Showing Posts For Kilo.2539:
I was there for this… essentially [RF] “Decent guild” stacked outside of inner on the northern supply hut and condi trashed the lord while the main zerg of 40-50 breached west inner.
By the time the main k-train breached the lord was dead and all they had to do was kill the 10 hopeless defenders.
If being able to kill the lord before you breach wasn’t bad enough, on top of that, if a poor soul got within epi range of that lord – INSTANT death, serious, no exaggeration INSTANT, LIKE RIGHT AWAY DEAD.
GG Anet..
Wow the entitlement is strong still, The GoB takes less time than the GoE to acquire most than 4 times as fast, dedicated WvW players don’t want to spend 16-20 hrs(can be a lot longer if not speed clearing) in PvE to get GoE but they do if they want a legendary, when a dedicated PvE player only have to Spend 8.5hrs max ata minimum of 4.3 hrs to get a GoB see the disparity yet?
If anyone has a case it’s the WvW players that have a better case to get GoE added to WvW than it is for GoB to be added to PvE since there is almost no time investment comparatively for GoB.
GoB can be effectively Afk’ed through all that’s needed is every ten minutes slap a yak after spending 5 mins to build participation. While PvE map completion requires a lot of Active play to be done in a reasonable time.
Spot on here…
WvW players are the most neglected player base in the game. So many seasoned players have left the game because PvE is the clear focus.
I had no desire to become a WvW player until I was forced into WvW to complete map completion. (At least be grateful Anet doesn’t make you do that anymore) Long story short, I became a WvW player and now find PvE boring.
Have no fear though friend. It certainly looks like Anet has given up on WvW so your GoB may be added to a new raid or something in the future.
The worst is when someone talks mad kitten and blocks you so you can’t even defend yourself (or ask for a duel) Grow up nerds, it’s a game.
EU player have more server pride than NA.
EU players don’t assault new players for doing what seasoned players may consider pointless, or a waste of time, for example, saving a tower or camp etc.
Lots of talk in this thread about MAG. MAG is where the most seasoned players on NA go to retire? I guess. So ofc MAG is full of highly skilled and experienced players who have no desire to play wvw the way players who are less experienced would like to play. This in a way, is horrible for the game mode, but I digress.
Overall EU seems to have more fun in wvw and during EU prime time a lot of 10-20 man guild raids happen and it’s a sight to see. EU can get super blobby though at times and the ping was too bad for me to stay.
Whenever you see hoards of people using the same builds in WvW it’s an indication that they are currently OP. I am seeing lots of dragon hunter guardians most of them noobs and others are somewhat good, but usually its the noob guardian that sits on traps and ranges you.
Been saying it for awhile now. Vanilla Rangers (Often with Ursine pets) needs a good nerf.
In all seriousness the condi necro is probably the most disgusting class atm.
If you want blob fights and a “non-toxic” community, better to xfer EU.
NA players have just about ruined wvw on our side sadly. No pride, no kittens given.
Am I the only one that thinks the auto upgrades killed what little immersion WvW offered?
Damage numbers aren’t really the issue. The issue is when DOT can be as effective (if not more) than DPS while also having full Dire, or Trailblazer gear equipped.
I guess to put it in perspective- imagine a power class at 50% crit chance and 200% crit damage wearing wanderer gear.
Well, considering the “effectivity” is, for a significant part, a matter of damage numbers, then my points aren’t discarded at all. To put it into perspective, don’t compare speed and position, when you’re actually trying to study movement.
As long as the discussion will focus on specific stats, specific synergies, or professions, then it won’t lead anywhere.
In my original post I specifically talked about a “trade off” when going full DOT/DPS. If I can see through your sadness and hurt feelings I’m guessing you are trying to say that in terms of damage- DOT is not as effective as DPS and therefore justifies why condi classes can go full tank mode?
What is the risk and reward for going power? The reward is you smash people, the risk is you can get 2 shot by a rev auto attack.
What is the risk and reward for going condi? The reward is you can just stack massive amounts of condi and kite while being as tanky and trolly as the game will allow. There is no risk really.
Build diversity? What you think this is GW1?
My apologizes for being the naive voice, but as I’d like to be rational on that topic, I want to do some maths, and I’m now facing a fundamental yet really easy issue : what is it you’re really comparing ?
I’m positive DPS (Damage Per Second) now translates as raw damage, as in “power build”, while DOT (Damage Over Time) points more towards condis builds. Unfortunately, to do some maths, you need to put things square. You can’t compare damage and damage “divided by a given amount of time”.
So the first step is to define what exactly you want to put into balance. For example, you can compare the damage delt by 100 blades in a full berserker set (4916 without crits), and the total damage delt by Flame burst in a full dire set (4136 with no duration bonus).
But it neglects the fact that flame burst will take twice as long to deal it.Likewise, if you consider raw power damage over time, you’re including things like the time taken to close gaps.
All this to say that it’s not just a matter of damage vs. survivability, and much more needs to be taken into account. And I’m not saying everything is fine ; don’t take me wrong.
Damage numbers aren’t really the issue. The issue is when DOT can be as effective (if not more) than DPS while also having full Dire, or Trailblazer gear equipped.
I guess to put it in perspective- imagine a power class at 50% crit chance and 200% crit damage wearing wanderer gear.
with so much talk about how to “save” WvW, and rumors that Anet has completely abandoned the game mode I can’t help but sit here shaking my head, thinking people left because of balance. NOT score system! Balance.
Balance should be the main focus IMO.
To be fair condi balance wasn’t that huge of an issue when they did the polls 5+ months ago… They seem to make issues faster than they can fix them.
Was that an option for people to vote on? All the votes I’ve been apart of had nothing to do at all with balance.
Took a break cause my GPU broke :< But im back now
More vids More vids!
U cant stop once you’ve started the condi life xD
If you want to know more about the build you can Send me a mail ingame
Way to break the mold fella.
well at least i see veriety of builds on the map and not just power builds. and necros do shine finaly after all those years of hiting heads in the wall.
Power Necro is absolutely viable, atm.
Using Necro as an example of my point in OP. Necros have the highest HP in game plus Lifeforce. Now add full trailblazer and the ability to “burst” down foes in seconds with (Damage Over Time) DOT.
When damage over time means more damage per second than damage per second.. _
Yeah, roaming is a royal pain in the ass right now. In the last 2 weeks, I’ve seen one power Mesmer, two power Dragonhunters, 1 power Reaper and 1 power Berserker. Meanwhile, I’ve seen dozens of condi Mesmers, condi Druids, condi Reapers, condi Thieves and what have you.
As a result, I run as much condi cleanse as possible, but since they tend to have high def and high sustain, I can’t cleanse condis and also do damage before I run out of cleanses and am left at their mercy. If I do, they disengage (Mesmer/Thief/Druid) and either try again after a reset or assume I’m not going to follow and hit an objective.
There’s not much in the way of actual fighting. Just semi-passive condi applications, stealth and defense. They know all they have to do is outlast my CDs. Alternatively, a Reaper can just put so many condis on that I can’t possibly cleanse them all. I also can’t do meaningful damage in the length of any resistance I might have.
But, alas…Anet wanted to shift the meta to condis and here we are.
If only power based players could hit them crits at 200+% with full wanderers gear.
Eliminate links, Create 6 new servers (new names) because of pride/ server loyalty etc. Allow the community free xfers for the first month to manual balance. If guilds really cared about fights they wouldn’t stack 1 server.
This may have been touched on previous but I don’t frequent the forums.
I don’t want to beat a dead horse here, but I was talking to some friends about the (disgusting) condition meta (that has broken this game mode)
The most interesting point was the build spec trade off. For example, players who opt to go full DPS know that the trade off is being extremely squishy. This IMO defines the word balance.
On the opposite side of the damage spectrum, DOT has no trade off and is easily now more powerful than DPS. This IMO defines the word broken.
with so much talk about how to “save” WvW, and rumors that Anet has completely abandoned the game mode I can’t help but sit here shaking my head, thinking people left because of balance. NOT score system! Balance.
Balance should be the main focus IMO.
Mag is open for transfers. I’m starting to think Anet don’t care anymore. GG team.
I recently started getting back into PvE and I’m dying to know what’s happening in Cantha 250 years on. I know they have become isolationist but what else?
Factions was a classic, I miss it dearly.
- “Off prime time play” – was that screenshot from T4 a result of the QuadLink having off-prime coverage? Surely they’re more even during prime? Anyway, the likings didn’t fix coverage.
That screenshot is T1 around the time I rage logged from boredom after karma training for 3 hours straight. We didn’t even have a lot of people – squad capped out at around 30 people usually hovering at around 25, with maybe 5 people hanging out not joining squad. This isn’t even BG being too big, unless you call a 30-35 man pug zerg big.
It really comes down to priorities. You had 30-35 in EBG. There was also a K-train on YBBL. Home BL comes first. We rally 15-20 for home defense and leave EBG to rot. Every… Single… Day.. At that time (SEA)
Anet’s on the right track with some recent wvw updates. The links aren’t working imo (specially this newest link, wtf)
As far as YB is concerned. I challenge players from BG/TC to play a week on YB and not use siege. Seriously, 1000 gems for a lesson on perspective. You guys want a challenge? Try fighting off a BG map queue with 6 people.
Props to cA/ ND for xfering and being a part of the solution and not the problem.
BG too strong.
DB is like the server version of WHOA. They ride the coattails of the better server/guild and claim to be good. The reality is their just full nomad and can sustain until saved by a decent force.
P.S. No one likes you Sladie.. Think it’s your weird, sickly, high pitch voice. IBTL!
A real concern of mine with this idea of parings, will they be permeate or change regularly. Our server funds our TeamSpeak for WvW. To prevent spies only members of our server are allowed in TeamSpeak. We can integrate the new server pairing, but if it changes constantly then there will be problems. Reset night would be come a mess, necessitating locking out the paired server from TeamSpeak. Maybe someone has a solution for this, but other than making the pairing a one time thing not sure how to solve the problem.
Good luck with that.
Start by finding a good wvw guild. Not one of eL33Tist guilds who scream and yell at everyone for not wearing full nomad. Step 2: GET IN TEAMSPEAK.
I just want to say well done. You guys NAILED it this time. Hopefully the older skilled players return now.
1: Reward tracks were the only reason you would find me in pvp. So I’m thrilled they’re available in wvw.
2: The rate is fine imo.
3. Seems slow but since all I do is wvw it’s a non-issue really. I will get it eventually.
4. I’m working on the triumphant set. I would like to get some dungeon skins but I have to find the courage to play story modes.
5. Fractal would be cool, maybe once every 6 months or something. HoT stuff, again once every couple months.
Describe a typical hour for you in the Alpine Borderlands in the past. For example, What size of group were you running in? What kind of tasks did you run? What activities did you do?
Roaming, scouting, skirmishing, duels, upgrading things (Home BL) taking towers/camps.
Compare your experience described above with a typical hour spent in Eternal Battlegrounds, if you went there at all. Does your style of play change between the 2 maps?
Style and build changes. EB is a blob fest. That said, when it slowed down I spent time upgrading/ siegeing our 3rd. Conversing with the locals etc.
Compare your experiences described above with an hour spent in the new borderlands.
Heartbreaking to be brutally honest. None of the above happens in the new BL for me. Auto upgrades are unbelievable? Really? who’s idea was that? The new BL’s were supposed to increase the “immersion”? The immersion came from taking a tower, or keep and “making it yours”. All the added cheese/ cancer in the form of airships, cloaking waters, sand storms, chilling fog, EWP. SMH, come on ANET. All i do is WvW. WvW is (MY) Game mode. I don’t even care that you guys don’t reward players with good loot in WvW. Please, get a couple devs in wvw and look at what you’ve done. srry rant over.
How will the map change impact the long sessions (multiple hours) you spend in WvW?
Sadly, it won’t. I care too much about the game/ lore. I hate seeing good people leave for other games though and that’s happening in masses. I do spend more time in EB though now days. I miss Garri and Hills, and even Bay.
In 100 words or less, describe how the new BLs could be improved.
For me the only improvement is the Alpine maps being brought back.
In 100 words or less, describe how the borderlands work to a new WvW player.
I have no idea. I know for a veteran player like me it’s a huge headache. Took me 10 minutes to find the lord in AIR keep.
Which map am I most likely to find you currently, if you’re on Gw2?
People saying 200 wvw ranks is kitten? That’s a month at most playing casually.
God-Speed friend. Stay strong, and head-up!