Showing Posts For Garrand.1483:

Why Fighting in the Jumping Puzzle Makes You Look Like and Idiot

in WvW

Posted by: Garrand.1483


Traps are there for a reason. If by unique you mean the same stuff you can buy cheaply and therefore not unique at all then okay. If you don’t want to PvP then don’t queue for WvW. No, there is no reason to call a truce for anything. It sounds like you want to play PvE.

1) It does help my team because it hurts your team, gets badges for me, and if I’m successful at the end, gets free blueprints for me. Not unique rewards in any way, but advantageous.

2) Free siege helps those who obtain it and nobody else. The cost of siege won’t affect whether you drop it or not, you’re either on a competitive server which will be sieging 24/7 no matter the cost or you are on a faceroll server where nothing is happening anyway.

3) Yes, it does! I WANT people to try to camp me and my group in PvP. I want dynamic, chaotic fights where I have no idea what’s around that next corner, this is why you queue for WvW. You want to have those epic memories of chasing someone through traps and jumps and all sorts of varied terrain. That means, sometimes, you get your butt kicked.

4) Killing you is a reward in itself. It’s why you’re playing PvP at all. Badges are a cherry.

You sound like you want to go play something easier, like WoW. When you queue’d for pvp you gave up your right to be happy 24/7 – you either stomp or you get stomped. There will be days where one or the other happens, and days where both happens. PvP does not mean “fighting whenever I feel like it and on my terms and only if I will enjoy the outcome.”

Login Screen Guild Tag missing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Garrand.1483


Same, empty guild list.

Darkness Falls - Please? Thank you.

in WvW

Posted by: Garrand.1483


This would alleviate some of the problems with some servers owning everything all the time. In DAoC, you could either have your realm PvP’ing or in DF. Rarely, if ever, was a realm able to both farm DF and maintain a stranglehold against the other two realms.

You want to go farm nice loot? Okay, but better hurry, you’re not likely to keep DF for long if everyone has the same idea you do. And it would also give servers an incentive to try and win instead of merely staying in a particular bracket to farm karma/gold/badges.

Posting server rankings while transfers were still open was the worse thing a-net could have done.

in WvW

Posted by: Garrand.1483


Actually both ANet and the playerbase is at fault here. The playerbase at large is being, well, human – they want to ‘win,’ or rather, they want to say they’re on the best server whether or not they actually did anything. This isn’t some new phenomena though, it’s human nature. ANet screwed up by not shutting down transfers to the top servers as it became alarmingly apparent that they were getting full. They have the exact metrics for all of their servers so there was no excuse not to shut transfers off to at least the top servers.

Can we get an answer regarding server alliances?

in WvW

Posted by: Garrand.1483


The entire point of 1v1v1 is that two gang up on one. If your server sucks so much that a temporary alliance with you isn’t strong enough to hold the other server in check, then the best course of action is to take your stuff before the other server does.

Eternal Battlegrounds Jump quest

in WvW

Posted by: Garrand.1483


If I have the chance to kill another server’s player(s) in these areas I am going to make two assumptions:

1) This player belongs to a server who is attempting to beat my server in WvWvW – therefore he has no interest in assisting or NOT hindering me.

2) This player, because of #1, will attempt to kill me if and when they see me, because they are likely to have the same assumptions as I do.

My best course of action to protect my investment of time and effort is to ensure that this player cannot interfere with my ability to complete my goal (especially relevant under EB where trap controls are placed BEYOND the areas they protect). The easiest way to do that is to kill them.

6 months from now, everyone will be a Commander

in WvW

Posted by: Garrand.1483


I’m not sure it’s worth 100g when you could simply use Mumble, Ventrilo, Teamspeak, or the in-game chat channels to coordinate your server.

If it seriously looks like it will be an issue, they can simply raise the price. No, it won’t be unfair to people who buy it later – you had the difference in gold available to you the entire time to do other things with such as invest in a particular market, whereas those who bought early did not have this capital for that entire time.

WvW Que Priority For Level

in WvW

Posted by: Garrand.1483


Holy crap there’s a lot of dumb in this thread.
There should never EVER be a priority for WvW because of level. Lower levelled characters can easily take out a level 80 if he knows what he is doing, and are no less useful than any other person who wants to WvW.
Lonewolf, how can you tell that someone giving orders is a level 23. Without asking them their level, you can’t. And before you attempt to accuse me of being a lower level, I am level 80, with full exotic gear, and I happen to have common sense that every person is valuable, unlike you
If you have a problem with queuing on your server, just transfer to a lower population server.
Bam! No more queues and no more whiney threads like this one.
Its not like you can’t do anything while you are waiting to get into WvW either. When I try to join and there is a queue I just go do some DEs or go play with friends somewhere in the world of Tyria. I know that I still have my spot in the queue and until my spot comes up I can still enjoy other aspects of the game, even though WvW is the main thing I want to do.

Don’t you understand though, the people crying about this want full level 80’s with full gear on their server so they can be carried to victory. That can’t happen if others are allowed to actually have fun an enjoy the game they paid for! Shame on you and your logic!

Arrow Carts Above the Stone Mists Lord is Unbreakable

in WvW

Posted by: Garrand.1483


If by unbreakable you mean can easily be rushed and killed by small groups constantly running up there, then yeah, I guess it is.

Downed mechanics should be immune to AoE siege weapons and attacks

in WvW

Posted by: Garrand.1483


Why? Are you dead? No? Then why should you not take damage? Learn to dodge siege or attack from a better direction.

Bring back EXP on Escort missions!!!

in WvW

Posted by: Garrand.1483


I never understood yak farming since you got more xp, karma, gold, and entertainment out of raiding enemy yaks and camps constantly. If they want to waste their time escorting yaks purely for character advancement then let them die to the small groups that are constantly raiding. If you wanted to advance your character this was a terrible way to do it.

WvW Que Priority For Level

in WvW

Posted by: Garrand.1483


When you pay for my game you can tell me how I play it.

Suggestion to resolve WvW queue problem

in WvW

Posted by: Garrand.1483


Limit the time you can play? That’s a terrible suggestion. Why should I be forced to /not/ play the way I want to play? Some people don’t like PvE at all. Why shouldn’t they be allowed to WvWvW?

Also, why should people who are winning their WvW’s be punished as a wave of server-hoppers join their server? Now they get kicked out so the drooling masses can come in and screw up their WvW progress?

Solving queue problems would take one of two solutions, one of which is feasible. One, players could use the transfers they have to solve it themselves – this isn’t feasible because people are bandwagon loving sheep. The second would be to shut off all transfers to servers that are “full” or heavy-population, which many other mmo’s have done to fix these issues.

Anyone know what happened to the Chef Vendors?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Garrand.1483


I maxed it in an hour by doing what anyone with a desire to find out about such things does – I googled it.

Yep, I was 80 when I did it. I still leveled cooking from 0-400 in an hour. And of course they aren’t going to advertise this, everyone with karma would have dumped every last point into these items and then resold them on the TP.

Anyone know what happened to the Chef Vendors?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Garrand.1483


You could max cooking in like an hour with little money invested. None of the other professions could say that – either every other profession in the game wasn’t intended to be expensive, or this one wasn’t intended to be this cheap. It says right on the trainer that it is intended to be an advanced craft that requires a lot of karma and money, but required hardly any of either.