The search bar on this forum is broken. It hasn’t worked since 2012. You need to use google to search these forums for info.
As for the topic, yes it has been asked and ignored both here and on reddit. There are currently no official statements on whether this will be addressed at all in the future.
Late January at the earliest. Most likely February however, since the holidays will slow down work on it.
Yes, keep bumping this! Maybe now that Mike is in charge we’ll see this QoL granted. A lot of QoL changes have been coming in the LW3 updates…
I don’t think I’ve gotten an ascended Chest of Coats yet since the April patch. That’s over 6 months. So I feel your pain. Although I did get some other chests in that time.
You want them to do something related to dungeons when they’ve already said they don’t want to support that content anymore? Good luck with that…
I think the main problem with this JP is that you have no idea where to go half the time. You can stand on edges and slopes that are not obvious that you could stand on. And yet you fall on other surfaces that look like you should be able to stand on.
On topic: How about a chest which you can open with a key that costs regular fractal relics? Similar to the chest in the Silverwastes, you can spam it as long as you have keys. That should provide an infinite fractal relic sink.
Sadly the characters feel like the Teen Titans GO cartoon. An abomination of the original because it has faaaar too much focus on comical dialogue.
Love the new JP in the Mistlock Observatory!
But do you think you could add +1 infusions to the chest drop list? Seems logical that it should drop them. Just a thought…
Just entered Ember Bay and first thing I did was talk to the Unbound Magic vendor.
Saw the new Karmic Retribution buff. Help text said it stacks up to 3 times, and only costs 1000 unbound magic each. Foolishly dialed 3 on the item count and hit buy. Lost 3000 Unbound Magic but only got 1 level of Karmic Retribution and now price is 5000 for the next one.
ANET commented on reddit during last year’s halloween that they had planned to have Mad Memoires return as a collection, but unfortunately it didn’t make it in time for the event. It should be coming this year.
They do actually need to spend a lot of time. The UI is made mostly of images. And the resolution of those images is probably too small to upscale to 4K without getting blurry as hell.
So to properly create a 4K compatible UI option, they would need to recreate the original UI at a much higher resolution.
But personally, I don’t care for bluriness, I just want to be able to play the game on my 4k monitor without having to wear binoculars.
Salvage them into ectos would be a nice addition. I don’t care what the ecto price is. I always need ectos for dust salvaging and various mystic forge recipes. Plus there’s the skritt lottery if I feel like “wasting” ectos away.
Sell your AR+15 and AR+16 if you don’t want the AR+9/Stat+5.
I do want the AR+9/Stat+5 infusions. And you know what? By deconstructing a single 16 infusion you can create 128 +9 infusions. And 3 +9 infusions are needed for 1 AR9/Stat+5 infusion. So I could create 42 AR+9/Stat+5, instead of the FIVE that ANET is generously giving us.
And before you say, what are you gonna do with 42 AR+9/Stat+5 infusions, you need 18 for a full set just for 1 stat combo for 1 character. I have at least 4 stat combos on a single character. So I do have a use for all of them.
(edited by Juclesia Elcritian.8410)
I don’t like your solution, ArenaNET. As mentioned, this forces people with +15s to craft +16s.
I am in favor of deconstructing 16s and making the outcome account bound. This should solve your TP dilemma I think?
I have a feeling that Episode 2 will take place in Central Tyria (Caudecus attacking Divinity’s Reach maybe?) and thus all the mastery point rewards from the missions will be for Central Tyria masteries.
Now that I have the legendary backpack, is there any point in doing the 2 daily recommended fractals anymore?
They never drop rings for me and the journal pages are useless. The encryption boxes aren’t enough money for the effort. I think they need a slight boost in drops to make them more worthwhile. Thoughts?
Clevo. The only laptops I consider “gaming laptops”, as some of them sport a desktop CPU and in some cases, even a desktop GPU inside.
Depending on your budget and where you’re located they can be pretty costly.
Here’s the world’s most powerful laptop for americans:
And this is the european version:
Clevo has some cheaper options as well if you can settle for a mobile CPU which overheats. I personally can’t. Not after experiencing the power of a desktop CPU inside a laptop.
Oooh, so that’s why the Journal stays greyed out. I thought it was another bug as usual.
3 hidden achievements is excessive. The only one that makes sense to be hidden is the Don’t Cross the Streams one.
Just happened to my group. Reported using the /bug command.
Spent 2 hours attempting the stupid fractal until I won. The reward was kitten. If this is your plan from now on ANET, please provide appropriate rewards for the time spent.
Yep. Raid masteries are needed too if you want to get exp towards shards in any of the HoT areas. Otherwise exp is still wasted.
I love that this keeps coming up. It’s probably the 5th thread on the topic in the past year.
I also keep waiting for a fix to this problem so I can enjoy my 4k GW2 experience. Sadly all of the complaints have been ignored so far…
Ah I see. Thanks
Does anyone know how these 2 WvW abilities interact with each other? Supply Mastery IV gives you the ability to recover some supply as you spend it.
Normally you spend supply in chunks of 2.
With a total of 10 supply, does that mean you have 5 chances to trigger the ability and recover supply?
So if the above is true, then what happens if you also have Repair Mastery V, which makes it so you spend 10 supply at once when repairing? Does this mean you screw yourself out of 4 potential chances to trigger the ability to get back supply?
Yes, you will only ever get Legendary Armor through Raids in PvE.
There may still be a different Legendary Armor for PvP, perhaps even WvW. But given that ANET has already said they are putting Legendary Weapons on the backburner for an undetermined amount of time, don’t expect to see any other Legendary Armor set for years to come.
You’re doing something wrong. Maybe your graphics settings prevent you from seeing them? Effect LoD? Something like that…
They literally spawn every single time before the first burn phase. I have to actively dodge to avoid them.
ANET, thank you for communicating this clearly unlike your silence in past years. I think this is one of your biggest steps forward: more communication.
However, I have to agree with the posters saying that it simply unfathomable that you can produce gem store weapon SETS so often, yet you cannot even come up with 1 set of legendary weapons. Would it not be prudent to redirect the team(s) working on the gem store weapons for a couple of weeks/months on the legendary set? And then go back to churning out those gem store sets…
um why is that bad exactly, players who have a mind of their own simply spend gold on what THEY want. The people who like the idea of long term goals may or may not fancy ascended gear which is offered as another choice. That’s good not bad because actually you need ascended gear for nothing.
If you need ascended gear for nothing, then it shouldn’t have had higher stats than exotic! It should have been like Elite armor from GW1. Meaning very expensive, and hard to get AESTHETIC look. For those who don’t know English that means just to look cool.
Good luck with that. There have been several threads on this issue in the past year and nothing has been said by ANET about it.
I even posted in one of them, complaining that 4k is too tiny to read on a 15" laptop screen. I would really really really appreciate a larger UI option :/
Most native english speakers only use 1 language so no problem there… is probably the logic. Sucks to be european and use ~4 languages :/
Don’t think that’s an option :/ It was a while ago and I couldn’t tell them exactly when it happened. Also, I finished Nevermore since then and I would lose it if they do a rollback.
Oh wow… I think I got one of those exotic amulets with the unique upgrade in them. And foolishly threw it in the Mystic Forge with 3 other account bound exotics for a chance at something sellable >< x_x ;_;
Actually then you will want 7 slots. Because the aquabreather is a piece of armor that replaces your head slot. And you lose the 6th rune bonus unless you have the same rune on the aquabreather as well…
…but lolunderwatercombat, amirite?
(edited by Juclesia Elcritian.8410)
I wouldn’t care the least for the legendary backpiece if it wasn’t for the fact that it is one of the only sources of Sinister/Viper’s stats. Since the only other source is raids and I can’t do those.
So, all my googling shows that a backpiece with Sinister stats does NOT exist in either exotic nor ascended variety (Viper’s ascended back exists as a raid reward but I’ve written that content off).
However, the website shows that an exotic version of the Sinister stats DOES exist on a backpiece. I can’t seem to find out which one that would be though. Anyone have any clue? It’s not Mawdrey/Initiate’s Pack/Agent’s Pack/Luminate’s Plate.
Then again, doesn’t have the ascended viper’s rings/earrings/back as options and we know they do exist as raid rewards. So maybe the site is just wrong.
It’s easier to follow the commander tag and spam your skills, than to learn what to actually do. Many would blindly follow the commander off the edge of a cliff. >.>
That was only partly serious. >.>
hahaha i dont know about that i think some honestly would do just that and
blindly follow the commander off the edge of a cliff. and not question it or even why
Already happened in Silverwastes. Commander of Chest Farm jumps off the cliff next to Blue Oasis. 70% of the zerg follows and dies. Idiots.
they arent a necessity in pve.
…I know everything you need to know about DS meta, but still looking only for map with coms….
I don’t see problem with needing commanders.
Yes they are a problem because they are a necessity. And they are a necessity because of people like you who leave if they don’t see coms organizing the meta. Which automatically dooms the meta to fail because of a) not enough people, b) people leaving because they don’t see coms, and c) people leaving because they don’t want to learn what to do, they just want to follow the zerg.
This is also a problem because of map participation. I spent time building participation but if there are no coms, then people won’t even try to do the meta. Meaning I have to jump to a new map and lose all my participation. I also have to stop what I’m doing to look for a new map early enough if I even want to have a chance at doing the meta. This is very disruptive to the game flow.
Bottom line is the game has devolved into a follow the sheepdog (commander tag) fest. And people have stopped even trying to learn how to do events. Triple Trouble even to this day cannot be completed without a significant portion of the players being on teamspeak. And will likely NEVER be doable that way, because people just don’t want to learn.
Honest question here. The game’s User Interface (UI) explicitly tells players what to do most of the time during events. If that’s not enough, we usually have random NPCs running around shouting in voiced lines to you exactly what you should be doing.
So why is it that commanders are mandatory now for the successful completion of events? Why is it that people continuously ask questions on what to do during events when the game provides the answers already?
Does no one bother reading text on screen? Seems to me like wasted time creating said text, if no one uses it.
Best way to level HoT Masteries?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Juclesia Elcritian.8410
Grind meta. You will get tons of exp at each “step” of the tier progression. At 200% participation you get like 80k exp for meta event. Don’t leave the map after that, start the events over and you will get the benefit of max exp per progression step, due to your already maxed out participation.
People said that Sylvari being dragon minions was “thoroughly debunked” and completely implausible because of such and such plot hole occurring if true…
…and look where we are today! :P
It does this because it resets your AR to 0. It’s been happening since HoT release.
They nerfed it? And they fixed the lane achievement bug? Good. Now I’ll try again.
Lane Achievements are still bugged as of today. Despite the patch notes claiming they were fixed.
Considering it doesn’t drop ascended like Tequatl or Wurm, it should be easier. If it’s not gonna give epic loot then it doesn’t deserve to be hard.
Um.. at the end of each fractal there is an interactable chest that spawns when you kill the boss. The patch notes make it sound like THAT is the chest that has an increased chance at ascended gear. Meaning the daily chests were NOT updated.
No, an infused backpack has 2 slots. Not 3. The only thing with 3 slots is an Attuned Infused Ring.
People complain about bugs in central tyria since I began playing the game. It took them a year to fix Ogre Wars meta event. 1 YEAR!
What? Ogre Wars has been bugged since release, over 3 years ago. It took them 3 years (not 1) to apply some fixes. And it still bugs sometimes.
This is the reality of a free to play game. Bugs are much much more common and far less fixed. I played FFXI for many years and while there were some bugs, particularly after updates, they were almost immediately fixed. And there were never game breaking bugs like Ogre Wars that persist for more than a few days. But again, subscription game, vs f2p mishmash.
At this rate, I’m probably gonna get my ascened weapons by xmas 2016.
By which time you’ll have to stat-swap it for something else. Enjoy the “no gear treadmill” or “no power creep”. Coz Viper’s is totally not much better than Sinister’s. And there’s totally not gonna be some better stat combination in the future to make your current one less useful.
Yes, it’s coming back. ANET has been stealthily adding new SAB assets to the .dat file for the past couple of patches.