Showing Posts For Kuari.8106:

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kuari.8106


no need of that class of healer, is useless and you will never learn to real survive with it.

Not really sure where you’re getting your information from joe-bob. I played a disc priest in wow and could whip anyone’s asset – yes, a weak, lowly healer like a priest could whip your asset any day bub. Perhaps you just either suck at the game or were rude to the healers and that’s why they didn’t heal your sorry self. I don’t know but I’ve been playing probably from before you were in diapers and the only time a healer doesn’t heal is when they’re dealing with annoying fks.

Or maybe he just doesn’t like the standard trinity or dealing with arrogance of “I’m the healer, do as I want or screw you” which is pretty common in games where they are required. Lot of reasons possible beyond the ones you give in that arrogant display. Just because someone doesn’t like something does NOT equal unskilled. He’s right though, the standard trinity is not needed. There are ways to still do the roles of the trinity in a semi-dedicated way, just you need to do more in addition. The only issue I’ve seen in that regard in this game are from people who can’t adapt to something new.

No, clearly Joe-bob says: “no need of that class of healer, is useless and you will never learn to real survive with it.” This is utter crap and that was my point.

Actually it kind of isn’t… trinity style fights, healing is a requirement because of the unavoidable aspect of many of the larger scale fights and a lot of people use it as a crutch to ignore the aspects they CAN do something about. Without it, you’re forced to think more.

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kuari.8106


no need of that class of healer, is useless and you will never learn to real survive with it.

Not really sure where you’re getting your information from joe-bob. I played a disc priest in wow and could whip anyone’s asset – yes, a weak, lowly healer like a priest could whip your asset any day bub. Perhaps you just either suck at the game or were rude to the healers and that’s why they didn’t heal your sorry self. I don’t know but I’ve been playing probably from before you were in diapers and the only time a healer doesn’t heal is when they’re dealing with annoying fks.

Or maybe he just doesn’t like the standard trinity or dealing with arrogance of “I’m the healer, do as I want or screw you” which is pretty common in games where they are required. Lot of reasons possible beyond the ones you give in that arrogant display. Just because someone doesn’t like something does NOT equal unskilled. He’s right though, the standard trinity is not needed. There are ways to still do the roles of the trinity in a semi-dedicated way, just you need to do more in addition. The only issue I’ve seen in that regard in this game are from people who can’t adapt to something new.

ComingTo WvW on 12/14 (renamed)

in WvW

Posted by: Kuari.8106


If they can control the entire board and NOT take the last remaining tower, they already have a lot of teamwork.

There’s always going to be pugs. Once the wall goes down, pugs are going to go finish that lord off.

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kuari.8106


I would just like to be able to so something more than give 2 -3second buffs and DPS.

This is the only game I’ve ever told people “learn to play” in.. because of comments like that. There’s plenty. Figure it out.

ComingTo WvW on 12/14 (renamed)

in WvW

Posted by: Kuari.8106


wouldn’t it be easy to circumvent the breakout events by the opposing team(s) in control just by leaving one tower alone in a zone they dominated?

In theory, but at the same time, then you’re giving the opposing team a staging ground and a place to place siege in relative safety. Also gives them a place to go. Easier to push past a group to get into a defensive position then it is to wipe a group out.

I don’t think so. All the opposing team would have to do is control the one remaining tower, just not take it. They could theoretically keep the gates and walls down, just never killing the Lord.

That level of teamwork is absurdly unlikely. Especially if there’s siege in the lord’s room.

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kuari.8106


There are healing and tank specs in the game, they just don’t work quite like your standard healing and tanking. Which imo is a good thing. Guardians make great tanks, just gotta know what abilities to lay down and when.

ComingTo WvW on 12/14 (renamed)

in WvW

Posted by: Kuari.8106


wouldn’t it be easy to circumvent the breakout events by the opposing team(s) in control just by leaving one tower alone in a zone they dominated?

In theory, but at the same time, then you’re giving the opposing team a staging ground and a place to place siege in relative safety. Also gives them a place to go. Easier to push past a group to get into a defensive position then it is to wipe a group out.

Checking in: rendering fixed yet?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kuari.8106


Because they already said it was for one thing. Someone from ArenaNet stated as such. Beyond that? The lack of lag. If they were trying to send more data over the network than the computer/connection can handle, that results in noticeable lag. Unless they were detecting your specs from the server and limiting based on that, but I’m not sure if that’s even possible. At the very least its not what they’ve said they are doing and if they are, it clearly wouldn’t be working right if it was given the situation.

But yeah, they’ve flat out said they limit the number they report to any given client. There’s even a sticky post involving a new culling system they are trying out that changes some of the reporting priorities. In fact, the initial post describing culling was linked on this page. If an ArenaNet employee admitting to it and its issues isn’t enough for people to realize that its a server side issue, nothing will be good enough.

(edited by Kuari.8106)

New Culling Trial (Ended)

in WvW

Posted by: Kuari.8106


Quit making culling just number based. Should be distance based, and if there aren’t any foes within that distance THEN numbers. If there are 200 people within 100 ft of me, I should be able to see 200 regardless, friend, foe or otherwise. Being able to render some people outside that range allows for some preloading at least and for scouting to be reasonably effective.

ComingTo WvW on 12/14 (renamed)

in WvW

Posted by: Kuari.8106


So instead of addressing the issue in Wvw of why players log out/alt+F4 (which is broken armor having no place in pvp and causing players to play excessively safe) You are implementing a auto death that not only will make sure current players who use the work around for a bad system never play wvw again, but also hurts players who may have internet issues and DC…Good one…If u simply removed dmg armor on death in wvw that wouldve solved the issue in a nutshell…but glad ur trying to kill pvp even more so ^.^ claps

Part of the game economy and encouragement to not act stupidly. Its absurdly easy to turn massive profits in PvP, just gotta know what you’re doing and not beat your head against a brick wall. That’s where people lose money. When they are losing they always try the same zerg tactic over and over, dying repeatedly and losing money. Plenty of tools to counter a zerg in the game, people just need to use them (IE, mesmer drops that field that removes all boons, guardian drops wards behind it, bam, stability gone, knocked back, leaving zerg open for AoE hell, which is still pretty effective despite target limit.)

Checking in: rendering fixed yet?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kuari.8106


The people claiming that they don’t have this issue are kind of annoying. Your computer doesn’t magically solve a server-side issue. If the server is only reporting 50 characters total to your computer at any given time, you’re only going to see 50 characters regardless of your specs. If you haven’t noticed this issue its either you’re on an absurdly low population server or you aren’t paying attention. Claim whatever you want, this is the fact of the matter. You’re being limited just as much as everyone else. You could have a fiber optic connection and it wouldn’t be any better with the current setup. Though I suppose that makes calling it a “rendering issue” not quite the right terminology. Its a server-side reporting issue that needs to be fixed ASAP. Its why I’m not currently playing. Pretty much the only reason actually despite having a computer that can run current-gen games smoothly.

Suppose there’s a possibility the people claiming otherwise are just trolls, but either way, claiming the issue is client-side in any form is just plain wrong regardless.

Bag of gold. Not sure if bad luck or possible bug.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Kuari.8106


Better thing to call it would be a “coin purse”.

Why does price of gems change when you buy them?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Kuari.8106


In otherwords, its like the stock market. If you’re smart, you can find ways to manipulate the hell out of it, buying low and selling high. I’m sure many people do.

Prices on T6 fine mats spiking extremely?!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Kuari.8106


It is still market manipulation no matter what way you slice it
It is just manipulation from Anet
If they got rid of bots and deleted their listings, then they manipulated the market to force prices up

Could you define how you use the term manipulation in this sense?

Somehow I have the impression that you use it in a manner that is different than my use of it and it is confusing me.


John Smith’s quote, paraphrasing, that “prices are going up to their natural/supposed level again” is market-manipulative. It’s an authority making a normative statement, imposing a will upon/nudging the market. Right there we have an external factor telling us/defining what is apparently natural and normal and what isn’t.

Not really manipulation. At least not in the intentional sense. Its a supply and demand thing. The supply dropped while the demand has remained, so yeah, it was a natural progression of the price.

Stealth nerf on ecto drops

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Kuari.8106


…why would people think its a 100% chance when it would be the rare material a lot of kits mention in their description? And really, even at 50%, there is such thing as a string of bad luck.

Engineer bugs compilation

in Engineer

Posted by: Kuari.8106


  • Coated Bullets allow to hit the same target multiple times under certain circumstances. (max range or when the shot is stopped by the environment) (unconfirmed)

Just want to comment that this doesn’t seem like a bug. As far as I know it only works on explosive shot, BUT HERE’S WHY. It causes explosive shot to pierce. The explosion will trigger on each thing it hits. So what happens if it hits and then hits something else that triggers its explosion? If they are close enough, they will be affected by the second explosion’s AoE effect, so basically they are getting hit by the main attack, and an AoE that was triggered by the attack hitting something else.

Torch - Engineer Weapon!

in Engineer

Posted by: Kuari.8106


I say give them torch, but make their attacks a bit unique. Like make it kind of a turret spec thing as an offhand weapon. 5 drops a cannon. Maybe make 4 like a molotov kittentail that works similar to the mortar incendiary.

Suggestions on a WvW build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Kuari.8106


If you don’t mind losing out on wall suppression, pistols with the piercing trait. Explosive shot will do A LOT of damage against zergs with that. I have actually nearly taken out entire groups with that and Elixir U. Its the only setup I know in the game where mokittengets actually means exponentially more damage and hitting 4-7 targets in close proximity to eachother is actually not as uncommon as you would think. Its VERY situational, but it happens.

Basically how it works is with piercing? Explosive shot can hit multiple targets. Every person that main shot hits will trigger the explosion. So basically if you hit four people in close proximity to eachother? You’re literally hitting them four times each with that one shot.

I feel like I'm hitting with a wet noodle.

in Engineer

Posted by: Kuari.8106


Pistol engineers don’t really show their full strength until they getting the piercing shot… if you hit a clump of enemies with explosive shot using that, you do a lot more damage the more you hit with the main shot.

I feel kind of useless in WVW.

in Engineer

Posted by: Kuari.8106


My problem with kits is that they just don’t scale nearly as well as weapons… but yeah, pretty much pistols/rifles are your heavy hitters. If you’re pistol specced with the piercing shot, your explosive shot can do ABSURD amounts of damage against a zerg, especially with Elixir U. Grenades are your wall suppression/defense spec though. That additional grenade is VERY useful.

Either way, big thing I think they need to do is allow weapon sigils to work with the kits out at the very least. Preferably the weapon stats too.

Reducing the Effectiveness of Zerging

in WvW

Posted by: Kuari.8106


OldRodKS, taking down a fully upgraded keep in a minute is impossible unless they invested in absurd amonts of siege.

Fully upgraded, you are right – not in 1 minute, but I was just trying to make a point. I didn’t mean literally one minute.

However, I have seen groups with 3-4 golems take down a keep that the enemy had just captured (so no defenses yet) in not much more than a minute. That shouldn’t happen.

Given the cost of golems, I don’t see why it shouldn’t. They’re a pain to set up and make. I mean, if you see that coming, you get defenses up to destroy those golems or you kiss the keep goodbye.

How do you level in WvWvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Kuari.8106


In fact, I think you get experience every 3 minutes that you hold off an attack, but don’t quote me on that – seems like I’ve seen it anyway.

You do, as long as you’re hitting attackers a reasonable amount in that 3 minute time period.

Reduce stats further for high levels in low level zones

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kuari.8106


Here’s the thing… the down leveling is based on your gear some it looks like… so if you’re going to a level 10 area in all exotics, it seems to treat you like a level 10 in exotics, which how many level 10s are equipped in exotics?

Can we have an option to auto cast AoE Effects at your current target?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kuari.8106


Lots of buttons on a mouse don’t make up for the fact you can’t run and manipulate the camera at the same time as using a ground targeting skill.

Except you can do that to the same level as anyone else if you know how to set it up. Hell, if you press the same button again with the ground targeting active it will cast the spell, so not like you need to left click for it.

How do you level in WvWvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Kuari.8106


Same way you level anywhere else, though your best bet would be manning siege and defending places likely. If you’re getting your butt kicked, maybe you shouldn’t be there yet or figuring out better siege placement.

Reducing the Effectiveness of Zerging

in WvW

Posted by: Kuari.8106


OldRodKS, taking down a fully upgraded keep in a minute is impossible unless they invested in absurd amonts of siege.

In any case, there are already plenty of ways to make a zerg not be the end all. As other people have stated. Don’t like the way things are going? Its time for a new strategy. Rarely are the issues merely numbers once you get to the higher tiers.

Please bring end game gears progression to the game

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kuari.8106


gem slots meaning like the ones in your accessories, back slot, etc. Either way, its no more a waste of time than farming for better and better and better gear only to eventually top out. Enjoy the content for the sake of content because that’s what you’d have to do anyways.

Can we have an option to auto cast AoE Effects at your current target?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kuari.8106


1. Bringing an arguement with someone from one thread to another is bad form, and suggesting that wanting this option is lazy is very bigoted of you. I wonder how you’d change your tune if you lost a hand.
2. Perhaps his friend (or my friends who have mouse problems, for that matter) doesn’t want to spend an extra $80 for a mouse, when he could just have an optional mechanic in place in GW2 that worked perfectly fine in GW1

OK, first off, you should clarify who each of those points are at, because that number 1 point had me confused as hell for a bit. Secondly, I still recommend the mouse because no amount of UI features is going to fix all or even most of the issues he’d have. Its not that I don’t understand, its more that sometimes just need to adapt.

The Class for WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: Kuari.8106


Pistol engineers are lethal against clumps of enemies, just wall suppression will be more difficult.

Remove Orange Swords and Other Propositions

in WvW

Posted by: Kuari.8106


Uh, no… they represent hot spots. Don’t like triggering them, start taking some tricks from DAoC and applying them here. Having a couple small teams that don’t trigger swords attacking places is actually pretty effective.

Please bring end game gears progression to the game

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kuari.8106


Do you have the Triforge Amulet?
Do you have a Lengendary weapon?
Gem slots filled?
Good accessories?
Your character look how you want it?

Lots of stuff you can be doing.

Can we have an option to auto cast AoE Effects at your current target?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kuari.8106


“Click on your friends?”

Because this game’s UI is really good for that.

As an option, maybe, why not. It’ll let the little zerglins who just know how to mash 1-5 start using staffs more, I guess.

I’ll just go tell my friend who lost his hand in a traffic accident he can’t go play 50% of the class / weapon combos in the game because you say he is a “Little zeglin”.

All I am asking for is a bloody option to fix an annoying UI element that will also help disabled gamers as a side effect. No-one will force you to use it.

Your friend would probably be better off getting one of those mice with a lot of buttons and binding everything to that. Would be the most effective option.

Traveling Costs Have To Go

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kuari.8106


I’m a little confused at why people would be losing money from waypoint fees… been using them to get to areas to explore, usually make my money back in two events, a couple hearts, or selling drops. Maybe a little more of an issue at 100% completion, but the profit has been WAY outweighing the cost. Still, the lack of there being some free hubs is a little iffy.

Fix the Free Travel to Lions Arch exploit

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kuari.8106


You know, I have to wonder… what happens in the off chance that you die without enough money to cover the waypoint costs?


in Suggestions

Posted by: Kuari.8106


Just a thought that came to mind. Being able to have a crosshair mode that can be used instead of actual targetting would be really nice. There are times I want to use the Explosive Shot of my Engineer in a certain direction rather than at a target, but aiming without a target is REALLY unwieldly. Especially given that I often apply the pistol shot piercing trait to it, there are a lot of situations where this would be more beneficial than having a target. It would also be useful for other targeted line AoEs as height of the mob often affects the aim.

WvW Score Board is having a negative effect on player mentality

in WvW

Posted by: Kuari.8106


…ok, to 1, that should be the point. People should want to knock them out of first place. They are winning the match at the time, so regardless of the pie chart, they are the ones with the edge. Just because they aren’t holding a lot at that moment doesn’t mean that they weren’t the strongest for the majority of the time up until that point.

To 2, that can happen regardless of the score. Fair weather players when they see a server they know is even remotely a challenge just won’t show up even before the scores get anywhere. Honestly, the current outmanned bonus should be a bonus for the lowest ranked of a tier to encourage them to join while the outmanned gives some kind of stat boost.

Mesmers Portal Over Walls?

in WvW

Posted by: Kuari.8106


Its viable. They have a teleport that can get them onto the walls and then from there they find a portal spot. This is a reasonable strategy, just the rendering issue makes it a bit unfair.

Please return to Split PVE & PVP Skill Design

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kuari.8106


I see no reason not to do this.. balancing for PvE and balancing for PvP are two VERY fundamentally different things. If you try to balance a single ability around both, you end up only doing one or none. This has been proven again and again and again.

80 supply to destroy 4000 supply

in WvW

Posted by: Kuari.8106


The only issue I see is night capping, which ok, you can’t stop people from playing at nights, that’d be ridiculous, BUT some balancing needs to be done. You can’t expect every server to have a sizeable number of people 24 hours a day. I’d suggest improving the outmanned buff, even to the point where it aids NPCs, but even that wouldn’t be enough with treb artillery taking out walls from an adjacent tower or keep. Maybe reduce the number of points servers get if a server’s current population at that time of day is too low to reasonably fill up the queues? It wouldn’t stop night capping, but it’d give all servers a fair shot at winning. The night capping would still be an advantage, but it wouldn’t bring victory against servers that otherwise decimate the other two sides like it can now.

Patch notes - Still no reward for support?

in WvW

Posted by: Kuari.8106


There really is no logical reason why support actions shouldn’t give some level of contribution for loot drop chances. It would need to be a significantly lower chance though to account for the fact that it’d affect a vastly larger number of loot drops.

Really, even if support specced people throw some damage in, the chance of loot seems to be based on HOW MUCH damage they do.

Are free server transfers ruining wvw?

in WvW

Posted by: Kuari.8106


What they should do is make it where transferring to a high pop server makes it where you can’t participate in WvW for say a month. Moving to a lower pop could be allowed quickly and perhaps with some sort of bonus given to low pop servers in general (not just to new transfers to avoid low pop server hopping just to maintain the bonus).

Creation stays the same. Don’t want to seperate new players from whatever friends they might have on a high population server.