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Server: FSP Border: Eternal Battlegrounds
Massive skill lag, lots of disconnects, large SM fight, 3 way.
Virtually unplayable.
(even had lag far away from fight too)
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Bump for Tifa <3
My old friend! Will be glad to see you if you come here.
<3 Stealthy
RIP Starscream. Thank you for making us laugh.
Much love to [IRON] and our deepest condolences to his family and friends on behalf of [SLAY].
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Many thanks to the good sports from AG who joined in with our box of fun when we brought one to their spawn steps in GH Border. Bah Humbug to the couple who tried to kill us.
We just wanted to say Merry Christmas and Happy New year and thanks for the fights..
I see seige well placed in AG… Bet that’s a little GuM factor
I was also paranoid about supply traps because of that ha!
Shout out to all the ex and present GuM <3
Santa’s been!! He gave me SM for Xmas!
Happy Xmas Everyone, hope you have a good day
Looking for officer/leader of SLAY.
Plz PM me in game
One of your guildies Venn Adamant is an ex-[SLAY] member, he can tell u when one of our officers is on, he has us on friends list
Thanks for the fights on Gh border btw, we tried not to add to your vk fight in Bay
(edited by Flamey.1430)
Is the Slayed ppl next in line to embarrass themselves as a Guild? Stay tuned for more exciting drama.
10:07 edit: Reports are coming in that SLAY:ed were indeed not seen on WvW yesterday evening.
Embarrass ourselves? No
Not in wvw? Wrong, suggest u get better intel.
Interesting to note you are happy to take potshots at our guild without revealing your own guild tag. Now, what does that tell us about you…?
(Btw – Are you still with AoA?)
We don’t need to spy on you at all, i guess some of your guildies felt the need to justify how yesteday’s fights went and started whispering us.
What reaction did you expect?
If you don’t need to spy to win, how about you stop doing it? If private conversations upset you all so much, stop listening in to them. Just an idea…Sorry if i implied you had the ability to read. I would write in caps but that would bother everyone else reading this thread, so i guess i won’t.
Tell me what part of: “One of your guildies felt the need to justify how yesterday’s fights went and started whispering us” you didn’t understand and i’ll gladly proceed to explain you what that means. That guy told us what you were talking about in TS, if that wasn’t clear enough. The so called “spy” is someone of your guild, probably someone who was so ashamed of what was happening that had to tell us. In-game.
Clear enough now? I can draw too if you need.
No thank you, your unpleasantness is crystal clear. Run along….
You may feel a bit better if you concentrate your energy on developing your skills to improve and actually win something cleanly.
Best of luck…I’m away with work and have been for over a week.
Was about to ask you if you were online yesterday, since saying we need to improve to win something cleanly is pretty amiss, but you answered that already. We don’t need to spy on you at all, i guess some of your guildies felt the need to justify how yesteday’s fights went and started whispering us. It’s pretty funny how you’re trying to show forum sportmanship besides what’s been said on your TS. If you feel the need to tag-team us, probably it’s you guys feeling threatened. I wonder why…
Anyway, enjoy the matchup!
This was started by your guild leader coming on here to gleefully inform us you had spies on our TS
yeah we have spy everywhere! hehe
and even you are happy to mention what is supposedly said in our Teamspeak.
What reaction did you expect?
If you don’t need to spy to win, how about you stop doing it? If private conversations upset you all so much, stop listening in to them. Just an idea…
not bigger than someone who say on his own ts during his raid he will do kitten against us on every single fight when can,yeah we have spy everywhere! hehe
yeah enjoy the mu.Oh dear… How sad to have to rely on a spy in the enemy’s TS to try to gain an upper hand to win. I’m sorry for you that you feel so threatened by us that you have to rely on underhanded tactics like that.
You may feel a bit better if you concentrate your energy on developing your skills to improve and actually win something cleanly.
Best of luck…
ah so what i said is right then,this mean only the guys in your guild who said that thing to me was not lying.
I wouldn’t know (even if I could decipher exactly what u mean), I’m away with work and have been for over a week.
Glad to see you focusing on some random bullkitten and not the fact you have been called out for spying. Shows where your priorities lay.
not bigger than someone who say on his own ts during his raid he will do kitten against us on every single fight when can,yeah we have spy everywhere! hehe
yeah enjoy the mu.
Oh dear… How sad to have to rely on a spy in the enemy’s TS to try to gain an upper hand to win. I’m sorry for you that you feel so threatened by us that you have to rely on underhanded tactics like that.
You may feel a bit better if you concentrate your energy on developing your skills to improve and actually win something cleanly.
Best of luck…
I know you are 17, we are 5, so my apoligies
Lies!!! I see 7 of us there!! Get down and kill that blob immediately Bez!!
Looks like Aurora is blobbing more than Vizunah and Abaddon together.
At least on AG BL.
Could say the same about Millers, at least on GH bl.
Another photo of the Millers megablob.
you post our blob while you also have your blob with commander tag on..
As we all know, PPT is what season’s all about
When you say this I shouldn’t already reply, but heck I will just do it.
Everyone has another way of playing and I can assure you that we don’t care about ppt at all. Maybe we join some karma trains in offpeak cause we’re bored, but the ppt is something which makes WvW a cruel respectless battlefield. It’s not rewarding, it’s boring and the nice siege blueprints do all the work. All you gotta know is how to press 1 and 2 on your siege, MAYBE sometimes even a combination of those 2 and when it’s getting really intense you will have to press 3.
In SLAY’s defence I gotta say you guys don’t use the combination of 1, 2 and even 3 due to the fact you guys can only use your 1 skill in the small group of players you run when you’re with your ex-guildies IRON.
I hope more respect will be shown this week towards the epic fights this matchup could bring us.
Ooo.. A bit kitteny eh? Looks like you should have gone to specsavers as we haven’t been anywhere near IRON since reset and most of that was co-incidental.
Since it has obviously made such an impresssion on you, we will have to look at doing just that. Obviously if it happens you will not feel the need to moan about it on here as we are such a ‘small’ group of players who can only press a ‘1’ skill, it will not be worth mentioning.
Hammer 4 for the win personally, can’t stop lolling when i launch u guys in the chin
Saying hey to my old guild buddies of SLAY.
To bad i can’t fight you guys anymore or drop a ballista on your corpsus
Hope you guys are having fun on GH
Goodluck to all of you.
Hey Dutch!
We miss you! Say hi to the guys from us will you?
Just wondering if IRON would like their iron back from Waha?
I can try make contact with him if you like. What with IRON leaving sor (I’m sure it’s not because ZDs on BG are a lot better) and going to silver league (morale booster I hope) I thought you might feel better if I got your iron back. It’s worth a lot more nowadays because of the ascended update, just a fyi.
Anyways let me know, I’ll do my best.
PS. Sorry Seasons didn’t work out for you, many people were sad to see you go. You were always considered one of the better PvF guilds, if nothing else.
This your thread? No? Jog on then…
Sooooooo…. what’s up with that SLAY+TEO+MM megablob in EB? Do GH have queues even during night time now? Lol, you don’t even have to place rams now, just pvd t3 towers takes 1 minute to you.
And then you call us blobbers.I’m perfectly fine with it, just stop complaning about us blobbing because your train is 1km long and is on par with ours.
I hope this is not an Abbablob posting about us ‘blobbing’. No… can’t be…?
(edited by Flamey.1430)
did DEX leave already? where did you guys move to? if you don’t mind saying…
He may mean [SLAY] who have gone to merge with [IRON].
Thanks to GH and FPS for fun fights.
I can see you thanking Gunners Hold and the Frames Per Second for the fun, but what about Far Shiverpeaks I ask you? did you not have fun with us? we are in this match up too u know
But Twinny, we didn’t want you guys to feel left out!
GH now has 2 nicknames (Golem’s / Banner’s Hold) and since you sorted out all your drama, you are no longer Far Drama Peaks. Frames per Second is an indicator on how many screenies you guys have posted in our top dramatic match-up thread hehe
P.S. It could be worse… at least we aren’t calling you Far Shiver Trebs anymore, that daily trebbing u guys used to do a few match-ups ago from Briar to Bay used to get SO boring
(edited by Flamey.1430)
The years went passed and moon of my life were still gone from the world, however, the battlefield had involvled to the true bloodfest it once was. Their was a man with so much power that even the MIGHTY WORM GÛNTER was afraid of him and his Fabolous hammertrain. The true name of the legendary commander is yet unsolved but rumors says that fsp call him Mr. Q. Where there is battlemaker there is a Bard amoung the fighters and during a heavy seigefire a flashlight appeared and through the light the king of all Bard appeared and sang
- what is loveeeeeee
a voice echoed through the battlefield – baby dont hurt meee
Who had sang that? was it a ghost? A PVE commander? A rallybot?
The questions were many but the answers were yet so few
Er.. Wasn’t it Haddaway?
(edited by Flamey.1430)
Good job everyone, now I really must go to bed. My Moon-Panda is waiting to whisk me off to my own personal cloud filled with pink diamonds and precursors so I can get some rest before soloing the whole of Vizunah and SFR whilst in a coma.
I can solo your blobs on my Thief, hands on my back, no problem!
Until evil Qla steals my stacks again :c
@Paavotar: enjoy, want a beer too?
Pfft. I just glance every now and then the screen of gw2 and if I happen to see zerg I punch my keyboard with my fist and my warrior does 250 stacks of confusion to everyone on 10 000 radius (even teammates) and everyone die right away. The stacks also last for 30 minutes, can’t be cleansed and stay even after dead. Come at me bro!
Oh and a beer, yes please
Mougari FTW!!! 8/10 – Points deducted for lack of stinging personal insults and not naming every single guild group you had a fight with that week.
@Genotix, good man, keep it up, moar plz
@Flamey, pfft pineapples? I was juggling kittens
But yeah you SLAY mob all you did last night was sit inside your towers using cannons and ACs when it was 50 of you against just one of me. Then you glitched through the gate and I single handedly took you all down with just a flame ram blueprint whilst under the influence of my yak transform tonic. I would post a screenshot but I don’t want to blind you with my sheer power of awesomeness.
@TheRestOfTheThread, sorry, bored at work today
Now this is more like it!! 7/10 well done!
I can solo your blobs on my Thief, hands on my back, no problem!
Until evil Qla steals my stacks again :c
@Paavotar: enjoy, want a beer too?
It’s a nice first attempt but I only give you a 4/10 as I feel your claims aren’t outlandish enough…
Surely whilst soloing this blob you could have been wearing no armor, watching a movie on your other screen and completely blinded for the duration of the fight due to the sunlight streaming through your window??
And to be honest you could have at least provided an irrelevant screenshot or two to baffle us as to what the hell we are looking at?
Tut tut, standards are slipping…
Having great fun in this matchup so far, and this is the most epic matchup thread in ages. But please, can we have some more zoom hacking accusations and there really haven’t been enough mentions of inappropriate golem rushes – we are Golem’s Hold after all.
Nonetheless great drama, I’m on the edge of my seat for the next installment. Sadly I’ve run out of popcorn but I’m about to phone out for pizza, anyone in?
Well I don’t know… Zoom hacks and inappropriate golem rushes are SO last season… Blobplaints and screaming We Wiped You!!! We Wiped You All With 2 hands tied behind our backs and a blindfold on while riding on a unicycle juggling pineapples because you are all so Kittening kitten and we are so kittening amazing!!! seems to be much more fashionable.
But I’m quite open to listening if you want to give it a go?
kitten guys! I had to move out and live under the bridge because of this thread. So much drama, so much popcorn. I have no more moneyz nor popcorn. Could anyone spare some? Pwetty pleeeeeease?
Moug, I’m away with work at the moment and have put the project on hold just so I can keep hitting the refresh button!!
I will DHL you some snacks, now shhhh, the next installment may come soon!
Low-skill UW-zerglings horrible matchup,.
Gamebraking lamerbuilds and a horrible player attidude.Might be the worsed month since release.
Gamebraking? No, you mean gamebreaking.
Attidude? No, you mean attitude.
Worsed? No, you mean worst.
You’re welcome.
Good luck Dzagonur!
Good luck Underworld!Enjoying this match-up already, great fights!
Especially the ones in Garri on UW border and Dredgetunnel on EB!
Keep em comming!Oh and yeah: Venn! Im comming for you this week mate! XD
:O! Poor tiny Venn… We will have to make sure the rest of the guild runs bodyguard protection on him (or stays away from the fat target on his head hehe).
Shout out to Twinny, hope to get some good fights this week, u still got your hammer?
All the best!
Siege as in the stuff inherent to upgraded towers, or siege as in AC’s, trebs, et cetera?
If the latter, was anyone in the golems?
Seige as in their many ac, trebs etc.
No-one was in the golems at the time, but they had just been reset before the update and had almost a full hour before despawn.
I don’t think they will fix it and here’s why:
They don’t really care.
and nor do we. “Boo hoo I lost gold on golems…..” /laugh at your dead corpse.
We always appreciate a mature response and since yours is clearly not….
Anyway, it is not about crying, just equality.
If our golems went then so should their seige. But their seige was still there, so our natural question was why aren’t our golems?
A waste for us but not for them is not equal, so that is the main point. As it was not equal we feel it is grounds for a refund. Simple.
one word… saturday nigth. Do you want a video? ok… We can upload one…
Er.. That’s 2 words mate… I’m just sayin..
Couldn’t see a thread so….
Good luck all.
The last few days actually have been quite enjoyable with a lot of good fights. All we had to do was not to go to underworld border. (You can quote me for recruitment or advertising.)
Don’t know why i was so upset in the beginning…
Sounds like we give too much fun fights on our own BL.. Maybe we should stop giving them so you guys go back to UW BL and we can tick our safe, hard earned points.
All jokes besides, I’ve had alot of fun last days. We were all screaming and raging when you guys managed to choke us at Briar that easily while we outnumbered you ATLEAST 2:1, but hey, it happens. We’ve beaten you guys down aswell sometimes. I’ve had alot of fun with all the guilds of GH. Some of you are tough cookies
But to be honest I can’t complain about the guilds of UW either. Especially SLAY, hats off lads, had some epic fights while I was commanding against you lot.
Nice post. Respect to you too
Jerry Springer called.. he wants us all on the show.
(edited by Flamey.1430)
…Oh btw, if I wanted to learn a thing or two about field fights I’d knock TuP’s door not yours…
Ofc you will ask them. You both have the same mentality. You do whatever is necessary to win. The only difference is that you just use more AC and TUP use more guardians. The “zerg” has many ugly faces.
GH and UW had 3 match ups in last weeks. If i remember correct GH have won the 2 of them, so get back in your holes please.
A big ty to TaG for the nice fights. I like that you still fighting after couple of wipes. Guilds like you would make WvW alot better. See you tonight!
EDIT: Oh btw SLAY if you really want to improve, lose the guild-pet (GTRS).
Er… You what now?
You may have to explain this as I don’t know what the kitten you are on about.
There does seem to be a strange missmatch in our primetimes.. and UW does seem to stay online longer than the majority of GH guilds (mostly SLAY who seem to be on when I go to sleep and on still with the same people when I wake up xD).
Not a critisism, you gotta play when you gotta play, and this is actually the closest matchup going at the moment so.. cant be all that bad ^^
We are fuelled by alcohol and sponsored by Budweiser…
Someone told me the other day that sleeping is PVE.. hehe
Thank you SLAY for the great GvG training. Had lots of fun. Cheers guvnahs !
Thank you to you guys too, we enjoyed it a lot and learned a great deal from it too.
Much respect and thanks
P.S. What is it with trolls? Ashamed of that 1 random kitten UW guy trying to ruin it for everyone. Hope he didn’t get in any of your guys’ way. We would have happily killed him if we could have, and all cheered when one of GH took him out.
About SLAY, well they are starting to grow true on that, but in my opinion I just see another RiOT atm, dont take it in the bad just my opinion and I do hope to be wrong since I do have a few friends there
The connection in your opinion being… what exactly?
Stop complaining about nightcapping, you have bigger numbers during the primetime. All your guilds are bigger then ours. Do we complain?
I am sorry that we cant bring 1 guild to the field that is big enough to match you…
Only Slay has the numbers but first they dont play that long together(as far as i know) and second they start playing later.Thats true!
SLAY is just started in the beginning of august now maybe 4 weeks old.
Some smaller WvW guilds join them because they had the same ideas.
So we are still learning from eachother each day.
And SLAY is Always later on, people got kids and have work and other things to do before they come online.I have been arguing about this with another guy from GH: I am positive I have NOT seen any “Slay” guild in the previous matchups we had (iirc the last we had was 3 weeks ago), while he said that you were already active.
Was I mistaken?
Around 10th August was when we formed. And we probably didn’t have enough members at first to be noticed much in that match up.
To bad UW can only raid during nighttime
Would be a nice week if you would be this offensive during primetime instead of turteling on AC’s :/
Really? I don’t know where you spent your time but my day didn’t go like that. Can’t say as I was on an AC once. Seem to remember quite a few fights, small scale and large with your guild throughout the day and evening. We enjoyed it a lot, sorry if u didn’t.
(edited by Flamey.1430)
Apologies to Gunners for the UW blob on your border just then, It wasn’t a serious attempt at your borderland it was just the weekly server training session and your border happened to be picked.
So, blobpologies from us.
Fun reset
Thank you WBC, TEO and FRS from GH ansd AA and DEX from UW for a lot of fun fights, we especially enjoyed the 3 way in Astralholme, it was epic, before some UW decided to build an AC.
GuM, you officialy made it to the top of my list of most boring guilds to face (beating Tz from Arborstone, which was a tough thing to do
). We want to fight you, not your ACs and supply traps…
I am really afraid that once UW keeps turn T3, there will be even more AC-hugging :/
Personally i find this post a tad rude and unfounded.
GuM is one of the most honourable and hardworking guilds I have ever seen, plus they have some of the most individually talented players.
If you are frustrated because of their excellent defensive skills, denying you access to a tower / keep that you want to take, maybe appreciate how they do it rather than calling them boring…
I <3 the Gummies, long live the GuM!
Aww guys, it’s been fun tonight and definitely a nice break from the blobbamonster.
Had some good fights and we tried to run just as a guild and search for good fights with even numbers or slightly more on enemy side but not always possible. As Agrios said, in GH Hills you guys had WAY more than us and we tried to get something going and come out and fight without it being just a rolfstomp excersize against your vastly superior numbers…
You can’t say we didn’t fight when u brought 6/7? was it Omega golems plus more than enough fighters to our wooden Lake on GH and got wiped a few times. We fought quite a few waves of you then and left the walls and gate open on purpose for the fights. We must have annoyed you a little then
FRS and Lion we met at cliffside in UW and fought them out of the tower too.
Respect to all the nice guilds we had good fights with tonight, hope to see more
@Slay stop glitching inside our towers and when you do stop attacking. Thank you:)
That is not our style at all.
Screenshot please so I can see who and those players will be re-educated or kicked.
Its a bad MatchUp System of Anet. How can you let battle David with Goliath, while David has a broken leg. Ok , ok, not the best Comparison , but its close to what i mean. If you would have more population on your server (you dont, so you have a broken leg) , you would have more players on your maps, not only guilds,but a lot of randoms (pugs) . Try to organize these pugs without an commander tag – an i ll clapp. Its not easy for our commanders.
LMAO I like this comparison… If you remember, David WON
We where on EB around 9-10 o’clock with 15-20 of slay and we wiped the gandara zerg (25-30) guys.
We switch to all borders aswell.
If you guys don’t have the men power on your borderland, then thats your problem.
So we aren’t affraid of any1 and aren’t walking away from any fights aswell.
We have many players in slay who play’s long and make late hours.
You just jealous that you guys don’t have such a guild on late.Still couldn’t take Durios until i left for Klovan. Couldn’t fight you cause 70% of zerg is undisciplined and hard to control over chat alone not to mention rallying. Don’t brag about wiping scaled and reckless people.
But i’m hoping i’ll meet you again with Yaks like night before. You didn’t walked away from fight but then again…you didn’t see us coming couple of times.
He wasn’t bragging. He was replying to someone who was intimating our guild only fought when there was no-one around to fight, so gave an example in reply of some fighting that happened tonight.
I don’t think you would like your guild mentioned in such a way and we didn’t either…
Same old golemrush against all keeps at nighttime.. Golemworld
[SLAY] dosent want to play against other people? since you only run this late on EU..
Have you been charting our playtime?
lots of weird lag today, I could see commanders warping all over the borderland like pro hackers
. Don’t worry though, after the patch tomorrow, all maps will be really empty anyway.
This may be the source of your lag… :
Martin Kerstein
Head of Global Community
Hey all,
We just want to let you know that in preparation for the release on August 20th we will be stress testing culling (more specifically, the removal of culling), so we will turn culling off on random maps and at random times from now on up to the release
Golemara/GAndara/Gandalf is expecting to have a busy day today!
I bet Underblobb Undertower Wallworld Whinerworld.
See I can also make up names with items in the game and your server!
We havent used golems in 3 weeks so I guess we have been stocking up.
Hey now. The proper name for our server is Underwhine.
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