Showing Posts For Jephery.8915:

D/D Condi PvP with Video

in Thief

Posted by: Jephery.8915


I feel like you don’t really need the Shortbow since this is a bunker build if you go with Settlers or other defensive condition amulet. Don’t need mobility while bunkering a point.

If you switch the amulet to something offensive then yeah, take the Shortbow for roaming.

(edited by Jephery.8915)

Ascended Armor Required?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jephery.8915


Lol the stat boost is barely around 6%. People keep saying 12% have no idea.
Anyway with time Im sure people will be able to beat them on full exotics.

Stats compound on each other. Power is worth more DPS the more Precision and Ferocity you have, Precision worth more the more Power and Ferocity you have, etc.

Adding +100 power doesn’t just give you +100 power in a vacuum, it scales off all your existing Precision and Ferocity, and all the group buffs in a raid setting you’ll get.

The minor increase in stats from Ascended armor is going to be scaled by raidwide Quickness, Alacrity, Banners, Spirits, etc.

(edited by Jephery.8915)

Ascended Armor Required?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jephery.8915


The dps checks are so tightly tuned that groups in full ascended are barely making the timer. Ascended armor can be the difference between a kill with a few seconds left and wiping to enrage at 0.

You want every statistical advantage you can get on top of your personal skill.

Condition Warrior PVE DPS Video Guide

in Warrior

Posted by: Jephery.8915


Wait, doesn’t deep strike only give the condition damage to fury that you apply? So, wouldn’t it be pointless if you had someone else granting fury?

You get 6 seconds of Fury on entering Berserker mode, and you’ll get your own fury if you run Signet of Rage.

Math in a void, DPS and the Meta

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jephery.8915


I think that many players assume to know what or how devs think when they develop a class in any MMO and GW2 isn’t any different. There is so many things wrong with how the meta is pushed in the game and how it negatively impacts it that it’s hard to find a place to start asking questions or having a discussion. I can’t get over the fact that despite how far from reality the theorycrafting calculations are, they are still the standard that people use to act out on others. The only thing the calcs do is give a theoretical upper damage limit for a rotation/build for SPECIFIC and IDEAL situations.

The bottom line is: if you have any capacity to think for yourself, do so and come to your own conclusions; this isn’t rocket science. The math on a spreadsheet only takes you so far. Don’t be a sheep.

Good players and guilds make ideal situations more common. They figure out how to position or manipulate an encounter to get the highest dps possible. They make the math a reality.

‘Being good’ doesn’t affect all the assumptions that are being used to make these calculations; for instance, ‘being good’ doesn’t prevent you from having to dodge, something the calcs don’t take into account. No one can tell me it’s impossible to model dodging … if a theorycrafter can’t incorporate how dodging events impact DPS, they should just pack it in.

Even for factors where ‘being good’ does affect, the math still does not approach the values that are realistic to what happens in the game.

It does mean that you minimize dodging as much as possible. Good examples are dungeon groups that take advantage of Mesmer reflects and Guardian aegis to eliminate or greatly reduce the need for movement, in order to maximize dps uptime.

Once again, good group will take advantage of all possible mechanics to maximize their dps uptime, in order to get as close to the theoretical maximum as possible.

Ceiling values are very relevant. Good players will practice their rotation over and over to get as close to that ceiling as possible. If a different build has a higher ceiling, then they’ll change their build and try to get close to the ceiling of the new build.

Sure, there is a small amount of people who use the ceiling as a target to see how close they can get. That’s not the problem with these calcs, so put that to rest.

The problem is that there is a MASSIVE number of people that use the ceiling calculation as ‘proof’ of what professions are good or bad and act stupidly because of it. Some of these people even believe it’s an obtainable value.

There really isn’t anything you can do about that. There will always be people who will misinterpret the data, whether intentionally or due to ignorance.

There actually is something the people can do about that, they just don’t because it’s more difficult than what they are capable of doing; enhancing their models and adding in factors that are more aligned with what happens ingame.

So we have some weekend Excel warriors pushing zeroth order DPS calcs barely relevant to the real game situation and a whole bunch of other people buying it because ’it’s math’. Things like this make me fear for the education levels in the places where these people exist.

You’re assuming that people who make spreadsheets and dps simulators for MMOs don’t actually play the game, but from my experience, its usually the opposite. These are people at or near the top of their MMO’s group content communities.

That is why people listen to guilds like DnT when they give their numbers for a build and rotation.

People being at the top of their MMO content does not mean they have a clue on how to model DPS. Those two skills are not inclusive.

So when I see ignorant people accepting DPS calculations based on the fact the people making those calculations are top of their game, that’s a fallacy. I trust very few people to recognize that fallacy for the exact same reasons I trust very few people to understand how the calculations DON’T relate to ingame experiences.

The point is that they don’t release builds and numbers in a vacuum. After they calculate what the theoretical ceiling is, they try to reach it.

A rule of thumb from WoW raiding is that you should try to consistently reach 90% of your SimCraft calculated dps. The calculations do translate into ingame experiences if you practice and the people you play with practice.

Math in a void, DPS and the Meta

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jephery.8915


I think that many players assume to know what or how devs think when they develop a class in any MMO and GW2 isn’t any different. There is so many things wrong with how the meta is pushed in the game and how it negatively impacts it that it’s hard to find a place to start asking questions or having a discussion. I can’t get over the fact that despite how far from reality the theorycrafting calculations are, they are still the standard that people use to act out on others. The only thing the calcs do is give a theoretical upper damage limit for a rotation/build for SPECIFIC and IDEAL situations.

The bottom line is: if you have any capacity to think for yourself, do so and come to your own conclusions; this isn’t rocket science. The math on a spreadsheet only takes you so far. Don’t be a sheep.

Good players and guilds make ideal situations more common. They figure out how to position or manipulate an encounter to get the highest dps possible. They make the math a reality.

‘Being good’ doesn’t affect all the assumptions that are being used to make these calculations; for instance, ‘being good’ doesn’t prevent you from having to dodge, something the calcs don’t take into account. No one can tell me it’s impossible to model dodging … if a theorycrafter can’t incorporate how dodging events impact DPS, they should just pack it in.

Even for factors where ‘being good’ does affect, the math still does not approach the values that are realistic to what happens in the game.

It does mean that you minimize dodging as much as possible. Good examples are dungeon groups that take advantage of Mesmer reflects and Guardian aegis to eliminate or greatly reduce the need for movement, in order to maximize dps uptime.

Once again, good group will take advantage of all possible mechanics to maximize their dps uptime, in order to get as close to the theoretical maximum as possible.

Ceiling values are very relevant. Good players will practice their rotation over and over to get as close to that ceiling as possible. If a different build has a higher ceiling, then they’ll change their build and try to get close to the ceiling of the new build.

Sure, there is a small amount of people who use the ceiling as a target to see how close they can get. That’s not the problem with these calcs, so put that to rest.

The problem is that there is a MASSIVE number of people that use the ceiling calculation as ‘proof’ of what professions are good or bad and act stupidly because of it. Some of these people even believe it’s an obtainable value.

There really isn’t anything you can do about that. There will always be people who will misinterpret the data, whether intentionally or due to ignorance.

There actually is something the people can do about that, they just don’t because it’s more difficult than what they are capable of doing; enhancing their models and adding in factors that are more aligned with what happens ingame.

So we have some weekend Excel warriors pushing zeroth order DPS calcs barely relevant to the real game situation and a whole bunch of other people buying it because ’it’s math’. Things like this make me fear for the education levels in the places where these people exist.

You’re assuming that people who make spreadsheets and dps simulators for MMOs don’t actually play the game, but from my experience, its usually the opposite. These are people at or near the top of their MMO’s group content communities.

That is why people listen to guilds like DnT when they give their numbers for a build and rotation.

Math in a void, DPS and the Meta

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jephery.8915


I think that many players assume to know what or how devs think when they develop a class in any MMO and GW2 isn’t any different. There is so many things wrong with how the meta is pushed in the game and how it negatively impacts it that it’s hard to find a place to start asking questions or having a discussion. I can’t get over the fact that despite how far from reality the theorycrafting calculations are, they are still the standard that people use to act out on others. The only thing the calcs do is give a theoretical upper damage limit for a rotation/build for SPECIFIC and IDEAL situations.

The bottom line is: if you have any capacity to think for yourself, do so and come to your own conclusions; this isn’t rocket science. The math on a spreadsheet only takes you so far. Don’t be a sheep.

Good players and guilds make ideal situations more common. They figure out how to position or manipulate an encounter to get the highest dps possible. They make the math a reality.

‘Being good’ doesn’t affect all the assumptions that are being used to make these calculations; for instance, ‘being good’ doesn’t prevent you from having to dodge, something the calcs don’t take into account.

Even for factors where ‘being good’ does affect, the math still does not approach the values that are realistic to what happens in the game.

It does mean that you minimize dodging as much as possible. Good examples are dungeon groups that take advantage of Mesmer reflects and Guardian aegis to eliminate or greatly reduce the need for movement, in order to maximize dps uptime.

Once again, good group will take advantage of all possible mechanics to maximize their dps uptime, in order to get as close to the theoretical maximum as possible.

Ceiling values are very relevant. Good players will practice their rotation over and over to get as close to that ceiling as possible. If a different build has a higher ceiling, then they’ll change their build and try to get close to the ceiling of the new build.

(edited by Jephery.8915)

Math in a void, DPS and the Meta

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jephery.8915


I think that many players assume to know what or how devs think when they develop a class in any MMO and GW2 isn’t any different. There is so many things wrong with how the meta is pushed in the game and how it negatively impacts it that it’s hard to find a place to start asking questions or having a discussion. I can’t get over the fact that despite how far from reality the theorycrafting calculations are, they are still the standard that people use to act out on others. The only thing the calcs do is give a theoretical upper damage limit for a rotation/build for SPECIFIC and IDEAL situations.

The bottom line is: if you have any capacity to think for yourself, do so and come to your own conclusions; this isn’t rocket science. The math on a spreadsheet only takes you so far. Don’t be a sheep.

Good players and guilds make ideal situations more common. They figure out how to position or manipulate an encounter to get the highest dps possible. They make the math a reality.

Newb Rev guide?

in Revenant

Posted by: Jephery.8915


I recommend Shiro/Mallyx for leveling. Devastation/Invocation traits. Third can be whatever.

Devastation is for the 10% increase in sword dps (Vicious Lacerations) and Focused Siphoning and Assassin’s Annihilation for the life steal sustain. Invocation for Fury uptime (use the Fury on heal trait), which synergizes with Devastation.

Shiro for single mob dps, Mallyx for group tagging in map events.

Unyielding Anguish in Mallyx is amazing while leveling. The damage is good, and there is no cap on the number of targets. It isn’t as great at 80, but while leveling, you can tag huge groups of mobs during events like the Harathi Highlands world boss for lots of XP.

(edited by Jephery.8915)

How do you enjoy solo PvP atm?

in PvP

Posted by: Jephery.8915


I play Herald and sword auto with passives until things are dead.

Its funny how effective that is.

Combat Oriented Heralds

in Revenant

Posted by: Jephery.8915


I think you missed this thread:

Shiro/Glint DPS Herald is pretty standard.

Condition Warrior PVE DPS Video Guide

in Warrior

Posted by: Jephery.8915


I was thinking that the Revenant would just maintain the ~10 stacks from a Shiro/Glint rotation, and the rest would be made up by fire field blasts with 50% facet of nature uptime from the Longbow Warrior and the group.

Since the condition Warrior is already bringing banners, you can get the Revenant for its group buffs instead of overlapping another Warrior.

I probably haven’t thought this through enough though, I’ll concede.

Lets all take a step back here

in Warrior

Posted by: Jephery.8915


If I wanted to go full dps warrior, I would strength arms discipline or strength defense discipline. (yes berserker gives you a lot of % modifiers but in the end, I wont have much use for the berserker mode because in most situation the enemy will be dead with my first adrenaline bar filled up).

Use Headbutt or Signet of Fury to get instant full adrenaline to pop Berserker mode at the start of a fight.

Strength/Arms/Berserker or Strength/Tactics/Berserker is the new PvE meta.

How do i survive without defense traits?

in Warrior

Posted by: Jephery.8915


I did all of the HoT maps as a full zerker GS warrior. Its not hard. Learn the telegraphs for the big hitters, dodge. Sometimes you’ll die because you made a mistake. Learn from it.

There are a few bosses where melee will just die (Axemaster in Dragon’s Stand or Guild Hall claiming as an example), it doesn’t matter what class you are, so bring a Longbow or Rifle with you to swap in.

Condition Warrior PVE DPS Video Guide

in Warrior

Posted by: Jephery.8915


PS Condition Longbow (Tactics/Arms/Berserker) can replace PS Greatsword in fractals/dungeons if a Herald is also in the group.

If you have a Herald and are running Tactics, you can run Phalanx Strength as a Longbow condition warrior and maintain 25 might stacks with the Herald assisting with facets. Herald can also apply a large amount of Vulnerability stacks, making up for the loss of the GS Vulnerability stacks.

Though, I guess its more the Herald replacing the GS warrior.

(edited by Jephery.8915)

Revenant underwater combat not complete

in Revenant

Posted by: Jephery.8915


The funny thing is that Glint facets stay active if you go underwater with them on, but you can’t turn them back on if you switch legends.

Tips for not sucking as a PVE Reve?

in Revenant

Posted by: Jephery.8915


I went Sword/Axe Shiro/Mallyx while leveling.

Spam Unyielding Anguish in Mallyx to clear groups of mobs.
Use Impossible Odds in Shiro to kill single mobs.

For any mob that lasts longer than your energy bar, rotate between Shiro and Mallyx:

Shiro -> Impossible Odds until out of energy -> Mallyx -> Embrace the Darkness -> Unrelenting Assault -> Shiro on CD

Most of your DPS comes from Sword 1 Auto with Impossible Odds or Embrace the Darkness up. Generally only use abilities in Mallyx as Embrace the Darkness doesn’t have as large an upkeep as Impossible Odds.

(edited by Jephery.8915)


in Ranger

Posted by: Jephery.8915


Their dps when they can land their attacks is bear tier as well.

Just can't get into the class, PvP Wise

in Revenant

Posted by: Jephery.8915


I find that Revenant’s strength in pvp comes from the fact that 90% of your dps is Sword 1 auto, so all you have to do is stick on someone and you put insane pressure on them.

There are no telegraphed burst skills for them to dodge, you’re just auto’ing them for 3k-4k crits constantly.

The skill comes from making sure you have good melee uptime on your target and using your skills to avoid damage since Revenant sustain is relatively weak.

From Ranger to Revenant? Should I?

in Ranger

Posted by: Jephery.8915


Ranger power builds are really bad compared to other classes (made up for a little by Spotter + Frost Spirit), while Revenant power is almost as good as staff ele while stacking boons for the group and +150 group Ferocity.

However, Revenant doesn’t have a viable condition build, while Axe/Torch Ranger is actually one of the better condition builds in the game (decent dps with Spotter + Frost and Fire Spirits).

Please change "Always Angry" back

in Warrior

Posted by: Jephery.8915


The old Always Angry was terrible. Use Signet of Fury or Headbutt for adrenaline at combat start and at each Berserker CD. Having either one will give you full Berserker uptime.

The extra adrenaline from Always Angry was useless because of utilities.

Traited Signet of Fury is 25s cd, Traited Berserk needs to be used every 25s.

(edited by Jephery.8915)

Condi Berserker crazy high DPS

in Warrior

Posted by: Jephery.8915


Sorry to say but thats the third different video Ive seen showing me a indistuctable golem lined up perfectly so that the Longbow hitboxes over lap as a justification for someones opinion on this board.

Do you ever stop and think for one second thats not going to happen all the time or even most the time in practice in open world since enimies move and 2ndly that it could be bug.

BurnBow is still higher dps than Berserker GS or GS/Axe even if you hit with only one hitbox from my testing.

Getting more than one hitting just makes it skyrocket over GS.

(edited by Jephery.8915)

Condi Berserker crazy high DPS

in Warrior

Posted by: Jephery.8915


Agree with op, Tactics/Arms/Berserker, camp Longbow. Discipline doesn’t work well since you can’t really take advantage of the weapon swapping and lower burst cd., you just want to camp Longbow, so you want the longbow trait in Tactics. Tactics also has better group utility (shout heals or phalanx strength).

The sword primal burst isn’t great because it doesn’t put bursts on CD until the long channel is over. Just keep something like Mace/Shield on swap for defensive utility, and breaking break bars with the Mace primal burst and shield stun.

Signet of Fury, FGJ (fury uptime, switch with another banner if you don’t need it), Banner of Strength, Signet of Rage

Pop Signet of Rage, get into combat, pop Signet of Fury to max Adrenaline, go ham in Berserker with OP’s rotation.

Even if you only hit with a single Scorched Earth hitbox, its more damage than GS/axe or Berserk GS. If you hit with two then the dps is almost double, and if even more the dps is silly.

Since you’re running tactics, you actually can use Phalanx strength if you want to stack might for the team. You won’t keep up 25 stacks like a GS warrior, but between your fire fields and FGJ/Signet of Rage its something.

(edited by Jephery.8915)

Do any1 think Always Angry got nerfed?

in Warrior

Posted by: Jephery.8915


Just use Headbutt or Signet of Fury to instantly get full adrenaline at the start of combat.

Always Angry was actually kind of useless if you ran Signet of Fury or Headbutt.

Berserker is Awesome

in Warrior

Posted by: Jephery.8915


Traited fully for Burst CD, you can get Primal Bursts down to a 2.5s cd.

You can spam 3-4 Primal Bursts for every 1 level 3 Burst, and they do count as full level 3 bursts for traits.

(edited by Jephery.8915)

Best build for solo/small group HoT zones?

in Warrior

Posted by: Jephery.8915


I think he just needs to learn the telegraphs for the hard hitting mordrem guard and frog attacks.

If he wants to try something more ranged and with conditions like your build, the Arms/Discipline/Berserker Longbow + Sword/Torch burn build is pretty fun.

Fractals, Did I just LOSE money?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jephery.8915


Colin said in an interview literally this morning that they’re going to be looking at Fractal rewards. Anyway take a chill pill, it’s not even real kittening money.

Any form of money is as real as the other. Its all convertible fiat currency.

Just some conversions are not as legal or easy as others.

Berzerker is fun

in Warrior

Posted by: Jephery.8915


The Versatile Power (-15% cd) and Smash Brawler (-33%) traits stack for -48% cd on Primal Burst cd, so your primal burst only has a ~2.5s cd instead of 5s. Take Burst Mastery in Discipline to reduce the amount of adrenaline you need to gain for a Primal Burst to 7 instead of 10 and increase their damage as well.

Strength/Discipline/Berserker for Power (GS/Axe + Mace), and Arms/Displine/Berserker for Condition (Long Bow/Sword + Torch).

Getting into Berserker and spamming the primal bursts to mow everything down is amazing.

How is Bristleback in PvP?

in Ranger

Posted by: Jephery.8915


It’s a decent pet, problem is vs melee unless you can CC them Bristleback has allot of problems landing any damage.

Also Sic’em + F2 doesn’t work when you use Sic’em if you us any pet skill E.g F1 it will cancel Sic’em effect on your pet.

Good combo is to use Longbow or Staff, pull range CC and unload your pets F2.

Oh ok. Thats good to know.

Thanks for the feedback.

Edit: Hmm testing it in PvE, sic’em doesn’t get removed by F2. Is that a pvp only balance change?

(edited by Jephery.8915)

How is Bristleback in PvP?

in Ranger

Posted by: Jephery.8915


It seems like if you could actually catch someone in the Swap Quickness + Sic’em + F2 burst it could do silly amounts of damage.

But can you actually pull that off?

[End Spoilers] It's confirmed.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Jephery.8915


Trahearne dies? This is bad… So it didn’t end well… HE KNEW ALL ALONG!

Treesus died for our sins.

Druids in PvE

in Ranger

Posted by: Jephery.8915


I dunno dude, have you taken a walk through Maguuma? Monsters hit like freaking MAC trucks. I see players go down frequently just fighting veterans. I think healing is going to have a place in this expansion if not immediately. Gotta think long-term here.

Healing is only really useful if you have high toughness and vitality already, since if you don’t you’re probably getting one or two shot and healing beyond what you have already with traited WHaO isn’t necessary.

I got through all of the HoT story and the Dragon Stand event in full Berserker, LB/GS, without having major issues. I just had to learn all the telegraphs for the heavy hitting mobs (Shadowleapers and Guard Snipers in particular).

Worse than Cursed Shores...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Jephery.8915


I haven’t had much trouble as a Warrior (gs/axe) or Ranger (lb/gs) in full zerker gear, but those are notoriously easy to pve with.

Ranger Help Ranger [PET LOCATIONS]

in Ranger

Posted by: Jephery.8915


I can confirm that reddit post. Go to the Northern Advance Camp after finishing the map event and go south to the hill with the explore point. Tigers are in the area south past the gate.