Showing Posts For Karalaza.6021:

Elementalist Staff being used as a Weapon

in Elementalist

Posted by: Karalaza.6021


Seeing as how the revenant got some sweet looking staff moves, I’m hoping they implement some diversity for other staff users as well

[Suggestion] Player Controlled World Bosses

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karalaza.6021


go to wvw and jump in a golem suit

Flamekissed: Before and After

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karalaza.6021


the male version – seems that anet doesn’t want only the females to be kittenty…

Flamekissed Armor Skin

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karalaza.6021


Personally, I think they should just leave those for ppl who bought that skin and let them keep it and be done with it.

Ok – but to be fair, design the asuran/charr/norn/sylvari light t3 cultural with particle effects and put it in the gemstore…

State of affairs for current Legendaries.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karalaza.6021


The incinerator and rodgort should have a bigger footfall effect when the legendaries were updated last time.
Unfortunately it still seems to be bugged

since you’re compiling everything about them might as well all the “bad” sides

Claw of Jormag = Clawmag

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Karalaza.6021


I jast call it Claw

New Race or New Class?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karalaza.6021


Im also in the boat for new weapon skills…
If anet doesn’t want to introduce new weapons – why not allow underwater weapons on land with their own set of skills (spear and tridents on land – hey its not unheard of!…)


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karalaza.6021


Just because that picture name is ‘WarriorGeek’ im gonna say no… :p

RNG on achievement pts

in Fractured

Posted by: Karalaza.6021


I’ve done over 15 fractals before I got the last one I needed.

Thats actually lucky…

Ascended armor - looks.

in A Very Merry Wintersday

Posted by: Karalaza.6021


It still looks ugly if they don’t give us more then just one type of Ascended armor those Recipes are doomed

The recipes will never be doomed since they will provide you ascended armor which should be the highest tier (hopefully)…
It’s just that ppl hoped for all the time (and gold) invested they’d get some epic looking armor (not forcing to use transmutations)

[Merged] ...and now ascended gear hits... (Dec 10)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karalaza.6021


I honestly hope they fixed the clipping issues with the armors – and completely changed the light variant…

No Volcanic or Ascalon since the update

in Fractured

Posted by: Karalaza.6021


I have yet to see the molten fractal…

So it’s quite different for everyone. Just RNG

Kiel voters - Happy?

in Fractured

Posted by: Karalaza.6021


So you voted for Kiel huh? Hahaha enjoy your fractal

the pic made my day

New legendaries?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karalaza.6021


Someone on the PTR for the new Edge of the Mists WvW map found a new legendary – a raven staff. I’ll see if I can find the link for it.

Found it!

where does it say it’s a legendary?
For all we know it can be a future gemstore item considering the rest of the screens are related to minis & the bikini clothes (all very potential gemstore items).
If there are no other screens from other new legendaries then it’s gonna be a long way till then (doubt they’d release them 1 by 1)

[Merged] Cultural Human T3 Not Exclusive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karalaza.6021


Expecting other cultural sets for the future armors now.

Flame* armor (w/ constructive crit.)

in Fractured

Posted by: Karalaza.6021


I actually like this movement – if anet is releasing cultural armor for other races that means male humans could finally get some better looking light armor (like the asura one or norn)…

If this is however not the case for the future – shame on anet for doing this!

Dredge Fractal "Fix"

in Fractured

Posted by: Karalaza.6021


thief = easy win :p

What's the point of a Leaderboard..

in Fractured

Posted by: Karalaza.6021


A leaderboard for pve stuff… I don’t get it :p

Skin acquirement needs to stay hard

in Fractured

Posted by: Karalaza.6021


Unfortunately the change doesn’t apply to items that have already been acquired. Ultimately that’s what I wanted but there was a pretty severe technical limitation on this, so we thought it would be better to make the newly items work this way rather than postpone the conversion any longer.

Also, at higher Fractal levels the weapon skins become more common, and also start dropping in a container that lets you pick the one you want.

Why not add it as you have already for the infinite gathering tools? Make the old weapons tradeable at a NPC that gives skin items (make them account bound if you wish)

Incinerator, and Rodgort footfall change

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karalaza.6021


Don’t want to open another post – this still bugged? – if not – disregard this :p

legendary far too common?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karalaza.6021


My theory: could it be that only the ppl who own a legendary occupy LA to show them off thus giving you a false sence that most people have it?

December 10th Elementalist changes

in Elementalist

Posted by: Karalaza.6021


Any info if Zephyr’s Speed would be changed? It’s pretty much useless…

- Move Arcana V trait into minor Arcana 5 or Arcana 15 since this trait is the main reason why people even invest into Arcana, its not negotiable and its not a matter of “choice” at all.

Also pretty much that. Master Elemental attunement will still force ppl in at least 20 arcana…

(edited by Karalaza.6021)

New Legendary weps and Your Hopes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karalaza.6021


If there ever will be a future set of legendaries I’d like for them to put more thought into it. Currently some legendaries “lock out” armor-weapon combinations if you’re into stuff like that.
example: Bifrost on a necro in arah gear… only good for the lulz factor (necromancer shooting rainbow orbs).

Class specific legendaries would be something nice but i’d doubt they would put time into that.

The good news.

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: Karalaza.6021


The UNHOLY alliance with the son of svanir and the mighty chicken faction!

"Finish Them!" in PVE -- no, please?

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: Karalaza.6021


nice addition imo – that and enemies can dodge! mindblown

Screenshots of the new gem store armor sets?

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: Karalaza.6021


The light armor is meh – not a big surprise tho…
We get that the mesmers are one of anets fav classes but this armor & the future ascended… sheesh

Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Karalaza.6021


1. Hellfire Vambraces – LIGHT variant.
Bugged since the halloween update.
Issue on all necromancer,elementalist & mesmer characters – ALL races.
Bugged texture – no molten effect on fingers (see the first 2 attachments for before and after shots)

2. Asura heavy t3 cultural helm
issue: ear clipping (see 3rd attachment)


(edited by Karalaza.6021)

Human ele, female or male?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Karalaza.6021


Try this:
Consists of ..
-> Dredge Helmet
-> FC Shoulders
-> HotW Breastpiece
-> Dredge Gloves
-> CoE Leggins
-> HotW Boots

~ In case the link’s broken -> Attachment

Your undies are clipping through the pants :p

Untapped Potential - Gem Store

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karalaza.6021


Musical Instruments
The flute, bell, and horn are good starts, but let’s get a guitar, bass, and a drum set. Creating these items should b relatively simple since the mechanics are already created.

Beaten Bloody Impossible

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: Karalaza.6021


Is it possible to repeat the fight after beating it? I don’t want to complete it if it’s going to lock me out of getting the achievements.

yes – it’s repeatable

Hellfire gloves

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Karalaza.6021


They’re like this since the update – notice the no more molten fingers.
I play on lower graphics but they were fine before – is this intentional?

Before & after pics:


Vote: Do you like ascended skins?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karalaza.6021


ppl who post “+” and “-” please add what type of armor you like/dislike and the sex of your character.
Some of the armor looks nice on females but gross on males so would be nice distinguish the likes/dislikes

Convince me not to War/Mes/Gua only

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karalaza.6021


Actually, this is only because of those 2 Elementalists in there, and our FGS glitch. A group without 2 Eles wouldn’t be able to do such kill.

It still wouldn’t be just warriors+guardian and mesmer.

I haven’t said it would Just that without the FGS glitch, such kill is not possible, therefore it cannot be done without two Eles in the group.

So eles need to glitch to be efficient?
Sounds like the class needs some fixing

[BUGGED]Who's In Charge Achievement

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: Karalaza.6021


Yeh tnx to Regina’s post finally got the achievement. We went straight for the boss pull and got him in the corner area under the entrance to the room (ignored the watcher – he didn’t aggro there), killed him then cleared the rest of the room.
Before, we were killing from behind and leaving some alive and most likely killed a couple of entire rows.

[BUGGED]Who's In Charge Achievement

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: Karalaza.6021


Thanks for the explanation, Regina! That really clears up the situation. So individual party members can die and be ressed/respawn without losing the achievement as long as the entire party doesn’t wipe?

there have been comments here that even if whole party wiped they got the achievement so i guess wiping on boss is ok

VERY PLEASED with new content!!!

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: Karalaza.6021


This could’ve been an awesome update if only it didn’t have so much bugs

What's in the box guessing thread!

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: Karalaza.6021


Seeing how the the Living Story has been going recently – I’ll just leave this here


New legendaries - Questions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karalaza.6021


I think they’ll 1st start off with the trinkets (was confirmed)

Fix fractal skins already!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karalaza.6021


Imo the only fix the weapons need is to make them actuall skin items rather than weapons – or at least give them stats.
Everything else is a skin item (the 412 back skins we got) or actual weapon (the new TA weapons)

whats the point of that…….YAY they made them a skin…but wait i probably wont get a useful one..

At least more ppl will get to use them rather than just piling them up in the bank

Fix fractal skins already!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karalaza.6021


Imo the only fix the weapons need is to make them actuall skin items rather than weapons – or at least give them stats.
Everything else is a skin item (the 412 back skins we got) or actual weapon (the new TA weapons)

Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Karalaza.6021


Human male light armor clipping – every non super skinny body type

inquest pants
upcoming ascended armor

The common problem for both – the underpants clip through the armor. (Meaning there might be a lot more armor pieces that will have pants clipping issues)


[BUGGED]Who's In Charge Achievement

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: Karalaza.6021


Just did the encounter – no wipes/deaths, boss killed before the rest of his minions – no achievement.

Same story with master of baubles – RNG to get the achievement…

(edited by Karalaza.6021)

[Merged] Ascended Armor Impressions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karalaza.6021


I think I made them look good

That..Actually looks cool.

The female armor is already decent enough – the male armor is where the problems are

Is Guild Wars 2 Alt Friendly or Not?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karalaza.6021


everything that can easily be fixed by some minor changes…
Making legendaries account bound – would also reduce the price on the precursors.
Making fotm,wvw acc bound may bring out some issues tho.
But making story mode dungeons account wide would be pretty logical

[Merged] Ascended Armor Impressions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karalaza.6021


It’s all a set up you see…
I think we all know what the upcoming gem item might be:

UNLIMITED TRANSMUTATION CRYSTAL- for all your transmuting needs – for only 3000 gems

edit: forgot to add the sarcasm tags <_<

(edited by Karalaza.6021)

[Merged] Ascended Armor Impressions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karalaza.6021


who ever does the design for the light armors needs to be fired.

Looking at your name it should suit you :p

[Merged] Ascended Armor Impressions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karalaza.6021


Looking at the light armor I am very much disappointed and im hoping there will be further modifications for it (a lot…).

What am I speaking of? If you choose a specific body type during character creation this can happen (it’s not just this armor but many others as well!)
Disregarding the hair clipping – look at the groin area. The underpants basicly penetrate the armor.

“Oh but you’ll be looking at your characters behind all the time”.
Well let’s have a look of the buttocks area

What the hell…

How to fix these issues:
a) fix the armor (also change the whole look since it’s gross)
b) adjust the body type a bit
c) give ppl with these issues a free total makeover kit to change their body type…

I understand this as a ploy to sell more transmutation crystals but seriously – now you’re forcing people to buy total makeover kits unless you want total clip everything look.

for more reference – here are the inquest pants

(edited by Karalaza.6021)

Bauble Checklist for W2 Z3 (Storm Top)

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Karalaza.6021


Broke down and had to use a guide for master of baubles – did twice, followed the guide, checklisted all my baubles – no achieve.
It’s still bugged for some it seems.

Scepter's Broken Autoattack

in Guardian

Posted by: Karalaza.6021


switch it to a beam like with!

Lets figure out some drop rates!

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Karalaza.6021


174 chests, 1 shield skin

1:50 my kitten …