Showing Posts For Evil Seabass.5214:
…is used by ******** at the end of the current LS chapter. You can see his GS hanging in front of him at the end. I’m betting thats going to be the next GS legendary
he eats honey…kick tall trees north of town.
he wont take apples, so make sure you have honey
I’ve mapped the whole zone, including the Chalice of Tears POI, but havent figured out where to actually start the puzzle. Anyone know?
Here are some instructions found with Google for getting (and using) the 32-bit client , I’m sure there are more :
(You can just put ‘Guild Wars 2 forum 32-bit client’ in the search bar of Google for more forum posts on the subject.)
Good luck.
The thread you linked has the solution I needed. Thanks for this! I am now running the actual 32-bit client, not the 64-bit client in 32-bit mode.
We’d like to fix the crashes. Please post the details (preferably in an attachment.)
As for switching back to the 32-bit client in the meantime:
…you can force it to stay on the 32-bit client by adding -32 to the command line.
I’m not your QA department.
I try downloading the 32-bit client, and it gives me 64-bit. I use the command line edits, but that doesnt help – It is still the 64-bit client running in 32-bit mode (which is BS and full of crashes).
Give me a link to the 32-bit executable. Thats all I ask.
As the title states, the 64-bit client is not good. Constant crashing since it was FORCED upon my system. Adding -32 to the shortcut does no good for me and the client continues to crash.
HOW DO I GET THE 32-BIT CLIENT BACK??? I dont want the 64-bit
Out of curiosity, does anyone know what forge recipe uses Chak Eggs? I noticed that they can be used, but I cant find what else to combine with it. Didnt see anything on the wiki either.
Ela has no new info for me, just a Scarlet re-cap and info on my pals Marjory, Taimi, etc.
Seems like a lack of planning to me, if the game wont notify me in some way of new content…
I read the patch notes, and saw the Ley Energy info, but in-game have no notifications or prompts that lead me to do anything. In fact, the only message I have on my screen is the current list of dailies which I havent yet completed.
If there is some story or LS3 build-up here, I’m not seeing it. How do I get started?
Ahhh, so now we know the real reason Colin jumped ship….
My shark is named No Fricken Laser
Thx for moving the messaging out of the middle. That was a major annoyance in the past.
Fixed a shameful error in the Rata Novus study guide book “The Human Gods” that stated Kormir took Dhuum’s place rather than Abaddon’s.
Haha, yay!
Guess I'll never complete Dark Harvest
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Evil Seabass.5214
Game is far too laggy to complete the Fallen Masks adventure. This adventure is required as part of the Necro specialization collection. Adventure requirements should be removed from the collection requirements.
Here is the inspiration behind Fist Flurry, Palm Strike, and Pulmonary Impact:
language warning
(edited by Evil Seabass.5214)
I just noticed that when my human female mesmer auto-attacks with her greatsword, it no longer spins. It just sort of wobbles back and forth. The greatsword still spins when my human male auto-attacks.
Is this a bug, or a recent change? I want my spinning back
When you level up, your character gets a pop-up box containing your reward, items, hero points, etc. After accepting your reward, ANOTHER box pops up showing future level-up rewards. This secondary box is tedious and annoying. We need an option to turn that off.
Unless I’m mistaken, this is a fairly new addition that came in with the Specializations update.
The timing can’t be coincidence…
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Evil Seabass.5214
Yeah…I’ll be waiting to see if the amount of content justifies the price tag before I buy HoT
Yeah, this “no valid path to target” nonsense is pretty ridiculous. Standing directly under the Shadow Behemoth hit box and I couldnt use Judges Intervention…It wouldnt even execute the skill. This needs to be fixed so that at least the skill executes and burns, even without the movement effect happening.
I’m NOT happy about all wells becoming ground targeted. Personally, I prefer having them cast at my feet without requiring 2 clicks or 2 button-pushes…
Is this a bug? I finished the Arah Story Mode dungeon as my final step in personal story. One of the rewards is now the ability to select an exotic piece of armor, but it comes out as level 18…
Just curious about something. I have all the achievement points for the mini collections 1, 2, and 3, but after earning the points, did not keep the minis. Will those minis be unlocked for me with the update, or will I need to re-collect them all?
Equipping Trait I (one) in Arms causes Signet of Might to activate in passive mode, even if not equipped in a utility slot. This is great for signet builds, as it allows all 6 passive buffs to be applied if the other 5 signets are equipped
Where does one go to see this livestream? I dont see a link…what am I missing?
I recently installed the game on a 2nd PC, and noticed that when I click on a target, whether friendly, neutral, or hostile, it has a colored outline. This target outline is missing on my 1st PC, the one I use most often to play the game, and I can’t figure out the setting to get it back.
Any help would be appreciated.
For those of you who have seen the previews for the Tequatl fight, do you know whether the actual fight will involve more than just Tequatl? For example, will there be hoards of undead minions that he summons during the fight, or will we be focused solely on Teq? Any recommended food buffs we should bring to the fight, such as +vit, pow, +vs undead, etc?
I hope tomorrow is as epic as my imagination makes it out to be…
Thx for the update Gaile. My main character was also the first created on my account, but the only one to not yet receive the birthday gift.
Also, this bug is probably responsible for me not getting a precursor from the mystic forge, despite 1000’s of tosses. Just sayin’…;)
I noticed in the patch notes that something called a Glob of Dark Matter is required to craft the new portal recipe. I can’t get in the game at the moment (work), and was wondering if anyone can shed some light on it. I looked in the wiki and didn’t see anything.
Is this a new crafting material? How do you acquire it? Is it used in anything else besides this new portal recipe? Was a new slot added to the materials storage?
I’ve heard rumblings that all the crafted ascended gear (armor, weapons, whatever) will probably be account-bound, which is pretty lame. I’m really getting sick and tired of account-bound items. Everything should be able to be sold/traded to other players if not yet equipped by your character.
More people would probably do fractals, for example, if the weapons and other exotics weren’t account bound and could be sold.
Same goes for this new ascended crafting. There will be no point doing it once you’ve made your own gear, no way to make any money from crafting and selling them…
Also, I really hope there isnt some sort of time requirement to crafting them, like the one introduced with Celestial gear. This is the very definition of “grind” that GW2 is supposedly against!
Today’s patch put an end to this issue
Moral of the story: Farming is fine, but dont be a jerk when someone wants to complete the event. This will make it so nobody complains on the forum…
(edited by Evil Seabass.5214)
I thought it was Theo Ashford (human) who died, so why is there a Charr body?
Check out screenshot #2 in the new post on the main page today, the one with Lady Kasmeer…
Unless I’m horribly mistaken, thats something new!
I stopped doing fractals at lvl 20 because the effort involved to complete the run far out-weighed the rewards for doing so…pretty broken IMO. Killing mega-bosses is the only worthwhile activity these days, from a loot perspective.
The reward chest IS still there after killing Rotbeard. However, it no longer has a guaranteed rare item…at least it didnt for me when I opened it last night. Looks like Rotbeard has been demoted from “World Boss” status…
[edit] I also did not receive the new daily pop-up chest on the right side of my screen after killing Rotbeard or opening the chest afterward, hence the reason I believe he no longer counts as a world boss.
Out of curiosity, is it normal to only receive the following items each day?
1 mystic coin
1 karma jug
1 laurel
5 silver (or less, based on character level)
For nearly 2 months, I’ve received nothing else in my daily reward chests, such as boosters, tonics, bank/TP access, forge stones, salvage kits, etc…
But every day, I hear of my guildies getting an additional item. I’m curious if this is random, if anyone else is seeing this, or if my account is flagged in some way to not get these additional bonuses.
I wouldnt call this situation an exploit, if the people doing it legitimately ran low-level characters to the spot and parked them on the vein to be mined once daily. In fact, if they were able to get those characters to the spot by skillfully dodging, then hurray for them…
But I would say the tele-botters need to be fixed. Report them when you see them.
If ANet has an issue with it, there are a few things they can do to combat it, stopping the legit players as well as the bots, but without hurting the legit players:
1: put a character level requirement on those karma picks, just like the orichalcum mining pick (lvl 60)
2: make the karka champ un-pullable
3: make the karka champ’s player-awareness more effective.
I have a couple of lowbie characters parked on the vein, which i mine daily. I ran each them to the spot on my own, dodging and stealthing at appropriate times. Seems like a fine use of those characters to me, as I am not using them for anything else at the moment (i focus on one character to level up at a time). Each morning, I take a lvl 80 character up the ramp, pull the boss down away from the vein, then dodge past and mine the vein. After the boss is pulled, i log into the lowbies and proceed to mine the vein. Sometimes, i can even log in directly to a lowbie without pulling the champ away, as long as i dont move the character, the boss doesnt aggro and attack.
This greatsword looks pretty cool, but it would be even better if it was turned around so that the toothed edge is hitting targets, rather than the jawbone edge, as shown in the pic.
Pretty please…I’m even batting my eyelashes here…
How the hell did Kaineng get into this bracket with us (NSP) and AR? They seem to outnumber us 10 to 1 everywhere we try to fight, to the point that its ridiculous to even consider trying anymore.
WTB: Paid server transfers…
Sorry, but the spelling error in their name always bugged me. now its fixed. Thanks ANet!
or the runes from all the various dungeon chests…theres a ton of examples, not just exotics. My issue is with anything that drops as account-bound – the vast majority of it is useless to me, so i’d like to be able to sell it on the TP.
For example, the Exotic Fractals weapon skins that get awarded randomly, as well as the exotics that come out of the chests…they are always account-bound.
So tired of getting account-bound drops from certain dungeons. Can someone from ANet clarify why this design decision was made? I get so much crap that I dont want and end up destroying because it cant be salvaged…I wish it could go up on TP as a means to make a bit of cash.
I understand the why behind soul-bind on equip, but for the love of Dwayna, get rid of Bound-on-drop/acquire garbage…
as topic states, I am now getting absolutely nothing in the way of drops since today’s patch. Its so bad that im wondering if my account has some sort of unlucky flag on it, or if the DR system has flagged me somehow…
Putting 40 exotic level 80 Staffs into the Mystic Forge and guess what happened?
in Crafting
Posted by: Evil Seabass.5214
I made 110 rare greatswords today, and threw them all into the forge and got only junk back. Then, I decided to try only exotics, so I bought about 75 level-80 exotic greatswords from the TP (using up all of my gold). Threw them all into the forge, and once again got SHlT back…
Now I’m dirt poor again. Thanks Izzy, and your kitten-creation that is the forge…
I tried this dungeon a few times, but will never go back. This particular fight is not fun, and I dont enjoy spending hours on a single boss fight. To date I have never finished any of Arah Explorable mode paths.