Showing Posts For Kriknav.9268:

Confessor's End bugged instance?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kriknav.9268


This is still an issue just had it bug out after the cutscene today for me. Nothing could be done to jump start the instance again to proceed.

[NA] [PTSB] LFM Weekend PvE / Raid Training

in Looking for...

Posted by: Kriknav.9268


Just interested what times most members are active in the evenings (weekdays and weekends)? I’m a father of 5 so I can’t play until the kids go to bed at 7pm Pacific. This usually gets in the way of people I know that are East coast, as that’s about they time they log off.

[NA] LF Pacific-timezone Raid group

in Looking for...

Posted by: Kriknav.9268


I’m looking to do some raiding on a semi-regular basis (once or twice a week), but most of the guilds/groups I’ve seen are scheduled at a bad time for me. I’m available most nights after 7pm PST (10pm EST) and I have experience with VG and Gors (haven’t beat Gors quite yet). I have a Necro Guard, Rev and Warrior well geared for raids. Most of them are tank or DPS geared, but I could swap stats for a condi necro if need be. I’m a pretty quick learner, just need a group that raids during the times I can play. Let me know if your group has a spot I could fill or sub in for.

Also if you have any other questions let me know.

Possible Bug: Auric Energy Crystal

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kriknav.9268


So I was doing the Daily Sanctum Scramble today and it dawned on my that I’ve never charged either of the Energy Crystals I’ve gotten from Spirit Vale, so I used my Bank Access Express and got them out and went about trying to charge them. Turns out I can’t!

I tried going up to the egg, “talking” to the egg, double clicking the Energy Crystal while at the egg. I even went back up the Sanctum Scramble to see if you have to charge it at the top. Nope! But I ended up shaving off 15 seconds on my time, so it wasn’t a total waste.

I tried putting all but one back, thinking it might get confused if I have too many in my inventory. I even tried changing maps and coming back, in case the inventory check is on map load.

Either this is bugged or I have NO clue what I’m doing (which has been known to happen from time to time).

Other things I’ve thought of, but have been to lazy to try:
- Use a different character (since this isn’t the character I beat VG with)
- Select a HoT Story step

Interesting note: when standing next to the egg the Inner Chamber POI says it’s almost 10,000 units below me if I hover it in the mini-map. Not sure if that has something to do with it.

Any help would be appreciated.

[BUG] You are not in a guild

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kriknav.9268


Before you embark on a repair (or anything dramatic), though…

Check that your status isn’t set to “Invisible”.
(“Contacts and LFG [Y]”, top tab, pull-down at top left beside your account name.)

You can’t talk in Guild Chat when you’re invisible, and that’s the error message you get when you try.

(If you’re in multiple guilds, and you’re like me, you may occasionally deliberately set your status to invisible, so that you can enjoy a little quiet, undisturbed play. Or, you may simply set your status accidentally while in the LFG tool. Whatever – if you set it, that’s one of the things that happens. As I found out the first time that I forgot I’d done it. And, yes, in my book it’s undeniably a bug, albeit a modest one – the message text is not merely misleading but definitively incorrect, and should reflect the actual cause.)

Doghouse, I have really mixed emotions about you right now. While I love you for finding the answer, you’ve also made me feel like the biggest idiot. Problem solved.

[BUG] You are not in a guild

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kriknav.9268


For the last 3 or 4 days I have not been able to chat in or see the chat from my Guild. When I try to chat in Guild Chat I get a message saying I’m not in a guild. I’m in several guilds, according to the Guild Panel (which is correct I might add), and I have even tried repping different guilds, logging out while not repped then repping after logging in, all to no avail.

This is really frustrating and I’d appreciate if someone could look into why the game thinks I’m not in a guild and fix it.

Thank you.

New profession weapons

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Kriknav.9268


OK so there is a thief with a rifle in the trailer at 1:08
it looks like he is wearing medium armour and has a thief mask on. We know engineer are using hammer and ranger will be using the staff. So its only leave the thief in the medium armour left as a option.

I still see this as an engineer, as they have medium gear. It could also be a ranger. They said their introducing specializations, with an S. It wouldn’t make sense to only make one specialization for each profession, cause then there’s no choice. And while they’ve confirmed no more than one new weapon per class as part of these specializations, that’s not to say there couldn’t be one new weapon PER specialization. Again, this would make the whole premise of choice more significant. Just my opinion, though.

Error Code: 42:0:9001:4409:101 BLTC [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kriknav.9268


Same here. Seems to happen when looking at the My Transactions tab of BLTC window. Glad I’m not alone, since I just installed a new Cable Modem.

Hidden Arcana story quest bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kriknav.9268


Just happened again to me. About half-way through the Vortex spawned in the wall (though I didn’t realize for a while, thought they just stopped spawning). Determined to get the achievement, I decided to just kill the boss with normal attacks (very slowly since I only critted for like 40-70 dmg). Once I got him to 25% he teleported to the middle and a vortex spawned in a colored light column and after I used that one, again, no more vortexes spawned. So I ended up doing the last half of the boss extremely slowly with normal attacks. It worked, though, I killed him and got my achievement.

Suggestion: Standardize Item Tooltips

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kriknav.9268


I love the work you guys are doing, but there’s one thing that keeps bugging me. In my inventory, if I have a stack of items and I hover over them the tooltip will show me the number in the stack (i.e. 19 Dragonite Ore). But if I have a stack in my Material Collection UI and hover over them it just says the item name in the tooltip, no stack number there.

Normally, this would not be much of an issue, since the icon has the number on it, but in some cases the bright colored number text on a bright colored icon is hard to read, esp. for someone like myself with mild color-blindness.

Like I said, the way it works in my inventory bags is WONDERFUL, so if you could just replicate that tooltip logic to anywhere there is any kind of inventory management (materials collections, Trading Post, etc.) that would be AMAZING.

Thanks! Keep up the good work, love what you’ve done.

Hero of the People Missing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kriknav.9268


Mine is missing too. And I’ve opened some of those bags since the patch, according to the wiki.


Error when trying to access Trading Post

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kriknav.9268


I get a crash when trying to sell things, either by right-clicking the item in my bag and selecting “Sell on Trading Post” or trying to view my bags in the Sell view of the Trading Post.

Collecting samples event is bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kriknav.9268


Still bugged today. Sometimes not enough enemies spawn, and completion is impossible, other times no enemies spawn at all. Seems like scaling is way off on this event. At least the event spawns now.

Game Updates: Guild World Events, Megaservers, WvW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kriknav.9268


I’m going to chime in here with some possible solutions, since, like many of you, I have had some poor experiences with MegaServers. I don’t want to keep “beating the dead horse” and explain the problems with MegaServers, as I think those points are clear. Instead I’d like to offer some suggested fixes that, hopefully, will alleviate some issues.

If I suggest something you’ve already suggested, I apologize, I did not read ALL 23 pages of this thread before posting. I don’t want credit for any of these solutions, I just want solutions, so feel free to claim credit for any of this.

My belief is that the MegaServers system was as beneficial to the servers and developers as it was intended to be to the players. I imagine that prior to MegaServers there were home world servers that were extremely burdened with multiple, full copies of maps due to high population, whereas other servers had completely empty instances of those same maps. With MegaServers this load should be more evenly spread over the entire cluster of servers. If that’s true, I don’t believe is worth it to undo MegaServers, but to tweak things about it that help facilitate all types of gameplay.

World Boss Schedule: I, personally, do not like the times of the Mega World Boss events (Teq., 3-headed Wurm, Karka), but I’m sure for many people it works great. I’d love to see the schedule re-worked so it rotates on odd-hour rotation. If done correctly, this schedule would allow everyone (even odd-time players) to participate in these big events at least once a week. To me this is a minor tweak, and should be attempted AFTER the others

Map Instance Selection: This becomes an especially big issue when trying to organize Mega World Boss events (most notably 3-headed Wurm). What we need is a reliable way to spawn map instances without it being too susceptible to abuse. One option is to make world boss events open a portal of sorts (which opens with a decent window prior to the event) and this portal will take you to copy of the map where the event spawns and the event has boundaries around it (much like a personal story instance). The event would occur in these special instances and not in the main maps. This way normal PvEers and Mega Boss killers don’t interfere with each other too much.

Another option is to allow personal-story-like-instances of maps to spawn when a Guild uses a World Boss Event token to manually spawn a world boss. The Guild Leader that spawns the boss would be given an option to spawn the boss on the current map or start a new map. If starting a new map that one user (and their party members) would be taken there and only users that are ferried/taxied in could get to the map. This would give good control over map spawning and population. These type maps would die within a set time (determined by the fail timer of the spawned boss) so that there’s not a ton of these floating around at any given time.

Another option would be to create some way for users to manually spawn map instances which do not act like overflows, so only those people in a party with someone already in the map could join the map. This is the most abuse-able option, so there would need to be a way to keep users from spawning maps, just to spawn maps. Maybe needing to purchase a special token that has some significant investment (guild coms, lots of gold, guild influence).

Map Instance Joining: I feel like this has got to change. As it stands now you request to join another party member’s map and you either change maps or get an error message. This results in barbaric spamming to try and get in the map. This option should either change your map, or put you in a queue for that map. This would reduce the spamming of these commands (which has GOT to be good for the servers). it would also be good if there was some queue feedback to tell you which position in the queue you are (so you can see if you’re making progress) as well as a cancel button to abandon your request if you so choose.

Sorry for the long post. Hopefully it’s helpful in some way.

I see crash window when I exit game.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kriknav.9268


Same here, Nvidia GTX 680. No dat file validation errors, game plays fine. Almost like an error occurs during the shutdown process, but the shutdown process continues and does not allow the error to be reported.

Crash On Exit

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kriknav.9268


It seems pretty consistent now, so I figured I’d post. When I exit GW2 using the in-game menu option, the game closes and then the Crash Report Dialog pops up for a brief moment and goes away. It seems like there is an error occurring but since the game is in the shutdown process anyway the dialog isn’t allowed to stay up long enough to use it and send a report.

This is not a huge issue, as I don’t have any other kinds of crashes or errors, and I’ve done a dat file verify with no reported issues, but it seems like the game thinks something is wrong but I have no way of getting the info to the Anet team.

Any suggestions?

Scarlet's Secret Lair *Major Spoilers*

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Kriknav.9268


We’re having a good time reading the speculation on this. /innocent

Certainly I don’t expect any response on this, but your comments about your entertainment at this thread leads me to believe that we’re all pretty much wrong.

or they’re like “eeep! they noticed! i’m so proud of our community!”

While I hope you’re right (cause some of these theories would be awesome to have in-game), I still believe the former is probably more accurate.

Scarlet's Secret Lair *Major Spoilers*

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Kriknav.9268


We’re having a good time reading the speculation on this. /innocent

Certainly I don’t expect any response on this, but your comments about your entertainment at this thread leads me to believe that we’re all pretty much wrong.

Scarlet's Secret Lair *Major Spoilers*

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Kriknav.9268


I’d be really surprised if there’s only one dragon involved in Scarlet’s plan. On her map we see four arrows all converging on 4 X’s near the center of Tyria, and we know she’s had her hand in magic and chaos energy laylines. And a quick review of Elder Dragon’s on the Wiki reminded me of:

Though all share the common goal of consuming all life, each of the Elder Dragons have their own unique motivation and ways to act, ranging from what they and their minions do to how they corrupt their surroundings and those who seek their power. Similarly, Elder Dragons appear to be hostile to each other, as their minions will fight another dragon’s minions just as they would fight any living creature.

Maybe she’s trying to draw in some or all of the Elder Dragons to LA’s and the surrounding area to try and get them to battle each other, and use her newfound technology to mop up the remainder from the battle? This would find the theory that some have had about Scarlet trying to do “good, but in a bad way”, since no one in their right might would trade LA for a Dragon Battleground. Maybe her time in The Dream revealed that only an Elder Dragon is the only thing that can defeat an Elder Dragon. I mean we saw Zaitan fall, but do we actually know he died? I tend to lean toward no, esp. with the strengthening of Tequatl.

Anyways, just another hair-brain thought/theory. Take it or leave it. Definitely, looking forward to the next three LS episodes and beyond.

If Scarlet is "good", why kidnap Jennah?

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Kriknav.9268


I don’t think Scarlet ever intended to kidnap the Queen. If you recall, she wasn’t successful as it was a trick. When have we known Scarlet to be surprised by anything we do. I think she knew it was a trick and played along. It could be, as you said, to re-activate Logan or it could have been completely for show to keep focus off of something else.

Scarlet's Secret Lair *Major Spoilers*

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Kriknav.9268


I think we all know that 3 of those 4 X’s on Scarlet’s map point to the Order HQs, and the 4th points to LA, but I think there may be a significance to the particular location IN Lion’s Arch. Since it was time-gated content and I work a full-time job I wasn’t able to participate, but I think that X in LA line’s up with the new thumper device in the water, which I think coincides with the source of the Karka attack on LA. Correct me if I’m wrong.

What I find interesting is that we’ve all been brought up to speed with Scarlet’s efforts with the Alliances all the way back to Flame and Frost, but there’s yet to be a tie-in to the Karka storyline, which I think is related. It’s interesting that there may be a hint here that the tie-in is real.

Theories seem to point to Scarlet preparing to fight or unleash the Dragons. I seem to agree with this. She’s seen this world the way most of the rest of us never will, through the Pale Tree’s Dream, which was a turning point for her. Her alliances and devices have been big and grand, dragon-size, even. And her messing with the magic leylines seem to indicate interaction with the dragons on some scale. What if the Karka are minions of the unnamed Water dragon (AKA Bubbles)?

TL;DR I think the X on Scarlet’s map in LA is tied to Karka and the Karka are possibly tied to the Water Elder Dragon.

[tPvP] some kind of bunker, needs improvement

in Warrior

Posted by: Kriknav.9268


As a pure power build with no condition dmg you may have better success killing by switching the sword out for an axe. Just an observation, I’m not warrior expert.

Developer livestream: Ranger PvE guide

in Ranger

Posted by: Kriknav.9268


I’d like to know, from the developer’s stand point, where the Ranger’s niche is?

Explanation: We know that all classes should be able to reasonably be able to fill most roles so the players can play however they want. But regardless, certain classes shine in certain roles that other classes have difficulty. Guardians can make awesome tanks and support classes, Necros can make awesome condi builds and Warriors make awesome DPS builds. What’s a build that a Ranger can provide and that they do better than other classes?

Timberline Krait Witch Bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kriknav.9268


I was hoping a developer would look into the Krait Witch dynamic event in Timberline Falls as it appears to be bugged on several servers. On Ehmry Bay that event seems to have been in “Preparation” mode since last night around 9pm server time. I’m no expert on the modes, but Preparation seems like it should be a shorter phase than the others since it’s just waiting on some blocking dialog/animations before the quest can begin.

With more and more people interested in this quest know due to the new LS meta achievement, I figure it’d be a good time to look into it and fix it. I don’t think you want to force people to guest just to finish this achievement.


Timer on living story achievement page

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kriknav.9268


Yes, +1 to this. With LS metas overlapping their designated 2-week allotment and some not, this would clear up questions as to how much I need to grind now vs. later to get the meta completed.

[Suggestion] Achievement timers for LS

in Living World

Posted by: Kriknav.9268


Could we get timers on the Living Story Achievement categories similar to Daily and Monthly categories? There has been confusion about how long these categories will stick around. Sometimes they stick around 2 weeks, sometimes 4 weeks. I think it would be helpful for an in-game indicator that will definitively tell players how long they have to finish a meta achievement.

I would hope, since it’s already a feature that exists elsewhere, it would not take much effort to apply this to the Living Story categories.

[Suggestion] New mid-ranged weapon

in Guardian

Posted by: Kriknav.9268


If they ever decide to implement new weapon types I would enjoy having a spear for the Guardian. I think it would fit them quite well, especially since they are the spiritual successors to the Paragons from GW1. The scepter just doesnt really do it for me to be honest. It feels like im playing tennis with the enemy and overall just feels flat. I like this idea, and I hope Anet decides to add more weapons later down the road.

This was my thought, and why I didn’t choose to submit the idea with an existing weapon set. The axe does kinda fit the Guardian style, but we already have a condi damage focused, mid-ranged weapon in the axe on the Ranger. I don’t want to see a re-hash of that on the guardian.

My other point was to give us a weapon that has a 900 range. All the other classes (I’m pretty sure) have at least one weapon that’s melee, one that long range (1200 range) and one that’s 900 range. We have melee, 1200 and 600 (which is practically melee in many cases).

[Suggestion] New mid-ranged weapon

in Guardian

Posted by: Kriknav.9268


My main is a guardian, and like many other players I feel like they need a new ranged weapon to really round them out. As I was thinking about it, though, I realized there was another area where Guardians are a bit weak: condition damage builds. And as I thought about existing weapons, nothing really fit the style of the Guardian, so the best I could come up with was to suggest a new weapon: the short-spear.

DISCLAIMER: I did not (intentionally) steal any of this idea from anyone else. I’ve yet to read anyone come up with something like this, but I don’t doubt that someone may have already mentioned it. If you have, I apologize if I seemingly ripped off your idea, I didn’t do it knowingly. If you have come up with this before, let me know and I’ll certainly love to give you credit.

The focus of my thought was getting the idea out there, so you’ll not see mention of real damage number, condition stacks or actual cooldown values. My thought is those details will get ironed out during the balancing phase. Right now I’m just trying to generate an idea and circulate it.

I feel like the short-spear should be a one-handed weapon, and for the Guardian it should be a 900 ranged weapon. With other classes it could easily be a melee weapon, since most of them already have the ranged weapons covered.

Anyways, here’s my thoughts on how this would work for a Guardian, let me know your thoughts/improvements.

For Guardian, the short-spear focuses on mid-ranged condition damage with one or two CC effects thrown in; All skills have 900 range

Skill 1 – Chain
- Rapid Throw – no wind-up; medium damage
- Leg Shot – low wind-up; inflict bleeding (enough duration to stack during auto-attacks) and cripple (short duration, no need to stack it during auto-attacks)
- Power Throw – medium-to-high wind-up; high damage; inflict weakness (short duration, no stacking with auto-attacks)

Skill 2 – Symbol – Holy Retribution – low-to-medium wind-up; Create a symbol by marking ground with multiple spears; AoE/Targetable; Pulse damage and bleeding throughout course of symbol; unblockable (maybe, not sure about the unblockable, could make it too OP)
- Can be traited with existing traits for larger radius/longer duration/heal allies
- Important note: that this symbol does nothing for player or allies without traiting for it

Skill 3 – CC – [Need a good name] – Throw spear with such force the spear is embedded in the enemy and knocks them down; low-to-medium dmg; Knockdown effect
- If attack hits (and after a short cooldown), skill changes to a new skill for a few secs (like #2 on Guardian Staff); Retreive the embedded spear pulling the enemy toward you; This will increase the cooldown on the #3 skill (again, similar to Staff #2 skill); deals no damage, but applies pull effect
- Can be traited so that if the Throw is blocked (not evaded or missed due to blindness, ONLY blocked) the skill will inflict Torment condition; no damage will be dealt and the second skill in the chain will still not trigger

TL;DR – I think a short-spear would make a cool one-handed, 900 range weapon for Guardians that would fit their style and make condi builds viable for the class. Thoughts?

Stuck at 32/33 Feats

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Kriknav.9268


If I recall you get a tick up on this achiev for each checkpoint you cross and making it to the end of a zone and waiting for the timer to expire and teleport you to the next zone. I could be wrong, but that’s where I remember these dings happening. I’m not aware of this achiev ticking for activating clouds but actually making progress in the Zones/World.

Couple things to remember or that I noticed:
-I remember NOT getting a ding for stepping on and activating a checkpoint, but actually CROSSING over it into the next area
-If you follow guides, there is a checkpoint in Zone 2 that is easy to miss/skip. It’s the one right after the teleporter platforms with assassins on it. You could take the teleporters to right (at least in Infantile mode) and skip the checkpoint that is off to right (when looking at the teleporter area from the first platform).

Hope this helps.

(edited by Kriknav.9268)

W1Z3 bugged acid waterfall shop in TB mode

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Kriknav.9268


See the following YouTube video for a successful jump. Took me a couple times watching it, but it seems you have to NOT jump onto the lily pad, but DO jump off the lily pad. So you’re just going to run off the mushroom-thingy and aim for the lily pad edge closest to the waterfall/door and then jump straight into the door.

You also want to be careful to not have too much forward motion before the jump, as your toes will touch the water before the jump.

It’s difficult, but I was finally able to do it.

Don't give up on Liadri.

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Kriknav.9268


I encourage others to keep trying. I’ve burned through over 80 tickets on Liadri ALONE. I tried every “OP” build to beat Liadri that I found on YouTube and the forums, to no avail. I spent like over 30g (despite saving for my first Legendary) gearing up my 80 alts to try these “OP” builds. I was close to giving up, but I finally got it.

I quoted OP above, but I don’t mean to diminish those builds. They clearly worked well for several people, but most of them didn’t work for me and my play style. It just took a while to find a build that worked for me.

As far as tips, learn the pattern of phase 1. In this phase the ONLY thing that is NOT part of the pattern (aside from you of course) are the orbs. But the orbs have only like 3-4 different locations it can appear. So learn the pattern and get through as fast as safely possible so you have more time to DPS her down in phase 2. In phase 2, you don’t NEED any speed buffs, it’s helpful, but not needed. Again, there’s a pattern to the AoE’s so keep an eye on where they are so you can prepare to position yourself for the next AoE. Another thing I’ve seen: when you’re in phase 2 and you find yourself in the middle of an AoE coming down and have to dodge, STOP, don’t keep running. If you do you’ll end up in the next AoE and you’ll quickly run out of stamina and go down. If you keep kiting in a circular direction about half-way between the middle and the outside of the arena you should be able to backpedal + sidestep your way around the circle staying in the safe zone and DPSing her down.

The difficulty I had was her clones blocking my attacks in phase 2, which is why I finally won with a warrior build with piercing rifle shots. I had a warrior geared up for CoF speed runs (right before the nerf, haha) so it was easy to re-trait to a piercing rifle/greatsword build that took me past the finish line.

Some other tips I’ve heard of: if you use a mesmer Feedback is a great friend. her close range whip attacks in phase 2 shoot off 3 black projectiles that can be reflected back for good dmg. And Phantasms done need line of sight to cast on her, so you can just focus on staying in safe zones and cast phantasms to kill her. I don’t think Feedback needs line of sight either, so that could help. Just make sure you Feeback her AFTER she does her spin attack, as I don’t think you can reflect that and you don’t want to waste your Feedback.

Anyways, I hope this helps/encourages folks to keep trying. If you’ve done it already (or even if you have) stay positive with others and encourage them. Let’s try hard not to discourage (intentionally or unintentionally) people as it can be frustrating enough without feeling alone. Good luck all.

An Ingame Represantation of WoodenPotatoes

in Community Creations

Posted by: Kriknav.9268


I’m on board and would love to see this. His work has been very influential in my Guild Wars experience and I continue to watch all his videos.

2013 Summer Guild Games (Concluded)

in In-game Events

Posted by: Kriknav.9268


Crafe can you review the results for Day 2 and the final standings, I think there might be some typos in there.

Day 2 event 1, the champion’s name was right, but the guild attribution is wrong, I think.

The final standings has 3rd place with 18 pts and 4th place with 20 pts. Not sure if the guild names are in the wrong place or what, but if you could review that, I’d be very appreciative.

More than anything I’d like to extend my thanks on behalf of Solemn Dreams [SD] for organizing this whole thing!! We realize this was no easy effort and we had a blast participating. We are excited to hear more about the next Olympics. Maybe ArenaNet would be willing to front some prizes for the next one (hint, hint ArenaNet)?!?!

2013 Summer Guild Games (Concluded)

in In-game Events

Posted by: Kriknav.9268



You have the days and times laid out, but I had a question about the schedule. Are events to be held sequentially or simultaneously? That is will Saturday’s events start and noon and held back to back or all at the same time?

My problem is that we are having trouble getting enough to fill the roster for all events, so I was wondering if I could fill multiple events with the same guildie? Obviously that won’t work if all events are occurring at the same time.


2013 Summer Guild Games (Concluded)

in In-game Events

Posted by: Kriknav.9268


Hey Crafe,

Excellent event you got going here. Please sign up Solemn Dreams [SD] from Ehmry Bay. We are still working out our roster but we should be able to fill a spot if one is available.

Mouse Issue: cannot hover/click world objects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kriknav.9268


I have a Corsair M60, with the manufacturer drivers and software. I also have a Razer Nostromo with manufacturer drivers and software. Both are up-to-date.

Mouse Issue: cannot hover/click world objects

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Kriknav.9268


I’m not sure exactly how it happens (though, I have a feeling it’s related to alt+tabbing out of GW2), but sometimes in the game I lose the ability to hover or click world objects (NPCS, mobs, gathering nodes) and I have to rely on auto targeting to fight until I re-log.

This is quite annoying, and I’m not sure if it’s an issue just for me or a bug within the game, but if anyone has any experience with this issue and how to fix it I’d love, Love, LOVE to hear from you.

The funny thing is, when this happens I can still hover my skillbar and get tooltips or click them, but nothing in the world. I can even use dialog menus (inventory, guild, BLTP), but nothing in the world.

Cannot claim Daily Achievement reward on alt

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kriknav.9268


Ok, so apparently I finished the daily on a different alt without realizing it.

You can only claim the reward on the character that finished it. And there is an XP award with the claim, see screenshot.

Anyways, case closed, lesson learned. Feel free to lock the thread.


Cannot claim Daily Achievement reward on alt

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kriknav.9268


Yes, the first thing I did was issue a support ticket. So we’ll see where the gets me.

I remember doing exactly this before and it worked, but this was before the karma awards for achievements came along. I could complete the daily/monthly on one character and then claim it on another. The silver and XP was calculated at the time of the claim, not upon completing the achievements. I remember, because I was thinking I’d get 5 silver on my lvl 2, but it was only like 30 copper. And there is (or was) an XP award with the claim, it has a yellow (diamond shaped?) icon that once you accept goes into your XP bar. Or at least it was. Either way, lesson learned for the future. hopefully I can at least get my laurel.

Cannot claim Daily Achievement reward on alt

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kriknav.9268


So yesterday I ended up getting my daily done while working on helping refugees on my main. I figured I’d claim the reward on my alt, since he needed the XP more. Well I got lost in some crafting last night and never claimed the reward. Logged in this morning to claim the reward and there is no chest to claim it. I have tried zoning, killing some mobs and gathering at a node with both the main and the alt and the chest never pops.

I’ve attached a screenshot to prove that I got the achievements done, only have 1 Laurel (from the day before) and no chest on the screen.
