Showing Posts For Fasalina.6571:

What did you guys want guild wars 2 to be?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fasalina.6571



interesting, how many deities do you know personally? According to quite a few people, such beings do not even exist in reality, so that should give some artistic license.

Hmm well lets see, having read the Iliad and the Odyssey made me encounter pretty much all of the most important Greek gods that’s about 30 I think? then there’s Aeneis, which contains about the same number and pretty much the same gods but with different names (the roman counterpart). Have you read any of the Tales? Those talk about the gods the people in northern Europe used to believe that exist (some even believe in them now!), the tales are quite a few and talk about a lot of gods and demigods. Then there’s the Kojiki, also an interesting read, the first part of which talks about the myth of creation of Japan, there’s about 20 gods in there too.
So yeah I have a pretty good idea on how the gods behave in most of the world (Sorry India, you’re next), not existing in reality is not an excuse they can pull up for failing their story so badly. Writing about gods, is like writing about everything else, the guidelines are already there thanks to centuries of people smarter than me and you and them

You need to be really careful using that word, artistic licence. Artistic licence is an euphemism generally used to stray a way from a known pattern or rule for the sake of maintaining some sort of standard. I.E misspelling a word because the author wanted to keep a pentatonic rhythm. Also the thing about artistic licence is that it only gets approved when the person doing it is of a certain importance and an already acclaimed artist, and not your average Joe. Lets face it if the story before HoT was a novel, no one would buy it, and that’s a general consensus seen on these very forums and simple search would approve of this. Hence I doubt the people behind that story are acclaimed, well known writers.

(edited by Fasalina.6571)

What did you guys want guild wars 2 to be?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fasalina.6571


Currently playing the game after 1 year break.
What I wanted GW2 to be? The succession of GW1 of course.
I wanted new good stories adventures. I wanted the lore to eat me alive and feel amazed with every piece of story I uncovered with friends (new and old together with new and memories of old NPCs). I wanted added improved awesome 2013-2015 quality voice acting and breath taking cut scenes. I wanted new missions and their HM counterparts. I wanted balanced, rewarding(skill-wise) instanced content. I wanted to eventually see Cantha and Elona.
So far I haven’t seen most of what I wanted. I’m still playing because to be honest GW2 is not a bad game, it’s just not GW1’s successor.
PSA. HoT is helping a lot voice acting and story wise (I haven’t finished it yet and I’m avoiding spoilers. So far it looks good).

As a literature student my best suggestion to ANet is probably to invest more in the lore/writers. I want to see more dialogs, I want to see all the plot holes disappear, and don’t want to see cheap plot twists. I want the writers to talk to each other and agree together on what’s going in the game. I want them to use their brains and think about everything that’s happening in the story and make each episode link together more smoothly.
Also for your information, employees of ANet:


Do I miss hero points?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fasalina.6571


Waaay back in the day, skill points were also used for mystic forge recipes. Maybe you crafted a lot and lost some of your skill points in the skill point to shards collection. I wasn’t around when the change happened but I’m pretty sure I lost some too.
Also another reason might be WvW Hero points, back in the day they counted for map completion, after a while they didn’t and now they are removed completely, that might also be a reason

Please don't nerf anything else

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fasalina.6571


I agree.

It’s funny how people wanted PvE that “Didn’t Suck”, “Wasn’t Trivial” ….The moment we got that the backlash was so massive that anet catered to it.

Kinda saddening really.

I hope the raid team has more of a tougher stance to nerfing content than the team who made this rushed decision.

People =/= a small amount of players that live on the forums

The real people, the ones playing the game and don’t visit the forums every day, might surprise you are quite casual and numerous, they also have the right to play the game as much as you do

Hero points.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fasalina.6571


If the grind made you that bitter, it’s probably a good thing they changed it.

This here

Please don't nerf anything else

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fasalina.6571


I had no intention to grind the hero points on my third alt, after getting the required hps on thief and guardian. My Chronomancer thanks you Anet.

Daredevil new Elite is underwheliming in PvE

in Thief

Posted by: Fasalina.6571


The elite was made for pvp, using it in PvE is pointless to say the least

Yep, so my feelings were right, Thief PvE got shafted, again.

Daredevil new Elite is underwheliming in PvE

in Thief

Posted by: Fasalina.6571


Hi guys, I just got my Daredevil maxed out yesterday evening (thief is my main so I didn’t have to grind many HP’s). I played around with the new elite yesterday a bit and this morning and I have to say, while it looks like a really nice skill in PvP, in PvE it feels really underwhelming. Basically it’s a Basilisk Venom that deals some damage.
I just got back (about 1 month ago, so I’m not rusty anymore) from around 1 year break so I don’t know if you guys still do the PvP / PvE balancing different. But I really think you should add some utility or something to the skill in PvE. I have no idea what can be done to make it better (maybe give us evasion when we activate it?).

For some reason, I don’t think you guys balance thief for PvE anymore, and I think it’s a shame. For example I can’t find a reason to use the staff over S/P. The new monsters are really tough and to be honest I find Black Powder a necessity while fighting in the new maps. Say I were to keep S/P or D/P and swamp staff for shortbow., that’s even worse as I’m losing range and mobility

Maybe I’m just wrong and I’m not tackling the content right, and if any players has some tips for new PvE builds (fractals included) feel free to link them

(edited by Fasalina.6571)

Core Masteries: So much for play your way

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fasalina.6571


So today, after dabbling in the new expansion for a bit (got about half of the first map done, and got to spend 4 mastery points). I said to myself, lets get some exp in “old” part of the continent and maybe I get to spend a few of these 40 mastery points I’ve got. I did ALL daily fractals (that’s 10 fractals, without the gated one that required a mastery point to unlock), 1 CoF run (because I remembered you almost got 1 lvl from a run) and Tequatl, after the beauty of all that, I got the beauty of HALF OF AN EXP BAR.

This is a bug right? It has to be a bug, there’s no way after doing LL that stuff, I only got HALF OF AN EXP BAR. After running 10 fractals I couldn’t even unlock the first mastery for it. I didn’t use 1 mastery point for tyria today…

I wasn’t expecting to use 5-10 mastery points in one go, but holy kitten at least one…

Economy Questions Repost

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Fasalina.6571


John, would you be able to answer if the dungeon rewards are just being brought in line with other content (namely future content), or if it’s going further than that? Also, was there any discussion about the rate of dungeon token earnings with this change?

Edit for clarity: You’ve said the dungeon token rate is staying the same, was there any discussion about increasing the amount of tokens you get per run to go along with the gold reduction?

I’m not prepared to answer the first one. I don’t believe we ever discussed changing the tokens from dungeons.

So what about the people that are working towards the dungeon gear achievements then? How am I supposed to complete my CoE achievements when people don’t play dungeons anymore? YOU GUYS SHOULD SERIOUSLY TALK ABOUT THE DUNGEON TOKENS or some kind of fix. (How about making the skins/achievements avaliable if you already completed all paths (a bunch of times or just once)
You people should not change stuff without thoroughly considering everything that a change implies
(PSA, I don’t care about gold rewards or other dungeon rewards, all I want is to be able to finish the achievements I’ve started working towards)

Please No Profession Loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fasalina.6571


If they’ll implement this to all levels, I sure hope to god they’ll also change the crafting recipes for everything. If you’re going to make me get only class specific items then you better make those items require only certain types of materials. If cloth isn’t going to drop for me then my items shouldn’t require cloth to be crafted.

Instance owner removal

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fasalina.6571


Yeah that’s probably going to happen more often now. I personally didn’t ever encounter such brutes. But to be honest I lost so much time when people would dc or troll quit or just quit because something came up IRL or maybe 2 guys would start arguing because of builds or what not in the party and one of them leaves and he was the owner. At a certain point it was so frustrating it was one of the main reasons that made me not play the game anymore. I might consider coming back again after this change. All they have to do is fix the kick system now.Too bad they only took 2 years to fix it, so maybe in 2 years the kick system will be fixed too.

Is that a Gw2 cinematic style ripoff?

in Community Creations

Posted by: Fasalina.6571


Yep the art style is the same. And as the name implies it’s a style which means it’s not Anet’s style but simply, a style. Any game developer and artist can use it.

Communicating with you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fasalina.6571


I hope Mike and the other devs understood something from all this.

You guys really need to post a little more on the forums. Like honestly it doesn’t even matter what or how much you post as long as there’s some RED on the front page. You don’t have to give away info on projects or anything. I mean seriously, even before you almost never gave away that much info on what’s coming up next, but you guys still posted on the forums from time to time. I understand it’s summer and probably some of you went on vacation (I hope you had fun) but a little post here and there won’t hurt, I mean I’m pretty sure you left someone back at the office, or you all just went on a group vacation?
Anyway the main point here is the people that visit this forum get antsy really fast if they feel they’re being ignored. Let this be a lesson. Try giving them posts more often, even if they don’t contain any info.
TL;DR: Please the masses more.

This is only gonna kitten people off more.
Talk to your playerbase, dont treat us as zombies that will follow your “colored commander tags” anywhere.
We are all capable of understanding the reasons why you can’t do such-and-such, or why you won’t do it. Well maybe not the 12,13 or 14 year olds. But us over the teen years of our lives will be able to.

Oh i got another one:

Communicate with us………..why the foxfire cluster still doesnt have a place in our collections tab?

Perhaps I should have said it in a different way, you’re right.
What I meant by all that wall of text there, is people usually need proof the guys actually read the forums. When the front page goes by for weeks without a single new red post. People are going to assume the devs don’t even log in the forums.(as stupid as that might sound I bet people actually think that way)
So yea, more red posts pls, even joke on or stupid comments will to if you ask me.

Communicating with you

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fasalina.6571


I hope Mike and the other devs understood something from all this.

You guys really need to post a little more on the forums. Like honestly it doesn’t even matter what or how much you post as long as there’s some RED on the front page. You don’t have to give away info on projects or anything. I mean seriously, even before you almost never gave away that much info on what’s coming up next, but you guys still posted on the forums from time to time. I understand it’s summer and probably some of you went on vacation (I hope you had fun) but a little post here and there won’t hurt, I mean I’m pretty sure you left someone back at the office, or you all just went on a group vacation?
Anyway the main point here is the people that visit this forum get antsy really fast if they feel they’re being ignored. Let this be a lesson. Try giving them posts more often, even if they don’t contain any info.
TL;DR: Please the masses more.

Are we board with this game or just MMOs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fasalina.6571


Can’t speak about others but as far as I’m concerned I believe I’ve grown out of the MMO period mostly becuase I also noticed nothing really impresses me anymore in the MMO market. I also played in the ArchAge beta and to be honest I kinda was impressed with the game, I was also impressed by how strongly it is monetized. I for one would play archage for the sandbox features which, correct me if I’m wrong will cost the players quite a bit in real money, IF they don’t have the time to hardcore mode it and play several hours a day. I’m 25 at the moment, I’m in my final part of uni (college), I have 2 part time jobs, and a girlfriend; as you can probably guess, I don’t really have that much time for MMO games anymore, and paying for several features isn’t really my thing. In the past year, the only MMO I’ve somewhat played was GW2 and I did it not because I found the game incredibly fun or well made (as opposed to the lauch and firstish year hype) I played it because of the awesome guild I have. Lately however, with the increasing silence on ANet’s part and several changes, or rather ignored broken things in the game not getting fixed I found myself playing less and less. In fact of this time It might be a few months since I logged in.

TL;DR It might be the games getting monotonous, it might be us getting older, it might be both, personally I find playing single player games, like puzzle games and RPGS a lot more rewarding (personally speaking of course) and less “time consuming”. You also don’t have to worry about incompetent devs and “cash grabs” that much.

Suggestion: HoM skins unlockable via gemstore

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fasalina.6571


Nope, those skins are for people that played GW1 a lot, and yes me included. If you want them go play GW1 like us if you want them.
In the game I’m currently playing there are some champions skins (talking about LoL) that only people that played in the beta have ie. King Rammus. It’ll all about pride, it’s about “Been there, done that”.
YOU ARE NOT ENTITLED TO GET THEM. Just realize there are some things that you can’t simply flash your credit card and get.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fasalina.6571


For the love of kitten kitten kitten, kitten god kitten. God kitten kitten.

There was this saying, if you consider yourself stupid, you have to also realize that more than 80% of the others are even worse than you.
I think I finally understood what it meant

Half Off For New Players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fasalina.6571


I’m going to go out on a limb and say the OP isn’t all that business-minded.

More like missing a brain… You don’t really need to be business-minded to understand the meaning and reasoning behind a “sale”.

Can we fix this please?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fasalina.6571


Next time take your undies off before “releasing”. Also have you considered teaming up with an Ele for “MAXIMUM EXPLOSIVE DPS” ?

The hero of gw2 is... House Targaryen

in Lore

Posted by: Fasalina.6571


lol, what has a thread like this to search here..

Its nothing than just fan made stuff. Alot of hot air for nothing that is official…

Valyria doesn’t exist, will never exist as like all this thought out lore stuff…

So what is the sense behind this thread???
If its some kind of serious lore discussion – this here is not serious lore. Fan made lore can never be considered serious lore.

There are 2 sections, where this thread belongs better to.

A) Fan Made Content or

B) The Lore Area of the Forum, but that one should be for serious lore discussions of you know, actually REAL existing lore and not somethign that just has been mostly thought out only by a player.

So this thread should get moved to fan made content in my opinion.

Orrrr, you could chill a bit and stay calm

The hero of gw2 is... House Targaryen

in Lore

Posted by: Fasalina.6571


The heroes of GW2 are the dragons. The only thing they’re trying to do is protect the world from the annoying pests like the humans asura and the other lot. They build stuff destroying forests and mountains and enslave plants. The human aliens multiplied like flies, the asura kept building stuff underground damaging the crust and the flows of magic with their stupid experiments. The charr keep polluting the air with thier stupid braziers 250 years ago and now even started building machines. As far as I see it, the human gods were jelly because the dragons were too powerful, that’s why they moved the humans on Tyria.

My bad, did I sound like a sect extremist?

Praise the Elder Dragons.

I need advice on Legendary and Precursors

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fasalina.6571


Here’s the best advice I can come up with thanks to several friends input.
Going for a Legendary these days is stressfull, and bears the risk of ruining your view and liking of the game. You’re probably better off without em.
If you really, really, really, really, want one, wait for the precursor to drop (or stack up money and buy it directly, which in your case is out of the picture considering you don’t want to use the TP).
The Mistic Forge is not your friend.

Chances of a new race on July 1st?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fasalina.6571


The chances of a new race on July 1st are the same as me having any money left in my steam wallet by the 1st of July.
Hint: I’m already down to 50%

So, what you’re saying is… if you save your money for another week and a bit, we can all have a brand new race in GW2!? OMG, dude! Help us out! Pleeeeease!!! XD

just 3 words for you my friend.
Steam Summer Sale.
Yeah, not gonna happen, soz.

Mounts- Why or why not should they be added?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fasalina.6571


/thread X4

Chances of a new race on July 1st?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fasalina.6571


The chances of a new race on July 1st are the same as me having any money left in my steam wallet by the 1st of July.
Hint: I’m already down to 50%

Suggestion: Direct Deposit

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fasalina.6571


So I take it everyone enjoys having to run around all the time?

I’m suggesting that if you have materials that you buy on the TP that you have direct use of them upon them being placed in the “Pick-up” tab of the TP.

Follow this concept:
-You are crafting Ascended weapons
-You refine all of your current materials to further the crafting chain
-You realize that you’re a bit short on Deldrimor Steel Ingots
-You also realize that you have 10 Lumps of Mithrillium
-You note that you don’t have enough Iron Ore to make your Iron/Steel Ingots
-You further note you don’t have enough Platinum Ore to make your Darksteel Ingots
-You want to cut costs by NOT buying Deldrimor Steel Ingots off the TP
-You purchase the required Iron/Steel/Platinum Ore on the TP
-You run over to the TP to get your Ores
-You run back to the crafting station to refine them into Deldrimor Steel Ingots
-You realize that you don’t have enough Spiritwood Planks (repeat run around)
-You craft a Deldrimor Steel Dowel
-You realize again that you don’t have enough Deldrimor
-You setup to craft Deldrimor (again running around)
-You realize you don’t have enough Spiritwood (again)
-You setup to craft Spiritwood (again)
-You did math wrong and ended up with not enough Glob of Elder Spirit Residue
-You sell your excess Wood to reclaim some lost costs
-You then attempt to buy Spiritwood off the TP but you don’t have enough money
-You then run to the TP to get your money from your reclaimed material costs
-You then run back to the crafting station forgetting to buy your Spiritwood
-You then buy your Spiritwood at the crafting station and run back to the TP (again)
-You pick up your Spiritwood and run back to the crafting station (again)
-And then you finally craft 1 Ascended Weapon.
This is a VERY common occurrence with many people in my guild who are either new or just aren’t able to remember as much. They are older and possibly lack the memory/organization skills to effectively deal with this and the math involved all in 1 shot to be as effective as possible.

Putting all the materials immediately into being available for use would be an EXTREME help for these types of players because they can just sit at the crafting station and slowly work to complete their crafting goals.

The game can already pull from your deposited collection of materials, bank slots, and inventory – why not allow access to a completed TP transaction in the “Pick-up” tab?

It WOULDN’T remove items that WOULDN’T be used in a “Crafting Station” recipe, but it WOULD remove items that WOULD be used in “Crafting Station” recipes (this would allow food and jewelry items that are crafted off other items or ones that don’t go into a collectibles slot in the bank to be removed too).

This is for convenience of crafting in a town. It’s not meant to be game breaking.

Well a simple fix resolves all of those “realize” issues. It’s called plan ahead. You count everything you need, buy it and then craft. Crafting in this game can’t fail, so unless you counted wrong, you won’t have problems.

And you’re missing the point of the other answers that people gave you. It’s not that your suggestion is bad, in fact it’s really good, exceptional even. BUT, why should ANet implement this considering it would make them lose money. As the other people have said there’s this consumable Black Lion Express Merchant which you buy with gems that allows you to pick up stuff off the TP without actually having to go there. This merchant here lasts for 15 minutes and then you have to use a new one.
So, AGAIN, implementing this would make ANet lose money, and that’s the only reason it won’t happen.

(edited by Fasalina.6571)

Did you know this about Tyria?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fasalina.6571


Pretty much all GW1 players know about this, it’s nothing new. And this is one of the many reasons people like me cringe and some have stopped playing. The land of Tyria has great potential, there’s a huge world out there that can be created. I honestly believed that the GW universe could’ve expanded and expanded, new continents, new seas, new monsters, new schemes. I believed the GW universe could’ve become something like the TES universe. Alas, the devs never thought about it…. or thought about it but considering the amount of work needed to make something like this they didn’t bother. I mean why create new continents new, breath taking views, enemies, skills, and stories, when you can ask your 4 year old kids to write a story every 2 weeks, reskin a buch of weapons with different colors and make a kitten ton of money.

Well i think some of the things you said there are a bit harsh. It’s not easy to create a new content for MMO as it may be for single player game because often you’re not just making one map for a single play thru and in case of where u have expansions and other continents, they have to be all connected to the game world via story, lore etc to everything u’ve made b4.

It took AN 5 or more years to create what’s here and they didn’t just copy and paste stuff from gw1 to gw2 either. The gw2 world was fully recreated anew and hand crafted for us to enjoy, that’s a lot of work. I mean they could have just copied lots of areas from gw1 and just enhanced them and lots of gw1 fans would have complained that its just a recycled old game. They design a complete new world and they complain that it isn’t gw1. Lol the devs can’t win really.

That’s the problem really… I don’t think anyone would’ve minded if they copied stuff from GW1. In fact most of the GW1 VETS were expecting it, I personally was hoping to see more stuff that was in GW1.
And about the times of making new content… I don’t know how new you are to mmorpgs, but pretty much every AAA title have expansions with new maps and skills new bosses, and new mechanics every 6 months. This game is almost 2 years old and almost nothing has changed. So it’s not that they don’t have time to make stuff… they don’t want to make stuff. They want to tell kittenty lore breaking stories every 2 weeks. I’m pretty sure if you gave me 2 weeks and paid me for it, I’d come up with more interesting stuff. And you can’t really say I’m wrong since the devs themselves FINALLY (thank god) realized what they’re trying to do is kitten, and they switched to releases once a month. What remains is. Are we going to see kittenty lore breaking childish stories again? Or we’ll see the same old crappy stuff so far. Again liking the LS so far is a matter of taste. I for one didn’t find anything interesting so far.
I personally can’t find the strength to log in anymore (been a few moths now). Mind you I don’t mind the bugs, I don’t mind that you don’t get drops, I don’t mind the zerg or the champ farm be it nerfed or not.
I do mind seeing the beautiful GW1 lore getting kitten on my bad writers.
The reason I’m still here, is becauseI hope they won’t mess up again with LS Season 2. If they do well it was a fun ride, but I’ll uninstall GW2 and go play GW1.

Edit: I don’t really want your thread to become a discussion about how much GW2’s is breaking the GW lore, so enough of this. When you got some free time, if you’ve stopped playing GW1 and you didn’t finish it I’d suggest you read some of the stories in the GW1 wiki, even thought the main story line is covered by Wooded potatos in a series of videos, some of the sidequests are quite funny.

(edited by Fasalina.6571)

Did you know this about Tyria?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fasalina.6571


Pretty much all GW1 players know about this, it’s nothing new.

So you believe this thread is just for gw1 players? well that’s news to me. and btw, i’m gw1 player (latecomer to it to be sure) and i didn’t know about it, so don’t go around making assumptions about everyone, or speaking for everyone, it’s not couth.

Pretty much all VETERAN GW1 players know this, it’s nothing new. I thought sticking in VETERAN wasn’t needed. The thing is After you finish the GW1 story and expantions you should know, so I guess the veteran word was needed, my bad.

Did you know this about Tyria?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fasalina.6571


Pretty much all GW1 players know about this, it’s nothing new. And this is one of the many reasons people like me cringe and some have stopped playing. The land of Tyria has great potential, there’s a huge world out there that can be created. I honestly believed that the GW universe could’ve expanded and expanded, new continents, new seas, new monsters, new schemes. I believed the GW universe could’ve become something like the TES universe. Alas, the devs never thought about it…. or thought about it but considering the amount of work needed to make something like this they didn’t bother. I mean why create new continents new, breath taking views, enemies, skills, and stories, when you can ask your 4 year old kids to write a story every 2 weeks, reskin a buch of weapons with different colors and make a kitten ton of money.

3 big economy problems

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fasalina.6571


So hardcore! Everyone has a diploma here.
New game! The Clash of Diplomas 2. The one with the biggest diploma wins!


[Suggestion] Add "Noob" to the swear word filter

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fasalina.6571


While I also dislike the derogatory use of the term ‘Noob,’ having it added to the list of disallowed words really won’t help the underlying issue. That’s what really needs to be addressed, not the words being used. Simply filtering the words means that they will take a few extra seconds to either come up with something to bypass the filter, or simply use a different term.

A fair point.
Its difficult to come up with a good mechanic here though.
Perhaps a sort of ranking system where you can at least give the person a “-1” or something then.


Op should try playing some LoL on the EUW server.

Ranking system idea was inspired by the system in place in LoL. It seems to work fine there.

You completely missed my point though, which is reasonable considering not everyone plays that game. What i was trying to say is that the LoL EUW sever is the most toxic gaming environment mankind has ever seen so far, yes even worse than cosole CoD players. People wish others to get cancer at least 5 times a day. And that’s not just in low elo but pretty much up to low diamond I. What I’m trying to say is try growing some balls a bit, mature, man up, and understand that people calling other people noobs even if insulting doesn’t really mean anything really. It just shows how childish some people are.
You should not feel insulted by some guy calling you names. (he might be better than you at the game, but he surely isn’t that great of a person).

[Suggestion] Add "Noob" to the swear word filter

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fasalina.6571


Op should try playing some LoL on the EUW server.

Best Way To Get Precursor?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Fasalina.6571


Go nolife for days and farm.
Swipe that credit card.
Your choice.

3 Main IDEAS

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fasalina.6571


A client side voice communication can be nice, for the people that want to use it. I can see myself using it with guildies a lot. Possibly even more people might use it considering some find it a hassle to install an independent voice program. And you can always opt out of it so you won’t get harassed by people.

For the matter of gambling, I have to say no thanks. The RNG in this game is already bad. I personally don’t want more.

Ascended Ring drops

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fasalina.6571


I keep them for their next major quality of life update in 2017 where “Ascended jewellery can now be salvaged for bloodstone dust!”

Huzzzah then I’ll have even more stacks of bloodstone dust!

Look at posts, and realize...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fasalina.6571


The combat system is boring? Not in my book. After playing GW2 I went to try FFXIV:ARR and I couldn’t bear the slowness of the combat there. If this is boring, I don’t know what that is.

The problem is imo, personal taste. I to be honest enjoy FF14arr’s combat a lot. The late game raids have some very very hard mechanics. Raiding in that game is really fun. Again imo. All this while i don’t enjoy GW2’s dungeons anymore. Some of them have very nice mechanics but on one side it’s been a year and a half so stuff gets boring after a while. On the other side tho, there’s the whole stack “issue” (if I may call it like that) that in most cases trivializes most bosses. To contribute to everything it might also be true that FF14’s dungeons don’t allow progression until everything is cleared, but the monsters are real trash that dies fast and drops nice stuff. I’ve gotten more pink drops while playing that game for 2 months than I’ve gotten exotics in 2 years while playing gw2.

GW2’s classes are fine (unbalanced but fine) regarding uniqueness. It’s the content that doesn’t really force you to learn your class better and doesn’t force you to use more skills than 1.

(edited by Fasalina.6571)

Frost gorge train ruined

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fasalina.6571


Anyone who thinks this will cause deflation or even mildly curb inflation has never even studied the most elementary economics.

So then enlighten us oh mighty savior?
And also one question. Did the champ farm contribute to the deflation or to the reduction of inflation (I think not, which means the disappearance of said champ farms isn’t bad either) Or am i wrong?

It’s bad for his wallet.

I don’t, nor have I ever, champ train farmed. It has nothing to do with “my wallet”.

Again, in an economy where money is created at will (each looted item or amount of coin is brand new to the world and therefore wealth is actively created) will never experience anything but inflation when combined with a supply/demand based market. Trying to argue otherwise displays a complete ignorance of the most basic of economics

But when did I say that now that champ farms stopped the inflation will stop?
Exactly, I never said that. I only said that nerfing the champ train will force people to do more dungeons, and that’s what makes me happy.

Frost gorge train ruined

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fasalina.6571


Anyone who thinks this will cause deflation or even mildly curb inflation has never even studied the most elementary economics.

So then enlighten us oh mighty savior?
And also one question. Did the champ farm contribute to the deflation or to the reduction of inflation (I think not, which means the disappearance of said champ farms isn’t bad either) Or am i wrong?

Frost gorge train ruined

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fasalina.6571


It’s hardly good to remove a source of income when prices keep rising making it ever more difficult to make higher level items (ascended/legendaries).

Prices keep rising because of the champ farms. People would get high amounts of money relatively fast. The market only answered

Frost gorge train ruined

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fasalina.6571


You guys that are exclaiming “Good!” might not be so happy if this makes t6 mats, cores and lodestones increase in price since people won’t be opening near as many boxes. :P

t6 mats cores and loadstones didn’t change that much in price with the introduction of champ farming. The prices remained pretty much the same. So I don’t think we’ll see that much of an increase. But i might be wrong, we’ll just have to wait and see.

Frost gorge train ruined

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fasalina.6571


More awesome news.

Sooooo happy!!!!

Out of curiosity, why exactly does this make you happy?

Because people that champ farm are too brain dead to play the TP.
Which means people will do more dungeons now. Good enough for you?

Not everyone wants to play the TP, that doesn’t make them “brain dead” as you seem to call it. I could just as easily call that even lazier than actually playing the game via a champ train, which itself isn’t very hard to do.

Besides, why should it matter to you how other people spend their time playing a game?

It seems you didn’t quite get what I was saying. So let me try and explain it better to you.
I assume that everyone that plays the TP or runs champ farms do it because they want money. Now that we got that out of the way, here’s the point I was trying to make.
Playing the TP requires thinking, a lot thinking. Champ farming doesn’t require thinking at all. Considering that playing the TP nets you a lot more gold than champ farming, it is only natural to assume people that champ farm are, how should I put it, not smart enough(? sorry couldn’t find a better word) to play the TP.
Nerfing the champ farms means people will have to do something else to get the gold. The closest thing to champ farming (not considering the TP) is in fact running dungeons.
And for the matter of why should I care. I simply LOVE running dungeons. I just find it extremely fun. So, people that ran the champ farms will move to doing dungeons now. Which means more dungeon groups, and hopefully even paths that weren’t popular will become more popular again.
And that’s why I’m happy.

Frost gorge train ruined

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fasalina.6571


More awesome news.

Sooooo happy!!!!

Out of curiosity, why exactly does this make you happy?

Because people that champ farm are too brain dead to play the TP.
Which means people will do more dungeons now. Good enough for you?

Frost gorge train ruined

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fasalina.6571


More awesome news.

Sooooo happy!!!!

IMO, ppl with 2x Legendaries should be comp'd

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fasalina.6571


If I were to sum up why I am against people getting compensation I’d say it’s because it’s a first world problem.
No other MMORPG company in the world so far has given as much compensation as ANet has done so far in various occasions.
Lets say I have a 6 member family, and my favorite car brand only makes cars with 3 seats. I’ll buy 2 of them because I like the cars and because I need to go on vacation with everyone. After a year I’ve bough the cars, the same brand released a mini van with 6 seats. What do I do? Do I ask for a refund on the second car because a new system came out? No…. Of course you don’t.
You assume that people made the Legendary only for the skin. I see a lot of people assuming it. But I haven’t seen that many people actually admitting it. I for one made it for the BiS and the skin was an extra.
I am going to assume something myself. How many people actually made double weapons? So far on the forums I’ve only seen 2 people that actually have made 2 of the same weapon. I think that if the total number of players that actually made 2 of the same weapon is under 1k, it’s not worth the hassle to think of them.
You also ask why it matters to people if some get compensation or not. For the first thing, this is the game’s forums, and people have the right to pretty much post their ideas and what they think as much as any other. For the second thing, why should they not have a standing point on a situation even though they’re not affected? Is it wrong to express one’s ideas? No I don’t think so. And if that’s not the case then:
I ask you, since you said you’re not affected either, yet you are “pro” compensation. What’s in it for you?

IMO, ppl with 2x Legendaries should be comp'd

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fasalina.6571


If I were to sum up why I am against people getting compensation I’d say it’s because it’s a first world problem.
No other MMORPG company in the world so far has given as much compensation as ANet has done so far in various occasions.
Lets say I have a 6 member family, and my favorite car brand only makes cars with 3 seats. I’ll buy 2 of them because I like the cars and because I need to go on vacation with everyone. After a year I’ve bough the cars, the same brand released a mini van with 6 seats. What do I do? Do I ask for a refund on the second car because a new system came out? No…. Of course you don’t.
You assume that people made the Legendary only for the skin. I see a lot of people assuming it. But I haven’t seen that many people actually admitting it. I for one made it for the BiS and the skin was an extra.
I am going to assume something myself. How many people actually made double weapons? So far on the forums I’ve only seen 2 people that actually have made 2 of the same weapon. I think that if the total number of players that actually made 2 of the same weapon is under 1k, it’s not worth the hassle to think of them.
You also ask why it matters to people if some get compensation or not. For the first thing, this is the game’s forums, and people have the right to pretty much post their ideas and what they think as much as any other. For the second thing, why should they not have a standing point on a situation even though they’re not affected? Is it wrong to express one’s ideas? No I don’t think so. And if that’s not the case then:
I ask you, since you said you’re not affected either, yet you are “pro” compensation. What’s in it for you?

[Suggestion] Introduce Vehicles to GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fasalina.6571


This is even worse than the idea of traditional mounts.

Can’t tell if serious.

or kitten

When will the patch go live?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fasalina.6571


Keep your pants on people. You look like headless chickens arguing against a pole.
What the kitten do you want? Is it the 16th yet? Why would ANet care if you have stuff to do in 30 minutes or that you have to go to work. You’re just a small drop in the ocean. They’ll release it when they want to.

I caught you ANet!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fasalina.6571


That’s not a typo, it’s a translation bug showing the month name in French.

Well kittens… I’ll go back to my corner now and put on my “Ignorant” hat.

Yeah please do that.

Laurels for mystic clover/obi shard

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fasalina.6571


They way of obtaining mystic clovers is fine atm. 1 Mystic clover per laurel is not balanced AT ALL. In order to obtain a MC you need 1 Obi, 1 coin, 1 ecto and 6 philospopher stones and you want all that to be worth 1 Laurel? It’s not going to happen.
If you really want another way then it should be somewhere between 10 and 15 laurels per mystic clover.