Showing Posts For Keiel.7489:

[NA]LF PvE guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Keiel.7489


Recently move to a different area [really early OCE or really late NA], with a 6 month break so I can’t do the normal stuff with my guild anymore. I have good knowledge of most of the fight up to KC, though each guild does things a bit different so Ill change however you like if we raid. 80’s on each class but not proficient with all, I have 150 AR on heavy set but can do more if you need with relative ease. I’d like to join an efficient guild since I don’t have much time to play and would rather not wait on people afking half the runs. Generally patient with new people, but rather not wipe over and over on the same mechanics.

Please don’t send random ginvites without messaging me first, not looking to up the digits in your guild.


Are they really planning a Guild Wars 3?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Keiel.7489


I hope they release a GW3 sometime in the future. I’ll dearly miss my account but without a hard reset there won’t be much to innovate.


You DO NOT want gliding in main tyria [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Keiel.7489


There’s a really quick fix for the JP. If you don’t want to cheapen the experience, don’t use it.


I Recant! We CAN Glide in Pact Tyria!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Keiel.7489


Sorry, too late, you’ll just have to learn to love it…

Game wide fun should not be limited because of JP…

If you don’t want to glide then don’t glide, that is your right.

You can’t not glide… it does it automatically… you use the same button you use to jump to glide so you end up doing it unintentionally… all the time. If I could disable it I would!

Well we proably should hold off on adding a feature that almost everyone wants so that you won’t unintentionally ruin your JP experience. Makes sense.


[NA]]LF OCX/SEA raiders

in Looking for...

Posted by: Keiel.7489


Not looking to invite you to a guild, though that can be arranged for better tracking. Me and my group of friends are looking for a few more people to raid with around 8AM server time. We aren’t looking for top of the line raiders but by all means be competent and geared properly. My group of friends can range anywhere between the biggest roosters to mildly charming, will we get along? who really knows from a forum post.

Keiel.7489 if you are interested. Send a mail cause I sometimes don’t read PMs.

P.S. If you are super elite gamer who have the eternal title and knows how to do everything so you don’t need TS at all or something like that please look for a similar guild/group. We’ll pass on raiding with you.


guild lost interest in raids.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Keiel.7489


I guess this is what you get when you try to server something a bit more challenging to a casual crowd. Rather than slowing down and go over that speed bump, lets all just stop and turn around.


(Event) (UPDATED!) funeral for Thief class.

in Thief

Posted by: Keiel.7489


Heck if we’re going to do that let’s do it where EVERYONE can see us. In the middle of Lion’s Arch !!!! Under the Jelly fish !
Let’s turn it into a manifestation.

That way we can tell everyone we died cause we so jelly of other classes?


LF artist for commission work

in Community Creations

Posted by: Keiel.7489


I would like a full body work on my characters. Do you think you can meet up with me in game in 3-4 hours to discuss it further?


Does ANET punish individuals?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Keiel.7489


Its all luck. I’m an avid gambler, I can go for months wasting thousands of gold in the mystic forge and get nothing and then one Christmas eve I get 5 precursors.


zerk meta, viability of a class

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Keiel.7489


I’m a casual but efficient player. I don’t need a full zerk run, but my friends likes to so it gives me some heartache when they kick people cause they aren’t in perfect gearing. I do understand OP’s frustration namely because most of the elitist attitudes are not even comming from the top players, but just people who heard about the best way to play from a friend of theirs who read an article once. They know THE method, they don’t know how or why and could care less about it, they just know it brings sucess and end to their grindign misery. Deviation of THE method scares them and even if the incorrect sigil would waste 3 seconds on a boss burn if everyone in the party played perfectly it would not matter.

To the OP, the reason why rangers are hated on is because a bad ranger is a terrible ranger, and bad warrior is still a pretty good warrior. Unless you are part of some speed run guild, you can literally clear GW2 content in whatever spec you want.


Time to separate agony resistance from armor

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Keiel.7489


Lets make it even more trivial to do anything in the game and then complain about the lack of use for the relics.


Not enough concern given to male characters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Keiel.7489


Lets get one thing out of the way first. Most people who play female characters in GW2 play female characters in all other MMOs, me included. Aside from my main most of my alts are female. The reason they chose female is not because there is a lack of choice.

As a fashionable player, I do like more choices to for all of my characters. However female characters suffer from the same fate as males in this game, there are only limited number of armor that looks good on them, a majority looks terrible. However for me this is the best thing about GW2, there are so many terrible choices it forces the players to actually think and work with the bad pieces to make them work with other bad pieces or end up looking like clones of every other player. If you see a bunch of similar looking human females, treat them as though they are plebs cause they aren’t creative enough to think outside the box.

As for me, I find that there are enough armor types in game, and that hairstyles for both gender is relatively crap. I don’t understand your complaint on unrealistic armor though. There are enough realisitic armor in the game, but at the end of the day we are playing a fantasy game, we are swimming with a full suit of plate.


LF artist for commission work

in Community Creations

Posted by: Keiel.7489


Looking to have a potrait made for 1-4(group) of my character(s). Payment can be in gold, gem items, other in game items or cash. Ether reply on this thread, PM or send a mail in-game. I prefer contact here so I can just click the link vice typing it out via in game mail.


Lets talk about the new Gem conversion [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Keiel.7489


I’m a fan of GW2 since early start and have tried to look at things positively, even things I don’t necessarily agree with since I have always taken the approach of playing a game as challenging my self against what the dev’s have made for me. However a lot of changes this year have been in my opinion, terrible, while under the guise of helping new player learn and experience the game (something I welcome), I don’t see a graduation point, it feels like instead of making a staircase to help new players climb up, you have simply demolished the first few floors to lower the upper level and keep it there.

From the trait system to the leveling system and now the gem conversion, which by itself is a small to little concern really. However it ties into a bigger pattern of undesirability, the fact that a change in the system that takes away the freedom of choice from the players, when it could have just been added too and not remove and replace. I am not a programmer so I don’t know how intricate and hard it would have been to just add the new limited option and at the bottom, top, or sides to leave a manual input for the players who have already been exchanging gems and know what they want to do with it. I’m not entirely sure how that could complicate things further, new players can readily convert the amount desired and old players can use the old system as they like.


Black Lion Chests count as gambling?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Keiel.7489


Nope it’s not any different. At one point they had 3D cards, but you wouldn’t necessarily get one in every pack. You only had a chance to get the 3D card.

And getting the cards everyone had was pretty much worthless. I mean it’s not like you can sell Skip Jutze to anyone. It was a card no one cared about.

There’s really nothing in the BLTC that’s actually worthless. Transmuation charges aren’t worthless. Leveling scrolls aren’t worthless. Even when essences of luck where in teh chest, they weren’t worthless unless you happened to have 300 luck already (which very very few people do).

I disagree. Baseball card packs contained cards no matter what they worth. When you bought a pack, there was no chance that you got chewing gums ,candy(These aren’t worthless either) or other small things instead of a card you didn’t intend to buy, and there was no case you didn’t get any card at all.

I read this and find it a completely ignorant argument. You buy BL Keys and open a chest, and do you only expect BL Claim tickets or Permanent Contracts? Anet regularly announce changes to what is inside the BL chest and there is a wiki that has a pretty good database of what you could get out of it. You’re train of thought is that since the pack of BASEBALL cards has a BASEBALL CARD label, people would not be confused by what they can get from it, and gamers are completely ignorant and would not know what they could get from a BL chest, because it’s called a Black Lion Chest and not “Chest that contains three of the following items: Boosters, Black Lion Claim tickets, Black Lion Claim ticket Scraps, Bank Access Express, Instant Repair Canister, Merchant Express, Revive Orb, Self-Style Hair Kit, Total Makeover Kit, Trading Post Express, Transmutation Charge, Custom Arena Time Token, Black Lion Chest Key, Black Lion Salvage Kit, Box o’ Fun, Communal Boost Bonfire, Dye Pack, Metabolic Primer, Tome of Knowledge, Unidentified Dye, Flame Dye Kit, Frost Dye Kit, Deathly Dye Kit, Toxic Dye Kit, Metallurgic Dye Kit, Lion’s Arch Survivors Dye Kit, Lion’s Arch Commemorative Dye Kit, Heavy Crafting Bag, Large Crafting Bag, Medium Crafting Bag, Utility Primer, Pink Quaggan Backpack Set, Quaggan Killer Whale Backpack Set, Tiger Charr Backpack Set, Cheetah Charr Backpack Set, Plush Tybalt Backpack Set, Mini Caithe, Mini Holographic Scarlet, Mini Mai Trin, Mini Marjory Delaqua, Minis 3-Pack, Mystery Tonic, Unopened Beast Endless Mystery Tonic, Unopened Forest Endless Mystery Tonic, Unopened Furniture Endless Mystery Tonic, Endless Monkey King Tonic, Permanent Bank Access Contract, Permanent Black Lion Merchant Contract, Permanent Trading Post Express Contract, Permanent Hair Stylist Contract.”


Where is dual wielding in this game?

in Warrior

Posted by: Keiel.7489


You seem to jump around points a lot, cherry picking each set strengths for each game mode and making it seem like dual weilding is a worthless way to play.

WvW. Nearly all styles are viable, just depends on what you do.
PvP. Lots of FoTM players but there are plenty of viable non-hammer/gs play as well.

For both of those modes, DPS is not a factor, DPS refers to you hitting or capable of hitting your target without it doing anything to mitigate the damage.

For PvE. GS+Axe/Mace is and has been optimal for a long time, if you are talking about DPS.

Lastly, cost should not be a factor in what is optimal and what is not, just becasue something cost more shouldn’t mean it should be the best way to go, unless you are telling me you run sentinels set-up.


Mjolnir/hammer questions

in Guardian

Posted by: Keiel.7489


Everything is viable for PvE. So stick with Hammer if that’s what you really want to do. Some people will continuously remind you that you are sub-optimal for group runs because you aren’t max DPS, and you are. If you can ignore those comments once a while then go with it.

As for Mjolnir vs Legendary. Mjolnir + Ascended Hammer still cost less time and effort than Juggy, you aren’t paying for the stats when you go for things like Mjolnir, you are paying for the skin. The biggest thing you miss out on is ease of changing stats. But if you don’t mind having a few Hammer in your bag it’s cheaper to go with multiple Ascended Hammer over Juggy, since you can have multiple sets of sigil on your multiple sets of hammer.


"Play how you want"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Keiel.7489


Don’t tell me what to do, I’ll interpret how I want.


Soloing arah possible after GS changes

in Warrior

Posted by: Keiel.7489


I don’t see why not, it’s almost like they never added that extra sigil slot for 2-handed weapon. But people were soloing Arah well before full ascended was available which is probably a bigger damage buff.


Kicked by a childlish act from FotM

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Keiel.7489


Can’t you kill the seeker with 1 backstab in fotm 19?


[Suggestion] The Right Time for Mounts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Keiel.7489


If you stop throwing the word “need” around and just start using the word “want” it work out better. There is no need for mounts, but if there is a player base that wants mounts, then why not? How will them having a inferior means of already provided travel impede on you playing the game?


Why should I main Warrior?

in Warrior

Posted by: Keiel.7489


I main a sylvari Warrior, and I find it fun to gear him differently. It takes a bit moer tweaking than the average human to get thegear perfect but when you do get it done it’s better than anything a human can do. Dressing a Charr is the real challenge.

As for Playability:
If it’s PvE Guardian out DPS and out supports Warriors in all sense, anyone who thinks otherwise is comparing a clerics guardian to a serkers warrior or is still stuck on DPH (Damage per hit/skill) rather than DPS.

WvW/SPvP. I think this is where the Warrior shines. Not because of anyone one OP build that dominates any one field, but its the fact that there are TONS of viable builds with various weapon setups that you can pick from. Almost every weapon set up has a use, well spread out traits, and your large HP pools allow you to be more open to your gearing choices.


Hammer racism in pve

in Warrior

Posted by: Keiel.7489


since the only well-argumented answer was thaddeus one here is the build i’m using atm:

now, you can say everything..but not that this build lacks of dps or that other professions commom pugs deals more damage (maybe a not-so-well-made fgs ele can still do better dps).
As you can see i main hammer but i have gs AND i’m full berserk AND i have a full set of rune of strenght, which puts me a way further the average warrior camping GS in dungeons with the equipement only half finished.
I admit that i lack ascended armor but isn’t this build enough? if it’s not why shouldn’t we kick every other player who’s not a phalanx gs warr or an fgs ele?

Thaddeus correctly explained all the point for not preferring the hammer as a main weapon in a dungeon, and i respect his arguments because i admitted them, the thing i can’t stand is this new breed of warrior players who are just too focused on maximising the dps and can’t see nothing more than the meta gs build.
But being kicked out just because someone presumes that my dps is low is just kinda absurd.

Maximizing DPS is not a new thing, not in pve and definitely not in WvW or pvp, the only difference is it’s easier to do in pve since everything is scripted so once you learn the fights you can easily survive via active means. Where in WvW players are more dynamic in their movements and are actually susceptible to CC, while in pve you can basically manipulate mobs via LoS and stacking, watch the wind up for their big hits, and dodge. In that sense you can go full DPS and as been proven more than enough times.

Sitting on GS currently does the most damage for warriors, only reason to swap is for the utilities of other weapons, and sadly hammer is not an optimal swap 95% of the time. There is a time and build for everything, and hammer has no place in group pve. There are plenty of talks on this already, math included, all you had to do was google.

You’re not going to sway people’s mind here, those who will kick you will still kick you and those who tolerate you will continue to do so, just know that hammer brings very little to your party, it has been talked about forever and unless Anet makes drastic changes it’s going to remain as is.


Reward everyone for doing anything!

in WvW

Posted by: Keiel.7489


I heard it’s really hard to set up a macro to press a button every few seconds or minutes. Good thing every MMO already has a solid plan in place for life-like bots, so primitive macro’s like this would get nipped in the butt right away.

On a good note at least most of the servers will have 24/7 ques and we’ll never hear about people not having enough people online during night time to counter night caps…


Returning player - lost!

in Warrior

Posted by: Keiel.7489


Any gear is viable, but I would suggest swapping axe/sh for sw/wh to help you move around a lot faster, with sword you can also jump to certain areas vice walking around to it which makes some of the map completion more bearable. GS is all around a great weapon. the simple 5 signet warrior for leveling is great, just don’t stick with it at 80 (without doing the proper research).


$ supporting the game...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Keiel.7489


Probably 10k by now if not more between buying stuff for me and my gf. Pretty much a sucker for mini’s and BLC gambling, and being able to change appearances anytime I want.


Minimum lvl requirement for wvw?

in WvW

Posted by: Keiel.7489


A few things,
- WvW levelers aren’t lazy, they just find world exploration boring and after the first character I did too, if you can stomach multiple map exloration then good on you. Unless it’s Ktrain, WvW generally is slower to level than map completion. If it’s Ktrain, then who really cares?

-Lowbies in WvW matters greatly, not only are they contributing less to the overall to the zerg due to their traits not fully functioning yet, but also the fact that they die quite often (minus the people who go out of their way to make their characters “tanky” with upscaled stats). When they do drop like flies (majority of them) they basically ressed a bunch of people on the other zerg. However this is only a disadvantage if only one side has up levels and the other doesn’t. Ususally up levels will get blamed for after a wipe if anyone even seen one of them, it’s never becaue people aren’t paying attention, stacking, and almost never the WvW commander’s fault.


ok this is what bothers me about Anet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Keiel.7489


I’m by no means enamored by the events, but that’s because I pay very little attention to in game story content and get my info wiki-wise (for all games not just GW2), I do find the plot to be interesting, and now and then visit places or events others posted online to see for myself. I know other players who are truly interested in the story, weather or not they like the direction or all the characters. But as others have pointed out, speak for yourself. Just because you and the people you play with don’t enjoy that aspect of the game, doesn’t mean a majority of people don’t.

Edit: I also miss weeks-months of game time due to my job, these recaps and post on the story actually helps me out quite a bit.


(edited by Keiel.7489)

Need Zerg Busting Advice - Hammer Warrior WvW

in Warrior

Posted by: Keiel.7489


Zerg Pug, when you aren’t planning on blasting, more selfish and can do decent if caught by yourself in a 1v1 situation. Mobility is King in WvW, if you can move, you can stay out of circles, if you can stay out of circles you should be able to stay alive. 93% reduction on movement impairing conditions and 2 self stabilities should keep you moving so long as you use your stabilities smartly any not like a noob.

More Guild Oriented, so long as your guards takes care of condition removal for the others this should work well.

Honestly, I wish warriors move away from PvT gear, passive defense makes people lazy and fights last forever when both zergs just PvT all day.


TY Anet! For the kind gesture to your WvWers!

in WvW

Posted by: Keiel.7489


Dear anet, when you resolve the problems please consider giving everyone +100/150 tickets extra… This will allow:

1. Everyone to get at least 1 shiny mistforged weapon.
2. The winners can get 2 of them (so you reward winners more)
3. The waiting period will be worth it
4. There are many weapons people want and it will still take a lot of seasons to get them all so this generosity will not cost you anything
5. You will get everyone in better spirits and invested before the start of new WvW season / LS season 2 etc

Please consider this as my humble advice…

What do you think guys?

I see nothing wrong with Anet giving everyone who participated a Mistforge weapon, and winners gets one or two more. But basically with everything I’ve seen from GW2 players, when Anet gives an inch they’ll demand a mile. If Anet decides to give everyone who participated 1 weapon and the winners 2, we will see a plethora of threads demanding Anet to give the losers 2 or equal amounts to the winners since (insert random reason here). And then the top tier will ask Anet to give them even more, to separate them from the losers. Of course all the servers in between will dime in on what they think is fair.


Solo Play: Warrior or Guardian?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Keiel.7489


LOL, well I have no idea what I’m doing, so I better go with Warrior!

Disregarding troll posts…. in PvE the entire game is centered around DPS. You have to do damage. You will never get great DPS out of a guardian without heavy trade offs. Warrior is simply the complete package, whether people care to admit that or not.

You might want to do some research on that info, cause currently Guardian DPS > Warrior DPS (please don’t show me videos of 80k+ 100b, it’s not proving anything). Guardian has higher survivability as long as you stay active and engage. Warrior play is lazier, easier with good output. Only reason I would take a warrior over a guardian is mobility.


Badges for Tomes of Knowledge?

in WvW

Posted by: Keiel.7489


Any new info???



Leveling an alt is so much more tedious now

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Keiel.7489


yeh because owning a level 80 alt without knowing how to play it is really useful

You can ebay your level 80 and learn how to play it well within a week. This is GW2, you have 14 skill related buttons.


Least squishy class (between warr and guard)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Keiel.7489


I main a Warrior and I can tell you a Guardian has higher survivability if you are active and not a lazy player. In best DPS setup a guardian will out DPS and out survive a warrior and also helps the group stay alive in the process, playing a warrior is more forgiving because of a higher HP pool. Comparing aegis to warriors block ability is pointless, those weapons are out of the way and not optimal for DPS and, while aegis is free albeit at a long CD but it effect your whole group. Guardians also have one of the best, nearly spammable defense skill, blind, all 3 of their weapons for DPS has access to it, they have access to it via natural DPS trait, and it is off CD every time a mob is killed.

If you are looking for faceroll easy, then just wear soldiers/knights on ether of those class and it won’t make a difference. But if you’re an active player pick up guardian and get good with it.


Why aren't you fighting for what's yours?

in WvW

Posted by: Keiel.7489


Legendary armors will make it more competitive and fun.


A Designer's viewpoint: Condition Caps

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Keiel.7489


It’s a start and I think it’s been said many times before but each time the solution is shot down. First thing that needs to change would be how condition is stacked between PvE, WvW, and PvP before we move onto the mechanics itself. After that in PvE you need to adjust condition damage based on total output of damage. Your inadvertent Condition damage still stack ontop of your direct damage, and while its true that condition appliers also deal some sort of direct damage (not 100%) a full serker warrior still has a good condition output compared to a full condition warrior doing direct damage. However I think currently it’s a game engine issue with tracking ticks and the lag it cause when you have stacks on top of stacks on top of stacks of condition damage. The calculations for each slows the game down too much.


"Balanced" Build for WvW/sPvP by Assassin X

in Warrior

Posted by: Keiel.7489


In Assassin X defense I’ve known great players who are clickers. It’s just kind of embarrassing to see due to gaming culture.


Where's my personality icon?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Keiel.7489


Probably removed due to uselessness of the feature. Maybe a precursor to a Race Change gem item, considering all Cultural Armor skins are account bound now.


PSA: 2/0/0/6/6 is not Sizer's build

in Thief

Posted by: Keiel.7489


Sizer’s probably a really amazing dude to come up with this build.


"Balanced" Build for WvW/sPvP by Assassin X

in Warrior

Posted by: Keiel.7489


Countless hours. Two Legendaries. WvW Commander. Yet… still clicking skills. Sigh.

Thank you for your non-constructive criticism! Your input would have been appreciated had you actually given some !

You have to read between the lines. I think it’s “stop clicking your skills”.


second b-day gift

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Keiel.7489


Anet must feel like parents of spoiled little kids after reading this thread.


wvw matchups after S2 is unfair

in WvW

Posted by: Keiel.7489


…how is it fair..

Anet is trying to teach you one of the most important life lessons.


(edited by Keiel.7489)

Everyone who did meta should get shiny wep

in WvW

Posted by: Keiel.7489


But then what is the sense of tournament if everyone get same rewards ?


1st place = 3 weapons

5th place = 2 weapons

9th place = 1 weapon

“OMG everyone will have a LOT of weapons” = it happens twice per year AT MOST. Most professions require 8 weapons or MORE. Not to mention how the NEXT championships could offer a way to upgrade the weapons to ASCENDED for a lot of tickets.


Cause if Anet did that you would still get people wanting more for their meta, and talk about how it’s unfair another server will get more weapon skins because they are more stacked.

Just of this as a huge RNG and it was determined by the server you picked. Some of us got precursors the first 4 yellows we threw in, some of us still waiting after 2 years and 10k gold and some of us doesn’t even care and it just dropped on our laps.


Guardian higher dps than Warriors?

in Warrior

Posted by: Keiel.7489


Subhonor is a beast though, I think he’s up 100-1 vs me.


To much toughness?

in Warrior

Posted by: Keiel.7489


I feel that at high lvl play 100b isnt good try foing that against sizer or yishis and id get wrecked im looking for a build with the highest skill cap and i dont think 100 b is it

100b has it’s own uses and how the player uses it determines if it’s high level play or not.


Mix and Match Fashion Challenge [Closed]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Keiel.7489


Female Nightmare Court Warrior.

Helm: Barbaric
Shoulder: Rampart
Chest: Grasping Dead (arah)
Arm: Aetherblade
Legs: Braham
Boots: Illustrious (ascended craft)
Back: Molten Jetpack



Guardian higher dps than Warriors?

in Warrior

Posted by: Keiel.7489


I think it’s funny that people complain about warriors being “OP” when a guardian can have higher DPS and more sustain.

A warrior can not beat a DPS oriented guardian in a duel no matter what build he uses. The blocks, blinds, damage, and sustain they have is absurd. They can basically scepter number 1 you to death if they wanted.

That guardian pretty much ate every 100b without being stunned or immob.


Best weapon of all?

in Warrior

Posted by: Keiel.7489


Might want check up on that again.


Best weapon of all?

in Warrior

Posted by: Keiel.7489


PvE: Greatsword. Highest DPS, don’t have to swap

I lolled.

what’s so funny about it?


Guardian higher dps than Warriors?

in Warrior

Posted by: Keiel.7489


I think all the kitten-warrior need to take a breath. Read the post on guardian DPS and why it’s better, not just look at it quickly, but really read it. Take a breath. Stop jumping to conclusion. Think. Comprehend. Then comment.