Just thought I’d chime in here since you brought up power rev. I run power rev in 7 of the 13 raid encounters right now, and it does just fine. While benchmark dps shows rev can be lacking, that’s not the case in actual raid content. Rev rotation is simple enough that ideal dps can be achieved with little effort, whereas better benchmark dps classes drop off because their rotation is more complicated. I’m not just blowing smoke here, I’m frequently able to out dps Temps and condi Rangers by a significant margin as per arcdps. At the same time rev is also bringing might, fury, protection, and assassin’s promise to its subgroup at 100% uptime. I don’t think boon uptiming is clunky as mentioned in the OP, just pulse until you’re energy is out, swap, swap back as soon as you can/are out of Janis hammer dps energy. Something else to note, rev has some of the strongest cc in game, looking at you staff 5. It makes for clean cc phases.
In my opinion, rev is a viable dps thats much more of a team player than other meta dps classes.
Hell I’ll give you 4000 gems if they make ele gs a thing.
Man those are some wicked swords, very well done.
While in no way a fix, someone tipped me off to a work around for the time being. If you become suppressed, just go to character screen and load back in, no more supression.
Yes, please change the breastplate to the male version for female charr and asura.
Yes ty so much It feels like a tiny legendary now.
Celestial rev is lightweight godmode. I find the damage to be just fine in full cele, though personally I swap in zerker trinks and weps since I feel I still have invulnerability level survival.
I dunno how important staff is for you, but I’ve done extensive testing with these new raid DPS golems and found mace has the highest mainhand dps in celestial if you take advantage of the ferocity through Roiling Mists (combination of condi+crits make for a ton of additive damage). It sounds loose at first, I thought mace would be unusable, but numbers don’t lie. So mace/axe and sword /shield could be a consideration if you aren’t leaning heavily on staff.
Hey everyone,
So I was just doing some testing with Reaper Shroud and Blood Magic and had a question. Is Transfusion (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Transfusion) supposed to proc off of Soul Spiral (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Soul_Spiral)? It would seem it should, since Soul Spiral says it inherits traits from Life Transfer, but in practice I haven’t been able to have Transfusion trigger. Thanks guys.
Pre-revenant, I played 2000 hours exclusively on ele (gives you an idea how much I liked the class). Post revenant, I haven’t touched ele. Rev is just that good.
Can confirm they still drop. Had 3 fractal spoons drop for my party in an 86 last night.
Let it be known that I’ll throw my money at anet for phalanx.
You know that all the sub gems cost under 2 silver on the TP right? How’s that RNG?
Because that’s not how economics work. I’m not agreeing or disagreeing with the OPs stance here, but the line of logic you’re following is wrong. That supply of 2s sub gemstones is entirely produced through rng, it isn’t infinite and it isn’t static. If the sink is indeed too great for the faucets, that supply would dry up eventually, thus there would be a problem here.
Keep the dream alive.
Being lazy with quotes here:
“Its a game, people can play at their own leisure for fun, with nothing overly complicated about that at all.”
This is still the case unless you raid, and if you do there is no reason to make this post. Nothing has changed, except for people’s shouts.
Lame. Conquest blows.
If conquest blows then stronghold is a nuclear fart of blowage
Made me laugh lol. I’m honestly surprised by how many people like stronghold.
Forum bug that lasts for over a year post.
Don’t post salt threads on the forums unless you have a topic to be discussed. This is not the place to bemoan your Vial of Salt.
Dunno why this isn’t seeing more attention. Is the FGS train nerfed or something? Rewards are:
Giant Eye
Charged Lodestone
Charge Core
Powerful Blood
Still having this issue myself. Would love to be able to play the game again.
So I’ve been playing GW on the same machine and same ISP since head start and haven’t had any issues really. Just these past two weeks though, I’ve started to notice alot of latency regarding ingame actions. It’s now scaled up into multiple disconnects per hour or even failure to log-in at all. I’ve went through a lot of actions w/ my ISP to try to resolve this, but the more networks I test GW with I’m starting to think it’s not a client-side issue. I’m more or less just looking for some answers right now; I just want to get back to gaming. Are the NA servers experiencing issues right now? Is there something I can do to possibly resolve this?
So tired of "Fast as the Wind" constant spam
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: EsarioOne.9840
I’m also extremely sick of grossly repetitive dialogue. I honestly don’t know who thought it was a good idea. The best we can do is play with dialogue turned all the way down for now.
Cool, I didnt want to play today anyways.
Whoever runs post HoT fractals knows fake difficulty all too well. I have time to cook dinner during the fight against the grawl shaman or mossman due to their new HP sponges.
This expansion was more of a patch I’m beginning to think…
The players asked for an expansion, there never was one. You were all sold the living story 3, packaged and sold as “an expansion.”
And /thread. 100% truth right here.
I’m seeing alot of discussion about how mastery relates to burn out, that’s not the case.
Mastery = Millions of experience
Millions of experience = time buffer so people don’t realize the mastery system is non-beneficial and shallow character progression.
At its core, mastery is just something to keep consumers occupied. You aren’t doing anything original or unique. It’d be a different story if the player actually learned the itzel language (etc.) by doing related activities.
So of course you’re burnt out, anyone with a pulse should be burnt out. The content presented in HoT is nothing more than four maps and a new system that displays a yellow bar that fills up slowly. Bottom line, it’s a glorified feature pack. Unless you find that watching bars fill up excites you, it’s normal to be burnt out.
1. Get Glint.
2. Activate 7 and 9.
3. ???
4. Profit.
So far the only thing I’ve found that is able to handle condition pressure well is Mallyx. I wouldn’t recommend running Mallyx all the time (shiro/Glint are much better), but Mallyx is able to help out when dealing with condi overload. Other options are the soft-fix of Cleansing Channel (invocation, first major trait), and also sigils and runes. Sigils being of Cleansing and of Purity, runes being Rune of Hoelbrak/ of Lyssa. Also, some consumable foods bring down the duration of condis pretty well.
It’s not being released until 3 weeks after launch lol. Relax.
Bring on the better celestial!
as I stated previously in this thread, I can’t ignore it if it has AP. I need all I can get and can’t afford to skip it in this regard. so if it’s going to have associated achievments then I have to do them. once pvp/wvw/dungeon/storyline/jump puzzles/fashion collections/other misc collections are done the AP scene gets scarce, and I still need 16k to get my full hellfire set which is something I’ve been working toward for years now. so yes I could “just ignore it” IF it was a minigame and had few or preferably No achievements associated with it. but this is not the case and so in my modern mmo I will be forced to play an 8 bit junkpile. hopefully this clears this up.
Since I’m already getting infracted, I’ll double post. This is a personal choice, and therefore a personal problem. You have full control if you do or do not play SAB.
Sorry to hear that you don’t enjoy Sab. I’m also sorry that you think the developers world revolves around you. You’re entitled to your own opinion, but there is a world past the screen of your monitor. Lots of people in that world have been asking for Sab for a long long time.
Also, making kitten posts based on rumor is bad practice.
I mean, it’s not as good as the sword (what is ), but it has its place. It does what a shield is supposed to do, block stuff to keep you on your feet. If you get some free heals and Prot out of it along the way, that’s icing on the cake.
Yeah, UA is fine. It’s on the same level as what other classes get, and we have to pay 15 (!) energy for it. That isn’t cheap when your using your upkeeps correctly.
You want sustain, go slap some Cele on your Rev and never look back. Damage to sustain ratio of Cele Heralds is bonkers.
Amazing class, great work on Glint anet. Only thing I’d ask for is the upkeep on the heal (6) be it’s own personal buffed regeneration, as normal regeneration isn’t very useful outside of extremely long fights.
Absolutely not. I’ve been rigorously testing Celestial, and so far it’s basically God Mode.
It’s an amazing stat spec to run, you’re basically invoking god mode.
Source: 1500 hours of Cele ele in end-game pve
Well, Reaper IS stronger but just because Necromancers sucks.
You don’t like/prefer base Necromancer-it most certainly doesn’t “suck” (or show informed evidence that it’s “bad.”)
that’s because you don’t play necro. People don’t tell you to reroll/switch to an ele to run dungeons/fractals and soon raids.
Think we reach the core of the argument here. Elite specializations “superiority” (as the above definition states) is completely subjective, because strength is completely subjective.
I was hoping when an elite spec is maxed that the game turns into a white screen with a big red “you win” button.
By the OPs logic I shouldn’t buy food at a store, I should just become a farmer and grow my own so I can get “free” food.
Someone get this man a medal.
Oh also, opportunity cost is a real thing.
Don’t run zerker then. Ele HP is fine.
there are other armor sets that aren’t zerker :0
Oh god, it’s so true. Why anet.
Strong is relative. And relative to the other elite specs, it isn’t.
I like this guy.
Close this thread and reopen it in 3-4 weeks. There are no real opinions yet.
Initial opinions are opinions. Alo, they are useful for metric crunchers.
Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: EsarioOne.9840
200 HP to unlock the Espec.
This is what it should be.
Elite specialization grind literally has nothing to do with the difficulty of the game. #think
Wait, so the only way to get ascended (rings and such) is the fractal encryption now? That can’t be, I opened a few hundred yesterday and didn’t even see one.
Desert borderlands because they will be!
in WvW Desert Borderlands Stress Test
Posted by: EsarioOne.9840
It’s cool though because fractals is going up to 100 with no new content.
The truth, it stings. v_v
Being that I’ve played 2500+ hours on my ele, I was really looking forward to the elite specialization. After seeing the Tempest though, I can say with certainty that I’ll just be keeping my hundreds of useless hero points. The spec doesn’t bring anything new to the table, unless you’re into cringeworthy shouts and cartoonish animations.