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October monthly achievement error. [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gerik.8096


I levelled up TWICE today from 46 —> 48 without dying even ONCE and the fourth objective for the monthly challenge still reads ???

I remember it being experience gained without dying but I also remember that not working properly. Is it some other objective now or is it still the same? Because if it is still the same objective I should have gotten the first tier or so complete already or at least have discovered the conditions for it…considering it takes about 45k exp to level up at my current level.

DR is killing this game more then the bots (for me)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gerik.8096


Anyway I’m outie like Audi before someone complains and reports me for trolling again because SOMEONE wants to tell everyone here how their posts are nothing but rambling and that all their suggestions are inconsequential and then color himself a complete hypocrite by telling US not to tell OTHERS what to do… -_-
The whole hyper-sensitive thing is getting old too, but hey apparently some people can get away with calling others brain-damaged and trolling an entire thread from page one without consequence, so meh. Whatever, the game is more fun than forums anyway, even with DR, so back to playing it.
Cheers everyone.

DR is killing this game more then the bots (for me)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gerik.8096


Lol someone actually reported me for trolling…which I’m not. Ronin is making an kitten out of himself so yeah naturally I said “I’m not talking to you anymore, leave me alone.”
Sue me for using a That 70’s Show reference in a joking way to do so…
There, I explained it.

DR is killing this game more then the bots (for me)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gerik.8096


Although DR doesn’t affect me at all, I believe they could have came with better ideas…

Now, about you people saying DR hinders your farming experience, just remember the fact that, here, there is no ‘tagging’ of resources, be it from mobs or from nodes. Logic dictates that players can and will gather way more resources from a hour of farming here than on any other mmo where you have to compete for them.

Bear in mind this fact when making your calculations…

People are more interested in the effects of DR on farming dungeons, but let’s be real people, of COURSE diminishing returns hurts you when you spam dungeons all the kitten day long. The more time invested the less return you see. That is what DR means. If you’re spending an absurd amount of time farming then you will invariably be more butthurt than the rest of us.

Spend one hour on dungeons? No problem! You don’t feel DR that much.
Spend three hours on dungeons? You just wasted 2 hours of your life, knowing you would be hit with DR.
Spend more than that and I’m just going to laugh at you some more, lol.
Switch to an alt, or go find something better to do either in-game or out.

DR is killing this game more then the bots (for me)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gerik.8096


Lol at the DR vs Time arguement…yes that is what a DR system IS…you get DIMINISHING returns the LONGER you play…
Now some people look at this and say “UNFAIR!! You are not rewarding my efforts!” Well, they are…just with diminishing returns…but these are also the same people complaining that they can’t play their “way” and that if they wanna ruin their lives (and the game) grinding the same dungeon for 18 hours a day they should be allowed to when really they just have too much free time on their hands and don’t realize that when reward is proportional to time spent and time is a colossal figure reward is blown massively out of proportion.

Traditional MMO: Time spent in game = $$$ given by players to MMO company.

B2P MMO: Time spent in game = $$$ spent on upkeep by game company.

There is nothing inherent in GW2 that makes it attractive for Arenanet to give you reasons to log more hours in their game than any other game on the market.

The cash shop means that there ARE reasons to create a more interesting world to interact with so that you are encouraged to buy gems to do more things in the game.

People are used to the “keep them logged in as long as possible” mindset, and changing your focus is a lot easier for someone like me, who doesn’t want to play that way anyway, than someone who embraces it wholly.

Arenanet tried to create an expansive, interesting world that players can continue to interact with long after reaching level cap. What happened was a minority of players rushed through this world and said “ok, I’m 80, where’s my raid?”

The rest of us are enjoying the journey. The gamble comes when we find out if there are enough of us to support the game and expand it after the first group gets bored and leaves.

So…someone is actually agreeing with me?
I think you’re right when you say Anet is not following the “keep them logged in as long as possible” mindset. They are certainly not a company that’s interested in keeping everyone playing for as long as possible simply to make money off them. When viewed on a day-to-day basis those players logging thousands of hours more than any other player doesn’t help Anet…unless he’s also spending thousands of real dollars on gems, but the servers will still be running (hopefully) for years from now. Like you said, and I can’t agree with you more on this point, the players who have already “beaten” the game are a minority and probably the same bunch of kids who stormed through Diablo III in less than a week then ruined the game’s rep by whining about it so much on forums and through every form of media they could get their grubby hands on that it went belly up in just a month.
They probably came from 4chan.

DR is killing this game more then the bots (for me)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gerik.8096


I want the game I paid 60$ for back. I’ve had about all I can take form you Arena Net. I now spend more time on the forums then playing, whys is that, because I’m waiting for the DR to reset so I can get some kittening loot and do some DE and not get 19 god kitten karma what a kittening joke!

The bots on Borlis Pass has increased what seems 10 fold even after the DR was put in place, even though it was supposed to help with the problem. So DR is put in place botting/multi boxing increases and to top it all off I’m now being punished for playing? WTF!

Let me guess…quit Diablo III in the first month after discovering the beta was MUCH better than the finished game? Uh-huh. I thought so.

But before I go about trolling you, could I please get some clarification? I think I misunderstood something…what is “the game [you] paid for” exactly? The one without DR or the one without bots? Because if it’s the latter that is exactly what Anet is trying to give you back.

And once again, anyone who doesn’t understand the meaning of moderation SHOULD be punished for playing… -_-

DR is killing this game more then the bots (for me)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gerik.8096


DR is BS and it shows how they think of us.

This is the same kind of crap Blizzard pulls with their games.

So disrespectful to everyone who bought this game.

How about you focus on building a great game and people will buy it. Instead you focus on how to keep your player base broke. Today’s gamers are too smart and most won’t even give you the time of day to make a post on the forums they just quit and you end up with a empty game.

Game breaking bugs/flaws Terrible culling, Lack of content.

Yet your focus is to keep everyone broke. News flash game play makes or breaks games not economy’s.

Your 1 month in and these forums look just like diablo 3 and we all see how that worked out for them.

You call spending $60 on a game and then walking away from it with no argument smart? Don’t let the door hit you on the way out…lol.

Also, annnnnd the conspiracy theories come out! Let’s hear ‘em people.
No really, I very seriously doubt ArenaNet is doing this to bleed every cent out of us…once again, it’s unfair to punish everyone, but it’s a measure to counter botting…it is not designed to ruin your fun or take away from your game experience. If you don’t like DR then get on an alt and continue to spam dungeons, or go do something else either in-game or out. You’re really only punishing yourself by continuing to spam the same content after DR kicks in. If they really wanted to bleed us dry they would introduce some kind of VIP item that allows us to ignore the DR.
In other words, put down the shovel…not telling anyone to bend over and graciously accept the DR system, but I am saying YOU are in control of YOUR game experience, and if YOU choose to continue throw yourself up against the wall of spikes that is the DR system then it’s your own kitten fault. Shame on Anet for implementing such a thing, but still…there are better things to do than headdesk because of an anti-botting system and then start conspiracy theories about how it’s all a ruse to steal your munnies.

DR is killing this game more then the bots (for me)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gerik.8096


Lol at the DR vs Time arguement…yes that is what a DR system IS…you get DIMINISHING returns the LONGER you play…
Now some people look at this and say “UNFAIR!! You are not rewarding my efforts!” Well, they are…just with diminishing returns…but these are also the same people complaining that they can’t play their “way” and that if they wanna ruin their lives (and the game) grinding the same dungeon for 18 hours a day they should be allowed to when really they just have too much free time on their hands and don’t realize that when reward is proportional to time spent and time is a colossal figure reward is blown massively out of proportion.

In other words, you put too much stress on the system and it breaks.
Also, I’m pretty sure no one intended for you to play the game more than a few hours a day (after all if that was their intent there would be legal suites out the butt about consumer health yadda yadda…“The surgeon general does not condone playing this game….”), or at the very least they didn’t intend for you to spam dungeons the whole time.

While I am not in support of the DR system, HOWEVER, I also do not support the crazies who think it is their “right” to play for an absurdly long game-breaking amount of time doing the same repetitive task over and over again. Go outside and get some fresh air. I hear the graphics are amazing. Seriously, though…why? Why would you WANT to run that many dungeons or spend that much time playing? Go outside. The game will be there when you get back. Eat something for Christ’s sake…you’re starting to look a little thin…

Gort's treasure

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gerik.8096


Last week I finished the dynamic event in Gort’s cave, the one in Sessex plains where you have to clear his home of ettins, and when he revealed his treasure I swear I didn’t get any loot from it. Now whenever I complete the event he reveals an opened treasure chest that I can’t loot!

Serious question about exp without dying

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Gerik.8096


What counts and what doesn’t? How does it work? I swear I’ve accumulated more than 25k exp without dying considering I’ve levelled (and the exp till next level requirement for me now is about that much) without dying maybe once or twice (nonconsecutively), but I’m still stuck on tier one!
I’ve abused crafting for quick exp as well as the daily goals and events too, and I’ve asked about this in-game but everyone seems to be just guessing.

DR is killing this game more then the bots (for me)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gerik.8096


Lol, I don’t know what’s sadder…the fact that OP thinks he “beat” the game in a month or if he actually did xD

Honestly, if this dude cleared everything that quickly, maybe he needs to cool it with the HARDCORE part of his gaming. Get a girlfriend or something.

If you ask me diminishing returns is an entirely fair system…is it a good, fair solution to the current bot problem? No, I don’t think so.
What would be? If you ask me the best solution is probably to offer normal drop rates, completely unaltered, but limit the number of dungeons you can complete per day or week. Something along those lines anyway, but I would also really hate that system…
Not to mention limiting raids per day hasn’t fixed anything in other online games…

Unable to login?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gerik.8096


Really? Lol I’m playing right now…
Also, might be your security settings. I just had this problem fixed today. Apparently my AVG was mucking up my connection to the login and game servers.

OK,let's both be realistic for a second:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gerik.8096


I mostly agree with OP except on one tiny little detail…

Start working on giving the players a reason to buy stuff off you

Be careful what you wish for….
They could make a “freemium” game where it’s generally crap and so you feel obligated to dish out the dough for the “VIP” treatment where for 30 days (sounds like a subscription fee already) they lighten the “punishment.” I’m thinking of Vindictus where you can buy an item that gives you better drop rates and increases your raid limit. There’s an assortment of other beneficial cash shop items that generally alleviate what is already a pretty crappy experience…
I won’t mention what they COULD do to GW2 in terms of “punishment” (like limiting bank access to “VIP-only”) for fear of the devs RUINING this game for the players (remember freemium games are the root of all evil—the anti-Christ—in the scope of online gaming).

The post that you must read before you complain...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gerik.8096


I agree with OP about how everyone compares every MMO to WoW…but the thing is WoW isn’t quotable because it’s a good GAME. As OP said, WoW is lauded because it’s good MARKETING. It didn’t revolutionize online GAMING aspect of MMOs it just revolutionized the INDUSTRY (industry = business).

Connection error(s) detected!

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gerik.8096


Trying to start the game and it just keeps saying connection errors—Retrying…
Haven’t had this problem once and I’ve been playing for the past month, now all of a sudden this happens and I have no idea why. I was just playing yesterday.