Showing Posts For IchbinVol.5407:

choosing a profession is effecting me in RL

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: IchbinVol.5407


I kinda chuckled at the notion of you actually throwing up, while playing the Berserker. That elite spec is just so mundane.

Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: IchbinVol.5407


When Colin put his gun on my head to force me buying the xpac, he never said I had to play the game to unlock stuff.
I just want instant gratification. I don’t want to work in a videogame. Give meh the new legendaries now. Yes, before the launch. And I want an “instawin” skill.
And oh I want to use all the masteries at the same time, with all the stats in the game. When I’ll raid, I want to be able to click 1 and oneshot the last boss, who will drop me a full set of legendary armor, not the BS precursor.
Colin, plz, do it. Or I’ll quit ( but still play but ya know I’m a forum warrior, I have my pride).
No $$$ for you ever ANet. Nah.

Brb, diaper is full.

Yes, because thats exactly what everyone’s saying… Here, lets do you:

“I don’t like other people’s opinions! I make wuv wuv to Colin’s picture evwy night, before bed. How dare anyone say anything bad to Anet! These people, and their idea of whats “fun”. Fun is what my lord and master Colin, tells me is fun! Fun is grinding tokens 4 dayz, only to need MOAR tokens after that! Hahahahaa, I’m so happy! HAAHAHAHAHA……"

Making old content, Obsolete (Hero pts)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: IchbinVol.5407


You forgot to add along side with making hero points in new area 10 per, instead of 1. Dungeons are getting gold reward nerfed to incentivize new content also!

Basically they are worried the new content sucks so they are forcing us to play it. At least that is my take on it. (otherwise why would you do soo much to force us to play there?)

They’re not forcing you.

Would you still do the dungeons, if they gave you nothing?

Yes. I’d do dungeons for the tokens. In fact, that has been the only reason that I have done them.

Same here, but how many others would have the same mindset? Gl finding a party…

Making old content, Obsolete (Hero pts)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: IchbinVol.5407


You forgot to add along side with making hero points in new area 10 per, instead of 1. Dungeons are getting gold reward nerfed to incentivize new content also!

Basically they are worried the new content sucks so they are forcing us to play it. At least that is my take on it. (otherwise why would you do soo much to force us to play there?)

They’re not forcing you.

Would you still do the dungeons, if they gave you nothing?

Making old content, Obsolete (Hero pts)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: IchbinVol.5407


You forgot to add along side with making hero points in new area 10 per, instead of 1. Dungeons are getting gold reward nerfed to incentivize new content also!

Basically they are worried the new content sucks so they are forcing us to play it. At least that is my take on it. (otherwise why would you do soo much to force us to play there?)

Yeah, I really don’t know where they’re going, with this. This is my point, though. They’re literally abandoning the old content. They are doing exactly what every dead mmo has done, in the past.

Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: IchbinVol.5407


Oh geez …. I only started the game a week ago and even I’m not that kitten by this news. I have a ton more to do than you do.

I read this and the only thing I can think is ‘Are they seriously complaining because they have to play the game?’. Seriously, you get 10 HP per challenge in the xpac. 10 freaking points. So you have to do 40, I could do that in a day easy and will prolly have it done by Sunday.

The sky isn’t falling so just wait and see for yourself before complaining.

You didnt spam the same content for months/years at a time, like we did. We did the time already, we just want our new specs. We’re sick of our old specs, and want to do the new stuff, with new skills.

Everything is fresh to you, so of course you don’t care.

Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: IchbinVol.5407



(Silver platter) here yah go. The whole game unlocked for you. Enjoy.

People keep repeating this like programmed drones…
specs are not content, they are the means to play it. It’s not that I don’t want to work for something, I don’t mind that, I just want my spec while doing it.

I want to play hot with a Chronomancer, not play hot and get a chronomancer at the end.

Yeah, whenever I hear someone say stuff like that, I imagine it as, “I’m blindly protecting the Devs, because I’m scared they’ll get angry, and not give me game no more.”

Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: IchbinVol.5407


I’ll simplify it for you.

I wanted to play the new content as my Herald.

Not play the new content to get a herald at the end.

Ok lets take this example.

You want to play Herald in HoT this means you’re starting a NEW Rev, right?

You now need to level it (with tomes or regularly), by leveling you GAIN Hero points.

You reach 80 having SAVED enough Hero points to unlock Herald’s skills, traits etc.

You now SPEND those Hero points on Herald mechanics.

Congratulations you now get to play HoT as a Herald.

Incorrect, Colin literally said you need to unlock all the core stuff to unlock the elite spec.

Ah righto.

Yeah, this is WHY ppl are angry. A 3 year vet, with map completion, is forced to farm more to get something they should already have access to.

Elite specializations in mists if own HOT?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: IchbinVol.5407


Anet pandering to PvPers, confirmed.

Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: IchbinVol.5407


We’re just tired of the goal post, constantly moving. “Oh hey, I saved up 100g for that shiny new precursor!” Economy Change! Precursors now 1000g!! “Oh wow, it took awhile, but I finally got that map completion, and all the hero pts!” Screw You, DO MOAR! :’(

Its just disheartening. We were under the impression that veteran players would already have enough pts, if they did map completion. Now, it just feels like a punishment, more than some excuse to play more. As if we wouldn’t play as much… We just want to play the content, in our elite spec.

Suggestion: Spirit Shards to Hero Points

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: IchbinVol.5407


I dont think it should be 1, for 1. Maybe 10-25, for 1.

Imagine you got 9 classes maxed.

It’d take a total of 3600 shards.

I played this game for 3 years, and my Spirit Shard count is around 4k with all my characters’ skill points combined.

Now don’t you feel like 1 on 1 is actually reasonable, consider some of my characters already leveled 1000+ times way before the expansion.

Well, the whole point is to make you earn it. So, no, it’s not fair. However, it’s better than forcing you to rush into Maguuma, and spamming the same crap, instead of just “playing the game”.

It’s a give & take, thing.

Suggestion: Spirit Shards to Hero Points

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: IchbinVol.5407


I dont think it should be 1, for 1. Maybe 10-25, for 1.

Making old content, Obsolete (Hero pts)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: IchbinVol.5407


I’m noticing that Anet is running into the same problem, all MMO devs do. With every new expansion, comes the inevitable obsoletion of former content.

Now, the hero challenges of yore, will be replaced with the new content. Why scour Tyria, for 1pt each, when you can just power level, and go straight to Maguuma Jungle?

All this seems like a bad idea, and just an excuse to make veterans work more for what they’ve already done.

Speculation: Don't let ele spec be warhorn!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: IchbinVol.5407


“Ohmagurd! Sword fits Ele moar!”

Lol, no it doesn’t. You guys are just saying that, because you’d rather a sword, than a stupid warhorn. Well guess what, warhorn fits pretty nicely. So yeah, you guys are getting a warhorn. Deal with it…

Not all community was succesfully kittenized

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: IchbinVol.5407


“Stay calm and just pay up”

Pretty much. Instead of giving valid reasons as to why this small expansion is worth $50, they just convey how great a game it is, so we just need to blindly support them.

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: IchbinVol.5407


If they had simply given veterans the “free” core game with the expansion, veterans would’ve handed out the core games to their friends like candy. “Try this game! It’s really fun and I just got an extra copy you can have!”

Instead, they are NOT giving the “free” core game to veterans the same way they’re giving it to new players. Big mistake, in so many ways.

I think the reason behind that, is that they don’t want vets selling their keys, and making money.

Hold off on HoT, and this is why...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: IchbinVol.5407


To everyone angry at the BS bundle package for HoT, and to all the blind fans, I have a solution: Just wait a bit…

We don’t even know how much is in this expansion yet. They, brilliantly, haven’t even bothered to show us, just how much is in this thing. Along side of this, they quickly throw out a cash grab of pre-order bundles, to prey on the ignorant. How can we prevent this, how can we make everyone happy? I’ll tell you how. Just dont get it… yet.

One of two things will happen. Either A, they actually come forth with just how big, and “expansive” this expansion actually is (which may justify it’s ridiculous price tag, JUST under the price of a full friggin game). Or B, they make a separate purchase available, with JUST the expansion… ya know, the way its supposed to f***ing be!

So simply chill out, and dont shell out money to someone who’s obviously taking advantage of you. And to all the white knighting fanbois out there… if you chill out too, you could be rewarded with a better deal…. SO CHILL OUT!

… and wait.

This is Inflation, Pure and Simple

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: IchbinVol.5407


The $50 price tag, for HoT, is ridiculous. GW1 expansions were priced at $29.99, if memory serves me correctly, and you received a whole lot more for your buck. 2 new classes, a bevy of new skills for all, and dozens of new maps…dozens.

Now, to be fair, Anet hasn’t shown us much, so it could be more than what they’re letting on… However, this still screams of inflation, as it apparently costs a small fortune to hire an animator to move a limb, nowadays.

HoT will be free in future like core game ?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: IchbinVol.5407


“In the next expansion “Rein of Jormag” you’ll get the core game FREE, and Heart of Thorns FREE for a low low price of $99.99!"


What HoT Prices SHOULD Have Been

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: IchbinVol.5407


According to a post from the development team (I’ll see if I can find it), the initial cost for the base expansion was $50, which is what it is now. They added in the core game to each edition as a free bonus for new players, so that they can play and level a character (or characters) up to 80 to play the new content and learn the current game mechanics.

They have shown us nothing to warrant a 50 dollar price tag. I’ve seen more from GW1 expansions, and they were much less.

What HoT Prices SHOULD Have Been

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: IchbinVol.5407


Judging from past experiences, and what they’ve shown us, I was thinking $29.99.

But then again, we do get a “free” copy of the core game, that many of us already have. So that apparently boosts the price….

Character Slot for Heart of Thorns? [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: IchbinVol.5407


There’s no way the core game is “free” for 50 friggin dollars. GW1 expansions were 29.99, were a complete game, added 2 classes with skills, and added a character slot.

This is ridiculous.

Breaking down Ascended items

in Suggestions

Posted by: IchbinVol.5407


Well, here we are. Ascended gear is becoming a thing now, and with it I hope the addition of being able to salvage them.

This sort of comes with a personal story attached to it. I’ll try to make it short by saying, I purchased the wrong item from the laurel vendor. It had similar stats, and I still had it highlighted, even though I was looking at the one I really wanted. I had a vacant moment, and even with a confirmation message, I bought the wrong thing. This was 35 laurels I wasted… that’s pretty much a month of dailies wasted. I wouldn’t be so mad though… if I could at least salvage the kitten thing! I cant even sell it, what the heck?
Now, its my own fault, so I’m not asking for any pity. However, I see no reason why we cant at least salvage ascended items. Would someone explain to me how this could be considered over powered, or what not?

Transmuting Fashion items to Armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: IchbinVol.5407


I would LOVE to be able to transmute my ‘Inventor Glasses’ over my mask. I know you guys dont want everyone running around with boxing gloves in dungeons & being generally goofy (immersion breaking), but idk why you shouldnt be able to do this.

Please make Fashion items able to carry over onto our gear.

Please Fix Caudecus' Manor

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: IchbinVol.5407


I would love to play your game, but this dungeon has a nasty habit of not letting team mates all port into the same instance… or at all…

I realize this was fixed before…. but now its not. Please fix this for the love of god…