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Ranged Warrior Viable for PvE?

in Warrior

Posted by: Honsu.3175


Fun thing with the LB as a condition weapon is it actually performs better if you build berserker instead of condition dmg. This is because with berserker and signet of rage/ for great justice you can consistly hit 80ish% crit. With a superior sigil of earth thats a consistant 8+ bleed stacks from LB auto attack. That and your #3 skill suddenly hits like a truck. If you compliment this approach with for great justice, signet of rage and banners you can easily substain 700 cond dmg with no cond dmg gear to get alot of dmg out of the bleeds

The same approach applies for MH sword allowing you another fun way to play that gets the dmg of the blade up to axe lvls.

Pve GS advice

in Warrior

Posted by: Honsu.3175


i like either 10/20/0/30/10 or 20/30/0/0/20 with crit gear and omnomberry ghost food the food is necessary to staying alive if you build glass and it helps your dmg too

the banner buff

in Warrior

Posted by: Honsu.3175


it is very funny to poke with my banner for a consistent 3k in my dmg gear completely shaming my hammer but ultimately it dosent really matter as im not sure when wielding the banner over a proper weapon was parasitically effective for any situation beyond spamming the 4 for travel.

Can a bleed warr PvE properly?

in Warrior

Posted by: Honsu.3175


its more of the duration increasing ones dont seem to help that much for bleeds. But for a pure bleed setup id say something like a strength or earth sigils. Str pumps up bleed dmg and since i tend to like running higher crit the strength procs alot and the earth is a 60% chance to get another 5 sec bleed which if your already stacking cond dmg will hurt and yeah i would strongly reccommend staying away from signet of fury or might for top lvl play

anyone introduce a dual swords build for pvp?

in Warrior

Posted by: Honsu.3175


to sand above properly used the axe warhorn/mace setup with backup rifle is easily as viable if not more so than a GS in spvp as it has similar mobility and dmg without relying on silly 100b spam and ive played with something similar to scottos setup its a fun way to viably run with swords if you really want to

Tanky support or Glass Cannon?

in Warrior

Posted by: Honsu.3175


Dolan main point of what were saying is a properly played glass war who is using omnomberry pies can effectively survive just as or almost as well as a brick tank war while pumping out the dmg to end the mobs as a cleaving hundred blades or axe spin can easily heal the warrior for several thousand an attack to make up for the more damage they take due to their low toughness values

Tanky support or Glass Cannon?

in Warrior

Posted by: Honsu.3175


As a note with a support build with banners or shouts if you use Arms X and signet of rage with a GS you can still hold good dmg even while running clerics gear

Which Armor/Jewelry?

in Warrior

Posted by: Honsu.3175


I fully agree with soeki above me I run similar setup and i really dont die while holding very high dmg.

Swords were fun though but sadly they are not nearly as effective as an axe axe or GS

Is this Rifle build viable?

in Warrior

Posted by: Honsu.3175


Honestly the war rifle does do a lot of dmg and can be used as a primary weapon if your stubborn about it.

Since your going ranged you honestly do not need knights gear to survive and can run full berserkers (i run full berserk in melee using omnomberry ghosts to heal with no survability difficulties) For your offhand id recommend anything but sword as all it provides is a few bleed stacks at range from 4. The mace is good for the big aoe stun and the axe spin will let you stack up lots of bleeds from your on crit bleed talent.

For talent build id say something like
If you are going rifle you need the pierce from arms VII and I include in the tactics line shout (or banner if you so desire) heals to support yourself and team mates while you bash with rifle. Finally since this build has no extra adrenalin procs and big buffs if your full adrenalin id recommend not using your F1 skills unless specifically needed.

Best Warrior Healing Skill?

in Warrior

Posted by: Honsu.3175


I agree completly with ODB the idea is that 1 good burst heal> a single regen source of comprable hps but when you build a strong regen build… I used to run a setup with 1900 tough and about 700 hps by stacking regen sources like regen signet and perma regen banners it was a potent example of when regen stacking becomes impressive

Tankiest Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: Honsu.3175


Chak i think you have a good setup for pure brick tank but in a PvE encounter a high toughness war with baseline hp can tank any burst short of being stupid. So i would reccomend switching to spifs suggestion of knights gear to pump up your crit so omnomberry ghosts will work on giving you more health recovery (66% on crit to heal you for ~350 no apparent icd) on the same note of substained healing i prefer banners over shouts as you can drop a 90 tough/vit banner for more raw stats and 130 hps from perma regen. And you may have to call me on this but if you are not running healing power the heal skill healing surge used at adrenalin 3 seems to provide more healing than the signet can. Finally the increase in toughness and raw damage will help to further concentrate the mobs ire on you as they really seem to hate the dude with the most tough whos hitting them in melee

2 Blades vs GS

in Warrior

Posted by: Honsu.3175


I agree with Evalia sadly dw 1h swords is not that effective but for wvw id reccomend mh sword and offhand mace or warhorn. The warhorn for travel and mobility or the mace for the stun.
I would not reccommend GS for WvW because you will almost never land a full hundred blades.

Dual Axe Build

in Warrior

Posted by: Honsu.3175


Also to note the axe offhand truly becomes amazing when you have a high crit chance and multiple on crit effects in your build, such as precise strikes, rending strikes, and the omnomnom ghost food (66% chance on crit to hit mob for ~350 heal and heal you for ~350 with less than 1 sec and possibly no internal cool down) as the spin does a lot of individual hits that can proc the effects

Best Warrior Healing Skill?

in Warrior

Posted by: Honsu.3175


I prefer healing surge the signet only gives more healing if you stack healing power which i would honestly not recommend as going for dmg gear with no healing power in a shout heals build slightly reduces your healing while giving you massive dmg potential to assist the group by keeping the mobs dead while still providing the shout buffs and most of the shout heals.

No dungeon finder yet?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Honsu.3175


Dungeon Finder already does exist through a third party client that takes advantage of the fact that you can group with anyone on any server the service is popular enough that for popular dungeons like CoF exp and fractals the wait time is quite small.