Showing Posts For Fauven.3195:

Teq's hoard and ascended stat changing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fauven.3195


teq skins CAN be crafted now. It needs an exotic version of the insignia you wish to convert. And luckily there exists a rabid intricate gossamer insignia. It’s from salvaging only though but more certain then teq

Ranger & mesmer 80
Piken Square [Gwen]

New Allies: Mursaat

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Fauven.3195


Since I never played GW1 I’m not sure of this. But after looking for mursaat on the wiki it says that mursaat are human like creatures with tangles on the back? I don’t see the resemblance with the creatures in the trailer though :s

Ranger & mesmer 80
Piken Square [Gwen]

HoT soundtrack?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Fauven.3195


Can’t you guys release the soundtrack from the announcement trailer on your soundcloud page? Mean the part from where Rytlock burns away the vines to gain access to the Golden City.
I actually really like that music :p so pretty please?

Ranger & mesmer 80
Piken Square [Gwen]

Skritt boat below silverwastes is still there

in Living World

Posted by: Fauven.3195


Easter egg: storm wizard, SAB? :P sab is coming back. That’s only easter egg i could imagine

Ranger & mesmer 80
Piken Square [Gwen]

*Precursor Rage*

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fauven.3195


Why are people actually working so hard for a precursor? I play for 2 years and only got. 1 regular ascended ring so far. But the day I get a precursor, I’ll sell it to the highest bidder instantly unless they add a nice gs skin

Ranger & mesmer 80
Piken Square [Gwen]

ArenaNets new raid designer is really shining

in Living World

Posted by: Fauven.3195


Yeah indeed. Finally a good comment to read upon. And yes I like these new bosses also. Much more fun then bashing a dragon’s little toe :p. And how they added the marionette play style, which was so asked by the players, surprised me. Whoever made this at Anet, raise his/hers daily amount of cookies

Ranger & mesmer 80
Piken Square [Gwen]

[Theory] Sylvari are actually Spirits?

in Living World

Posted by: Fauven.3195


The Force of creativity is strong with this padawan. Wait… Wring one. You know what I mean :p
Somehow makes sense. My only concern is… How the hell you came up with this? :p but still nice theory though

Ranger & mesmer 80
Piken Square [Gwen]


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fauven.3195


Wait people can’t make a difference between you’re and your and you expect them to write Sylvari right? I love your optimism, really I do.

Ranger & mesmer 80
Piken Square [Gwen]

HoT Paid or Free?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fauven.3195


Well it would make sense for an expansion somehow. Especially the trademark fact approves that it’s something different then the 2 living stories since they didn’t get it. The personal story works around the hunt for an elder dragon. Another story line around another dragon would be logical to me. In that way a story arc/dragon. And then the big event at Pax (have no idea what it is, but I expect it’s a sort of big game convention) would indicate they’re planning something big. Which would correlate in the assumption of an expansion. The content and aquisition are to be answered somewhere near the future

And personally I don’t really understand why people are always so pessimistic about this LS? I mean the creators probably work long time on it for our players to be released for free (except you don’t login once in 2weeks). Yes it maybe are short stories and ‘only’ 2 maps but I get the feeling some people want a Ferrari for free. And who knows? Maybe the LS was just a distraction/coverup/holefiller between game release and the possible expansion.

Don’t let the Nightmare consume you. Believe in the Dream. :p

Ranger & mesmer 80
Piken Square [Gwen]

(edited by Fauven.3195)

What made you buy gw2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fauven.3195


I always wanted to play WoW when I was younger but the monthly fees always kept me back. Once i heard a game that was the same caliber but no fees I was sold for it :p
First pc game ever and after 2 years I still don’t regret it WoW seems so complicated as an outsider :o

Ranger & mesmer 80
Piken Square [Gwen]

Future PC specs

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Fauven.3195

This would be the one I’d let them install. I’d done some research and saw that it scored pretty well on Battlefield 4 and other games. It has 2 types but I somewhere read that the MSI one was a bit better in fps.

And btw I’m at a school studying for nursing and teaching (nursing myself). We’re better with people then with technic stuff :p ask me for setting up cinema surround, wifi-install, all simple stuff. All good but even though I’m still actually a bit (scared ain’t right word) anxious of doing it myself. I once let a person work on an older computer and that one messed up completely xp

Ranger & mesmer 80
Piken Square [Gwen]

[SPOILERS] Season 2 Finale [merged]

in Living World

Posted by: Fauven.3195


But ppl say the Sylvari get killed in the trailer and yes I see that too. But some minor shadow details make me think it are the nightmare court ones that are killed. Adding that at the end of the fight you see someone with a spear killing a non-sylvari guy. This person somehow reminded me of Foalain (leader of the nightmares).
Yea possible that I’m switching persons up

Ranger & mesmer 80
Piken Square [Gwen]

[spoiler] Destiny Edge's

in Living World

Posted by: Fauven.3195



They were pulling the same tricks with Kasjory near the end of LS1, though and most that happened was Spare-Jory #1 died at the start of LS2. So maybe they’ll just kill Garm. (Where the heck was Garm, anyway?)[/quote]

That’s mean, poor Garm. What has that poor wolf ever do wrong to anyone (aside slitting some throats of incompetent/irritating people). Take all the Sylvari but leave Garm alone.

Ranger & mesmer 80
Piken Square [Gwen]

the content of HoT...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fauven.3195


Well to your question how people bought it? I got the game in a regular store when it was new and I still see it in the racks quite often. And for the gems? If they do so in the gem store, I’ll go to the same shop and buy a regular gem card . 25€ = 2000 gems.
So yes if you’re inventive you can buy the game and possible expansion without credit card and without ingame gold

Ranger & mesmer 80
Piken Square [Gwen]

Future PC specs

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Fauven.3195


I do have another question also. What about overclocking? I read the K-series are abled to be overclcoked so the GPU works at higher speed with better results but I also heard that it reduces the lifespan? Is this true? Should an GTX 970 actually need an overclock or is it powerfull enough at it’s own?

Ranger & mesmer 80
Piken Square [Gwen]

Future PC specs

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Fauven.3195


Really thank you that you did so much research (I wouldn’t even know where to start) but I’m very cautious on fragile items like a pc :s I always think I will screw something up internal :p cleaning the internal with compessed air was already a challenge cuz ppl told me the fan could explode etc. Xp

Edit: just even noticed that the store I was gonna use, is also listed in the vendor lost of your shopping list (Tones :p)

Ranger & mesmer 80
Piken Square [Gwen]

(edited by Fauven.3195)

Future PC specs

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Fauven.3195


Well I really don’t know anyone who has the possibilities of creating/assembling such system. And to be frankly I wouldn’t start on it myself xp I’m handy but these are some delicate stuff.
But the site made me actually pretty sure to do it at the store. I compared the components their site offered and a lot are the same. In total it’s only 70€ more expensive but those are the installation fees. Then I’m sure all things are in the proper place and no issues with warranties afterwards
Would a gtx970 get me settled for a few years :p and the budget was just an aiming prefer to add 400€ but that I have a system that can last a time :p

Ranger & mesmer 80
Piken Square [Gwen]

Future PC specs

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Fauven.3195


And I had the idea of possibly using the hard drive from my current PC in the next one or isn’t that a good idea since it’s an elder kind? It’s also 1TB, 2×500GB.

Ranger & mesmer 80
Piken Square [Gwen]

Future PC specs

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Fauven.3195


I’m from Belgium, Europe. I have been searching on a website of a local computer store and was able to make an online simulation of my desired pc with the items they provide.
So I’ll tell first what I’d put in the system simulation. I simulated an I5 (3,5-3,9GHZ) processor, intel 240GB SSD, 1TB HDD, water cooling and an GTX 970 graphics card. (The shop provides the 760, 970, 980 and titan.) Should this be suffiient or not? Or is it even a bit over the top??

Ranger & mesmer 80
Piken Square [Gwen]

Future PC specs

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fauven.3195


Yes the current PC has an I5-processor, 5GB RAM, 64-bit if I remember well. graphic card is GeForce GT 220 I think. And a HDD of 1Tb.

Ranger & mesmer 80
Piken Square [Gwen]

Future PC specs

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Fauven.3195


Well I’m certainly planning to let it be made at a specialized shop so I’m not thinking about upgrading the current one. I as this because I’m no expert on the area of what computerparts are decent on the current market.

If I remember well It’s a packard bell Ixtreme. Has 1Tb HDD, 5Gb RAM, Geforce GT 220?
Budget is quite stretchable. Would prefer around 1000€ but of course if an increase of some money means a lot of profit in experience then I would save more that is. So actually quality/price related. Have no idea if this graphic card is bad but it can run game on mid-high settings with 15-20fps. Lowest settings give 50-60fps.

Will update this later with the exact graphic card info cuz I have to use manual and currently studying. But I thought it was this category of card.

Ranger & mesmer 80
Piken Square [Gwen]

Future PC specs

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Fauven.3195


Well so currently I’m playing GW2 on my nearly 4year old computer and so far he’s doing quite good but I’m noticing it’s getting slower (normal after such age). So I’m considering of assembling a real gamer pc which should last a time. Now I often experience skill lag or random screen freezes for 30secs-1min+.
What sort of internals should I consider when ordering such game PC.
At the moment I only play GW2 but maybe I’ll consider other PC-games afterwards.
I’m a student so should it also be price/quality related. I’d prefer Nvidia and Intel because I’m more familiar with those items but some thought on how much memory I should need and what graphics card etc.

Thanks in advance

Ranger & mesmer 80
Piken Square [Gwen]

What did you get from the final daily reward?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fauven.3195


Euhm, you guys say of turning laurels into gold? But how? They seem useless to me. Only for ascended items but I have saved like 350 atm withering?

Ranger & mesmer 80
Piken Square [Gwen]

Future PC specs

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fauven.3195


Well so currently I’m playing GW2 on my nearly 4year old computer and so far he’s doing quite good but I’m noticing it’s getting slower (normal after such age). So I’m considering of assembling a real gamer pc which should last a time. Now I often experience skill lag or random screen freezes for 30secs-1min+.
What sort of internals should I consider when ordering such game PC.
At the moment I only play GW2 but maybe I’ll consider other PC-games afterwards.
I’m a student so should it also be price/quality related. I’d prefer Nvidia and Intel because I’m more familiar with those items but some thought on how much memory I should need and what graphics card etc.

Thanks in advance

Ranger & mesmer 80
Piken Square [Gwen]

Ranger in WvW after balance patch

in WvW

Posted by: Fauven.3195


I played Power ranger since i first bought the game (+2 years ago) so I have seen the old ranger. The patch was def. needed for rangers. I got excluded many times in all kinds of stuff as dungeons and PvP. The only thing that was left for me, was WvW. But still then I was very vulnerable. Back then it was very hard to win a 1vs1 in any way. Now rangers finally can be recognized as a full part of team such as pvp, wvw and dungeons. I sincerely don’t hope they’re gonna nerf it again cause some people don’t know how to fight them. Ranger has always been described as ‘death from afar’ and now he finally is. And yes I also play other classes and ranger can be taken down if you know how.

Ranger & mesmer 80
Piken Square [Gwen]

Can I get the Mad King's book (back item)?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fauven.3195


I dont believe people who say they accidently deleted it. Such an accident never happened to me in almost 7k hours. If they are that careless they also deserve to loose it.

I accidently deleted a 1.5 year old toon once (1k gold lost trough inventory items)
Trust me the stupidity of some people knows no boundaries.

Did you contact the costumer support? It happened to someone (he deleted a character with a legendary while drunk or something) I know and they restored it if he tells the truth.

yes I used to have collected this back item and bound it to my charr warrior which i deleted because i wasn’t that much of a fan of the warrior type. But after that I found out that it was only bound to that character and I was unable to use it. So after a long time I deleted it from the bank because I thought I would never be able to wear it again. Few months later they announced the wardrobe so I contacted customer support to ask if it was possible to refund the book for my wardrobe. I even have screenshots (unintended actually but bit lucky) with the charr wearing it so proof i once received it. But it was declined. So far customer support. so pls bring it back some way.

Ranger & mesmer 80
Piken Square [Gwen]

Connection error

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fauven.3195


That program gave no issues what so ever. But tried a solution from a dev i think to move the guild wars file out of the programs (x86) file and creating a new shortcut in which you activate ‘run as administrator’ under the compatibility tab of the shortcuts properties

Ranger & mesmer 80
Piken Square [Gwen]

Connection error

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fauven.3195


Since the launch of the ‘oooh so fabolous’ patch, the game simply doesn’t launch. It starts when it should connect it shows ‘Connection error(s) detected. Retrying…’ . First 2 days i could bypass it with a repair client but unfortunately this also no longer works. How is it even possible that these bugs are here at the time a wvw season is about to start. And more, what if you guys can’t fix this before the end of the first matchup, then how will we be refunded??? An answer and fix would be appreciated


Ranger & mesmer 80
Piken Square [Gwen]

Lost all my miniatures

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Fauven.3195


THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH :p thought i lost mine as well

Ranger & mesmer 80
Piken Square [Gwen]

Patch/client bug

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fauven.3195


For those who have issues connecting. Try repairing the game client. just tried this and iTS installing for now so it’s worth a shot for all of you

Ranger & mesmer 80
Piken Square [Gwen]

Patch/client bug

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fauven.3195


As soon as the patch was available my game client responded with connection errors detected. Retrying…
I gave it some time since I heard the server were downed for the patch. Now after some time, it still gives this Message so I can’t download the patch at all. How can this be possible and even more concerning, how can I even patch this because I can’t connect to your servers?

Ranger & mesmer 80
Piken Square [Gwen]

Random reboot during game

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fauven.3195


Well the title says it already. My pc randomly reboots while plating the game. During the last 4years i have this pc, i never saw this happen before. If i run an antivirus scan he finds no problems. Even through the scan takes up 1 hout he doesn’t kitten down. But during guild wars he has done it twice maybe like 15 mins after starting.

Is it possible that a hot summerday (think like 30° outside) in combinatoin with a high-demanding game has caused these 2 major crashes? Or is it related to Guild wars or possibly anything else?

Thanks in advance

Ranger & mesmer 80
Piken Square [Gwen]

Some help/advice pls

in Mesmer

Posted by: Fauven.3195


Hello, it may be a stupid question but I don’t care so I hope for some usefull responses.
I used to play a lot with a ranger and my downed skills were amazing. I healed very fast and got up 95% of the time.
I started playing mesmer after that and the regular play skills (land/water) I can use properly but somehow I think I mess up with the downed skills. Especially with the no2 skill becuz it ports me like 10 cm to the left/right and the stealth is like 1 sec. Is this normal or am I doing something wrong which makes it easy for other players to stomp me?

Ranger & mesmer 80
Piken Square [Gwen]

WvW Tournament Rewards Distribution Delay

in WvW

Posted by: Fauven.3195


maybe a little guess of time by the devs would be appreciated. Will it take a few days or rather a week or even 2 weeks? Waiting can be annoying but waiting without knowing how long you have to wait is even more annoying.
Dear Devs, pls comment with at least a little guess of time or at least an update on how bad the bug is? If we have to wait till start of season 2 ok, but I rather know it then :p

Ranger & mesmer 80
Piken Square [Gwen]

Season 2 reward

in WvW

Posted by: Fauven.3195


I understand that the problems showed up as soon the season ended and not before. I fully understand that. To disable the merchant, I can partially understand (because of selfish reasons of course :p).

For me the amount of time you require isn’t the most frustrating thing. If it takes a week, so be it. But in my opinion the community would be more satisfied with a little insinuation of time of the repair instead of constantly saying ‘working on it, sorry for delay’. I personally think it’s better to say that it will take 2 weeks then saying nothing and have to wait 1 week. Communication in your team is crucial but to your environment is even more crucial.

I hope the developers take this in count.

Ranger & mesmer 80
Piken Square [Gwen]

The Sylvari as Mordremoth Minions?

in Living World

Posted by: Fauven.3195


Why would Anet make Sylvari as dragon minions? However some theories make sense and even I saw some possible truth in them. BUT…
If Mordremoth wakes up the regular Sylvari won’t become dragon minions just because he woke up. If that was true it would mean that even Sylvari characters would be under Mordremoth’s command as well, so unplayable since they belong to The Pale Tree as well.

On the other hand it is possible that it will corrupt sylvari’s like Jormag does with icebrood. But turning all Sylvari into minions in 1 instant wouldn’t make sense since characters belong to Sylvari tribe as well.

Ranger & mesmer 80
Piken Square [Gwen]

Nerf mistforged weapon price

in WvW

Posted by: Fauven.3195


if you collec it for the skins, then i would recommend buying the cheaper hero wapons and ‘mistforge’ them yourself. That way you have all the skins probably faster.

Ranger & mesmer 80
Piken Square [Gwen]


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fauven.3195


yes the implementation is for the technical staff but the possibility of a preview would be a very interesting thing to me and many others as well i think.

Ranger & mesmer 80
Piken Square [Gwen]


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fauven.3195


I have a small suggestion to the developping team from Anet. You often release new finishers for us, players to buy but we can not see how the finisher looks like. Yes, Dulfy makes quite fast videos about the new finishers but seeing on Youtube is not same as in-game.

For this reason I might suggest a preview kind of preview button like with armor. So it shows a short clip of the finisher or create a separate environment in Pvp in which we can compare all the finishers. Or give everyone like 5 tries to see the finisher. It’s maybe a small thing in the game but in my opinion it can be a value for lots of players. I hope for a response because i think this is a rather interesting idea.

Let us hope it might get implented some time.

Ranger & mesmer 80
Piken Square [Gwen]

Error: 42:1000:7006:1322

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fauven.3195


Today i couldn’t run the diagnostic and repair tool becuz of ni internet connection. Suddenly i switch to the main modem for no reason and it works. So pll that have issues and work with a second router attached to their main, try connecting to main if possible. I’m reinstalling game now and I’ll see what happens next

Ranger & mesmer 80
Piken Square [Gwen]

Guild Wars 2 has encountered an error

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fauven.3195


this is getting weird :p for removing my post they can send a message but for telling what the possible cause is not? :S this is getting quite depressing

AND DON’T TAKE THIS WRONG ANET, just a thought of mine
(just in case :p)

Ranger & mesmer 80
Piken Square [Gwen]

Error: 42:1000:7006:1322

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fauven.3195


You can tell me lots of kitten but not that this a problem at my end. it’s clearly ANet’s fault and they should respond and tell they are fixing it

Ranger & mesmer 80
Piken Square [Gwen]

Error: 42:1000:7006:1322

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fauven.3195


now it’s back working for me. REally want a decent explanation why it’s so freaking this connection. If it is becuz of the megaserver no problem but a message before would ease a lot

Ranger & mesmer 80
Piken Square [Gwen]

Error: 42:1000:7006:1322

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fauven.3195


This is a diagnostic report i did. You can clearly see it often says: ‘connect failed’
Looks like 60% of those servers fail to connect? any idea, explanation or fix coming up ANet??


Ranger & mesmer 80
Piken Square [Gwen]

Need tips on how to level.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Fauven.3195


mesmer and thief are both very slow. My ranger felt way faster but once you go to eotm it goes pretty fast imo. In eotm, you go lvl, work on ach for tourney + good loot :p combi-package and in pve is fastest hearts and exploring i think.
and the personal story

Ranger & mesmer 80
Piken Square [Gwen]

infinite gathering items

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Fauven.3195


thx i found it

Ranger & mesmer 80
Piken Square [Gwen]

Need tips on how to level.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Fauven.3195


mesmer goes very slow in the start yes. that was my experience as well. i think from lvl 20 it is a good idea to lvl in wvw or eotm. easy xp and fast caps. and mesmer can be deadly in 1vs1.
took down a lvl80 warrior on lvl44, and today als lvl 55 i took down 2 lvl80 rangers :p
can’t wait to see its power at 80 hang on with that mesmer, it will pay off :p

Ranger & mesmer 80
Piken Square [Gwen]

Answer from Anet pls (log-in)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fauven.3195


It is location related but still at Anet’s end a faault i guess. It’s not provider-related and linked to only their site and game. A fault with their belgian server connection thingy maybe

Ranger & mesmer 80
Piken Square [Gwen]

Guild Wars 2 has encountered an error

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fauven.3195


here it is gone also like 10 mins ago —’ what the hell are they doing with those server connections?

Ranger & mesmer 80
Piken Square [Gwen]

Error: 42:1000:7006:1322

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Fauven.3195


Say Anet what are you doing back there with those servers? Today lots of problems and now again and not even 1 response?

Ranger & mesmer 80
Piken Square [Gwen]