Showing Highly Rated Posts By GuzziHero.5104:
I swear the complaints on this forum get wierder and wierder…
If you’re intent on only doing PvE, then you’ve got a self-imposed restriction that is making it more difficult than it needs to be for you.
Really. Tell that to the friend I knew a little time back who has cerebral palsy and can only use one arm/hand (with poor coordination, at that).
Self-imposed. Hmm.
I suggest you circle around, and try to attack him from behind. Or dive towards your opponent with the sun behind you. Either way, this is a L2Fly issue.
I agree with pretty much everything Guhracie has said. In fact, I am willing to admit that I am okay (if not happy) with most of the changes that have been made.
Megaservers – I would have no issue with this if I could choose a shard from a list AND/OR racial cities were server only, with or without guesting allowed. I remember when guesting was brought in, and I spoke to many people saying ‘yeah I am from XXX server but I came here to show roleplaying to my friend’. There was more of a sense of travelling to parts unknown and exploring there.
New Player Experience – Unlocking skills for all weapons at character levels makes no sense. Why would a new character have skills with a weapon they have never picked up before? The old system was far more intelligent and logical. And it saved having to 1,1,1,1,1 in the starter instance which is frustrating and dull. The same goes for the profession F1,2,3,4 skills. However, the speed at which you now level to 10 sort of negates some of this issue, since it is so easy to level at earlier stages now.
The big issue for me is the stepped progression. You can be mid fight, struggling, level up and ‘bam’ you faceroll the opponent. This is frustrating, illlogical and does not encourage players who want to challenge themselves by reaching into areas above their Exp level. I used to take level 30-32 characters into 40 zones to level faster and enjoy the challenge. I cannot do that now because instead of being level 30, I am now level 28… and will get my sweet derriere handed to me by those mobs until I hit level 34 and suddenly get a boost.
Ascended – Again, no problem if the stats for Ascended BEFORE infusions matched Exotic, not bested them. shows this well. Berserker with Ruby gives 92 Power, 63 Precision and 6% Crit chance. This does not match Ascended. Yes I am aware that this is a trinket which is accessible to all, but the armour and weapon Ascended stats give a further leap above Exotic stats. For those of us who do not play Fractals, this is an enormous advantage for those who do.
Anet said there would be no grind in GW2 – this is enforcing grind of Fractals to create an optimal PvE build. I don’t care if they give an advantage in Fractals, that is the intention. But to give a general quantum leap of an advantage over Exotic, that is unacceptable to me.
Traits – Been hitting my head against the wall on this one for so long, I have left a dent in the brickwork. Traits that require you to go way above your character Exp level to obtain. Yes, some were fixed but Anet has no interest in fixing the rest. Compounded with the stepped progression, this MASSIVELY restricts build choices until, and even after, you hit 80.
It is not all bad. The new rewards, plus rewards focused so that you have a higher chance of profession-suitable rewards is a massive boost to levelling characters.
Right now, my main anger and frustration is the way that Anet knows our concerns, particularly about traits, and yet seem incapable of doing anything to sort it. I mean, if a Dev came in and said “Sorry, this is how our NCSoft Masters want it”, I could accept that. But the complete lies about “We will never force you to grind” and “The new trait system makes traits more approachable” are unacceptable to me. If I blatantly lied to my customers, I would expect to be called in for disciplinaries left and right.
I don’t expect any explanation as to why they have done this.
I have mainly seen Gaile Gray doing her sterling work helping with accounts, and Booby Stein often posts on questions regarding the storyline. Sometimes other creative department staff members will comment on specific things, or a bug-hunter will say that a particular issue is being looked at.
I agree, however, that community relations have really hit rock-bottom. When it comes to actual game issues, there appears to be no response. We have several threads which were collected together with the intention of using them for feedback to the devs, and the devs are now ignoring them. When we do what they ask us to (tell them what we want a do not want), they seemingly don’t want to know anymore, or it at least feels that way.
It does seem that the community laison team has been drastically cut down and / or is not properly able to do their jobs other than deleting posts and threads which raise criticism*. Whether this is due to their operational abilities being restricted due to a poor down-flow of information, or simply not wishing to wade into the shark soup unarmed, I don’t know. But they are being held back from being able to fully engage with us.
This has left me, and I am sure many others, feeling that we are not valued as customers. I personally feel that the lack of response to some very legitimate issues with the April 15 patch has led to me losing interest and faith in Guild Wars 2. I won’t go into the issues here, they are more than well documented in the appropriate threads.
Basically, from being a player who was eager to get home from work so I could log in, socialise and work on dailys/monthlys/roleplay/making new characters, I now think twice before I doubletap the launch icon.
We are now approaching the 3rd month mensiversary of the April 15 patch, with no feedback or even recognition of our concerns. If it becomes a 4th, I am not sure if I will be around to read whatever feedback does arrive, if it finally does.
*I appreciate and understand that my comments which led to GuzziHero.2467 being suspended were out of order and inappropriate. I apologise unreservedly for those comments, and intend to be far more considerate and reserved in my forum postings from here on.
I played TERA for an hour, noticed those characters and got creeped out by that.
Legally, yeah it’s probably allowed. Morally? Nope.
Thats the main reason I looked at that game, gave a huge NOPE and backspaced off its website!
I deleted all my non grandfathered characters I could on my main account and will NEVER start another while this system is in place.
Since the second account was bought after the change… I just don’t play on it anymore.
Like it’s really that bad. There’s a lot of reasons to distance yourself from this game, but the NPE isn’t one of them.
The NPE with the new unlock levels weren’t that bad…
The traits, and most everything else the AMFP contained are.
Yet… I still can’t let go of my hope for repairs.
I have solo’d that Nageling giant on a Ranger, I am unafraid!
Thankfully I won’t have to hear her voice again.
Great voice actor, wrong character.
I want speculation! Logic is not an option! :p
I think it’s possibly a trap door to hide the bodies of people who are too serious.
A tornado has sucked up chickens. How do we deal with this? HIT IT WITH OUR SWORDS!
So… why are we not cleaving chickens in two? Why are we not being sucked in also? Why does everything in this game boil down to HIT IT WITH YOUR SWORD!?
Wouldn’t it have been better to make it an event that required some skill, such as running and catching the chickens as they are thrown from the vortex within a time limit? Every now and then it would spit out other debris such as eggs that temporarily blinded you, or pieces of chicken coop that caused bleeding?
Why not actually add some depth and reason by having different classes deal with it in a different way? By this I am not talking about just this event but all events. Give us reason to use different classes, to perform a task in a way unique to our actual choices when we made our character, rather than boil everything down into one tactic.
But no. As always… HIT IT WITH YOUR SWORD!!!
Basically, all classes in this game are treated merely as warriors, just with different ways of warring!
So, I popped my Monkey King tonic when activating Omadds machine in Living Story 2 and… oh my gosh what the hell is this?
You want to price gouge like some slimy scalper? I laugh at your greed.
indeed, but according to those who participated (or said they did) in that CDI, there is very little, or not at all, correlation between what was suggested and what was implemented.
…But why were they looking to change the trait system at all?
To make traits more approachable of course! To allow you to dive straight in and experiment with your builds! By… y’know… making them MUCH harder to obtain… ¬_¬
2 days ago, I decided to reinstall this game after a year away. Enjoyed leveling a new character yesterday. Uninstalled today…
There are plenty of companies that WANT players to play their game, why should I give my money to one that goes out of their way to ruin player experience?
Thank you for your third ever post, and first in over a year.
Yes, of course, Anet KNEW you were coming back yesterday and INTENTIONALLY put in this April Fools joke specifically to ruin your experience.
Please, feel free to stand in the ‘Pointless whining’ crowd over there. ====>
It was fantastic standing in Rata Sum when everything suddenly went sepia-toned. Then I realised everyone was holding their arms out.
And then I moved. The plane noises… I laughed out loud for several minutes.
Well played, Anet
Didnt get chosen, but then Im on a motorbike trackday on Tuesday so I’ll be having more fun there :p
Also, if you are playing Thief/Guardian/Elementalist you are very squishy, particularly early on. Kite more and don’t be afraid to run away if you need to
Sadly, this will either be locked, or thrown in the Traits thread that has been ignored for 8 months now.
Many of us feel your pain.
But wait! The next RNG item from Black Lion Chests will be…
“Trait scroll. Doubleclick to unlock a random Trait”.
Now I know that Debi Derryberry voiced Belinda, it reinforces my point:
Great voice actor, wrong character.
It has always puzzled me that we dress ourselves in the costumes of our hated enemies. Karka tentacle backpacks, scarlet backpacks, aetherblade outfits and slick packs…its like the allies winning world war 2 and then dressing as the Reich.
Yeah, something akin to killing a messiah then wearing symbols of the method of his death! (sorry, HAD to say this!).
So there are no rewards for completing metas at all? No more cool skins like the Gasmask, or the Fervid Censer? Then what is the motivation to do the achievements?
I confess that, try as I might, I can’t let go of this game…
The return of things they have taken away
Gelatinous Cube. That is all
As a Christian, I find the new bug highly offensive – everyone seems to be stuck in a crucifixion pose, and there appears to be no way to disable this. Even worse, I’ve heard this might be intentional.
Please remove this from the game, as I’m sure other Christians are offended also.
It is related to a very very old bug, a video to which I have posted elsewhere.
Stop being so oversensitive please. Your personal superstition really is not the be all and end all of life, not everything should be made just to cater to you.
Voted for TSW. Its the better game right now.
Level: 48 , Traits: Nil.
For those too young to have never seen Brazil…
As for exotic, I think there are simply not enough options in this game for different racial features, especially African types. So I based my Engineer on a Moroccan appearance, some Caucasian features with that beautiful dark skin.
(edited by GuzziHero.5104)
Just done the first part, investigating in Scarlett’s room.
For an RPG, this game has become very very linear
Yeah, but it sucks. It actually means that we no longer consider ourselves as the “player base” but as the “customer base”. It shouldn’t be like that :<
No, we don’t. Customers are respected.
I don’t see why we have to take orders from mice and talking cabbages!
There apparently was a body. In the Living Story your player character asks if an item in the Special Collections archive of the Durmand Priory is Zhaitan’s tail, and the warden confirms that it is.
We just never saw it, just as we personally never killed Zhaitan. We just pressed #2.
TBH I am probably b& from the beta program cos of the number of infractions/suspensions I’ve had on here!
I only rage because I care <3
Problem is, with all the duplicity and misdirection that we have already been given by Anet, it is impossible to tell whether this is a bug and they would like to fix it, or whether they are saying that to appease us.
Seriously, all of this, along with the entire April Megafailpatch and the NPE, all smacks of chronic lack of communication within the company.
Problem is, for large events like Teq or giant Jungle Wurm, that would shaft all 4 instances.
Personally, I’d rather see entering megaserver instances optional.
(edited by GuzziHero.5104)
I’d like to try Fifty Shades of Muddy Brown (ESO) just to cross it off my Try And Reject list, but wondered how Trinity based it is. If it is Trinity, I will cross it off right now.
No offense intended, but if your wife can’t handle a few minutes of frustration, then MMOs are not for her.
There is a difference between frustration at game mechanics, and the elation of finally overcoming those mechanics… and seeing something which is caused by other players and is completely impossible to overcome. It is out of your control.
Pretty hard not to be upset as ANET considers me not to be “One of our most loyal players”.
I have played since Beta weekends in 2012, Clocked in as many hours as I possibly can and I regularly spend money on this game.
Guess I should find a new game to play.
Wow, don’t get so melodramatic! I’ve spent hundreds of £ on this game and didn’t get in.
Its random. Like, there is no plan or discrimination or agenda here. Random.
I feel largely the same, but not to the point of feeling ill. I just cannot find anything to satisfy me anymore. I log in, finish a map or look at WvW to see if I can grab a keep I need, and then log off and just sit here watching stupid videos.
Thankfully, spring is nigh and I have 2 beautiful motorbikes begging to be ridden <3
Wow… some people in here must have the lowest amount of patience I have ever seen.
Except on weekday mornings, I usually find it takes no longer than 5 mins to fill a party for Arah story, and I have run it 70+ times as a tour guide.
I deleted all my non grandfathered characters I could on my main account and will NEVER start another while this system is in place.
Since the second account was bought after the change… I just don’t play on it anymore.
I solved my problem. On my main account, I simply deleted all non grandfathered characters. Thats what Anet wants, right? Less choice disguised as more choice.
My second account only has 3 characters, all non grandfathered. I just wont bother to play them, or spend money to buy gems for them until this is sorted.
There was just the poster print offer (including HUGE sizes), a useless bubblesheet keyboard, a mouse with no real functionality. Tat basically.
Oh there was the official book that was sold out before launch and never reprinted. Since I am a collector of anime art/cel books I really would like a copy. I paid over £65 for Gorillaz’ Rise Of The Ogre and would pay the same for a GW2 art book.
I’d also pay, willingly, for 3d printed figurines of my characters.
Yeesh. I don’t play heroclix but I’d pay decent money for a DE set and a Biconic set of them.
While this references more WoW than GW2, the sentiment is there…
If my character says something positive about her deities, then she is just paying lip service because that is what her society expects.
Just like most christians in the real world.
Either/or one of these things would have made GW2 unplayable for me:
1. Forced group content
2. Trinity
3. Subscription
Many of us bought the game because it did none of the above, myself included. If any one of the three were introduced, I’d be the first one out the door.