Showing Posts For Kronus.6048:

new building skill and player owned houses

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kronus.6048


I bought a house in RL last year and have been increasing my personal home building skill this last year. Because of this, I find this idea intriguing. The part that interests me the most is the furniture building. The furniture provides utility and storage space beyond the current normal capacity of food and the bank. In addition, tools such as a crafting table or mystic forge could be placed in the home.

I like the idea of a teleport device in the home. Ideally it provides a slightly less costly way to move around the world map. In addition, it provides a way to move back to a home location, which loads faster than a city, to work on crafting and storage after running around the world for the day.

Also, being an engineer, I like the idea of designing and building stuff that I can take pride in.

yea the furniture is my favorite part too, i get an unreasonably big sense of satisfaction from building a silly wooden chair and then a few levels later deleting it and replacing it with a cushioned wooden chair and then deleting that and replacing it with a cushioned wooden chair with gold trim! so what if iv lost 20g in the process it was worth it =p

You should try the Sims, it sounds like it would be a perfect fit for you.

if the sims wants to add collecting and selling of gear through dungoens and world bosses with the collecting of weapon and armor skins then im all game

but guild wars 2 needs a skill like this anyway, not for me, but for the economy, we need a place to dump our gold

There is already a place to dump gold – aesthetics. I’ve crafted 4 legendaries, and those t6 mats and precursors aren’t cheap.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve nothing against player housing, I’m sure I’d participate if it was added, it should just be a super low priority compared to other new content, such as zones, dungeons, wvw/pvp. What is currently out there is rather stale for a lot of people, and player housing is not going to fix that.

except not everyone cares about aesthetics and legendaries. There are many aesthetics atm and legendaries can be crafted too, but there is no such thing as housing system. As for being low priority, that’s subjective. wvw/pvp will never be enough for those doing it, zones and dungeons will never be enough even if those are released with living content.

new building skill and player owned houses

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kronus.6048


+1 and I totally agree with that idea

Own house...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kronus.6048


and I can ask what’s the point of legendary weapon when I can just get an ascended one

Footstep effects.

lol 3-5 months of grinding for footstep effects

Own house...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kronus.6048


I’m not a big fan of player housing simply because I don’t care to see resources dedicated to it at this time when there is so much more that needs to be done. While some may like player housing I don’t see the point. So you get your little house, decorate it, basically play a dumbed down version of The Sims, then what?

> Whisper to someone on friends list

“Hey buddy, come check out my house.”
“I’m a bit busy working on my legendary, maybe later”
“No really come check it out.”
“Sigh, okay”

> Friend walks in and looks around

“Cool story bro. I have to go now.”

> Player with the house stands around looking at his beds and pictures or whatever, then what?

If it were a separate team working on it or there were not such a need for other things like new dungeons, new permanent zones, new PvP maps and so forth, then go for it. Until then I wouldn’t like to see it a priority because IMO housing has very limited use and even less long term value.

and I can ask what’s the point of legendary weapon when I can just get an ascended one

Celestial gear is ruined

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Kronus.6048


If MF is being removed because its creating a situation when you’re sacrificing effectiveness for loot (and possibly handicapping your team for personal gain)…

…and ANet is satisfied that Celestial gear is effective enough even without the MF…

Then people wearing it aren’t sacrificing effectiveness for MF and ANet can just LEAVE IT ALONE.

Celestial Gear: No changes required.

lol as if anet actually have a sense of balance. You have devs running warr with full signets, that says enough about their knowledge of the game. Plus now everyone gets mf which means that the mf celestial users are left with nothing

Zerg Farming: Needs to be stopped.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kronus.6048


And that’s the thing Daywolf. People think farmers get orange items like candies. Personally in over 1000 boxes I’ve found 1 cobalt worth 18g and like 4-5 oranges worth 50s-1g. My friend got precursor with 0 mf ,no buff in pavilion while doing his daily. He made 450g profit in less than 1h. Is it fair?it’s RNG, so just because we farm a lot, it doesn’t mean we make crazy amounts since farming more than 2h is VERY frustrating and it doesn’t help when you have fanatics that are annoyed that farmers get more reward for the farming they’ve been doing for no reason.

Farmer not getting a precursor still ends up making waaaaaaay more money than a non-farmer not getting a precursor.

that actually only depends how persistent you are and how much you can handle grinding the same thing over and over. average on boxes is 10g per hour. That means 42h to gain that. I don’t know you but personally max I used to do when I forced myself was 2h per day. Sure, some people can do 10+ hours daily, but if they can resist that much, they deserve it.

Farmers and Moral Superiority

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: Kronus.6048


Irrelevant. You can think the sky is yellow instead of thinking it’s blue, but it doesn’t change the fact that the sky is blue. We have interviews from Blizzard in the first days of WoW claiming how they were surprised that players would often flock to the grind-like and fast way to achieve something, instead of seeking the fun way… And we can clearly see how this realization has shaped MMORPGs for a very long time now. Farmers allow MMORPGs to be mediocre games. You can believe otherwise, but it wouldn’t become any less true.

And you just answered your own point. If you think the Sky is blue, but someone tries to say its yellow, what changes the fact that the other person still thinks it yellow?…NOTHING!

If You think Farming is repetitive and unfun, but someone else thinks it is fun, What changes his opinion? Certainly not yours!

If I and many other players say that Guild Wars 2 is Great, but you think its mediocre, Nothing I say is going to change your opinion. So obviously Guild Wars 2 is a mediocre game, and you should stop playing it if thats what you think.


Imagine there were no farmers. Imagine everyone had the same amount of gold. We would have no absurdly priced item, simple because no one would be able to afford it. Wouldn’t make much of a difference if supply were a bit smaller, because trying to sell something for a small fortune would be more expensive than anyone in the game could buy.

There are games out like that already. Its called,…a Single Player Game! If you don’t like interacting with other players, (who I should remind you, are all human, and all are always looking for he next way to make a buck, even if its a digital buck) then go play a single player game where you will never have to worry about it!

There is no reason it could not be, other than how it would kitten off the players who love, as the OP put it, “getting gold, gearing up, getting minipets, buying skins and armor to show off”. Who happen to be the same players who want everyone else to not get gold, not gear up, not get minipets, not buy skins or armor, so they can “show off”. Are you sure you want to prioritize those players over everyone else?

Well, I have the perfect game world for you. Its called Call of Duty, where everyone has the same number of bullets and it takes raw skill to make it to the top,…or do people gripe about the people with too much skill? (….yeah, actually they do!)

Guildwars 2, if it were made into a perfect society like you want, where everyone is equal, everyone has the same amount of gold,…It,…Will,….FAIL. One person is going to take advantage of another, and get his gold, and the whole chain will keep going until one man has all the power and gold, and everyone else are bowing at his footsteps like the ants they let themselves become. Its what happened to Russia. It happened to Germany. It happened to Rome….oddly enough, once people stood up and said “Hey, Don’t Tread on Me!” is when these societies crumble and are replaced with new ones.

The only way to fix a society like this (including in a videogame) is to take away everything, Force everyone to live in a wall, and cut off all human interaction. No one can buy stuff from another person or player, no one can give stuff to another person or player, because that itself would create an imbalance. The only thing people are allowed to do with each other in a world like this, is simple look at each other. They aren;t allowed to speak or make faces, because that would create an imbalance. Everyone gets the same weapon and the same armor, and are the same race and gender, regardless of what they want to be. That’s a dull game, and that’s a game I don’t want to play!

actually erasculio is wrong because even if farmers never existed, only 1% of the game players will be rich and the rest would be poor because those would be TP players controlling the economy. Reminds you of real life eh?

This event has brought out the worst of GW2

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: Kronus.6048


And for the final kicker, not only did Anet not ban any players for farming the gauntlet, they also said they were aware of it and had plans to manage the economic impact. In other words….it was fully working as intended.

Oh and according to your reply, anet did not plan for players to farm gauntlet else they would not have nerfed it twice
The real kicker is – can you point a single post of mine in which I say people who farm the gauntlet are exploiters?

sure, you said this : ‘’Exploiting means playing the game in a way that was not intended’‘.OK so in other words we should ban players that do more than 1 different fractal, ban for all doing WVW if they take the same keep more than once, ban for those exploring all over again on more than character for rewards because that’s grinding, ban to everyone doing invasion more than once per map (oh wait achievement) and so on because anet said they don’t want anyone to farm. So in other words, let’s ban 90% of the population just for the sake of it!

Oh and according to your reply anet did not intended players to farm gauntlet because they nerfed it twice, therefore it was not intended

(edited by Kronus.6048)

open world pve is a breeze

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kronus.6048


just curious, are you a warr/guard?

I have done open world pve on every class

then unless you’re doing easy content with higher level character, you haven’t experienced real open world pve. Look at a warr breezing through mobs like it’s nothing, guards tanking 4-5 mobs in the same time while other classes struggle especially if one is a champ and a few veterans

open world pve is a breeze

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kronus.6048


a lot of people are dead bored of open world pve and can’t get themselves to level more than 2-3 characters to 80. I think a considerable portion of the problem is it being devoid of any challenge unless you go kill mobs 3-4 levels higher than you, but that doesn’t even make the xp you get that much better, certainly not with the longer fights and the possibility of death added. can we maybe increase the base difficulty to match fighting mobs 2-3 levels above you? and have lower level events give considerably less and higher level events considerably more xp..
I’d like to see more interesting event chains as well, because at the moment we have like 1 meta event/map which aren’t that interesting generally and a couple events that have like 1 followup event.. I’ve heard of plans to add new events but what are we talking here exactly?

just curious, are you a warr/guard?

New Player: 'This game is too complex'

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kronus.6048


BACK in my day, i was learning as i went. Wiki’s were not even fully made for GW2 yet and no dragon timers. Kids now and days :/

back in those times, grinding was present everywhere and was seen as a sign of patience. Now you have kids/casuals calling farmers exploiters and people with no skill.

New Player: 'This game is too complex'

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kronus.6048


In a way it is complex especially if it’s something like conditions from pets deal more damage and this complexity does indeed come from the devs laziness but if you did liandri, you’ll know the complexity of it was also because of buggy things like messed up camera, very annoying red circle that you barely see as well as lag thanks to the 70 other people below you spamming rainbow skills.

Liadri wasn’t complex, just terribly annoying.

Solving for the slope of a linear function is also kind of an annoyance, since the solution is right in front of your face.

At least that’s how I interpret annoying: easy to figure out, but not pleasing to execute.

Bad camera angles ftw

ok try frustrating then and I still wish you could color that dang circle to make it more visible. I loathed a lot of the moments spent in gauntlet due to those ‘’tiny hindrances’’

This event has brought out the worst of GW2

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: Kronus.6048


So the answer is, if we couldn’t farm aethers, we wouldn’t even be there.

Ok, bye.

Right now, each map goes into multiple overflows, which means worlds get their maps filled, and the exceeding players are enough to fill many maps. Assuming two thirds of the players there are the exploiters, which is quite a high number, removing them would still leave us with at least one map full of players – the difference being that those players actually want to play the game as intended and finish the event, instead of exploiting the champions.

We don’t need exploiters. They are not helping the game. Quite the opposite – they are leeching the players who want to do the event and so happen to help them clear the waves until the pirates come.

lol always ’’exploiters’’. I think you need to learn your definitions, seems like you have no clue what are you talking about. As for the leeching part,some of them actually want to rush until pirates.

Invasions & waypoints: Ellen Kiel

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kronus.6048


So with the invasions, we are waypointing all over. Aren’t you glad Ellen won? Reduced WP costs?

well people voted for kiel and they are the same ones complaining the gold sink is lower so…..yeah

New Player: 'This game is too complex'

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kronus.6048


no, but my point is that the same people that find that gw2 does not need a tutorial are the same guys that think everything is easy. I’ll give you an example that frustrates me, and that comes from a guy that finished liandri. Some traits/skills give you descriptions like ‘’increased hp regeneration’‘, ’’increased power’’, ‘’pets do more condition damage’’. Why do I have to test it as a player instead of getting the freaking % or number ? Instead of seeing it I have to take a sheet of paper, a calculator and start doing tests or check online for people that had to do that.

Yeah that’s the devs fault. Has nothing to do with complexity, but sheer laziness, unless they think they have something to gain by making players use others for testing purposes/test themselves.

In a way it is complex especially if it’s something like conditions from pets deal more damage and this complexity does indeed come from the devs laziness but if you did liandri, you’ll know the complexity of it was also because of buggy things like messed up camera, very annoying red circle that you barely see as well as lag thanks to the 70 other people below you spamming rainbow skills.

This event has brought out the worst of GW2

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: Kronus.6048


Consider this:

The champion farming zerg is there for one reason only: to make money. If we couldn’t farm aethers during the event, what do you think we would do? We wouldn’t decide to start actually DOING the event. The way this event is designed, its just like farming, except the rewards are garbage, and you have to waypoint all over the map instead of saying in one spot, or following a set path. Go here. Kill twisted. Go here. Kill twisted. Go here. Kill twisted. Its the same dull repetition as farming, but without the rewards. So the answer is, if we couldn’t farm aethers, we wouldn’t even be there.

The event isn’t fun either, for the reason I described above, so you’re not going to get a lot of general players either. There’s more fun to be had in dungeons, or WvW, or world boss farming. Each of those would probably be more rewarding too. A half hour spent farming world bosses can net you 6 rares, even on a bad day. So if its not rewarding, and its not fun, the who would do the event? Achievement farmers. That’s pretty much it. Do you think there’s enough achievement farmers to actually complete the event? Maybe at first, but a week into the event, when a lot of people have got their achievements, it’ll be a desert. Nobody would do it, and you’d never get to finish it.

The fact is, the zerg is a huge part of why the event ever succeeds, despite people saying that we make it fail. A series of bad design choices makes it fail. The zerg takes your focus off aetherblades so you can focus on twisted, if you really do want to complete it. So while we’re certainly not helping the event intentionally, we’re helping it unintentionally by focusing the achievement hunters on the twisted.

+1 on that psycho even if people don’t seem to read and all their thinking is ‘’OMG, FARMERS ARE EXPLOITERS!@#$’’ which is kind of funny, because without zergs you might not even have a chance in the first place to complete the events. Some of my guild mates ended up in bad overflows that had too few people and this event while it does scale , it doesn’t guarantee that your 10 people will complete it in the time frame unless each is a warr capable of soloing a different wave and assuming they are on TS communicating every action.

New Player: 'This game is too complex'

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kronus.6048


I think people should be more tolerant.

You may have played dozens of MMOs so to you Guild Wars 2 is easy. There are people who are playing this as their very first MMO and even more, I know a few people who are playing this as the very first game ever. Not just computer game, but very first game.

Everyone has different levels of experience, and knowledge and expecting people to find stuff easy because those who grew up with games find them easy isn’t particularly a nice way to invite newcomers to your game.

I think the OP has a point. There are things in this game that aren’t well explained and tutorials would help a portion of the player base.

But the thing is vayne, gw2 also is filled with elitists that want to pop the usual statement ’’I’m pro and all you guys are scrubs whining for nothing’’, so people saying that the tutorial is fine are the same ones that say liandri is cake, tier 4 with a team at trials was easy-pie and so on. I can’t remember the number of times I see people getting told ’’l2p’’ for any single thing.

Somehow, I think people who are asking for tutorials aren’t finding Liadri at all, never mind easy. lol

no, but my point is that the same people that find that gw2 does not need a tutorial are the same guys that think everything is easy. I’ll give you an example that frustrates me, and that comes from a guy that finished liandri. Some traits/skills give you descriptions like ‘’increased hp regeneration’‘, ’’increased power’’, ‘’pets do more condition damage’’. Why do I have to test it as a player instead of getting the freaking % or number ? Instead of seeing it I have to take a sheet of paper, a calculator and start doing tests or check online for people that had to do that.

New Player: 'This game is too complex'

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kronus.6048


I think people should be more tolerant.

You may have played dozens of MMOs so to you Guild Wars 2 is easy. There are people who are playing this as their very first MMO and even more, I know a few people who are playing this as the very first game ever. Not just computer game, but very first game.

Everyone has different levels of experience, and knowledge and expecting people to find stuff easy because those who grew up with games find them easy isn’t particularly a nice way to invite newcomers to your game.

I think the OP has a point. There are things in this game that aren’t well explained and tutorials would help a portion of the player base.

But the thing is vayne, gw2 also is filled with elitists that want to pop the usual statement ’’I’m pro and all you guys are scrubs whining for nothing’’, so people saying that the tutorial is fine are the same ones that say liandri is cake, tier 4 with a team at trials was easy-pie and so on. I can’t remember the number of times I see people getting told ’’l2p’’ for any single thing.

How GW2 Appeals To The 'Casual Kid' In Us

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kronus.6048


. The whole ‘’no trinity’’ works amazing as a concept but some stats barely change anything.

It’s not really fair to abandon a concept because of one specific implementation.

I’m all for more diversity, but unfortunately the new ’’meta’’ pushes you to go with the rest and go zerker since you never get rewarded for healing or anything else. How do they determine for instance in zerging event at champions who gets loot bags?a % damage that says you need zerker. How do you deal with fractals 40+ when most mobs hit really hard and you can get 1 shotted a lot?dps. The issue itself is that even if you have 3k+ toughness, you’ll die in 3-4 hits instead of 2. If you have healing gear, you’ll die just as fast if the boss decides to focus you. condition damage?capped. Why was 4 warr/1 mesmer the meta for speed farming cof1? Simple,because even though warr might not be NR1 damage dealer, you have the pack since you get HIGH damage, high hp and high armor coupled with zerker that equals crazy damage.

Yes I might hear soon the usual ‘’but thieves have the highest dps and the record for cof was with a ranger’‘. That is true, but you guys have to realize the team that did it was Pros knowing their class skills in their sleep and their whole focus was breaking the record. Just because 1 group did it,you won’t see people taking more rangers because 1 guy good with ranger doesn’t make the whole population of rangers ’’EPIC’’. As for thief, yeah amazing damage but squishy like hell, so not worth the effort.

Zerg Farming: Needs to be stopped.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kronus.6048


Ah – I only broke the ember farm once – and that was purely to carry on with the meta event. The lyssa one I broke either to get stuff from the karma vendor for myself, or to help guildies carry on with a given event. I won’t go about finishing events just to be a kitten about it – if only because I’m too lazy.

That’s one of the issues with some people doing. They finish some events JUST to kitten off zergs even if some CS escorts are hell. They see themselves as heroes and liberators, but it’s just a different type of trolling, except you’re also trolling the guys that did not insult them or anything.

Zerg Farming: Needs to be stopped.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kronus.6048


you’d be surprise to see how many people find that the most FUN thing to do is getting those sweet sweet loot. seeing some orange items gained over and over again.. opening boxes that gain them gold in hope of a rare chance to get the winning lottery.. even with all the repetition thats going on within the activity!
well sure.. some people like challenge and hard fights, but as much as how many of these people that like hard content, there are equal or more people that like ease content..
not all people think like you and your thought doesn’t represent all.
what you’re saying is just..
I find champ zerging / CoFarm / [insert next farm here] boring, and I dont want to see everybody else gain materials/ gold from them, thus the perfect thing to do is nerfing them!!!

Sweet sweet loot? from champ boxes? Well, GW2 characters will say that to about anything, they are pretty much mesmerized by spider leg drops.

I’ve opened 100’s of these boxes, I’m not seriously impressed say compared to boss encounters especially with the ones that have a ton of minions including many champs (doing full chains). There are cores though, those are nice, but then it just all unfolds from champs as I chase down the boss.

I do champ zergs sometimes though, but really just to kill time while waiting for a boss chain to start. Like waiting for SB, a good example, the champ zergs there are fairly civil, a lot of those people are waiting for SB too then move on to the next boss/zone when it’s all done. Others there are leveling, not worried about laying all the dps they can on the champ to the point of stepping over downed players getting in their way.

And that’s the thing Daywolf. People think farmers get orange items like candies. Personally in over 1000 boxes I’ve found 1 cobalt worth 18g and like 4-5 oranges worth 50s-1g. My friend got precursor with 0 mf ,no buff in pavilion while doing his daily. He made 450g profit in less than 1h. Is it fair?it’s RNG, so just because we farm a lot, it doesn’t mean we make crazy amounts since farming more than 2h is VERY frustrating and it doesn’t help when you have fanatics that are annoyed that farmers get more reward for the farming they’ve been doing for no reason.

8 Questions for...concerning Thief Madness?

in Thief

Posted by: Kronus.6048


lol thief tyranny? try warr tyranny. Massive dps,hp,armor forces us to play zerker in order to compete in pve environment because all of the content is made with ’’them’’ in mind therefore removing the diversity of other sets, As for thief tyranny, I saw let them come, my eng is MORE than happy to send then home with the tail between their legs

Farmers and Moral Superiority

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: Kronus.6048


If by tp trading you mean market manipulation, well I just don’t see that as an aspect of the game most are intended to play on the level of wall street mogul. Yes it exists and isn’t discouraged but I didn’t buy this game to watch a market and micromanage my investments in that market. To me that just doesn’t seem fun when I could be running about killing enemies in PvE, W3 or spvp.

Investments which I couldn’t make if I didn’t farm the initial gold to make those investments with. So two options, farming and trading but my real point is that a third option not tied into the economy for a personal (account bound) high end reward would be welcomed by some. I don’t begrudge farmers or traders their profits for those endeavors, I’d just simply like more options to exist. If they actually had some kind of story connection to my characters, I’d consider that a genuinely appropriate aspect to a supposedly story driven MMO.

TP trading, as in Buying and Selling, is far different from “Market Manipulation”.

lol because buying lots of products and keeping them in order to inflate the price is not manipulation or slowly raising the max price of the item .

New Player: 'This game is too complex'

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kronus.6048


I kind of prefer it this way. In today’s gaming world, we’re constantly being dragged by the nose through games like we’re idiots. Back in the day of the NES you just get thrown straight into a game and… that’s it, you;re on your own.

And it was good. Finding out what the heck was going on and figuring out how to do things was part of the experience and was a journey in itself.

In terms of dungeons, I tend to think they’re really level 80 content. I can’t see a party of lvl 35s actually going through AC’s exploration mode’s path 1 or 3.

Indeed, I totally love to use my calculator because anet had to do skills or traits similar to this ‘’increased healing regeneration’’ or ‘’pets deal more condition damage’’ and so on instead of indicating the amount/%

Zerg Farming: Needs to be stopped.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kronus.6048


I think that goes both ways. Yes there are people who won’t even help a downed player who isn’t even in a danger zone because they would rather spend those few seconds spamming damage. However, in the Queen’s Gauntlet for example, where the waypoint is just seconds away, players would be fully dead and will sit there and wait for someone in battle to res them. So one can say that the narrow channels for generating gold in GW2 spurs greedy attitudes but my god it does the same for downright laziness. And neither is good.

seconds away aka 20-30 seconds away. When you have to fight liandri for a few seconds or 1 min and walk for 30 seconds in between+ waiting time, it adds up fast

How GW2 Appeals To The 'Casual Kid' In Us

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kronus.6048


I interpret the OP as subtle criticism and have to agree.

He definitely is hitting the nail on the head for most things, particularly the lack of difficulty in PvE compared to other games as well as depth. People “speed rush” things, because there is generally no challenge in completing them with an ordinary group, i.e. most people can do it on their first try.

In some games people had to use spreadsheets to find the optimal DPS spec, here it’s merely labeled “berserker”.

The lack of a healer means the hectic job of a healer of managing his resources and watching health bars along with dodging whatever AoE the boss threw at him is completely lost. Similarly the role of watching aggro meters and positioning boss mobs that was often the duty of tanks is gone. DPS has always been a mindless position, but it seems like everybody has been brought down to that level instead of making it much more interesting.

Speaking of resources, there is almost nothing to manage. There is hardly any weight on making mistakes with respect to the resources that you can manage (e.g. clones, life force).

GW2 has pretty much taken the aspects of WoW/EQ and made them palatable to the average console action gamer, although there are some action games that are much more complex, so that isn’t meant to disparage all people who enjoy action games.

I think GW2 is a very fun, but very shallow and short-lived experience compared to the older games in the genre.

I got my moneys worth, so I can’t complain and I think that’s why people regard it as a good game: you get great graphics and enough content to keep you sitting for 100+ hours.

actually this whole ‘’gw2 is very casual’’ is also coming from people finding the most efficient way to play the game. You want something done super fast?zerker warriors. Highest damage,dmg set, what more can you ask for? The big issue is that you have plenty of bosses hitting super hard or 1 hit k.o but no defensive mechanic except dodge. Healing? meh, with a full healing set you won’t be a healer unless you’re an eng fully traited for that. The aggro is pretty random as well, so how do you deal with something unpredictable that can 1 hit k.o you? DPS it as much as possible with a warr since you’ll have best overall damage/tankyness/hp . The whole ‘’no trinity’’ works amazing as a concept but some stats barely change anything.

Zerg Farming: Needs to be stopped.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kronus.6048


Seeing 50 people walk over your downed body can get annoying, but I don’t expect anyone to revive me when it takes 5 seconds to waypoint and get back into the fight.

All I’ve noticed is that the update has brought out the whiners and weekend warrior tears; and to be honest, hardly any of it comes from “farmers”, its almost always “anti-farm” people starting arguments or griefing in some way. There are also a lot of people who apparently do not read patch notes.

yep, according to some players farming is anti-fun therefore anyone farming is a cheater/exploiter for not being happy with 2s per event

Farmers and Moral Superiority

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: Kronus.6048


The way things are set up the biggest rewards require farming. One must farm to create a legendary for example, either farm the gold to buy a precursor and mats or farm those mats directly. A long, personal story driven process to create a legendary, or slightly below it but fancy weapon, would be most welcome by me but that is not an option. The only option is to farm, farm, farm. So why begrudge those who are doing precisely what the game pushes them to do in order to attain the higher rewards?

because then TP traders won’t be able to regulate 100% of the products and their profits go down. Who do you think drive prices high the most?TP traders. People complain about inflation and how farmers get ’’legendaries’’ with no skill involved. Guess what, a farmer never does the same amount of gold as a TP trader. Those guys make 10% of their total gold per day and it just adds up more and more. Compare an average player to an average trader. Unless the average player has the patience of an elephant to farm the activity/farm area for several hours, the trader will make more money much easier as long as he sells low and buys high.

Btw vesp you said that the way things are set the greatest rewards require farming and that’s not true. A farmer still had to farm longer before he achieves his legendary unlike a tp trader.

Zerg Farming: Needs to be stopped.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kronus.6048


What’s sad in these instances is there are so many people that it would take two seconds to revive someone who is just downed but farmers can’t be bothered to stop pressing 1. When the game launched people doing events in zergs would not hesitate to revive someone.
The ember farmers were the worst of it, but the clockwerk crowd is better. I was in a zone last night where you did have people reviving downed players, even ones in melee range. It wasn’t very many, but you did see that idea of actually helping someone other than yourself returning to huge open world events. Myself and two other players even stopped to revive women’s who had fallen too far down a cliff when moving to the next event. While you’re not seeing the same level of helpfulness you used to, it is still there.

It’s not farmers particularly, but rather COF1 extreme elitist farmers. The ones asking four warrs/one mesmer. Those guys you could have avoided before and you never had to interact with them. Those are the same guys that troll/curse other people in CS/FG, so it’s kind of annoying to hear the same players that complained about them getting huge amounts with ‘’no effort’’ and now wonder why do those players get kitten ed if they complete X event. The lesson kids is that next time you complain about extremist farmers, think about the consequences.

Zerg Farming: Needs to be stopped.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kronus.6048


Actually that’s what happens when players complain about farmers. Cof1 was the most common thing, so anet nerfed it into the ground and made FG/CS the new farm zone. What did players do?they started complaining that the zergs are actually made of low IQ people that get money with 0 skill and that CS/FG was giving too much.Anet nerfed those areas and now they are at the living content event. This is what happens when you get greedy and blame everything on the farmers, you have to live with them.

Farmers and Moral Superiority

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: Kronus.6048


When farmers create a ton of gold and inject it into the economy, it causes inflation and screws over the rest of the playerbase which doesn’t farm.

Whether this effect is substantial or not is unclear. However, there is absolutely no denying that farming (specifically, the type that creates gold, i.e Deadeye and CoF) has the potential to harm the economy.

lol if you want to talk about who screws the rest of the playerbase, check the big TP traders, since they touch the economy way more than farmers

Open Pvp

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kronus.6048


I know that there is PvP on separate sectors with sepcial rules and items. I know there is somethink like “lagging” WvW areas, but is there possible to fight with another player who you will meet in regular games? Maybe there are some somespecial areas on Tyria map which I haven’t found where you might attack players freely…

no just no.nooooooo

Perplexity Runes are too strong

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kronus.6048


They need an internal cool down ASAP. On my engineer this is completely OP. My warrior can keep a tremendous amount of stacks on people constantly. My buddies interrupt mesmer is absurd.

Now, imagine a party of five all using this rune and doing AOE confusion. We did this and it was so broken. You can’t use cleanses fast enough and it wouldn’t be a huge issue if confusion didn’t affect dodge rolls, shield uses, and other abilities that are used to clear conditions.

well a party of 5 going on one guy isn’t much of a challenge so…

Perplexity Runes are too strong

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kronus.6048


I actually tried these new runes and the sigil of malice on my mesmer for about 2 days. The results honestly weren’t that great. Mesmer interrupt traits definitely need to be looked, they are all over the place. I have now respecced my mesmer back to shatter build as the interrupt build just wasnt cutting it. These are definitely not that OP on mesmers. I may try it on an engi though.

well the problem is not the mesmer…its the other classes that get more stacks,more viable for longe that a condition mesmer. 5stacks for 10 seconds is ridiculous. warriors and engis can pretty much spam interrupts…and if they change necros fera to work as an interrupts…wvw will be a nightmare.

warriors were always op, so nothing new here, Eng might work yes and I don’t see the problem considering we have so few builds and I see a ‘’if they change necros’’ so if RNG is on my side I’ll get 5 precursors as drops. In other words, stop worrying about ifs and focus on what’s in game atm

Perplexity Runes are too strong

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kronus.6048


Considering the fact those runes don’t affect pvp, I don’t see the problem. Warriors do insane damage in pve as well and they didn’t got nerfed yet so…

The "I give up beating Liadri" Club

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Kronus.6048


I never even started to challenge Liadri—can I still join the club?
Defeated all the rest, but I’m not going to put myself through all the stress of trying to defeat her cheap tricks.

Besides, I completed each of the main achievement threads via achievements other than Liadri.

Don’t give up without trying. After reading all the gripes on the forums I almost didn’t even try the gauntlet. But curiosity won out and I was able to 1 shot most of the fights leading up to her, and it took roughly a dozen fights to beat her, a bit over an hour and It was fun. Don’t give up just because someone else tells you it’s impossible without experiencing it for yourself.

Please tell us all how we can “one shot” the fights. I dont know of any combo + weaps + armor that would allow you to “one shot” the fights.

Next you will tell me you can “one shot” all the Champions as well. And that you “one shot” Zhiatan in a solo match.

ofc he can. You can one shot champs and any mob if you can petrify them, all it takes is for them to look in his eyes.

Tyre Ragemaw

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Kronus.6048


After killing Tyre Ragemaw about 1/4 of the time I will have Liadri spawn directly afterwards.

I get no pauses or stops in fighting. I take whatever gambits I have from the previous to the next fight. It is getting seriously out of hand. Out of 5 fight this happened 3 times at one point.

I have also had this to happen:
-A friend and I were put into the dome at the same time with our two respective bosses at the same time.
-I have had leftover bosses stay after someone fails.
-I have had instant death on teleportation into the dome

The list goes on. Either I am a cursed account or this is bugged to H***.

You have to thank the testers for that, they are the ones focusing on the bugs(missed ones)

Change Magic find to Movement Speed.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kronus.6048


No, thanks. If I have to have stats on armor, I would prefer not to have them be stats that do not relate to combat numbers.

and how will it helps if say tomorrow they add precision instead of mf and your build doesn’t use precision? Better to be a stat that’s helpful than some other trash . Think of the ascended gear

Liadri alienates a lot of gw2 players

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Kronus.6048


9 pages already and here is my view on Liadri. The difficulty is fine the way it is as. At first it seem like that insanely impossible clock tower but once you get the mechanic and have a good rhythm then it was down to executing it and you have to be at the top of your game. I certainly welcome this challenge to test my build and class and appreciate Anet adding something like this in. I have beaten it in my leisure time fyi but still legendary weapon will be out of my grasp.

On the subject of a nerf, it would do great injustice for those who put the time and effort on understanding the mechanic to complete it. Bunch of baddies should not have their way because you can’t brute force your way through like many content in this game. I certainly do not want everyone running around with one as it would lose any special value it currently represent. You can continue to complain about the camera and other bug that made it difficult (I am sure they are aware by now) but you have to overcome those challenge and persevere. It boil down to one thing, if you want something you have to work hard for it.

I beat it and I still think liandri is a piece of trash, lazy design coming from devs that had 0 imagination and just wanted to annoy the players. As for the so called ‘’special value’‘, only elitists have that representation of it. ’’Look at how awesome I am,got liandri while you noobs will never get it’’. Sorry, but I have liandri’s mini and I regret I had to spend so much time at a buggy mini-game.

It is just a mini pet (cosmetic item) and not some op gear that you HAVE to do and you don’t need to be an elitist to want your achievement to have value. Someone mention that it was a test about your knowledge and skill. Not all will pass so for me personally it was a great moment once I beaten it.

more like patience to overcome all the bugs and the frustration from the tiny things . Skill?after all the liandri tries, I don’t feel more skilled than before

Liadri alienates a lot of gw2 players

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Kronus.6048


9 pages already and here is my view on Liadri. The difficulty is fine the way it is as. At first it seem like that insanely impossible clock tower but once you get the mechanic and have a good rhythm then it was down to executing it and you have to be at the top of your game. I certainly welcome this challenge to test my build and class and appreciate Anet adding something like this in. I have beaten it in my leisure time fyi but still legendary weapon will be out of my grasp.

On the subject of a nerf, it would do great injustice for those who put the time and effort on understanding the mechanic to complete it. Bunch of baddies should not have their way because you can’t brute force your way through like many content in this game. I certainly do not want everyone running around with one as it would lose any special value it currently represent. You can continue to complain about the camera and other bug that made it difficult (I am sure they are aware by now) but you have to overcome those challenge and persevere. It boil down to one thing, if you want something you have to work hard for it.

I beat it and I still think liandri is a piece of trash, lazy design coming from devs that had 0 imagination and just wanted to annoy the players. As for the so called ‘’special value’‘, only elitists have that representation of it. ’’Look at how awesome I am,got liandri while you noobs will never get it’’. Sorry, but I have liandri’s mini and I regret I had to spend so much time at a buggy mini-game.

Liadri alienates a lot of gw2 players

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Kronus.6048


I say, give easy mode and hard mode.

Easy mode: Liadri has 75% less HP, does 75% less damage, and does not have a cripple skill. No rifts spawn and once phase 2 starts, the aoe 1shot kills stop. Remove all 1 shot kills.

Hard mode: The way it is now.

Rewards for easy mode: both achievements and the miniature
Rewards for hard mode: botch achievements, the miniature and 10gold

EDIT: oh, and people don’t spawn DEAD outside the dome on the catwalk. We spawn alive and well.


“Give me a free mini.”

Swap the rewards and I’ll support it. Easymode and hardmode both get 10g, while hardmode only gives the mini.

The whole point of the mini is for the hardmode players to have some form of representation that they are indeed hardmode. There is currently no other means ingame (Sorry legendary users, I respect you but have no proof of skill).

Not true. Let’s be honest, how many times have you sent your minion to the bank? I’ve sent mine countless times when depositing all simply because you cannot lock them. On the other hand after completing the event I wouldn’t mind if they nerfed the content to make it easier because guess what? It doesn’t make my prize any worse than someone else. I would still know that I acquired my mini the HARD way and overall it did not make me look toward future content since I know the moment they add liandri 2.0 I’m deleting gw2.

It doesn’t matter /what/ it is, I worked for the prize I was given. If they suddenly made it much easier, I will be kitten ed regardless of what the reward was because now my reward was in vein. I could have waited and gotten it easier.

Lol, so in other words it’s an entitlement thing? Personally, I’ve tried 150+ times before achieving it and I would not feel cheated by the prize simply because personally I know I worked harder to get mine, and I don’t have to shove it in other people’s faces that I’m more ’’pro’’ than them.

Do you not know what an achievement is?

indeed an objective accomplished through either skill or perseverance. HOWEVER, they should just give the dang mini to people with 150-200+ tries,that’s some serious perseverance.

Liadri alienates a lot of gw2 players

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Kronus.6048


I say, give easy mode and hard mode.

Easy mode: Liadri has 75% less HP, does 75% less damage, and does not have a cripple skill. No rifts spawn and once phase 2 starts, the aoe 1shot kills stop. Remove all 1 shot kills.

Hard mode: The way it is now.

Rewards for easy mode: both achievements and the miniature
Rewards for hard mode: botch achievements, the miniature and 10gold

EDIT: oh, and people don’t spawn DEAD outside the dome on the catwalk. We spawn alive and well.


“Give me a free mini.”

Swap the rewards and I’ll support it. Easymode and hardmode both get 10g, while hardmode only gives the mini.

The whole point of the mini is for the hardmode players to have some form of representation that they are indeed hardmode. There is currently no other means ingame (Sorry legendary users, I respect you but have no proof of skill).

Not true. Let’s be honest, how many times have you sent your minion to the bank? I’ve sent mine countless times when depositing all simply because you cannot lock them. On the other hand after completing the event I wouldn’t mind if they nerfed the content to make it easier because guess what? It doesn’t make my prize any worse than someone else. I would still know that I acquired my mini the HARD way and overall it did not make me look toward future content since I know the moment they add liandri 2.0 I’m deleting gw2.

It doesn’t matter /what/ it is, I worked for the prize I was given. If they suddenly made it much easier, I will be kitten ed regardless of what the reward was because now my reward was in vein. I could have waited and gotten it easier.

Lol, so in other words it’s an entitlement thing? Personally, I’ve tried 150+ times before achieving it and I would not feel cheated by the prize simply because personally I know I worked harder to get mine, and I don’t have to shove it in other people’s faces that I’m more ’’pro’’ than them.

Anet, gw2 hardcore or casual?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kronus.6048


Make a thief spec perma stealth, they will never bother you.

that’s not a solution though, we shouldn’t have to use 1 class for something so casual.

Anet, gw2 hardcore or casual?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kronus.6048


I must have missed those zones. Odd. :P

That is because they make stealth changes that no one notices until they revisit the old areas. Look at the patch on 6 August. Everyone noticed the new risen abilities/risen jesters/npcs with lower morale in Orr area . The reason why everyone noticed is because the area is visited very frequently

Anet, gw2 hardcore or casual?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kronus.6048


No, my comment toward exploration and mob cc is because while it is casual, the constant hindrance from speed reduction/cc can frustrate players to the point where it ruins the ’’fun’’. I find that content personally pretty casual and yet I despise exploration due to those factors. Now put a casual in the same shoes having to deal with those.

I’m so sorry that the highest level zone in the game, considered the hardest open world zone, can be frustrating for them because of all those pesky risen hindering their progress.

Perhaps Hello Kitty Island would be a more appropriate MMO for them.

um this issue happens in many areas lol, not only Orr.

Anet, gw2 hardcore or casual?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kronus.6048


Before you get too aggressive with your ’’I’m so pro while you’re so casual’’ I already finished darkness achievement so your l2p comment is pointless, now that is sad! Also, who are you to judge who is casual and who isn’t? If I was a casual doing something like exploration, it would be annoying as heck because the mobs do their best to slow you down ,immobilize or simply CC. That’s the kind of proof that says the devs aren’t quite sure the direction they are going in

No, you’re not understanding. I’m not saying I’m pro, whether I’m incredible or have trouble tying my shoes has no relevance here. I’m saying that you obviously have no grasp of what “hardcore” is if you think the items you listed are “hardcore” and really? Now you bring up exploration and mob CC as a point of hardcore?

What you consider “hardcore” is obviously the inability to drool your way through content. Just because a game element requires a small amount of focus and tactic, does not mean it’s “hardcore”

My L2p comment wasn’t necessarily just for you, it’s for anybody with the audacity to say the game is hardcore because they can’t trim their toe nails while doing their personal story.

No, my comment toward exploration and mob cc is because while it is casual, the constant hindrance from speed reduction/cc can frustrate players to the point where it ruins the ’’fun’’. I find that content personally pretty casual and yet I despise exploration due to those factors. Now put a casual in the same shoes having to deal with those.

Anet, gw2 hardcore or casual?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kronus.6048


To be honest the game is pretty much a mess.

That’s what I’m thinking as well. If I look at fractals for for instance, people say before it’s easy, others say 1-20 is easy,others that it doesn’t get until 40+, while others find even the first ones hard/annoying due to jumping puzzles for instance.

Temples, another issue. If you ask hardcore players, they are easy, casual content, but the changes recently made some champions spam wells ,bomb on everyone that 1 hit k.o npcs and more abilities/buff to risen. If I was a casual playing that I would not find mobs 1 shooting npcs with skills normal at all, but rather annoying and seem as a more hardcore content. On the top of that you have hardcore players that don’t really find anything hard or just troll for the sake of it even if they did not completed the content discussed.

Anet, gw2 hardcore or casual?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kronus.6048


I’m sorry… Really? This game is as casual as it can possibly be. I think Liadri may be the most difficult PvE element they’ve added and even that just takes a little practice, a little effort.

I had no idea people were complaining about personal story but having solo’d my personal story up until the final mission on several classes, I can safely say it’s doable for virtually any class. (Personally done it on Guardian, Warrior, elementalist, Mesmer, and thief.)

It may just be that you’re too casual… For even the casuals. There are a mere handful of challenging fights in this game.

Learn to play, the game was made for casual play, and apparently some can’t even manage that. It’s sad.

Before you get too aggressive with your ’’I’m so pro while you’re so casual’’ I already finished darkness achievement so your l2p comment is pointless, now that is sad! Also, who are you to judge who is casual and who isn’t? If I was a casual doing something like exploration, it would be annoying as heck because the mobs do their best to slow you down ,immobilize or simply CC. That’s the kind of proof that says the devs aren’t quite sure the direction they are going in

Anet, gw2 hardcore or casual?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kronus.6048


Personal story are meant to be hard alone and quite trivial with friends so you make some friends, casual one.
The escort quest is meant to be that hard, you are not alone, it is meant to include at least 10 person, and it’s quit trivial when you are around 80-90.
Fractal 1-9 is casual friendly, so stop complainning that fractal is not for casual, 1-9 is way easier and faster than arah 1 2 4. And arah have been done by countless casual pug.
Gauntlet : CHANGE YOUR BUILD!!!! It’s affordable by anyone, and let casual try out new build against set type of ennemy. Gw2 is about you, changing your build to adapt. There is some very effective build, but the one you make are viable too! Just try out new things, casual doesn’t mean brainless, if you see that your build don’t work, just change it, the instructor is near the wayppoint.

I actually disagree with personal story meant to be hard alone. I mean seriously, it’s called a personal story, not the group story. Not everyone is happy to go in X quest because Y person is not one of the easy classes.

Anet, gw2 hardcore or casual?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kronus.6048


Since the beginning of the game, many changes have been done that made the game either more ’’casual’’ or more ’’hardcore’’. Many people don’t necessary see this , but it’s pretty obvious. Take for example those things:

-Personal Story – There have been complaints about personal story not being casual enough since many missions are hard by design unless you are X class or unless you bring friends to help you

-Recent change to Risen: Apparently Anet have fixed a bug to the Risen unit which magically gives risen 100 extra skills that hit for even more and also the morale of escort quests for temples that makes those quests nearly impossible

-Fractals: Fractals are not for everyone since it takes an insane amount of time where you have to deal with supposedly the hardest dungeons in game filled with jumping quests and traps

-queen’s gaunlet: Pretty obvious even though it was plagued with bugs.

The game used to be casual but now turns more hardcore. My question to Anet is really this: What kind of gamers do you really want? You cannot please all the parties because no matter what you try a side will always complain.