Showing Posts For Foxgod.1038:

Raid Bug Corrected

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Foxgod.1038


Just in case, it is detailed information that is missing, all times are CEST (UTC+2)

Cairne 20170622-201737
MO 20170622-202652
Samarog 20170622-203806
Deimos 20170622-205032
Cairne again for ppl that got no loot 20170622-205812
VG 1 20170622-210835
VG 2nd try 20170622-211400
Gorseval 20170622-212807
Sabetha 20170622-213723
<<<<<< then the patch hit
and we proceeded with Wing 3, which I suppose is no longer relevant for this

sadly our twitch VOD that had the entire run in it just got deleted since it was 2 weeks and 2h ago

(edited by Foxgod.1038)

Raid Bug Corrected

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Foxgod.1038


I’m very much surprised about this being finished already. I did wait until after the US holidays as I was under the impression not much would be moving anyway.

We had been raiding on the day of the fix, BEFORE AND AFTER, as we pushed our clear back 3 times but couldn’t wait any longer, since there was no fix announced yet at that point. Some people from my group had recieved their chests instantly after the initial post for compensation. Another got it 15 minutes after sending in a ticket today, while I got told by support a few hours ago after contacting them that I was obviously not eligable or I had recieved one before already?

So I’m very sorry if the list has already been checked three times, but some people have been missed definitely

Herald facets instantly reset

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Foxgod.1038


While that might be a temporary fix, the issue itself needs to be adressed ASAP. Which also includes making the other legends available underwater.

Herald facets instantly reset

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Foxgod.1038


Bug: After swimming all Herald Facets instantly reset on activation. This persists after leaving the underwater section until the Dragon Stance is un- and re-equipped or stances are swapped. Furthermore active Facets are not kept underwater as previously.

Result: unplayable and can be exploited for unlimited protection at no energy cost

Mystic Forge not recognizing inscription

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Foxgod.1038


Giver’s does not exist as ascended.

Regurgitated Armor bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Foxgod.1038


Cannot be stat-swapped in the Mystic Forge!!

(edited by Foxgod.1038)

Suggestion: Mini Pet Sound Effects

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Foxgod.1038


I’m not really sure, maybe I might be the only one that is bothered by it, but as of late more and more people seem to be using the most obnoxious minis that are currently available in game.
Now I do not object to having everyone run around with their personal little ghost, toxic hybrid or bananas (to just name a few). What does annoy me greatly though is the constant noise pollution. Not only in cities, but at almost every vendor and obviously in Heart of the Mists.
The only way to counteract that would be to turn off the Effects Volume in game and I don’t know about all of you but personally I do like hearing my own skill effects go off and also in PvP as well as PvE this is a vital element.

So the suggestion to fix this can be quite simple. Move minis to their own slider, or if in fear of complicating things bundle them in with Player Instruments and the problem is solved.

Triple trouble massive fail

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Foxgod.1038


If this event only required 20-40 people. The amount of organized runs you’d see doing this would multiple tenfold.

First of all, if this event would only need 20-40 players to complete, it would be the same as anything else in this game, which I am happy it is not. It’s supposed to be difficult and that has been achieved, even though the event WAS made easier multiple times already.

Ive seen random non guild instances complete it… x.x

I would very much dispute that you have. 99.99% probability that you randomly got into an organized run, that did not promote their respective method of communication (TS, Mumble, …). Succeeding runs do not have to be organized by one guild only, as there are communities that set these up for everybody to join.

Tri-Wurm, on otherhand requires over hour to organize. Having better control on choosing map copy, would make it easier to do.

Wrong and right. Wurm does not require over an hour of organization. 30 minutes is a good rule of thumb, though I have myself done it within the 5 minutes between start of the timer and the NPC’s running for the escort (plus ~3min of getting into the map). Though I agree that choosing a map was easier, it is still not overly complicated now and a map can be found within 2 minutes at most, 3 on Midday while Thaida is going on.

1) expand the squad size for commanders to 100 or 120 or whatever magical number.

Not neccessary in my opinion. The map cap is 150 and you need three commanders for Wurm anyways. Therefore a squadsize of 50 is perfectly appropriate. 1-2 Diboof, 3-5 Condi per head, 35 DPS on Crimson and Cobalt, 40 for Amber are the minimum numbers you are looking for, which never exceeds 50 on any squad as you can see.

On the event itself, as mentioned before, it’s not supposed to be easy and it DOES require organization. That’s why there are groups that do so for other players to join in and enjoy/complete the event together. It is a way bigger sense of accomplishment if you are able to share it with 149 players that went through it with you, then killing a veteran somewhere in open world with 2 bypassers and never see them again. I personally command and kill the wurm multiple times a day, so I know what I’m talking about =)

Tequatl The Invisible

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Foxgod.1038


Actually it is possible to over-DPS Tequatl and prevent the bug, by going way over 25% to about 30-35%

SoR and FGJ might duration does not stack

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Foxgod.1038


As far as I am aware, Might always stacked intensity, never duration. Why would you expect it to do? As for the Swiftness, are you using some sort of Rune that provides you with increased duration by any chance?

Destruction of Sentinel Insignias

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Foxgod.1038


Usually I am not the Person to be greatly annoyed by implemented changes into the economy. For the first time today though i feel greatly cheated.
With last months Karma change there was a rollback and anet admitted it was “not communicated”. Then how would you call this?

In a sidenote of the new patch it reads ‘Sentinel’s inscriptions can now be purchased from the guild vendor.’

Most certainly not unlike many others I had some of those stored in my bank to sell for materials after the new patch. There was no indication or any communication, that a change like this would be made.

What happened obviously everybody that hat a standing buy order on them withdrew their money from the TP as soon as it was back up, resulting in the destruction of 100’s if not 1000’s of gold people thought to be safely in their vault.

Now i completely understand that the economy can change, and as such can be predicted or not. But this change was neither predictable NOR previously announced. Therefore this HAS to result in a compensation for those affected. As I am sure there are a lot of people affected and way worse then me. (as i lost ONLY 100G which is nonetheless a substatial amount of my money)

Tl;dnr: Money was destroyed in a grand scheme tonight.

Please respond to this as quickly as possible.

Random (?) crashes

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Foxgod.1038


Alright check the following, it’s most likely the problem or at the very least connected to it. (also solved a similar issue for me)

Update you BIOS/UEFI to the most current version via flashdrive or internet, whatever you feel more comfortable with.
Then check the RAM timings and clock speed. Use a default profile for the RAM you have and if it is set to 1600 or 1333 or not, manually change it to 1400.

It may sound like sorcery, but that solved it for me ^^

Good luck

Virtues and Combat

in Guardian

Posted by: Foxgod.1038


Just because i’m giving a boon to someone running by doesn’t mean i want to be in combat stance. Why would you assume this to not be a valid question.
There are plenty of occasions, when I want to AoE cleanse conditions or use stability in general PvE or in a JP for example, that have nothing to do with me being in combat.

Runes soulbinding while they shouldn't

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Foxgod.1038


All dungeon runes are soulbound, no matter the type of acquisition. So if the forge randomly gives you a dungeon rune you are simply out of luck.

Virtues and Combat

in Guardian

Posted by: Foxgod.1038


Not sure if this was a newly introduced thing or has always been like it. Can’t remember for my life xD so I didn’t post it in the bug forum just yet.

Using a Virtue while not in combat stance puts you in it. Don’t recall it being like that, but I might’ve just always missed it.

It’s incredibly annoying tbh and not useful in any way.

pls fix superior rune of sanctuary

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Foxgod.1038


45%(30% normally, but if it was made so, it would be 45%) runes + 30% traits + X% Giver’s Stats (+ consumable%?) = 75+% boon duration. Anet Balance usually tries to avoid permanent uptime for protection/retaliation which becomes quite feasible with that much boon duration increase.

I already do run permanent retaliation and protection even with the lower amount of Boon Duration for my whole party(just as a fact). Also no Giver’s Stats or consumables in PvP (If you want to go there ^^)
Healing power? I see vitality… is the wiki out of date?

No Vitality on the Superior Rune, hence no conjunction with “full” Boon Duration.

If you REALLY need the boon duration…

I don’t need the Boon Duration, BUT using it would be another point. As well as the aforementioned discrepancy with only Healing Power on superior runes. (and just to mention I have been running 2 sup water + 2 sup monk + 2 maj sanc since november)

pls fix superior rune of sanctuary

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Foxgod.1038


1st: There is a 3rd set with 15% Boon Duration, Altruism (albeit not for 2/6)

2nd: If you would please shed some light on what precisely that would break balancewise

3rd: There is currently no alternative to Healing Power as a stat in combination with Boon Duration, which is easily fixable by changing Santuary to Boon Duration.

4th: If there are problems concerning PvP, it does not mean such a change couldn’t be approved for PvE. Skills have already been differentiated (it was mentioned on multiple occasions that this is going to be continued), some runes are completely missing from PvP, so there is precident.

Looking forward to reading your response Mr. Chapman!

Diving Master

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Foxgod.1038


The goggles in the “Not so secret” jumping puzzle were added to compensate for that. Use those to finish your diving master.

Acheivement chest and account bonuses issues

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Foxgod.1038


What gives you the idea you should have more than you do? Care to elaborate?

AR 30 - acting like I have no AR

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Foxgod.1038


AR is actually bugged in some cases of you entering at different times, relogging and so on. Go out of combat, remove all your equips and reequip them, solves the issue. Only if you have enough AR to begin with obviously.

Graphic bug with Stealth + Radiant Vambraces

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Foxgod.1038


Has been reported, please use the forum search!

Spvp reward chests vanish

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Foxgod.1038


This is not a bug. Technically it’s just a reminder that the next time you rank up the tier of chests you recieve will change and into what.

What am I missing for map completion?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Foxgod.1038


PvP maps don’t count. Hall of Monuments doesn’t either. But yes every borderland counts independently.

Holographic Dragon Wings Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Foxgod.1038


Happens with every backpack, not limited to the wings.

Spent GEMS for bank tab and didn't get it

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Foxgod.1038


Never buy bank tabs from the gem store! Only buy them from your own bank window, that wil seize to show the option after you have reached the maximum account. (7)
File a ticket in this case and ask anet to kindly refund your gems.

Whispers armor color boxes missing.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Foxgod.1038


This ha been discussed and mentioned multiple times already, please use the forum search first next time!

Charisma, Dignity, Ferocity

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Foxgod.1038


This is purely for your own fluff and has no effect on the game whatsoever => no bug

Shell Shock Mission Bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Foxgod.1038


You are not supposed to use the order asura gate to reach that mission. The game only shows that way because it’s technically the shortest way possible, accessible for you or not. Go to Mount Maelstrom and start the mission normally.

Items Missing Descriptions Ingame

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Foxgod.1038


The potion is supposed to have a secret effect. So why add a description? ^^

Tears of Itloacol

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Foxgod.1038


What happened in this case is, that you were not actually missing the 4th but the 3rd combination. In some cases the left Symbol from the first round will still show, when the 3rd and 4th are added, so they are overlayed. Your best bet to solve this in any state is just to try all possible shapes (about 10 iirc). They can be found on the corresponding wiki page.

Quartz availability now and after?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Foxgod.1038


Have you used the Gift of Quartz, which you got from the chest after completing said 16 achievements?

Radiant gloves + Juggernaut = no hands :O

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Foxgod.1038



can we get an acknowledgement here, that this is NOT going to stay like this, please?

Radiant gloves + Juggernaut = no hands :O

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Foxgod.1038


Hellfire have no issue, they are technically similar to the Molten gloves.
Only Radiant are bugged.

Radiant gloves + Juggernaut = no hands :O

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Foxgod.1038


Still no red post on this?
we need this fixed yesterday!

Radiant gloves + Juggernaut = no hands :O

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Foxgod.1038


This, this and so much this!
Fix this asap please. Also, the glow is way reduced in combat with Juggernaut’s effect active. => not what we were hoping for!!

P.S.: And while we’re at it, the footsteps are a huge shame compared to all the others currently!

Superior Rune of Sanctuary - 2 piece bonus

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Foxgod.1038


Since this is still not fixed, I’d really like to know if the frozen duration bonus was intended, or will be changed to boon anytime soon.

Is Miyani's chain gonna be extended/fixed?

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Foxgod.1038


The skin was not temporary. Only looked over the weapons shortly, but from that i think they where the usual Lions Arch Karma weapons sold at Fort Mariner. So just get one there ^^