Showing Posts For Khorrax.2108:

Exemplar Attire

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khorrax.2108


As someone put it so nicely, I too don’t like wearing a feather duster on my character’s but. And I also wanted this as armour, not outfit. But I was expecting it to be released as an outfit anyway, as this is the direction for the gemstore skins.

Bug - Stacking Items [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Khorrax.2108


Oh, wow. How didn’t I find out about this earlier?

Thanks a lot for the workaround, it worked.

It’s a bug from about two weeks ago that hasn’t gotten fixed yet. (Hint to mods: maybe time to make a sticky post about work-arounds for some of the bugs that get the most attention.)

Oh, I know when the bug came to be. I simply didn’t know about the workaround and I was waiting for a fix.

And good suggestion too.

Bug - Stacking Items [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Khorrax.2108


Oh, wow. How didn’t I find out about this earlier?

Thanks a lot for the workaround, it worked.

What does it take to get VoD Pary?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khorrax.2108


Another flaw in the personal story design, you can do everything yourself but then need a party of players to do the very last part.

There are many flaws indeed, but that’s one of the few good points in their design. It’s a MMO, you’re supposed to play with people.

To find players, try to find some time to do this on a week-end evening if you can. If not, ask some guild mates. My guild gladly accepted to help me with it, although they all had completed that story mode at least once.

Erm, no. MMO simply stands for Massively Multiplayer Online. It doesn’t say anywhere that you are forced to group with people.

Furthermore, you get to do the whole personal story alone, but you are forced to do the very last step with other people meaning that there’s a good chance the cutscenes (dialogue bits) will feature other character than yours. Not that you’ll miss much and the dialogue is not great, but it’s an annoyance.

Anyway, at the moment the only way to complete this is to team up with others, so you’ll have to find other people for this.

Vendor List Limit (Vigil, Priory, Whispers)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Khorrax.2108


Thanks for the update. It’s good that it’s just a bug.

Merchant changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khorrax.2108


Awful change. I hope it’s reverted asap.

Shadow Weapons are here

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khorrax.2108


I was hoping they’d be similar to the Shadow weapons from Guild Wars 1. I’m a bit disappointed; I find these pretty uninspired.

Craft ascended gear on an alt character?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khorrax.2108


I think the only way to get armour with Assassin stats is to craft it (or buy it from TP).

New install - do character transfer?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Khorrax.2108


Of course, the only data you have lost is game settings and screenshots (if you took any).

Suggestion: Allow Item Gifting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khorrax.2108


It’s depressing seeing how many people posted here to oppose the idea, especially pointless posts like ‘No thank you.’ It wouldn’t really hurt you, yet you complain nevertheless.

On top of this, some of the excuses against this idea are a bit ridiculous. The very fact that there are a few MMOs who already have this feature should tell you that there are people interested in this and it’s one of those nice little things that adds a lot to the game.

At least Astral Projections provided a good reason as to why this might be difficult to implement, not before posting that lame ‘creative names’ excuse though. :P

It’s also depressing to see people gloss over the fact that the suggestion truly does not offer any real benefit to the game, which is why the suggestion was met with the opposition it has.

Had you not posted about how useless this addition would be, I might have taken you more seriously. But since we have balloons, brooms, mini pets, mail carriers and finishers in the game, I’d like you to explain how are those not useless in the grand scheme of things. Or, alternatively, just how vital they are because, considering the dev time and resources that went into those, they must be important. Because they wouldn’t waste precious dev time and resources on something trivial, right?

Suggestion: Allow Item Gifting

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khorrax.2108


It’s depressing seeing how many people posted here to oppose the idea, especially pointless posts like ‘No thank you.’ It wouldn’t really hurt you, yet you complain nevertheless.

On top of this, some of the excuses against this idea are a bit ridiculous. The very fact that there are a few MMOs who already have this feature should tell you that there are people interested in this and it’s one of those nice little things that adds a lot to the game.

At least Astral Projections provided a good reason as to why this might be difficult to implement, not before posting that lame ‘creative names’ excuse though. :P

yay new festival!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khorrax.2108


This was unexpected, but it is welcome.

Ascended gear grind is OTT ridiculous

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khorrax.2108


I am truely shocked that nobody agree’s with Milennin. has everybody forgotten what GW2’s goal was compared to other mmo’s.

One of those things was a fair combat system that was based on one’s skill. and not based on how good your worn equipment is.

Taking a look back at GW1 You where able to obtain the max-level gear fairly honestly. You might not have gotten the armor or weapons that suited your cosmetic taste but atleast they provided a statline that was the same as every other max level gear in the game. If you wished to have a specific armor it was merely a cosmetic change! Making the grind for your armor skin the only grind in the game. which is perfectly fine because it doesn’t effect the gameplay itself. But the Ascended gear in it’s current form DOES.

And that is the main issue here people. A full exotic set was obtainable (for example: )with a stack of karma that you would have saved up and obtained over your adventure leveling from 1 to 80. this was FAIR! You where able to get your max level gear and where equally strong as everyone else on your level.

Which is why the Ascended Gear shouldhave been nothing more then a cosmetic change to your character. because now you can only bring your character to it’s maximum potentional by grinding for a TON of resources. which goes completely against what this entire game stood for when it was being made.

I agree with you and with Milennin.

My issue with Ascended gear is that I have 6 characters, of which, admittedly, I mainly play 4, and equipping them with BiS gear would be a nightmare. It’s not just the time-gating that’s depressing, but the sheer cost of the Ascended materials I’d have to buy if I wanted to bypass that time-gate. And if I decide not to buy the bolts of Damask or Deldrimor steel, I have to waste time either gathering lower tier materials or farm gold to buy said materials. Speaking of which, what’s the logic behind requiring numerous lower tier materials in order to craft the top tier material (it may have to do with keeping lower level zones still relevant). And why does a Spool of Silk Weaving Thread require 100 bolts of silk and not 50 like the equivalents for leather and metal?

I know this criticism is coming too late and that it probably won’t change anything. But I do think this discussion is still relevant in light of the upcoming expansion. Because I’m wondering whether the difficulty of the enemies will be scaled around people equipped in exotic gear like it currently is, or if Arenanet will assume most people have characters in full ascended gear.

And by the way, it’s a bit sad that so many people here were so quick to put down Milennin. ‘Grind for gold’ or ‘you don’t need Ascended gear’ are not arguments. Neither is the classic by now, ‘I play casually and have my characters in full Ascended gear’. The issue here is the cost, the time-gating and the convoluted way of crafting a single piece of Ascended armour or weapon. And most importantly, the fact that you can only realistically obtain Ascended armour or weapons through crafting. Were it available in other ways, it would have been a different story.

Forgotten Seal LS Reward Has No Upgrade Slot

in Living World

Posted by: Khorrax.2108


I’m keeping mine in the hope that it’s currently bugged and it will be fixed at some point. I could use it on an alt if that happens.

Forgotten seal

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Khorrax.2108


I was also wondering what’s the point of that thing. As it is, it would have only made sense if it had no level requirement so you could use it on a low level alt. Since it’s not the case, you can get masterwork earrings with better stats.

Scripted q-tip battles

in Living World

Posted by: Khorrax.2108


I agree. I like the that instance up until I got to capping the altar. Why did it progress so slow is beyond me, same for the pointless fights. It’s a shame really since it spoiled an otherwise decent story instance.

Stuck in infinite loading screen

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Khorrax.2108


Same for me, but in Silverwastes. I logged off and back on, same thing.

confused about new daily/monthly system

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khorrax.2108


You are not limited to 28 log-in rewards per month, so no pressure on logging in daily so as to not miss a reward. Of course, if you can log in every day, you will earn more rewards.

At least that’s how I understand it.

[Ranked] Bugged matchup 1v1?

in PvP

Posted by: Khorrax.2108


Same thing happened to me. It was pretty funny. I had a nice chat with my opponent while waiting for the match to end

Why is exotic gear so easy to get ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khorrax.2108


Why is it “stupidly easy”? Because that’s the way it was originally meant to be!

Getting exotics was on par with getting 1.5k gear at 20 in GW1. Something relatively easily attained. It was once stated by Colin that all players should have BiS gear by level 80.

However, a certain crowd pushed, hemmed, and hawed about the lack of gear grind in this game and tada….we have the grind that is ascended. How lovely.

I was thinking the same thing. Getting top gear in Guild Wars 1 was not the end game and it was easily accessible to everyone. You could actually get it long before the level cap (which is low anyway). In fact, you could get even the most expensive armour at around level 3 or so (correct me if I’m wrong) with careful planning.

I’m glad that exotic gear is fairly easy to obtain, even though it’s no longer top tier. If you want more, go ahead and grind for ascended gear.

Request to Anet - Asc mats & items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khorrax.2108


Since you acquire ascended materials so easily nowadays, I simply destroy them. I see no point in buying extra storage specifically for these things just in case I may one day be able to sell them. I’m just keeping some stacks in case I ever craft ascended gear.

Royal Club????

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khorrax.2108


ArenaNet already said the system wouldn’t be coming here and I don’t imagine they’d risk all the bad press.

Anet has established the precedent that what they say and what they do are not necessarily the same thing when money is involved. I am not saying that there will be a VIP system here, merely that we should not assume that anything is off the table.

Exactly. It would not surprise me if ArenaNet tried to introduce a sort of subscription, regardless of what they said in the past. One would think they knew better, but from past experience they’ll go for it anyway. And revert it soon after because of the uproar on the forums and other websites (reskinned T3 cultural in gemstore and the removal of custom exchange values in the gemstore come to mind right now).

[Spoiler] One idiot ball to go, please!

in Living World

Posted by: Khorrax.2108


Not only was this plot twist given away in the first few minutes, but the dialogue after Caithe disappears is ridiculously bad.

Rox “The Master of Peace is dead.”

Oh, thanks for telling me that, I didn’t notice, Rox. However, my character’s reply was even worse – “Oh no. And Caithe is gone. And so is the egg. I swore…”

And it continues just as brilliantly.

Marjory “I saw Caithe run off with the egg.”

Are you sure, Marjory? Because no one else saw that. Nope, no one at all…

(Suggestion) New rarity (Mystic) QoL

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khorrax.2108


I don’t think we need another tier of equipment. What we do need, however, is to expand the ways of acquiring ascended armour and weapons. They already have a token system in the game, so why not expand upon it to allow for ascended gear acquisition?

It’s been more than a year (I think) since they added ascended armour and weapons. I think it’s not unreasonable to expect more than one way of acquiring this gear. I’m excluding random ascended/weapon chest drop, because the odds of getting even one are ridiculous. I also acknowledge that there are a couple of achievements that offer a choice of ascended gear (I’m not speaking about jewellery), but it’s not enough.

Mordrem Wolves-not so scary anymore.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khorrax.2108


IF it actually made people think it might have been good but did it?
More importantly did it increase the value of boon removal? That might seem like a silly question but I remember fighting a veteran karka on my thief with S/D. “Hey! It has retaliation, I should remove it. removes it Hey! It already reapplied the retaliation on itself so wtf was the point of removing it?”. Unless there is an improvement over that then it just becomes a binary situation. Either you can power through it or you can’t, nothing interesting about that and not much thinking involved after the first encounter.

I read the underlined bit in Colin Johanson’s voice.

But I agree, unless removing the retaliation was a viable option, this change is for the better. Fighting that veteran mordrem wolf that was part of the LS was a nightmare (not to mention he should have been labeled as a champion as he was way tougher than a veteran).

[Suggestion] Differently coloured gloves

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khorrax.2108


It’s an interesting idea, I like it. Of course, some people will only use this to create the most horrible dye combo. But with the amount of particle effects on armour and weapons, we’re kinda there already :P

Anyway, it would be cool if this option was added.

I am Beyond Impressed... Speechless

in Living World

Posted by: Khorrax.2108


I have to agree that this update is great and I am enjoying GW2 once again. Sure, it’s a bit short compared to the others but it’s the first one, in a long time, that didn’t make me quit the game in frustration (either because of game mechanics or the writing/story/characters).

Achievement Point Chests Need Love

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khorrax.2108


I agree. I actually just got to 7500 AP last night and the loot from the chest was really underwhelming.

New armor tournament only

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khorrax.2108


The armour looks so bad, I thought no one would want it. But the Guild Wars 2 community never ceases to surprise.

Make ambrite weapons sellable on tp

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khorrax.2108


Being account bound wouldn’t have been an issue if there was a guaranteed way of getting the fossils.

[Suggestion] Account Hair Unlocks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khorrax.2108


I would be happy with a preview that don’t require me to buy the kit in the first place.

I feel the same. We shouldn’t have to keep a makeover kit ready every time they add new faces or hairstyles. Even though has images of the new faces/hairstyles, it’s not the same as actually working with the sliders and creating a unique look.


in Living World

Posted by: Khorrax.2108


Come on, who didn’t see it coming? Especially since she was sent to Fort Salma on the previous episode. I would have been surprised if she wasn’t killed.

And I suppose it was supposed to add some drama, but it was poorly executed. When I did the instance, I died once and I was resurrected right at the start of the instance. And just inside the fort, Kasmeer and Marjory simply stayed there while I busted my kitten saving Marjory’s minions :P So when that little cinematic showing Belinda dead played, it was a bit funny to me because Kasmeer and Marjory had been around Belinda the whole time I was fighting that boss.

The new LS rewards system.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khorrax.2108


I think the rewards are just as bad as they have ever been. Just because we get more of the same vendor trash, doesn’t mean rewards are good. I mean check this topic:

Nearly two years since the game launched and exotic tier of gear is still hard to come by for a good deal of people. I don’t mean buy it or craft it, but have it dropped or being rewarded with exotics. Heck, even the rare tier of gear is fairly uncommon. And then they added the ascended tier as well; I don’t need to mention that they’re as elusive as precursors for most people.

I agree that the chests revealed by the sandstorm are a nice touch though.

Ability to remove toon outlines

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khorrax.2108


While I’m not bothered by the outlines, I don’t see why not.

GW2 releases Story Journals: Feedback/Questions [Merged]

in Living World

Posted by: Khorrax.2108


They just had to monetize story as well, didn’t they?

Other than that, I like the changes. I might actually check LS season 2 after all.

Tell us 5 weapons you would like to see

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khorrax.2108


I’d rather see more weapon skills added first, rather than new weapons :P

re-releasing items

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Khorrax.2108


You might want to check

As you’ll see there, most people are actually in favour of re-releasing Living Story items and I feel the same.

Stay in Crown Pavilion after achievements?

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Khorrax.2108


If you don’t enjoy the content, why force yourself to do it? Are you that desperate for those achievement points? Or the tonic/mini? By doing this content, even if you dislike it, you send the wrong message to Arenanet. You effectively tell them you will do any content, no matter how boring and unrewarding, as long as there are achievement points and/or fluff like tonics, minis or back items.

I only did the blitz thing once and I was appalled by the ‘rewards’. And it wasn’t fun or challenging either. So I don’t plan to go to the pavilion again.

Still no word from Anet regarding patch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khorrax.2108


I gave up on getting any official response from Arenanet regarding those topics. Actually, I don’t expect to see anything from Arenanet if the feedback is negative. Well, at most we’ll get a non-response. See the thread about the pavilion not awarding loot. Multiple threads were merged into one, just like the threads regarding the feature patch, and there hasn’t been a real answer yet.

I guess it’s a sign of the times. In the future, I expect weekly updates to the gem store, no answer if the update proves to be not popular and an equally bad Living Story season 2. Which is why I won’t bother to log too often, if at all.

warning for acendend sell

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khorrax.2108


When I played Lord of the Rings Online, you could put a lock on items to prevent them from being accidentally sold. It would be nice if something similar was added to GW2.

Temple of Grenth has become a jerk magnet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khorrax.2108


Sorry given the title of the thread I couldn’t resist this Seinfeld reference.

Thanks for the laughs!

Polygon updated their Guild Wars 2 review

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khorrax.2108


I think GW2 has a solid skeletal structure.

I strongly disagree one of the most important features are still very lackluster – the rewards.
On top of that the dynamic event system seems to be forgotten since we had no new dynamic events since at least a year.

I’ll add another core element that’s disappointing: fixed weapon skills. Will we ever get more?

There’s also little you can do if you simply want to play alone for whatever reason. At least Guild Wars 1 had henchmen and heroes you could use to do missions/dungeons/FoW/UW/etc. In Guild Wars 2 you are pretty much stuck with open world content which, while fun at times, is seriously unrewarding. And just to clarify, I’m not asking for the same level of reward, I’m asking for something decent.

Looking for general purpose build

in Guardian

Posted by: Khorrax.2108


Thanks for the suggestion, I’ll give it a try.

Looking for general purpose build

in Guardian

Posted by: Khorrax.2108


Hello everyone,

I’ve just got my guardian to 80 last night and I’d like to get some gear at last. Thing is I intend to use this character in both PvE and WvWvW. And I know that, ideally, I should get 2 sets of armour and weapons for each mode, but that’s more than I intend to spend (plus I’d run into inventory issues). Therefore, I am looking for something rather balanced and flexible.

I’ll probably be doing some exploring and world events, with a dungeon or two in between as far as PvE goes. I favour a more offensive build and I plan to use greatsword or hammer coupled with a staff. For WvWvW, I’m looking for something that’s durable enough but which can do decent damage as well. I run solo, so I won’t rely on anyone else, unless I join the zerg, of course.

I’m mostly looking for help mix and matching the gear, as I’ll change the traits depending on what I do. Thanks for taking the time to read this and looking forward to the suggestions.

Add a GW1 Template System in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khorrax.2108


I still don’t understand why Guild Wars 2 launched without free trait respecs and template saving/importing.

The Wardrobe system for ppl who are leveling

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khorrax.2108


Constantly changing your look is a luxury. It was before feature pack and it still is.

So you have two FREE options, either do some world exploration or do PvP.

I disagree; it wasn’t a luxury before the update, but it sure is now. 3 transmutation stones per map as opposed to only one atm? You could also keep runes and sigils before, you can’t do that anymore.

To put it into perspective: you need to do 6 map clearances for a full armour change as opposed to just 2 before. That’s not even taking into account weapons or back items. And that’s for one character only.

And just because you get some charges from PvP doesn’t make it a viable method of obtaining charges.

I understand some people might not care about this, but I think there are plenty who do care. Hopefully ArenaNet will finally say something regarding this issue.

Game Updates: Wardrobe, Transmutation, Outfits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khorrax.2108


So…when can we expect a reply from ArenaNet? Whether you are working on a solution or you don’t even plan to do that, keeping absolute silence on the matter more than a week after the update is unacceptable .

Our Community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khorrax.2108


Perhaps there would be less ‘whining’, as some people call it, if there was better communication from ArenaNet. Nearly a week after the update, I’ve yet to see any reply in some of the feedback topics (the one regarding wardrobe, town clothes, etc. to be specific). I didn’t follow the other topics nearly as much, so I could be wrong about them (though I seriously doubt it).

No one’s asking for miracles, but if you don’t bother even with a ’We’re looking into this./We are working on a solution to this.’, what can we expect?

Advice for Precursor

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khorrax.2108


You got this far, so why lose it all now? Save some more and buy the precursor.

Why don't we have more GW1 skins?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khorrax.2108


Considering they’ve added armour and weapon sets to the gem story only, I’d rather not have the gear I liked in Guild Wars added there. If it’s attainable through some in game activity (dungeon, sPvP, WvWvW, etc.), then sure.