Showing Posts For Hyble.4271:
So, with HoT having map-wide events that (for now) require a high level of coordination, guilds are attempting to all join up on the same map to take down bosses like Chak Gerent or Mouth of Mordy. But we’re encountering the same old issue… maps fill quickly and people risk carpel tunnel doing the old right-click/join/OK/right-click/join/OK process.
What is the solution for this? A lot of ideas have been thrown around but I think I’ve got one that works pretty well with current systems.
Currently, when a map is emptying out, people get a prompt to move to another map, with some bonus stats as incentive. What if we did the same in reverse? If the game could detect when guildies are trying to get in a map with their other guildies, but the map is full, perhaps people not from that guild could get prompts to go to another map (with a stat bonus incentive)?
Guildies get to do events with guildies, and other people get bonuses for being nice. Thoughts?
Please tell me you are joking…
Do you honestly think it would be fair if the elite specs were stronger? That would mean the game had become pay2win. You say the Devs “promised power” but they actually promised the opposite – that elite specs would NOT be more powerful, only equally so and instead just provide alternate play styles.
Well, since you’ve tested it out so extensively at this point, I’ll take your word for it.
if you want it now pay up, if you can wait you’ll always get a better value. how silly.
Um… that’s the way practically everything has worked, ever. Especially video games.
If you want to wait until the last expansion ever for Guild Wars comes out, so you can get all of the previous expansions included, feel free. You’ll just be missing years of play time and content. Your call.
Not a bug. Shields have always covered back items when they are stowed (including backpacks and such), it is ridiculous clipping to have both at once.
Green UI elements are also very Necromancer-like. Just because he died and turned some things green doesn’t mean his whole kit and theme should be green.
Bump in support of this because visuals are really important here. Red feels a lot more vicious. Green is associated with nature and healing. It doesn’t fit.
Are you making sure to activate the episode that you want to play in your story journal?
Okay thanks for the heads up guys! So we’ll get the rewards, we just need to ensure we both have the same objective at the start of the stage we’re on. Sounds easy enough.
Thanks again!
Make sure you guys catch up on all the story that happened during Season 1. Starting season 2 without that will be quite confusing.
Also, I agree with others that getting LS1 into a LS2 type of purchasable package should be a high priority after HoT comes out. It really should have been a priority before that, but I can understand that there is only so much time in the day. However, now people coming back or getting into the game for the first time with HoT are going to be confused and disappointed.
I would happily purchase a LS1 package despite being there for most of it. Especially if you incentivized it with ascended trinkets and such, much the same as you did for LS2.
Can confirm, this happens with every character on my account that completes the personal story.
It also happened to a friend who is getting into the game – she purchased LS2 before completing her PS. When her PS was done, it started her on LS2 Episode 8 and when I realized what was happening I had her leave the instance ASAP to avoid spoilers.
I don’t see why it is a problem for you when your character is also a stick.
So you’re saying you think they have the fix done and are just refusing to implement it???
Bugs happen, welcome to gaming. It was better to disable it and work on a solution than any of the other options you suggested, which would take more time, coding changes, and possible break further things.
who’s had a trait completely and utterly disabled, indefinitely
You make it sound as if it will takes months or years when you say it like that. I’m sure it won’t be long at all.
Just take it easy. It was something that was ruining the experience for most of the playerbase. Guardians can simply switch traits in the meantime, even if it is inconvenient. The needs of the many yadayadayadaetcetcetc…
I also missed out on these wings. It’s a shame because I just recently gave my Guadian that “holy warrior” look and the wings would have been that finishing touch to make my character complete. I play almost every day but just happened to miss that day due to random business. I even sent support a ticket explaining my situation and letting them know I had gems ready to be deducted from my account for the purchase, but they wouldn’t do it. I really hope they come back soon, because it can be hard to play a character when you know you would be enjoying them so much more otherwise.
Sigh. I missed out on the sale. I hope it is brought back soonish. Grats on the look
The funny part?
We would not be seeing this thread if he had won. I’m sure gambling wouldn’t be such a problem then :P
I’m quite sure that many of the nay-sayers will purchase despite saying they will not. When they see all the perks that come from the xpac (elite specs, new legendaries, who knows how many weapon/armor skins, mastery rewards, etc.) they’ll break down. I’m not really worried about these kinds of posts.
The core game doesn’t even have enough slots for all core professions.
That’s one of the reasons you can get it as a buy-to-play game instead of a subscription model. If they gave you everything you needed automatically (bigger bank, more inventory, more character slots, etc.) they would get less money to support the game.
Convenience items need to be in the cash shop, and having enough character slots to make everything you want is absolutely a convenience.
There, couldn’t lay it out simpler if I tried, and you’re welcome btw.
Hah, as if they haven’t already considered these things. Announcements will be made when things are ready and at a pace that continues to keep people interested until release.
To announce everything you are asking for now, with the xpac still who knows how far away, would just leave us with months of silence and no announcements to look forward to.
I might add that they should make the preview window larger. There are often times items/characters that can’t completely fit. This is especially true for Norn/Charr.
The other change that needs to happen is that characters should change into “battle stance” when “Show equipped” is checked. This way you can see what your character would actually look like with the weapon out, and you don’t get greatswords that are halfway into the ground because your character is standing in the default position.
I’m hungry so I hope that made sense :P
But he’s been dead over 200 hundred years. Why bother? They should at least finish out the rest of the six gods before bothering with defunct deities.
Never said they shouldn’t finish the current series. But once they do, I don’t see why not other than lore junkies (and I don’t mean that negatively, just not sure of the proper term…) possibly being up in arms. The cool factor is just huge here and I think they would get a ton of sales.
Also, I think those dragon things are just part of the statue, not his outfit. Those definitely would look a bit silly :P
GW2 has a few RP guilds?
I met just one Rplayer in 1023 days.
In the past week or so I’ve been working on world exploration to get skill point challenges done in preparation for the upcoming specialization changes. In this time I’ve seen quite a lot of RP groups out in the middle of no where. I think the reason you don’t see them much is because they find secret corners of the world to do their thing undisturbed, which makes sense because it is so easy to troll and ruin their experience.
Just sayin’. Done right I’m pretty sure this would sell like hotcakes.
Picture for reference – Abaddon statue
I really feel this deserves to be looked at. Unless there is a flood of AP soon from an expansion’s worth of content, getting a set is incredibly unreasonable.
It might take a bit of work but it definitely seems most fair to redo how these armor pieces are gained, akin to the OP’s method. For those who want to keep what they have chosen, ANet could simply make it so that at the new 12k+ milestones, you could choose from FOUR options instead of two (Radiant/Hellfire boots, or Radiant/Hellfire gloves, for example). But to keep the skin unlocks as they are currently… that isn’t simply a “long term” goal, it is a ridiculously far reaching goal for an incredibly small portion of players.
Notice that at least one of the people who want to keep it “prestigious” already have over 20k AP…
If you’re not “interacting” with the story, you haven’t participated in the last two years of releases.
I’m not saying that I don’t desire the same things as you (new race, profession, weapons, etc.). What I am saying is that this game has a different format than games that release those things in infrequent chunks. We get story patches, and we get feature patches. This was a story patch (ie. the start of a new season), and feature patch things get put in where they can. People were expecting a huge amount of content from this release, when they shouldn’t. It comes in steady amounts instead of huge delays for lots of stuff at once.
Again, this is not to say that they’ve waited a long time to introduce the new things you are asking for. I agree there. I hope those things come soon. I just think people shouldn’t have expected it all this patch.
From my experience, you have to time it right. When he does the fiery shield type move, he sends out pulses that repel your character. Target him, line yourself up, and time your dash to hit him in between the pulses.
Anything you want, really.
-Explore the world to find all the hidden bits and pieces.
-Complete the map.
-Gear your character out for…
-Craft ascended weaponry.
-Craft ascended armor.
-Get complete ascended trinkets.
-Craft a legendary.
-Rank up and get rewards/titles from PvP.
-Participate in WvW as a solo roamer or as part of a group.
-Complete dungeons and earn dungeon rewards.
-Complete Fractals and increase your Fractal level.
-Collect skins to perfect the look of your character.
-Do the Living World story events.
-So on and so forth.
End-game is what you choose. Now, if you are looking for “end game” as defined by games like World of Warcraft, ie. “hard” stuff that you needed to do with a group (read: raids) the closest is going to be Fractals, Tequatl, and the Three Headed Wurm. But you’re really limiting yourself that way.
(edited by Hyble.4271)
Disagreed, and I am definitely a male with healthy testosterone levels.
I think the way they are developing characters is much better. Simply because you don’t like it doesn’t automatically mean it is “terrible” or “poorly done.”
I’ve seen quite a bit of grumbling about this release, from the size of the zone to the story to the lack of armor/new race/new profession/etc. You need to think of the context here.
This is not an expansion in which you are frontloaded all the content you can do at once.
This is the first episode of a new season.
Just like a TV series, you don’t get everything in the first show. You have to wait for further episodes for the plot to develop, new characters to be introduced, new challenges for the protagonists, etc. I for one thought this was an awesome introduction to what is ahead. The story is better, they did a great job of building tension and anticipation (the way Kasmeer talked about the Elder Dragons really built that sense of dread, that “something is coming…” feeling), the story journal is a much better mechanic, the new zone is short but sweet, with lots of details quirks put in.
But the best part? I know more is coming. A lot more, including more zones. So don’t throw your hands up right away because you expected the season launch to be like an entire expansion pack. The content you would get from an expansion is coming, and frankly, I like a developing story more than a bunch of stuff plopped on my lap to be done all at once.
It’s quite amazing, I’m very engrossed and eagerly anticipating whatever is coming next. They did a great job with teasing…
Inquest Miners (specifically, ones I’ve fought at an event near Mrot Boru) utilize necromancer skills (the mark attacks), which could explain the dark aura you saw. However, since I haven’t fought the ones in the new zone, perhaps they have changed. I want to see this now.
Let me know what you think! I haven’t fought any “necromantic” type Inquest before, so maybe it is something that has been around. Still, Mrot Boru is closer to the Maguuma Jungle area, so maybe this is something that has been teased at for a lot longer than we thought.
How did you get into the inquest base?
When you do the event where you have to race inquest for crystals, you can see where they “deliver” the crystals they pick up. It’s a small tunnel entrance to an abandoned mine. When that event is not going on, you can actually get through and see what is going on inside.
(P.S. the achievement for the legendary llama is inside this area as well…)
When reading the topic title you probably though “Well yeah, they made that pretty obvious.” But I’m not talking about the human miners in Prospect. Yeah, the chat from those guys clearly points to something being wrong. But did you go into the Abandoned Mine full of Inquest? Most of the Inquest NPCs are normal, everything you’d expect…
…but there is a dark taint to the Inquest Miners. They have a kind of dark aura about them, and throw grenades that look and sound tainted as well. It’s safe to say that whatever (read: Mordremoth) is down there is corrupting the minds and bodies of those who get too close.
Is this new information? Yes and no. But the way it was done really gives me the goosebumps. It reminds me of a few books I’ve read, and gives that tingling sense of anticipation. That knowledge that something big is coming. Well done Anet.
(Also, if anyone could grab and upload a screenie, that would be awesome)
Go into the very dark mine that is located by the llamas in town. A short way in, you will see a structure. Go up the ramp and she is there.
Any ideas on how to update that build for current day? It’s set on WvW mode so it’s not exactly clear what to pick for PvP.
He also uses a Sigil of Corruption for condi stacks and only has one sigil on the 2 handed staff. Finally, there are no Perplexity runes to choose from for PvP.
This site always has the best builds for PvE for each class. I personally use the Max DPS hammer build because I like the hammer and because I run dungeons with pugs.
It looks like you prefer sword weaponry though, and there is also a build for that in the link.
Apologies, but what is zerg surfing? I figured solo roam just meant running around capping lonely objectives and killing stragglers or having 1v1 / 1v2 combat.
Thank you all for the replies. It’s tough deciding because once again there is such a variety and I don’t feel I am skilled enough at Ranger to make an educated decision.
The builds posted by Gawker and Sigmoid interest me the most. I was curious though – from the bit I’ve read it seemed as though zerker gear was a no-no for any player versus player combat for the ranger. What makes it work for you guys?
Also, Sig, I see you are using the Longbow without the “signature” LB traits from Marksmanship (increased range/damage, increased projectile speed). Do you find it still works just as well? Do you focus less on LB and more on S/D instead?
Does anyone have any thoughts/opinions about the above builds? Thanks again.
So I’ve semi-recently started playing this game again after a long break. I’m having a blast and have leveled up several professions. I now have a Guardian, Warrior, Engineer, and Ranger at level 80. I’ve been doing mostly PvE stuff with my Guard and Warr, and was thinking about turning my Engi into a Zergineer for large scale WvW and my Ranger into a solo roamer.
I’ve been trying to look up topics that talk about ranger viability and different effective builds for solo roaming. I like the idea of a build that uses sword/x + whatever and has at least a modicum of survivability, but I am open to suggestions.
The problem is that I haven’t really seen anything that has a lot of critical support. Some people post power builds and get a load of negative reactions with a few “champions for the cause” mixed in. There are a couple builds I’ve found that seem similar to what I was looking for, but have mixed or little review as to their effectiveness. Since I don’t have a whole lot of gold, I’d prefer to get this right the first time.
(TL;DR?) So, I’m looking for two things:
1. A WvW solo-roam build that is backed up by experienced players / review
2. An answer to the question: Should I even bother with my Ranger for this purpose? Should I use another class for solo roaming instead, such as my Warrior or a Thief?
Thanks for your time, and if there are threads I missed (sorry, I tried!) with answers to my questions, feel free to link instead of taking time to repost info here.