Showing Posts For Gill Halendt.2038:
Further, can you see how “We’re aware of this and we plan to [whatever]” can become “Ok, you said you were aware of it three days ago, where’s the fix?”
Ok, that’s fine, but take this as an example.
People are basing their expectations over fixes to the personal story merely on the fact that neither the removal of an entire plotline nor the shuffling of the last two chapters makes any apparent narrative or practical sense.
So, to put it bluntly, everyone partecipating in that thread (me included, altough I’m yet to post there) is simply hoping that such an ill-conceived alteration to one of the main narration devices of the game isn’t permanent, simply due to the fact that no quality game they’ve played before had such absurd plot inconsistencies. Inconsistencies that, mind you, weren’t there before and were introduced now, all for no apparent reason.
This is happening because, so far, no one has even given them a proper answer about the state of things. Is this a definitive change? Can we expect the story to be put back in order, or at least the blatant plot holes to be fixed with alterations to dialogues or further reordering of the affected story steps? Maybe you decided to leave it as it is, so why not saying so and put the proverbial nail in the coffin to the problem?
To avoid having to give explanations and estimated times for any hypothetical fix, you’re leaving people in the dark, without any indication about an issue they care about. This only leads to discontent, negative speculation and wild guesses. Whatever happened to the infamous “We don’t have an ETA for this” and “Soon™” replies any game developer seems to love so much? I mean, really, once you have stated your position about a game issue, is it really that much of a problem to cope with some insistence from a few players who can’t get a hint? Why don’t you ignore them at this stage, instead of everyone else?
I think eveyone can see why you can’t always come forward with information. But, to carry on with your book analogy, there are degrees: too much information in the book slipcover might condition your approach to the reading, but if the author doesn’t put anything on the front cover or in the slipcover, chances are you won’t ever get interested by the book at all, unless you know it’s good by word of mouth. Or if the title of book is so ridicolous to lure you to it…
I can confirm first hand that it’s not fixed.
And it’s not just for characters created after NPE: whoever hit Level 70+ after the latest Feature Pack unlocked Chapter 7 in its current form, hence the new version.
I got the new one on an NPE character that’s been sitting on Chapter 5 but is currently lv80. One of my guildies resumed playing a character created back in January and leveled it to lv75 so far. Went through Retribution yesterday and he got the “new” version as well, the “Greatest Fear” storyline still missing.
Why we can’t have any indication about this issue is really beyond me. Even just knowing that the messed up, shortened story is here to stay as it is would help, at least we could move on and be done with it.
I really, REALLY hope this doesn’t turn into another blatantly ignored issue like that of Traits unlocks, but judging by the current lack of information I’m not holding my hopes up…
Hey all.
Wanted to touch on a few issues brought up about the Warrior stuff.
@ Warriors in PvE using Berserk’s: Yes, we knew this would be part of it. Now Warriors can’t just run around with full adrenaline all the time doing bonus damage. If they want to use their burst skills, then they obviously lose out on bonus power. This is an opportunity cost they need to factor into PvE encounters due to the new adren change.
Well, using Burst skills always depleted all the adrenaline (and the bonus power coming with it), and adrenaline decayed when out of combat anyway so there’s never been anything like “running around with full adrenaline”…
The only difference is we used to have some adrenaline to either get the bonus or use the burst skill – so we had something we could evaluate “opportunity costs” on – while now adrenaline decays so insanely fast it’s quite unlikely to even fill the bars and do anything with it, expecially not when hard-earned adrenaline would be used to fuel pretty average skills like Arcing Slice. Both the “bonus power” and and the Burst skill are lost in a matter of seconds: right now adrenaline starts to deplete as soon as an encounter ends, it’s not even “out of combat” as it was before the patch…
It was easier, perhaps too easy to mantain adrenaline before, but making it completely impossible to even plan on its use sounds like breaking the profession mechanic to me, and pretty much all the player giving feedback here. Please consider introducing a short grace period before decay kicks in so that at least building up adrenaline makes sense again, that’s all it’s being asked these days. Most players on the forums have been welcoming all the other changes.
The Etched Short Bow Skin has a wrong skin name in the Wardrobe: skins are not supposed to carry a prefix, yet this one does (see Attachment n°1).
The correct name for this skin should simply be Etched Short Bow instead of Shaman’s Etched Short Bow.
As a result, the name of the actual item is also messed up, since the prefix shows up twice, as it can be seen on the Trading Post (see Attachment n°2).
If anyone has anything to report regarding wrong names or icons in the Wardrobe, please post it here.
I gave up using staves on my ele as the clipping caused by the new animation drives me mad.
Now she runs like a thug but at least daggers don’t pierce her back…
They fixed the issue with greatswords… and that’s that. Right now, I wouldn’t expect a fix anymore, for how easy it could be to rectify this.
Kasmeer’s retractable staff – way shorter than any other skin available in game – is currently the one and only not piercing my Ele’s butt.
I wish I could understand the reason behind this change, but I really can’t.
My female human runs as she always has, nothing like the male human I have.
Well, my female ele certainly doesn’t run like she used to.
Something definitely changed, but it might be noticeable only with certain weapons:
During the new running animation, now staves also clip VERY badly through almost every armor I could try on (see attachment).
Issue observed on female human characters since last patch.
It might be just me, but male humans also seem to run awkwardly and a bit unnaturally now.
I think a rollback should be considered, expecially since this apparently minor change seems to break way more than it fixes.
Armor is Magitech (Gemstore skin)
Scarlet was first seen wearing this.
I just finished trying to do this achievement and did not get credit. Took 2 hours because I verified every bauble with the screenshots, not just follow Dulfy’s video guide. Started off at 750 baubles and finished with 750 baubles, I hope its not related to not being able to accrue additional baubles if already at 750 baubles.
This was the case with the first release in April: getting baubles while your bag was full didn’t count toward the achievement, even tough the baubles still disappeared as you got them.
Likely this applies to this release as well. A fix, or at least some warning, would be greatly appreciated.
Just in case, I made sure never to reach my limit (by buying lives, keys, potions…) and got my achievement no problem yesterday.
Tried running Day Trooper’s build and strategy with my Mesmer, but I can’t even pass T3, let alone T4.
Is anyone willing to help me? I’d really like to get both CTs done before it’s over
So, after reading through this whole thread, I think I can safely assume that the “Multiplayer” part in MMO actually means “strictly a group of 5 or GTFO”.
Mkay…. Good to know, I thought I was playing a multiplayer game for just grouping with a couple of friends and interacting with people I met online…
Guess friends + random people in the open world doesn’t qualify as “multiplayer” anymore.
There’s a group of Risen that needs to be slain before the subsequent ones become vulnerable.
The first one isn’t there at the beginning, but rather comes at you from your right as soon as you get down from the ship. If you move quickly, you can skip them (either volountarily or not) and aggro the other groups which by then are still invulnerable.
Try waiting for them at the docks, I’m quite sure you’ll be able to progress with your Personal Story.
You can’t stack the karma jugs from Living Story, since they’re sort of “soulbound”. You can still stack the daily/monthly reward ones. We have lot more going on since last patch than just this.
They’re account bound just like the regular ones.
It’s been explained by a dev somewhere on this forum, they are simply different from ones obtained through Daily Quests, hence they don’t stack with them: the ammount of karma provided in this case is scaled according to your character’s level, instead of being fixed at 4.500.
Are you all sure you’re not losing all lives? If you use a continue/ run back through you won’t get the achievement.
I got mine even after using multiple continue coins.
The only blocking issues I’ve encountered so far:
- Full stack of baubles. Getting more while the stack is full won’t count, but the bauble will disappear anyway.
- Disconnection due to server error. If this happens and you’re brought back to the main hub, the achievement progress halts.
Not a bug.
For the recurring daily achievement, you’ll get two points instead of just one if the skill point obtained also earns you a trait point.
Not a bug.
You likely had completed the whole map before the introduction of the new waypoint and received rewards for it.
Unlocking the new waypoint won’t award another chest for completion.
You’ll meet the requirement once you receive (or rather, fail to receive) one more message.
A warning about incoming messages undelivered due to your mailbox being full will pop up on top of your screen. That’s the “hint” you need for the achievement.
At work at the moment so I can’t check myself.
Can this misnamed-sword-that-looks-like-a-torch be equipped? Is it actually treated like a Sword?
Nice find BTW!
A lot of sets still have non-working bonuses. A fix for all of them would be nice…
Both the Guild Stash and the Guild Emblem require Influence spent (in Architecture and Politics respectively) to be enabled.
It might sound like a silly question but… are these upgrades available for your Guild yet?
Happened to me as well.
Sometimes I even get the chance to insta-resurrect allies playing with me (which shouldn’t be possible), and still they’re teleported to the map checkpoint.
Edit; to make this worse, it also cost me armor repair.
That’s weird, tough!
Happens to me as well every now and then. Some places in the map shouldn’t be reachable, no matter what. If they put obstacles in the map, the ground beyond them shouldn’t be walkable, tough I believe that would require the introduction of countless collision points in every map.
Probably related, but having a full stack of baubles often prevents people from getting the achievement for that zone, as baubles over the maximum quantity allowed disappear but don’t count.
true, then it is still a bug that it says soulbound on use, and asks again when you equip if you want to soulbind it
When applying upgrades to items, the resulting item is actually just Account bound, even tough the popup window wrongly mentions the item becoming Soulbound in the process. This requires a fix. Also, the Account bound status isn’t mentioned at the bottom of the item stats as it should.
That said, the item is still Soulbound on use (by design), and also Account Bound (due to the upgrade applied): the item can’t leave your account (can’t trade it or mail it), but you can still move it to other characters until you equip it.
Once you do, the item becomes permanently Soulbound to that character, so the popup warning on equip still makes a lot of sense.
Wrong. The Event Mentor is rewarded if in the group you are finishing event is a person with lower real lvl than your real lvl. Easy to obtain if you go to low-level area and help (mentor) people with the quests.
Not quite. You don’t actually need to be mentoring anyone.
All you need is to complete events below your actual level (while “sidekicked”). “Mentor” is likely a figurative term, as you’re not expected to be wandering in low level areas unless you’re helping someone else with his/her tasks. Actually doing it is not mandatory tough.
The skritt thieves event is lv41 and the area is lv42, so OP should indeed be getting credit for it.
This achievement tracks points for purchased pieces in the 3 armor tiers, regardless the weight.
For each race, you need a total of six pieces of any of the three T1 armors available for that race, six of T2 armor and six of T3 armor. Ideally, you would buy the full three sets for one character and get the achievement. Is that your case?
Double check your purchases, you may have bought two armor pieces of the same tier and maybe miss one of another.
If the transmutation of legendary weapons turning into “no legendaries” is not broken because Jason King answer this in this same post ?
“This is a bug, and one that we’ll be working to fix in the future. Thank you for the reports!”
This – the item not retaining the purple name – is a “bug”. The underlying mechanic is working just fine and wasn’t changed. They worked on a fix for the rarity font, which was included in yesterday’s patch.
Still, transmutation works just like before – as intended – and the two items still are destroyed in the process and fused to create an entirely different thing with elements of both. This is well documented by both users’ experience and the official Wiki.
That’s the very point of transmutation and I really hope you’re not expecting them to break a feature that works fine for most people only to turn it into a Magical Stat Changer + Status Preserver for Legendary Weapons™.
Then they lied to us, the patch note said:
“Transmuting weapons now preserves the higher rarity of the two items.”
Maybe they lied. To me, it looks just like poor wording, since the final result isn’t either Exotic or Legendary, so, if anything, Rarity is completely lost. The final result is a “Transmuted” item with purple-worded skin and attributes coming from an Exotic. The Font color is pretty much the only way to tell the rarity of an item obtained that way, so, to me, it’s just working as intended.
“Transmuted” is not even a rarity level, it’s just the label for items obtained by “combining the appearence of an item with the attributes of another”, which is just what is happening here. So let’s assume they actually lied in the patch notes: the description of Fine Transmutation Stones still describes the operation quite clearly. You’re breaking down two weapons and combining a Legendary Skin with Exotic Attributes → You get an weapon whose attributes are those of an Exotic, but looking like a Legendary. Now it even retains the Legendary font color even tought the core item is one tier below.
I really don’t get how you were expecting Transmutation to operate. What you need is more attribute options for Legendary Weapons, not a downgrade through trasmutation, which is working perfectly fine to me. You’re just asking for a non-existing mechanic – freedom to choose whichever attributes you like best without the downsides of Transmutation – to magically appear in game, only for Legendaries.
You can suggest it if you like, but still, don’t ask for fixes to non-broken things.
Yeah i transmuted my Flameseeker but there somethings that still worried me, if you link the weapons in the chat the name will be orange.
The “legendary” word above the class weapon dissapered , and you can put in Mystic Forge with another 3 exotic weapons, and when i put in my inventori the chat said “Cleric Pearl Shield”…..
That’s how Transmutation always worked.
Rarity label is changed to “Transmuted” and the item providing stats to the Transmuted item (Slot #2) is reskinned to look like the one providing the skin (Slot #1). You’re wearing a Cleric Pearl Shield that looks like The Flameseeker.
With the latest patch, they just made it so the highest rarity tier is preserved when it comes to the font color, but nothing else changed, you’re still reskinning an Exotic with a Legendary skin, so the item simply behaves like an Exotic:
- In system chat-logs
- At the Forge
- When linked in chat
Really, if you care about the Legendary status of your weapon, don’t mess with it. Transmutation destroys two items to create a, new, Transmuted one, and Legendaries make no exception.
if transmutation stones are only making issues with legendary items, then put another way to change the stats
They are not. Transmutation stones are working as intended. Problem is, a lot of people didn’t know their intended behaviour and realized it the hard way.
Part of this issue is these players’ own fault: transmuting such a valuable item without sufficient insight into the transmutation mechanic was careless to say the least. Still, can’t blame it all on them, since trial & error is currently the only way to find out.
Transmutation really needs some preview window, so you can check out the final result before you actually confirm transmutation. This way, people trying to alter the stats of their Legendary weapons would have known before they were going to get a reskinned Exotic instead of a respeced Legendary.
The only way to get out of this mess would be the implementation of an improved transmutation interface, with the aforementioned preview window and clear instructions and warnings, and maybe a workaround (a Detransmutation Stone to split the items back, perhaps? a Mystic Forge recipe?) for users affected to rollback transmutation.
Issue with Protector’s Armor (Human Tier 3 Cultural Armor, Heavy)
Severe and much evident clipping while wearing this armor set in combination with pretty much any greatsword (see attachment). The cloth garment on the back also causes clipping with other weapon types: rifles, hammers, bows and quite possibly staffs are all affected.
This could be easily fixed by moving the attachment point for weapons. This armor set is quite expensive and such an obvious glitch is annoying and not acceptable.
As far as I know, it’s always been like that: for the sake of transmutation, the item prefix is integral to the item name, which in turn is integral to the item skin. As a result, the prefix is carried over and not updated to reflect the actual stats of the item.
I believe it’s some sort of a workaround for Named items, so that they don’t get a prefix once transmuted.
Engineer’s starter headgears have their names swapped: the “Panscopic Monocle” appears as “Eagle-Eye Goggles” in game, and viceversa.
As far as I know, all races are affected.
The core item offering basic stats is the one which dictates the rarity and font color of the resulting transmuted item.
You actually transmuted the Legendary skin over an Exotic item.
So, wait, you have trillions of unresolved graphical glitches and clipping issues reported in two different forum threads (and a whole lot of them is quite significant yet it’s been an open issue for months now), and you’d rather implement this unwanted and unnecessary fix for “generally aesthetic” reasons?
I wish you’d put that much effort into fixing relevant issues instead. Even if the preview window glitches when used to preview improper combinations, well, it’s just that, a preview window...
By the way, I still get the “overlapping textures” glitch every now and then (like, yesterday, I got the texture of some leggings I was previewing stuck on my character’s underwear, down to his legs), so this pointless inconvenience hasn’t really fixed anything yet.
Issue with weapon
When sheathed, the Greatsword “Zweihander” (and the Avenger’s Longsword with the same skin) floats too close to the body on Male Norn characters.
Half the sword goes literally through the character’s shoulder, even when naked, and it gets even worse while wearing armor (see attachment).
Male Human, Scholar Professions
Issue with Vigil Leggings clipping through the Vigil Shoes, as seen in the screenshot.
The problem is particularly evident on physiques #5, #6 and #7 for Male Humans, as those body models feature a wider waistline and broader calves.
It’s really a minor issue and I doubt anything will be done about this, but since the latest patch the problem seems to have aggravated for no apparent reason: while it used to be much less visible before, now the left boot blatantly clips through the leggings. Something must have changed recently.
PS – Worth mentioning that the aforementioned patch also broke armor preview. Looks like level restrictions now apply to the equipment preview window as well: it’s currently impossible to activate armor preview on armor pieces other than those the character can actually wear. Is this intended?
This is due to the gem offered being a Lv65+ upgrade (or something), while the ring is a Lv48 item.
As soon as you leave the mission istance, the gem is removed, as it would be impossible to apply on such a ring due to the level requirement costraints.
Wonder why they havent fixed it yet.
Male Human Warrior:
Issue with Barbaric Legplates (Heavy Armor). Armor acquired through crafting.
Since this is an armor art issue, all variants (Knight’s, Berserker’s, Carrion’s, …) are affected.
The belt around the waist of the character deforms and bends inward while moving – walking/running/attacking – exposing the untextured junction between the surfaces underneath. The result is a “crack” in the character’s right hip and a visible see-through area, as seen in the screenshot.
Male Norn Guardian:
The shield glow while under the effect of Aegis is misplaced and thus clips with the left character’s arm.
Happens while wielding either Greatswords and Hammers, during the idle stance, as seen in the attached picture.
While running with the weapon unsheathed, the light glow appears to be floating parallel to the forearm as intended. As soon as the character stops motion tough, it suddenly tilts to the left toward the arm, clipping through the character’s shoulder.
This has already been reported, but likely went unnoticed, so I’ll report it again myself.
Male Norn Guardian:
The light shield glow while under the effect of Aegis is positioned unproperly and thus clips with the left character’s arm. Happens while wielding Greatswords and Hammers, during the idle stance, as seen in the attached picture.
While running with the weapon unsheated, the shield-shaped glow floats parallel to the forearm as it should. As soon as you stop motion tough, it rotates to the left toward the arm.
Could you please fix this?
Here we go again…
Looks like I can’t get a single armor set without encountering severe clipping issues…
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Class: Warrior
Pieces of Equipment: Devona’s Legplates, part of Devona’s Armor. Also applies to any similarly skinned sets such as Rurik’s Armor, Yakkington’s Armor. The set also shares the skin with the set known in game as Pit Fighter’s Armor (exotic variant).
The sword in the screenshot is a greatsword called Ebonblade (exotic), but the clipping issue reported here is due to the weapon placement when sheated, so it is encountered with any greatsword skin in the game, except maybe some particular exceptions i don’t know about.
The issue: There’s a notable bump at the rear of the legplates which causes both the metallic and the cloth elements to intersect with the blade of the longsword. (See screenshot)
Issue is particularly evident while the character is standing idle. One solution could be to alter the model, so that the shape of the legplates is less protruding at the rear, avoiding the clipping with weapons. Or the anchorage point for sheated weapons could be moved a little bit farther away from the body, which could also solve a lot more clipping issues caused by weapon placement reported in this thread.
Not really a bug with a specific armor, but rather a design issue.
Made a Male Norn Ranger yesterday, maximum height/biggest build available, and found out it’s pretty much IMPOSSIBLE to wear any weapon on him without causing rather significant clipping issues:
- 1 handed weapons and off-hands ALL clip through the character’s hips when sheated. It gets even worse when wearing armor, at that point some weapons become completely INVISIBLE. Issue is already pretty evident even on Starter armor. Moving the attachment point farther away from the character’s waistline could solve this issue.
- Same goes with 2handed weapons. Any weapons I’ve tried (Greatswords and Bows as my character is a Ranger, but happens with Staves and Rifles as well as I could check with previews) are attached so close to the character’s back that pretty much ANY armor that’s not thight-fitting (like most Medium/Heavy armors) clips over the weapon quite evidently. When equiping bows, the bowstring usually clips through the character’s shoulder even when naked… As above, a simple solution could be to move the attachment point of the weapon farther away from the character’s back.
I believe this issue affects also Charr characters. I don’t know if it’s currently possible to place weapons indipendently from the body size – looks to me like it’s currently fixed, so as the size of the boy increases, the body gets closer to the point weapons are placed and clips through. Even then, a little more distance would fix bigger characters without any significant consequence on smaller ones.
Issue with Armor (Armor Art glitch)
Piece of Equipment: Barbaric Legplates (Heavy Armor). As this is most likely an armor art issue, all variants (Knight’s, Berserker’s, Carrion’s, …) are affected.
What’s being observed: the belt around the waist of the character deforms and bends inward while moving – walking/running/attacking – exposing the junction between the surfaces underneath. The result is a “crack” in the character’s right hip and a see-through area, as seen in the screenshot.
Verified on: Human, Male, Warrior
Armor acquired: Crafting (Armorsmith)