the Sceptre, slap yourself and use the Sword instead.

Why the condi hate?

in PvP

Posted by: Embolism.8106


The main reason people hate condis is because they don’t like having to bring condi cleanse which isn’t as useful when not fighting condi builds. And when they take a risk by not bring condi cleanse and get matched against condi builds, they rage.

[PvE] The New Chronomancer Dungeon Rotation?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Embolism.8106


Just so you’re aware, I was giving you an out. You could’ve admitted you were trolling and we’d all have a good laugh about it. Instead you decide to dig yourself deeper by showing you’re completely serious.

Wait, is this trolling too? Oh ho ho, very well played. 11/10.

BWE3 Chronomancer Feedback Thread

in Mesmer

Posted by: Embolism.8106


  • Leave alacrity and AWtEW as it is. The current group alacrity-share potential is carrying mesmers into PvE, and nerfing that kitten many have suggested will relegate us back to PvE obscurity.

For me personally I’m not suggesting nerfing group Alacrity, just delegating it away from Wells. I realise you probably aren’t aiming this at me at all but anyways.

Fire specialization where?!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Embolism.8106


Where did you hear that from?

And seriously, I think you’re looking for an Elementalist. Mesmers have some fire skills in Torch and Staff but it’s not enough to make a build out of.

Say NO to Pets! A Reimagining of Phantasms

in Mesmer

Posted by: Embolism.8106


4. It’s not gonna happen any time soon. Chronomancer has been balanced around the current paradigm, and Robert et al are working hard to make sure everything is ready for HoT. Rebalancing phantasms means reevaluating everything about mesmers, and that is a LOT of work. It makes the June 23rd rework pale in comparison.

Tbh I really like these.

NB: This type of massive rework has roughly a 0% chance of ever happening.

I do like it though.

I know. I’m just hoping the Devs will see this, think it’s a good idea and take some small steps to making it happen, things like transferring Phant dmg to the Mesmer or making Phantasms Shatter extra stacks of useless Confusion.

My opinion about the Mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Embolism.8106


It sounds to me your opponent was a condition Mesmer, given how you speak of boons and three Clones casting.

As a Necromancer, you should be well-equipped to deal with condition Mesmers: you have the ability to not only cleanse, but turn enemy conditions and boons against them; plus you yourself are able to dish out conditions far better than the Mesmer could.

As a condition Mesmer, a competent Necromancer is one of the toughest professions for me to face: they are highly resistant to my conditions and are able to inflict lots of conditions themselves, which ironically are very difficult for me to deal with due to my low HP (Toughness does nothing against conditions) and scant condition removal.

In other words, if you are unable to deal with a condition Mesmer as a Necromancer, you may want to evaluate your own play rather than accuse others of being overpowered.

Are we "forced" to "chose" the elite spec ?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Embolism.8106


Depends on the profession. For Warrior no. For Mesmer yes, because all the fixes that should’ve went into the Mesmer went into the Chronomancer instead.

But seriously, play it yourself and see how you feel.

Why does veil have such a long CD?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Embolism.8106


I think Glamours are different from Wells in the sense that Glamours are less “conventional”, if you get my meaning. Wells are nicely beefed out with damage, conditions and other “meaty” effects, while Glamours are a lot more utility-esque. Temporal Enchanter further reinforces this, although it’s rather too weak to be meaningful.

With that in mind a healing Glamour doesn’t really fit that idea, and as Silver said overlaps too much with Well of Eternity.

A way to rework Glamours while keeping them distinct from Wells could be to make them last longer in general. Null Field for example could last 10 seconds base and strip 1 condition/boon on cast and every 2 seconds after. Veil could last 12 seconds, allowing you and allies to constantly flit in and out of stealth. Temporal Enchanter would increase Glamour duration by 50% and pulse 5s Super Speed and 1s Resistance every 5s.

While Wells provide strong but fleeting effects, Glamours would be slow and steady.

(edited by Embolism.8106)

Inspiring Distortion in PvP

in Mesmer

Posted by: Embolism.8106


Just make it grant Blur to allies instead of Distortion.

The new TraiTs for Mesmers coming 25/6/13

in Mesmer

Posted by: Embolism.8106


I think it is about time Illusionist’s Celerity got nerfed. It was ridiculous that such a powerful trait costs only five points to take. As long as it is untouched no Mesmer build will ever not include it.

Having said that, I would’ve preferred if they removed the trait entirely and reduced Illusion skill CDs by about 10% across the board. Illusions is already the Mesmer’s most “compulsory” trait line, it really doesn’t need another powerful GM trait to reinforce that.

The main thing I’m sad about is the PU change in the previous leak has disappeared. And I’m still hoping for further polish regarding Empowered Illusions, our Signet traits and more generally useful Manipulation traits. Oh and Glamour traits… beh. It seems like the only traits they improved are the Interrupt traits, and even those changes are questionable (I don’t see Furious Interruption seeing any use for instance).

Illusionary Avenger (coeff/bugged attackrate)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Embolism.8106


Phantasmal Haste is a terrible trait and should die if Anet is serious about making Shatters a core part of every Mesmer. For Chronomancer there’s very little reason to take it since the best way to get more iAvenger hits is to reset their attack CD with CP and PoM.

Making shield useful in PvE.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Embolism.8106


Unless HoT includes a lot of mobs that run around for no reason and spam skills like machine guns, Condi Mesmers won’t be used over any other Condi spec.

I’m sure they’ll include Husk-like mobs that are weak to Condi dmg, but it won’t be up to Mesmers to fill that role.

Prediction: everyone will hate this idea

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Embolism.8106


Blast Finisher + Fire Field = AoE Fire Aura.

Condition Mesmers: The Forgotten Build

in PvP

Posted by: Embolism.8106


You don’t see many Condition Mesmers in PvP. They’re not as good as Phantasm Mesmers in duels, and they’re not comparable to Shatter Mesmers in tournaments. In fact most people don’t even know what a Condition Mesmer is, thinking it’s the same thing as the “Confusion Mesmer” that used to be popular in WvW. Not even the Devs seem to realise it exists, as no patch ever addressed the Condition Mesmer directly.

I guess the reason I am making this thread is to make the Devs aware that there is such a thing as a Condition Mesmer. The reason for this is because a few changes in the past few patches have nerfed Condition Mesmers indirectly: first was the change to Blinding Befuddlement, a change that seemed to be aimed at WvW Glamour Mesmers but also destroyed the trait for non-Glamour Mesmers. Then, there is the hidden change to bouncing attacks in the 28/05 patch, which has decimated Winds of Chaos and neutered Condition Mesmer DPS.

Previously, while the Condition Mesmer was not the best build, it was still viable for most encounters. Now? I am not so sure. So please Devs, if you’re truly trying to increase build diversity in all professions, please consider how the changes you make affect builds that aren’t in the spotlight.

Stop Shoehorning Us Into Dueling/Chrono!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Embolism.8106


Made a few changes to my ideas.

Hallucination now conjures two clones but has kitten ICD. Since interrupting depends on a lot on your opponent, just one clone seems really unreliable for illusion generation.

Overhauled my idea for Descent into Madness. I definitely understand not wanting to tie more things to Chaos Armour, in fact I originally wanted to tie it to Chaos Storm (which I’ve now gone back to). Reason I went with Chaos Armour was because we have a lot more access to it through Ethereal fields.

Reduced the number of boons required to trigger Discharge Enchantment to two. People primarily like Disenchanter for condition cleansing rather than boon stripping, so I figure it should be easier to conjure Disenchanter especially since it’s competing with Restorative Illusions.

The idea of boosting Shatter power with Master of Fragmentation is that you could get “full strength” Shatters with less illusions out. Obviously you can go beyond “full strength” by having three illusions, but a bit of versatility never hurts.

(edited by Embolism.8106)

Couple of torch questions

in Mesmer

Posted by: Embolism.8106


Regarding the iMage, I haven’t ever traited this, but have yall ever used Illusionary Elasticity with the iMage? If so, wouldn’t that put 6 stacks of confusion on someone relatively often? More if you have 2 out of course and assuming the extra bounce goes to the same person.

This phantasm is like any other: summon it, let it attack once, then shatter it. For confusion builds, it ups the sources of confusion that you can rotate on a target to keep a constant stack on someone.

Illusionary Elasticity doesn’t work with iMage. Besides, I believe iMage has two bounces by default, but it does enemy-enemy-ally instead of enemy-ally-enemy.

Confusion builds never count on iMage as part of their Confusion repertoire. It is too slow, too short and too unreliable.

If +CondDuration works on Illusions the iMage may be viable. But it still needs a CD reduction.