Showing Posts For Gundam Zephyr.6713:
I don’t crunch numbers but logically speaking you’d probably get more mileage out of runes that buff multiple damage types. Having longer bleeds, longer burns, and better physical/condi damage all in one rune set will be amazing for hybrids like me who use full or close to full Sinister gear.
There is nothing redeeming about the Berserker elite specialization at this point in time.
Poor job all around.
Seems the topic posted twice for some reason.
I haven’t experimented enough with the spec to know if it’s MATHEMATICALLY comparable, but from a DESIGN standpoint it’s utter garbage in my opinion. I knew it would suck from the moment I learned it would be titled ‘Berserker,’ but I didn’t realize just how uninspired and boring it would be on release.
You gave us a torch, some physical abilities with rehashed animations, and reworked burst abilities.
That’s it. That’s literally all Berserker does for us.
Meanwhile, other elite specs completely change the way a class is played. That’s what elite specializations were advertised as, right? Berserker fails at that purpose, and I certainly don’t plan on using it when my current build is superior both aesthetically and in playstyle.
(edited by Gundam Zephyr.6713)
That isn’t on point. It’s just more of the same self-entitled whining, except now it has been given a voice by the media. Whoopdy-doo. How happy you must be to feel ‘validated’ in your ‘outrage.’
Grow up.
^ This dude certainly is mad. Yes so much self entitled whining to have an opinion that the content shown so far for HoT which is less than the first feature pack is not worth 50 dollars. Yes so much crying about how the game was built and SOLD on the premise of persistent FREE content updates and yet her we are 3 years down the road being milked for 50 more dollars.
I’m not mad. I pre-ordered yesterday the moment it became available and look forward to spending hundreds more hours in HoT content.
If you don’t feel the content presently unveiled is worth the price, don’t pre-order yet (or wait until a sale after release). It’s your money and your decision. But coming onto the forums and demanding that new players not get the base game for free, or that veterans are somehow ‘missing out’ is childish and misinformed behavior.
If you want to continue acting like a child, expect to be treated like one.
They’ve made multiple comments on the forums. You either haven’t been reading them or you consider them ‘not good enough’ which would mean this post paints you as a liar.
That’s your opinion. Map exploration and jumping puzzles are my favorite part of the game.
Also, this would be pay2win.
Then you will miss said events because you chose not to pay for the expansion. You don’t get to enjoy the benefits of a paying customer for free. You have to be a paying customer.
If Expansion is $50 and the Game is free...
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Gundam Zephyr.6713
Or you could just understand that it’s a new player bonus and nothing more or less than that.
Pull your head out of your kitten and stop twisting things to suit your warped world view.
other mmorpg’s:
buy game 50 Euro/USD
pay monthly fee 12 Euro/USD
buy expansion 25 Euro/USD
total after 2 years: 363 Euro(USDgw2:
buy game 50 Euro/USD
buy expansion 50 Euro/USDNot applicable to anyone who purchased gems with cash 24 times or more in the past two years, mind you.
Oh right, that completely optional currency which can be acquired with in-game gold.
You realise that when you buy that currency in the game, you actually buy it from other players that put their gems to sell for others right ?
And these gems doesn’t always come from giveaway.
Yes. Gems that /some other player/ chose to purchase. Gems you did not purchase yourself for whatever reason.
Have we seen all the content? It sure seems that way by you all who complain about it. Myself, I think and am pretty sure we have not.
Actually, you just answered your own question.
We have no idea how much content we’re looking at. We know specializations, traits, masteries, and the WvW map are all not part of HoT but a general content update, though. Only some specifics are unique to HoT.
And that’s it; so what exactly does HoT bring beside from some new sPvP, a new class, and a couple new maps?
We don’t know.
So why are people willing to pay $50-$100 on something they’re next to clueless about that has little substance known about it? That’s just stupid money management and an insult to the consumer expected to buy it.
That is incorrect. The update is just as much part of HoT as the new PVE maps. They’re simply being released before the expansion releases, just as Blizzard has done with THEIR pre-expansion updates.
Except nobody knows enough to accurately gauge the content’s worth at this time. There isn’t enough information. I preordered because I’ll be playing the expansion regardless, but I have no problem with people holding off. It’s their money and they can choose when and where to use it. What I do have a problem with is people claiming the content won’t be worth $50, or that ANet is scamming veteran players. They’re not.
“Nah, man. The customer knows best!” -Words of every moron consumer who ever lived.
Challange, defend the HoT expansion price
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Gundam Zephyr.6713
Your sophomoric whining has already been countered in multiple other threads. Go there and read them, or shut up about it.
other mmorpg’s:
buy game 50 Euro/USD
pay monthly fee 12 Euro/USD
buy expansion 25 Euro/USD
total after 2 years: 363 Euro(USDgw2:
buy game 50 Euro/USD
buy expansion 50 Euro/USDNot applicable to anyone who purchased gems with cash 24 times or more in the past two years, mind you.
Oh right, that completely optional currency which can be acquired with in-game gold.
Because ‘people’ are stupid. Individuals vary, but when ‘people’ are involved incompetence and misinformation spread like wildfire.
I’m 27 years old. Age has nothing to do with it, IMO. Boils down to upbringing.
Stop the white knight.
Two people go into same shop to buy a bundle made out of 2 items, lets call the item BOB, Person 1 already have a BOB and person two dont.
Bundle contains BOB and a expansion for BOB.The Problem is when you leave the store, a store clerk come running after you and say to the one: Sorry Sir, but i see that you already have BOB at home and takes your BOB away.
Both payed the same amount, How do you think person 1 feels now ?
This is the main reason people are getting so angry. We hate when other steal from us
Only in the mind of MMO players is someone else getting something equal to you having something stolen from you.
Nearly every day Customer A goes to a cafe that has great coffee and breakfast sandwiches. Some days he gets coffee and a sandwich, some days just coffee. Yesterday he went in and bought a coffee and sandwich. Today customer A goes in and just buys a coffee. At the same time, Customer B walks in and orders the same coffee too. The cafe owner notices that Customer B has never been there before and asks, “Is this your first time here? Our specialty is the bacon and egg sandwich.” Sensing an opportunity to create a repeat customer, the cafe owner offers Customer B a sandwich for free with his coffee purchase.Normal world thinking: The cafe owner is using a promotion to try to create a new “regular” customer.
MMO forum thinking: Customer A had the sandwich that he ate yesterday stolen from him.
I understand just fine, thanks. I paid $60 for the game when it came out three years ago and have poured over a thousand hours into the game since then. I’ve preordered HoT for $50 as well, and I will likely spend another 1000+ hours enjoying that content as well. By comparison, a burger at the local fast food joint cost me $7. A burger.
Seeing the Avengers in the theater and buying popcorn? $15-20.
GW2’s about as much value as I’ve ever gotten from an entertainment-related purchase.
This forum is evidence of that.
I’ve only been whispered compliments a handful of times in my years playing this game and they were not because of a single weapon. The people were complimenting my overall look because of its cohesiveness and uniqueness.
You won’t stand out simply by crafting a rare weapon. You have to complement that weapon with the rest of your outfit.
GW2 in general doesn’t take much skill at all, unless you’re into jumping puzzles.
That’s largely irrelevant to my point, though. I stand by my opinion that dungeons are mostly faceroll these days when compared to Silverwastes. Objectively, SW mobs were designed to punish players who cannot use active mitigation properly, and many players cannot.
A ranged weapon is useful when you can’t get close because a pack of mordrem wolves or teragriffs are chasing you down.
I invite you to try landing a full 100b on Mordrem Menders when they’re out in the open. It doesn’t work.
Mordrem Menders already get ‘knocked’ away from 100b, preventing you from killing them easily unless they’re pinned against a wall or something.
Maybe it’s a sign of things to come. I’ve noticed Silverwastes mobs are far more mobile than those you see in dungeons.
Quite a few baddies posting in this thread.
Longbow is a great weapon for general open world PVE content at max level. By that I mean the Silverwastes, primarily, which is home to many enemies who are dangerous up close and will punish melee severely.
You rarely need a ranged weapon for dungeons but those are outdated and poor examples of challenging content. I personally dislike the GS but use GS/LB in Silverwastes so I have my bases covered: 1) Damage output, 2) Mobility, 3) Range if needed.
If you intend to spend any decent amount of time in the Silverwastes and in Heart of Thorns I highly suggest packing a Longbow with you at all times. If you aren’t doing that it won’t really matter too much.
Rifle on the other hand…rifle just plain needs a rework.
I’ll echo what others have said: Log into the game next time if you want the content free.
Besides that, ANet has given me many hours of entertainment without forcing me to pay a single dime and I don’t feel any shame in volunteering my money to continue supporting them.
Because we already get that as a reward for participating in WvW.
I’ve never had a precursor, let alone a legendary.
None of them really appeal to me aesthetically except for the shield, but since warrior shield is useless in PVE there’s not much point working towards it anyway.
I don’t care if it’s uglier as long as cultural armor is given the respect it deserves.
I rolled a human for cultural armor, and I expect to be the only race allowed to use it.
No. They’re one-time use. You have to transmute them using stones after you use them the first time.
What the hell is that from?
In light of ANet’s move to re-work the Flamekissed armor set I’m no longer hellbent on uninstalling when I get home from work today, but I’m still disappointed by the Scarlet stuff and the general direction the game seems to be taking. I’ll stick around for now but I don’t plan to do anything serious.
I’m appreciative of this decision. Although I’m only one person, at the very least this solution has restored enough faith in ANet for me to continue playing despite the Scarlet debacle.
Thank you again for listening to us.
I stopped spending money on this game months ago because I saw the direction it was headed. It’s only gotten worse since then, and I’ll continue to spend my money elsewhere until they change their ways.
It shows a lack of respect and is the straw that broke this camel’s back.
Just grab a few friends and play League of Legends until EQ Landmark comes around.
That’s what I’m tempted to do. The only thing left for me on GW2 is roleplay at this point.
I’m an RPer and currently considering migrating AWAY from this game.
Not that there’s anything to migrate to at this point in time. League of Legends with friends, I guess…?
Well, seeing as how I’m on the verge of quitting the game I’d say it’s not ranking too highly on the list.
I lost interest when the Crown Pavilion showed up. Haven’t touched the LS since, and won’t be touching Fractals now that Scarlet is in one of them.
I’ll try that out and see how it works. I mainly took PT for the cooldown reduction on Stomp, but if I end up replacing that utility I won’t need the trait anyway.
By that logic, the only build threads that should be posted on this forum are those that outline the same cookie-cutter berserker builds that everyone already knows about. That doesn’t stimulate discussion.
I’ve been tempted to replace Stomp with a banner, but I feel I’d have to go down the Tactics line in order to justify it. I don’t see much reason to rely on an ability with a huge cooldown when I get only a base benefit from it.
I made this thread to see how others are using burst abilities, and so far I’ve seen nobody willing to step out of line and offer another take on it. I’m not interested in discussing the perceived effectiveness of a build that ignores our core class mechanic: adrenaline.
Let me know how it goes! I’d like to hear what other people think about the build.
If you’re looking for fun this is definitely a good way to do it. The changes to aftercast time on a lot of our abilities has made chaining attacks together much easier. I can’t speak for how optimal it is (nor do I really care. I think I pull my weight in dungeons well enough now that I’m at 80 and beginning to gear up) but it keeps me interested and engaged so I think it’s a success in that regard.
410 views and not a single post of feedback! Is it simply because I’m linking to a third-party website?
Here we go then:
STRENGTH – 20 – Great Fortitude, Physical Training
ARMS – 0
DEFENSE – 20 – Shield Mastery, Cleansing Ire
DISCIPLINE – 30 – Signet Mastery, Sharpened Axes, Burst Mastery
WEAPONS: Power/Precision/Crit Damage
—Axe: Superior Sigil of Force
—Shield: Superior Sigil of Accuracy
—Longbow: Superior Sigil of Accuracy
ARMOR: Power/Precision/Toughness
—Sockets: Undetermined. Leaning towards Lyssa at the moment but could use some feedback on what might fit my build.
TRINKETS: Power/Precision/Crit Damage
—Sockets: Exquisite Ruby Jewels
BACK ITEM: Power/Precision/Toughness
—Socket: Exquisite Ruby Jewel
—Healing Surge
—For Great Justice/Shake It Off
—Signet of Stamina
—Signet of Rage
(edited by Gundam Zephyr.6713)
Are burst builds really that rare?
Well, I’m not going to bring up Guardians and their superior sustain because that’s like saying the sky is blue. I’m just offering advice that might help.
If you use Omnomberry Pie you can get some decent sustain with a more crit/offense oriented build. Going 30 into Tactics for healing shouts also requires a triple-shout utility bar, which IMO can be limiting (not to mention boring).