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Exotic: Condition Damage > Precision = Toughness?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kiryana.5167


Your link has 21 pages of armor in it. What exactly are you looking for?

I like waffles.

Huge Problem with Shield of Absorbtion

in Guardian

Posted by: Kiryana.5167


That is a bit broken in my opinion. You may have better luck in these forums though.

Guild Wars 2 Game Bugs Forum –

Guild Wars 2 Suggestion Forum –

I like waffles.

1h Sword/Torch Crit Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Kiryana.5167


Here is my sword/torch build that I’ve been using in WvW and explorable modes.|20|3527|12643|12644|12641|0|0|0|0|0|30|1828|1363|1366|30|1389|2175|1396|10|883|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|

You keep the higher crit chance you wanted from the radiance trait line, grabbing the 15% crit for one handers as the last major trait.

Survivability is quite amazing in this build being that you are stacking toughness which negates the physical damage you take while increasing your crit chance due to “Retributive Armor”.

You have two mediation skills that remove conditions plus the passive condition removal of your heal skill which makes for a nice counter to your condition stackers. And your meditations heal each time you use them.

I opted for 10 points in Honor over Zeal to pick up “Vigorous Precision” which keeps the Vigor buff up almost 100% allowing for near spam dodge rolling.

All in all not as bursty and high damage as some builds, I think the balance of survivability vs damage has done me quite well in game so far.

I like waffles.

Gemstore Skin

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kiryana.5167


You should get plenty of transmutation stones through 100% area completions

I like waffles.

I love cookies, can I stack them?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kiryana.5167


They overwrite each other.

I like waffles.

Is the Mist Wolf Elite Skill......

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kiryana.5167


There is no distinct advantage to having the skill vs other elite skills from a combat perspective. However, if you are into cosmetics it is a very nice looking elite skill.

I like waffles.

How many tokens to you get per exploration run?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kiryana.5167


The AC coins are used for more than just the exotic armor sets. Also, some people want the armor sets for the armor skins and not the stats.

I like waffles.

We need a dueling system!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kiryana.5167


Not trying to be a jerk, but there is a suggestion forum if you would like to get more responses from your ideas.

I like waffles.


in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kiryana.5167


I’m pretty sure there is no auto attack in the sense you are asking for. However, you can set up one of your attacks to auto attack with one button press with cntrl + mouse 2. Usually this is set to your #1 skill.

I like waffles.

Where is the balance of classes?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kiryana.5167


The thing I notice, as melee, you can really tell who doesn’t stack toughness. If I start smacking a target and don’t see big numbers I just flash/teleport to the next target. People really undervalue toughness in PvP.

I like waffles.

[AoN] Reelax GW2 Warrior (Greatsword) Stream

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kiryana.5167


There is a forum called Linksville that might be more appropriate.

I like waffles.

Guardian needing advice - Shield of Absorption

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kiryana.5167


It depends on the situation really. In PvE I use almost exclusively for the knock back. In PvP/WvW I use it when siegeing walls to protect allies and as an area denial mechanic.

I like waffles.

5% crit sigils not working?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kiryana.5167


I believe the crit modifier is added to the weapon itself. I only assume this because there is a trait in the guardian tree that increases crit chance with 1h weapons by 15%.

I like waffles.

Where to get recipes for jewel crafting?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kiryana.5167


You need to try discoveries, should be the top tab of your crafting window. Basically you throw in random mats and hope it makes something. However there are more specific guides online that show you exactly which mats make what.

I like waffles.

CPU upgrade - make much difference for FPS?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kiryana.5167


Depending on the age of your system changing one component could lead to a chain reaction of having to change multiple components. CPU > Motherboard > PSU > Ram. Make sure all your parts are compatible before buying or you risk damaging/destroying them.

I do agree with most here that an upgrade to your CPU will net you the higest increase in performance.

Ok… There’s a lot of misinformation going on in this thread. The system I am playing on was built when age of Conan was launched. Athlon x64 dual core, 8800gt you and only 4 gigs of ram. I have yet to even stutter, and that with about 70% of my time spent in wvw. This game does not require a top of the line system. I would actually look at your Internet connection if you are having problems.

Also, the human eye can’t even see 30 frames per second, so trying for more than that is a waste of money.

That’s great… I have a degree in broadcast media and have been working in a/v production for over a decade. If you really want to get into it with me, I’ll explain why none of what was said on that linked page applies to games. Televisions (in the united states) refresh at 30 fps. Are you saying you can see the frame rate of your tv? No? Then run along and try to be smart elsewhere, cuz I forgot more than you will ever know about video production.

So, all the people buying 60hz and 120hz monitors are just being trolled by computer screen companies? I know I can tell a distinct difference at 85fps that I can at 30fps. And I was not trying to be ugly, I just provided a link that gave information. The fact that you were so easily upset about this and had to whip out the “I have a degree” card is a bit unsettling. I was only providing information for the OP and giving a difference of opinion. So you should probably check your elitist attitude at the door as this is a help forum and that all I was trying to do.

I like waffles.

Goals at level 80?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kiryana.5167


Finish your personal story, it will take you through quite a few zones. Then possibly head to some dungeons or help people secure the Arah Gates in the Cursed Shore. There is so much stuff to do.

I like waffles.

How are Dungeons meant to be played?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kiryana.5167


The thing with conditions is you can cleanse them so easily. I can think of 5 abilities that cleanse them not to mention almost all combos through Guardian skills cleanse conditions. I think it’s more people are still trying to break away from the old ways of doing a dungeon and coming to the reality that your sole survival depends solely on you. Sure, you can get buffs and area denials that help you survive a bit longer, but no one can make you dodge/kite better.

I like waffles.

Is it safe to continue with the Personal Story now?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kiryana.5167


I had this problem because I was quick to 80 (dang crafting) and so there were quite a few story quest I was like, “who the heck are you?” However, after going back and completing some zones it filled in some of the blanks. But, it is nothing really ground breaking as you can either ignore the small inconsistencies or just wait it out. In the end the final quest was epic and the story ended and I felt like I knew what was going on.

Also, If you haven’t been running the dungeons in order I believe they contribute to your story as well.

I like waffles.

(edited by Kiryana.5167)

CPU upgrade - make much difference for FPS?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kiryana.5167


Depending on the age of your system changing one component could lead to a chain reaction of having to change multiple components. CPU > Motherboard > PSU > Ram. Make sure all your parts are compatible before buying or you risk damaging/destroying them.

I do agree with most here that an upgrade to your CPU will net you the higest increase in performance.

Ok… There’s a lot of misinformation going on in this thread. The system I am playing on was built when age of Conan was launched. Athlon x64 dual core, 8800gt you and only 4 gigs of ram. I have yet to even stutter, and that with about 70% of my time spent in wvw. This game does not require a top of the line system. I would actually look at your Internet connection if you are having problems.

Also, the human eye can’t even see 30 frames per second, so trying for more than that is a waste of money.

I like waffles.

Arah dungeon

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kiryana.5167


There is a road leading out of Malchors Leap in the SW corner that takes you to the Cursed Shore. The Arah Gates are located there. Though, if your server has not completed the chain of events to open the Arah Gates I’m afraid you still will not be able to get to it.

I like waffles.

Utility Skills

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kiryana.5167


You can unlock all skill points. (Even if you don’t clear every zone) Once you hit 80 you continue to level and are awarded skill points instead of actually leveling up.

I like waffles.

World Completion bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kiryana.5167


I think dungeon waypoints and POIs count towards that if you haven’t done all of the dungeons yet.

I like waffles.

Lvl 80 Heavy Exotic Armor (Power/Prec/Vit)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kiryana.5167


Melandu is your best bet in the Cursed Shore, the other temples heavy armor is all + healing. The rest of the zone there is nothing but greens and blues from Karma vendors. Your best bet is to craft some/have some crafted.

I like waffles.

Underneath Cursed Shore

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kiryana.5167


I was recently able to find an easy way underneath the terrain of the Cursed Shore map while searching for jumping puzzles and such. As I was already underneath and clearly not where an avatar was intended to be, I decided to test the ability of exploiting different events.

Current events/things that can be exploited:
-The Traitor King can be soloed
- Megalodon can be soloed
- All underwater and some land gathering nodes can be gathered free of mob aggro
- 2 skill points can be completed with no aggro from mobs/damage from boss
- Most mobs at “sea level” can be killed with no damage received.

As this can probably further be exploited to damage the game I’m going to refrain from posting how I got under the Cursed Shore.

Fill free to contact me in game if you need my assistance.

I like waffles.

(edited by Kiryana.5167)