Showing Posts For Ewon.5903:

Move Spirit Watch Achievements out of rated?

in PvP

Posted by: Ewon.5903


If there are going to be map specific achievements. maybe let people queue for a specific map in unranked?

I don’t know if there would be enough population for that, but if you are an achievement focused player maps like spirit watch rarely get selected.

Capping pre-patch lose out on 190 tickets?

in WvW

Posted by: Ewon.5903


Please correct me if I’m mistaken, but it would appear those of us who already capped out at 175 tickets pre-patch lose out on the new 365 ticket weekly cap.

This didn’t feel like an issue when I was getting tickets for the repeat diamond chests, but that was patched out as a bug.

EDIT: Actually, completing any end chest means you lose out on at least some tickets with the new amounts.

EDIT2: and, if you were on the last chest of any tier, you only got the new smaller chest reward amounts.

Guys, please think these things through. And if you are going to fix the repeatable bug, at least let us know you are going to handle the ticket issue. I understand if this takes time, but you can communicate it in a case where you are fixing another bug.

(edited by Ewon.5903)

Skirmish Reward Chest changes..

in WvW

Posted by: Ewon.5903


no more Ticket cap , i just got 14 tickets on the first Diamond Chest after finishing diamond tier.

This is unintended. There is supposed to be a weekly ticket cap and we will be fixing this.

With this fix, can those of us who already capped this week receive the new cap retroactively please? I doesn’t feel great being shafted just because I WvW on the weekends and capped with the lower 170 tickets.

TP Errors: there is an error [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ewon.5903


The issues mentioned above, related to the TP, in-game mails, and world transfers, have been addressed. Thanks for your patience as we resolved this.

Thanks for the update, and good work to the team!

TP Errors: there is an error [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ewon.5903


I know an exact ETA usually can’t be given, but at this point, is there enough knowledge of the issue to know if the TP will be back up today?

The team is working on this, and after a fix is found there’s always testing to be done. I’m following their discussions, but at this point, it’s a little premature to give an ETA — even though you suggested a broad one, which was very nice of you.

I wrote messaging that we can post once the problem is resolved. I will post, or another member of the Comms Team will post, in the News and Announcements sub-forum in all languages when the issue is resolved.

Understanable. This will do. Time to put away the spreadsheets and dust off these weapons, wish me luck!

TP Errors: there is an error [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ewon.5903


I know an exact ETA usually can’t be given, but at this point, is there enough knowledge of the issue to know if the TP will be back up today?

Accused of a Botter/Movements/Harrased

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ewon.5903


Ewon: Naming and shaming isn’t allowed. But your videos are some interesting evidence. So, I’d remove your link from here and instead send it to; include any other screen shots and character/account names you suspect are botting.

I had no intent on starting my own thread to name and shame this OP, or any of the other few potential sw botters I see.

The video is not mine, but I gathered possible evidence on the OP botting which I wasn’t entirely sure what to do with. I actually just installed xsplit a few days ago to record my own video.

I was actually looking for a screenshot of the bot tool when I came across this being discussed on the forums. I was shocked to see that one of the potential botters started his own post to defend himself. I decided to reply to his thread, that maybe he isn’t being so honest.

I take responsibility for what I have posted about the topic, and if I’m out of line the mods can give me an infraction and remove my post. I’m just a frustrated player who wishes the report feature didn’t feel so meaningless. (and not simply towards the OP)

I completely understand why you made your post. I’m just trying to help you avoid an infraction. And, again, don’t be afraid to send that video link (even if it’s not yours) as well as your own evidence to the email address I mentioned. That way Anet can use it as they look into the botting reports.

Sorry, I should have also added a thank you for the link, as I was wondering where to send my findings, and for the note of warning about an infraction.

Accused of a Botter/Movements/Harrased

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ewon.5903


Ewon: Naming and shaming isn’t allowed. But your videos are some interesting evidence. So, I’d remove your link from here and instead send it to; include any other screen shots and character/account names you suspect are botting.

I had no intent on starting my own thread to name and shame this OP, or any of the other few potential sw botters I see.

The video is not mine, but I gathered possible evidence on the OP botting which I wasn’t entirely sure what to do with. I actually just installed xsplit a few days ago to record my own video.

I was actually looking for a screenshot of the bot tool when I came across this being discussed on the forums. I was shocked to see that one of the potential botters started his own post to defend himself. I decided to reply to his thread, that maybe he isn’t being so honest.

I take responsibility for what I have posted about the topic, and if I’m out of line the mods can give me an infraction and remove my post. I’m just a frustrated player who wishes the report feature didn’t feel so meaningless. (and not simply towards the OP)

SilverWaste botting problem

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ewon.5903


My guild and I have been reporting the “SW” bots in SW everyday for atleast a month, and nothing has ever been done about it

As you mention “everyday” isn’t helpful. The bots are right RIGHT NOW in silverwastes map ip

(edited by Ewon.5903)

[NA][LFG] Dungeons/Fractals/Raids

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ewon.5903


Hey there,

I’m looking to get back into GW2 with some dungeons, fractals, and eventually raids. My preferred timezone would be around daily reset.

Below you can find some details about me.

I was in a dungeon guide, running a daily dungeon tour for about 8 months. I may need to learn your strats, but I’m sure I can learn quick.

I’m currently pugging throughout the day.

Fractals (Plvl 100)
I’ve been pugging T4 Daily fractals after reset.

Although I have the Eternal title, I’ve done very little raiding since they were first released. I have knowledge of each SV boss, but have not yet tried SP.

Fully Ascended Gear
Tempest (Staff or Fresh Air)
PS War

T4(150ar) – Druid (I may switch this gear to Engi if druid is hated)
T3(105ar) – Ps War

Can gear others as I do have quite a few weapon/armor boxes in storage.

Legendary weapons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ewon.5903


Maybe not the place to ask this, but is the legendary backpack for fractals still on the table?

Current WvW Builds

in WvW

Posted by: Ewon.5903


What is the best place to find the current wvw builds? I wasn’t sure if metabattle’s gvg section is WvW focused as some list pvp trickets.

[NA] LF Raid Guild/Group

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ewon.5903



As the title states, I’m looking for an organized guild or group to start raiding with. I’m hoping for a group that is at least semi-serious about clearing the content (with meta builds and ascended gear).

Preferred Start Time
At or before daily server reset, but open to other times.

Fully Ascended Characters
- EA/PS Berserker
- Zerk Tempest
- Condi Ranger

Other Characters
I have level 80s for all professions which can be geared up as needed. I’ll either move gear between characters, use the extra ascended boxes I have in storage, or craft with the abondance of gold I’m sitting on. I just don’t want gear to seem like a problem, as it isn’t.

Raid Exp
- Have downed Vale Guardian a few times (usually as Condi Ranger).

Other Exp
- Meta Dungeon runner (Hobby Achievement done 1,195 times)
- Person Fractal Level 78 (waiting on Dec update as sponges are boring)

If you think I’d be a fit for your raid, please let me know! Any details you can provide on your group, such as start time, experience, and requirements would be great.

I look forward to seeing you ingame!!

NA [FEAR] Recruiting for Dungeon Runs 11amGMT

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ewon.5903


Starting our dungeon run! Would love to have some new members

NA [FEAR] Recruiting for Dungeon Runs 11amGMT

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ewon.5903


About to start our daily dungeon run!

NA [FEAR] Recruiting for Dungeon Runs 11amGMT

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ewon.5903


Currently doing dungeons, all are welcome to join

NA [FEAR] Recruiting for Dungeon Runs 11amGMT

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ewon.5903


[FEAR] The Death Squad runs daily dungeon tours. We are looking for more people to actively run the dungeon tours with us. Although we do try to run meta builds, we are a more casual dungeon guild. We run dungeons for the gold and enjoyment, rather than for record times.

During our dungeon tours, we ask that you please represent the guild. This is the only time we will ask you to represent, so feel free to rep your other guilds as needed.

Please read the information below to find out more about our dungeon runs.

Dungeon Tour
Time Slot
11:00 AM GMT
Sun – Sat

Dungeon Paths
Crucible of Eternity – Paths 3, 2, and 1
Caudecus’s Manor – Paths 1 and 3
Twilight Arbor – Forward and Up
Ascalonian Catacombs – Paths 2, 1, and 3
Citadel of Flame – Paths 1
Sorrow’s Embrace – Paths 1 and 3
Honor of the Waves – Path 1

Honestly, we are just looking for people who are interested in running dungeons. Some dungeon experience would be great, and we will encourage people to run the meta builds found on MetaBattle.

Additionally, we could use a few more people who are willing to lead a dungeon runs for when we have multiple groups, or when our current leaders are offline.

If you are interested, please contact me either here on the forums, or in game. If I’m set to away, I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

(edited by Ewon.5903)

Not a fan of Revenant...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ewon.5903


Sorry if some of this is posted here I didn’t go through reading.

When I first started playing with a hammer on rev, I twas pretty bored with the class. It really feels like trying to dps with a staff guard, which you aren’t going to do.

After switching the mace/axe I really started to enjoy the rev. You can quickly see you have a fire field and a blast, and then start to string together a simple damage rotation.

Damage Rotation:
1) Axe 5, range torment
2) Axe 4, range attack that shadowsteps you in
3) Mace 2, fire field and burning
4) Mace 3, blast for might
5) Vengeful Hammer, more melee dps (can use earlier)
6) Auto
7) Repeat

The condi damage will actually make use of the terrible cele gear for the beta too.

1) Inspiring Reinforcement
2) Mace 3, Blast

Revenant optimum DPS=Spacebar

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ewon.5903


Hammer isnt fun for dps

5 > 4 > 2 > 3 > Vengeful Hammer > Atuo >repeat


in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ewon.5903


The stress test ended about 18min ago

Bouncing Mushrooms Mastery

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ewon.5903


Feedback: Mastery Information

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ewon.5903


The 2nd issue is with the gliding bar.. it is placed on top while you are not actually seeing it. it cound be better if they would have placed it on bottom over the stamina (dodge energy) bar.
It is somehting related to your character and not with the enemy. top of screen should remain for enemy info and bottom for personal info.

I agree, I totally missed this the first time I was gliding. (most likely due to looking for things under me to land on)

Maybe I missed this as well, but I don’t think it let you know you could hit space again to stop gliding. It was second nature for me to hit it again to stop, but some might need more info.

(edited by Ewon.5903)

Feedback: Mastery Information

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ewon.5903


I spent a while explaining it to people in game, so I figured I’d post here too.

getting free gliding does make it a little misleading for getting the mushroom one too

Feedback: Mastery Information

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Ewon.5903


While playing during the stress test, there seemed to be a lot of confusion around masteries. A lot of people asking “Why can’t I use the mushroom, I put a mastery point in it?”

I think newer players, players that don’t watch much online, or those who need a little help understanding new features will need some help in this area. This is of course a simple stress test, but just in case, I wanted to share that the mastery system may need some better introduction.

For those in the stress test right now that may not understand “Why can’t I use the mushroom!?”

The Master System replaces leveling. In this you don’t level from 80 to 81, but rather level a mastery up when you fill the experience bar.

The following steps will let you use the mushroom:

Step 1) Aquire a Mastery Point (Complete the story steps and you will get one)

Step 2) Open the mastery tab, which is located on the bottom right, and place a mastery point in Mushroom Lore.

Step 3) Your experience bar will now be used to level up that mastery. Do the quests to fill the bar one time. (Progress will also be shown in the mastery tab).

Step 4) Use a mushroom!

EDIT: The attached image shows the mastery unlocking.

I know this isn’t exactly a “stress test” issue. As far as that side of things, I must say this was one of the smoother stress tests I have been in.


(edited by Ewon.5903)

Match Making Working Yet?

in PvP

Posted by: Ewon.5903


I know there was a lot of complaints over the matchmaking being awful early on, but has it improved over time?

I just soloQed 3 times to get matched against the SAME premade team 3 times in a row (with about 5min wait times in between). This is rather ridiculous. Not only is it frustrating to go up against an organised group, but the same one 3 times in a row? wtf is this matchmaking system….

Upcoming Daily/Monthly changes 12/10/14

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ewon.5903


This new change sounds very familiar to me…

A QoL change to Daily Achievements

My request for achievements

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ewon.5903


I miss you guys <3

aww, my thread was archived

A QoL change to Daily Achievements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ewon.5903


Constantine: It’s not hate (at least not from me). It’s concern that a very small part of the game population wants to change things for everybody else to suit their specific and unusual style of play.

It’s fine to want to do all the achieves. It’s not fine to tell everyone else they get less choice/selection/flexibility in types of game play because you personally can’t do all the choices. Would you say “I don’t have time to run every dungeon path every day, assault every WvW keep, experience all the LS, run 100 sPvP matches, and take out every world boss on the timer, so please reduce the game only to world bosses?”

If you take a read through my suggestion, you will notice that this change should only affect those who actually do all dailies every day. This should have little to no impact on the rest of the player base. I in no way was looking for a change that would limit your choices or flexibility.

A QoL change to Daily Achievements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ewon.5903


Just thought I would check in. I have successfully stayed away from the game and missed my first set of dailies after trying to quit. Man, it feels great to not have that daily grind looming over me.

I definitely agree with you Dyne. There are much better game changing discussions that could and should be going on. I would encourage you guys to fight for the game you want/thought this would be.

My suggestion was not perfect, but I think it would have been the simplest solution that would impact the game as little as possible. Basically something that would have made the game playable for me. Not perfect, but playable. If I have learned anything from my current job, it’s that you don’t necessarily suggest the best solution, but rather the solution likely to have the least amount of push back.

A QoL change to Daily Achievements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ewon.5903


No thanks.

I confess, however, I stopped reading after the OP’s complaining that there were “too many dailies” to keep up with.

I am sympathetic to the idea that the game is vast, but I don’t think that ANet should cater to people at the top of the leaderboards or to completionists who are attempting to do everything.

If you are having trouble doing all the dailies, please stop doing them all.

Well, I actually did. you clearly did not read enough, which you have confirmed, to see where we are coming from. It is not as simple as reducing it down to us complaining about to many dailies. I’d suggest taking the time to truly see what we are saying, that we you can add more to the conversation.

A QoL change to Daily Achievements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ewon.5903


So I believe this is good bye for me. I just can’t seem to push myself to log in and do the other achievements. Over the next few days you may see me log in just to do a few quick dailies in case I change my mind in the coming days. The first day that I do not end up doing any dailies will be the point I know I am finished. This was not at all and easy decision for me to make.

Although we knew that this update was coming, and there was no way we would be in time to prevent it, I was really expecting like 2 tournament wins. The fact that it was 4 times what I was already not looking forward to has lessened my interest so much.

I know ANet doesn’t like goodbye/quit threads, but I am partly mentioning this so that someone else can take over the thread, as well as the fight for a change. For me I simply see this as the trend for the game, so if my enjoyment is gone, then so am I.

For the good times, the image below shows what I ended up achieving. To be honest, creating this thread and fighting for the achievement community was a true achievement for me, even if I didn’t end up being successful for you guys.

Unfortunately I feel that if I do not stop now, this was all for nothing. If I continue on as if things are fine, how much did I truly care? There is a chance I might not leave, or maybe someone day I can find a way to play at a more casual level.

I will continue to lurk around this thread for now, but eventually this will be my good bye.


(edited by Ewon.5903)

A QoL change to Daily Achievements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ewon.5903


Honestly it’s really everything or nothing for me and I don’t want to quit (the achievement hunt / the game) completley, but keeping this up while feeling bad about a game I should enjoy? I hope it won’t lead to…

You and I sound so alike that I feel like I know you. I hope you are able to find a way through this and continue on your journey, but I fully support any decision you decide to make.

No matter what happens, we had one hell of a good time a long the way right?

A QoL change to Daily Achievements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ewon.5903


After some kind messages/mail in game, I will continue for a little bit, but I will not be going for the new PvP dailies. It seems several of the other top achievement hunters will be doing the same. Anyone who thinks this is about staying at the top should recognize that some people are stepping aside from the opportunity for an advantage just due to the fact that this is not the way we want to play.

Yesterday I really struggeled with myself and came to the same conclusion. I too will boycott the new dailies – maybe trying for 3 SoloQ-wins while completing my “regular PvP-daily”, but not on a regular basis.
To be honest I feel like I lost some kind of purpose in the game – it will never feel the same and just somehow unfinished…
Let’s see how long I will last playing this game…

Also I am really curious when the guys who seriously try to complete the daily from now on burn out – but not my concern as I have already run out of fuel…

Did it drive you as insane as it did for me to leave those Ap behind? One thing I thought of is the other day I spent a bit of time doing 30 keg brawl matches as i never did go back when they updated that place. 30wins got me 5ap. If I am hunting down achievements that get me 5ap, the 4 from the PvP dailies are really going to start to add up.

I ended up losing all interest last night and just logged out. I realized after that there were new crafting achievements, and 2 living story categories to get, but I just didn;t care enough to log back in.

I thought about a different suggestion. A bit similar to that from OP post. Why not still let it be tiered? Instead of giving all the AP in the reward chest make another meta which resets every day.

Let the small subachievements only increas the meta by 1. Each step of the meta gives a few AP so you get maybe like 5-10 AP each day if you complete the meta which should need max 4 sub achievements to complete(those indvidual are giving 0 AP and are only to increase the meta count). So people doing only 1-2 achievements because of time still would get a few AP(if it was in reward chest they would get nothing then).

And AP farmers can get all AP without doing everything.

People not farming AP might still get more. If previously we did only 4 for laurel and got 4 AP then now we could get more(depending on how much they want to give max – 10 maybe a bit too much, maybe 1,1,2,2 max 6, a bit more than before for people only doing 4, bit less for people that did all that stuff).

Excellent idea. I may try to rework this into the main suggestion of the thread. This will of course depend on how I am feeling about the game. Right now, it’s not so great.

(edited by Ewon.5903)

A QoL change to Daily Achievements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ewon.5903


So this is gonna be a weird question most likely… but… what do you non-AP hunters do on the PvE side of this game? Like after you have 8 80s like me.

A QoL change to Daily Achievements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ewon.5903


I am not against those suggestions. I will say that with my suggestion, i am trying as much as possible to use the current mechanics. I don’t want to cause too much work on the implementing side, and I didn’t want to force a drastic change to satisfy the few. This is less about getting exactly what I want and more about suggesting a change that will make me happy, but will also not affect what people already know.

After some kind messages/mail in game, I will continue for a little bit, but I will not be going for the new PvP dailies. It seems several of the other top achievement hunters will be doing the same. Anyone who thinks this is about staying at the top should recognize that some people are stepping aside from the opportunity for an advantage just due to the fact that this is not the way we want to play.

I’m not sure how much longer I will last, as I will be looking for something new to focus my time on.

A QoL change to Daily Achievements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ewon.5903


I gave up after spending 2.5 hours on tpvp today. Walked away with 3 team and 0 solo queue wins. Its just depressing and more of a weekly than a daily task. It should be changed to games played or removed completly.

Even without the AP aspect of this, tpvp wins are a terrible idea for a daily. They don’t promote playing the format for the correct reasons.

A QoL change to Daily Achievements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ewon.5903


Just logged in to see the change to the PvP daily for my self. I fear the end of days are near.

Any chance of an ANet comment? Izzy? Just curious if you see what we are saying, or if this is how you plan to continue with dailies. All I want to know is if this is the game you are intending it to be on the achievement side. Basically, should I hold on to any hope here, or just walk away now?

(edited by Ewon.5903)

New SPvP Daily Achivements

in PvP

Posted by: Ewon.5903


Careful Awe, people are not going to understand our type of play style. Unfortunately it has become clear that Anet is included with them.

I know Ewon. I think it has been discussed with depth in the last thread and several other before that. People who claim that we are minority are correct. But this does not change the fact that “completionism” is a playstyle that some of us like you and me follow. I will not allow some video game, even as good as GW2, to destroy my daily (pun not intended) life. Current daily system (before this patch) was already close to limit I could tolerate. New change pushes it far beyond this treshold.

100% agree. It looks like I will have to put some thought into making a hard decision based on this. It’s not only this update, but now clearly knowing that ANet doesn’t give a kitten about us.

(edited by Ewon.5903)

New SPvP Daily Achivements

in PvP

Posted by: Ewon.5903


Careful Awe, people are not going to understand our type of play style. Unfortunately it has become clear that Anet is included with them.

New SPvP Daily Achivements

in PvP

Posted by: Ewon.5903


Wait wait wait, are you serious that it is 5solo and 3team wins?

Didn’t they try the wins in team arenas before and it did not go over very well?

I am dead serious. Separate achievements for solo and team arena.

They said there would be 4 additional AP given out. Are these each worth 2 AP or are there other achievements to go with them?

New SPvP Daily Achivements

in PvP

Posted by: Ewon.5903


You still got the old dailies, why are you freaking out?

Thread in my signature will explain why

New SPvP Daily Achivements

in PvP

Posted by: Ewon.5903


Wait wait wait, are you serious that it is 5solo and 3team wins?

Didn’t they try the wins in team arenas before and it did not go over very well?

New SPvP Daily Achivements

in PvP

Posted by: Ewon.5903


You may want to take a read through the thread in my signature

may I ask, what are the new dailies? X number of wins in each arena? How many wins, and is there anything else?

A QoL change to Daily Achievements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ewon.5903


The update is live. How are we looking for daily achievements? I’m at work so i won’t be able to check for several hours.

I’m hearing that x number of wins are needed in both solo and team arenas. Didn’t they try the wins in team arenas before and it did not go over very well?

EDIT: The new dailies will require 5 wins in solo queue and 3 wins in team. This alone could easily double the amount of time it takes to do dailies.

Question for those who were against my suggestion. Are any of you actually going to do these new dailies?

(edited by Ewon.5903)

A QoL change to Daily Achievements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ewon.5903


I wish you the best in getting something done, for you and for the game.

Thanks you.

and thank you for taking the time to understand where we are coming from, as not many are willing to do that.

A QoL change to Daily Achievements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ewon.5903


If you can’t or won’t put in the time to do every daily then you deserve to fall in rank.

Each comment like this is kind of a slap in the face to all achievement hunters who have dedicated time chasing achievements.

Is the effort we put in to do all the other achievements now invalid due to the fact that dailies are where we are now needing to spend most of our time? Why do you value the daily grind above the efforts we put in to get achievements from the general game?

We are putting in the effort, and we plan to continue to put in effort. The problem is, dailies are not the area for that effort. I have yet to find someone who has said they enjoy spending time everyday, doing every single daily. There are few saying they like having the option to do one or two extra, but not all every day (you would need high achievement points to prove this too).

You can say these are optional as much as you want but the leader boards will contradict that argument. Here is something optional, but there is a ladder for the person who does the most of them.

If you don’t think I have put in effort for my achievements, just because the added amount of dailies are draining, then i must ask, did you have any respect for an achievement hunter anyway? It would seem you are classing effort strictly as the amount of grinding you are willing to do.

(edited by Ewon.5903)

A QoL change to Daily Achievements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ewon.5903


Thank you Yamiga and Animaniak. You have both made some great points that I was having trouble finding the words for.

A QoL change to Daily Achievements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ewon.5903


i’m trying to make this better for all of you.

That’s obviously not true: your suggestion is self-admittedly aimed at reducing the grind necessary to stay at the top of the leaderboards. I believe you when you say you’re not worried about newbies catching you, and I don’t think you’re trying to hurt anyone, but the entire thrust of your suggestion is aimed to benefit a small class of people who are competing on the AP leaderboards and I don’t see how it could possibly be an improvement for anyone else. Even if some people tangentially end up getting more AP under this system, that’s not a virtue; the devs can change the rate of earning AP to anything they want without making any changes whatsoever to the underlying system.

Your proposed change is possibly good for: people who care about getting the theoretical maximum AP. That’s it. That’s the only group that gets a more enjoyable game if we take away the small amount of extra AP you can earn for completing extra dailies after earning your chest (with, or without, rolling it into the daily chest). Your potential beneficiaries consist of people who are willing to put in multiple hours per day, every day, for over a year, just to maintain their position on the leaderboard—and maybe a couple ultra hardcore grinders who just have to have the theoretical maximum for its own sake.

For everyone else, the best-case scenario is that some development resources are used up making a change that we feel neutrally about. That doesn’t automatically mean your idea shouldn’t be done, but arguing that it’s good for everyone is either naive or disingenuous on your part.

Fair enough, targeting everyone was a bad idea on my part.

It still seems that the people against this suggestion would like the daily grind to be the large reason for people being the top of the leader board though. I’m not looking to make this easier, I’m aiming to shift the focus back to the “permanent” achievements.

(edited by Ewon.5903)

A QoL change to Daily Achievements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ewon.5903


I’m a super casual player. I usually get my daily achievement chest with normal casual game play. That said, now that there are achievement point reward chest capping the daily is a bad idea. Yes, you are in the leader boards and it is in your best interest to limit the amount of achievement points that can be earned per day to maintain your status.

For me, the casual player I will take every achievement point I can get should I earn them through my daily play. Why? Because I need them for the next reward chest, not for some leader board thing. If I am playing along, get my daily 5 done, but continue to play and happen to do more on the list I deserve those points.

It isn’t my fault that you are competing on a leader board and want some daily cap so you will have to spend less time trying to stay on top. If that is so important to you then you do all the dailies you can. Don’t cap me just to make it less of a burden on you.

I’m not trying to cap you. My suggest was just moving when you receive the reward. if anything this was going to getting you more AP.

Does everyone really think this is just about staying on the top of the board? i’m trying to make this better for all of you. I’ve been trying to remove myself from the equation as much as possible. I don’t know what more I can do to make people realize this isn’t about making sure no one can pass me. To be honest, you can pass me anyway. There is no catching up, the current method, my suggestion, none. So as far as making it so no one can catch me, that is already achieved. As long as I stick with this, there is no catching me. I do put int eh effort, I just don;t think dailies are where all of that effort should be.

I’m simply running out of things to say…

A QoL change to Daily Achievements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ewon.5903


I agree with the idea behind the OP, but I think the dailies should just be capped at 5AP per day, no matter which five (or more) dailies you complete. If you get less, you get 1AP per daily that you completed.

To me, that seems fair to everyone, and it takes the dailies back to the point where they aren’t a grind.

This could work as well, I just didn’t want to reduce the number of AP other players were getting. i am perfectly fine with only getting 5 from dailies, but I know some will argue against this.