Showing Posts For Ghataka.1604:

Am I the only elementalist Happy?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ghataka.1604


Raid centered people tend to be more elitist and sensitive so meteor has been a kick in the balls for them, i rarely do raids so i’m pretty much in the same spot as before the patch, i keep using staff in pvp so i appreciate the buff to arcane shield and the fact that they didn’t touch tempest defense and lightning rod.

I was never unhappy with the state of the elementalist and i don’t understand the load of kitten people throw at staff in pvp, i’ve always found it resourceful with the right traits.

Ascended crafting/buying comparison

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ghataka.1604


Yeah, i already decided i’m not crafting or “purchasing” any armor set, i’ll get asc. trinkets and weapons from tequatl/collections for other chars and builds and that’s all.

Not going through all that kitten just for a hideously low improvement over exotic for 6 pieces of equipment.

Flamethrower == POWER and not condition!

in Engineer

Posted by: Ghataka.1604


I don’t even use flamethrower so i don’t care, but are you really having a difficult time seeing a kittening flamethrower as a condi weapon? Even before the patch condi engies used the flamethrower.

feb 22 patch rumours for ele

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ghataka.1604


I really don’t see the point on nerfing DPS in PVE, for any class. Being a staff ele makes you the sloppiest, fragile thing there is, and on top of that it has less armor and survivality than thief.

I think the huge DPS is deserved for anyone who runs a glass cannon-staff ele in PVE.

"Build Diversity"

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ghataka.1604


No… Elementalist is lacking in general.

Oh, you convinced me.

"Build Diversity"

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ghataka.1604


Nonsense, the only thing you’re obligated to use metabuilds for are raids, raids need the higher numbers and that spot can only be occupied by ONE build.

Don’t bring PVP into this because there’s a lot of viable builds in and especially out of metabattle, and the rest of pve and WvW is the same.

Not really. In PvP, you can try to use other builds as I do that aren’t meta and people will cry about it because it’s not “support”. Most classes will destroy you because you don’t have the legendary Mender’s amulet or shout utilities.

WvW is different. You can roam with whatever because the stats there are different and can compensate a little for it, but the build variation for the Elementalist is quite poor.

“People will cry about it” Well news fly, this game is filled with cry-babies and try-hards, and it is kinda comical considering this game is the easiest mmo i’ve played and there’s no necesity to be this kinda person, but oh well, i’ve seen lvl 50 characters getting kicked out of DUNGEONS for not switching weapon sets or not knowing metabattle rotations (yeah, ridiculous).

Cries are conditioning your “build diversity” from what i understand, that’s your problem and some people’s problem, not the elementalist’s problem.

"Build Diversity"

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ghataka.1604


Nonsense, the only thing you’re obligated to use metabuilds for are raids, raids need the higher numbers and that spot can only be occupied by ONE build.

Don’t bring PVP into this because there’s a lot of viable builds in and especially out of metabattle, and the rest of pve and WvW is the same.

(edited by Ghataka.1604)

Making the most extensive Ranger Tutorial

in Ranger

Posted by: Ghataka.1604


I love when people bring RPing to the forums.

[2k gems bet] Pray for ele GS with next elite

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ghataka.1604


I don’t see neither sword or GS lol, i think they’re both horrible weapons for the elementalist.

My bets are on main-hand torch or whip PLEASE ANET introduce whip, you already have the animations :V

Possible Staff PvP Build??

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ghataka.1604


If you’re gonna use evasive arcana (cleanse on roll) instead of elemental surge you could pick air instead of water for tempest defense and lightning rod.

To be honest, playing a dps oriented staff in pvp i would focus on my own kitten, don’t think about supporting in any form if you want to live and kittenes at the same time.

PS. Thanks for not picking tempest, it’s horrible for a staff build out of pve.

Axe vs Dagger Mainhand?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ghataka.1604


I’ve been using axe for a long time, the damage is ok with axe 2 hitting 12k spikes sometimes when i run around. The problem for me is i feel it clunky, maybe because of being a one-target weapon and not being that fast.

I ended up with dagger/focus and staff (all zerker build) and focusing my build more on reaper. I’ve liked the change, the marks are a nice extra aoe dps, i faceroll everything no matter how dangerous is because i can refill my lifeforce with marks and spectral armor a lot faster than using GS.

Test Staff Ele

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ghataka.1604


This seems pretty normal to me, people have always been reluctant to go full support and they try to dps while auramancing and healing, i see a lot of menders.

Personally i like to go full support tank or ignore every group synergy and go D/D with personal survivality.

which build for open world?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ghataka.1604


Like reikken said, a lot of people have been using tanky condi ele for open world during years, for a reason. It’s open world, you want to clear trash quickly and that means FACEROLL.

Put on a full dire set, baltazar runes and fire/earth/arcana, you’ll be getting 5k burns in a couple of seconds, burning so fast in aoe allows you to clear trash mobs faster than power builds, i talk from experience.

In fact recently i found it happened the same with warrior, when running in open world i kill like a 50% faster with a rabid set than with full zerker GS, and that’s thanks to the brainless faceroll (and the fact it’s burns and not just bleedings like necro ofc).

[sugestion]Warrior bow need improvement

in Warrior

Posted by: Ghataka.1604


I just want arcing arrow to be FASTER, you need freaking clairvoyance to land the shot IN PVE, against other players you’re obviously forced to shoot at your feet.

PS. And yeah, i get it’s supposed to be a slow arrow, but that’s obviously too slow, it throws away the range advantage and arcing arrow is the only reason to choose LB over kittenty rifle.

(edited by Ghataka.1604)

Condi mesmer dilemma: Scepter/Torch or Staff?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ghataka.1604


But what game mode? And what gear/amulete?

Staff is great in survivality and has good synergy with conditions. Sword/shield looks like a waste to me, but then again i don’t know what build are you running or where are you using it.

do you guys need some advice on mesmer? (pvp)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ghataka.1604



Do you think i should train to imitate the movement pattern of my clones and autoattack in order to confuse my target? Do you think the enemy will create openings for a burst that way? :v

Do you think the mass production clone build will be the future meta?

weapon choices

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ghataka.1604


In pve i use dueling/domination/chrono , and i think that’s the standard choice. However, if you’re talking about endgame pve you should just go to Metabattle and take a look there because mesmer in endgame content changes a lot due to his role being the boonhandler.

In pvp i think they still use PU core condi mesmer and chrono shatterer, they should have the builds in the conquest section of metabattle.

As a word of advice, if you like staff you can use it in pve to solo champions and stuff, you just have to trait mantra of pain to compensate the loss of dps from autoattack, but the warlocks hit around 8k crits (phantasmal fury) and staff gives you great solo survivality, i use it a lot.

Marauders or Zerkers?

in Thief

Posted by: Ghataka.1604


I personally play my thief with full zerker because i’m comfortable with its huge movility not being limited by CD’s. My D/D elementalist in the other hand i play it with marauder trinkets to get to 15k HP and the loss is a 10% in critical damage (but a gain of 6% critical chance).

It’s exactly the same with thief since both thief and ele have the same HP pool and a trait to transform precision into ferocity. With a full set of marauder you get 18k HP but you lose 20% critical damage so it’s not worth it, i just throw the trinkets in if i feel like it and that’s all.

A new Fresh Air S/F build

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ghataka.1604


The synergy is great, but having the water traitline and cleansing wave on dodge it looks like a waste to not choose soothing disruption and mist form instead of arcane shield.

That’s a personal preference though, i’ve regreted not having mist form everytime i picked arcane shield or earth armor over it.

Celestial Amulet

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ghataka.1604


Is this a joke? Is people actually using tempest defense, lightning rod, final shielding, cantrips, or any of the eight stuns/dazes/knockbacks available? (without counting the shocking aura from tempest defense).

I never feel in a disatvantage when doing 1vs1 or group battles with staff or D/D. Don’t want to assume things, but try to drop tempest if you know you’re gonna be doing 1vs1, also, i feel more comfortable with staff in group battles, but D/D controls are easier to apply in 1vs1.

If you want to be more offensively “consistent” then drop tempest because overloads are not viable in pvp with a dps role. You can go air/earth/arcane, be tanky and support trough crowd control instead of auras, all while using berserkr/marauder amulets.

If you want to keep the auramancer role (in case you’re using that) just stick to someone and fulfill your role, you’re using a support build, being a jack of all trades is not “consistent”.

(edited by Ghataka.1604)

F2P ele build for wvw , possible ?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ghataka.1604


Yes is viable, you can use a valkyrie amulet and weapon (just one weapon) to try to emulate marauder. It’ll be a loss in precision, you can try to fix that a little with food.

I would focus on S/F (air/earth/arcane) since D/D is more dependant on celestial gear. The traits would be these or similar.

You can choose evasive arcana, if you want, i like both but elemental surge has synergy with arcane blast to inmobilize or chill foes while you’re in earth or water. Arcane blast is part of your burst while in air, you close in with lightning flash, use arcane blast and scepter 2 -3 -5 (save air 4 for when you have to finish the enemy), then switch to fire and blast flamewall with scepter 2-3.

Water is to heal while kiting, daze with 5 and chill if they’re trying to outrun you (if they’re too far use arcane blast to chill instead). Earth obviously is purely defensive, keep rock barrier up whenever you can, you have aoe blindness in 3, reflect in 4 and emergency button in 5.

This is the build i use when i get bored of tempest, you can try mist form or armor of earth instead of arcane shield if you really have proplems finishing people.

Make pet stowable - A must

in Ranger

Posted by: Ghataka.1604


This topic always reminds me to Ragnarok, a game i played for years. There the alchemist job had an homunculus which is basically like pets here. The thing is the default AI was a complete trash and the homunculus was kittened (just like pets here).

In order to prevent bothering other players in group content or just with aggro issues in general content, the GM’s advised everyone to use custom and free external AI’s programmed by other players.

Over the time these external AI’s made the homunculus extremely intelligent, the homunculus kept dancing constantly over your character so other players would missclick and attack the homunculus instead of you. It could detect and dodge telegraphs by himself, If the enemy ran too far the homunculus would drop the aggro and return to you, but if the enemy got close again the homunculus would remember him and attack him without you pressing any key.

This lead to tanky alchemists defeating other players just by sitting and letting the homunculus do the work (they’re a little stronger than pets here).

So yeah, my opinion is the AI needs improvements, not asking for an interface to program your pet, but they need to be more responsive IN GENERAL and you should be able to move the pet and put them on stand by or defend a spot.

(edited by Ghataka.1604)

General PvE Build

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ghataka.1604


Appreciate the replies.

I don’t think I’m enjoying reaper at all. Feels sluggish and fragile.

I prefer to use the class as a ranged class I guess.

I run reaper with axe/focus and GS and it feels right and fluid, i kill the trash with axe and wells, debilitate bigger enemies with the great single target dps and when they’re 50% i just switch to GS to spam gravedigger. I also use GS if a group of enemies jump in my face without me noticing, but 80% of the time it’s axe/focus all the way.

When you stop using minions you have to get used to jump in and out of shroud to absorb hits rather than using it as a last resort when you’re about to die. Not trying to be pretentious, don’t know if you already use shroud that way, but the majority of people i’ve met had the same problem with melee survivality and the problem was their use of shroud.

Idea to buff staff

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ghataka.1604


I like your ideas, but i would modify a trait to reduce the weapon recharge to half its time while wielding staff (just when wielding staff), i think that would be a good upgrade ironically.

Any Sylvari elementalists here?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ghataka.1604


My ele is not a sylvari but i’d go with pale skin too, is easier to combine with other dyes and probably gives a “mystic” vibe the green doesn’t, so i think those are the reasons.

Don't heal or support

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ghataka.1604


Ok this is too much, staff is a dps support weapon, meaning you need a team to make it effective, you’re supporting them via dps and if it works in pve while soloing is just because the AI is stupid, THE END.
If you want to single handle enemies in pvp grab dagger or scepter, staff skills were never meant to kill enemy players by yourself, get that already. WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT IT DOESN’T MATTER lol.
You’re taking victimism to a whole new level, talking about other profession’s boons and utilities when eles are a boon factory themselves and have several utilities focused on survivality. If you want to run a pure dps build and ignore survivality then gor for it! JEEZ.

This hasn’t come near too much. The staff weapon has tons of AoEs which means you can inflict damage to more than 3 players, at once. Every wep is considered to be supportive when you’re playing in teams because you will focus one or two targets with either damage, CC or healing. When it comes to 1v1 you can safely kill people with staff due to the soft/hard CCs it provides. By controlling your foe (which is something difficult nowadays because almost every profession have access to stability) you can land your AoEs and negate them some area while dealing damage to them, and it also applies to single targets. (Do you really play MMOs? I never felt like explaining how AoEs work to someone…) I never said that I wish I could manage 1v1 with staff, because I do. So, who’s playing the victim here? And what you think about staff doesn’t matter either, I am not talking about personal opinions.
I agree about the AI though, it’s so weak that you don’t have to soft CC monsters in order to solo them with “AoE dps support weap” (rofl). Every class can be a boon factory [lol] all you have to do is to choose the proper traitline, no mystery. Arcane shield serves pretty good as a defensive method, much better because you don’t have your skills locked when you take Mist Form for instance. What’s the problem?

Oh my god, are you trolling me? BYE lol, make up your mind.

Don't heal or support

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ghataka.1604


Wait , this is hideous, you ignored almost all my message and then said lava font is the problem here xD. I’m sorry but this is too stupid even for me. I’ll go play my healbot now, you text me when lava font does 3,5k damage directly in one hit. see ya.

It’s stupid and hideous because you can’t understand when I say staff ele dps is slow to put. Take a look at Lava Font, Meteor Shower and Ice Spike. Meteor Shower used to be great. Lava Font is so easy to avoid that you don’t actually have to dodge, you just have to walk out of it when it’s cast. How possible? The damage ticks slow. 3.5k damage? Have you considered that nowadays thieves can dodge 3 times? Most builds have swiftness and protection? Endure Pain? Weakness applied on you? What’s the point here? Can you maintain at least one stack of burning on the enemy so you can have a boost of 10% on your damage and cast a Lava Font then hope it hits that target, not considering the above cited boons and conditions?

as with all AOE lava font is not meant to be fast to apply damage, its meant to be applied to a group of people where the skill is maximizing the aoe damage through prudent placement. The damage output is high for groups that are hit, and averages out over time when you take into account avoidance. that’s the point of the spell. if it was fast you would have a high impact AOE that basically doubles up as a high dps single target as well – cake and eating it.

Wut? Everyone who plays GW2 pvp is constantly moving. Unless you can somehow chill players long enough to place a Lava Font where 95% of it will do damage to those players then you’re done with it, ggwp for you. But in the spvp scenario where you cannot run dedicated power specs with reliable soft cc application (chill for instance) that ain’t possible. Prudent placement won’t work 100%, because you’ll have to put it where you’re pretty sure the enemy player is moving and hope she/he doesn’t dodge or walk out. You’re pretty much just saying: hey, don’t step over here, okay?
The amount of swiftness and dodge won’t allow you to “put prudently an AoE in order to maximize its damage”, especially an AoE that’s so slow to hurt foes and tickes slowly its damage.

Ok this is too much, staff is a dps support weapon, meaning you need a team to make it effective, you’re supporting them via dps and if it works in pve while soloing is just because the AI is stupid, THE END.

If you want to single handle enemies in pvp grab dagger or scepter, staff skills were never meant to kill enemy players by yourself, get that already. WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT IT DOESN’T MATTER lol.

You’re taking victimism to a whole new level, talking about other profession’s boons and utilities when eles are a boon factory themselves and have several utilities focused on survivality. If you want to run a pure dps build and ignore survivality then gor for it! JEEZ.

How would you redesign the elementalist?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ghataka.1604


The only thing ele needs is a rework on scepter to have multitarget autoattack (not aoe) in lightning and retaliation in earth, attunements are just fine.

Don't heal or support

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ghataka.1604


This is dumb, i enjoy being a tanky healer in pvp and i play viper and zerker both in pve (i even play magi sometimes lol). You’ve already said you’re gonna do it, so there’s no point telling us to not heal anymore. Just go power, i’ve seen a lot of power based eles in pvp and no one complaining.

@posthumecaver I kill random 1v1 with magi amulet, overloads and detrition kill sometimes, and if you don’t kill you’re adding dps.

What you said makes almost zero sense. I play dps ele, both staff and scepter fresh air and everyone is salty towards me. 99.995% of the builds one creates work in PvE so there’s no point to talk about it or even mention it. There’s a huge and strong point to stop playing healbot: to show ArenaNet how unbalancing their balance patches are. The OP pretty much made it clear that the intention ain’t to obligate elementalists to stop playing this stupid meta because there are people who simply do not enjoy it. It’s a matter of resistance. I resist this lame meta, it’s not how I want to play, and if I remember correctly, everything they (ArenaNet) did to this game goes contrary to their Manifesto.

You’re the one not making sense, i said i play support in pvp and zerker/viper in pve cause support ele fits better in a pvp environment and zerker/viper in a pve environment.

Like i said i’ve seen a lot of offensive eles in pvp and nobody complaining, that’s my experience, since you yourself played dps in pvp, do you have an idea of why people complained about you?.

Ele’s offensive skills are just too slow or too weak to be a threat in pvp, that has nothing to do with people choosing to be support or not, those are mechanics. You can’t have the whole group setting things for you so you can land a skill while being one-shoted by anything at any moment, then you have dagger main-hand which i see as the more realistic choice but takes more skill and survival traits to make it work.

Anyways, if people complains about your build show them they’re wrong, it’s simple like that. But ele’s more useful as support in pvp you like it or not.

No, you said this is “dumb” because you like to play healbot on pvp and that there’s no point in telling fellow eles to stop being healbots. Nobody is obligating you to do such. What are mechanics? Our skills being slow? Most of them truly are, and they are that because devs are afraid of eles becoming a godly class, which won’t happen because everythin resolves around having stacks after stacks of stability and tons of healing. Devs can’t balance that: we have the lowest HP and armor, so we have to struggle hard when running DPS builds at spvp matches. What’s the light at the end of the tunnel? The boring and mediocre healbot ele, that’s still meta despite ArenaNet’s “efforts” on promoting power eles… (see last balance patch, read it carefully).

I don’t believe those have to be our mechanics, they’re hurting the profession.

Well, better believe the archetypal mage class of this game has the lowest HP and armor, i really don’t get your point. I already told you there’s people playing dps eles in pvp and doing just fine, if the skillcap is bothersome to you then play other thing because it seems like you’re asking for more HP, armor and faster projectiles and casting.

Ele has always been the hardest profession to play in terms of personal survivality, you don’t have to get used to it because it wasn’t different before. You want faster projectiles and casting? Stop using staff and grab scepter. You have faster projectiles but your dps is lacking? Stop using scepter and grab dagger. You’re fast and your dps is ok but you’re dying? Get good.

I get it, you want to nuke things fast with staff at 1200 range while conserving the actual power of staff. We all do, now wake up.

It’s not about believing, it’s about what we have right now. And my goodness, you have reading issues!: when did I see I want to nuke faster in staff? Some of staff skills are slow, and they’re not Fireball, Arc Lightning and other AAs, I was talking about Lava Font, which is slow to put damage. To simplify it for you: the damage output isn’t instant and it pulses slowly, more than 1s I think. That’s slow, and that’s not good for a weapon which requires proper distance with a low range (1200 range) where you’re always getting out of range and obstruted. Now, read everything again.

Wait , this is hideous, you ignored almost all my message and then said lava font is the problem here xD. I’m sorry but this is too stupid even for me. I’ll go play my healbot now, you text me when lava font does 3,5k damage directly in one hit. see ya.

Don't heal or support

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ghataka.1604


This is dumb, i enjoy being a tanky healer in pvp and i play viper and zerker both in pve (i even play magi sometimes lol). You’ve already said you’re gonna do it, so there’s no point telling us to not heal anymore. Just go power, i’ve seen a lot of power based eles in pvp and no one complaining.

@posthumecaver I kill random 1v1 with magi amulet, overloads and detrition kill sometimes, and if you don’t kill you’re adding dps.

What you said makes almost zero sense. I play dps ele, both staff and scepter fresh air and everyone is salty towards me. 99.995% of the builds one creates work in PvE so there’s no point to talk about it or even mention it. There’s a huge and strong point to stop playing healbot: to show ArenaNet how unbalancing their balance patches are. The OP pretty much made it clear that the intention ain’t to obligate elementalists to stop playing this stupid meta because there are people who simply do not enjoy it. It’s a matter of resistance. I resist this lame meta, it’s not how I want to play, and if I remember correctly, everything they (ArenaNet) did to this game goes contrary to their Manifesto.

You’re the one not making sense, i said i play support in pvp and zerker/viper in pve cause support ele fits better in a pvp environment and zerker/viper in a pve environment.

Like i said i’ve seen a lot of offensive eles in pvp and nobody complaining, that’s my experience, since you yourself played dps in pvp, do you have an idea of why people complained about you?.

Ele’s offensive skills are just too slow or too weak to be a threat in pvp, that has nothing to do with people choosing to be support or not, those are mechanics. You can’t have the whole group setting things for you so you can land a skill while being one-shoted by anything at any moment, then you have dagger main-hand which i see as the more realistic choice but takes more skill and survival traits to make it work.

Anyways, if people complains about your build show them they’re wrong, it’s simple like that. But ele’s more useful as support in pvp you like it or not.

No, you said this is “dumb” because you like to play healbot on pvp and that there’s no point in telling fellow eles to stop being healbots. Nobody is obligating you to do such. What are mechanics? Our skills being slow? Most of them truly are, and they are that because devs are afraid of eles becoming a godly class, which won’t happen because everythin resolves around having stacks after stacks of stability and tons of healing. Devs can’t balance that: we have the lowest HP and armor, so we have to struggle hard when running DPS builds at spvp matches. What’s the light at the end of the tunnel? The boring and mediocre healbot ele, that’s still meta despite ArenaNet’s “efforts” on promoting power eles… (see last balance patch, read it carefully).

I don’t believe those have to be our mechanics, they’re hurting the profession.

Well, better believe the archetypal mage class of this game has the lowest HP and armor, i really don’t get your point. I already told you there’s people playing dps eles in pvp and doing just fine, if the skillcap is bothersome to you then play other thing because it seems like you’re asking for more HP, armor and faster projectiles and casting.

Ele has always been the hardest profession to play in terms of personal survivality, you don’t have to get used to it because it wasn’t different before. You want faster projectiles and casting? Stop using staff and grab scepter. You have faster projectiles but your dps is lacking? Stop using scepter and grab dagger. You’re fast and your dps is ok but you’re dying? Get good.

I get it, you want to nuke things fast with staff at 1200 range while conserving the actual power of staff. We all do, now wake up.

Don't heal or support

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ghataka.1604


This is dumb, i enjoy being a tanky healer in pvp and i play viper and zerker both in pve (i even play magi sometimes lol). You’ve already said you’re gonna do it, so there’s no point telling us to not heal anymore. Just go power, i’ve seen a lot of power based eles in pvp and no one complaining.

@posthumecaver I kill random 1v1 with magi amulet, overloads and detrition kill sometimes, and if you don’t kill you’re adding dps.

What you said makes almost zero sense. I play dps ele, both staff and scepter fresh air and everyone is salty towards me. 99.995% of the builds one creates work in PvE so there’s no point to talk about it or even mention it. There’s a huge and strong point to stop playing healbot: to show ArenaNet how unbalancing their balance patches are. The OP pretty much made it clear that the intention ain’t to obligate elementalists to stop playing this stupid meta because there are people who simply do not enjoy it. It’s a matter of resistance. I resist this lame meta, it’s not how I want to play, and if I remember correctly, everything they (ArenaNet) did to this game goes contrary to their Manifesto.

You’re the one not making sense, i said i play support in pvp and zerker/viper in pve cause support ele fits better in a pvp environment and zerker/viper in a pve environment.

Like i said i’ve seen a lot of offensive eles in pvp and nobody complaining, that’s my experience, since you yourself played dps in pvp, do you have an idea of why people complained about you?.

Ele’s offensive skills are just too slow or too weak to be a threat in pvp, that has nothing to do with people choosing to be support or not, those are mechanics. You can’t have the whole group setting things for you so you can land a skill while being one-shoted by anything at any moment, then you have dagger main-hand which i see as the more realistic choice but takes more skill and survival traits to make it work.

Anyways, if people complains about your build show them they’re wrong, it’s simple like that. But ele’s more useful as support in pvp you like it or not.

Help needed, allround staff tempest build

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ghataka.1604


Anyone have a good (non meta) build with good survivabillity, healing, condition based damage and mobillity…

Based on exotic armor….

I’m assuming you want to build it with gear you can buy from the TP. The ideal gear for what you want would be celestial with viper/ rabid + apothecary trinkets, so start saving laurels and crafting. I’ve tried to come with something to use while you’re at it.

This one is for soloing:

(Staff is really bad for condi damage, so you use the traited signets for extra conditions… but really, think about getting scepter/dagger if you want condition damage)

This one for more support and less offense/personal survivality:

(Arcane wave is for quickly blasting your healing rain, staff feats better with this build since it’s more support based, you can change the rabid trinkets for cleric ones if you want)

You want movility, the healer role and deal condition damage on top of that so i picked traveler runes, it seemed better than wasting a utility space with signet of air, your choice. I picked cheaper versions of food and nourishment, but they’re still good, you’re choice again.

You could go for shaman or magi’s gear, but i think eles synergize better with toughness rather than vitality when you’re healing. Feel free to retouch the gear if you feel something is lacking, but get celestial armor as soon as possible.

Don't heal or support

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ghataka.1604


This is dumb, i enjoy being a tanky healer in pvp and i play viper and zerker both in pve (i even play magi sometimes lol). You’ve already said you’re gonna do it, so there’s no point telling us to not heal anymore. Just go power, i’ve seen a lot of power based eles in pvp and no one complaining.

@posthumecaver I kill random 1v1 with magi amulet, overloads and detrition kill sometimes, and if you don’t kill you’re adding dps.

(edited by Ghataka.1604)

Axe/Axe can someone throw some light?

in Ranger

Posted by: Ghataka.1604


Decided to look at raw numbers as I never did check after the 40% buff to axe auto.
Axe auto: 0.79 coeff/second
Traited axe auto: 0.86 coeff/second
Sword auto: 1.07 coeff/second

Sword cleaves 3 targets and axe is a bouncing 2 target. If there are 3 targets and you pull them together with axe 4, sword auto wins by a decent amount. However, let’s look at the big picture:

Axe 4 is ~2.7 coeff/second for the dmg/cast time.
Axe 5 is ~1.7 coeff/second for the dmg/cast time.

Assumed a bit of after cast. That’s why you quick draw axe 4. It’s also why sword is power and axe is condi actually sounds kind of naive after the 40% axe auto buff. They both kind of suck compared to your burst. If you are full zerker and using the axe trait, the 250 ferocity also buffs the off-hand axe as well as main-hand axe by ~7.5%. Furthermore, if you don’t have a PS warrior stacking crazy might on you, Axe auto is 6 or 12 might on 1 or 2 targets which is another 7 or 14% buff to axe auto but also axe 4/5. More boon duration and this makes a bigger difference. Sword auto is ~2 might to your pet >_>.

Then again, full zerker druids bring marksmanship and skirmishing since they are better than beast master for damage. If you drop druid and are just open world/casual grouping, axe is (as weird as it is to say this) better than sword.

TLDR: Your friend is used to the old meta balance patches. In meta groups sword>axe auto as it does about 35% more dps. It used to be 56%. While it’s only a small portion of your overall DPS rotation, it’s still important for meta comps.

In casual stuff, axe (especially if you have a bit of boon duration) is probably better than sword as it comes with 14-21% (or more with boon duration) bonus damage to itself and your heavy hitters which makes that 35% auto difference insignificant.

Thanks for the insight, and yeah i don’t use druid when soloing (majority of the time) or with small groups. When i use druid i like to go with a magi spirit build i improvised, so yeah casual pve was the point.

Axe/Axe can someone throw some light?

in Ranger

Posted by: Ghataka.1604


What type of pve content?

Maguuma exploration, events, dungeons and some fractals.

Axe/Axe can someone throw some light?

in Ranger

Posted by: Ghataka.1604


Well the last 4 days i’ve been running zerker axe/axe and LB for pve and a friend saw me and went nuts. I tried with sword/axe like he told me but the numbers are basically the same, even lower in axe 4 and 5 since i have less ferocity with sword (no “honed axes”)

I hit around 2k with the bouncing autoattack of axe, and it gives me might, also, axe 3 gives me aoe weakness that lasts longer than the CD of the skill…. I get the point of sword with the evade in 3 and the slightly faster autoattack, but is it really that big of a deal or am i just too used to axe/axe to see it?

Core Warrior Spec for HoT?

in Warrior

Posted by: Ghataka.1604


I’m not sure where I’m losing you guys. You don’t need Defense in pve even in the hardest content. After I point this out I’m told “lol how do you fight 10 mobs at once?!” Well I’d like to know what and where and why you’re fighting 10 mobs at once.

Please post the HOT encounters you think require Defense and I’ll post a video killing those mobs on core warrior without Defense.

You don’t need defense but you’re only taking into account the dps factor, you’re assuming everyone wants to be on edge with no sustain just because they have the virtual capability of doing just fine with full zerker and a couple dodges and a half.

You can, but if you’re soloing it’s a drag sometimes. Warrior is very forgivable in terms of dps, you can have good dps even after adding sustain elements with this class.

Toughness advise

in Warrior

Posted by: Ghataka.1604


I did get 3,3k armor at the end. The original build had 4,4k armor but only 20% crit chance so i wanted to know if 4k+ armor was going to be noticeable at all since the scaling is trash from 3k onwards.

Just threw rampage there in case i need to run away from some event or something, didn’t know what to do with the elite.

note: Don’t criticize my shield xD i’m too used to the block, and gets me some health from regeneration too while at it.

(edited by Ghataka.1604)

Toughness advise

in Warrior

Posted by: Ghataka.1604


Can someone who has experienced 4k toughness tell me if the difference between 3k and 4k toughness is noticeable in pve? I’ve heard toughness scalates poorly from 3k onwards.

I was just experimenting in the build editor with a comfy cavalier/regeneration build to faceroll map completion, maguuma stuff, some group events ..etc while soloing. The thing is if the difference beetween 3k and 4k is stupid low i’d rather stay with 3k and throw some berserkr pieces in.

How we actually blink, pure beauty.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ghataka.1604


I don’t get it, i noticed the trail some months ago while blinking to a rooftop, but the majority of times when i can see the full travel from blinking backwards or to the side i don’t see any trail.

[Question] Condi mesmer in PVE and PVP

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ghataka.1604


Assuming you’re not planning to do raids

I’ve played the two classes in pve with rabid at some point (pure condi). Even if mesmer is known for having “the worst” conditions for pve, they’re still faster than the bleeds from necro.

The thing is necro can condiblast an area with staff effectively and also spread conditions with epidemic, mesmer can’t, for aoe you would have to use runes of perplexity and torch…

This is considering you’re not using power, if you have viper gear i’d go straight to mesmer. After the nerf to condi necro there’s nothing to stop you from choosing the mesmer’s scepter which is superior to necro’s scepter in viper gear.

Mesmer still boring to level up?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ghataka.1604


Don’t see why, i’ve gotten every class to 80 except for guardian and i find them all equally boring to level up after the first run. In any case i’d say warrior was the worst due to being so plain both in weapon skills and utility skills.

As for the time needed, it took me around a week with every class, i don’t remember mesmer being slower than the others.

Mesmer elite spec idea: Bladedancer

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ghataka.1604


It’s good elaborated and all, but i personally would go for a mid-ranged power build (mage-like). I hate that i can’t play mesmer like a magic class without going condi.

I mean: “axes for both hands, provide the much needed melee power build variety to the profession.” What about swords? They’re pure power based.

Staff Attunements

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ghataka.1604


Yeah, fire is the pivot, and with practice you’ll get used to quickly support fire with the rest of attunemets, that’s the DPS playstyle of staff really. And don’t forget air overload.

[Help] portal-ing secrets. I'm intrigued!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Ghataka.1604


The exit was probably placed with some weird positioning standing below the ledge, i mean, the way the terrain is programmed in this game is weird in a lot of places.

Good PvE build while training Tempest?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ghataka.1604


I’d say add ice bow to get used to it in case you like it, you just have to use skill 4 ice storm and drop the bow (or skill 3 too if the enemy is close enough). Also swap water for lightning for mobility, arcane already gives you nice suvibality.

Now, even if you don’t have Tempest completed you can still use it for the overloads, the rest of traits from tempest are support-oriented so you won’t notice much while doing dps. Another thing, try other weapons, specially dagger/warhorn/focus since they’re faster and the gameplay is completely different from staff, if you don’t like them just keep staff.

Pay your respect...Rip Condi Necro....

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ghataka.1604


Wasn’t condi necro always horrible? I mean, i’m not into raids but in any other situation you get more damage with condi engi or even condi ele (talking before this patch, so now even more). In terms of stacking bleedings i get even more damage from my condi ele in earth att. and that’s with smoldering sigil and balthazar runes…

I’m not mocking condi necros, i’m wondering if i’m doing something wrong since i’d love to play condi with my necro, but the damage was at pair with my pure condi mesmer (or even worst depending on the situation).

Condi necro had the advantages of being able to stack minions (which is now gone) and epidemic. Getting more dps out of simply spamming earth auto seems pretty bad, though. Have you been using vipers on each class? The damage never really excelled however as long as you didn’t have plenty of things dying around you over a long enough time while keeping minions alive too and/or had plenty of condis to gather from other sources and throw them back frequently on top. Basically it was alright dps with the benefit of epidemic shenanigans with the possibility to go even higher if the situation allowed for it.

Which is exactly why people are so kittened about the nerf of jagged horrors while not being compensated for it.

Yes, i’ve used viper, rabid and dire (separately). Since i only use the ele for farming i found dire was faster since facerolling>>viper. Dagger 5, signet of earth and autoattack + evasive arcana gets you 20+ stacks of bleeding in 5 seconds, but i rarely use bleeding since the mob in open world dies from the burns in one rotation and the cooldowns are pretty short with scepter/dagger.

So the condi necro main role in raids is killing the trash mobs with epidemic i assume? I knew about the stacking of minions, but i thought i was missing some mechanic or trait synergy. I’m fairly new to necro and i had the expectations a little too high since i always saw it as the main condi damage class (for the poison/blood theme and all the viper fuzz). I supose it needs a party for the good tics, so i’ll keep the zerker gear for now.

Pay your respect...Rip Condi Necro....

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ghataka.1604


Wasn’t condi necro always horrible? I mean, i’m not into raids but in any other situation you get more damage with condi engi or even condi ele (talking before this patch, so now even more). In terms of stacking bleedings i get even more damage from my condi ele in earth att. and that’s with smoldering sigil and balthazar runes…

I’m not mocking condi necros, i’m wondering if i’m doing something wrong since i’d love to play condi with my necro, but the damage was at pair with my pure condi mesmer (or even worst depending on the situation).

What the hell even is this class?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ghataka.1604


The real problem with necro right now is that it’s considered a “faceroll class”, the recommended class for everyone along with warrior. The real truth is that when taken into competitive gameplay you have A LOT of mechanics to work with in order to be efficient, and that makes it one of the most complex classes.

If you want to emulate a warrior with a power build or a pure condition build you’re gonna fail, i’ve come to realize that necros need to “split too thin” in order to work fine when faced by other human players. Necros have a lot of resources but no burst, if you find equilibrium (not talking about gear, i mean utilities, traits and personal knowledge) you’re going to last forever while making 1vs1 or group detrition battles you’re speciality.

I didn’t want to mention “the meta” because it’s an insta-trigger, but i’ve been playing necro for a week after being ele for a year, and i’ve noticed just what i said above, necro is one of the most complex classes to play against other players, and i’ve ignored “the meta” because it seemed ridiculous in a pvp environment.

No necro should die with just one burst, and that’s not Anet’s fault, that’s a player choice.

[Guide] Staff Elementalist sPvP Guide

in Elementalist

Posted by: Ghataka.1604


Just for the effort put in the format i’m gonna try the build for a couple of days to see how it goes. Good to see non-victimhood eles for once, some people prefer to cry instead of working with what they have at the moment. I’ll report with feedback..