Showing Posts For Iretha.7625:
I completed Nightfury a little while ago and came to discover that the effect does not work when I wear an outfit. However, wearing both Nightfury and an outfit in the hero panel displays both. And looking at outfits in the gem store always show the Nightfury effect. I’ve tried many variations of equipping and un-equipping the shoulders and my outfit to no avail.
Has anyone found a way to fix this? I’d really like to combine my Nightfury with my Noble Count Outfit.
(edited by Iretha.7625)
The problem is that that line of thinking is trying to equate things that simply can’t be equated. It’s not valid to say ‘One trait line + a weapon is better than another trait line’. What if your build doesn’t use the skills on shield well? What if your build doesn’t use wells effectively? What if your build simply doesn’t function without traits in domination, dueling and inspiration?
That line of thinking simply too limited to understand how these lines will interact. Instead of trying to break it down into weapons and traits and skills, which can’t really be directly compared, just look at it generally. Taking (insert trait line here) gives the mesmer “stuff”. Taking chronomancer gives the mesmer “other stuff”. Sometimes the “stuff” is going be better than the “other stuff”. Sometimes the “other stuff” is going to be better than the “stuff”.
Just because “other stuff” contains an F5 and shield doesn’t mean that it’s better or more optimal or even more at all. It just means it’s different.
Here we go again… that isn’t what they are thinking, though. They aren’t saying “One trait line + a weapon is better than another trait line.” They’ve yelled that so many times I swear they must be blue in the face by now. Again, their primary problem is the F5 skill. What are base-line Mesmers trading out to gain an extra shatter? (This is not a weapon, it’s not something that a Chronomancer may or may not equip or use.)
For example: If I trait for glamours, and you trait for shatters. I’m trading shatters for glamours, you trade glamours for shatters. However, if on top of my trading away shatters to have glamours, I get an extra shatter ability that is unavailable to you. What did I trade to get that shatter?
I’m sure that if I re-iterate it eventually someone will understand what this dude is saying.
Again…(and now I’m really sounding like a broken record). The trade off is NOT GETTING OTHER THINGS.
If you get the F5 skill, you sacrifice something. What that something is depends on the build. Maybe it’s CI/BI. Maybe it’s power block and CS. Maybe staff cooldowns and PU, or DE and reflects. Something major is being sacrificed. If something major wasn’t also being gained…nobody would use chronomancer at all.
I’ve explicitly shown how many existing builds are potentially stronger without taking chronomancy. If that isn’t the most obvious proof of my statements…I’m not sure what could be.
That’s sort of not what their problem is though? If I want to spec for glamours and staff right now as a Mesmer, my ‘trade-off’ is that I’m also not going to be able to spec for Signets and Mantras. Do you understand? This trade-off exists in game currently and they are well aware that you lose a trait line to gain a trait line.
The fact that they trade one trait line for another is its own trade-off for them. They replace Illusions with Chronomancy. However, their issue is that there seems to be no trade when it comes to the new shatter. They are not losing a shatter to gain a shatter, and to them that isn’t a trade. Because the Chronomancer, to them, seems to be showing a net gain in the exchange. (Ex: One Trait Line sacrificed for a different Trait Line + a weapon. VS One Trait Line sacrificed for a different Trait Line + a weapon + a fifth shatter.) I’m trying very hard to get you to understand their line of thinking. :/
Edit: I’m not sure if I should try to re-itterate what he’s saying. Since everyone here seems to want to jump on him for (somehow?) thinking that base-line specs won’t be “as strong” as Chronomancer. Despite the fact that he’s stated otherwise again.. and again.. and again… But again, they aren’t saying that Chronomancer will somehow be stronger and they are not saying that base-line Mesmer will be unviable. They are just saying that they don’t see where the trade-off is for that fifth shatter. And that because there doesn’t seem to be that trade-off, it looks like the Chronomancer is gaining more than it is losing.
(edited by Iretha.7625)
You’re so wrong. So hilariously wrong. You are just simply, and yet eloquently, wrong. WHY are you wrong? Oh don’t be silly, you just ARE dear!
I’m not trying to take sides here.. but if your primary argument against something is “You’re just wrong!” you’re not going to get anywhere. Also, the fact that Chronomancer loses a trait line, to gain a trait line isn’t what they’re complaining about at all. They seem fine with Chronomancer switching a trait line out + getting a weapon.
Their primary concern is Chronomancer getting the new f5 shatter exclusively to themselves. Since there doesn’t seem to be a trade off for that particular specialization’s gain.
This isn’t a bug. Its the design choice, just because people do not like it does not make it a bug. Seems like you are trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill.
This is bug.[Snip]
Are you okay?
It’s not a bug, I’m trying to stress certain things in some vain attempt to get you to understand that the thread you just referenced has nothing to do with bugs. Your “issue” has to do with a “bug” in the current game. But you’re posting in the forum for the expansion. Hence, you’re posting in the wrong forum.
I’m trying very hard to try to get you to understand this, because any devs watching this forum cannot help you. If you really need help, and you really care about getting these issues fixed, you would show them to the correct people.
Iretha maybe you should stop posting here for your own health, its not getting through to said person anyway and all you do is give it a bump in the thread
/end thread
My health is fine Oo I’m using bold and italicized words in an attempt to get them to realize why them posting here won’t help their problem. But you’re right, I’ll stop bumping it, they’re probably purposefully ignoring the reasons why they shouldn’t be posting here. The best I can do is report their posts for being in the wrong forum and call it a day. It’s just.. a shame that they won’t get help from the support team when the ‘bug’ supposedly bothers them so much.
(edited by Iretha.7625)
Another nice topic:
People do not know how to make sure that the information reached the right people
That’s not about “bugs.” Did you even LOOK to see what that thread is about? Did you just grab something that looked like it might help whatever “case” you may have for posting bugs in the HoT forum?
It’s about people asking to have engineer kits visually updated with the expansion. There’s no bugs with the kits, they work perfectly fine, people are calling for the visuals to be “fixed” (in this case, changed) when the expansion comes out. It’s in the same vein as people asking for the new legendaries to be themed a certain way. Asking for an option to have the kits on your back look different as a feature in the upcoming expansion. Is not the same thing as you complaining about a “bug” in the wrong forum.
They aren’t posting in the support forum because IT’S NOT A BUG. THE KITS DON’T NEED TO BE HOTFIXED. They simply want them to have an option to change or hide the visuals of the kit as a feature to the expansion.
(edited by Iretha.7625)
You experiencing that particular bug now does not mean it’s been in the game since launch.
Some people experiencing this bug about 2 year ago – and this bug still exist. Google help you to comfinm that.
Any bug can be fixed if somebody working on it. Just nobody works on bugs. 2 years is too much time.
Which one of your ‘bugs’? Two of them could be attributed to lag or an internet connection issue. All of those bugs are highly circumstantial, while a few players may experience them many have not. For instance just last week my boyfriend got his divemaster title without any issues.
And no, any bug cannot be fixed just by having somebody work on it. That’s akin to going to your local church, and demanding that they fix your car by saying “Any engine issue can be fixed just by having ANYBODY work on it.” That’s some of the most flawed logic I’ve ever seen. Someone on the community team is unlikely to fix a bug that only a few players experience sporadically. For one because they most likely lack the training in that particular field, and secondly because they are paid to do their own jobs, not someone else’s.
Also, citation needed on your “nobody works on bugs” claim.
I’ve personally put in several bug reports throughout beta and even on occasion in this very day and I have always returned to find that the bug was indeed fixed. The issues I have reported have ranged from anything between broken cinematics, events, and general npcs standing about the town. So again I ask you, why aren’t you dirrecting your issues at the right people?
Wow also have options to costumize UI. It can be good workaroud of lack of color blind.
Bug Bug:
Some accounts have access to Diving Goggles locked, even with maximum level characters.
Bug Bug:
Sometimes, using Flip or Spin just before landing will cause the character to freeze briefly, or spin continuously.
Bug Bug:
Sometimes, your character won’t go back to their normal outfit after a dive. This won’t contribute towards the achievement and can be almost impossible to resolveI repeat all 38 diving spot twice but 37/38.
I am almost certain that none of those bugs have been there since release actually.
I’m 100% certain that these haven’t seen there since release, and it begs the question..
Why post about it here and not on the bug forums? Or by making a ticket in-game? Bugs like that can be hard to pin down and fix specifically for this reason – not enough people give detailed accounts of what happened when they noticed the bug. Complaining that a bug exists does nothing to help the team fix the problem, if you are experiencing these problems personally please go to the bug forums, or make a ticket in-game giving a detailed account to the bug you encountered, and even add screenshots as well. The more information arenanet has, the easier it is for them to fix the problem.
If you’re not experiencing these issues (and it sounds like you aren’t for the most part) you aren’t helping at all by drawing attention to it on these forums. The community devs here might not be able to fix whatever technical issues you may have.
Also, please remember that pretty much anyone can edit that wikipedia page, and as such if someone was lagging and experienced the 2nd bug on that list, they could just edit it in and be on their merry way.
I am almost certain that none of those bugs have been there since release actually.
Just checked diving spot –
my character won’t go back to their normal outfit after a dive.
You experiencing that particular bug now does not mean it’s been in the game since launch.
so you’re proud of something you know close to nothing about with the only info released is a cryptic blog about masteries?
…each there own i guess.
At least it’s better than the people who have been constantly coming up with preconceived notions of the expansion and then complaining about things they know next to nothing about.
This forum also have bugged search engine: for example try find “Dive Master” in the bug forum.
No Results
Try a different search term.What about LFG bug – that cause “you join too many groups” without join any group?
Try find any LFG bugs in the bugs forum?
No Results
Try a different search term.Seems – search is banned in the bugs forum. Only google allows me find something.
Also Warrior Cleansing Ire has no clear mechanics – you should attack enemy with burst to trigger conditions remove. This is not explained in tooltips.
The issue that you have with the forum search feature has absolutely nothing to do with any “bugs” with the game. This is completely DIFFERENT from your original statement.:
What we see in current content?
There are set of annoying bugs, many of them persisted from the game release. Some people can ignore there bugs. Some can’t.This is NOT good job. We will see these bugs in the expansion.
The only real ‘bugs’ that you list are about Divemaster, and Cleansing Ire. Neither of which have “persisted from the game’s release.” I did Divemaster months ago, and the only problem I had was figuring out which spot I missed, so that obviously hasn’t been a persistent bug.
On Cleansing Ire – you seem to have a problem with it’s description, which makes no sense to me as the description is very straight-forward.
“Gain adrenaline when hit. Remove a condition for every bar of adrenaline spent when you hit with a burst skill.
Adrenaline: 1 "
This means: When you are hit, you gain 1 adrenaline, and when you use a burst skill (the burst still must hit an enemy, you can’t just use the skill on thin air) you will remove one condition for every bar of adrenaline spent. (1-3 conditions)
This is not a bug, it’s working perfectly fine, something isn’t a ‘bug’ simply because you can’t understand it.
Complaints about the lack of “Color Blind” options – ignored.
Are you for real? That isn’t a BUG, and for anyone to realistically expect a small mmo to create and maintain a color blind mode out of thin kittening air is inane. The only mmo I’ve heard of that’s been able to make a system to help out color blind players in WoW – and they only managed to do that recently. Really recently, like, last month recent. And (no offense to WoW or anything but..) their graphics are much more dated, and they have a much larger pool of spending money.
So far, your only real in-game bug is the Divemaster achievement, which hasn’t even been broken for all that long (assuming it’s even broken at all, as people forget diving spots all the time.)
Admit it, you’re just complaining for the sake of complaining, aren’t you?
(edited by Iretha.7625)
Some of those concept arts do look nice! Like many of you I also hope for more ‘serious’ legendaries. Also, for more combination legendaries like Twilight + Sunrise = Eternity.
What we see in current content?
There are set of annoying bugs, many of them persisted from the game release. Some people can ignore there bugs. Some can’t.This is NOT good job. We will see these bugs in the expansion.
Citation needed.
This isn’t your first post on the ehm, ‘issue’ and you have still failed to expand upon your claims in any way shape or form. Thank you for actually making your thread HoT-related this time around, but until you can list out these bugs it just looks like more senseless whining.
Also, why post about bugs here when you can use the in-game bug reporting feature?
(edited by Iretha.7625)
Like the title says, what legendaries are you hoping for? A specific theme, something particular for a certain weapon type? This isn’t a speculation thread on what you think will come out, just a thread on what you wish will happen. :P
For example: All I want is a scepter skin that doesn’t bug me. Almost every scepter skin in the game either looks so.. big and chunky like some sort of ornamental mace, or long and awkward like someone but a staff in half. (Yes, I know it’s weird, but that’s just how most of the scepter skins look to me!)
What do you guys hope for?
They most likely will not.
I’m not sure what you’re trying to imply.. that you think this means focuses will somehow become melee weapons, I’m guessing? Unfortunately like 90% of focus skins in the game still look unsuitable for melee combat. :/ I mean, maybe it can work if they limit what skins you can put on your melee-focus?
How long did it take you to get that outfit together? I only ask because it’s one of the more unique ones I’ve seen in a while.
Oh really, I also heard that this weapon also had 2 skills for the other attunements as well!
Water: 30 second cd each, one a copy of the Guardian’s Healing Breeze, and the other a puddle of water that cripples whatever goes through it.
Air: Both abilities summon two small tornadoes, and when they collide, it puts the first enemy it hits into a stasis. (Breaks when subject takes damage)
Earth: 25 and 40s cooldowns respectively, one summons a bioluminescent jungle flower that immobilizes anyone that gets within a 200 range of it. The other summons a large boulder that knocks down and applies bleed, vulnerability, weakness, and cripple. The latter has a long cast time so it’s best to combo it with the flower!
(This is all in jest, of course. There’s no information that eles will get off-hand torch at all, let alone what their abilities will be)
Oh. My God. Not this “concern” again. Is this some sort of joke? Are people just TRYING to ignore facts in some vain attempt to nit-pick at the expansion?
For one, as you SHOULD know by now the removal of the level number will only affect those who are level 80 and working up their mastery points.
Secondly, I call BS on someone needing to know someone’s level in order to help newbies out. I help several new and returning players every day and I have never needed to know someone’s level in order to help them.
Granted HoT content will be strictly lv 80… how will this affect the old stuff like dungeons and what not if the level on nameplates and party side panel are not visible?
Yeah, see, here’s where it is. The only time I’ve ever seen level become a factor in dungeons is when someone is trying to exclude players who are at an appropriate level for the content. You know, the group of 80’s who will kick a level 50 out of their AC run in some ridiculous attempt to make their run go just a little bit faster.
Fortunately for those people, and unfortunately for new players, their level will be displayed for all to see, unless they’re level 80, of course.
(edited by Iretha.7625)
I’m worried about the level number going away now. There is no way to see if anyone is 80 or lower for core content. This will really divide players more and make new players feel left out of old and new content.
Instead of looking at my party area, I will have to ask what their level is… of course 80 is required for southsun, orr, frostgorge and wastes areas and the new HoT maps, but dungeons? I should only have to look at my HUD!
You’ve done it. You’ve won the award for ‘Most Vacuous Complaint.’ Please come to the front to receive your trophy.
Unless of course you’re trolling, if so, then good job! :P I’m very poor at detecting that sort of thing.
Yeah, but you were responding to a person that says a Legendary doesn’t exactly feel legendary when you get just buy it.
And I was responding to you, who replied “welcome to GW2.” The idea that people “winning” somehow with real life money is not something unique to GW2.
Again, my point is that getting hung up on the world ‘legendary’ and creating a pre-concieved notion that just because people can find a way to purchase it with real life money (over $400 in fact) means that a legendary is suddenly not a legendary. Like I said, most people are still going to go on their ‘legendary’ journeys to obtain the item, and only an insignificantly small number of players will buy them with real money. That small group of people doing this, don’t invalidate the efforts of the many that worked for their item.
If legendaries were instead called ‘exalted’ or ‘magnificent’ would there still be this stigma?
I’ll reiterate, just because it’s possible for a trifling amount of people to purchase a legendary, does not mean that most are not working for it. In that same vein, the majority’s work is not invalidated by the great minority. Even if legendaries and all of their components were account bound, it would not stop that trivial number of people from using real-life money to obtain the item. But again, like I’m trying to explain, the number of people that actually do so now is so infinitesimally insignificant that they shouldn’t even BE a factor, and yet here we are.
(edited by Iretha.7625)
If it did, then that would make anything that is obtainable in the game invalid.
Welcome to GW2.
More like welcome to ANY game if we’re talking about the vast minority of people that use real money to get items in games. Like my friend who is paid every season in League of Legends to boost accounts, or the people in WoW who buy accounts. The people in Archeage who buy APEX to sell for in-game gold. People treat this sort of thing like it’s unique to GW2 alone, when in fact it’s much less prevalent in GW2 than in any other game I’ve personally observed. And the great thing about the people that buy things with real-life money in GW2? Unlike other MMOs, like Archeage, WoW, RO, ect. where said gold-from-money can be used to gain an advantage the items that are bought are purely cosmetic. Let that sink in, purely. cosmetic.
(edited by Iretha.7625)
It’s a LEGENDARY weapon … work for it and stop whining like a kitten
Do you consider it a “legendary” journey to obtain a “work for it” LEGENDARY by credit card?
I’m sick of hearing this argument. The idea of it being commonplace for people to buy their legendaries via buying gems and converting them to gold is ludicrous.
Let’s math this out for a second:
- The current gem-to-gold ratio is – 1g per 11gems.
- To buy one of the most popular legendaries The Bifrost it takes – 3,090g let’s round it to 3k for simplicities sake, shall we?
- This means you’ll need to sell a total of 33,000 gems at the same price to buy the Bifrost.
- 800 gems cost $10, therefore, 33,000 / 800 = 41.25. 41.25 * $10 = $412.50c
The fact that people honestly believe that a good amount of people would spend over $400 on a SKIN is ridiculous. I’m not saying it doesn’t happen, as there are always outliers in any situation, but we can safely say that MOST people aren’t spending over $400 for a skin, and are indeed going on their “legendary” journey to obtain that skin.
The mere idea that an insanely small group of people somehow invalidate the work that most people go through to get something DOES NOT make that item any less valuable. If it did, then that would make anything that is obtainable in the game invalid. Yes, even account-bound prizes like the Biolumiescent Armor, as people can just use their “credit cards” to pay someone to do the work for them.
(edited by Iretha.7625)
This why i wanna know for sure, if i need to go out my way to get a chara slot or not.
So i’m looking for a hard fact confirmation.
We don’t have a hard fact confirmation yet. Arenanet hasn’t said, all we can go off of is the character slots they released with their expansions for GW1. Until we get that fact, you can just hold off on buying a character slot until the expansion is released. If you’re not sure where you’ll be financially at that time, you can buy gems for the slot whenever you’re able, either through gold or with real money. That way, if they do release a character slot, you can use the gems on something else.
Specializations and the New Legendary Weapons
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Iretha.7625
No, I mean that would be the specific theme of the legendary, if a an elementalist decides to craft a staff it looks exactly the same as if a druid did the same, however the theme of the weapon, aka it effects and appearance are geared towards the same theme as a druid.
No legendary X or Y just new legendary X.
But we have seen that Anet have put things in a year or more before they are used and considering how long they have worked up to this I don’t think its that out there that specific staff could be the druid legendary, or maybe just the precursor that they put into the game before deciding to with hold new legendarys from us till HoT.
Thanks for the clarification, it can be hard for me to get what people mean sometimes. If that’s what you meant though, then it would be pretty cool for some of the legendaries to have the looks of a corresponding specialization. Hopefully no two professions get the same weapon unlocked.
Probably not, but if possible you could loweryour LOD Distance, make sure your Effect LOD is set correctly, as well as lower Shadows and Shaders. If all of those are as low as possible and you still have trouble now.. the best I could do is suggest trying it out, and if you have trouble in HoT just.. I don’t know, wait for the initial burst of people to move on before climbing to the highest places? :x
I’m not a huge computer-nerd like my boyfriend so I can only mention things that helped me when I played on my old laptop in the past.
Also remember that maps are hard-capped at 150 players, so if there were a lot of people battling below you in the Silverwastes, you might still only get the slight lag you experienced.
Good thing map completion gives you 2 gifts of exploration. :P Meaning that if you wanted a legendary in each weapon slot for your main and you dual wielded for both of your weapon swaps you’ll only need to complete the world map 2 times.
Not to mention while you map complete you can get some nice goodies like free black lion keys or exotics.
Specializations and the New Legendary Weapons
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Iretha.7625
To be fair it sounds like things they said they were working on years ago are being put in with the expansion so the raven staff being a legendary even though it was datamined so long ago is more probable that improbable at this stage, especially considering how nice it looked.
I doubt the legendaries will be tied to specific specialisations though, if some fit in with the design of one then it will be purely coincidental I’d imagine.
I agree that they have been working on this project for a long time, and I won’t deny that they have most likely been working on drafting up or conceptualizing these new legendaries for even as far as two years back. But, with that said, I still find the Raven Staff to be highly improbable as a legendary candidate.
The fact that the skin itself was ‘found’ in the game files well over a year ago – and since then there have been no changes to it, nor have people datamined any other potential ‘legendary skins.’ Why just the staff, and none of the other weapons? Also, it looks more likely to be a weapon from a personal story step that got scrapped – or a gemstore weapon that never made it in than a legendary. (However that’s subjective)
But talking about how probable or improbable that staff being a legendary is kind of moot – also a bit derailing.
Sorry for this topic, but i really have bad feelings about new map and adventure… i really hope to misunderstood info we have, but i m really scared new map and content will be just a big farming zone… i have the sensation this game are running on farming way, just repeat over and over events (adventure?) for mats, gold and now achievement mastery and for legendary stuff…
Maybe i m an ‘old kind’ of player (or maybe the opposite) but i like to play harder istanced content with friends and have this kind of challeng mastering my profession ‘reaching’ the perfection, w/o play in a farm maps or do JP or minigameI really hope to have something for ppl like me in this expansion, and not a big “farmingwaste” map
Thank you and sorry for my english
Oh gosh another one of these threads, I’m getting so sick of these kinds of threads.
I’ll try to break down your post to give you a more concise answer in an attempt to alleviate your fears.
i have the sensation this game are running on farming way, just repeat over and over events (adventure?) for mats, gold and now achievement mastery and for legendary stuff…
I think this is stemming from when they mentioned the leader board system for adventures. To clarify, they were talking about potentially having each adventure come with it’s own ‘leader board’ the leader board will basically show whichever player has done that particular adventure the “best” that day, week, ect. And at the end of that day, the person who did the best on a particular adventure will get a small reward, like perhaps a few gold, or crafting materials. The reward is just there as a small incentive, and will be only given to the one player out of the many that did the best on that adventure for that day.
To reiterate – you will not be farming adventures for gold or materials, if you choose to use their leaderboard system, you’ll mainly ‘farm’ the adventures just to be “the best” at that particular adventure. If you are the best, you’ll get a small compensation.
As for the “legendary stuff” farm, legendaries are one of the few grindy parts of the game, you literally grind, for a skin and nothing more. Legendaries have always taken some work to get, but again, at the end of the day, they’re just. a. skin. You don’t have to farm them if you don’t want too.
Maybe i m an ‘old kind’ of player (or maybe the opposite) but i like to play harder istanced content with friends and have this kind of challeng mastering my profession ‘reaching’ the perfection, w/o play in a farm maps or do JP or minigame
Well we don’t have enough information to say if you’ll be getting instanced content with your friends. But.. we do know that they are working on challenging content! What specifically, again, can’t say, there simply isn’t enough information yet.
Specializations and the New Legendary Weapons
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Iretha.7625
I think the appearance of each legendary weapon will be based specialization that gets it, such as a druid themed staff for ranger, or a reaper or what ever themed great-sword for necromancer.
Its not baseless, as there is a skin for a staff that could be legendary that looks rather “druid” themed, but also it would make sense for Anet to use the specializations to give them a theme to work with when creating the new legendary weapons. Plus I may or may not be drooling over the thought of the necromancer great-sword legendary…
You guys think they would do this? Have ideas a cool legendary weapon based on what we know or could speculate about?
Feel free to share
If you’re referring to the Raven Staff that was datamined well over a year ago. (In November of 2013) and ever since it’s been re-mined over and over again under the guise of it being a ‘new legendary’. It’s not IMPOSSIBLE that they decided to make the legendary and put it in the files back in 2013 – well over a year before they were going to release the expansion. I just find it to be… improbable. Imo people just like to be the ones that datamine the next big thing, so they keep bringing that up. :/
In terms of specializations affecting which precursor you could craft.. I doubt that will happen too, since each class is getting 1 new weapon, that would mean one extra legendary skin for each weapon. (Unless I’m reading it wrong – you mean druids can craft X legendary staff, then everyone else can craft Y legendary staff, right?)
It sounds nice but thinking in therms of giant material and time sinks, all of those skins seems.. tedious.
Actually, this same thread’s question has been posted here:
And a dev has been looking at the thread, (although they have stated that they cannot answer some questions because of the “Deep dives” that they’ll be doing on certain features.) So if you’re hoping for an answer to the question after they do an article on the subject you’re likely to find it there.
You just explained how it COULD limit gameplay yourself. And yes, the only way to get information is from Anet directly, that’s the whole point of these threads.
And yes, even if they take away the ability to go into the borderlands they could go into EB, but that doesn’t change the fact that they’d be taking away the ability to go into the borderlands.
IF and only IF all of the borderlands become the new map on a rotation. (Assuming the other TWO possibilities I mentioned don’t come to pass.) IF that did happen, expansion-less WvW-ers going into EB for a week doesn’t seem like much of a limitation at all. They can still play WvW just fine, and they can potentially go into other borderlands that aren’t rotated as the new map.
I’m not saying it’s impossible – but I doubt an arenanet employee is going to clarify here and now when it’s most likely going to be clarified when they release more information about it. And until they do, it’s just a whole lot of speculation, opinion, and argumentation.
Please do try to explain how letting non-purchasers play WvW limits your experience within the game. Asking if one thing is going to be free is NOT asking for the whole game to revolve around non-purchasers.
It was stated that those who do not purchase the expansion will be able to continue playing as they do now, what’s being asked here is clarification due to the WvW map being a wildcard.
I don’t see how it COULD limit expansion-less people’s gaming experience. We don’t have enough information, we know it’ll be put into a rotation – but how will this rotation work? Will all three of the borderlands become the new map on certain weeks, or will 1-2 borderlands alternate between the new and old map? Maybe only one borderland will permanently become the new map whilst the other two remain the same, and which base you start with on said borderland will “rotate” with your color of the week.
Even IF on given weeks ALL of the borderland maps become the new map, what’s stopping non-expac players from simply going into EBG?
You can ask for clarification but it’s not going to be given until Anet chooses to release information on it. (Probably via the articles like with the new Mastery system.)
I’m super excited about HoT, but a friend who just got the game recently asked me: “But are you going to be more powerful than me if you get HoT?”
I told him: “From what I read in the forums, the previews, the wiki and the official page, masteries are for level 80 only and will take some effort to get. So yeah, I would be more `powerful´ in the long run, but it’s not like I buy it and get insta-über powerful.”
Did I tell him the truth? Is getting the DLC going to make my character super powerful with non-dlc players?
Thanks for your time
You didn’t tell him the exact truth. (See: )
I’m sorry, I can get pretty long-winded but I like to be as concise as possible. So, here goes.
You will not be more powerful in a sense, the level cap will not increase, you will not get stronger gear, your stats will not increase in any way, shape, or form due to the mastery system. The mastery system that you see in the link I provided has broken down masteries into a few categories.
They are as follows:
- Master Lore: Attunement with new ally races can be trained to understand their language, unlocking secret locations and access to battle techniques that can weaken your shared enemies.
[This essentially boils down to flavor text, cool areas, and a new ability or two, utility skills, if you will. These abilities won’t be more powerful than the ones that you get in the base game. (Example: The new healing abilities they added a while back)]
- Master Legends: Train in legendary crafting to learn to create all existing legendary weapon precursors and new legendary weapon precursors introduced with Heart of Thorns.
[You get to craft precursors via the scavenger hunt, this won’t make you more powerful, as the only benefit Legendaries give aside from cosmetics is the ability to change stats out of combat, which just saves you an extra bag slot (i.e if I had a Bifrost, I wouldn’t carry a Clerics AND a Berzerker’s staff on my ele) Legendaries DO NOT give a stat increase, they are the EXACT SAME as ascended gear stat-wise.]
- Master Exploration: Mastering jungle movement will unlock the ability to hang glide to previously unreachable locations as well as the ability to use special mushrooms to traverse the Heart of Maguuma faster.
[You get a hang glider in the jungle, and you can eat mushrooms that give you a swiftness buff it seems. This won’t make you more powerful than your friend either.]
- Master Combat: The Heart of Maguuma will be home to some of the most challenging combat in Guild Wars 2, and Masteries will give you the tools you need to excel in these fights. Hunt new enemies, master abilities to defeat champions, and become more deadly against the new creatures waiting in the jungle.
[“Become more deadly against the new creatures waiting in the jungle.” Implies that whatever bonuses this mastery tree entails will only affect the jungle. Also, more new skills, again no more powerful than the ones already available.]
- Master Fractals: Uncover new depths in the Fractals of the Mists to gain powerful new abilities to overcome difficult fractal challenges, garner greater rewards, and unlock more powerful infusions.
[New abilities and you unlock “more powerful” infusions. So… higher levels of AR? Again, not a power increase, sounds more like a faster way to put AR on your alts.]
When it comes to specializations such as Rangers becoming Druids and being able to use a staff it’s also not a power increase, you will basically just be able to have a spec that he cannot on his ranger, as well as a weapon that he is unable to wield. Similar to if we both had Necros, and I had a staff & well build but you couldn’t have one, my build isn’t going to be more powerful, you just can’t use it unless you have the expansion.
TL;DR: Arenanet is being very careful about NOT creating a power-creep with their expansions, for this reason they are being very meticulous about not adding in extra levels, stats, higher tiers of gear, ect. for those that buy HoT. You will NOT be more powerful than your friend, you will simply have the option to use different utilities and have one extra weapon/class combination than him, you will be different but not more powerful.
(edited by Iretha.7625)
Kasmeer's "gift" and mesmer's specialization
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Iretha.7625
I vaguely remember someone asking if Kasmeer’s abilities could be something tied to her Mesmer powers in lore. And one of the writers mentioned that her truth-feeling abilities and her Mesmer ones were separate. And that her powers have changed since the Tower of Nightmares, so we should be watching out for that.
I’m having trouble finding the sources for this – every time I go on the lore forum I can search everything BUT ‘Kasmeer’ and the link to the forum post commenting on her abilities and the nightmare tower isn’t working for me at all. I might not be able to see it but maybe you guys can:
I’ll keep trying to find the source stating that her truth-seeing abilities are separate from her mesmer ones.
What ABOUT those that don’t buy the expansion? Who CARES if they get left out of a wvw map, precursor crafting, new zones, ect.
If I only buy Vanilla WoW, or only have up to MoP with WoD out, why should Blizzard give a kitten about the fact that I can’t access expansion-locked pvp maps? Why are people acting as if Arenanet should treat their expansions differently?
We all paid $60 for this game as-is, we paid for all of the original races and professions, and the what? 25 zones that came with it? We paid for the base game and nothing more, we got 3 new zones and 2 seasons worth of living story updates. I can’t speak for everybody, but I for one have gotten MORE than my money’s worth out of the game. And no matter HOW much I’ve spent in the gem store, it’s irrelevant, because from that gem store I got what I paid for – skins, keys, character slots, ect.
I don’t see why those who won’t buy the expansion should get some of the major features that are intended for those who actually PAY FOR IT. Sorry, but yes you’re going to get left out of expansion-only features if you don’t get the expansion. If we all ordered a pizza by pooling our money together, and you stamped your foot and said “No! I won’t cough over $3 to help pay!” you’re not going to deserve a slice.
Lore > Legends > Combat > Exploration > Fractals is the order I’m going in. (Assuming you can eventually master them all!) If the new legendaries are not to my liking, I’ll save that for last.
Tnx for all your replies, I would like to remind everybody that I posed this as an argumented question. I did watch the presentation, but I haven’t followed any interviews. This may well be the case for many people visiting this forum to learn more about HoT, and the state of the main game might well be one of their concerns.
We as gamers have seen numerous expansions and/or campaigns having major (negative) impact on the main game, so all your argumented responses to this possible problem will hopefully reassure them that this expansion has more to offer than the jungle and will add to the main game as well…
Well then, thanks for asking this ‘argumented question’ on the behalf of an hypothetical group of people. I’m sure that they’ll come here and read past the title and the first post, and hopefully after they dig around to find it after it gets buried by the new threads popping up. If they do that then, hopefully this thread will reassure them.
I have only wish. Dont make new leges tradeable on TP.
Soooooo much this, legends should never have been tradeable…
But then.. how would I get my boyfriend a Bolt for Christmas?
Revenant the final nail in Ritualists coffin?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Iretha.7625
With the blindfold and the summoning of otherworldly beings, I’m scared this means that this was ArenaNet’s way of saying that there is no way the Ritualist is making a comeback when we go to Cantha. Just the like the Thief crushed my brother’s wishes of the Assassin making a return, I think the Revenant just crushed mine.
ArenaNet, please don’t crush my hopes and dreams so soon! We haven’t even gotten to Cantha yet! :’(
Everyone, please tell me how foolish and wrong I am. I want to be wrong. So very, very wrong.
You probably missed the memo, and it’s really sad but.. There’s never going to be a Cantha. We’re not going to Cantha in GW2, not now, not ever. (In the very least it won’t be the Cantha we all know and love if we DO get it.)
Edit: I’ll add in something more substantial than that to help you understand. The Crown Pavilion area was originally a Canthan District, which had to be scrapped during development, it was scrapped because it recieved a lot of bad feedback from the Chinese and Korean gaming markets. (China which, as you know, GW2 wanted to expand too, so their input was taken) Hit “listen now” and go to 1:44:17 then keep listening from there.
If we DID somehow get Cantha, it would not be the Cantha everyone knows and loves, it would have to be gutted and changed to fit one asian culture rather than being the conglomerate that it is today.
Many people want Cantha, a lot of the devs do too! But unfortunately the Koreans and the Chinese will disapprove of the Cantha we all know and love, so if we were to have it, it would have to be changed into a mono-cultured area.
(edited by Iretha.7625)
How do you figure? The old world isn’t going to become a void, did you also make the same argument when they released Dry Top? The Silverwastes? Southsun Cove? Did you consider the megaserver system at all? How about the world bosses, events, and dailies? What about the new precursor crafting that will potentially take people all over the world?
Arenanet’s refused to add permanent maps to the game for quite a while due to their fear of spreading the playerbase too thin. I’m pretty sure this is an issue they’ve addressed with the idea of their expansion in mind.
This would be a very cool idea, I’m not sure if they can put something like that in the gem store but there will most certainly be digital copies. (I’m only saying this because there have always been digital copies for GW1, and the base game has digital copies as well. So I’m sure you’ll get a digital copy
I agree, I’m so glad other people feel the same way about those “silly” legendary skins. I don’t think that they SHOULDN’T exist (also like you said) because there needs to be something for everybody, but I hope that we’ll eventually have serious-looking alternative legendaries to those silly skins. I’m hoping for a good scepter skin personally. I like the Meteorlogicus THEMATICALLY, but it’s just too.. big and bulky, and a liiiittle silly for my tastes.
These words “weak minded” are not my idea or my invention.
You clearly never attended any promotion or advertisement classes in a ecconomy course. You learn even other words which would give me a perma ban here for sure.
Doesn’t matter if someone else made up the words or terms, you just used them, in an insulting manner, and they are insulting. A look at you! Trying to wave you your ehm.. “education” in economics around as if no one else has had any. I will tell you this now: In my experience I have never encountered the term “weak minded” or “weak minded masses” in a professional setting, not in marketing, not in business, or otherwise. It’s just not kosher.
I know you’re probably NOT trying to come off as conceited, so I won’t slam you too hard for that.
Fact is that Video gaming is exactly like any other industry.
And of course it is handled like every other industry where 97% of the product is useless or pure garbage.
Nobody said that it wasn’t and this is beside the point.
Everything starts with a target group. So people who will most likely buy your products.
In the case of video gaming “and this is not made by me or supported” the target group are under 20 who are not contributing to the society, not fullfilling the standards of the society or being pushed to the edge of the society for several reasons.
!!!Again, this is not made by me, this is what they teach you when it comes to target groups!!!!
This is why Video games always follow the same plot. You are the Hero and the absolute center point of everything.
Absolutely nobody would advertise Video games with having Dentists or Lawers in mind. Like it or not, our society has classes.
More irrelevancies, nobody is denying that our society has a class system, nobody’s going to argue that Canada has a caste system.
This why i loved Colins presentation from the point of view of ecconomics.
he appealed to lowest desires of the crowd, with saying stuff like: “We could have done the new maps and gameplay totally boring, but would you guys like that ?”
Of course the masses yelled back “NOOOOOOO”
And this is exactly appealing to the weak minded.
The only highlight was the stellar presentation from the “How to present your product successfully” guide to the weak minded masses who clapped their Thunder Stick to most meaningless phrases thrown to the crowd.
From my view as an educated economist this was brilliant.
This is all i am saying. It has nothing to do with insulting someone.
It is just reality. Just keep in mind that i am playing this game too.
I am just not as easy to please as the regular gamer.
I don’t even have to write anything here, I can just stick these three quotes together and let them speak for themselves. And might I say, I simply love the last two sentences of the final two quotes.
With that said I’m done, I hope you have fun seeing people manipulate the “weak minded.” You know, since you’re too good to fall for that sort of thing.
(edited by Iretha.7625)
These guys just nailed it.
All that stuff had to be there since release.
Like Guild Halls or the maps of the Maguuma Jungle.Everything else is just illusion of new stuff. It’s not really something creative and new.
You don’t get new weapons like promised they just give you access to already existing weapons you never asked for…. Necro and Great Sword ??? really ????
Really? You’re best ‘point’ is that these things ‘had’ to be there at release? Why? Because GW1 had Guild Halls and GvG at release GW2 must also? Well darn, by that logic we shouldnt’ve gotten thieves (GW2’s version of Assassins), at launch and we shouldn’t have multiple races at all! Or half of the weapon/profession combinations. Simply because GW1 did not have them.
To reiterate: Something not being there at launch being added to a game later is not a valid complaint. I can sit here and whine about how the account bound wardrobe and the megaserver system HAD to be in the game at launch but that doesn’t make my complaint logical or valid in any way.
It’s true that they promised new weapon types, but they also promised to expand the current weapon/class system to give current weapon types to more professions. While you may not have wanted Necros to have greatswords, a lot of people did.
The regular A-Net way…. lowest amount of creativity and effort but asking for the highest possible return.
And they needed 3 years for that ?? Wowwwww….Every GW1 Vet is insulted by this.
I like how you insinuate that GW1 is much superior in comparison to GW2 and then go on to say that A-net consistently asks for as much as they can get whilst doing very little work. Very consistent.
Also, I’m not insulted. I’ve gotten 2 1/2 years of FREE content updates, on a 2-3 weekly basis. Why in the world would I be insulted at a paid expansion? Anet sure seems lazy.. updating their game for 2 1/2 years without getting any sort of direct gain from it in the form of a sub fee or packaging all of s1 into a paid expansion.
What’s next 3 maps of Crystal Desert and Scepter and Focus for Norn Warriors ???
Of course with Sand Wulfs and Sand Plants corrupted by some Sand Dragon…….This is a total let down.
The only highlight was the stellar presentation from the “How to present your product successfully” guide to the weak minded masses who clapped their Thunder Stick to most meaningless phrases thrown to the crowd.
From my view as an educated economist this was brilliant.
My favorite part were the influencing questions like…“We could have made the maps boring and uninteresting to play but do you guys want that” ??
And the masses erupts with a big “NOOOOOOOOOOOOO” followed by clapping Thunder Sticks………………….
An absolutely foreseeable reaction by weak minded.
You could clearly see that Colin didn’t feel good doing it but hey…. it’s marketing.So yeah…. all in all what i expected. Pointless random stuff not worth of an expansion.
slow clap Yes, let’s just jump to ridiculous extremes, that gives credence to your complaints, for sure! And of course! Anyone who enjoys playing the game and as such would be happy with the announcement of an expansion must be weak minded! No, it’s certainly not possible for other people to merely have a different opinion than you do! They must be “weak minded” to like something that you illogically hate!
I’m so done with spoiled people.
As it stands now, Guild Trek is a mission that is rarely used. The reasons why are very simple:
- For one, the amount of merits that it gives for completion the mission are very low in comparison to other missions – 5/7/10 for tiers 1/2/3 respectively.
- Secondly, the amount of influence gained for the guild is also relatively low – 400/500/700 for tiers 1/2/3. (Not counting the 200 influence cost.)
- And thirdly, and what many see as the most important factor, this mission does not give any reward for individual guild members.
While the reward is scaled properly with the amount of effort that goes into each tier, I’m not suggesting improving them.
The problem I find with Guild Trek lies not in its reward, but in its requirements for a guild to unlock. To unlock Guild Trek a guild requires merits which must be obtained from Guild Bounty missions. Here’s the imbalance, if a guild can gain merits from Guild Bounty whilst getting individual rewards for guild members, where is the incentive to unlock Guild Trek, aside from it being a requirement for unlocking Guild Rush?
I suggest that the guild merit-gate for Guild Trek be removed. In doing this, small guilds of 3-5 people that have trouble with guild bounties would have a means to do a weekly guild mission that will earn them both influence and a small number of merits.
A friend of mine runs a guild of 3-4 people. They are able to complete guild bounty training, but when it comes to actual guild bounties, they fall short on man power. As it is, Guild Bounty training missions serve as a way for small guilds to gain influence. By changing Guild Trek to be more accessible, it would serve as a parallel means to gain merits. For a small guild that likes to only play with their close friends, I think it only fair that a guild mission like Guild Trek be made available so that they too can obtain merits for various banners and buffs.
People still buy keys??
Well, many people were arguing back then that those items were to easy to achieve and the the prestige was not high enough etc. So I think it is a perception thing what you see as prestigious. For me it’s a nice souvenir about an update that I personally liked alot and a cool item not so much something to show off.
Btw.: I’m not saying that I don’t understand you I’m just saying that I see it in a different way.
Always makes me chuckle.
What prestige? Nobody looks at another player who obtained an LS item and thinks “oh wow, that guy was there at the event, how awesome” At best, you’ll have people think “oh that’s a nice skin” and that’s it. lol prestige, please.
When I see someone wearing that god-awful Sclerite Karka Shell skin I don’t think of prestige, or that it’s a backpiece that only hard-working GW2 veterans can have. I think “Oh that skin.. that’s still in my bank I think…. I remember it took me two days to get that skin.. what a waste of time.”
I’ve been playing this game since beta. Closed beta. I was there for all the living story updates, got all the skins and every. single. achievement. That I could be bothered to get. I don’t give any kittens about new players having to pull their hair out at how many tokens they need to farm to get any skins they’ve missed when all I needed to do was log on for like, an hour a day, for two to five days, and log off for an easy-mode skin.
Meanwhile, my friend worries about how he could POSSIBLY manage to farm his butt off just to have enough tokens to buy all the skins he missed. In my opinion? He’s working harder than I, or any other player who got those “prestigious” skins ever have. Good on him, and if at the end of each living story event we can have a Bazaar event that will let you buy all the stuff you missed (or get two Infinite Watchknight Tonics because you’re worth it) more power to anet!
…Prestige my kitten. Skins like that shouldn’t be exclusive to a small, select group of people. If you want to keep your “Look I was there!” ‘prestige’ use a title or something.
(edited by Iretha.7625)
Also besides that you can buy Gift of Fortune bit by bit, so inflation don’t hit those people as hard. They could be 80% finished on Gift of Fortune, and a bit of inflation won’t hurt them as much since they only need to buy 20% of the material at inflated price. While the precursor, you have to buy the whole thing, so 10% inflation could mean 100 more gold.
This, also you can farm the Ectos for your gift of fortune relatively easily. (World Bosses, Fractals, champ trains, spending dungeon tokens on gear for salvaging, and now you can get clovers from spvp.) But there’s no set or guaranteed way of getting a precursor, you either get lucky or get rich. The overall price of Gift of Fortune may be higher, but not everybody will buy it all, you can farm it.
(edited by Iretha.7625)
They can give us a near-free precursor chest at the beginning of Living Story Season 2, similar to how a loooot of people got precursors from the Karka Queen chest. (Or so I heard… I never got to tap the Queen in time…)