(edited by Evoneva Drakon.1754)
Showing Posts For Evoneva Drakon.1754:
one thing listing survivability skill completely negates is recharge time.
For example mist form and arcane shield, two utility slots focused on surviving
but consider this, base recharge both are 75s C/D
compare this with shield stance (warrior 30s C/D), or gear shield (engineer 20s C/D)
now even though my theoretical ele is carrying twice as much survival skills as both the warrior and the engineer i actually have less suvivabilty than both, by the time i’ve used one and the cool down is up the warrior could have used shield stance twice with rechange half way over, and the engineer using there skill 3 times and almost being ready a 4th time.
Now i’m not going to state for or against damage mitigation as i think ele is in a fairly good spot at the moment, compared with pre-patch (although it would be hard to get to a worse spot than before).
However just wanted to point out that listing all the options for active defense can lead to misleading conclusions.
Hopefully this will clear things up for people who thinks they have the same amount of sigils now and before.
Right now as an example of sigil combos:
Ele/Engi – Battle, Bloodlust, then switch to accuracy or force (because swap sigils have shared C/D)
Other Classes – Battle, Bloodlust + Force, Hydromancy (or for warriors Force + accuracy again due to shared C/D)
Other Classes have some benefits but the benefits of the +% sigils are not too noticeable.
with the patch
Eke, Engi – Battle, Bloodlust OR battle, Energy OR energy Hydromancy etc
Other Classes – Battle, bloodlust + energy, Hydromancy
so because of the the removal of shared C/D this is a massive Buff to other classes as they can now get the +250 attributes as well as might stacks AND ontop of that more dodges and CC on swap.
Whilst Ele/Engis will really have to choose which effects they want then will Never have the flexibility of other classes.
Therefore it is not the same now due to Cooldowns being shared and therefore the more powerful (on switch/crit) sigils can only be used once not multiple times.
It’s also:
-One of the highest damaging skills in the game (in the top 5 as I recall)
-Causes 8 stacks of fair duration bleeds
-Has a wide AoE
-Is a Blast finisherShould it really be a surprise that this is the most difficult to land skill in the game?
There is a trick how you can use Chruning earth and hit with it most of the time, you just start casting it, then use Lightning Flash to close in on your target, as the earth finishes its cast time.
people haven’t learnt to count to 3 then dodge yet? because once you face these people that can count, then you’ve had 3 seconds of letting beat on you, used a utility skill and all that you have to show for it is 4 seconds of cripple.
As a ele main, thief second
In my opinion on its own it is not over the top, however when coupled with a few things it becomes way over the top.
Shadowsteps remove the need for positioning or timing
Steal will strip stability if the thief is wise enough to save steal vs some classes.
this means skills like either renewal can’t be safely used without a very high chance of being interrupted.
then coupled with the evasion frames you can see why PW can become a extremely versatile skill,
need to interrupt a heal/skill? PW
to dangerous to stomp a foe? PW
need to stop people rezzing? PW
need a few seconds for heal to come up? PW
Just increase the ICD on sigils and leave them the way they are rather than nerfing them. Warriors would not have any advantage anymore and you save yourselves the trouble of balancing them.
20s ICD on weapon swap sigils and you take care of most of the issues that may arise.
which nerfs ele and engi even more, all other classes get 2 procs every 10 second (assuming swapping as soon as swap avaliable) ele and engi only get a sigil proc every 20 seconds
Was playing on my guardian yesterday. Out of nowhere this Ele comes and arcane power + PoM + pyroblast me for 15k, instantly downs me from full health. While I’m down a thief attacks him and he just frost nova + blinks away, sheeps the thief and then explodes him with arcane blast + barrage + kiting. Mana shield absorbs all damage.
Then he opened a portal to karka queen and killed her solo.Doesn’t need any skill to play, just way too OP and needs nerf.
LIES!! I call bull. The portal led to Scarlet and NOT karka queen. An ele soloed Scarlet! I saw it through twitch livestream the other day.
Actually the Karka queen was bred by Scarlet and is her pet, that ele soloed them both at the same time.
depending on ICD it might be interesting especially for S/x eles, for landing dragons tooth
from a D/D ele perspective this might actually be bad. Mainly the most often used combo updraft → burning speed. normally as an opener.
now imagine this blink/RTL whatever, updraft → fire(quickness) → burning speed under quickness this will now land short so no burning for firegrab
These are my reasons as to why HS is ridiculous, and and funnily enough its a direct counter argument to “other heals have other benefits”.
If you consider how passive it is, it turns many skills into a heal:
ie: dodges are now also a 400 heal (using 400hps, because its an easier number to work with)
enemy dodges are also a 400 heal
ether renewal (i play ele) is a 1.6K heal for the warrior, thats right my heal is a free heal for the warrior, whilst the warrior can still hit me!
now lets get onto skills,
Earthshaker: if lands 800 heal, if dodged (as warriors says learn to dodge) 400 heal
Staggering blow: 400 heal
Backbreaker: 800 heal
Shield Bash: if lands 400 heal, if dodged 400 heal
shield stance: 1.2k heal
Skull crack: 1.2 K heal
whirlwind: 400 heal
you guys get the idea, and this isn’t factoring things like combustion shot which people dodge or run from, or pindown against a melee might aswell also be a 1.2k heal
first off i hate diamond skin i think it is a terrible trait and should not have been implemented.
But this talk about hard counters I have to ask how may ele builds prior to diamond skin could take out a condi necro, of equal or even lesser skill, without outplaying them many times over?
OP i don’t agree with your thoughts on HS, but i heavily commend your on your attitude =)
i just used him today and he disappeared =(
wow thats alot of people that didn’t dodge a big glowy ball of plasma
So….you’re annoyed that if an opponent negates your attack, you don’t get rewarded for it?
I…uh, k.
Since appear to play a warrior (and other classes), then I ask what penalty do you suffer when you miss your burst attacks? you don’t lose adrenaline, it goes onto a 3 second cooldown not 10 second. So where is your penalty for missing?
Just so you know, when a warrior misses a burst skill, the burst skill goes on full cooldown. If I am using a mace and miss my skull crack my cooldown is effectively doubled.
My mistake I just tested this with my warrior, it did indeed go on a 7.5 second cooldown.
Why are you saying the cooldown is effectively doubled though?
So….you’re annoyed that if an opponent negates your attack, you don’t get rewarded for it?
I…uh, k.
Since appear to play a warrior (and other classes), then I ask what penalty do you suffer when you miss your burst attacks? you don’t lose adrenaline, it goes onto a 3 second cooldown not 10 second. So where is your penalty for missing?
Soothing Mist is currently set up to grant a 3 second regeneration when you get critical hit
thanks for the update Tyler
sorry i’ve only been half following the balance thread, what is changing between soothing mist and/or cleansing water for greater synergy?
I think eles should have an in combat weapon swap for convince as getting out of combat is not always possible.
however here is how i think it should work,
-weapon swap in combat is available
-once swapped ALL weapon skills are put on a 5 to 10 second cooldown, this would let eles adapt to a situation. however the cooldown would prevent you mixing fields from 2 different weapon sets and let all auras expire, and most weapon based boons expire.
-i think heal and utility skills should remain available as i don’t foresee a way of exploiting them.
hey guys its fair, we have 2x more skills right? so even our traits should need 4x more investments….
Count me in the Roman Numerals crowd.
And about your point asking if we would want all the skills to be numbers, no i wouldn’t icons do look nicer. However as they are in a fixed position i still refer to them as a number not by name, or graphic:
ie: Ice bow use skill 4, or Great-sword use skill 3, or 4 with no target.
I couldn’t even tell you what any of those 3 skills look like, and i can’t even be sure if i remember their names correctly.
We are going to need a nerf soon with all these buffs, I mean even in the MLG eles by far had the highest win ratio of any class by infinity! (matches played / 0 = infinity)
I havn’t had time to check this out, but are you serious? Arcanes were already nerfed 10-20% last patch as well without notice as far as i can recall.
With the tooltip update the skills should reflect what extra benefits the traits provide, however i have noticed that with the warrior traits such as +20% GS dmg the tooltip for the skills turns blue and shows the updated damage.
This is the same with thief and +10% pistol damage and dagger +5%, the tooltip turns blue and the updated dmg is shown
However with my ele with traits such as 10% dmg in air, and 10% dmg whilst health about 90%, i am seeing no tooltip update for the dmg, similarly with guardian and +5% sword dmg.
I havn’t had time to go through all the classes and traits, i have checked my ele in heart of the mists and the bonus dmg does apply, it is only the tooltip which is not updated.
I’ll go as far as saying that Ele, Mesmer, and Thief are bad classes to bring to solo queue in quantities more than one between the three of them. All three of them have either terrible health, armor or both in the case of Ele. It’s more chaotic in solo queue so you’d rather have better base values.
I know class identification is something a lot of people do, but it still baffles me. The classes in all MMOs are just tools. Which tool works best in which environment? Nobody peels for anyone in solo queue, communication is pretty much nonexistent, so does it really make sense to bring classes with low initial defenses?
Going zerker ammy on Ele is 1.8k armor and 14k health before traits. That is worse than both Ranger and Engineer without any amulet equipped, let alone Warrior. Soldiers on Ele is only 300 armor more than Warrior and less health without any amulets equipped!
It just makes more sense to bring Engi, Ranger, Necro, Guardian, and Warrior to solo queue. I’m not saying the classes aren’t viable – if you have an organized team and everyone is communicating the classes’ weaknesses become less of an issue.
quoted for the truth, the problem with solo queue is lack of team work, this is why in the MLG tournament all the teams brought a total of 0 ele’s because they could help cover up for their weaknesses.
Here is the steady weapon test and Zelyhn statment is true that Met shower can hit higher than 100B despite what i could find in the open world.
They are completely different skills i don’t believe anyone has disputed that, the only point i was testing was, from your calculations, that 100B and Meteor Shower produce similar dmg on a Human size target.
I’m all for taking numbers and doing the calculations, however the final step in validating the calculations is that real world results must bear out theoretical calculations.
If they do not then the calculations are null and void.
Well rather than arguing here are some videos both with full zerker gear/ruby orbs
My warrior with an eviserate build 30/10/0/0/30 or 30/0/0/10/30 i can’t remember which one
and here is my ele 30/20/10/10/0
had trouble pulling the risen brute away so i tried again later and attempt 1
and attempt 2
na, zaitan likes his steaks
I thought this too, but it seems from my testing the stats don’t update till you land your first hit.
wow, thanks for testing this out Kyvia
same here, 2 characters made on headstart, alt got present main did not.
Have used hair dye kit on main.
please raise your hand if you would like the ele downed state changed so we can have 2 stomp prevention skills, and a 1.5K dmg bouncing attack skill in exchange of vapor form through portals.
raises hand
I find that it undermines the danger of running out of keep/tower during a siege and gives the Elementalist class a sort of free pass where they don’t really need to worry about being defeated as long as they stay within a set distance of that portal. I’ve witnessed pairs of D/D eles taking turns running out of a keep/tower AoEing rams at a gate safe in the knowledge that they are pretty much exempt from the risks of being defeated. Luckily for me they were on my server, but still, it’s a bit ridiculous to watch. I’m kind of surprised too that it’s been left like this for so long now.
Sorry to say but those ele’s were dumb then, they could have always just hit the Ram from the inside of the gate instead.
On the actual skill itself its quite situation, what about the following?
Guardian gets downed near cliff they can push people off kill them and get a revive.
Necros ability to escape when near very high cliffs
Thiefs shortbow 5 skill to ignore some z axis sometimes (more on pvp maps than wvw though)
Rangers ability to self heal only when underwater
Mesmers ability to get people into keeps that they are already in
Warriors ability to imob people whilst on arrow cart (Not sure have they fixed this yet its been a while since i heard a complaint so possibly not anymore)
thief and mesmers ability to pull people off walls
try getting the recipient to delete all of his/her old mail.
Sometimes the mail system bugs and doesn’t receive mail till the old ones have been deleted even if the mailbox isn’t full.
Yeah, VZ never mob what are you talking about….
Following the leader, the leader, the leader
We’re following the leader wherever he may go
We won’t be home till morning, till morning
We won’t be home till morning
Because he told us so
Tee dum, tee dee
Finally, Tornado will be your ace skill. A useful tip for becoming a pro with this skill is to leave the transformation as soon as you accidentally activate the skill. This way you actually won’t die, and the skill will safely be on cooldown, effectively preventing you from accidentally activating it again for 3 minutes or so.
Lol. I must say i have fun in tornado form. Shame it only last 3-4 Sec before people root and kill me.
Sorry you must be mistaken, Tornado has stability so you can’t be rooted.
You must be thinking of Magnetic grasp the skill that puts you into melee range and then self stuns for 3 seconds