Showing Posts For Katta Castellum.3957:

I Hate Dragon Ball (and you can too)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katta Castellum.3957

Katta Castellum.3957

the only achievement i have left is to collect health nodes. i don’t care if i win or lose so that helps!

that said, back when i was playing for more reasons than one i did claim it was “the least fun i have ever had playing guild wars 2”.

Precursor - forge or buy?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katta Castellum.3957

Katta Castellum.3957

i buy exotics for skin unlocks and then throw them in the forge. two stones with one bird.

ruined christmas

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katta Castellum.3957

Katta Castellum.3957

it just takes practice. day one i was raging at my machine, unsuccessful after 3 hours. day two i got an average of 8 finishes in 30 minutes. day three i averaged 13 finishes in 30 minutes.

day four i got bored and realized i didn’t want to do the jumping puzzle for an insane amount of hours to complete 10,000 drinks and now i do other things.

Saving Wintersday

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katta Castellum.3957

Katta Castellum.3957

i doubt it was a mistake considering this is on the low end, cost wise, for skins of this nature. more likely, it’s just a lazy implementation rather than finding multiple ways to introduce gold sinks into the skin completion process.

for that reason, i don’t think your solution is valid. unless, the crafting process ends up costing roughly the same amount of gold…

note – this is coming from someone who wishes it was not 10,000 drinks because i just want the achievement points and completion. i’d rather them have added costs other ways.

(edited by Katta Castellum.3957)

Wintersday Jump Puzzle (need guidence)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katta Castellum.3957

Katta Castellum.3957

the first jump is the worst because you have to jump when you’re visually off the edge of the campfire platform. it takes some practice to get the jump timing down.

spoiling star wars in map chat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katta Castellum.3957

Katta Castellum.3957

i don’t necessarily enjoy or support people who are jerks in map chat. the game would be better off without them.

that said, please don’t use valuable resources on issues like this one. it’s a civil case and this game is littered with bigger problems that anet can address more appropriately.

That Winterfest Jumping Thing is not a Puzzle

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katta Castellum.3957

Katta Castellum.3957

“a toy, problem, or other contrivance designed by presenting difficulties to be solved by ingenuity or patient effort.”

i think you should re-read the definition of puzzle. winter wonderland is without a doubt a puzzle.

problem? check.
designed to amuse? depends on your audience. not everyone likes all puzzles. i would say for some, absolutely.
presents difficulties to be solved by ingenuity or patient effort? for sure!

it’s a puzzle by every meaning of the word.

(edited by Katta Castellum.3957)

spoiling star wars in map chat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katta Castellum.3957

Katta Castellum.3957

it’s difficult to stop jerks from being jerks. it’s easier to adapt and put yourself in a better position to be successful. trying to nerf the entire world, including gw2, to remove and shutdown everyone who hurts your feelings is never going to happen.

i understand that this is a generation where everything is offensive and you want your safe space. unfortunately, in reality you are just a lump of decaying organic matter like everyone else.

tldr: adapt or live with the fact that you will never be happy.

Updates about Wintersday

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katta Castellum.3957

Katta Castellum.3957

i don’t understand why some people are happy with this solution. this solution makes things worse.

my plan was to wait for prices to drop near the end of wintersday. now, that’s less likely to happen. if i had the gold, i’d buy every single one of these on the tp and raise the price to 1g starting in february.

Whats the fastest way to farm presents?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katta Castellum.3957

Katta Castellum.3957

i am ok at the jumping puzzle. i get between 10-13 successful runs in 30 minutes. bell choir is still faster than me.

DirectX 11/12 request [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katta Castellum.3957

Katta Castellum.3957

a re-write to swap graphical api’s for a 3 year old game? that is a massive effort and one that has zero chance to be considered at this time.

The amount of bugs in this game is ridiculous

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katta Castellum.3957

Katta Castellum.3957

i would suggest making a clear and concise post in the bugs forums if you want to be helpful and expect any sort of fix for said bugs.

coming to the general discussion forum and saying, “this game has a lot of bugs. it has more bugs than game x” is just a waste of time and energy.

4th (or whatever) Birthday anniversary idea!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katta Castellum.3957

Katta Castellum.3957

there are services out there that will make you a mini of your rpg character, but it’s costly.

We need more wings!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katta Castellum.3957

Katta Castellum.3957

please no. wings in this game serve no purpose other than to look out of place.

Not to "waste" exp.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katta Castellum.3957

Katta Castellum.3957

i don’t mind so long as the experience bar is “locked” at 100%. it annoys me to see my exp bar go from 0% to 100% for nothing.

on the flip side, endless experience just feels too “grindy”. paragon levels in diablo 3 is an example of a system i am not a fan of.

[Suggestion] Normal version of raid

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katta Castellum.3957

Katta Castellum.3957

there probably should be. generally speaking, it’s bad game design to have content locked to the majority of your player-base.

as long as the reward is lower. wow did it right with the sliding scale and different tiers of reward. sure, you could use “looking for raid” all day but you didn’t as good of loot.

Am I To Mediocre For This Game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katta Castellum.3957

Katta Castellum.3957

the system adjusts your competition based on your performance. as you win you go against higher skilled players and as you lose you go against lower skilled players.

tldr: 50% win rate is where you should be. it’s indicative of a good system.

raids and fractals:
practice, practice, practice.

Visual nerfs [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katta Castellum.3957

Katta Castellum.3957

don’t worry, i am sure they will be back soon in the cash shop. limited time offer!

Does anet even play this game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katta Castellum.3957

Katta Castellum.3957

why are people complaining about the reduction in clutter? it has nothing to do with machine quality, i just don’t want to have a seizure when i am trying to do a boss fight.

this game was like a bad rave party at times. the 90s have been dead for awhile, guys. good riddance.

It’s almost like you didn’t read any of the many posts which answered your question.

EDIT: That wasn’t meant to sound insulting. It just continues to surprise me that there are people who are surprised that a globally enforced solution, which doesn’t address the problem but creates another, would cause some discontent.

it was mostly a rhetorical, “i can’t believe it” statement. i agree that an option is the strictly better implementation.

that said, before this change there were “omg, the glitter effects in this game are ridiculous!” posts so i think that opinion on this matter varies. just like with any forum, the complaints aren’t always majority. the people who aren’t mad are busy playing the game.

The terrible state of GW2's Patch Notes.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katta Castellum.3957

Katta Castellum.3957

as i said before this is common in the software industry.

everyone is rushing and busy. departments are generally understaffed.

internal systems are not customer facing. the list of things that need testing or changed probably exist somewhere but would require someone to translate them into appropriate customer facing documentation.

it sucks but when people are busy, documentation in the first thing to get cut.

Does anet even play this game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katta Castellum.3957

Katta Castellum.3957

why are people complaining about the reduction in clutter? it has nothing to do with machine quality, i just don’t want to have a seizure when i am trying to do a boss fight.

this game was like a bad rave party at times. the 90s have been dead for awhile, guys. good riddance.

The terrible state of GW2's Patch Notes.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katta Castellum.3957

Katta Castellum.3957

i work at a software company. this is just how it is…

as a project manager, i am lucky to know half of the stuff development sneaks into each build. knowing things is an important part of my job, and it’s a constant battle between departments.

The system system is unbelievable

in PvP

Posted by: Katta Castellum.3957

Katta Castellum.3957

heroes of the storm also has horrible matchmaking. please, do not hire someone from blizzard to fix this game.

PvP League

in PvP

Posted by: Katta Castellum.3957

Katta Castellum.3957

playing against premade group (a party of 3 – 5 players) does not exactly mean instant lose.

my casual guild team of 3 – 5 players get our rear end handed to us quite often by teams full of pugs (5 individual players, not in a party)

so stop blaming “premade groups” for your loses.

of course it doesn’t mean an auto loss and the op never said it did. the op said, “playing in a pre-made group will increase winning chance by a lot”. that is a true statement.

to the op:

if you can avoid playing alone, definitely do that. abandoning solo queue is kind of the way games are heading these days. it helps games with lower numbers keep the queue times down. league of legends has significantly more players so they can support a solo queue easier. heroes of the storm is another game where pre-mades stomp solo players in the higher tiers of rank.

(edited by Katta Castellum.3957)

Requirement for Berserker. Really?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katta Castellum.3957

Katta Castellum.3957

unfortunately, you described why you will not be raiding anytime soon in your post. the content was designed to be difficult.

maybe after some time it will get toned down. nobody knows.

How do we report an offensive guild name?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katta Castellum.3957

Katta Castellum.3957

I’m curious why it’s offensive?

I know there’s been a few stink ups already over politically incorrect terms that people manage to find offensive and tags like [NGR].

really? i would just see [ngr] as an acronym depending on the name of the guild. these offended people are the racist ones, clearly.

Why can't we move around the UI elements?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katta Castellum.3957

Katta Castellum.3957

i’m still trying to figure out how to reset ui elements to their default x,y coordinates.

Legendary Fail

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katta Castellum.3957

Katta Castellum.3957

it hasn’t been done yet because it’s just not that funny.

Competitive Mastery Points!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katta Castellum.3957

Katta Castellum.3957

this would destroy the design/point of structured pvp.

Solo option + heroe's

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katta Castellum.3957

Katta Castellum.3957

i’d rather them just make dungeons and their rewards scale to the amount of people in the instance. especially now that nobody wants to do dungeons.

Why Would Anyone Buy Black Lion Keys?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katta Castellum.3957

Katta Castellum.3957

think of them as lottery tickets…

Why Would Anyone Buy Black Lion Keys?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katta Castellum.3957

Katta Castellum.3957

i think the problem is you opened 10 chests. that is not a large enough sample size to have any conclusive results.

For god sake, the horses need to go!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katta Castellum.3957

Katta Castellum.3957

meh, i think this is just the direction the game is going. weird goofy weapons and wings. soon it will be maplestory with better graphics.

Personality stats

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katta Castellum.3957

Katta Castellum.3957

i track mine myself. i accidentally, through clicking too fast, selected ‘charming’ instead of ‘ferocity’ in dialogue. i now need to find 70 ways to select ferocity to get my desired personality set correctly.

New elite specs years away?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katta Castellum.3957

Katta Castellum.3957

i don’t see why they couldn’t introduce a new way to obtain hero points at any given time. for example, wvw has the means to earn hero points now. i could see hero points being added to achievements or world boss kills or difficult fractals.

i am not saying any of those are great ideas, just that the concept of how hero points are earned could be changed.

Reset UI Window Positions

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Katta Castellum.3957

Katta Castellum.3957

i relocated/re-sized some of my ui elements: inventory, tp, etc…

is there a way to restore them to their default positions/sizes? i didn’t see anything on my local machine except a local.dat which didn’t work. i am sure it exists somewhere and this is a quicker way than going through my file structure.

in game “reset defaults” seems to only include settings and not ui positions.

(edited by Katta Castellum.3957)

Stop making holiday / event stuff tradeable!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katta Castellum.3957

Katta Castellum.3957

i would much rather play the game how i want to and buy the things i want with gold than gather certain materials by playing parts of the game i don’t want to play.

[Suggestion] Account Bound items system

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katta Castellum.3957

Katta Castellum.3957

i would buy more of this stuff if i could use it on all of my characters.

Aren't your tired of looting bags ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katta Castellum.3957

Katta Castellum.3957

overall bad design. i would prefer less loot of higher quality.

crafting sources

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katta Castellum.3957

Katta Castellum.3957

is there a website or source out there that helps one learn every recipe for a certain craft? i don’t think recipes you’ve learned are available in the api so that leaves out doing it programatically.

Nightfury, for free

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katta Castellum.3957

Katta Castellum.3957

opportunity costs…

whether you spend the gold from your wallet or farmed every single material needed to craft an item, you’re out 3,000 gold.

in fact, the former is probably better because you could maximize your earning potential and collect 3,000 gold faster than farming every material.

Your favorite "hide away" place?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katta Castellum.3957

Katta Castellum.3957

the weyandt’s revenge jumping puzzle is my favorite place because it was the first difficult jumping puzzle i completed.

Crafting System

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katta Castellum.3957

Katta Castellum.3957

i hear often that tailoring is one of the most expensive crafts. i would argue that it is the cheapest craft capable of reaching 500.

huntsman = ~ 162g
artificing = ~150g
weaponcrafting = ~ 132g
armorcrafting = ~ 69g
leatherworking = ~ 69g
tailoring = ~ 65g

Veteran MMO Players: A Few Questions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katta Castellum.3957

Katta Castellum.3957

ah, a brief moment of happy nostalgia remembering the good times my group and i had camping a frenzied ghoul for my first fbss and figuring out najena for the first time.

but, then i remember horrible camps like rastor of guk for the monk epic, lord gimblox for the cleric epic, and all of the fighting that camps caused. i remember that i am 29 years old now and i don’t have endless free time.

i don’t want to deal with camps ever again, but i will appreciate that i was able to experience them once upon a time.

(edited by Katta Castellum.3957)

Fishing in guild wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katta Castellum.3957

Katta Castellum.3957

i certainly won’t be hostile to anyone suggesting fishing. it would probably be fun and yet another way to play the game. everyone has their own opinion of what would be enjoyable in a game.

with that said and from my perspective…

1.) would fishing be a nice addition? yes.
2.) is there a seemingly endless list of more important things that need to get done? probably.

Xp Gained From Crafting and Masteries

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katta Castellum.3957

Katta Castellum.3957

i sure hope it does if i am going to spend ~ 500 gold to level all crafts from 400 to 500 at some point.

How to save dungeons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katta Castellum.3957

Katta Castellum.3957

if the intent of anet is to literally make dungeons so unappealing that people will not do them, why not just remove them from the game entirely and be done with it?

all said, i do not think this is their intention.

What kind of program is GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katta Castellum.3957

Katta Castellum.3957

not entirely windows dressing. the language is an import factor as well as the compiler to get the most efficient assembled result. garbage in garbage out.

also “written in” and “resolved to after it’s written” are different.

(edited by Katta Castellum.3957)

What kind of program is GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katta Castellum.3957

Katta Castellum.3957

like most games, it’s probably coded in c/c++, the latter being the most common and therefore most likely.

note: i am referring to the client itself. the internal tools may be done in c#/python since the optimization isn’t needed and internal tools can be cranked out faster/easier (cheaper) with those languages.

(edited by Katta Castellum.3957)

Odd things that break your immersion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katta Castellum.3957

Katta Castellum.3957

invisible walls. hills that appear climbable but aren’t.