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[RANT] Unlevel Playingfield

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaiem.8297


Whilst I understand the points you’re trying to make I think they are completely wrong, particularly your claims about WvW rank abilities.

I play a great deal of WvW and am in a large WvW guild that have played on European servers and now play on a T1 US server. I have yet to see a single person discriminate against someone based upon WvW rank abilities and if I did I would suspect they were an idiot or someone who had never entered WvW. Whilst I have seen people ask others if they will let them on to say an arrow cart or treb since they have maxed mastery this has always been done respectfully and without being forced on them, conversely I have also seen maxed rank people asked if they would swap off a piece of siege when they couldn’t hit the proverbial barn door in favour of someone without ranks who did know how to use them.

I have yet to see anyone asked to leave a border because they are low rank. I have on the other hand seen pug’s insulting high rank commanders who have put a lot of gold and time into WvW simply because they thought they knew better.

If your having these problems in WvW I suggest try a server where everyone isn’t stupid and inconsiderate.

As for changing achievement bonuses and giving them to new players instead I find this complaint bizarre. Would you also give them a ton of gold, exotics armour and weapons, ascended accessories and a legendary at character creation since they need these? The bonuses are rewards for what you have achieved. How exactly is this a slap in the face for a new player rather than something for them to strive for?

How many characters do you have?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaiem.8297


9 characters at the mo.

80 male charr warrior
80 male sylvari Mesmer
80 male human ranger
80 male asura elementalist
80 male norn guardian
80 male human thief
80 male charr engineer
75 male norn necromancer (finished this week hopefully)
21 male human warrior

All the 80’s have full exotics and ascended amulet. The long term plan is two of each class and one female of each race.

Total disappointment over this update

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Kaiem.8297


Can’t believe some people’s responses on this thread. Someone says they find jumping difficult due to a visual impairment and you respond with sarcasm and by telling them they shouldn’t be playing the game. Absolutely disgraceful, no other way to describe it.

You people have no idea about this persons condition or their ability to play the rest of the game so who are you to be so rude?? I suspect most of you don’t even realise how much vision someone who is legally blind can still have so maybe you should check that out before telling someone not to play this game.

Still no proper response to lag??

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kaiem.8297


Am I correct in thinking that there is still to be any proper response from anet to the crippling lag many of us are suffering? This is unbelievable! For many people it has been over two months, there was a thread that reached five pages of responses from players six weeks ago and yet the only response has been to ask for some details and state that try will be passed on! That just isn’t good enough! At the very least we should have had something to confirm this is being looked into by the departments the info provided was passed on to! At this point the game is pretty much unplayable from five in the evening to midnight for me and it is really starting to impact on my desire to play the game at all!

Daily Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaiem.8297


I don’t understand people sometimes. I constantly see people moaning that content isn’t rewarding enough and it’s too boring to do without rewards. So are these people suggesting the main reason they play games is the rewards and how fun the content is is secondary?? This is so backwards its untrue! The whole point is to do what you find fun, the reward should be secondary!

As for the dailies whilst I hate the time gating of laurels they only take like 20 mins to complete. On top of which it is only amulets and certain stat combos of rings that are only obtainable through laurels otherwise there is at least an alternative.

Returning Player

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaiem.8297


Vayne has answered your first three questions pretty well. As for ele’s in wvw bunker ele’s are good but don’t do huge damage. They are very viable though particularly for roaming and smaller scale stuff. Staff support undoubtedly offers more for large scale stuff but you aren’t useless if you don’t want to do that.

Lag issues possible cause?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kaiem.8297


So the five page thread with people reporting the same problem dating back a month is unrelated? I have had the problem personally since Sunday, that’s also prior to the patch! One of my guild mates has had the problem for nearly two months. On every thread Khally you are pushing that this is a new thing when it really isn’t and that is why so many people are frustrated that anet has made no progress.

I response to the op theory it doesn’t hold up for my experience as I have had the problems in zones with no world events.

What is this?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaiem.8297


It’s a flame legion base for a dynamic event. I have only ever seen it up a couple of times so I don’t think it spawns very often.

Lag / Long Loading and Error: 7:11:3:189:101

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kaiem.8297


Started getting this about Sunday evening at 8:30ish BST. Lag spikes lasting one to two mins occasionally whilst doing guild missions. Played early yesterday afternoon and had maybe one or two spikes but nothing terrible. Logged on this evening and did a few pieces of the new content in lions arch (overflows) and gendarran fields with no issues. then tried to go and do my PvP daily around 9:45 BST and the massive lag spikes returned. The game is currently completely unplayable for me.

Location: Kent, UK
ISP: Sky (unsuprisingly it appears)

I will just add that I’m not having this problem in any other game or when web browsing, downloading or streaming, just in GW2.

Guardian hp, is it fair?

in Guardian

Posted by: Kaiem.8297


Let me get this right Streps, your running 0/0/10/30/30 with zerker armour and magi accessories? I’m not sure that works particularly well as a build. It would be useful if you could actually post your full build and gear set up as I suspect it could be improved to help you better meet your needs.

Off the top of my head my guardian uses something like the build linked below and does decent enough damage with good survivability and condition removal.|1.1g.0|2.1g.0|1c.7x.1c.7x.1c.7x.1c.7x.1c.7x.1c.7x|4s.0.1g.67.1g.67.1g.67.1g.67.1c.67|0.0.u65b.u298.a2|0.0|v.|e

Guardians really don’t need an HP boost at all. I have a Warrior, Mesmer, Ranger, Ele, Guardian and Thief all at 80 and all of which I play in WvW and I think guardian is probably the most well rounded and flexible class of them all.

Guardian hp, is it fair?

in Guardian

Posted by: Kaiem.8297


How have you set your build up to deal with conditions? That may be a better way for you to look at this. I used to really struggle on my warrior with conditions so I altered my build and runes to better help me deal with them. Now I only have a problem in the biggest fights.

Guardian hp, is it fair?

in Guardian

Posted by: Kaiem.8297


What build are you running, what are your stats and what role do you try and play in wvw? I have both a warrior and guardian I play in wvw and I find the two quite comparable in terms of survivability during large battles. Guardians with higher base hp would likely be insane and would need to lose some of their bunker abilities which would change the feel of the class.

We devour content, Sorry Dev's.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaiem.8297


If you check my post history I have said raiding many many times, usually when I do it’s met by frothing of the mouth crying by the same few people.

Sorry did I mention you or suggest in anyway that I meant you when I said people don’t say they want raiding? I was actually quite impressed by your previous post as you’re one of the few people actually willing to come out and say you want raiding and how you would like it to work rather than just moan about ‘lack of end game’.

You say you would like raiding without improved stats, which I actually mention in my post, but would wan’t unique skins. How exactly do you think that is going to go down? Arena Net promoted a game in which you could obtain everything with a maximum party of 5, add skins that require 10, 15, 20 people to obtain and no alternative and suddenly they go against this and upset a massive chunk of the player base who are here simply because they don’t need to raid to reach their goals. But then if you have the skins available elsewhere those who raid will complain they don’t have a unique reward to show the effort they have put in. Just look at the uproar Ascended gear has caused and it’s pretty obvious this would be a massive issue.
Of course none of this would be a problem if simply enjoying the game was enough reward for people but sadly for most it isn’t.

As I said, Arena net can’t really win with this.

We devour content, Sorry Dev's.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaiem.8297


What frustrates me so often when ‘end game’ in guild wars 2 is discovered is the number of people who moan about its lack but fail to say what they actually want to see implemented. When the topic then turns to raising they shout “I need said raid, your putting words in my mouth!!!”. I think if your not satisfied with what gw2 offers at lvl 80 and wish to complain about it then at least tell us all what you want instead! Please don’t use terms like ‘competitive pve’ though please, that’s stupid, if you want to be competitive at something then why not do wvw or spvp? Pve shouldn’t be about being better than others it should be about working with others.

A few people have come out and straight up said they want raiding and would be happy just to have raiding without gear tiers. I wouldn’t have an issue with this really. When they first started talking about the world events before release I envisioned something like dragon raids and master levels from dark age of Camelot, requiring a large number of people to work together with a decent level of coordination. This unfortunately didn’t happen and we ended up with no pve content that required coordination out side of dungeons. Guild missions have now been added and I personally enjoy them but many don’t so still feel the game needs raiding to fill that large scale pve void.

Adding some form of raiding, whether instanced or open world, without any reward that can’t be obtained without raiding would in theory appease everyone. However; how long do we actually think that would last? It would be mere minutes before people started saying raiding should give rewards that can’t be obtained elsewhere because its harder content etc. Yet this goes against what arenanet are trying to achieve. The next issue would then be how long would that content last without gear gating? Hopefully we all realise the real reason for raiding games excessive gear grind is to drag content out. They could potentially use infusions and an agony resistance style mechanic to work around this but I’m sure that would cause up roar as well.

Ultimately anet are kitten ed if they do and kitten ed if they don’t. We aren’t likely to see any form of raiding in gw2 before an expansion if even then so why keep calling for it? This game offers dungeons, crafting, exploration, jumping puzzles, guild missions, living story, world event farming, world vs world, spvp/tpvp, mini games and a system that makes it incredibly easy to lvl and gear alts. If that currently isn’t offering you something to keep you entertained then, and I really hate to use this phrase, go play something else. Thanks to the gw2 business model your not tied here by a subscription, you can play a different game and keep an eye out to see if gw2 adds what your looking for. Even better you can play another game as well as gw2 if you have the time for that.

I am entertained enough by gw2 that I don’t miss raiding but if I really did I think id just go play something that offered me that. I wouldn’t waste my time complaining about the fact it’s not available in a game where the developers have shown no inclination of adding it.

Disheartened with Leveling.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaiem.8297


It may just be the fact you are using an Ele and Mesmer, two of the classes that really require you to know what your doing. I have 6 lvl 80s currently, the warrior, guardian and ranger were all pretty easy to lvl in open world pve, the ranger in particular, I could of prolly done that semi-akitten. The Ele wasn’t too bad but took time to learn, until then I found I died far more than on other chars, once I had the hang of it though it was fine. Mesmer was frustrating as hell until about level 40 and many people find this, something with the class just isn’t quite right at lower lvls, once you get to around 40 or 50 through and know how to play them then they are fine, you do need to keep there gear up to date more than other classes I found though. I’ve just finished a thief and again found this tough until I really had an understanding of the class and its skills.

It’s really frustrating when you keep getting killed in pve but I have genuinely found with the more difficult classes a point comes when they just click and you suddenly don’t die nearly as often. It also helps if you find a weapon set you find fun to use, I played my Ele to about lvl 20 using staff and really couldn’t get on with it at all, found it really tiresome, when I switched to D/D and had got the hang of the skills and a good rotation I loved it.

Of course if you really can’t get on with Ele or Mesmer at the moment but don’t want to give up on the game/leveling a new char just yet I would say give warrior a try (if you have another char slot/are willing to buy one). They are really easy to get the hang of so are good for just jumping on and doing a few lvls when you feel like playing.

Loot issues still exist for some.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaiem.8297


I have wildly differing loot experiences between my own characters. Of my five 80’s two occasionally get rares from mobs and regularly get one or more rares from world event chests, one seems to get rares fairly often from mobs but not too often from chests and another often gets rares from mobs and seems to always get at least one from chests often two or three.
My final character, the one I would consider my main, hasn’t had a rare from mobs since January and has never had a rare from a world event chest, not one! When the game very first launched he would get rares all the time, when I first hit 80 and was farming in cursed shore he would get 3-4 rares an hour then diminishing returns were introduced and his loot has never been the same.

A guild mate of mine has something similar, he does ok for rares from all sources on most his characters but on another he gets them all the time and often gets exotics from chests, sometimes 3 or 4 from one mornings world events farming!

I’m willing to accept that it’s most likely nothing more than a quirk, RNG is random after all! However, I wouldn’t be surprised to learn one day there is some unintentional factor that affects a characters drops.

GW2 expansion - 1Q Ncsoft Conference Call [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaiem.8297


I suspect the reality is that discussions and planning are under way for the expansion but not a great deal more. As others has stated Ncsoft will purely be looking at an expansion from an economical point of view and there isn’t a pressing need for it just yet. My post was more to highlight that people shouldn’t take anything from Ncsoft about a GW2 expansion too seriously, particularly not anything this vague.

GW2 expansion - 1Q Ncsoft Conference Call [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaiem.8297


Translated out of corporate speak that reads “we plan to do an expansion pack at some point but currently haven’t started but you’ll give me kitten if I say that so ill just tell you we have started and give a load of vague reasons for not having a scheduled release”.

Anyone else annoyed or at this point.....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaiem.8297


It is starting to annoy me when people say getting ascended gear is a grind. It’s actually Anet efforts to stop people from grinding it that has frustrated you. Time restricting its acquisition stops people from just sitting down and grinding whatever content is required to obtain it.

My main advice on ascended gear for you though would be to stop worrying about it! At this point the difference between all ascended jewellery and all exotic isn’t sufficient to ruin the game for you. You can easily get alts levelled and geared to full exotics with out putting in too much time. I currently have 5 level 80’s, four with full exotics and an ascended amulet each. My fifth character is missing two bits of armour and a weapon set and he would have those if I could find a server with the temple I need open and if I wasn’t waiting to buy him a guild weapon when I have enough commendations, he won’t have his amulet till the end of the month but I can live with that, it won’t stop me playing him. I have less than 700 hours played and have probably spent at least a third of that in wvw.

As for the legendary here I kind of agree with you. Anet made a mess of the system for acquiring them, it shouldn’t be easier for someone who flips on the trading post to get a legendary than it is for someone who goes out and spends their time doing events and killings mobs etc. This is why I’ve chosen not to bother with a legendary. The time/reward balance isn’t right for me in comparison to other aspects of the game. Rather than get upset or annoyed by it though I have chosen to simply not bother and enjoy what I do find rewarding about this game. I’d recommend doing the same.

(edited by Kaiem.8297)

Abaddons Mouth - Aurora Glade - Riverside

in WvW

Posted by: Kaiem.8297


Last night was unplayable with the enormous zergs. Hoping we don’t have a whole week of this.

Riverside vs Gandara vs Aurora Glade

in WvW

Posted by: Kaiem.8297


Goodness there is a lot of rage in here. I think some of you need to think about why KISS bring out such strong emotions in you, particularly if they are as ‘bad’ as you like to try and convince everyone.

Next time you come to the forums to rant and cry because you died stop for a moment, remember this is just a game and take some deep breaths. Then re-read what you were about to post and realise how whiny and stupid it makes you look.

Gandara vs. Baruch vs. Aurora v2.

in WvW

Posted by: Kaiem.8297


Let’s try and keep the thread worth reading this week and cut out all the blobbing accusations. Who cares any more? Every server has blobs, deal with it.

I’d like the BB who were on AG BL at reset to clear something up for me. Were you attacking garrison and legging it as soon as defence turned up as a delaying tactic or did you just not want to fight? If it was a delaying tactic fair play, if you just didn’t want to fight then seriously, wtf? Had superior numbers several times and still bugged out rather than fight!

Getting back in to gw2

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kaiem.8297


For living story there are things to do in Black citadel, Wayfarers Foothills and Diessa plateau. Either head there and talk to one of the heralds to get started and find out what there is to do or if you prefer to get straight in to it with minimum fuss then check an online guide for all the things to do, Dulfy has a fairly comprehensive one.

I don’t play PvP but if you want to try WvW just head out to a borderland/EB and find a commander to join in with.

The April Fools stuff is in Rata Sum, head through the portal from Lion’s arch and you can’t miss it. Most servers should have plenty of people around to offer some advise or party up.

With dungeons the only thing that will have prolly changed since you took a break is the revamp of AC so that won’t be any different from when you last played.

Since you ask about guilds I guess you are currently not in one? If not maybe ask around and see if your server has a community site. If they do head to there and check the forum for guilds that are recruiting and offer the sort of things your looking for.

3.26 - The Day WvW Alts Died

in WvW

Posted by: Kaiem.8297


@moddo I was talking within the context of the game tbh but maybe I should of actually written that rather than leave myself open to trolling. Good contribution to the discussion though mate.

My opinion on the state of the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaiem.8297


Once upon a time people played mmo’s because they enjoyed the game and had fun doing the content. People played the game for the sake of playing it. Somewhere in between then and now people got tricked into thinking that the reason to play an mmo was gear progression.

New content shouldn’t be about what new more powerful gear it can offer but about being fun and enjoyable. The new content added to this game since November has been blighted by the fact it’s designed around a new level of gear. Guild missions have horrible time sinks built in that reduce incentive for guilds to do them more than once a week and that’s only the guilds that can actually afford them. Would laurels have caused such hand wringing and moaning if ascended gear wasn’t one of the things purchasable with them. People would have looked at fractals as a new and interesting dungeon and not something they had to do if they wanted the new gear tier.

You also don’t seem to understand what makes a player hardcore or casual. It’s nothing to do with wanting gear progression what so ever. In fact according to you no serious wvw player could be casual as gear progression is a pain in the kitten for wvw. For wvw people would prefer to be able to gear characters to the best possible stats in a relatively short space of time and then just have fun playing.

The game was originally designed and marketed to those who wanted a game they could quickly gear a character to top items and just play level 80 content for fun, not meaningless stat progression. Those players, who you sneer at and call casual, and the ones who would damage this game if they left. They are the ones who buy character slots, bag and bank slots, fine transmute stones etc.

Almost every mmo now has gear progression, going that route will remove some of the uniqueness that makes gw2 stand out. Offering exactly the same product as your competitors isn’t really the best business sense.

Sorry that’s a bit rambling. It’s early here and I’m trying to write this on my phone.

Leveling 0-80 as a group of 5, interested?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kaiem.8297


This is by far the most fun way to level. I did a big chunk of my first character playing with my brother and a couple of friends and it was much more enjoyable than levelling either of my other two chars. Unfortunately the times at which I can actually play are rather erratic at the moment else I’d be really up for joining you!

Good luck getting some people together to do this paigey, you definitely won’t regret it!

What Gear for a WvW Greatsword Spec?

in Warrior

Posted by: Kaiem.8297


I personally run mostly knight gear as I prefer a bit more survivability than comes with berserker. Certainly if your guildy is intending to be in melee range most the time berserkers could see him dead fairly often.

As for tactics, utilities and elites that really comes down to what works for him, just because one person really likes a particular skill doesn’t mean he will. I’d recommend he take a look at signet of stamina though for endurance regen and condition removal. I hadn’t used it until recently but have found it works perfectly for my play style.