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Since the Devs are posting regularly on the Reddit forum and not everyone reads Reddit, I thought I would start a thread with Dev quotes from that forum and try to update it as needed to make the same information over here equally available. This information may be already available from other sources, but if it’s new to me or I think it’s not widely known, I’ll post it here.
Feel free to add relevant, informational posts from Reddit (or Twitter) yourself as you see them.
Today’s post:
ArenaColin Source
You should see the first round of updates that help with #1 and #3 on your list next week from our new Fractals team.
As for #2 and #4 – those are both things we agree with, and we recently formed a larger fractal team after HoT launch so we can do exactly stuff like that.
Great suggestion thread, I passed it along to the team as well.
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(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)
I’m leaving Guild Wars 2 as I found a brand new game. It’s called Outside. Even though this is a Guild Wars 2 forum I’m sure everyone really wants to know about the details of my life.
So Outside. My first day.
(Note to self: first forum post, if I can find the forum >.> is to ask for the graphics to be turned down. That bright light in the sky is to much.)
The game is free to play, but OMG the Devs ding you with charges on everything. And there no waypoints. Right now I’m still on foot. I’m hoping for one of the mounts called a car, but the prices are outrageous.
One thing I’ve found is that there’s PvP in this game and if you gank someone you can loot their personal inventory. However all the PvEers get really upset when you gank There’s a guild (name of guild: The Police [GUNS]) that makes it their business to stop ganking and since they are max level with game store bought weapons, they’re a bit too strong for me to tackle. I’ll wait till later. Maybe I can find another guild that pvps against them.
(A few hours pass)
Ok, I’ve found out that the endgame involves the permadeath of your char. You get moved to another server and all your gold and inventory is taken from you. There seems to be a lot of different servers. From what I can tell, you join a guild in this game and after you finish playing the game and are ready for the endgame, you move to that server. They all have guild houses called “churches” or “temples” depending on the guild.
Note: I’ve found out the Devs hold a real grudge in this game. Tick them off and you get sent at endgame to a server called Hell where the drops are awful and RNG is always against you.
(More time passes)
Still on foot. This is ridiculous. I need gold for my car mount. I tried killing mobs but nothing drops from them. All sources of gold seems to be PvP related. I’m still to low level with only crappy noob weapons to do much. I guess I could try ganking someone to get their inventory loot…. This game badly needs a NPE to explain it and give rewards for leveling.
Hmmm. The Devs must have read my post about the bright graphics. They’ve removed that bright light and put in a much dimmer one. I’m not in favor. I can barely see anything. I’m walking around in the dark here. I supposed to pay for lights now with the nonexistent gold I’ve made? This is KITTENKITTEN!
Well, I’m logging out for a while. I might try it again later but for a f2p game, they have to many gamestore costs and I’m suspicious about the endgame.
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How about you do your dailies and don’t be worrying about other people doing theirs.
That’s my thoughts on it.
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Can beta server run early without staff?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589
For some reason ANet doesn’t want to come to work outside working hours unless they have to. Working in in the middle of the night is not too much fun when you don’t need to.
Because right now the message seems to be that ANET does care if EU plays the beta or not. Seriously, how much feedback from EU is lost because you overlap the start and ends times with the times that people want to sleep.
I bet they want to sleep also.
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I had a business once. I refused to sell anything because I didn’t want to be greedy and went bankrupt. Can you explain why?
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[Looks into Crystal Ball] I see…. more Black Lion weapon skins!
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(Too shocked by the incredible vulgarity of the title to respond)
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Did it ever occur to either of you to think about why those restrictions are in place?
Two words. Gold sellers.
It’s to stop gold sellers from making thousands of free accounts. Spamming the chat with endless advertisements. Using free accounts to bot and trade gold. They would be unstoppable with access to map chat and trading.
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(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)
Here’s ANet’s quote on racial skills and the philosophy behind them.
Eric Flannum: Each of the five races has unique skills available to them. Our philosophy behind the design of these racial skills is that they are slightly weaker than equivalent skills determined by profession. While they may be less powerful, the racial skills capture the flavor of each race and provide additional options for the player. For example, a human playing a profession that normally doesn’t have a good way of dealing with conditions could take the ‘Prayer to Kormyr’ racial skill, which removes a condition but is a fair bit weaker than comparable skills provided by a profession specializing in condition removal. By doing this, we hope to give the various races access to skills that make them feel unique without making them overpowered when played as a particular profession
There’s a link but the quote is so old (Feb 2010) it’s no longer a direct link to the interview.
Essentially, they didn’t want racial skills to be so good that a race is chosen for particular content or profession because of those skills.
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How about a statue of him with his hands full of Black Lion trade goods (aka loot), running through a portal with his tail between his legs?
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I refuse to answer this question on the grounds that…… I don’t remember my age.
You whippersnappers need to stay off my lawn anyway
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Yah. 250 years can make a difference.
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Pictures, for those who haven’t seen this armor on female Asura and Charr.
imo it should be changed to male armor, at least on the chest plate.
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It’s my Achievement Points from doing jumping puzzles and killing ambients, with my shield no less, that make me especially skilled in dungeons and worth keeping in PUGs.
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If he is becomes a Mordrem….
The bad news is, he’ll pass on everything he knows
The good news is, he’ll pass on everything he knows… And bore every Mordrem to death within a 200 kilometer radius. If he gets to Mordremoth first it’s a clear one shot kill as soon as he starts talking.
ANet may give it to you.
Have jumping puzzles been in the game since launch?
Have Mesmers and portals been in the game since launch?
Did there used to be jumping puzzle dailies or monthlies?
Did Mesmers port for them?
Were there threads back then complaining about Mesmers porting for JPs?
Has ANet known about Mesmers porting for JPs for dailies/monthlies for years now?
Have they done anything to stop it or ever said anything against it?
Are they going to change the rules about daily JPs?
No. PvE is supposed to be cooperative.
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(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)
Next, someone is going to make a post complaining about eating virtual sugary sweets in a video game and how it’s disrespectful to people with eating disorders.
It’s not real alcohol being drunk by real people. It’s pixels being clicked on by other pixels. If pixel alcohol bothers you that much then sit at home and read a book or something. (Don’t watch TV or read the bible. TV has alcohol ads and the bible talks about drinking wine).
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Yes. Let’s have every single char in game a member of a huge, anonymous guild where few care if you are there or not or if you get kicked, just so that guild halls can be built.
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I would vote for all to be flails. We already have plenty of maces. A set of flails would be nice.
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Try standing still and doing nothing in front of those mobs.
Who said anything about attacking?
Well, that explains a lot. You just want to be A GOD, all invulnerable and what not. Not you playing the game.
It’s not going to happen. This isn’t Guild Wars 2 failing miserably. This is you failing to accept and play the game according to its rules.
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I’ve helped them out before. And then they allow the exact same thing to happen again and come whining to me (again!) to fix it. Obviously helping them each time they get into trouble hasn’t worked in teaching them how to cope. It’s tough love time now.
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WoW is how many years old now? Is there a WoW 2 planned for that game?
No. And no to your question.
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They would be stopping so many potential players if they did this. It’s a bad move all around.
Maybe ANet could offer an alternative to those that don’t want to secure their account. If the account gets hacked, they pay all Support’s expenses, the cost of the staff’s time to recover their account and reset it to before the hack. That sounds fair doesn’t ’it? Since it will be accounts that refuse the security measure that will be costing ANet this money, I bet they would prefer have an option to pay instead.
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Male Charr need to be able to show their feminine side too. Dresses for all or none!
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Dear ANet. If you want to make money may I suggest you look for ideas in these threads where people have asked for things, rather than this account bound weapons idea that literally no one has asked for.
Suggestions: Gemstore items
Requests for old items
Glider suggestions
If you wanted to make money on a weapon set, why didn’t you consider bringing back the Fused weapon set which people have been begging for for years now and supply is close to zero?
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(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)
I gather from your post here that you’re a PvP main player. So let me suggest something that says how this suggestion sounds to PvE players.
My counter suggestion for PvP:
How about if they make PvP cooperative. Everyone is on the same side. They can give each other boons and get points for that. They cap a point and it automatically decaps so it can be capped again. People can PvP flag voluntarily for one other player at a time so that player can get the 3 daily kills.
Sounds like it might kill PvP? Yeah. Because PvP is supposed to be competitive. Just like PvE is supposed to be cooperative. Your suggestion would harm this game’s PvE like mine would harm PvP.
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Sounds reasonable. He was Eir’s heir and when he lost his Eir he lost his hair. He is now Eir’s hairless heir. The next story line will have Eir’s hairless heir looking for a hare so the hare can be Eir’s hairless heir’s hare.
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I’ve bought almost every outfit so far. I even converted gold over to buy the last outfit bundle. But it’s getting to be too much. I budget $20 and some gold to gems each month to buy gemstore items. With that I’ve been able to pick and choose items. I’m not willing to use my whole monthly gw2 gemstore budget to buy things I don’t want to buy just to get something I do want to buy.
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Just for grins and giggles, and for the ‘what it’s worth department’.
Massively OP’s Best of 2016 Awards: BEST MMORPG BUSINESS MODEL OF 2016
“Massively Overpowered’s end-of-the-year 2016 awards continue today with our award for Best MMORPG Business Model of 2016, which is a new award we’re doling out for the first time this year thanks to a proposal from reader strangesands. This award is intended to recognize a live MMORPG of any age that has demonstrated an exemplary business model specifically in 2016, regardless of its past performance. Don’t forget to cast your own vote in the just-for-fun reader poll at the very end!”
“The Massively OP staff pick for Best MMORPG Business Model of 2016 is…”
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Here is a way around your problem
1) measure your computer screen and find a picture that fits in front of it
2) hold this picture on the screen while the loading screen is up.
This will allow you to see something different than the bwe reminder and you won’t feel the need to make posts asking for ANet to take the time way from what they are doing and resetting the loading screens just because they are bothering you.
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If you don’t have anything good to say, but only complaints (and no solutions) maybe it’s time for a break. Try playing another game for a while. Later on, when the Guild Wars 2 batteries have been recharged, come back and maybe it’s not so bad after all.
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Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589
(Silver platter) here yah go. The whole game unlocked for you. Enjoy.
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Ok. I’m sure ANet needed to hear from you directly and it is well worth making a thread about.
They sometimes listen so when enough people will mention this then they might do beta for everyone next time, it’s stupid that people are ready to pay for beta access, I don’t even play games at launch because I might lose all my progress due to a bug.
Maybe I need to make a start a thread then saying,
Just got an email from Anet asking me to prepurchase HoT to play BWE.
Silly ANet. Lol. I’ve already prepurchased and plan to play each beta event and enjoy myself. I’ll report any bugs I find to help make the expansion better and comment in threads on what I like and dislike.
Even if I play a buggy weekend where I will probably lose my progress, I can’t wait to for it to start.
/shrug. Just as useful a thread as this one.
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Think of it not as a buttcape but as your towel.
A towel is just about the most massively useful thing any Dragon Watcher can carry. Partly it has great practical value. You can wrap it around you for warmth as you bound across the cold snow of Frostgorge Sound; you can lie on it on the brilliant marble-sanded beaches of Southsun inhaling the heady sea vapours; you can sleep under it beneath the stars which shine so redly on the desert landscape of Ember Bay; use it to sail a miniraft down the slow heavy Elon River ; wet it for use in hand-to-hand combat; wrap it round your head to ward off noxious fumes or avoid the gaze of the Ravenous Dragon Champion, Tequatl (a mind-bogglingly stupid animal, it assumes that if you can’t see it, it can’t see you — daft as a brush, but very very ravenous); you can wave your towel in emergencies as a distress signal, and of course you can dry yourself off with it if it still seems to be clean enough.
More importantly, a towel has immense psychological value. For some reason, if a strag (strag: non Dragon Watcher) discovers that a Dragon Watcher has his towel with him, he will automatically assume that he is also in possession of a toothbrush, washcloth, soap, tin of biscuits, flask, compass, map, ball of string, gnat spray, WvW gear, latest gem store outfit, etc., etc. Furthermore, the strag will then happily lend the Dragon Watcher any of these or a dozen other items that the Dragon Watcher might accidentally have “lost.” What the strag will think is that any man who can hitch the length and breadth of Tyria, rough it, slum it, struggle against terrible odds, win through and still knows where his towel is, is clearly a man to be reckoned with.
So wear your Buttcape Towel with pride. Everywhere you go people will see it and say, “Now that’s a frood who really knows where his towel is.”
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(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)
They don’t own the ambients. Don’t start deliberately griefing them in retaliation of course, but you have just as much right to kill ambients as they do. If they start harassing you, report and block.
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Is it it strange though that Guild Wars 1 had the exact same holiday decorations and the exact same holiday quests every year, and people just did them and didn’t complain.
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I agree with the OP. Leaving it up for a few days would have reached more of the players that ANet was appreciating.
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By your own admission OP you’ve owned the game since before Aug 2015.
“Why should people that bought the base game before it went F2P”
That’s over a year. In that time you couldn’t get the 19 mastery points of something that you’ve wanted so badly? As said above, you get 9 just from getting to level 80 and by doing the Personal story, leaving you only 10 more to have gotten in the last 14 months. If you want it that badly, do what everyone else in the game who has it has done and go get those points.
The wiki has guides. Check them out.
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Depends. Sometimes it’s dismissive and in that case a salty remark, but other times the person wants something that this game can not provide and is making himself unhappy about it. Like one guy who wanted the game to be like other games where you don’t downlevel to map level and he posted several times about his unhappiness with downleveling. In cases like that it is appropriate to tell them they might be happier playing something else.
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Who hates this game now because of HoT?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589
I don’t mind it so much but it feels too restrictive. Make the timers like Silverwastes and make all the Adventures playable at any time so I can try them when I want. This playing on someone else’s schedule is for the birds.
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(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)
The fact of the matter is, if I see someone 2 feet taller than me approaching with a roaring chainsaw, I’m likely to call him “Sir.” Or her “Ma’am.”
If I see someone 2 feet taller than me approaching with a roaring chainsaw, then I’m facing the wrong direction.
Shocking. Simply shocking pre-judging. Just because an 8 foot Skeleton is running towards you with a roaring chainsaw is no reason for you to make negative snap judgements about him and run away! You need to take the time to talk to him. Try to see things from his point of view. Empathize. Maybe he’s having a bad day and only needs a sympathetic listener. If he chainsaws you in half its a sign you didn’t try hard enough. You didn’t reach out to him and discuss his needs, his dreams and problems.
Can’t we all just get along? :/
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If sufficient people are doing them then it’s a good addition to the game.
Personally I wish they would add a “Raid Lite” for non raiders so they can go inside and do the content. They can give them a few dungeon tokens or something.
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I dont think a fast forward through Tyria would be all that great. Rush rush rush. Look at this this this. Not only wouldn’t they really know what they’re looking at even if you are explaining it but it would spoil it later. They get the game, level up and finally see the level 80 areas and all the cool stuff….. and they’ve already seen it on the first day.
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If it bothers you I suggest you take a break and do the Wintersday quest instead. It’s a heart warming quest where you poison a sentient creature over several days time until you kill him by feeding him poisoned soup. While he is slowly dying, you look for a poor orphan’s stolen ornaments, because he said he’ll pay you for them not out of the kindness of your heart. Once you get the ornaments you go to the orphan and get your reward, then instead of giving him his ornaments you stand there and salvage them in front of him. After that you take his one and only present from underneath his Wintersday tree, and with a cheery wave, you waypoint out.
It’s stories like this that truly warm my heart.
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Maybe people who would use the tag to show events got abused for putting up the Apple and now dont use it.
Mentor tag. Don’t use it if you don’t know anything
Mentor tag abused as Commander tag
Can we make Mentor harder to get
And so on and so forth.
There was and still is hostility for “welfare tags” being used in events like a Commander tag, and people didn’t hesitate to say so in the forums and in map chat.
I’ll answer questions in map chat but I rarely put up the Apple.
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i think the current chests are fine. Making them too good will lead to farming them and people doing the JPs for the chest rewards and not because they like to do JPs.
And the “issues” you’ve described aren’t issues if they’ve been a feature of the game for almost 4 years now and the Devs haven’t said a word against them. You not liking something isn’t the same as it being an issue.
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Why did you think magic find affected the gifts?
Magic Find is both an account bonus and a character attribute that increases the chance to receive higher-quality loot from slain foes. With a couple exceptions, it does not affect containers (including champion loot bags), chests, or any other source of loot.The exceptions are:
Containers received from structured PvP reward tracks.
Divine Lucky Envelopes during Lunar New Year
Heart of Thorns meta event participation containers.
It’s not on this list here.
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The new mini pet, a Krytan Floppy Fish, is a fish out of water. It has a gasping for air animation and flops around on the ground. The question is, should ANet keep this animation or change it to a swimming animation. On one hand it is only pixels. No animals are being harmed. On the other hand, it’s depicting an animal suffocating and dying. As for myself, while I know it’s not real it does give me an “Ick feeling” as I watched it lie there gasping for air, so I would vote for a change in animation. Your thoughts?
Video of new mini pet
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Except since Outfits are a different weight than either Heavy, Medium, or Light, they could not be mixed with Heavy, Medium or Light Armor. That leaves…well, Outfits.
So not true… the weights have no baring on what can and can’t be mixed. All the weights affect is how the physics engine interacts with the mesh. A light cloth armor would be weighted to be very flowy and float a bit in motion while heavy plate armor would be more rigid and direct in motion. Weights very well can be mixed, in fact they are mixed on various outfits (and even some armors). Weights also translate to what parts of the armor mesh moves with what bone-nodes in the model skeleton rigging. All of which is to be perfectly honest, universal across all armor classes. The only thing that ANet differentiates between with weights on armor classes is the physics interactions, but that’s due to aesthetics. Afterall heavy armor shouldn’t just look like heavy armor, it should move like it too.
When I said outfits are less restrictive on weights, I really meant just that. They are free to design outfits for whatever material weight they wish with no restriction based on the armor class. This fact wouldn’t change.
Infact, there are several armor parts in the game already that can be used across all armor classes. These parts have identical weights across all armor classes. They do not interact with the physics engine any differently on a light armor class than they do on a heavy armor class. They do not interact with the skeleton any differently either. Weight really is the least important barrier in this entire debate. So unimportant that it (forgive the pun) holds no weight.
Sectioning out outfits allows them to continue to focus on making outfits rather than armor as it’s still the simpler option, while simultaneously appeasing the playerbase as a whole. Players who enjoy outfits still get their outfits, players who want more armors to mix-n-match can now mix-n-match with outfit parts. Everyone wins.
Odd, I can’t mix any Heavy Armor with Light or Medium. I guess the Devs were mistaken when they stated Outfits were another weight, and couldn’t be mixed…not to mention the problem with the different dye channels.
I’m sure the Devs will consider your feedback, and give it the attention it deserves.
That is not how weights work. I explained in my post how they function. I’ve worked with model weights for projects before. They have no baring on what can and cant be used together. The reason you can’t mix armors of different classes is because of an arbitrary restriction put in place by ANet in the games coding itself to create class identities. A restriction that no one here is arguing to be removed either.
Armors would remain untouched.
Outfits would STILL BE outfits.The only change would be that instead of 1 outfit slot, you would have 6 slots to mix-n-match with. If you want to mix armor classes then thats a whole different argument and could be accomplished with just a few changes to the code.
ANet said mixing and matching isn’t something that can be easily done. They described the different weight classes as having fundamentally incompatible components.
….there are some fundamental incompatible things between weight classes. (part of how we set up every armor to allow many dye channels and styles per piece). There really is no way at this point over six years since we started development to make absolutely everything work together….
That was a total cop out explanation on the Dev’s part, because it implies either incompetence in engine architecture or incompetence in their programmers. The only way this would be an irrevocable truth is if everything in the engine was bespoke… which has been shown to be true in some areas, but not in others. However, the Engine is now doing a laundry list of things previous claimed to be “impossible” due to engine limitations; and have been constantly experimenting with new game logic to support new mechanics, all in the interest of improving content.
The Skins aren’t the problem, its how shader properties are linked to items (which all point to material properties in that quote) . All of which can be ignored, since Outfits have already proven to get around this problem by bypassing the legacy code in question.
Dev says one thing. Random forum person who has no access to code and no knowledge of the problems says it’s not true.
Who to believe?
It’s a mystery.
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(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)