Showing Posts For Jormunrek.5372:

Lets get ready to Shuuuuffffffle!

in WvW

Posted by: Jormunrek.5372


Make it happen! I would like to see one of the NPCs giving a war speech infront of the gates during matchmaking.

Or maybe a bookie that accepts bets on where the “coat-tailers” will move next…


The community is overdue for another update on the state of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Jormunrek.5372


“Jump to 9 min mark, question is answered by studio technical director Cameron Dunn”

Reread what you posted.


JQ vs HoD vs SBI thread/updates/screenshots

in WvW

Posted by: Jormunrek.5372


As long as there are instant transfers there will be a wave of people moving from this server to that server. Unfortunately JQ is holding the ball atm. But hopefully with information coming in on the three (or four or five) servers that some of the HoD guilds leaped to hopefully the wave to slosh some of these recent immigrants to those servers.

The queues have sadly chased away many of my guildies. And much of the remaining have been lured away by world of pandas (which I am loathed to admit).

I just hope they do something about this before gw2 turns into War v2.0. =/


The community is overdue for another update on the state of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Jormunrek.5372



You guys need to top relying on being spoon fed info and keep your ear to the ground.

For example:
Jump to 9 min mark, question is answered by studio technical director Cameron Dunn

Went there, and listened at the 9min mark and all they discuss is they are working on queue times and how surprised they were at the participation in wvw (which considering how the game was/is marketed I’m kind of surprised that they are surprised but whatever).

Nothing about if/when free/instant transfers were ending and nothing about orbs.

And definitely nothing about any of the points in the OP.
So what exactly was answered at the 9min mark that you pointed out?


The community is overdue for another update on the state of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Jormunrek.5372


I would like to just get some input on when/if transfers are going to be changed, when/if orbs are doing to be disabled until fixed, and things of that sort.

Starting to have flashbacks of the first six months of Warhammer and it’s giving me some concern.

There are several issues with wvw that will take time to fix, but server transfers and disabling the orbs are something that take barely longer than re-upping the servers.


Is this fun?

in WvW

Posted by: Jormunrek.5372


Have said it a couple times, will say it again:

Give a 2 week grace period warning that free/unlimited transfers will end.
After that 2 week period lock transfers. Then the following day unlock transfers with the the limitation of once per month and charge for them.

And for the folks that think that this will not “fix” wvw an addition:

Reset server ranks on the day that free/unlimited server transfers end.

Leave the current combat time at one week though. Two weeks is a bit extreme in my opinion. Less than a week will create periods with the duration will not include weekends. Seven days is fine as is.

Orbs also need to be disabled BEFORE this happens. Unless they can fix flyhack/wallhack/geometry exploiting/portal exploiting/insert the kitten currently going on to obtain orbs by foul.

Also needing to be implemented BEFORE this occurs is coding to eliminate siege placement funny business. No more dropping trebs in invulnerable zones. This “home field advantage” shouldn’t exist.

No supply at zone in point, that’s just silly. Possibly give npc’s personal siege equipment though to lessen spawn camping. I.e. siege equipment manned by npc’s that players can’t hop on. Give them extended range but not one shot ability, but two shot basically.

Another point on transfers. If they are limited to once a month there will be no need to lock out the person transferring from wvw.

tl;dr version:

Anet anounces “2wks and transfers are changing!!”.
2wks later Anet locks transfers for 24hrs and during that time resets server standings and disables orbs and ability to drop siege in invulnerable/unreachable zones.
24hrs later transfers are reactivated with 1 transfer per month limit and now cost.

Why all this? Simple. Resetting the server standings erases the mess of the server hopping bullkitten, orb/wall/portal/geometry hacks/exploiting.

It also removes the flawed data of the 24hr matches from the system. (using one hit walls, fighting under floors, glitching through walls next to doors, etc…, and it avoids the affects of attrition.)

Sorry for the length of this. =/


GW2 proves it: tri-faction pvp isn't the answer

in WvW

Posted by: Jormunrek.5372


As long as there are instant transfers three way realm vs. realm will not function properly.

They need to change transfers to once a month to change the current ebb and flow of populations from once server to another.


Paid transfers, ranking reset, and transfer lock out

in WvW

Posted by: Jormunrek.5372


All they have to do is:
Announce a two week grace period for folks to get to the servers they want to live on.
After that two week grace period end free transfers and start charging for future transfers.
Limit server transfers to once a month.

The only additional thing that they could do is after that two week grace period they could reset the point system since the system would now reflect actual server progression/standing without server bandwagoning headstart/release bug exploiting. Or at least the bugs that have been fixed thusfar. I.e. single shot exploding walls, terrain exploits, etc…

In my mind point resetting isn’t a required part, but would be nice. But ending instant transfers is.


HoD vs JQ vs ET

in WvW

Posted by: Jormunrek.5372


^ Have to admit, this made me lol a little bit.

But the Japanese teams get to stay, I dig them.


Weapon swapping, what if...

in Elementalist

Posted by: Jormunrek.5372


I’d be happy if they would give us the character sheet slots and the hotkey and just have it greyed out during combat so we can hotswap.

Agreed it is a QoL issue and if they just did this it would not alter our combat status at all.


@Anet, transfers

in WvW

Posted by: Jormunrek.5372


fixit: Who can deny that free, no punishment transfers does not promote server hopping to winning teams?

I don’t think anyone is denying that point. And as long as transfers are free and can be done at any time (barring server status) this is going to continue happening and will hamper server loyalty. Well it’ll prevent any sort of real server loyalty from forming.


Just get rid of orbs all together

in WvW

Posted by: Jormunrek.5372


katniss.6735:How about this:
Each garrison gives an orb bonus. So controlling the garrisons in every borderlands will give all three orb bonuses. There is no longer a physical orb.

This is a pretty decent idea. But perhaps instead of the garrison itself giving the buff the keep lord inside gives the buff. Call it something like hardened morale or steel resolution or something.

Could also consider giving the buff just to the battlefield that garrison is in, limiting the effects on the large scale.

If that is done then you could let the castle legendary keep lord give a buff that spans all of the battlefields. Because as it stands right now the castle is a nice small bump in points but not particularly relevant in winning the war on a weekly basis.


Just get rid of orbs all together

in WvW

Posted by: Jormunrek.5372


I haven’t decided if I think the orbs should just go away all together or not, but they should disable them until they can get a handle on the exploiting/glitching going on that many are doing to attain them.

This would also give sampling data of how wvw would be affected if they were to remove them and we/they could see the results.


@Anet, transfers

in WvW

Posted by: Jormunrek.5372


Announce a two week grace period for people to get to the server they want to live on.
Then start charging for transfers and limit transfers to once a month.

Problem solved.

With will eliminate several problems that exist in wvw currently, provide additional revenue stream, and requires very little coding to implement.


Orbs of Power

in WvW

Posted by: Jormunrek.5372


It takes nearly zero time to disable the orbs until they can get a solution worked out…


Official Orb Hacking Treaty

in WvW

Posted by: Jormunrek.5372


This is a really nice concept, and looks great on paper, but don’t see it happening. Better to keep shining a light on it when it happens so Anet is aware of just how rampant the problem is. And by doing so possibly they will either fix the problem or disable orbs until they can construct a permanent solution.


Disabling orbs until they are fixed

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jormunrek.5372


I agree that storming the garrison JUST to take the orb is pretty fun, and a bit of a rush, but the amount of rampant exploiting/glitching/abuse of terrain or ability “undocumented features” far outweighs the fun value.

There are several problems with wvwvw at the moment but this is one that really requires a quickfix, i.e. disable until a real solution is available.

And I would have thought that Anet would have disabled it by now because it shines a light on other problems like flyhacking, teleporting, speedhacking, etc…


Is 3 faction really required? 2 faction actually might be better

in WvW

Posted by: Jormunrek.5372


As long as instant free transfers exist the logic behind three faction rvr won’t function. You will still have coattailers (if that can be used as a real term) jumping ship all over the place.

Now if they eliminate free transfers and limit how often they can transfer the three faction paradigm can actually have a chance of working.

Although I think how often you can transfer is more important than charging to transfer to be honest.


Disabling orbs until they are fixed

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jormunrek.5372


Title says it all.

Please disable the orbs until they can be properly captured from an opposing side. This is just getting beyond silly.

There have been a few suggestions on how to alter the orb mechanic so an individual can’t magically swipe it run off with it. Personally I’d like to see something along the lines of the altar being invulnerable until after the keep lord dies. But I’m not terribly picky.

But please just disable the mechanic until you can fix it.


free server transfer

in WvW

Posted by: Jormunrek.5372


Give a two week warning to allow folks to get to where they want to be then start charging for transfers and limit transfers to once a month.

Problem solved.


Dissallow players transferring servers to participate in WvW until match reset plz

in WvW

Posted by: Jormunrek.5372


What I wish they would do is give a two week warning then end free transfers.
After that grace period allow up to one paid transfer a month.

This would cover pretty much any issue that might occur with “friends” being on a different server. Two weeks is sufficient time to find any server in a non-full state.

This would help server populations to settle down and average point spreads in wvwvw I would think.
