Showing Posts For Kayato.9178:

Deso - VS - ER. Round 2

in WvW

Posted by: Kayato.9178


You made all your point this week end, nobody from Vizunah came here to cry that’s it’s not fair because we didn’t have enough people to counter you …

Deso - VS - ER. Round 2

in WvW

Posted by: Kayato.9178


Fail, ask your allies before troll.

. He was invited by vcy.
. Vizunah is not in T2
. CPC is a community guild, with special operating. I can explain you in french in private if you need it

(edited by Kayato.9178)

Why 24/7 wvw doesnt work in EU!

in WvW

Posted by: Kayato.9178


Have you noticed that the server that has the most points during the night this week is Desolation ?

Bugged WvsW limits/queues on European servers

in WvW

Posted by: Kayato.9178


Please keep this thread clean, it’s the better way to have an answer from Anet.

Bugged WvsW limits/queues on European servers

in WvW

Posted by: Kayato.9178


Same constatation on Vizunah Square. 2 hours in queue and only 50-60 players on each map since 2 days.

(edited by Kayato.9178)

Desolation vs Seafarer's vs Vizunah 19-25 Jan

in WvW

Posted by: Kayato.9178


This guy just take our golem and gave it to VS zerg…He ignored all requests to leave it.
But you, VS, can tell, that it is just flamming…
Guys from golem:
I am engineer and only i can use golem….nice trolling.

What are we supposed to see ? We have the same guys on VS and i think on all server.

Desolation vs Seafarer's vs Vizunah 19-25 Jan

in WvW

Posted by: Kayato.9178


VS, Deso and Elona could be a great matchup

Desolation vs Seafarer's vs Vizunah 19-25 Jan

in WvW

Posted by: Kayato.9178


@IRON and Deso : Continue to focus SFR and maybe you will stay to D1

And for Viz haters above, if sometimes Viz stayed in defense, tell me how to do otherwise when you have one IRON + pug zerg and one VoTF + pug zerg on each side who focus the same ennemy ignoring themselves ?

Hopefully things changed this week.

Desolation vs Seafarer's vs Vizunah 19-25 Jan

in WvW

Posted by: Kayato.9178


VS is the best

To Vizunah From VoTF

in WvW

Posted by: Kayato.9178


French players on Vizunah just adapt to counter ennemy fight style.

Respect your ennemies and you will be respected, this is how everything work.

Desolation vs Seafarer's vs Vizunah 19-25 Jan

in WvW

Posted by: Kayato.9178


For me it is interessting to see how VIZ are doing, if I look at the past 4-5 weeks, than I see a clear pattern: One week (like this) they are very strong and have overall a strong presence, especially during late night, early morning hours -and 1 week they tend to be a bit more relaxed and just try to not loose too many points, but are ok with 2nd place.

According 2 that we just need to finish that week 2nd, next week we will win again and so on….

But, perhaps they will now change this algorithm due to this post ;-) who knows.

You’re right it was an algorithm to counter US presence on EU ladder. Now we use a new one : 1+1 = 2.

Good luck to decypt.

Desolation vs Seafarer's vs Vizunah 19-25 Jan

in WvW

Posted by: Kayato.9178


Did you know you can rename your pet ?

Desolation vs Seafarer's vs Vizunah 19-25 Jan

in WvW

Posted by: Kayato.9178


I hope Deso will finish second, they deserve it more than SFR.

Desolation vs Vizunah vs Seafarer's

in WvW

Posted by: Kayato.9178


We like to dance on Vizunah

Desolation vs Vizunah vs Seafarer's

in WvW

Posted by: Kayato.9178


Over 400 kills tagged by each of our members against a combination of IRON, CDD, CPC, MORT, SYN in one single Bay fight before we wiped.

You can call us a zerg all you want, but when your entire server with a collective of 4 large guilds takes a total of 20 minutes to wipe us out of a keep where you had 10+ ballistas and arrow carts, then I think there is a bit more to it than just zerging

Thanks for the fun anyways, you should all group up more often, you wont be killing us otherwise <3

I don’t know how you like to play like this all the time. It was no brain mode for us tonight, 5s to launch a single skill but great fight.

Desolation vs Vizunah vs Seafarer's

in WvW

Posted by: Kayato.9178


45min of defense on Bay, ninja on garni, epic night

Desolation vs Vizunah vs Seafarer's

in WvW

Posted by: Kayato.9178


Same game different objectives!!!

Desolation vs Vizunah vs Seafarer's

in WvW

Posted by: Kayato.9178


KAZ is also a final boss

Deso vs Seafarers vs Vizuna

in WvW

Posted by: Kayato.9178


Vizuna are horrible at WvW, the only thing they have on their side is time coverage. I think everyone knows that?

Which server has english, russian, american on the same server. Cmon dude are you serious ?

Deso vs Seafarers vs Vizuna

in WvW

Posted by: Kayato.9178


It’s soo nice having atleast one server come and fight us.
Props to Desolation, esp Iron and Kaz who atually fight us and not run away.

2 things :
- We have 2 server against us, we have to split against 50+ mens group zerg on both side
- Split, don’t use culling, comme with 20 men against 20 men and you will have fight.

At the moment IRON/KAZ/Votf have the same gameplay. I understand you like to play like a mass zerg when you don’t see ennemy and only press forward and key 1, not our case on Vizunah sorry

Mass Zerg? are you for real? Votf is nothing like a mass zerg, we actually ask our pug’s to not follow us, we can not help if we pick up some stragglers along the way, but we are never a zerg, most times you will see us with around 30 people max on the general occasion.

KAZ certainly do not have the same game play as us, you clearly don’t may too much attention to your opponents do you.

Thank you, you make me laugh.

You make me laugh also, at how badly informed and knowledgeable of your enemy you actually are…

You’re crying because you want fair fight against Vizu. Come with the same number as us. That’s all.

1 big zerg moving is just not as Vizunah play. You will love to hate us

Fair fight? When we (VoTF) fight against anyone we are more often than not the lower number, and if you would stop running away from us and fight then you would realize yourself it is YOU that will love to hate US, not the other way around.

Also you seem to be incapable of reading, i never once claimed i want a fair fight, i just want a fight from Vizunah full stop…i don’t care on our numbers nor yours since we’re normally the lower numbered force, but please for the love of god, stop running away and actually fight.

Tonight we have 1 group with 8 people, 1 with 10, 1 with 15 and pug with another.
When votf come and just move forward and kill with 40+ guy sorry but 1 time is enough. I told you, just split and you will have fight

Maybe you thought we ran away but not, we were only 8 in our group and the 8 bodies on the ground were us. Nobody else ran away, we come and saw the zerg against us.

(edited by Kayato.9178)

Deso vs Seafarers vs Vizuna

in WvW

Posted by: Kayato.9178


It’s soo nice having atleast one server come and fight us.
Props to Desolation, esp Iron and Kaz who atually fight us and not run away.

2 things :
- We have 2 server against us, we have to split against 50+ mens group zerg on both side
- Split, don’t use culling, comme with 20 men against 20 men and you will have fight.

At the moment IRON/KAZ/Votf have the same gameplay. I understand you like to play like a mass zerg when you don’t see ennemy and only press forward and key 1, not our case on Vizunah sorry

Mass Zerg? are you for real? Votf is nothing like a mass zerg, we actually ask our pug’s to not follow us, we can not help if we pick up some stragglers along the way, but we are never a zerg, most times you will see us with around 30 people max on the general occasion.

KAZ certainly do not have the same game play as us, you clearly don’t may too much attention to your opponents do you.

Thank you, you make me laugh.

You make me laugh also, at how badly informed and knowledgeable of your enemy you actually are…

You’re crying because you want fair fight against Vizu. Come with the same number as us. That’s all.

1 big zerg moving is just not as Vizunah play. You will love to hate us

Deso vs Seafarers vs Vizuna

in WvW

Posted by: Kayato.9178


It’s soo nice having atleast one server come and fight us.
Props to Desolation, esp Iron and Kaz who atually fight us and not run away.

2 things :
- We have 2 server against us, we have to split against 50+ mens group zerg on both side
- Split, don’t use culling, comme with 20 men against 20 men and you will have fight.

At the moment IRON/KAZ/Votf have the same gameplay. I understand you like to play like a mass zerg when you don’t see ennemy and only press forward and key 1, not our case on Vizunah sorry

Mass Zerg? are you for real? Votf is nothing like a mass zerg, we actually ask our pug’s to not follow us, we can not help if we pick up some stragglers along the way, but we are never a zerg, most times you will see us with around 30 people max on the general occasion.

KAZ certainly do not have the same game play as us, you clearly don’t may too much attention to your opponents do you.

Thank you, you make me laugh.

Deso vs Seafarers vs Vizuna

in WvW

Posted by: Kayato.9178


only press forward and key 1, not our case on Vizunah sorry

You really do have no clue do you?

We split we have 4 or 5 smaller group on the map. You have only one with 50+ men. That’s all, you don’t like that, not our problem, continue to hate Vizunah

We are not suicidal, we will not engage 20 against 50 with culling

Deso vs Seafarers vs Vizuna

in WvW

Posted by: Kayato.9178


It’s soo nice having atleast one server come and fight us.
Props to Desolation, esp Iron and Kaz who atually fight us and not run away.

2 things :
- We have 2 server against us, we have to split against 50+ mens group zerg on both side
- Split, don’t use culling, comme with 20 men against 20 men and you will have fight.

At the moment IRON/KAZ/Votf have the same gameplay. I understand you like to play like a mass zerg when you don’t see ennemy and only press forward and key 1, not our case on Vizunah sorry

Deso vs Seafarers vs Vizuna

in WvW

Posted by: Kayato.9178


Remember when Deso was crying about 500 canadian on Vizunah ^^

Vizunah Square : simply the best

in WvW

Posted by: Kayato.9178


I’ve never understood that argument. According to Vizunah players, it’s the same players that plays during the day, during the night and pretty much at any other time coverage since the beginning.

If that’s true. Shouldn’t they have ended in the hospital or be dead by now? Cause I see no way how a normal human being can play 22-24 hours a day every day for the past few months unless they’re vampires / human cross breed.

Redbull and coffee are the key

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Kayato.9178


So much drama here. My god xD

When you look at the actual match-up apart from drama I think we can agree on SFR that this is without a doubt the most exciting match-up we had in weeks. It will be really close end with VS really pushing hard now.

I think that at the beginning of the week they underestimated SFR and that cost them a heavy beating with a load of points behind. On the otherside I think during the week SFR underestimated the long breath of VS who just took activity to the next level.
Could also be to due SFR actually not having to put a fight up for the last 3 days in the recent weeks because we were always ahead by so much that losing wasn’t an option.

This week we learn that in order to be and stay T1 you need to be active all week long. I hope we learn our lesson and can end this week with first place. And if we do not end up first we only have ourselves to blame.

We never underestimated SFR. It was a classic week end from Vizunah with a new massive event PvE (Wintersday).

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Kayato.9178


I think some of you Vizunah players are borderline insane..

First 2/3 weeks BT in T1: You are only winning because Xaoc caps in our offline hours 4/5 GMT till 10/11 GMT
Last week: Absolute silence about our server even though it was obvious little to no one was playing and thus could night cap away leaving AS and BT fighting fully upgraded keeps with a metric kittenton of siege. But no-one complained then did they?
This week: The only reason SFR is winning is because you cap at our offline hours 0/1 GMT till 6/7 GMT

You guys should get off your stupid high horse and come to terms with the fact that you are not the most skilled server but are the most consistent one. Is that something to be proud of? Hell yes! You managed to stay in T1 from the start by consistently having numbers on the field. However whenever the chips are down and you are losing, the first thing you kids do is grab that big bag of excuses and go “Let’s see what we can pull out of this thing now”.

Own up to the fact that right now you guys are just getting your kitten handed to you by a server that has a more consistent all round playerbase. I sure as hell will.

Already read that from Desolation players Nothing new.

Vizunah never complained about European nightcap.

(edited by Kayato.9178)

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Kayato.9178


There is no doubt that Prx will be an major factor in this WvW match. They are Sfr’s night crew, they got numbers they got organization, they own. However i would like to see vizunah’s domination durring daytime, if they consider that they get dominated overall only cause of Prx.
As far as i saw VS, i didn’t get impressed in anyway untill now, but i only played 3 hours of WvW. Dance on dead body when they win an 5 vs 1, bad placed sieges that can be destroyed with shortbow ,nothing uncommon.

Not this time, we will let American getting bored. Then we will have a nice EUROPEAN match in the next few weeks.

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Kayato.9178


I hope seaferest not going as Desolation when the Americans will leave their server. Americans will soon get tired of beating the wood.

I truely doubt that gaining / losing american guilds makes the difference.

Desolation said the same thing. We will see, but what we mainly see during night is full zerg of Armerican

Blacktide/Vizunah Square/Seafarer's Rest

in WvW

Posted by: Kayato.9178


I hope seaferest not going as Desolation when the Americans will leave their server. Americans will soon get tired of beating the wood.

8.12.12 SFR v BB v ER

in WvW

Posted by: Kayato.9178


Americans have once again landed on the EU ladder. Elona can’t do anything this week.

Arborstone - Vizunah - Desolation

in WvW

Posted by: Kayato.9178


Desolation make the good choice to adapt with Anet rules. They recruited a lot of player to fight door during night.

Now we’re waiting an answer from Anet about the choice of 2 distinct ladder if all EU and US play together?

Arborstone - Vizunah - Desolation

in WvW

Posted by: Kayato.9178


To many negative attitude on this forums about nightcapping mostly, VZ had nightcapping when none hade it and none was complaining

Thank you, you make my day.

Arborstone - Vizunah - Desolation

in WvW

Posted by: Kayato.9178


It’s really hard for Desolation player to accept that we only have European player on Vizunah

I hope Anet will merge both ladder if we play on international server.

What I have been told is you guys nightcapped your way to the top and of 2 servers surely you have enough between the two of you to put some night crew together or show the rest of the world some of your own out of the box thinking to draw the appropriate guilds to your server. People like solutions and I can’s in life not oh I give up and its unfair.

Was it not unfair when you nightcapped your way to the top or is that all just a distant memory? Treat people as you would be treated life bounces back on you and don’t dish out what you expect not to recieve in these games.

Desolation actually worked on their server as a whole and used some out of the box thinking. That is part of any rl battle for a successful side. Try actually working on your servers as a whole rather than expecting it to drop into your lap off the back of a few cheap one pony show tricks.

Its pretty easy to kick people from both sides distract them and tear them apart and you haven’t seen ruin cry over it simply mention its been used. We accept it and to be frank we were expecting allot more of a fight especially considering its been employed.

Work on your servers as a whole but I have seen far more flexible attitudes and better play out of arborstone. Its kind of sad to see what could be a good side used so badly. I would build up arbor if I had any say because their level of play is 100 times better than Vizunah’s and they seem open to trying new things.

I remember our nightcap against your server not organized during night and all your cry against our fake guild with 500 canadian.

What I suggest is to merge ladder, I’m not crying. Why should we have 2 ladder if US player play on European server ?

Arborstone - Vizunah - Desolation

in WvW

Posted by: Kayato.9178


It’s really hard for Desolation player to accept that we only have European player on Vizunah

I hope Anet will merge both ladder if we play on international server.

Servers FR / ES / DE are they brought to disappear?

in WvW

Posted by: Kayato.9178


Why not choose a specific and definitive timezone for an account ?

This is not a post against Desolation but on the future of the European ladder. Please stay polite.

I’ll give you a super simple answer to that question. Over years of gaming, many people have made friends with people from all over the world, and like to play together, i’m not talking about RUIN coming over to deso. But you’re ‘idea’ would ruin gaming for MANY people, myself included. We are adults, and work/travel all over the world, all the time. If there were timezone limitations, that would separate many old guilds, which have been together throughout many different games, mine included.

Get with the melting pot already! I do not wish to impose my ideals on others, but this nationalistic way of thinking from so many people gets to me… I think it’s time for MANY MANY cultures to start broadening their horizons, and blend with other cultures.

I also travel a lot abroad. I don’t speak about french only, i speak about EU and US ladder.

I went to the USA, I have friends there. I never said that my question was the answer. But nobody can deny the imbalance that is created on the EU ladder.

@Kontrolle I never played WoW but I played DAOC, sorry for you

Servers FR / ES / DE are they brought to disappear?

in WvW

Posted by: Kayato.9178


First of all it’s a translation from a post on the french forum , please excuse my English.

Here’s a question for Anet after thinking about what I heard in a week.
It’s not a problem nightcapping but a deeper imbalance. Far ahead of the servers were McM European servers (FR, DE, or even half English half Russian).

Except, since a week the key to return to the top is to recruit massively (I’m not talking about a small guild of 30 people but a whole community migration) in the USA and therefore one completely opposite timezone to the EU. It’s not anymore a ladder EU, but an international ladder.

So my questions are as follows :
- Are the 2 ladders going to merge (EU and US)?
- Will servers FR / DE / ES disappear? Because the Americans will not come on the french server and french server will be deserted as they will sink to the bottom of the ranking.
Currently the only way to survive is to shorten the nights to avoid the penalty score. This is obviously something that can not hold.

Why not choose a specific and definitive timezone for an account ?

This is not a post against Desolation but on the future of the European ladder. Please stay polite.

Arborstone - Vizunah - Desolation

in WvW

Posted by: Kayato.9178


Desolation a small 5k points away from reaching VS in score, so we’ll be having plenty more battles to come!

Not many more battle, just many more night

How come Viznu dominates WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Kayato.9178


Conspiracy. :popcorn:

Exploitable Bug Caught in Action: Abusing the Character on screen limit.

in WvW

Posted by: Kayato.9178


Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: Kayato.9178


Welcome to Vizunah Phara . (I read somewhere we are the only server with night crew).

Desolation server Vs Vizunah Square Fr Vs Far Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Kayato.9178


I don’t know in which country you leave, but in France we also have student and people who works at different time of the day.

Desolation server Vs Vizunah Square Fr Vs Far Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Kayato.9178


they openly admited they have latin americans playing (not hiding it unlike VZ)

And now we have latin americans xD I look forward to talking conspiracies.

Desolation server Vs Vizunah Square Fr Vs Far Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Kayato.9178


All canadian fr players move to american server, problem solved. This is a very huge problem Anet…do something!

Every night:

There is nearly no Canadians players on VS… so that won’t solve what you believe to be a problem.

Ok, you’re vampire or a night-hunting-zerging-droid-clone jedi warrior?

Or just a player who doesn’t have the same playing schedule as you … When YOU sleep, not everybody is.

Desolation server Vs Vizunah Square Fr Vs Far Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Kayato.9178


Your server was full, but no players in WvW. Is that our fault, if you don’t have players in WvW ?

We have a lot of dedicated players in WvW. Like Kingface said : “It’s just your server is not at his real rank for long matchup.”

Desolation server Vs Vizunah Square Fr Vs Far Shiverpeaks

in WvW

Posted by: Kayato.9178


Just a small example, at 1:30am in France, the map was full for Vizunah. 1:30am is not so late, we don’t need to play until 4am or 5am like rumors said.

The domination of VS is not a night or day problem

in WvW

Posted by: Kayato.9178


Russians are carrying FS at the moment. No other guilds has brought the amount of people they bring to WvWvW consistently during the first few weeks.

From what I can understand the “french” has a big alliance that is made up by quiet a few guilds, who moved to an empty server at release, so they were able to fill most spots with guild members and people who are a part of their alliance, while Far Shiverpeaks remain as one of the most populated EU servers, filled with a bunch of randoms etc. (This isn’t mean’t as an excuse at all, since the FS alliance(s) could easily have decided on another server, I’m just pointing out the obvious.)

I don’t begrudge the french at all, as they would easily be top-two regardless of the night capping. They posses skill/dedication/commitment etc. and obviously deserve the top spot. But to say that their massive lead(s) hasn’t been due to “night-capping” is completely wrong. If you honestly believe that you have no idea what your talking about.

FS and VS have the same problem with queue and high populated server. And it will be worse while the transfer is free.

Sugestion Night capping / PvE objectives inside Borderlands.

in WvW

Posted by: Kayato.9178


So I have to play on eu prime time, then switch to US server with so much lag and continue to fight without friend or guild. And this every day.

Will you pay my gem transfer ? What is the good hour to switch and stop to play on eu server ? What time do you go to bed ?

Far Shiverpeaks proving the point

in WvW

Posted by: Kayato.9178


how is it they can play day and night every day, why do they not have jobs or sleep? howcome FS was dominating on the weekend but when RL came around everything changed so fast? is it a timezone thing?

Our secret to stay and play all the night : maple syrup. Better than Red Bull.