Showing Posts For JoshandSarah.5402:
How do you balance pvp? How do game developers balance the classes between players of varying skill?
Remove passive trais (except minor) and bring only traits which improve your skills/utilities.
For example: Remove rapid regen trait in scrapper line. Change it into Something like: " if your hp drops bellow 50% and you are affected by superspeed, your heal skill heal you + 3k hp" or high amount over 5sec or something like this.This only not for scrapper, but for all.
Why? What does that accomplish? It just adds a passive bonus to your heal, and makes the game much more spikey — with no real sustain.
People have already complained copious amounts about the burst meta, which things like this help provide, and it doesn’t even promote skillful plays in any way.
Thankfully, you’re not a game developer and you’ll never have any say in something like this.
I’ve never seen a developing team that does such a horrific job that they cause the majority of their most skilled, most dedicated playerbase to quit
And THEN take their SWEET TIMES trying to put things back on track.
How long has it been with this garbage now? Five months?
I’m appalled.
omg you’re too much.
remember what game you’re playing here.
Just a real quick note, the last post about these patch notes got locked.
And I’d just love to pause for a moment and reflect upon the line stated by the moderator “We remove threads that are speculation”.
Any decent team embraces speculation, or for that matter, KEEPS THEIR COMMUNITY UPDATED ON THEIR PATCH NOTES.
I’m sure not too many people here are WoW fans, and that’s totally fine, but look at Blizzard. Even though they’re not absolutely certain if their patch notes will hold, they keep constantly updating them with their changes as they come.
And sure, that’d be hard for them to do because their team is far inferior in size and quality especially as far as community relations, but heck, at least don’t remove the community doing your job for you.
Last time patch notes were leaked, they were very close to accurate. That means the community is putting out the notes like you should be, so we can hypothesize and reflect upon changes that may be coming.
But nononono. They lock posts that are speculation.
They lock posts that are speculation.
This team isn’t the worst, but their customer service and community interaction is rivaled by walmart.
I never, ever thought I’d see someone complaining about the difficulty of the clockwork events. But here I am, proven wrong again.
You’re boggling my mind man. There’s so many questions I have about your thought process when making the post, I don’t even know where to start.
Please just uh
Work on your build a little bit.
The only way you could have trouble with the CLOCKWORK EVENTS is if your build is like 3/7/4/16/30.
and you have like full whites.
that are all broken.
and you’re playing with a rock driven into your monitor.
and your keyboard is actually just a bag of rocks.
and even with all that it still might be relatively easy to dodge the two mechanics that do any damage.
Never too late to take a page from Blizzard’s book and post patch notes as they’re updated
Would be a nice little reminder that things are getting done.
Top 200 tPvP Leaderboard players looking for fresh faces for our sPvP & tPvP guild. We’re looking for both dedicated players to fill our last spot for our core five, and others to sub in for said team and try and earn a permanent spot.
Aaaand we’re looking for casual, or aspiring players who wish to improve and learn in a competitive environment. We can certainly help with builds/strats, all you need is to be focused and willing to learn.
We’re rapidly growing and we wanna continue to fill the guild we a good group of players. No rep requirements unless you’re doing tPvP with the main group.
PST or send me an in-game mail. ;D
Thanks a bunch. Tata.
and tbh, if you play an hour each day, odds are heavily in your favor that you’re gonna get a new map.
so like, statistics disagrees with what you’re saying.
(edited by JoshandSarah.5402)
hey man
playing an hour a day just won’t be enough to get EVERYTHING done.
it may have worked in the past but just because there happens to be new content where you can’t do literally everything with a restricted time schedule doesn’t mean you’re being punished.
normally, restricted time schedules for games ends up being that you can do >most< things, not >all< the things.
this event takes longer than others. it happens.
how are people having so much trouble getting into the events dear lord.
I mean I understand having a life and all that but if you so desperately want to get into the event just /look at your clock/.
it’s always on the hour (or VERY close to it)
so when the hours comes and here’s the tricky part
go to the zone
it’s not like you have to hit every one, space it out a bit. if you’re on guild wars, and you see it’s like 11:49
be like
oh cool I can burn 10 minutes and then port to wherever the map is! that is much easier than crying endlessly on the forums!
gotta disagree with OP like a lot of folks are.
the rationale is crazy from folks sometimes, I gotta say.
the time spent writing this forum post and responding to it was more than enough to do ANY of these things:
-read the guide that DESCRIBES THE EVENT to know that it can be solo’d, then solo it.
-type in map chat: LFG SP, then get in the dungeon and down it.
-type in map chat: how hard is SP, get the response “it’s laughably easy”, then solo it.
I mean all they gated was the gauntlet, because the pavilion is dead content as the invasions are better gold and the gauntlet is bad gold now too.
in summary, use your own head, don’t require everything to spoonfed to you and then spend the time you could be figuring things out making posts about how arenanet messed up.
first and only time I’ll defend arenanet for anything.
grats, doofus.
Jesus man that’s a really absurd question.
You should get a bit more familiar with the game first, perhaps start leveling a character or messing around with traits in Heart of the Mists. (the PVP zone.)
Then you’ll find out that what you asked is almost entirely irrelevant to how the game plays.
when the core focus of an idea is flawed, i.e. randomly switching weapon type making it impossible to use proficiently, the issue is the idea itself.
and solving it is not implementing your idea.
“Your idea is bad.”
(edited by JoshandSarah.5402)
right, so now you can’t have a sigil in your weapon if you want it static like it should be, making it worse than exotics.
or you can have it change to weapons you’re not traited for and can’t use effectively making it worse than exotics.
so you’re suggesting a weapon with such an absurd farming time that no one would ever have it, but if god forbid they did, they could only use it to flaunt it around in Lion’s Arch or be slightly worse than players who paid three gold for an exotic.
you’re right. your weapon suggestion is bad as farming a legendary, with a gimmick that makes it totally unusable in combat, without sacrificing a sigil placement or jumping through some other hoop.
interesting point.
nearly impossible to get, childish gimmick, no competitive value, would never be used in combat.
sounds like the kind of weapon I would not want.
Necro skills are certainly fitting to the current Meta, as they’re mostly entirely OP.
GW2 is still in the alpha-testing stage, so insignificant things like meeting deadlines are low priority.
Oh, I didn’t notice the changes for today. My fault guys!
The fact that death shroud doesn’t soak over damage anymore really makes me happy. Potentially might be able to burst them down now rather than letting them shroud & plague for endless amounts of time.
Though plague is still there, soo
Idk something about high priority targets not being high priority is getting to me.
I hope they’re at least a bit squishier now.
NO MORE 30/30/10 WOOO
(edited by JoshandSarah.5402)
Edit again: Didn’t see the new update for today.
What I said was moot. c:
(edited by JoshandSarah.5402)
I think that’s a really good idea! It would make sense if Necros had every tool in the game, the highest burst potential while playing a lockdown CC spam spec, the hardest to avoid damage, some of the best anti-rezzer & anti-stomper mechanics AND far more survivability.
You can have 50% life force at the start of the game when your class isn’t a broken mess.