HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Krolisia.6102
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Krolisia.6102
Looking how they treated veteran players now and release pre-order expanions with existing piles of bugs they won’t have my support anymore. Starting from Mini rock soon they will literally just put an offer “Pile of garbage – maybe there will be expansion in it” style.
There are more important problems at unranked like chains of quitters who just wait in queue just to ruin match (cus map was bad or weather ugly). I don’t see problem either if there is situation with new players in guild just starting pvp together to go unranked, we met such premade and they lost vs 3 solo and 2 of us skyped. People playing solo there are actually good players but let’s see. U see a problem with 2 people communicating. Looking now before match starts and there are ppl not rdy it actually gives enough time to splat in team chat info to skype to be with this ppl in voice chat and actually be almost same team as premade huh? And if i duo everything with 1 person and i no need anyone else to play with then goes the same question: why should i be forced to go solo? like a solo guy: why should i be forced to play vs teamed guys. There won’t be solution to make everyone happy. Pvp is brutal ground for now and u have to swallow facts that there still gonna be quitters, premades who are good enough for ranked and rly lot of duos. Sorry u had bad and annoying match but pvp is ground where “friendly community” goes step lower.
Bout toys, agree agree agree. And skyhammer i do it every time: if there are 1-2 ppl defending it, u can just dodge it – take all points and go zerg them. Because all in all u are against only 3 ppl down and belive me, IT IS easy to dodge skyhammer and sometimes they were killing their teammates because of breaking glass in bad timing.
Wanted buy leopard hat skin yesterday, didn’t make it before they took it away ;x; 200 gems waiting now
Memory of dervish avatar skills from Guild Wars 1 (just different colours), i won’t be suprised if we will get all of them *yawn , nothing fresh:
Why not make each mob (that counts as a mob, e.g. gives stacking sigil stacks, has a chance of loot) in a dungeon drop a small amount of dungeon specific tokens? Let’s say 1. This way, there is incentive for people to kill them, without killing skipping and speedrunning. And it wouldn’t lead to the “Let’s just farm the trash, because best rewards.” approach.
Just tokens won’t be enough simply because PvP reward track gives you more and if someone who don’t play much will pick self a task to finish collection he will just do it faster by going unranked PvP, it is more interesting fighting players than swing ur sword once again vs brainless mob if u don’t wanna turn into zombie farmer and let’s not forget PvP track gives more useful stuff next to dungeon. So better approach would be to give something what players can’t get from different places, that is minis and rare mats, like Omo said: (8 dungeons – 8 types of mats, hm?! HMMM?!)
And nope, it wouldn’t lead to “lets just farm the trash” if it would be like so: AC = dust drop from mobs, minis chance drop from bosses (mini ghosts, mini king, all what reminds ac) and chance for both at last box.
I was speed clearing dungeons in GW 1 so im just used with killing only what’s needed to progress. I have enough green poof dropping everywhere and even if they would add yellow ones (which u get faster from doing bosses run) to trash mobs and final box reward won’t give me what i could get in GW 1 the only reason to run them is gold, currency to finish collection (which with PvP is really fast) and fun of learning fastest way to finish them. Give me chance to drop minis, more mats like dust or smth what u can’t get from salvaging and it would alrdy give me reason to kill trash. The only reason to kill trash mobs was UW in GW 1.
I like JP’s but the fun part about them for me stops when i have to run 5 mins from wp. “Not so secret” puzzles are perfect example. If u dont have a friend here who ll rezz u every time u fail it is annoying as f…
Also not JP but Golden badges in skritt area are extremly annoying because u have to jump all the way for 2 of em on a freaking chain of beams and not saying again about running from wp every time u fail.
I love JP, beated Mad King’s puzzles, Wintersday, done all puzzles in GW achis, now fighting with golden badges but just please, don’t make me run all the way from WP over and over.
I don’t see problem into topic name, it’s neutral and ye, maybe i should add just [suggestion]. It would be worse and flame(ish) if i would add “sucks” at the end of line. They don’t suck but i know they can be a little better. I still love my main human female anyway.
I don’t have a problem with adapting to game rules, atmosphere etc. I played Tera for 1 year and i actually picked castanic because game in every aspect looks pornish so np about jumping balls and butts around my screen but here we have Tyria. If Anet lastly adds haircuts, and new faces (which are about customization huh?) i would really love to see more models with visable changes, even mix and match smaller chest ones with bottom part from 1st line. Nothing more.
If it won’t happen then np, just poking a topic since gem store and makeover stuff became very active lately.
I wonder if it’s just me but types of human female body are either like from surgeon table or just weird. Almost all of thin ones have almost no diffrence (more round butt, bigger boobs even if they are alrdy big or legs like sticks) and more thick ones looks just……can’t even find a word. Is there any chance to get a normal thin body type with SMALL boobs like from thicker models? Or just add options to set a size/thickness of parts of body (not so extreme as in Aion) . I know it is fantasy game but i don’t think asura technology alrdy doing plastic surgery to make a thin body with double D size. Don’t know how situation looks with other races but it’s a thing which annoys me every time i open makeover kit.
If i have to choose between spirit watch, skyhammer and courtyard ofc i ll pick last one. Why? Personally after playing for 4-5 months i became simply tired of all “toys” on the map and people losing head over them. Looking how people fight over orb, or skyhammer just to spam skill 1 which is easly dodgeable really makes me want to click Courtyard to change atmosphere. Ofc for some people it is still part of “tactic”, i respect it but lastly those things ruins gameplay and teamwork there for me. (like a guy shooting an empty point from trebuchate)
But i agree with ^. Camping and map design is pretty bad there. Usually it ends 500 – 0. I had maybe 2 matches with ended up with pretty balanced score. Idea of map isn’t bad (without toys, points) , just design is.
Checked on engi with smoke field. Still bugged.
Same problem goes for enginner. After 3 stacks of stealth from blasts on smoke field “revealed”. So yeah, found out about this new not SO IMPORANT change randomly while duo-ing CM. Anet hate solo/duo stuff so much or it is another random bug/fix?! Or why they just don’t delete thiefs if half of skills with shadowstep became just usless or just delete those kind of skills . It is rly funny and sad too when on my necro i got information on flat ground “no valid path” when i wanted to use wurm.
For me just adding same drops as it was in UW and diffrent ones from GW 1 would give me enough big boost of motivation to run them.
I would probably stop running those i learned solo/duo/speed clear and just do for fun/challenge the ones i didn’t. Otherwise no ty, its just waste of time with such trashy reward especially if someone do lot of pvp and daily there getting skins to collection is even faster.
I would be more happy to drop one ecto in UW in Gw 1 than finish AC path in 10 mins for now. Even small change like add chance to get mini from dungeon chest or various bosses (imagine Mini Lupicious x) would be enough for me to run them more often.
I would love to have even small, tiny chance to drop ectos like it was in underwold and minis from last chest, especially collection since game came out grows bigger and bigger. While doing pvp daily and tracks and also speedclears getting skins collection from npc’s feels pretty fast and little boring. I enjoy a lot instances and solo/duo runs but i miss some more interesting drops (like from BLC and minis <3) than just more green, blue gear with extra one exotic if lucky or tonic. I know also gettin more rare items = mf = ectos but still…
What are your best drops from dungeons guys and would u like any changes about it?
I can’t not compare the two games bearing the same name. And in this comparison, gw2 fails on all aspects minus the graphics.
We have GW 1, pretty old and one of best online game i have ever played, clean, logic, without need to make bazilion items to shop because looking on quality and how well made are skins there i gladly bought one to support, challenging instances, interesting story, no trade post and more reasons to run instances if we talk about drops.
When i bought GW 2 i belived it’s gonna be even better. But at today’s point seeing 2 years old bugs non fixed, invisible objects at boss fights, broken mechanics, and non ending jokes about how we can make a sand bleed or steal life force from non living objects or escaping turrets i stopped my hype train about HoT pretty fast. And i know what most of u will think now. – "Go play GW 1 then " And ye, that’s true if GW 2 will become just a game with pile of dust with a gems on a top to make it look better.
If things will follow this track this game will become next non endless farm of gold for more skins/minis/legendaries/black lion smth, pretty much like Aion. It is really good game but feels ignored now at basic problems. Making it look better wont make it work better.
And yeah, Gw 2 feels now like made by diffrent company.
Hi ! This topic is just to share/discuss my and your worries about how game is now.
I play Gw 2 since the very beggining and I am disappointed. When HoT trailer came out I jumped the hype train, but I wouldn’t purchase it now. Why? Because the game itself feels like beta. And more bugs pop with every patch across all types of content.
Ogre Wars has a high chance of getting bugged yet the solution is “look for a fresh map and start again”. Countless events (even connected with achievements) are bugged since the rise of the dragons, yet no one seems to care about it: “no worries! here, buy this new mini at 40% discount and forget about it!”
- Almost every instance has some character or mechanic that can hang and block the progress and the solution is the same, “start again”.
- Events lost because a player disconnecting is removed from the list of participants (for example, getting disconnected at the end of SW events, be it even for 20 seconds, takes the reward chest away from you, even if did take part in it, fought a champ and returned in time to catch the other 2 dying). A support character, that helps with buffs and rezzing downed players during Teq will get bronze – even more so if he relies on conditions – whereas a hulk-style player will certainly get the gold.
- And by the way, why having 1000001 sigils and runes if for the most part all you need is Zerk gear?! just remove everything else and make your statement clear!
-And speaking about statements. Guild Wars Manifesto swings a sword again. You seem to be doing everything you promised not to do, dear devs. From the grinding shoved in every aspect of the game (which can of course be bypassed if players just buy gems and convert them into gold to safely purchase every possible rare skin or item off the TP) to the care for the game’s balance and smooth play.
Smooth play is something that will remain back in the much better designed and maintained older relative of GW2. Between “No Path to Target” at the end of a bridge when trying to use a shadowstep skill to “Target Too Close” for melee range and enemies protected from ranged attacks by thick layers of thin air, NOTHING works as promised (and probably intended). But what solutions we get to this?! More gemstore content.
- And balance?! There’s hardly any to be found. Both in PvE and PvP. Ranger’s have weaker bow skills than thieves and warriors, for example – and that is supposed to be their main weapon (and no, having a high damage spammable skill on longbow isn’t compensating anything). The ratio between survivability and burst is far from being balanced across all classes. The way to mitigate damage and conditions is again unjust, enforcing trait builds limitations on some classes. Some years ago, Anet was testing the community’s builds in both pvp and pve and paying a lot of attention to ensuring fair play and enjoyable experience for everyone.
- By the way! Any chance that conditions would ever have ANY logic?! ‘cause any more unlogical “fixes” like adding conditions to turrets and stealing life force from gate and you’ll give them wheels so they can run away if feared. What i miss now in Gw 2 is a logic and clean game as Gw 1 was. Comparing for example fight with Lupicus vs Fendi, it just doesnt feel challenging, but wrong and bugged. Even camera doesn’t allow you to see much if melee’ing this boss.
- We know since Gw 1 Anet isn’t happy about speed clears or any other fast ways of clearing the dungeons in less players than designed. But then again, if you look at Arah and the legions of elite mobs added there (to make it more authentic maybe?) who in the right mind would find that instance enjoyable to walk through slow and steady? And for what reward? Blue and green gear?
And one last thing.
Did it occur to anyone that the ability to jump teams in PvP can lead to massive abuses and and further on to grievance?! Sure, play for the fun, not for the rewards, but what fun when people leave the losing and wait for a hot spot to join in the winning one.
Not to mention that the <insert class> winner can be yet another joy killer for people going there only to find they’re up against 5 engineers team or 5 mesmers and so on.
So then, will we ever get skills that work? mechanics that both have logic and functionality? Clean instances? Unbugged meta events? Balanced professions in pvp? More worth in 90% of the traits?! More functional and functioning diversity in pve? (’cause really, kicking players out of the team or refusing their joining for the sole reason of being rangers – talking about the current situation in CoF – is just not okay) Or maybe devising new gem store items takes just too much time for any of the old wounds to find a soothing touch?
(edited by Krolisia.6102)
Funny is that my phantasms backpack working well, but on character not at all. I also don’t want refund, i want it to be fixed.
(edited by Krolisia.6102)
Hi !
I bought gems before without any problems by credit card. Today i keep getting information “payment authorization problem”. I also tried with friend purchase gems by his credit card (which is in diffrent bank) and also same problem and he also was buying gems before without any problem. Am i the only one who can’t purchase gems by credit card today?
Thanks for any help !
I had the same problem yesterday followed with many errors “connection lost” and i didn’t change anything. Today i got 2 errors after 5 mins of playing….My internet is fine, firewall is ok. It became really annoying because i can’t finish any pvp area like that. So ye u are not alone with this problem …i’m also looking for help.
I came back to GW 2 after around one year break so i’m not anymore interested into exploring world and doing maps. I’m looking for gulid to make every possible instance in explore mode. I have mesmer 80 lvl (main) , engineer +60 and necro +20 in progress. For now i did only 2 instances in story mode and doing world bosses because my team mates suddenly stopped playing so often. I’m very active and friendly player interested into learning dungeons. I play around 6 hours every day (only off at saturday – uni)
My character:
Missy Dece
Lvl 80 Mesmer human
Far Shiverpeaks
My friend also would like to join with me:
Metalic Wings
Lvl 80 Guardian human
Far Shiverpeaks
Thank you!
My human mesmer, i very like this feathers as helmet and shoulders. Skirt from lvl 1 is still looking great for me at 72 lvl
Eat all :P I will save it in bank, especially toilet paper :P Maybe later i’ll try to sell some candies etc.
I love Lunatic Inquistion. I no need any special rewards to play it cus it’s fun It’s good sometimes to take a break from pvp and making lvl’s. It will be great if it stay.
No speed
Great pictures! I’ll be very grateful if you draw my mesmer
Here she is: If you can pls add this book from halloween q , my mesmer use sword and focus looks like a skull if this can help you.
(edited by Moderator)
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