I think we need some of those signs around here…
(edited by Enferian.2705)
First of all let me say I am excited about the changes to necro!! Boon corruption was what i loved about necro since day 1 and is one of the main reasons that I mained a necro since launch.
Another reason I love necro is condition manipulation.
Which brings me to the following suggestion:
- move Unholy Martyr to Death Magic and move Unholy Sanctuary to Blood Magic
My reasoning is to have Unholy Martyr in the same line as Shrouded Removal for better synergy and more efficient condition mainpulation.
If we could get a trait that adds condition transfer on Life Blast similar to its underwater version that would be amazing!
Also I think that it will bring more balance to both trait lines since they both get 1 grandmaster trait for a specific skill type (minions/wells), 1 trait for group support (condi transfer / area healing) and 1 trait for self sustain.
I like how other trait lines have grandmaster traits that fit separate purposes (eg Soul Reaping gives a choice among condtion dmg/direct dmg/defence)
I d like to know what the rest of the community thinks and I believe that since this is a small and simple change it could be something that we may see in the future.
Unless something is bugged the ranger instantly revives the pet and then the pet revives the ranger so you should always be able to interrupt it (unless ofc it has stability somehow)
You are right eles have the worst downed abilities.
I think mesmers have the best… when i go do as mesmer i always think:
“I m going to use my 2 ability to spawn a clone (and hope that my teamamte wont try to ress it, duh!) and 2 secs later i will reappear maybe far from my teamates or right next to the guy trying to stomp me and then i will destroy him with my … uh… oh… never mind i ll do nothing and just die”
or maybe a warrior has the best…
" i ll throw this hammer to knock you down and then use vengeance to have a 50% chance(if untraited) to rally if i kill you… unless ofc you have stability/block/distortion/blind or there is a clone/minion/pet/butterfly in front of you that will block the hammer… or if there is a second player tryign to stomp me… then i m done for good…."
Joking aside… all downed abilities are meant to delay the innevitable for a few extra secs buying time for your allies to res you, with the exception of guardian 3 and ranger 3. Those provide healing which could be enough to save you under the right circumastances, eg the enemies dont have the dmg to offset the guardian’s healing or dont have any cc to interrupt the pet heal.
Thank you all for your input, I really appreciate it.
It seems I ‘ll stay where I am and adapt to the new situation. After all if you can’t adapt to a situation you can never be content.
I expected someone to say go to X game, but I currently don’t have the time nor the patience to start a new game. All games eventually die and servers close but I feel its not time for me to quit yet. I think I can still have fun in this game
I hope you all will find something to do and have fun in your free time
About 1.5 months ago I came back to gw2 after a long break (about 6-7 months).
I ve been on Gandara since launch and I m currently considering a change. This is due to the fact that appart from EB I very rarely see any action in the other borderlands, whether that means zerg fights or small roaming groups.
I dont know if the 3 world-specific borderlands are pretty much empty for all servers due to the desert maps that many people (including me) dont seem to like or if it is because there arent enough WvW players in Gandara to play there.
So I would like the community’s opinion on how are things at other servers.
Here is what I seek:
- I ’d prefer to stay in a EU server.
- I like a friendly community. Fighting is fun, winning even more so, but having people calling names in TS takes away all the fun even if the insults are directed to people i ve never seen in game before. To be honest the community is what kept me in Gandara.
- I d like to be able to see fights in all borderlands and not just run around in empty maps until the EB queue pops up
- I like both zerg fights and solo or small group roaming depending on the mood. I dont mind going around solo and getting stomped by a huge zerg (since that is part of WvW too) as long as there are also smaller fights going on.
- I dont want to be in a server that is focused solely on PPT and turns away from a fight just because that will take time away from capping a tower/keep. I join WvW to fight and earn the tower/keep capture, otherwise I ’d go to EotM to join the WXP/karma train that seems to be going on most of the time.
I searched a lot for similar posts but I havent found anything recent and I d like input from players who have been in a server recently (lets say in the last 2-2.5 months) since the state of WvW has probably changed a lot after the HoT release.
Thank you all for your help
that is a very interesting build, but i have some questions about some of your choises…
first of all why deathly perception and deadly strenght? is it because you want to have some dierect dmg to get diamond skin eles below 90% hp for example? why not use some carrion parts if u want to boost your direct dmg a bit?
other traits will give you more dmg overall or give u stability/stun break on a very short cooldown which could help a lot imo.
also why speed of shadows instead of soul marks? speed is nice but unblockable fear/condi transfer seem more important to me.
the 3 secs of the DS would be great with foot in the great for a 7sec stun break but i dont see how u get more use out of the lower DS cooldown in this build.
i m just asking because i tried the build a bit and almost always i was missing the unblockable marks without feeling i got some other boost instead.
I m ok with how LB is now, but that doesnt mean i wouldnt approve some changes…
Making it a projectile finisher would be great and if that happens lower cast time wioth the appropriate adjsutments on dmg would be mandatory otherwise it still would be a bad finisher, even worse than staff AA.
An alternative i d like even more would be if we could “swap weapons” while in DS switching from Life Blast to Plague Blast. This way we can choose between lower dmg but faster might/vuln stacking and condi transfer (plague blast) or stronger but slower hits (life blast within 600 range).
This way DS can have a better role in condi builds too.
If only we could get both…
Your build seems fine to me.
In fact i ve been using a similar build for quite a long time. 2 things i d advise changing, even thought they are mostly a matter of personal preference:
1. Soul marks for foot in the grave.
It can really help for shroud stomping/ressing or as a CC ‘dodge’ or (my favorite) to make your heal uninterruptuble. WIth spectral attunement, spectral mastery and 3 spectral skills you ll have a lot of LF regeneratio anyway
2. spitefull spirit for shrouded removal.
With rabid amulet your retaliation wont do a lot of dmg and removing one condition every time u go in DS can help now that putrid mark removes only 3 conditions. The basic reason i use shrouded removal though is to get rid of fears without using my stun break and with foot in the grave get immunity to them… In some rare occasions u can also remove ‘harmless’ conditions that are used to cover high bleed or confusion stacks/long burns and therefore be able to send these conditions to the enemy.
Other than that i prefer to use S. Armor instead of S. walk since it gives more LF per hit, but its just a personal preference, nothing more.
To compensate for the loss of swiftness from S. Walk I use WH or runes of the centaur isntead of CD runes. These runes only slightly reduce my overall dps thanks to the + bleed duration which makes up for the loss of CD.
Spectral attunement is very good in my opinion since it allows u to refill your LF bar quite fast making this build very survivable.
As for fear duration… i m fine with +50% since most of the time i get 2 ticks anyway. Going for more duration to get a 3rd tick out of doom while casting it at close range doesnt work for me usually because people stun break before the 3rd tick anyway.
Thank you all for the input
The bunker build seems to go pretty well, but i m having serious trouble against guardians and warriors. My lack of stability and their access to a lot of CC coupled with their good access to stability makes it hard for me to survive. Am i doing something wrong?
i tried the bunker build very briefly ( 2 matches) and i like it a lot
my only concern are the “limited” blast finishers to use with HT…
I m reluctunt to use rocket boots as a blast finisher as it will push me off point and since i often used magnetic inversion for the knockback i was left with only the detonate healing turret. am i doing something wrong?
Also super speed doesnt seem to give double speed as the tooltip says…it seems like i get a speed bonus similar to swiftness. Is this a bug?
I really like to be able to heal downed allies for 3-5k with HT and blast finishers and even more with regen while at the same time toping off my health. I honestly did this a few times while trying to save myself but seeing the player i was tryin to ress get up too was quite the satisfaction
I m not sure he didnt rally due to a kill though but i doubt it :P
Thank you both for the replies
I used T-Turret mostly for the stun breaker and the 1 sec stability to use with overcharged shot. The 3 extra blast finishers from this skill alone for healing turret combos or smoke bomb combos where very appealing despite the long cd… but i ll give FT a try anyway and hope that the lack of stun break wont affect me that much. Thanks
The problem with immobilize is against melee abilities… often in a big fight i cant easily see the immobilize coming through all the effects and fail to dodge it and then i get burst down by blurred frenzy combo, 100b, or sword/dagger thieves… thats why i m afraid that cloaking device might not help but i ll give it another try
Nakoda, i ll try your build too, but i d like to know what role i should take. Should i go for mid point defence? or far point and get away with rocket boots/super speed when i get too much pressure? Also what is the radius of slick shoes? would i be able to knock down a melee attacker if i m immobilized/stuned or should i circle around my target?
Wouldnt it be better to use shaman amulet to do at least decent dmg since i ll have good access to al these conditions?
I ve never tried bunkering before but it seems like a good time to start doing so
(edited by Enferian.2705)
Thanks again for the reply
As for what role i d like to play i m not sure yet…
I m still trying to figure out what the engineer is capable of… If u have in mind any gameplay videos from good players please tell me since that would help a lot.
I mostly solo queue lately so i definitely dont want a build that relies a lot on the team. I think that a roamer or a lockdown build would be the better choices.
I tried today this build that seems to do pretty well:
I often swaped bomb kit for tool kit or net turret for throw mine. I m not sure if i prefer med kit or healing turret as they both seem to have their advantages. My biggest problem with med kit is the immobilize since i can only remove it with overcharged shot which often got me into more trouble…
I also tried berserker amulet but since i m not yet good at chaining my abilities i found it less effective… i ll practive a bit more and try again the berserker amulet in a few days.
I d be very happy if we could get a power/precision/toughness amulet in sPvP….
Any input regarding the build would be appreciated…
(edited by Enferian.2705)
Thanks a lot for the reply
I will try all the tricks u mentioned right away to get the hand of it.
I feel rather disheartened that power might be inferior to conditions… i was really hoping that i wouldnt have to play a condition build again, but i ll give it a try anyway
I was looking at all the engi skills again, and i get the feeling that interrupting the enemy heal will be difficult due to various reasons like long cast time (magnet), activation delay (BoB), very close range (battering ram).
Do i feel like this becuase necro had longer range interrupts or is it something that other engies feel too?
Also do u thing that celestial amulet can be a viable choise?
I ve noticed that most kits and many utility-tool belt pairs of skills have some abilities that scale well with DD and other that scale with CD. So i thought that maybe i could take advantage of both…
Finally i ve seen some of Ceimash’s guides and they seem very helpfull, but some seem a bit old… do u have in mind any other similar guides that i can look into?
I recently decided to roll an engi for tPvP but i pretty much have no idea what to do and how to play. I searched the forums a lot but i still cant find a build that i like and can use effectively, mostly because… well… i suck. So i though id ask for advice here.
Here is what i look for in a build:
- lots of CC.
A minimum of 2 hard CCs is a must. I want to be able to use one CC to interrupt the enemy heal and go for the kill and still have one more in case someone tries to ress the downed enemy. I d like to have and unblockable iterrupt, but the only one i found is the mine. Is there anything else that is ublockable but its not mentioned in the tooltip? (we all know how great the tooltips can be sometimes…)
- a stomp/ress trick. The only ress trick i have seen so far is using elixir S. For stomp i also found the FT blind but i dont know if there is something that i m missing. I just want to be able to stomp a downed enemy reliably at least in 1v1.
- a respectable amount of survivability whether it is from gear or from skills. Being new to the engi i dont feel comfortable going for a berserker build that has no blocks, escape options or tougness/vitality but does maximum dmg. I m open to the idea of a bunker spec, but i dont know if it can be effective without stabilty
- i d prefer to go for power or hybrid rather than full conditions. I ve been maining a necro almost since release, but i got bored of it since with the latest changes we are pretty much pidgeon holed in a 30-20-0-0-20 rabid condition build and i d like a change.
- Is it viable to use a shield on a power or hybrid build? Perhaps by using a kit as main weapon and switchin to P/S for the block/CC from the shield?
- how do u deal with the rifle #4 knockback? is there any trick to avoid the knockback? the lack of stability makes me afraid to use it and i dont know if it is usefull to use my stun break for this since i ll stay without a stun break for quite some time…
I ve tried and tested various build but since i dont know the class it seems like i cant make anythig work.
Finally is there any guide about tips and tricks of the class? I m looking for things that can separate the good players from the bad…
I d appreciate any kind of help even it is on basic/noob-y stuff
Sorry for the long post
You dont need any macro to shroud stomp, but it helps to re-assing your hotkeys so that entering DS and stomping keys are close to each oter.
Since necro uses only F1 u might want to assing stomping at F2.
You can easily practice it at the tutorial in HotM, i m sure u ll get it right within just a few mins.
I wisht that they allow us to properly stomp in DS though
The 1 second off well of power I’m not even counting since tbh that’s basically like ANET joking with us about stability.
As said in various other threads the 1 sec stability is there to make sure u can cast a stun breaker with a cast time.
What others said…
And also:
1. flash in and out of DS for stability to heal without being interrupted
2. go in DS when u are out of endurance and u see a hard CC coming
I d like Skyhammer back too. In fact i d like to see all the maps in tPvP.
BUT there are a few things that have to change before these maps become viable.
Maining a necro since launch i got quite fed up of using my Fears, S grasp, golem and S walk to instantly kill 2 or sometimes 3 people at the cannon and survive the falls, all the while using soldier gear simply because doing damage was pretty much useless in this map unless u were fighting at point B.
Its one thing to use CC at the right time to interrupt key abilities and another to use it in abundance to push people to their doom.
(edited by Enferian.2705)
I am wearing berzerker rares.
There is a pretty big difference between rares and exotics. It will get much better once u get the proper gear i think
Great work!
I m thining of trying a new class for tPvP and this helped me a lot to get an idea of what i might like to play.
Why on this world shouls someone bring 923 healing power just to have a single skill to be good? Nothing on Necromancer scales properly with healing power.
This is why i say they need to fixthe overall healing capabilities of a necro.. to give us more things that scale with healing power
Then it seems we can all say the same thing… fix the healing capabilities of necro in general (as u proposed in the original post and as others said since the game was released)… leave CC as it is…(as everyone in this thread is saying)… agreed?
In the same post, you said “WoB is good” and “buff WoB”. Are you just doing all this to avoid a remotely possible nerf or you are just incoherent?
Where in the holy mother of Dhuum’s fire did i say “buff WoB”?
read the bold part again… by “by healing capabilies” i mean other ways to gain health like the ones u proposed in your first post (i m writing it again to make sure u get it)… are u incoherent or am i writing in japanese?
So, in 10s no enemy is casting AoE skills in which at least two people are balled up?
It doesn’t sound possible even for any braindead AI.
Fortunately there is plenty of braindead AI in this game…
And also even if there is AoE u can see the healing from well as damage mitigation in some cases when the AoE would be unaboidable anyway.
Also when AoE is coming dodge out… then move in… u lost 2-3 ticks out of 10. Not all AoE is persistent for various seconds.
If u are arguing about the effectiveness of the heal in pvp things can change since people are not (usually) brainded and will AoE in the well… and even then there are cases when u can cast it on a point to help your bunker with some extra healing.
Transfusion is more reliable as party healing and doesn’t even needs you to stack 923 healing power to be worth something.
If u want party healing whats stoping you from getting transfusion and the well, therefore getting even more healing?
(edited by Enferian.2705)
“I faced a hammer guardian/warrion on my necro in WvW”
It is suddenly very confusing for me why noone thinks these specs are OP.
Look mommy i m flying!!…..
I m really bored to read this thread…
People say it over an over…
Well of Blood gives great party healing especially if u stack HEALING POWER!!!!!!!
Nothing scales as good as this.
Why in the name of grenths farts do u keep comparing the healing of WoB with 0 HP against other traits/skills with 0 HP whens its the SCALING that makes it so good??
Take a look at this….
923 healing power can make WoB heal your for up to 11373 and your allies for up to 5210
Yet, your teammates have to ball up in the well to get healed, which makes them more exposed to the AoEs. This completely overshadow the poor base heals WoB gives.
Does the above number seem like “poor base heals”? also how about u play just a bit smart and not cast WoB right in the middle of the AoE?
The issue isn’t “CC should be nerfed”, the issue is “there is an imbalance through healing skills”.
Then it seems we can all say the same thing… fix the healing capabilities of necro in general (as u proposed in the original post and as others said since the game was released)… leave CC as it is…(as everyone in this thread is saying)… agreed?
(edited by Enferian.2705)
If I’m leveling with Staff, what traits should I use after ten in Death Magic? What utility skills should I use? I’m just curious if I should use minion skills even if using a staff.
Since minions dont scale with your stats its common that people get Axe/focus for the extra vulnerability stacking to boost their minion dmg. But i think that any weapon can work with minions. Obviously take as many minions and minions traits as u can if u go for a minion build.
Apart from Greater Marks i wouldnt take any other staff trait for PvE.
And what Spoj said for well builds…
The basic build is this:
You can fill the missing traits and skills with whatever u like as there are quite a few ways to go.
And if u want u can swap the OH dagger for something else.
What i run now in tPvP is this:
Assuming people have a projectile finisher.
Its projectile and whirl finishers, the later btw removes conditions at allies around the finisher that are hit by the “cleansing bolts”
And lets look at who has them…
Warriors: GS/Hammer/LB/rifle/axe MH/axe OH/mace OH/sword OH
Rangers: LB/SB/Axe MH/Axe OH/dagger
Guardian: GS
Thief: SB/ Pistol MH/ pistol OH and some of their n3 skills
Necromancer: staf (20% chance), 2 minions
Engi: pistol/rifle (20% chance)
Got bored and didnt look at ele and mesmer…. but u get the point… there are many who have them… and most are on short cooldowns
How do you exactly trigger the projectile finisher on yourself? 20% chance on staff autoattack?
You said its useless in a group fight… the ability for allies to cleanse conditions with their finishers makes it pretty good for group fights, but not as good for solo play. Still its good for what it is meant to do… group support.
In case it is still unclear… “group” is the key word.
About WoB, it isn’t even worth in group fight.
Healing Spring is worthy in group fights, Water Fields are worth in group fights, Healing Rain is worty in group fights.
A skill which heals less then regeneration, takes 40s to recharge, doesn’t provide a water field and doesn’t remove conditions isn’t worthy in group fights.
Its already been said that it is a combo field that can trigger condition removal with projectile and whirl finishers.
Each pulse heals for 140 at 0 HP, which is 10 more than regen.
It scales with 0.4/HP as opposed to 0.125/HP for regen, so it actually heals way more than regen. And ofc it can stack on top of regen
The cooldown is indeed very long though…
It can also be traited to be cast wherever u want it within a 900 range and u still get the initial heal. Can be traiter for 32 sec cooldown which is acceptable, and can provide protection for allies in the area, or siphon with every pulse.
I dont really see why it is useless as u claim it to be
(edited by Enferian.2705)
I think its enought that we have other classes asking for nerfs on necros and calling our skills/traits OP or whatever, lets not do that ourselves…
This is completely another topic.
I’m all up for the change of base heals according to the base health pool of a profession, but looking as it is right now, Consume Conditions is quite a lot over the top.
U missed my point…
I m actually saying what u said in another thread:
Heals are effective, yes, but they are balanced around the higher health pool of Necromancers.
Take for instance a Guardian. His main heals are way more effective, despite the fact that they don’t remove conditions. Why? Because Guardian has lower health pool but with way more ways to defend their HP.
Direct heals of other proffesions already are somewhat consistent with their base health pool. They all heal from 35-45% of their base health pool with 20-30 secs cooldown.
The exception is the warrior as u said, but with your argument i d come to think that their heal needs a buff, not that CC needs a nerf. But i know nothing about warriors so….
As I’ve said, both Minion Necros and bunker Necros will choose Consume Conditions over WoB and BF any day because how strong it is.
This may be true for tPvP where there are many conditions and where CC really shines.
In PvE/WvW however things can be different. And there are already many people who said that they use WoB and BM in certain cases, myself included.
Finally i dont see why u think that CC needs a nerf… in all this time playing GW2 i ve never seen anyone of any proffesion think that necros have too much healing or are very durable.
Jagged Horror is one of the worst traits in the entire game in my opinion… Greater Marks on the other hand is really good.
There are generally 2 effective ways to level… wells and minions
I would stay away from conditions for leveling because 1) simple mobs die faster with pure power 2) structures are not affected by conditions and many quests involve killing structures.
(the following is a repost from an older thread)
When i was leveling i really liked the Staff+Axe/Warhorn or Dagger/Warhorn with damaging wells and Power-Precision gear. As for traits i took Greater Marks in Death Magic as soon as i could. I dont really remember what i took after that. Maybe i added some points in to the Spite trait line to get more power.
Run around gathering mobs and drop 1 or 2 wells, staff marks, DS 4 and any other AoE u may have. Finish of single mobs with either Dagger 1 or Axe 1 and 2.
Since LF builds quickly in PvE you ll be pretty durable even with full dps gear.
Another good way to level are minion builds. You are safer since they provide a distraction for enemies but i think you kill things a bit more slowly because u dont have that much AoE. As far as traits go take almost anything with ‘minion’ in the description. Lower cooldown, more life (Death Magic trait line) and more dmg (20 into Spite trait line) are very important.
I leveled up to lvl 50-55 with events and open world exploration and then used crafting and some CoF (Citadel of Flame dungeon) path 1 runs to get to 80 fast. Each crafting proffesion gives around 10 levels and some are cheap so you can afford them even with your first character.
Dungeons are probably not a good way to level since they are pretty slow and often hard for new players. Also avoid farming mobs. Doing quests and events and exploring the world gives you more exp than just farming mobs.
Finally dont be afraid to buy gear from the Trading Post. Fine (blue) quality items are very cheap. If u want u can take some masterwork (green) items when available, it helps and u can often sell them to an NPC when u want to replace them and get back most (if not all) of the buying cost. Try to replace armor and weapons every 5 levels or so. Trinkets with the stats u want might not be available every 5 levels, so you ll have to keep them for a bit longer.
(edited by Enferian.2705)
In tPvP i feel that i have to take it in most of my builds, however i dont think any change is needed to this skill.
Withtout the extra healing by consuming conditions, it would heal for 30% of our base health pool. Compare that to direct heals from other proffesions with similar cooldown and u ll see that they can often heal a greater % than 30% of their base life. What i means is that it is the extra healing that makes its effective.
As for using the other heals they could have their place.
In a cleric build i would take WoB provided that there is not too much movement in the fight since it scales very well with HP. If healing power was better as a stat overall for necros (healing while in DS, vampiric traits scale better with HP),then u ’d see WoB being used more often.
The minion is the worst in my opinion…
It works like some signet heals form other professions that have a “heal when u attack” component, but ours is limited by the fact that the minion can die quite easily. If they could survive more, than i could use this heal in the same way that other professions can use their afforementioned signet heals.
TL;DR Consume Conditions is fine as it is. Its the other heals/traits of the class that need to be looked at
I would be ok with this change if it was more reliable to hit and if the cooldown was lowered to 25 seconds.
In the end i think that this patch created more problems than it solves…
would be nice to see if we could find out what the priority for boon removal.
Someone did the work for you… here it is:
And i aslo think it was a stupid nerf, but i still like to use it when the enemy team is boon heavy. At least it helps my allies kill them faster by corrupting protection and regeneration…
(edited by Enferian.2705)
He doesnt get fury on DS, but he gets stability and retaliation and he also has greater marks. That makes it certain that he has 10-X-10-X-30 and less than 15 in curses. On a second view i also noticed Siphoned power proc (25 in spite) therefore he must be useing a 30-0-10-0-30 build
I also think i noticed chill of death procing a few times but it might have been something else.
Knights amulter and berserker jewel can give the exact amount of HP he has so that must be what he uses.
Speed of shadow was only 15% before patch and i doubt he used, but its just an assumption. I think he used Vital Persistance or Path of Midnight, but this too is just an assumption.
You are right about sigil of battle.
(edited by Enferian.2705)
I think he uses this build:
Im not sure but i think he uses chill of death (X in spite) and soul marks (X in soul reaping). I dont know what he uses as adept in SR line, but he definitey doesnt use Unyielding Blast or Fear of Death.
He doesnt seem to use an on-crit sigil, unless i missed it. Perhaps he uses force and accuracy, but its just a guess.
I was laughing a bit while reading this thread but I completely lost it when I saw this.
Check again a few posts above to see about
The Asciis Amazing Guardian Slaying Dungeon Roamer Heavenly Priestess Build ©
It uses Greatsword/Rifle as secondary weapon set.
It a great build but Greatsword is for noobs… Knitting Needles are much better for a build like this
Thats true, but wouldnt it be better if all targets in the well got the extra dmg provided by close to death? (note that the OP doesnt use Epidemic)
Reapers touch or deathly swarm can proc Dhummfire on the 2nd+ bounce and i suspect the same goes for piercing attacks. I know the OP uses WH, but since he is talking about dungeons the off hand might change.
And lets not forget that Dhuumfire is completely useless against structures…
I m not saying that Dhuumfire is a bad trait, i just think that for a pure power/well build close to death is better.
With that much critical dmg u must be talking about PvE/WvW. In this case I d suggest u keep sigil of force and try using food to get the extra crit chance u want…
In a reply to Mammoth’s edited post…
If i m not mistaken, the highest crit dmg u can get is 111% which leads to a 2.61 crit dmg multiplier.
Its been a long time since i tested stuff like that but if i remember correctly 5% more dmg is generally better than 5% crit chance unless u have very low crit chance (around 20% or something) and high crit dmg.
(edited by Enferian.2705)
My experience using Dhummfire is very limited, but if u take into consideration that it can proc on 1 target only, is random, scales with Condition Dmg and i have no idea how burning applies its dmg when multiple people stack it, i think that it is not a good choise for power builds.
If i were you i would respec and try the 30/10/10/20/0 build u mention, but i d take close to death.
I though i d try a condition build in tPvP with Dhuumfire (either a 30/30/10/0/0 or a 30/20/0/0/20) but i m not sure its really worth it.
The reason i m sceptical is i dont really know how burning dmg is applied when multiple players stack it. If someone puts a weak burn on a target (eg guardian with his virtue) and after that my Dhuumfire procs would my dmg trigger immediately or not? Would it matter who has the highest condition dmg?
If it works in a FIFO way regardless of condition dmg, then Dhuumfire could often be cleansed before it does any dmg and therefore would be completely wasted.
Also, a few more general questions…
With Terror moving up to Master trait i cant really decide what Adept trait to use.
I tried Hemophilia, Weakening Shroud and Chilling Darkness but i didnt see any significant difference. I d like to know other peoples opinions about that…
Do u find signet of undeath as usefull as before? 3 secs cast time seems to long to me and there are many cases that i cant pull it off in time. Is it just my problem for not reacting too fast? or is it better to take it off my bar?
Also, spectral attunement, lingering curse or withering precision (in case i go 30 into curses)?
Finally, i d like to have one stun breaker on my bar… what would u suggest?
I used to have plague signet which could be traited to give me 3 stacks of might, but i m now thinking of using a spectral skill which could benefit from spectral attunement if i choose to take it.
I m sorry for the long post
Thank you all for your help
3s is not long enough to shroud stomp someone. You need about 3.5s of stab to be certain of the stomp (10 in death magic covers that nicely) but even the base 3s leaves only a very narrow window at the end where you can be interrupted.
I guess i never noticed this narrow window since i always go 10 in Death Magic… for Greater Marks ofc
Is a joke too. 3 seconds? The only reason to take it in any case is to stomp someone reliably. Even then, you take 4-5 seconds to stomp and get 3 stability. You have to have 100% boon duration to get the full stomp, but well, I guess the trade off here is ok.
The stomp takes 3 seconds, so it is just enough to get a stomp.
You just have to press F1—>F1—>F very fast to not waste any time on the boon
Azzer u might want to edit your post… Change Either Feast (mesmer heal) to Consume Conditions.
What amulet do u use with that build Hagrid?
Seems interesting…
Although i have no idea how u play… Do u spec for direct dmg through dagger? Or do u use staff mainly and swap to dagger for the immobilize etc avoiding to go melee?
First of all i like that u somehow managed to get 80 trait points
I like to lock others with CC to make them use their cooldown etc and end up being very vulnerble after a while. The build i use is 0/30/10/0/30 with Necromancer runes, sigil of paralyzation, Scepter/WH – staff, Corrupt Boon and flesh golem which provides you with the option to lock your opponent for a long time while still doing considerable dmg.
Put pressure on the enemy and when the time is right use your CC to prevent him from recovering and ‘burst’ him. The 2 fears and golem charge are enought to inflict around 4k dmg, most of which is not affected by armor.
If u run with a friend u can focus on controling the enemy right from the start of the fight while he decimates him.
Dont undestimate WH as it can Daze for up to 4 secs (Banshee’s Wail and sigil of paralyzation). I like to use it against thieves to prevent them from stealthing often allowing me to finish them off.
And i want you to go out and get knights armor, vamp runes, berserker trinkets, master maintenance oils. omnomberry ghosts, sigil of blood and drop the 30 from BM. You ll do just a bit less leaching but u ll be able to spec for more dps.
I still dont see your point…
" have any of you considered how selfish of a healer build it would he if it scaled with healing power?"
Some of us are selfish… obviously. I like to build for Healing Power gear and facetank selfishly. Why is that bad?
I just think that u have a spec that u like and u are afraid that any change might mess it up which is based on a flawed logic.
You said:
“If its scaling that well with healing power its going to be ridiculously op for someone with 1400 healing power unless it has some sort of diminishing return”
For example if vampiric were to scale with healing power lets say that it gets 1 health for every 200 HP.
New base value 23 life stealing per hit
With 150 HP : 24.5 life stealing (rounded to 25 which is the current value)
At 1500 HP: 40 life stealing
Does this seem like OP scaling to you? And u can keep the build u use now since the effectiveness is still the same.
Edit: how about this… vampiric traits scale with Healing Power at default (no trait required). But the 25 pt trait (or any other trait perhaps) allows you to heal allies for a % of life stolen via siphoning.
(edited by Enferian.2705)
Even for PvP where Magi’s armor doesnt exist u can just choose Vampiric, Bloodthirst and a lot of healing power to become tanky but with low damage.
Using the OPs numbers u can get 113 life per hit at 1500 HP.
In the current state and assuming u are in a build that has 50% crit chance and u have Vampiric, Vampiric Precision and Bloodthrist u can get on average:
38+0.5*51=63.5 life stolen per hit.
If the proposed change is implemented then in a build with 0 HP u ll get about half the life siphon that a build with lots of HP. In other words u sacrifice dmg for survivability which is fair.
Making Vampiric traits scale in any way with healing power will just open more posibilities.
I like the idea a lot
But i think an inherent scaling with Healing Power will work better. It will allow for more freedon while building for Vampiric.
Perhaps it would be best to have both the scaling wiht healing power and a trait like what u suggest but wiht lower % added. This way if specing for maximun survivability u ll have to go 25 in BM and full on Healig Power, but if u want a more balanced but still viable build u can go only 15 pts and get less healing power.
NeXeD what u say really doenst make any sence to me. This suggestion implies that the base amount of life stolen will be as it is now. Therefore the life stealing specs u use now will be unaffected.
(edited by Enferian.2705)