Showing Posts For Gajumat.4068:

1-11-13 SoS vs JQ vs BG

in WvW

Posted by: Gajumat.4068


Score update plz. At work or i wouldn’t ask

4th Jan: BG/SoR/TC

in WvW

Posted by: Gajumat.4068


score update plz

12/28/2012 BG/SOR/TC

in WvW

Posted by: Gajumat.4068


score update plz b/4 i start my 9hr drive home

12/28/2012 BG/SOR/TC

in WvW

Posted by: Gajumat.4068


lets agree to stop qq’n b/c of being outnumbered or lack of coverage. neither of these 2 things are new to any mmo. if u wanna qq, qq about something that matters and that is actually qq worthy. say for instance THIEVES lol :p

btw score update plz oh and map coverage including the TEMPLES lol

12/28/2012 BG/SOR/TC

in WvW

Posted by: Gajumat.4068



Blackgate aka Beastgate


Sanctum of Rall aka Race for 2nd Place


Tarnished Coast aka Zombie Coast


12/28/2012 BG/SOR/TC

in WvW

Posted by: Gajumat.4068


ty 4 update……

12/28/2012 BG/SOR/TC

in WvW

Posted by: Gajumat.4068


score update plz

12/28/2012 BG/SOR/TC

in WvW

Posted by: Gajumat.4068


when i hear PINK why do i automatically think of the movie Starship Troopers?


12/28/2012 BG/SOR/TC

in WvW

Posted by: Gajumat.4068


like i said bg isnt trying hard enough >.<

12/28/2012 BG/SOR/TC

in WvW

Posted by: Gajumat.4068


just means bg isnt trying hard enough

12/28/2012 BG/SOR/TC

in WvW

Posted by: Gajumat.4068


ouch. still not happy since i have yet to see bg hit 700 a tick


12/28/2012 BG/SOR/TC

in WvW

Posted by: Gajumat.4068


score update plz

12/28/2012 BG/SOR/TC

in WvW

Posted by: Gajumat.4068


Altough, it’s hard with BG’s asian krew, they wipe our borderland every day But… we’re the Toast, we bounce back!!!

dont u mean u will pop back?

btw score update plz

12/28/2012 BG/SOR/TC

in WvW

Posted by: Gajumat.4068


score update plz

12/28/2012 BG/SOR/TC

in WvW

Posted by: Gajumat.4068


WvW would be balanced if we didn’t have massive amounts of non-US players joining US servers just so they could dominate. It’s quite cowardice IMO.

WvW is balanced. Everyone has the right to go and recruit new guilds to their server.

Actually, it’s not balanced because BG has enough people to zerg 3 of the 4 BLs simultaneously during all hours and nobody else can compete — it’s game about numbers because tactics only go so far when you’re facing multiple 50+ zergs in each BL.

I lol’d at this. 3/4 eh? We wish but sadly that’s far from true.

12/28/2012 BG/SOR/TC

in WvW

Posted by: Gajumat.4068


To the SoR who accuse TC of not fighting BG.

If it weren’t for TC’s push against cragtop, and into garrison (and controlling garrison’s supply) your ever powerful SoR NA primetime wouldn’t have gotten Garrison for quite a while yet. (also, maybe you should defend your own borderlands too? We loved having your garrison as much as you had ours).

Pink runs a great defense on TCBL night after night, and has solid tactics, and doesn’t run when we look at them funny. Anyone who says anything different doesn’t know what they are talking about. Here is how our VoIP goes.

“20 TC zerg coming up behind us”
“Is it Pink?”
“Ok, we can wipe them”

Be warned TC. After the garrison double team, you may find your borderlands with a few more green invaders next reset. :P

Is that FEAR i smell?

No I suspect it was a compliment. Be gracious.

Although I’m not even sure if you’re a toaster.

i have a toaster i use for toasting bagels however i’m from BG

12/28/2012 BG/SOR/TC

in WvW

Posted by: Gajumat.4068


WvW would be balanced if we didn’t have massive amounts of non-US players joining US servers just so they could dominate. It’s quite cowardice IMO.

guess u haven’t played mmo’s for very long. this is nothing new nor is this a big deal.

To the SoR who accuse TC of not fighting BG.

If it weren’t for TC’s push against cragtop, and into garrison (and controlling garrison’s supply) your ever powerful SoR NA primetime wouldn’t have gotten Garrison for quite a while yet. (also, maybe you should defend your own borderlands too? We loved having your garrison as much as you had ours).

Pink runs a great defense on TCBL night after night, and has solid tactics, and doesn’t run when we look at them funny. Anyone who says anything different doesn’t know what they are talking about. Here is how our VoIP goes.

“20 TC zerg coming up behind us”
“Is it Pink?”
“Ok, we can wipe them”

Be warned TC. After the garrison double team, you may find your borderlands with a few more green invaders next reset. :P

Is that FEAR i smell?

12/28/2012 BG/SOR/TC

in WvW

Posted by: Gajumat.4068


score update plz

12/28/2012 BG/SOR/TC

in WvW

Posted by: Gajumat.4068


i wont b happy unless we get 700 per tick

12/28/2012 BG/SOR/TC

in WvW

Posted by: Gajumat.4068


thanks Pot.6805. looks like we are bringing the pain early this round. no playing for me till after the new year when i finally return home. keep up the pain BG

12/28/2012 BG/SOR/TC

in WvW

Posted by: Gajumat.4068


restarting this topic since only after 35 posts our other one got locked and deleted.
lets not be stupid and get this locked.

score update plz

The dredge fractal is insanely stupid

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gajumat.4068


This is another easy fractal. That fight is so easy. Choose 2 different drop points and just go from one to another. The second you pour lava on him you start moving him back to previous location. Everyone who is dps’n him sticks together and moves together. Agro doesn’t matter if you stick together. When boss is on sweet spot root him place and pour.

This fight on high lvl fractals is as easy as fractal 1 lol. This fractal isn’t difficult in the least. A hard fractal is dolphin mode. Easy but I hate it so very much lol

Swamp Fractal is Absurd.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gajumat.4068


Swamp is easy no matter what classes you take in group. Those tree walls that spawn aren’t random at all and traps are always in same place, so just use your head a tad bit and you’ll be fine. And yes use different profession abilities and you’ll see just how easy it is.


in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gajumat.4068


Finally just got my power back earlier today from Super Storm Sandy. I was just wondering if all dungeon exp path are properly working?

JQ - SBI - BG 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Gajumat.4068


score update plz

also don’t count on hacker being banned anytime soon. however 3 of my posts already in this thread have been removed for calling out a net for not acting quick enough on this matter but deleting my posts 10mins after posting. gg

JQ - SBI - BG 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Gajumat.4068


score update plz


in WvW

Posted by: Gajumat.4068


Nice, lol. We had success manning 4 arrow carts on a cluster. They all died pretty fast,lol

Disable the Orbs

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gajumat.4068


If you work hard and that equals winning you should get a pat on the back. Sure it gives an advantage but that means you just need to work harder as a server to get it back. Why do so many ppl want easy mode? O i know ty WoW for giving us lazy gamers who get stuff handed to them.

JQ - SBI - BG 10/26

in WvW

Posted by: Gajumat.4068


At work can I get a score update.

As for ppl who think stacking is an exploit stop QQ’n and adjust. Hopefully ANet will fix this portal crap by limiting the amount of ppl able to port. IMO only the grp w/the mesmer should be able to portal. If mesmer is solo than no others but him can use it. To adjust shout healing is a stupid request. AoE dmg limitations is a good thing if it was reverse ppl would complain that AoE would need to be limited. Anyhow only portal needs work.

As for the possible orb hack. F’n cheaters. And don’t act like no one from your servers have ever done this perhaps not this match up yet but perhaps in previous matchups. And 1 person hacking doesn’t represent a community. And according to ANet it’s hard to stop hackers.

Anyhow game update plz


in WvW

Posted by: Gajumat.4068


IMO the way it should be fixed is make portal only available for your grp, so if a mesmer has 2 ppl in grp other than himself only those 3 can use it. If mesmer is solo than only he can use it. To reduce shout healing is dumb b/c outside of stacking shout healing doesn’t make too big a difference w/the amount of aoe.

Top Requested Changes to WvW made in the Forums

in WvW

Posted by: Gajumat.4068


I agree with #1 which should help fix #2.
3 and 4 made me lol. QQ more casual gamers.
When defending a tower or keep with siege or organized group the reward you get is a ton of badges enough said imo.

  1. omg go DL vent or mumble or teamspeak and give info out to ppl. prob solved
  2. holy hell go farm for 30 or 45mins and make 1 to 2g easily. well the easy way is to complain and have ANet hand you everything for free. Actually work for something you lazy people.
    I agree with #8
  3. another LOL
  4. another LOL if you want other stats go to the AH everything you want is there aside from PWR/TOUGH/VIT.
  5. don’t listen to these whinny ppl ANet keep as is
  6. i agree
  7. made me LOL as well ANet while u at it can you give me a reach around as well?

    ppl are so lazy it’s amazing.

and no i’m not a zerger. i just believe ppl should work for stuff they want in games. instead of getting hand outs (ty wow for giving us this lazy generation of gamers)

Tarnished Coast/Fort Aspen/Blackgate 10/15/12

in WvW

Posted by: Gajumat.4068


Well, I can say that our crew isn’t apart of the 3 v 1 / tower humping or keep humping people. Normally, we have a crew of 5 to 10 depending on playtime. Also, we try and avoid zergs and being apart of the zerg. We prefer the smaller fights. Also, we aren’t on past 10pm EST. Our normal running hours are from about 7:30pm to 10pm EST.

Tarnished Coast/Fort Aspen/Blackgate 10/15/12

in WvW

Posted by: Gajumat.4068


Yea, some good times tonight. Keep on battling guys and gals win or lose who really cares as long as we have good fights and fun.

Tarnished Coast/Fort Aspen/Blackgate 10/15/12

in WvW

Posted by: Gajumat.4068


Thanks for the fun tonight out in Fort Aspenwood. I enjoyed the battle for Bluewater Supply Camp and our failed attempt before our logout for the night on the keep. Thanks for the fun. See ya tomorrow night.

Gajumat of Maven Blackgate