(edited by KestrelGirl.9267)
Its name will most likely be Scylla, based on the sea monster of Greek mythology.
Female Elder Dragon. Hell yeah. Remember the people who wanted Jormag to be a gal?
Honest opinion: human male voice is bad, but norn male voice is worse. No offense to Matthew Mercer (who is also – fun fact – the voice of McCree), but it’s too normal for an eight-foot-tall hunk built like a wrestler!
You should try real life outdoors, so much lights and blooms all over the place. :U
Have you tried playing with the colors on your monitor? Or maybe Nvidia control panel? Or you could try post-processing and shaders with something like sweet-fx for example. Last I checked, Anet don’t ban for that because it doesn’t interfere or tamper with the game files nor give any advantages over anybody else.
Can confirm SweetFX/ReShade is not bannable. It’s totally okay to use but lowering your gamma should probably do.
Darn. Good thing all I did today was check out the new stuff in the gemstore/That_Shaman’s post.
My brother’s PC (i5-6400, GTX 750 Ti, 12 GB RAM) runs GW2 at 80 fps in normal maps and 40 fps on HoT maps and in Lion’s Arch… on near-max graphics settings. It’s a pretty cheap build overall ($600-700 as long as you don’t get any super fancy add-ons) so I figure I might as well recommend it.
And even cooler if different emotes had different results; e.g. /kneel gives a boon, /threaten turns you into a moa.
Anet, PLEASE make this how Lyssa’s statue works.
I’ve got a quick question. I’d really like to get the Aetherblade (Heavy) Armor Skin for my character. This skin isn’t available anymore on the Gem Store.
Is there a possibility to see these “historical” skins again in the Gem Store? If so, is there a date when some of the historical skins will be available again?Greetings
It’ll show up probably sometime within the next few months. It rotated out of the store weeks ago.
A glider suggestion i would never use but may look – interesting. A fairy glider! Some fairy wings on the back and while it glides, a lot of fairydust/glitter/stars fall down making this the sparkliest glider possible (fairy wings – way to small insect wings)
That would be making the Glittering Wings or Butterfly Wings into a glider.
Please use the “male” versions of the armour. Boob cups on armour already look ridiculous on their own. They look even more ridiculous on anatomy that can’t even pretend to fill them anyway.
It’s already been done, though I haven’t seen the difference in game yet. “Change” won by a landslide over “no change.”
Nice triple post. (Sorry, had to mention it.)
well aside of putting together the tower, keep in mind you still need a mouse, keyboard and monitor. there’s tons of youtube videos like this one that can tell you the parts you need to build it. there’s nothing hard about screwing small bolts here and there, and plugging in some cables. but i do think the hardest part is installing and fixing small driver errors and what not. doing the research and reading tons of forums to find a solution can be time consuming and can be frustrating. of course, if you want your system to be fully perfecting working. in the end is pretty rewarding, knowing that you have full control of your entire system. instead of having small bubbles popping from the task tray every 5 minutes. i’m not tying to scare you if you decide to go down that path, just be aware.
if you decide to go with a laptop then its much easier to use and get started. you dont have to worry much about software or drivers as most companies offer a 1 year technical support. maybe disable and uninstall some of that junk software manufacturers include to increase boot speed and free up some space. but you dont be able to upgrade any parts later in the future beside the typical ram memory and storage memory.
OP said laptop in the title. facepalm
Can we get stag horns for males and for females just a little version of them.My druid needs them so bad so i can finish his natural look.Something like these?
Sadly, that basically just left the gemstore. (Stag Helm)
I would like to request this outfit for my female asura college student.
http://gw2style.com/look.php?id=4165 Try this instead (if light armor).
Do I really have to repeat my spiel?
DWARVES: Going extinct. Even the females have beards (this is actual canon!?) so lack of customization options.
MURSAAT, MARGONITES: Ancient villains. There is only one remaining Mursaat, who’s likely to show up in LS3, so those are out. As for Margonites… how? How could they be playable? I just don’t get it.
PENGU: Seriously, WTF?
CENTAURS, JOTUN, KRAIT, UNDEAD, HARPIES, DREDGE…: These are officially “villain” races. Due to inherent storyline problems and armor modeling issues, they won’t happen.
SKRITT, HYLEK, OGRES, QUAGGAN, GRAWL, EXALTED…: These are the “ally” races that only help out later on. So they’re out, for the same reasons as the “villain” races.
KODAN: Their VAs are just too hilarious. Also, as with dwarves, lack of customization options because only the Voice of Koda can be a color/pattern other than solid white.
LARGOS: Meant to be mysterious. They’re water drow anyway. Also, those wings would clip with literally everything. Still my second choice, though, because armor modeling wouldn’t be THAT bad.
TENGU: Already half-finished, and their models are similar to those of charr, so they’re the most realistic and my first choice. Also, birb people, what could go wrong besides storyline stuff?
Yeah, that’s annoying, but not as bad as asura with boobs. Or charr tail clipping…
Oh good god YES SWITCH IT OUT!!!!!!!!
Charr are supposed to have six boobs anyway.
I’ve got two asura (Tempest/Rev), two sylvari (Reaper/DH), two charr (Berserker/Daredevil), two norn (Druid/Warrior), and a human (Ranger). Pretty balanced, if you ask me.
That’s no armor. That’s a Revenant skill (though the charr seems to be wearing full Mistward armor).
I like the new sword AA. Looks like it could slice a tendon or something!
I’m finding Tempest easy to solo with in some cases, simply due to epic DPS.
It’s called the Reaper’s Hood.
Why do asuran males have no nipples or bellybuttons?
I don’t believe the females do either. I mean, we’re talking about a race that’s so un-sexualized as a whole (thank goodness, lol) that their man parts/lady parts are very well-hidden, so I assume that’s why there aren’t obvious nipples/umbilical cord remnants as well.
According to some, Snaff was a mesmer.
Here’s my Tempest! http://gw2style.com/look.php?id=11422
Adventurer’s Spectacles, Forgeman top, Priory gloves, Ascalonian Performer pants, Adept (T1 cultural) boots.
Note: Hoelbrak and the other capital cities are stuck in 1325 AE for the most part. (HoT story is in 1328.)
The other way to get the viper amulet (I think) is raiding. You could try that.
They’re back! /15chars
I only recently hit 3k achievement points (in a bit over 1200 hours). I’ve never been kicked from a fractal party because I don’t have enough. What the heck is this?
Different level 70 story (everything before Battle of Ft Trinity. One involves Tonn, another involves Apatia, and in the last your reputation is almost ruined.
Support, if racial legends happen.
Do want. /15chars
I got this drop after a relatively short time farming smokescales in Dragon’s Stand, using a GS reaper (which is the absolute best for clearing out annoying HoT mobs).
I was in the same situation as you, OP, but I’m figuring it out. In open world, I run d/f or d/wh, but when in groups (Silverwastes, HoT meta events) I normally use a staff. I’m actually running Fire/Air/Tempest, which is super glassy, but at range I survive just fine and my DPS is insane. (My ele got me Master of Overkill!)
I have a feeling that, since Zojja is the only Elementalist in DE 2.0 but Logan is not the only Guardian, Zojja will live.
It’s part of an event to activate one of the north pylons. Yes, you go in.
My Reaper does. I changed the spelling of Ceridwen by just two letters, no accents needed, and got it. And this was, what, 4-5 months ago? Sadly I couldn’t replicate the effect on my DH so wound up with Valiant (name).
It’ll come back with a certain other set I want, so +1.
Reikken, I want to see the results of this.
| How do you roleplay your Guardian/DH?
Actually, I haven’t yet. But my sylvari DH, Eirwen, is fairly fleshed out.
| What belief/faith drives them?
Vengeance. She had a girlfriend (Lyri) in the Dream, but the Shadow of the Dragon intruded into the Dream (that’s the sylvari tutorial instance) and killed Lyri just as she was about to awaken. Eirwen wound up killing the Shadow with the help of other awakening sylvari, but she swore she’d avenge her best friend. (And cut her hair in mourning too. Yup, she has that hairstyle with the edgy asymmetrical bangs. :P)
Like all sylvari PCs, Eirwen was given a Wyld Hunt to slay Zhaitan just before the Shadow showed up. Lyri, meanwhile, was assigned to slay Kralkatorrik. The two of them were supposed to complete each other’s Wyld Hunts together, but since Lyri never awakened, Eirwen vowed to complete both tasks on her own. Then, after Eirwen found out that Mordremoth was behind the Shadow of the Dragon, she added Mordy as #1 on her hit list, because “You killed my girlfriend, prepare to die.” Of course, though, one does not simply awaken and slay a dragon…
| What are the limits to their abilities?
I wouldn’t make a perfect character, so of course Eirwen has limits. She isn’t well-trained in the use of defensive magic (like any good Guardian, she can encourage and aid her allies, but she finds it difficult to put up a magical shield/wall or summon weapons) and is still learning to use a bow.
| Does your character specialize in one form of guardian type magic, or do they pull out all the stops to achieve their goal?
See above. Eirwen was heavily using holy fire (OOC, it’s because burn guardian is best guardian), but found that wasn’t necessary once she learned to fire a longbow. She is relying more and more on blades and arrows than on magic.
| What are their reactions to other classes such as necromancers, mesmers, revenants, etc?
Direct quote (really though, I made this up): “Never mind your race or fighting style. If you’re against the dragons, you’re with me.”
(edited by KestrelGirl.9267)
So far:
Revenant (s/a + hammer, later s/s + hammer), Ranger (gs+ lb, later s/wh + lb; my second Ranger will be a gs/staff Druid at 80), Necromancer (d/d + staff, later gs + axe/wh) – Faceroll. Ranger and Necro are great for newbs, but still more fun than Rev.
Warrior (axe/axe + lb), Guardian (gs + sc/t), Thief (d/d + p/p or sb) – Fairly easy, but some squishiness involved. In the case of the Warrior, I’m pretty sure that’s due to my questionable weapon choice, but I don’t think there’s anything better than whirling into battle like a boss!
Mesmer (tried s/s and s/p + gs) – so hard, I just deleted my (level 60) Mesmer in favor of an Ele. I see how Mesmer/Chrono is useful in raids and PvP because alacrity, but sometime around level 40, I realized it totally sucks.
Haven’t leveled:
Elementalist – Mine is still new, but I’ve already triple- or quad-queued with some guildies in Unranked, running a sc/f non-Tempest Fresh Air build, and done reasonably well. I don’t really like support (I prefer solo PvE) so I don’t plan to run Tempest unless I decide to start raiding.
Engineer – I wanted to make a p/p condi Engi to match a specific pistol skin, but I was told that condi Engi is even harder to play than Mesmer. And as a devoted Fashion Warrior, I find rifle and hammer skins very hard to work with :P. I think I’ll be waiting for another elite spec (at least) to play this one.
(edited by KestrelGirl.9267)
Hold the right mouse key to pan without changing direction.
That’s the way I always pan. I wonder if my controls are messed up. Left-click pan is buggy for me iirc (even though this is Windows)… or it could be the right thing.
Phalanx/Mini Raven-Owl etc but pleaseee… no more ears, glasses or that non-lore friendly “items”.
Thank you for saying this!
About the Ranger armor: 1 sure, 2 no, 3 okay, 4 not great but something inspired by it could look nice.
I need a bit of help taking screenshots of my characters, specifically my Dragonhunter.
1. How can I position the camera while my DH is moving (walking/running/fighting) so that it faces somewhere other than her back?
2. Is there a way to disable the aegis graphic (purple shield)? It’s annoying when I’m trying to take a pic of my char with her weapons out (walking with sword and shield in her hands, posing with GS or LB…). The only way I know of to turn it off is to have a mob hit me to disable aegis… but that’s sorta annoying.
+1 because of your point about Ranger/Druid and DH.
Thumbs up! This could go in a new elite spec… wishful thinking intensifies
My asura Revenant is on the level 60 story step “The Ghost Rite.” It seems that while she’s transformed into an avatar of Balthazar, she doesn’t get a heal, utility skills, or elite, which makes killing a ton of undead way harder than it should be. From looking at the wiki, it looks like every other profession gets those. Doesn’t seem like anybody else has noticed this, but is it known and can/will it be fixed?
Racial skills were supposed to be inferior to normal skills, to avoid making them meta. That said, however, a few can be useful in certain situations. (Just unlocked your first utility skill slot/elite skills and haven’t trained any yet? Are your profession’s elite skills lackluster while leveling ahem Guardian ahem?)
You word it like someone said longbow wasn’t a power weapon. Get some sleep/coffee or whatever your excuse is this time.
I think they meant to say “shortbow.”