Kaosberg De Lay
Deflora Pulzelle
As far as I can remember, I know you guys could only win against Vabbi (when HT was still in Gunnar’s Hold).
Very wrong, very bad memory or very bad intentions in manipulating the truth to comply your argument..
We used to be good – we once went all the way up to 5th or even 4th place – but just before season 1 started, most of our WvW Guilds left our server.
Did you know that FoW has been first in EU for few weeks after launch? (Eventually that FoW is not this FoW); your argument about the “once upon a time there was Underworld” does not stand, and it is for real irrelevant.
So basically, my Guild is one of the only Guild in UW still throwing Guild Buffs on forts and sieging/upgrading them.
Still, we continue the fight, and are genuinely happy to be able to defeat a server -no offence- after all those weeks of getting our kitten kicked on both sides :P
This is good for you, and I sincerely appreciate your attachment to your server, I’d never call you “crappy” WvW just because many of your fellows zerger left you behind in order to join karma train somewhere else…
I don’t know if that’s the usual way you do things, but try not to run away too often when the numbers are equal – we want some good fights this week!
Once again, you seem to addresse your argument to one of us who should be representing all Server, and even worst you are placing your statement where they do not belong..
It’s all fun, peace
You cannot define “crappy” WvW on the base of mere numbers, or the global score, WvW quality (and fun) game comes from somewhere else, and since your statement and the energy behind it, i am half sure you did never knew it…
Apart from this, if i would be as you are, so enlightened to define a server after just few hrs of “fake zergling fights”, i would feel like to say that Underworld WvW is not crappy, is simply low quality zerg commanded by shortsight commanders.
But ofc I am not like you, and i won’t :p
To the others: no comment
Nice match up indeed :p
Some [PvP] Raiding here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MsmvUft3nRo
Knowledge is power
Beware the false informative people around, about 3 on this thread (statistically)
Try and read carefully whatever everyone is saying about this issue, try and figure out what “they” want you to believe in order to control your next purchase
Do you think is a coincidence that the price of Juggernaut precursor costs less respect other of same kind? Ask yourself, how much is the difference and why
In few words, let silver doubloon lower their selling prices and be prepared to see that same amount added to basic precursor price or anywhere in that crafting path
But hey, it is a cosmetic factor – everything goes
Thanks to you Tech, LST and Imp! *
We still have lots to learn as well*
No you don’t. xD How many times did you beat us unsuspecting poor tech witless? :P
I think 4 times?
Fight 1: thief/warr/mesmer/guard vs. guard/guard/warr/mesmer 0-1
Fight 2: guardian/warr/mesmer/engineer vs. guard/guard/warr/mesmer 0-2
Fight 3: I think I forgot one? Dunno what we ran there.
Fight 4: guardian/warr/warr vs. guard/guard/warr 0-4Guess we need to train against heavy set-ups. Can I inform as to your respective team builds, I’m interested what killed us. As for us:
- on thief I was zerk, backstab, d/p build
- on guardian I was mix of knight/soldier, meditation build
- Duyall on warr was hammer/gs, custom stun/burst
- our mesmer Amasage was running blackwater (he hates mesmer though)
- Max was guardian first fight, don’t know his build
- Max on engineer second was mostly condition, no heal
- on warr he ran stunlock, but he swapped hammer instead of gsI think our main problems were:
- Your mesmer was really high dmg, and very evasive. We noticed he had very low health, since we nearly killed him on 2nd match but he blinked to other side of the arena.
- With your 2 guardians I’m guessing a lot of shouts; stability, regen, protection, making our CC totally useless. I’m also guessing our blackwater mes couln’t do much cause of continuous condi removal.
- We didn’t have party-wide stability buffs.
- Overall not enough group healing and sustained heal/buff, most of the builds used were for solo or 2-3 man roaming, camp capping and a lot of mobility combined with bursts. Didn’t do much good in a situation where we had to do a standing fight.Really interested in your builds though
..well overall i would say you have seized the main issue about “what” exactly did kill your team
You see, i think, there is not a “perfect” build or a superior team setup above all, it is all about what do you have to do with that team and what kind of enemies you will have to counter.
In other words, starting from your correct analysis, try to figure out the way (work on the builds) to strenghten your team, maybe try to establish what are the “key” boons you want to have at all costs and for the longer period of time possible during a fight and what are those conditions you surely need to avoid in order to grant your team a more stable and healthy fight.
Also try and assign different “role” to each member of your team so they can practice that same role over and over, until each one of you become part of something which eventually will work in symbiosis.
Naturally, every scenario is different and so should be the roles involved.
Picking the right opponent as main first target could make a huge difference.
Sometime “not” picking a target could be the wiser choice too :p
In conclusion, as Effsee said earlier, we too have a lot to learn yet.
It seems although our guilds share the same willing to improve themselves and that alone, is enough to forsee more “fun” coming :p
Thanks again for the fights and see you around, we hope…
You say FOW has bad paper blobs but from the vids we got last night i say BT blobs are worst for it, Props for not giving up tho bt always run back after a wipe =D
Nice vid :p, may i add something to the argument
FoW doesn’t seek Global scoring, FoW doesn’t seek zerging playstyle
In FoW is all about small scale organized PvP vs rest of the World :p
Here, some action..
Ele traits won’t be in a good spot until attunements have a set recharge of 9-10 and Arcana investment has a different bonus.
Also why don t give eles the switch weapon feature? it could be even done by fixed pre association with desired attunements; 2 for each weapon
Conjure weapons? Fine! Give those crap to warriors or guardians or even thieves i would not mind…
Elementalist is not call Conjurentalist for no reason!
Also, give us weapon switching like other classes! What? We do have 4 attunements and that s more than enough? Ok give us 2 attunments for each weapon equipped! Fixed :p
I like staff, i understand has been built as a support/cc weapon but seriously have you ever tried to actually “shy burst damaging” something or someone or even someone’s pet with it? Staff is a Lie! The lie is the Staff!
While i am here, you said RTL was ok but not for moving or chasing around so you nerfed it, oh sorry, you normalized it…what about Warrior GS among others..
1. Drop a blueprint on the ground.
2.Wait for the OP thief to grab it. (Thieves are generally greedy, all knows :p)
3.Use your autoattack skill until he dies.
4.Recover the blueprint and be ready for next drop.
On a side note, that build is broken and it will be fixed, real problem is not what he does, real issue is that any beginner can do it, therefore do not talk about “same skill level” when mentioning that particular thief build please.
You probably are looking for this answer, since you have been using the second most lamer class in the game, and you are not used to lose…but that is just in my mind so feel free to ignore and go back to the magic blueprint dropping advanced strategy part.
Everybody hold!! They may still introduce instant healing pot with no cooldown! :p May the spam (and the keyboard stress testing) begin!
Btw, i like this new central area and mini sPvP mechanics; keeping the buff is not so easy as it looks and imho does not favor larger zerg or bigger server at all…
This new color looks out of contest, especially on the perspective of original design and used palette. You can do much better than this, pick a new one or give option to switch please :p
Endacil is not playing against FoW – It might have happened some misunderstanding with Blue, now and then but he is not a saboteur
Blue may not be as “bad” as you all seem to think however without entering into details, i would just invite anyone to avoid inflation and spamming local channel when the matter involve personal issues – use Whisper or just get over it and think about the entire community who actually need that global channel to communicate more gameplay focused info.
PS my guess is that this topic will be moved shortly
(a) its T9 = who gives a kitten
(b) Vabbi and FOW are the worst of the worst of the worst – it doesn’t matter who goes in there with them they’ll lose hard. A small slice of dutch cheese would steamroll them.
Stagnut i would bet my 1 copper coin you were in FoW or Vabbi when this game has launched :p
Your words is pure flaming and obviously something, somehwere, must still burning..
Stay in your higher tier and please refrain yourself to dictate this nonsense.
We in FoW don t want a zerg vs zerg 10 fps rate – low skills involved combat mechanincs
You enjoy where you are and leave other to do the same, and while you are there eat that dutch cheese you are so proud of and leave the real “thing” to us, thanks :p
FoWkers shall stand reunited and fight the oppressors.
This week should see the most actions aimed on our homeland; everyone is welcome to launch clever upgrades and roam the land for a fast response.
Waypoints is the priority.
On a side note, that “commander” you are refering to in this post, he may not be as bad as you thnk, he cares about FoW, he always did and i doubt he ll ever quit fighting for our server;
Leave him some “room”, try not to jump toward fast conclusions.
Seize the substance over the form – afterall we need unity.
Upgrade costs are very high for some extremely basic things when you add them up throughout the play time.
If you are one of those players that guards camps and escorts Dolyaks as a very unrewarding service for your server, you could blow through far more gold than you will make when the enemy zerg rolls by and flips that camp very 10 to 12 minutes.
The upgrades are worth having but they can be rendered useless in seconds and therefore are rarely queued during the busiest time on the map.
Keeps are generally very tough to get into unless your enemy is not on the map or just has very low numbers due to the ability to lay out plenty of siege and keep it in places a zerg can’t reach unless they breach the walls. On towers there are not really very many practical and safe places to lay out your siege.
Tower costs are rather high to upgrade when most zergs can drop the gates in minutes with gollums or superior rams if they desire. I have watched a zerg arrive at a tower and melt gates in a mere couple of minutes if they are willing to use enough siege.
This brings about a fundamental flaw I think we have with both the structures and the siege equipment. The towers, especially early in the upgrade stage are far too soft and the siege prior to being upgraded is very powerful for invasion but weak as far as defense goes.
The difference between using regular siege and superior siege should be enough that we prefer to use the upgraded items rather than view them as luxuries that the more serious guilds use.
Three or four regular rams can take down most doors really fast and unless the enemy has stacked several arrow carts or invested in superior arrow carts and is standing right in that tower to defend the zerg is most likely getting into a tower at will. Most tower flipping failures happen when a smaller force is stopped by a bigger zerg and rarely the other way around unless there is a well prepared group already inside the tower manning heavy siege.
Running with a zerg pays pretty well if they are able to keep taking lands and flipping camps. When the action slows down, or the map has few places to conquer there is little to no incentive for the players to defend and upgrade much more than a keep, or garrison as no one expects to keep any of the towers they took.
The ability for guilds to claim a tower, keep, and castle seems to be a shell of what the true intent was meant to be. I believe when the concept was designed guilds were expected to take pride in their new “home” and defend it. The reward for doing so is nowhere near enough to encourage such a thing. This one aspect alone could help to break up zergs and place far more emphasis on defense if Guilds had something significant to win and lose when they lay claim to something.
If the incentive was big enough, they would come and defend from just about anywhere in the game. I would suggest that a claimed tower generate some bonus gold during its capture for the guild that owns it and a mercenary reward when allies defend it with appropriate awards.
As an example, if my tower made my guild one gold an hour, or produced suitable rewards for my guild’s occupancy but gave out a debuff, and or penalty that prevented us from claiming anything else for a time period, guilds would defend that with a enthusiasm. Zergs would get broken up quickly when a profit loss was at stake or multiple profit losses were at stake.
The mercenary concept could be expanded upon as well. For smaller guilds laying claim to a tower they would certainly want allies to defend it and help defend it granting an opportunity for roamers and small groups to get some decent rewards and money for fighting an enemy at the gates.
With this concept in mind I think we would see groups spread out scouting and fighting more often as well as defending due to the risk versus reward at play. Perhaps instead of having BL maps with 200 people massed at a keep pounding on each other we would see more tactical play and 200 people spread around the map keeping their eyes open for opportunities and dangers.
Basically if defending a tower or keep paid better than capturing them, and further if one could make more money by conquering and defending them, zergs would be more of a tactic for enemies that have nothing much to defend rather than the reverse.
I don’t believe that this idea is without flaws of course, but I do think it would give WvWvW a great deal more purpose and would appeal to most players wants and needs.
Well said, couldn’t agree more on everything he wrote above.
Hm, i am surprised noone use my setting ^^
Autorun and Stop (forget AWSD forever): middle mouse button
Attunement swap: F1 F2 F3 F4
Skills: 1 2 3 4 5
Healing skill and utility F5 F6 F7 F8 (even tho i usually find myself hitting the utility above F6 with the mouse pointer)
Oh and the best one of all, Dodge: \
Camera rotation movement speed has to be raised..
Ogre forever and never look back son :p
You are welcome
As in Title, just made this short video for you to enjoy
I usually do WvW and sPvP but i need to grab some mats for my new weapon so there I go with my PvP build against those Risen creatures in Cursed Shore
I’ve never seen it happen. I’ve hit them with knockback during it, does nothing. Hit them with immobilize, does nothing. Tried to slow them down with chill and cripple, does nothing. If it’s supposed to stop them in their tracks, I’m not seeing it.
immobilised RTL is like being stunned
… except you look like an angry ball of electricity instead of a drunk
Lol +1
Ether renewal kills every Necro, doesn t matter the build the gear or the set up
you r welcome..
I personally believe that all those c/d on those nice skills and attunement rotation were calculated and implemented on a very efficent “logic” way, the same logic which allow a “melee” class (cause the D/D is a melee right?!) to stay in touch of its opponent.
I am not saying Ele d/d were not a bit on top respect other classes in some scenarios, but you are destroying it piece by piece.
For all those saying “5 seconds is nothing” or “i ll just use the RTL every 2 times i attune to Air..”, let me just say, for PVE it can be the same but PvP is a different environment.
I guess i ll just make up a new build carrying only focus in off hand and leaving the main hand for popcorn :p
Not to restate this but some of you are missing the point, what we’re really concerned with is the actual number of WvW is not balanced per server. Yes a lot of people are trying to get in, but why is there a queue if within the map the max population doesnt exist. For instance people who only own a supply camp or being spawn camped, they see max 10-20 ppl around them, do you really think 90+ ppl are off hiding and avoiding being killed by the bloodthirsty server thats fielding 80ish ppl? All we are asking for is that the refresh rate, or whatever issue thats causing the max pop from being able to get into the map to contribute to be fixed, its clearly a technical issue, stop whining about max pop servers, even max pop should have the right to have their total allowed players inside a map. When a tier 1 server tells you they have about 20 on a map, honestly you should believe them, because they got there knowing who’s on a map and where, you dont get to hold your own on numbers alone at that level its tactics involving knowing your own server and the enemies.
^Bumped for intelligence that is clearly lacking in other posts blaming server transfers for the problem.
Even tho it makes sense, if queues related issues are not in relation with server population, answer me to this question:
Why FoW (low population server) has NO queue, ever?
Most probably “truth” stands in the middle, as usual…
PS Do not blame ANET for having to counter a mass migration as we have seen, migration mostly due to the “I ll be the first in rank, or well at least I ll be there where leeching is guaranteed” attitude. You pick first bus to Tier 1, you ll get there or at least some will, other will have to keep running behind that Bus it seems ^^
here is an idea… why not make the points equate somehow to the number of opponents on the map… so you score less if there are fewer opponents to fight and score more if there are greater numbers of opponents. That would equate to servers being placed according to player skill rather than making it a numbers game.
Awesome, also just not limiting the matter on a “scoring calculation” issue but implement real tactic related features upon same number consideration.
You may have 4 kind of boons based on difference of population at that given time:
Outmanned 2:1
Supply carrying capabilities +5
Strenght of siege equipment +20%
Resistance of fort/keep/camps +20%
Npc guards +10% power +10% defence
and so on…
Outmanned 3:1
Supply carrying capabilities +8
Strenght of siege equipment +40%
Resistance of fort/keep/camps +30%
Npc guards +15% power +15% defence
and so on…
until last Outmanned 6 or more:1
Supply carrying capabilities +15
Strenght of siege equipment +100%
Resistance of fort/keep/camps +100%
Npc guards +100% power +100% defence
and so on…
That of course would make up of FoW the server with the most advanced war artillery and elite NPC guards of all time lol
Just an idea, but honestly some of us is really tired to see WvW experience just a “numbers based” game, and please refrain yourself to comment on this adding your “proactive advanced warfare tactics” since there is no such a thing right now anywhere..
On the other hands ofc, zerg vs zerg still have some shadows of tactics eventually, but this world vs world thing, i believe, is capable to offer much more than that, as in its beutiful design and overall gameplay.
Very sweet of you “proud elementalist” to congratz on a new skill, while you all have missed the “new real” introduction into daggers leap and burning fire and even RTL
And since i am here, let me just say that the new “number 3” earth skill is one more NERF since the same ability has been split in 2 phases, and since both these phases are easily counterable now, it just lost its previous instant effectiveness.
What is changed it’s the fact that now you can no longer use earth3 blindly like before, now unless you’re got a plan or trusted gameplay, you pretty much gonna get hit hard in return.
A plan behind “a stone in the head lasting 1 second” as opener, is a full grown plan!
..but ofc there are “trusted gameplay” out there too, such as micro zerging tactic following the allied target and spamming from range all AOE available at the same time on the same spot (while watching TV and feeding the cat).
Please do not take my comment too seriously, it is just that i am trying to express my disappointment trying to clarify my point of view on this matter. Ele D/D has received imho some significant withdraw but ofc let s just get over it once again and let’s find out new approach and funny gameplay
Nah, i am joking, we can still go into zergs doing our things, it is just that we might never get to even touch the target now ^^
Elementalist has been nerfed, please wake up
Very sweet of you “proud elementalist” to congratz on a new skill, while you all have missed the “new real” introduction into daggers leap and burning fire and even RTL
Do not want to spoil you the surprise but you will soon realize that the beloved D/D just received such an heavy nerf on its unique mobility and overall playstile that it is almost unplayable the way was initially (and rationally) introduced.
Just one question to this “the developer who introduced this change…..: YOU’RE A GENIUS,”
How a melee mage wearing light armor using daggers is supposed to actually “get in combat range” now that all its natural and intelligent skills who were introduced are now not viable? That is right, try now to RTL or any other previous skill designed to leap you forward and throw you in combat range, NOW that are all affected by any sort of countering skills in game!I imagine you people who just wrote in here are unaware of what i am talking about, judging by your posts. Well, enjoy your new leap finisher until you will crush yourself against some invisible wall, or push back, or knock down, or even AOE slow, Weakness, stun and any other noobish spammable skill.
Trust me, the Dear D/D ele as it was designed with its unique fun and capabilities to break into zerg or even on a single target is over :/
But hey, hold on we still have Stability skill every 90 seconds lasting for 7! That s the time frame the old D/D can actually fit in
And since i am here, let me just say that the new “number 3” earth skill is one more NERF since the same ability has been split in 2 phases, and since both these phases are easily counterable now, it just lost its previous instant effectiveness.
What is changed it’s the fact that now you can no longer use earth3 blindly like before, now unless you’re got a plan or trusted gameplay, you pretty much gonna get hit hard in return.
A clever change that does not reduce ele mobility as hoped by the nerf criers, now it’s much more easy to use the leap finisher: ring of fire-earth3 ( burning projectile)- leap
( fire aura).
But but..i am really wondering how people has played D/D dagger before today patch! How didn’t you notice the severe NERF on all mobility skills, even the 3 into Fire or the 4 into Air not to mention this crappy add on on the 3 of Earth.
Make an experiment, go in pvp with your friend and try to get him with RTL or any of the above skill designed to leap you forward your opponent, and tell your friend to try and counter that :p – Big surprise makes you Happy! ^^
Wake up please, Elementalist D/D just received one of the major NERF this game has ever seen on a class, and trust me i am not the kind of person who usually complaint unless major crap is introduced…
Very sweet of you “proud elementalist” to congratz on a new skill, while you all have missed the “new real” introduction into daggers leap and burning fire and even RTL
Do not want to spoil you the surprise but you will soon realize that the beloved D/D just received such an heavy nerf on its unique mobility and overall playstile that it is almost unplayable the way was initially (and rationally) introduced.
Just one question to this “the developer who introduced this change…..: YOU’RE A GENIUS,”
How a melee mage wearing light armor using daggers is supposed to actually “get in combat range” now that all its natural and intelligent skills who were introduced are now not viable? That is right, try now to RTL or any other previous skill designed to leap you forward and throw you in combat range, NOW that are all affected by any sort of countering skills in game!
I imagine you people who just wrote in here are unaware of what i am talking about, judging by your posts. Well, enjoy your new leap finisher until you will crush yourself against some invisible wall, or push back, or knock down, or even AOE slow, Weakness, stun and any other noobish spammable skill.
Trust me, the Dear D/D ele as it was designed with its unique fun and capabilities to break into zerg or even on a single target is over :/
But hey, hold on we still have Stability skill every 90 seconds lasting for 7! That s the time frame the old D/D can actually fit in
And since i am here, let me just say that the new “number 3” earth skill is one more NERF since the same ability has been split in 2 phases, and since both these phases are easily counterable now, it just lost its previous instant effectiveness.
No ressing in (finished players only) combat would transform the entire game experience, it would be awesome
Lol there didn’t know there were some RoS in Fow recruiting for us .
Well hold on, the official “reason” why RoS are among us is “to teach us better strategies!” – So much compassion it s almost a waste to translate it here in words :p
Maybe we could have thought in joining RoS before it became blacktidxaoceveryotheronboard of Surmia :p
Anyhow, most people in FoW is enjoing new balance, and even if we are slighlty outnumbered during the 24hrs circle, i think we are actually going toward the best WvW experience this game has to offer No queue – No Lag – Not much of huge zerg vs huge zerg situation.
Let’s just hope it will last ^^
PS RoS could you stop sending your people among us in order to recruit some more for your campaign? Do you want to recruit? Go upper server where “more” people is unhappy of their situation, do not come in here hoping for reinforcement, FoW players are good where they are, but do not trust my words, just go ahead and you ll see how many FoW people would be happy to join RoS instead ^^
Price of Legendary weapons will drop, since offer will constantly increase.
The completation has never been the main issue on crafting a LW, beside more and more people is getting it now.
PS Isaac, if you are pondering to sell yours (if you have one) accept this piece of advice, sell it sooner than later and do not wait for price to drop
Not true LW will continue to go up because they will be upgrading them to be in line with ascended. they will also be infused so that will also increase there value.
Precursor’s continue to go up in price. so LW will as well.
Note that only Precursor has raised not LW, infact they decreased and they ll keep on doing that, anyhow history will tell
Price of Legendary weapons will drop, since offer will constantly increase.
The completation has never been the main issue on crafting a LW, beside more and more people is getting it now.
PS Isaac, if you are pondering to sell yours (if you have one) accept this piece of advice, sell it sooner than later and do not wait for price to drop
I am from FoW, we know there are experienced players in each server as well as beginners.
Do not try to “establish” a supremacy position when talking about RoS or Vabbi or whatever other server.
The fundamental difference between FoW and more “powerfull server” is that we in FoW give a big welcome to anyone willing to enjoy and learn during the process, we might not be the best performant server at all time but we sure know how to stand a fight sharing same spirit of cooperation and dedication.
If you then need to talk about single guilds, simply more experienced in skirmish and such, then i can recall just IMP Guild from Ros, being nicely organized moving on the battlefield showing some knowledge; nothing to compare to other latest guild using just 1 WvW zerging approach method: stay compacted, ready to stealth, AOE on the same spot and such… These large group of people use the strenght in numbers as sardines do against Tuna predator :p
Displace their zerg and they ll become pop-corn on fire camp.
Beside, do you want go serious about showing your PvP skill? Do not address your “arrogant supremacy” on a WvW server based performance, rather get in a party and do some Tournament, then we shall see the “real” supremacy
Lol @ those “mercenaries guilds” who hop in and out servers to make some gold.
They think they are the best fighters :p (lamers)
Now you will have to include the fee for transfer to your commissioner or most probably you will be eventually stuck in 1 server lol
.. As for FoW the only thing they were obviously good at capping at night before we arrived
You are coming from a different server, your original home where you left only defeats behind you.
You came on Vabbi server claiming yourself as “the saviour” who would repopulate the WvW community, any victory you will achieve will be tasteless.
Even if you would manage to climb the chart (thing that i doubt it will ever occur) your efforts will always be noticed as the easiest way to achieve some scoring.
Funny part is that you most prolly end up to be victim of your own spoil, RoS are turning up like the ones who will tier up while you “players who inhabit Vabbi” will be stuck on last tier afterall :p
Then WsR will tier down and you ll end up 2nd once again, but ofc by then i expect you and your precious army to have left Vabbi for goods.
You may prouve me wrong if you ll still be on Vabbi server for the next 30 days. Easy win…
You are going down, your arrogance is matched only by your blindness
Now, you have a good evening…
WvW for FoW is dead. RIP. Think its about time to move servers or quit GW2 altogether.
if u guys get tired,believe me i feel u.For weeks we’ve been third now, but still holding quite well, but now we are outmanned very often sometimes our force of 20 has to fight a zerg of 40 on 1 side and a zerg of 15 on the other, but we don’t wanna give up and sometimes we manage to push back very hard. Don’t give up, but if u like wvw but the server becomes unbearable come join us in FA, we like people with skill and dedication. :-)
Many of FoW players do not really bother about winning against overwhelming forces, do not really bother about being part of a “zerging” “winning” “numbers” server.
As sad it may look, leaving FoW would be the ultimate defeat. Joining other servers will make any “victory” tasteless..
Just 1 word while i am here, please refrain yourself from recruiting people from FoW, and if you need to do it then do not address your recruitiment to a particular server but leave that “field” open, thanks.
FoW will have its moment of Glory (an hard earned one)
To all FoW players:
Do not make a drama out of this mess, it is not that bad, we never played on even numbers, we had even worst ratio in the past; nevertheless the core players of FoW never gave up and they surely shall not give up now.
I feel sorry for FoW Good luck stabilizing again after Vabbi leaves your tier.
Original Vabbi guilds, I’m very sorry for you as well.Good luck tho.
Oh thanks for showing empathy but really, don t be sorry for us, we feel like our neighbourhood has been just hit by a cow storm, we were very close when that happened but we dodge it, hopefully. (no damage to structures but the stink is pretty
intense ^^)
We in FoW are used to lower tier battles and we hate huge zergs and the lag that comes with it
We feel sorry for Ros and Vabbi original community, but as someone said it is not anyone fault, it is just a “perfectionable” features of this Game who allows anyone to swap server whenever he pleases and without any kind of “real” price to pay.
In the meantime I would also like to welcome GOA Guild from RoS as i’ve heard they might have joined us for goods
I am happy for vabbi being repopulated in a way, even tho i wouldn t like to see so much cheating going around..
We are FoW, we ve been the real underdog among all server but our community is somewhat growing and WvW has never been so fun as in these last weeks.
Do your things, do your transfers but please leave FoW as it is :p
PvP AKP WvW Dark LUPI among other Guilds around, are part of the FoW family and i am sure NONE of these has ever been using cheating or hacking programs, we are proud of that and we would like our “name” stay clear for that matter, we may lose but we ll never turn our head elsewhere or trying to gain a corrupted prize using corrupted methods.
All my respect to all legit Vabbi players of course, have a good fight
With all respect, it looks fake.
I ve never met a zerg moving that way, holding attacks or stop running when in range, noone in your party has ever been a primary target, their ranged class didn’t even worry about actually get in position, they just “hold”; and the larger group just waiting on the backline their “turn”
Thats actually not true.
Just today in the reset opening night we killed a 80 man Zerg with around 10 people.
We were all manning arrow cards, and just nuked the whole Zerg away as they where rushing on the bay lord.
I guess thats one of the reasons we are Nr. 1 in Europe.
Skill, coordination and planning > Zerg.
If you are a group of 50 random uncoordinated people with no clue about WvW, then you can’t expect to win against organized guilds with 500 man power, and you will drop in the ladder, facing a server that fits your numbers soon.
OP is right, as it is now, server rankings is only a “meter” to its WvW population, no particular skills or strategic planning involved.
Try and find the real reasons why your server is n.1 in Europe elsewhere please, and cut this “we are the best” thingy, no offence
I think Break out event is working as intended, you are complaining about a “tower” (10 points), while what this event does, is giving some foothold and “hope” to oppressed servers.
It is not a one side advantage since any server could end up on that situation.
Without entering deeply into dynamics involved on the event itself, i would like you instead, to give a second thought about the “why” rather then the “how” this event were born.
I guess I need way more practice I can’t even tank a necromancer I really got SAD >:(
Good necro cannot be beaten by ele most common bunker multiboon traditional builds, not a chance on a million not a player on this earth :p
There is only a way to beat the good necro using ele, i am not going to disclose it here so you will have some fun trying to identify it, that is if you want use your time in doing it
Right..he s good and since you people are still trying to figure out how to knock that build down (severly and with no hope for anyone using it) I ll reveal it here so maybe you could cut this “pls nerf ele” thing..
Strenght on that build are boons and the ability to constantly renew them, use them against him and he will go down in less than 30 second, and even his escaping abilties will be nullified…one word “necromancer”
I am an ele and i dare ANY ele using that build to beat a good necro who is knowing what he s doing, not a chance on a million, no matter how high are the skill of that ele, when infact, the more is skilled the faster will go down…unfortunately, but i guess this is the way the game has been designed, any “class” has got its own nightmare and opponent on that matter.
Prove me wrong on this and i ll delete my toon :p
Looking forward to these changes, especially the breakout :p
I forsee the Glorious Mighty NPC commander being slaughtered just 3 mt outside the spawn point already, and our “confident” minizerg of 6 people facepalming and roftling around while the enemies backguards stop running toward the fight cause their allies just killed the Glorious Mighty mentioned above :p
What i found sad was when I went 30 fire 30 air 10 water (just for a bit of fun) in sPvP. Came up versus a Ranger who just ran in circles as I pounded on him. He just laughed and pops Regen and heals faster than I can damage him. On another note, Lightning Whip is about as useless as ever, if the target moves it misses, or even swinging at the Windows in Kylo it misses, point blank.
I think that if there was some kind of achievment about “never killed by a ..profession” that prize would go to Ranger
Leave Rangers as they are or give them some boost instead..
On a second thought a full party of rangers may be dangerous…just for their 5 moa! No kidding :p
I think WvW scoring should be dictated by numbers of players and nothing else would matter, really.
Applying a different score to a camp/fort/keep or whatever just on the base of the number of players involved on that Borderland during the 15 minutes period time.
Let the 90 people zerg rush over a 15 players borderland and let them have only 1/6 of the scoring during that tally! What? you don t like it? That will not be a punishment on higher populated server, it would be just as fair as it can get a proper confrontation.
The real problem would be the huge mole of data that should be crossed by server counting out access in relation of capping objectives maybe…or maybe not ^^
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