Showing Posts For Ethros.1453:


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ethros.1453


That would be an awesome face to impose on them though. Imagine fighting one and it turns to look at you.

~Mr. Illuminati
Inspiration is only as good as it’s interpreter

Guild Wars 2 April fools 2015 [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ethros.1453


A test run for a new SPvP Mode … Emote Battles.
or just changing out the finishers to show a random emote

~Mr. Illuminati
Inspiration is only as good as it’s interpreter

So if Marjory got to do it...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ethros.1453


And just like every other prominent NPC necromancer in the story, it appears that we too will be getting a greatsword. Yay us.

That had me wondering about one story point immediately. Marjory got her greatsword possessed by the spirit of her dead sister. Now I’m pretty sure that my necromancer doesn’t have any dead sisters (at least that he’s mentioned). He did have this mentor he was really close to that died during the battle of Claw Island…

I don’t supposed that as a greatsword wielding necromancer, we’d get to ask the spirits of our dead mentors to fuse with our blades?

Or everytime you swing the sword it whispers “Apples”.

~Mr. Illuminati
Inspiration is only as good as it’s interpreter

Translation of Orrian syllabary

in Lore

Posted by: Ethros.1453


give him the achievement “no codex to great”

~Mr. Illuminati
Inspiration is only as good as it’s interpreter


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ethros.1453


When you are in a small group “secretly” setting up trebs or catas to take that tower and that one guy brings the enemy zerg to your position.

~Mr. Illuminati
Inspiration is only as good as it’s interpreter

Players mass-reporting other players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ethros.1453


Hi guys. Ever since I started helping a guildie out with her living story I have noticed something disturbing. There is a trend of players encouraging others to “mass report” other players in order to try and get them banned.

My guildie is relatively new to this game. The level of abuse she got recently really upset her, as did players telling her she was going to be banned because them and their friends were all reporting her. Unfortunately, she didn’t take any screenshots – but another guild member did.

Enclosed is a screenshot showing some players threatening to “mass-report” other players. What I’d like from Anet is a confirmation: can you get banned just because lots of other players report you, even if you’re just playing the game as intended (e.g completing an event that others are trying to exploit?) Or can players be banned for reporting maliciously – that is, using the report function as a weapon because they dislike another player/what that player is doing?

I think someone needs to clear things up because no new player should be made to feel awful just for playing the game as it was intended to be played. And players threatening to get other players banned through mass reporting (getting their friends/guild members/the whole map to report one person) seems like very disturbing behavior.

Here’s the collection of screens:

How does the community feel about this?

Abuse of the reporting system is a ban-able offense. They may not do that for the first offense though. I looked at your screen shot though and the remarks made are worthy of suspension. ANet looks at each report individually and as long as you or your friends did not join in the muck slinging, you guys should be ok. For future reference though, ANet does not like it when the names are visible in the pictures or used in text when describing the incidents. If the names were blurred or blocked out and the rest of it was clearly showing that would be fine. The only exception to showing something that is against the Code of Conduct that they would not want you to show would be exploits and probably anything that would be considered illegal activity.

~Mr. Illuminati
Inspiration is only as good as it’s interpreter

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ethros.1453


Years ago I remember a collaboration ANet had with Direct Song. The two companies and made an option to purchase higher quality music to play within the game. I remember how much better the game felt while inside and just outside of Sorrow’s Furnace. I would like to see more music added within the game even if it is through a purchase within the BLTC. If that route is chosen, I would like to see a “jukebox” like feature added to the audio section of the options menu. This would allow for the ability to switch certain tracks to play and which ones to not. I understand that adding new music to the game would be a large endeavor but I believe there would be enough interest in this even now to make the venture worth it.

~Mr. Illuminati
Inspiration is only as good as it’s interpreter

GW 1 Nostalgia

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ethros.1453


I missed farming with my Rt/Me. I also miss Kilroy, he was my favorite character from the four releases.

~Mr. Illuminati
Inspiration is only as good as it’s interpreter

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ethros.1453


New finisher.
Quaggan comes out playing a small violin then stops and says “boo-hoo” and dissapears.

~Mr. Illuminati
Inspiration is only as good as it’s interpreter

Free Trial Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ethros.1453


There’s always Party chat.

Without the benefit of either whispers or map chat, I don’t see how these players will be getting into parties in the first place.

Doing the events with others and communication through /s . While there are limits, they are not that crippling.

~Mr. Illuminati
Inspiration is only as good as it’s interpreter

PvP bag reward track

in PvP

Posted by: Ethros.1453


This is a cool idea. I will pitch it to the team. What other things would you see going on this track? They all have a theme leading up to the end goal.

For a theme, how about “The Skritt Hoarder” and the end reward is a 20 slot bag. We could fill in the rewards with various things that could change on a monthly basis. For instance, this month when you finish the first tier you get a guaranteed exotic accessory. Next month the reward for first tier completion might be a choice of three lodestones. It would be interesting to have at least one track that mixes things up on a monthly basis. Also make these account bond on aquire and a MF recipe that takes four of these to make a non bound one to put in the TP.

~Mr. Illuminati
Inspiration is only as good as it’s interpreter

Legendary Dye

in Crafting

Posted by: Ethros.1453


I may/may not have suggested this before. I do think legendary dyes are a possibility in the future, but I know there are some concerns about it.

For one, the game shouldn’t promote everyone looking like disco balls or unicorns. There comes a point where a character has too many special effects.

Yeah, could see that being a problem. Maybe they could gate it, but making certain legendary dyes only craftable after you make its corresponding weapon. Like if I made Twilight, it would unlock the ability to make a Twilight dye. And maybe make it so you could only use one legendary dye at a time. Just some thoughts.

That’s the problem I see also. If we get dyes that mimic the legendaries and then add it to our armor, the glow effects could become to strong. Your character might look more like a “Will-O-Wisp” instead of a person. If they were going to do legendary dyes, it would have to be something different than what they already have. Patterns in the dye comes to mind, checkered or chevron for example. This might be a problem with textures in the armor though. Another thought would be colors that change hue in different ambient light. Similar to some car paint jobs that look black in low light and purple in well lit areas.

~Mr. Illuminati
Inspiration is only as good as it’s interpreter

How You Would Ruin Things

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ethros.1453


We have listened to the great many requests for new PvP modes and we are excited today to introduce the newest mode. We call it “Paper, Rock, Scissors”. Choose between three different buffs. One will have a 50% damage reduction to the other, one will have a 200% dmg multiplier to the other and two of the same buffs will be set at normal damage. There will be one point that can be captured at any point in gameplay, however the point changes location around the map every 60 seconds.

After introducing the newest PvP mode “Paper, Rock, Scissors” we have learned that the learning curve for the new mode was to high, we are now simplifying it by removing the capture points and the ability to damage the opponents have been removed. We will be shipping these changes in the next patch and renaming the game mode to “Duck, Duck, Goose”

~Mr. Illuminati
Inspiration is only as good as it’s interpreter

How You Would Ruin Things

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ethros.1453


After long and arduous talks with PETA we believe we have come to a satisfactory agreement. All beasts and ranger pet graphics will be replaced with images of tofu burgers. And the leather working crafting profession will be replaced with paper mache, also tweaked the lvl 80 exotic gear to look less “Pinata” like.

~Mr. Illuminati
Inspiration is only as good as it’s interpreter

(edited by Ethros.1453)

How You Would Ruin Things

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ethros.1453


We have listened to the great many requests for new PvP modes and we are excited today to introduce the newest mode. We call it “Paper, Rock, Scissors”. Choose between three different buffs. One will have a 50% damage reduction to the other, one will have a 200% dmg multiplier to the other and two of the same buffs will be set at normal damage. There will be one point that can be captured at any point in gameplay, however the point changes location around the map every 60 seconds.

~Mr. Illuminati
Inspiration is only as good as it’s interpreter

How You Would Ruin Things

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ethros.1453


LS Season 3: Two friendly quaggans in The Grove have found an artifact that has been corrupted by Primordus. The avatar of the pale tree tells them that they must take it to the volcano in Mount Maellstrom to destroy it. The hero was summoned and along the way Logan Thackery and Lord Farren join to help the two quaggan on their journey. Each step in the instanced LS will be mainly walking and a healthy amount of dialog. Add only a few (but epic) fight scenes in the entire Season 3 line.

~Mr. Illuminati
Inspiration is only as good as it’s interpreter

please delete

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ethros.1453


For example, Printing money and not printing money isn’t really how inflation is controlled in real life, but if you only have 30 seconds to explain what inflation is you aren’t going to start talking about the government policies to change money supply.

For sure, but especially given how the real economy is performing in real life right now, I’d really like to see a clear distinction made between the quantity of spending and the quantity of money and how these are absolutely not the same thing.

It’s probably a bit too wonky, I get it, but whenever I see “printing money = inflation” when we’re in the middle of the biggest natural experiment ever proving conclusively that is not true I die a little inside.

100% agree. I suppose the question to ask is, is it better to attempt to explain the concepts with information that isn’t really as true as they think or leave the concepts shrouded in mystery entirely (this is assuming they have constraints on their video)?

I usually fall strongly on the side of don’t teach incorrectly, ever, give proper information or don’t teach, but misleading people is so bad.

I’m beginning to question that philosophy though, in a game you can afford to not know or care about the economy, it’s a game! In real life you cannot choose to not participate, does even a little half-correct information make people better off or worse off?

A recipe of partial information, strong emotional involvement, and a running imagination to fill in the blanks have had a bad historical record.

~Mr. Illuminati
Inspiration is only as good as it’s interpreter

Stalked by the Crafting crier in the Grove!

in Crafting

Posted by: Ethros.1453


Maybe she is ANet’s version of the “Obsessive Girlfriend” meme

~Mr. Illuminati
Inspiration is only as good as it’s interpreter

New Narrative Director at ANet

in Living World

Posted by: Ethros.1453


• Yes, I spent a lot of my career at Disney, but my passion is building great characters and telling great stories, regardless of genre. So, don’t expect the Elder Dragons to break into song anytime soon.

Could we at least plead that you use some of your past clout at Disney (and ANet currently) to get Gottfried to reprise a role as a talking/singing parrot?

~Mr. Illuminati
Inspiration is only as good as it’s interpreter

Stop BLK Farm & fix Keys/Chests!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ethros.1453


Or the items would just be more reasonably priced. Still, without the numbers from key sales versus keys farmed, the argument is irrelevant. Either way, keys are only one item out of many that are on the gem market. If they were to cut out the key farm completely, how much of an impact would you expect that would have on key sales?

~Mr. Illuminati
Inspiration is only as good as it’s interpreter

Stop BLK Farm & fix Keys/Chests!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ethros.1453


Still, what are you wanting to accomplish with this? How is the key farm hurting everyone’s game-play? I have not seen a reasonable example in the thread yet explaining this. From time to time, they may join in on one of the two events that hit the farm when doing their first heart; other than that, they just run by you when as they get to the next instance point. The price on ticket weapons remain fairly reasonable as well because they are the main ones supplying them in the BLTC while the demand stays fairly high. If anything they(the key farmers) deserve a thank you for the service to the community that they provide.

~Mr. Illuminati
Inspiration is only as good as it’s interpreter

New Items since release...

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ethros.1453


lots of ugly backs (LOTS,) helms and shoulders amid a few that look decent…how many full armor sets have been added since release that were not from the gem store? OH that’s right, 3… the ascended sets that imo look horrible and cost 400+g to make. How many armor sets ( and a bunch of great looking one’s at that) have been added to the gem store? I’ve lost count. Your right, even though MANY weapon sets have been locked behind boxes, a few great looking weapons were added with the champ loot boxes – on the weapon front I can’t complain…armor is a whole other story.

IF they added a whole new armor set in game every two weeks, you would be complaining about the cost of transmutation charges.

Who said we wanted a new armor set every two weeks? That is 3 sets (1 for each armor type) in TWO YEARS. Do I need to remind you that armor bought from the store requires transmutation charges beyond the first use? Yeah…

Can you remind me again how much armor set skins were available in game, through regular gameplay at launch? Those arent enough

How is that remotely relevant? After 5+ years of development you would expect there to be more than a few armor sets at launch, no? Nice try at defending the gross imbalance of new armors available in game vs for $$$ in the gem store in a game that prides itself on horizontal progression as end game, chief among them making your character looking “unique.” I guess your next argument will be that you can buy gems with gold?

But you can buy gems with gold.

sar·casm noun \?sär-?ka-z?m\
: the use of words that mean the opposite of what you really want to say especially in order to insult someone, to show irritation, or to be funny

~Mr. Illuminati
Inspiration is only as good as it’s interpreter

Invent a new trap!

in WvW

Posted by: Ethros.1453


A trap that sets the Heal skill on a 10 second CD and set the AoE radius at a distance of 600 (half the range that the two current traps are at).

~Mr. Illuminati
Inspiration is only as good as it’s interpreter

Game of Thrones Comparison

in Living World

Posted by: Ethros.1453


I doubt most people were watching GoT for the Dragons. Ahem.

Exactly, where’s the zombie army?! Keep teasing us but never delivering.

They moved to “The Walking Dead” for the benefits.

Will be waiting for the Walking Dead references when we get back to Elona

~Mr. Illuminati
Inspiration is only as good as it’s interpreter

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ethros.1453


Title “I can’t believe I bought this” – 5 gems

On a serious note: skin packs for items already in game (unlocks a or group of skin(s) and gives a few charges), unlock reward tracks in PvP (there should be enough people willing to buy this to make it worth making/coding), Unlockable themes to be placed in claimed buildings in WvW (graphical themes such as biomes (forested, tundra, desert) and extra NPC’s ( Norn in Wintersday gear, an eclectic asuran with a bow and arrow running around during valentine’s day, more troubadours), Tonics that could be used during battle like the ones in GW1 (6th year b-day presents).

~Mr. Illuminati
Inspiration is only as good as it’s interpreter

Mystic Forge changes?

in Crafting

Posted by: Ethros.1453


Combine 4 precursors and the forge explodes

or the ascended “Zommoros Face Palm”

~Mr. Illuminati
Inspiration is only as good as it’s interpreter

Chef Crafting to 500

in Crafting

Posted by: Ethros.1453


If/when they do raise the max to 500, I would like to see a few AR recipes added.

~Mr. Illuminati
Inspiration is only as good as it’s interpreter

Spectulated ascended armor+AH's release>Asia

in Crafting

Posted by: Ethros.1453


They will more than likely share the same TP. They had said the remaining crafting schools will be brought up to 500 before the end of the year. They have not mentioned anything about it recently though.

~Mr. Illuminati
Inspiration is only as good as it’s interpreter

Is the mystic forge Really random ?

in Crafting

Posted by: Ethros.1453


yes, it is random

~Mr. Illuminati
Inspiration is only as good as it’s interpreter

WvW - Ability to Repair Siege via Player

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ethros.1453


I like the idea of being able to repair siege. I would rather it cost 2x-3x the cost in supply (when building it originally) though instead of having to unlock them by maxing out one of the siege lines in our panel.. And make it so that the owner can only repair it.

~Mr. Illuminati
Inspiration is only as good as it’s interpreter

Personal Housing and Guild Halls

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ethros.1453


They have mentioned that they were looking into guild halls and that they will probably be something we will see someday. As far as player housing, they mentioned that might be a possibility but I have not heard anything more about it in the last 8 months or so.

~Mr. Illuminati
Inspiration is only as good as it’s interpreter

Guild Taxes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ethros.1453


Why set a tax? Not everyone would like that idea and it would leave some dissonance in the guilds. Why not just put in a simpler system by adding certain items purchasable with the guild’s influence.

~Mr. Illuminati
Inspiration is only as good as it’s interpreter

Epic new armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ethros.1453


It is doubtful that the legendary armor (if they decide to make those) would have an effect. If they did, added with the effects from the legendary weapons, it would be overkill. However, if they do this and give an option to turn effects off of a piece of gear, than maybe it could work.

~Mr. Illuminati
Inspiration is only as good as it’s interpreter

Pls increase exotics drop and t6 mats

in Crafting

Posted by: Ethros.1453


Increase your MF and there will be more t6 mats drops for you. You can also take those t5 mats and use the mystic forge to make t6 mats out of them.

~Mr. Illuminati
Inspiration is only as good as it’s interpreter

Leaderboards creating internal error

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: Ethros.1453


When clicking on leaderboards and checking achievement points compared to all players within the game.. I click on “next” quickly in order to see the end of the line and am recieving the error after about 6 pages in. It does not give any other message than Internal Error. I can click on My Account after recieving this and get this error.

This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
<Error code=“48” module=“3” line=“288” text=“callback (): TypeError: Cannot call method ‘split’ of undefined TypeError: Cannot call method ‘split’ of undefined at Object.<anonymous> (Account/before.js:19:43) at Library/lib-troll.js:295:36 at Object.<anonymous> (Account/before.js:95:21) at Library/sugar-sts.js:150:73”/>

I presume it is related. I am not sure if this would help though.

~Mr. Illuminati
Inspiration is only as good as it’s interpreter

Possible entrance to new zone.

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Ethros.1453


If we are just guessing, I would say the tengu area from LA looks like a good candidate.

~Mr. Illuminati
Inspiration is only as good as it’s interpreter

Use of Quartz

in Crafting

Posted by: Ethros.1453


It would not surprise me if they made the quartz (crystal) an ingredient for inscriptions with a plus to healing power. That sounds like the kind of joke they would play… ( I would guess they are going to be used for a Toughness, healing, precision.

~Mr. Illuminati
Inspiration is only as good as it’s interpreter

A cooking recipe I want to see...

in Crafting

Posted by: Ethros.1453


Going to the local Charr-bucks to get a Tamini Panini on Zhed Bread with a cup of LAtte.

~Mr. Illuminati
Inspiration is only as good as it’s interpreter

Legendary Armor

in Crafting

Posted by: Ethros.1453


lol could you imagine the materials needed to craft an entire set of legendary armor

If they were going to go that route, it would make more sense to add another slot in the equipment screen just to add an item that gives your character and glow/particle effect to the current armor or make it only for a chest or head piece.

~Mr. Illuminati
Inspiration is only as good as it’s interpreter

Unidentified Dye Crafting

in Crafting

Posted by: Ethros.1453


As Khisanth had shown. In the description it says you can get a rare or lesser quality. These are intended to be random in quality. It is not a bug.

~Mr. Illuminati
Inspiration is only as good as it’s interpreter

Who is E?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Ethros.1453


I am looking at E as a reference to V for Vendetta.
Maybe we could meet Mr E one day and he looks like a mesmer in starter gear complete with a mask.

~Mr. Illuminati
Inspiration is only as good as it’s interpreter

The New Cutscenes

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Ethros.1453


Sin City itself was heavily themed in a Noir style. The cutscene was made with with that styled feel. Now if one of the future cutscene in this arc (if there are going to be more) has a scene that is similar to the movie then we could say that.

~Mr. Illuminati
Inspiration is only as good as it’s interpreter

Corrupted Bulwark

in Crafting

Posted by: Ethros.1453


Another option to make sure you get the correct item, is to right click the item (ingredient) in the crafting window and then click on buy. This will send you to the TP and then you have the option of purchasing the correct item or not.

~Mr. Illuminati
Inspiration is only as good as it’s interpreter

Mariners Horn

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ethros.1453


I have not tried it in WvW yet, but they only complaint I have with the item is that the response time is very slow. I would like to be able to play shorter notes cleanly.

~Mr. Illuminati
Inspiration is only as good as it’s interpreter

3-Step Solution to ALL our woes

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ethros.1453


When you are trying to come up with a solution to what you think is a problem, remember that it is likely that there are just as many people that enjoy a grind or a challenge for the achievement/rewards as there are those that want a easy way out or just to be handed the rewards.

~Mr. Illuminati
Inspiration is only as good as it’s interpreter


in Suggestions

Posted by: Ethros.1453


This was something they talked about before release. They built the game with the waypoint system they currently are using instead of a one or two point system per zone similar to how you see in other games. Since there are waypoints covering the maps, mounts are not needed. They have however given us two cosmetic “mounts” in the TP (the witch’s broom and the digger thing(cannot remember it’s name atm..).) While they will probably put more of these types of items in the TP in the future, it is highly doubtful that you will see a type of mount you are asking for unless they either revamp their waypoint system (mass removal) or in future content make them more sparse.

~Mr. Illuminati
Inspiration is only as good as it’s interpreter

So, is magic find really useless?

in Crafting

Posted by: Ethros.1453


… MF gear comes in two different flavors.. One will have Power, Precision, and Magic Find. The other will have Power, Condition Damage, and Magic Find.. Saying that you are loosing damage because of your MF gear is not correct. You will loose some of your defensive stats (toughness and vit) but not your attack stats. I would say it is worth it if you are looking into a long term farm with them.. And not every item that you are going to be farming for will have anywhere near a .01% chance to drop.

~Mr. Illuminati
Inspiration is only as good as it’s interpreter

TP is REALLY clunky this morning

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ethros.1453


Any ETA? —-——-

All they are going to say is “When it’s ready”

~Mr. Illuminati
Inspiration is only as good as it’s interpreter

Orichalcum Mining pick for Karma

in Crafting

Posted by: Ethros.1453


yea, it’s not a difficult solo, just potentially time consuming.

~Mr. Illuminati
Inspiration is only as good as it’s interpreter

New to TP

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ethros.1453


There can only be one!……..Trading Post

and why do NA & EU share the same TP?

Cause I assume that prices/supply/demand would be different if they were separated.

The larger the pool, the better stabilized the market will be.

~Mr. Illuminati
Inspiration is only as good as it’s interpreter