Showing Posts For Kungkonung.6758:
Yeah, the gear is in general pretty darn ugly, and it doesn’t really help that there is so little to choose from, either.
If you’re a class who’s wearing medium armor you better like trenchcoats and skirts as much as ANet, otherwise you can consider yourself trolled. And let’s not get started with the completely uninspired head-pieces.
RamzaBehoulve: “ANet is quick at banning bots and gold sellers.” – based on what? Your anecdotal experiences? There’s bunches of bots who have been standing and farming pretty much the same spots since day 1, so I call bullkitten on your claim.
Stopped logging in 1½ week ago due to gamebreaking patches, features, bugs, and a blatant lack of content.
I stopped logging in until instances are fixed. I have been considering rolling an alt but then i just play torchlight hardore
much more fun.
What then are you doing on the forum?
Eh… Probably keeping tabs on the state of the game. Can’t (s)he?
(edited by Kungkonung.6758)
The incompetence on ANet’s part is mind-numbing. Get some kitten GMs to go around and ban botters if another solution is too hard to come up with. Christ.
(edited by Kungkonung.6758)
Racist isn’t the right term, I think the word your looking for is nationalist but that’s besides the point . I think if it’s the EU server people have the right to speak in their native tongue . With that said however I’m not sure its a good idea to post such a topic here as it will likely end in a flame war
Lol, that’s not the right term either. It’s common decency to speak the proper language in the proper server, simple as that.
No, it is not. It is merely the opinion of some people.
It is. There are servers specifically for german, french, and spanish people, but none for english-speaking people in the EU with your logic.
It’s an EU server, so they can speak any EU language by definition.
Saying they must speak English is just absurd.
Are you naive enough to believe that only Brits play on EU servers?
So you’re saying that Germany, France, and Spain doesn’t belong to the EU?
Racist isn’t the right term, I think the word your looking for is nationalist but that’s besides the point . I think if it’s the EU server people have the right to speak in their native tongue . With that said however I’m not sure its a good idea to post such a topic here as it will likely end in a flame war
Lol, that’s not the right term either. It’s common decency to speak the proper language in the proper server, simple as that.
Gao Gao: I only addressed your upper paragraph. I also did some editing. Mistyped and kitten.
Lol, how can you say that ANet consider them a priority when they’ve yet to take any noticeable action towards them 1 month after the game’s been released? They’ve basically been a problem from day one, and we’ve seen or heard zilch.
As Synapse suggested, it wouldn’t really be a though job for GM to do some fieldwork. Or why not just have some sort of in-game confirmation for a while until ANet sort their kitten out, so they know that there’s a human being playing that specific character.
The main purpose of PvP is to compete against other players, not run around screaming “look at me, look how cool I am!” Prestige may be a side effect of progression, but it is not the main or sole reason to play. I know, it’s a shocking concept for such a materialistic society, but that’s how it it. :p
But this game is, supposedly, an MMORPG – thus making how your character looks quite an important factor.
Actualy swtor had more enjoying endgame content at release compared to GW2, because bioware actualy had a real beta where they let people test the dungeons out, so they weren’t broken at release.
And not to mention a far more engaging and immersive quest and story system.
I honestly feel that SWTOR was more of a “revolution” than GW2.
Relax… yes. It-s annoying the actual state of the game. But tonight we are receibing a big patch that we hope all these bugs get fixed.
People who tell others to relax amuse me, I think it makes them feel cool or something. No one is worked up, get over yourself.
From the dev lists tonight’s patch has nothing specifically detailed to deal with what I brought up.
Your thread title:
Deplorable state of the game – BUGS!That looks like you’re worked up chief, so that’s likely the reason you’re being told to relax. As far as early bugs go, I honestly have no idea what you’re talking about. I have a severe case of altoholism and have played the 1st 3 zones of every race dozens of times at this point and have yet to run into any bugged events, NPCs, hearts, nodes, anything. The first bugged event I came across was in some level 45 zone (don’t remember which), but the early zones, like level 30 and below, have all been fine for me and everyone I’ve played with.
I like how when you yourself doesn’t experience a problem, it suddenly isn’t there for anyone else either. I’m glad your personal experiences are accepted as an objective truth in the GW universe.
So you rushed to 80 and ran out of stuff to do and that’s somehow the dev’s fault? Dude, all MMOs run out of content eventually. Even in WoW, if you level a toon to 85 and run dungeons enough to get the best gear (a joke now with the way they throw epics at you) eventually you will find yourself with nothing to do but PvP or sit in a capital city and troll trade chat.
What’s the difference here? You got to max level. Presumably you got the gear you want, and now you have nothing to do. Guess what, that would happen in any MMO. All MMOs have a finite amount of content and all MMOs have “filler” content for people that rush to the end.
In most MMOs that filler is gear treadmills, PvP, and achievement farming. In GW2 the filler is vanity gear (which requires dungeon farming for tokens), PvP, and achievement farming. Seriously, the only difference is the type of gear you’re going for. In WoW you have to farm the best of the best gear if you want to stay competitive and “good” (if that’s your definition of good). In GW2 the gear you’re after is purely cosmetic and optional. The gear with the best stats is relatively easy to get, you just need to work for the look you want.
You really just have to gauge it on what kind of content you want. If you don’t like farming for achievements or PvPing then you likely wouldn’t do that in another MMO either. That leaves gear, and if you like having gear determine your skill level, this isn’t the MMO for you. If you like to have the same gear as everyone else stat wise and have skill determine your skill level and only concern yourself with looking cool, that’s what your endgame should be.
And as far as the dungeon farming gear runs go, I would take GW2’s system over traditional MMOs any day. In WoW I ran 1 dungeon 37 times before a piece of gear I needed dropped. 37 times. For 1 stupid piece of gear. It got to the point that after we beat that particular boss (the second out of 4 I believe) I would drop group if I didn’t get it because I hated that kitten dungeon so much after that. At least in GW2 I know that every single run is getting me the required tokens I need (and will be even better when they roll out the new changes), and that I’ll be able to use those tokens to pick the exact piece of gear I need. I don’t have to rely on some crappy random number generator and hope the gear I need drops.
You can’t just come clean and admit that the amount of content that’s in GW2 is way too meager for an MMO that advertises itself as revolutionary (or any MMO, really)?
What’s the level of your highest character?
I’ve experienced this in certain places, and my computer is very much a high-end computer. You’d think they’d give you the option to adjust this, but no. Probably for the same reason we’ve got no FoV slider or decent camera system.
Killbill: try putting some effort into reading what the people who aren’t pleased with GW2 have been saying instead of spouting nonconstructive crap.
Wtf? Where’s the OP’s initial post?
Don’t you just love how fast many topics get deleted because they are against “forums policies” but bots and gold sellers (to name a few of GW problems) are not getting banned/dealt with for weeks?
I wish the forum moderators that are so fast in closing topics would actually works as some kind of game masters and “close” bots and gold sellers also
No one would create such topics anymore. Problem solved for everyone.
Yeah, it gives you a hint as to what their priorities are. Obviously botters doesn’t harm ANet as much as it harms us, the consumers, but with threads like this it’s the other way around – thus all the deleting.
Yeah, this game has no issues whatsoever.
That’s your opinion, however wrong it may be.
I edited my comment. Read it again :P
I understood it the first time, but chose to take it at face value because it has nothing to do with the OP. Anyone that’s spent time on the forum knows how accurate the OP’s post actually is.
It’s blatantly obvious that OP feels that the people who voice their concern with the flaws this game has are whiny and a “vocal minority” who has no constructive criticism to their name whatsoever.
Yeah, this game has no issues whatsoever.
That’s your opinion, however wrong it may be.
I edited my comment. Read it again :P
Yeah, this game has no issues whatsoever. And if people feel there are (for some unexplicable reason), and want to point this out, they’re just wrong and have obviously misunderstood the idea behind having a forum.
Yeah, that’s sarcasm. At least I’m being truthful about it.
(edited by Kungkonung.6758)
Rare mobs with higher drops too. Nothing was more awesome than finding a rare spawn in WoW- they might not have dropped amazing gear, but 2-3 green quality items was normal. Still, it’s a feeling of discovery “AMG LOOT PINATA” even if the loot isn’t amazing.
Agreed. Killing rares and getting drops from them in WoW was/is fun and rewarding (sometimes). In GW2 there is no incentive whatsoever to kill the equivalent, Veterans.
Why endgame PVE feels like a boring standstill (and what can be done to fix it)
Posted by: Kungkonung.6758
Apparently, rabid fanboys like DusK don’t find the actual game as immersive as the forums – seeing how often you find people like him posting their non-constructive ad-hominem here. So I guess even the fanboys have admitted to themselves, deep in their hearts, that this game really doesn’t have that much to offer you once you’ve reached 80.
Either that, or fanboys just have too much time on their hands.
I don’t know why you’d want to talk to an NPC in this game, to be honest. You can’t even decide what your character should say, and I find that pretty lame for a game that claims to be revolutionizing.
This all boils down to ANet not knowing how to set up decent security measures, and thus we have thousands of hacked accounts and bots around – resulting in this.
This game has been going downhill ever since it was released. The fact that they don’t even bother to communicate their reasoning behind this to us is troubling to say the least.
I completely agree with OP. It’s sad to see all the rabid fan boys lash out at OP in such a way that they do. Someone even called his initial post “shoddy and quickly written”.
Because that is so much fun, Cryptic
Most of the sets doesn’t even look that good, certainly not worth the absurd grind.
But when you get 15 tokens per dungeon run, and the cost of each dungeon set piece ranges from 180 – 330 tokens, you’d be nuts if you didn’t prefer the RNG.
I’m not especially convinced by ANets concept of having “tokens” as rewards for completing a dungeon. Getting loot in WoW was far more enjoyable, tbh.
It isn’t “about” gear. It’s about having fun, and as a result you end up with gear. Take the red pill and break out of the “I must get gear” mentality.
And getting gear that looks more interesting than the stale starting gear look is not fun in this game? I must have missed something.
A made a thread on this that didn’t get any attention from the fan boys for some odd reason:
I wonder why…
Colin Johanson (I believe) said at some demo display that there will be “a lot more options at launch” for character creation. The options presented at that demo display had the same amount of options we have today, so I’m still waiting for that bunch of new options that we never got.
I agree on this. And on a side note, there should be an equivalent of “rich” for trees and herb patches.
Yeah, I’m also not a big fan of high lvl gear sharing skins with starter skins – that’s just absurd. I’m pretty sure vanilla WoW had more gear variety than GW2 atm, and that’s pretty odd considering looks are supposed to be the main incentive to grind for gear in GW2.
Yeah, those are some pretty good ideas. That way, there’ll be more looks people actually like that are implemented. I really hope we’ll see a burst of new skins sometime soon. Gear variety is pretty darn important, imo.
(edited by Kungkonung.6758)
Games not for you, check out something else. Good luck finding some better fitting gaming entertainment.
People like you should get out of the forums. He’s giving his thoughts on the game, hoping to discuss the parts that he feels isn’t living up to his standards, and there you are – telling him to move along and forget about the game.
Do you even realize what forums are for, man?
I don’t think you realize what they’re for actually. There’s no point in discussing this, he’s made up his mind (which is fine). The game’s not for him, he moves on. Simple as that.
“I want to like it, but I dunno, maybe its not for me? am i doing it wrong? are my conclusions wrong ?” – Obviously you didn’t read his post. He’s specifically asking for input, which few have been able to give thus far.
None of the naysayers have any good arguments – at all. Of course GW2 should have a duel and arena option – that only makes the game so much more enjoyable and fun.
Indeed. Why the hell would you want to farm 50 HoM points in GW1 when you can’t even have that highest title especially visible?
When I realized that every of the various temples of the gods in Orr have gear that look exactly the same (and not at all especially relevant in terms of looks to the god they represent) I was extremely disappointed.
So my suggestion boils down to adding a bit more variety in terms of looks for these sets, and I think that’s a pretty fair suggestion considering you’ve said that you’re basically replacing grinding for better gear with grinding for better looking gear.
Games not for you, check out something else. Good luck finding some better fitting gaming entertainment.
People like you should get out of the forums. He’s giving his thoughts on the game, hoping to discuss the parts that he feels isn’t living up to his standards, and there you are – telling him to move along and forget about the game.
Do you even realize what forums are for, man?
I think that’s how they’re supposed to work, but I don’t like it. There should at least be an option for the guild placing the banners if they want them to be public or private.
Yeah, I’ve experienced that as well, so I figured that I should use a different nuance for that part to match the rest of the armor. But that’s just an artificial solution.
I understand that there are a lot of other, more game breaking bugs that needs fixing first and foremost, but I hope this issue gets addressed sooner rather than later.
I’d appreciate it if anyone could give some input on this matter.
Having skills that are bugged, i.e. not working properly on launch is beneath contempt, especially when you have devs saying that the game will be released “when it’s done”.
As my images show, the reflection of the metallic objects on my armour persists regardless if you stand in a lightly lit or shadowy area. The colours also fail to look as they do in the paperdoll window (which could’ve partially been explained by being exposed to light, but that hardly seems to be the case here).
Standing in the sun:
Standing in a shadowy area:
(edited by Kungkonung.6758)
Is there anyone besides ANet who is pleased with this?
If ANet doesn’t acknowledge this blatant issue, which apparently a lot of people are suffering from, then they are not a particularly caring or serious gaming company.
Just because they feel that their camera system is “working as intended” doesn’t actually mean it’s good. You shouldn’t really have to ask for a FoV slider and a camera that doesn’t bounce around when you get a physical object behind your character in a triple A title.
Lol, this obviously needs fixing.
Best post ever. The camera system as it is now is subpar – it needs fixing.